Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, May 20, 1926, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Rev. W. 0. Livingstone, formerly
pastor of the Christian church in
Heppner, came up from his home at
Hood River on Sunday to deliver the
baccalaureate address to the, grad
uating class of Heppner high school
at 8:00 p. m. He enjoyed visiting
with many old friends here on Mon
day, and Monday evening went to
Hardman to deliver the address to
the graduating class of the Union
high school, and going on to Pilot
Rock Tuesday to fulfill a similar en
gagement with the high school there.
Harvey Launtz, who has been en
gineer on the branch for the past five
years, will take a place with the com
pany at The Dalles. Mr. Launtr and
family will remove to The Dalles In
a week or so to make their home and
Heppner people regret to see them go,
for they have made many friends
here. Mr. Launtz makes this move
because of the recent change from
day to night run on the Heppner
branch. '
Postmaster Smead announces that
hours at the Heppner postoffice will
not change because of the recent
change in train service, Outgoing
mail should be in to office by 6 o'clock
p. m. in order to get out on the night
train. The office will be open at 8
a. m. as usual, and the incoming mail
distrbiuted immediately upon its ar
rival here. The change will be all
right when we get accustomed to it.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Amort of Cor
vallis arrived in Heppner Thursday
afternoon last. Mr. Amort, who is
with the state highway department,
was called to The Dalles on business,
and he brought Mrs. Amort to Hepp
ner for a short visit at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Patterson. 'TJhey
returned home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Hanson Hughes Re
turned from Portland and The Dalles
on Sunday evening. Mrs. Hughes had
been at the bedside of her brother,
who passed away in that city and
was buried May 5th. Mr. and Mrs.
Hughes then went to Portland where
they spent about ten days.
Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Cotter of lone
ere visitors here on Saturday. Mr.
Cotter reports that the recent spell
of heat worked considerable damage
to grain in portions of his part of
the county, news that we are indeed
sorry to hear.
Jake Young and his son Glenn were
doing business in the city on Satur
day from their Gooseberry home. A
good rain out that way on Friday last
was of much benefit to the crops, Mr.
Young states.
From Monday's East Oregonian we
have the news that Mr. and Mrs. Ches
ter Gemmell of Helix are the parents
of a boy born at St. Anthony's hos
pital that morning.
James Gentry of this city and Floyd
Smith of Pendleton left for East Lake
on Friday last to enjoy a season of
fishing for the big eastern brook trout.
Harry Bartholomew, extensive stock
raiser and ranchman of Stanfield was
a visitor in Heppner Tuesday while
looking after matters of business.
Attorney C. L. Sweek was called to
Portland the end of the week to at
tend to some legal businjs). He re
turned home Monday night.
Mr. and Mrs. V(m. Copenhaver were
visitors here Saturday from their
home north of Swaggart's buttes,
Mr. and Mrs. Lotus Rooinson of
Rock creek, south of Hardmr.n, were
visitors in Heppner on Monday.
' Noah Clark and family sojourned
in the city for a few hours Snturday
from their. Eight Mile farm.
Mr. and Mrs. Tindai llobison, prom
inent Eight Mile folks, were visitors
in Heppner on Saturday.
0. E. Johnson and Ernest Cannon
were Hardman ranchers doing busi
ness in the city Tuesday.
FOR SALE Deering combine in
good condition: Price reasonable.
Inquire at this office.
Well $elefled Juicy
and Tender'
are the only kind we buy.
You'll notice the difference
at the first bite of one of our
choice steaks of chops.
Come in today and try one.
C. H. Latourell, local Fgrd dealer,
returned from Portland on Tuesday.
While in the city over the week end
he took part in the final shoot of the
Oregonian tourney shoot-off as a
member of Heppner's winning team.
Other members of this team were L.
Van Marter, Albert Bowker, Chas.
Vaughn and Dr. A. D, McMurdo.
Earl Gordon, who was so severely
burned Monday, was taken to the Mor
row General hospital, and at this time
is reported as resting easy. It Is the
opinion of his physician, Dr. Johns
ton, that it may be necessary later to
graft some Bkin on his hands and
Mrs. Fred Griffin and son, Fred Jr.,
returned to their home in lone Tues
day, from the Morrow General hos
pital in this city.
Mr. and Mrs. Walter Becket were
visitors here Saturday from their
Eight Mile home.
V. A. Patterson went to Portland
Monday to spend a few days in the
city on businesB.
Roy Neil, Butter creek ranchman,
was doing business in this city on
Sacrificed to Sell Good piano. Mrs.
Harvey Launtz, Heppner.
R. C. Phelps, brother of Mrs. W.
P Hill, arrived early Sunday morning
from his home at Toppenish, Wash.,
in response to word that his nephew,
Cren Hill, was very seriously ill. The
young man passing away shortly af
ter Mr. Phelps arrived, he remained
over to assist the family during the
funeral and burial services. Mr.
Phelps returned home on Wednes
day, being accompanied by Harold
Hill. Mr. Phelps is a printer by trade
and has a position with the paper at
Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Patterson arri
ved by motor from South Pasadena,
Calif., on Saturday, and are guests
at the home of Mr. Patterson's par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Patterson.
It has been some four years since
they left Heppner to locate in South
ern California, and this is the first
trip home of Mr. Patterson. Ben
is well situated in a prosperous drug
business in California.
Dick Kay, a young man working
at the Kilkenny ranch, met with an
accident on Saturday while loading
wool on a truck. The rope he was
using in pulling the sacks on the
load gave way and he fell from the
truck, receiving injuries to his "back
that necessitated his spending several
days in the Heppner Surgical hospital.
He is now able to be about again tho
not ready to go to work.
Born To Mr. and Mrs. Martin Lov
gren, at their home in this city, on
May 16th, twin sons, weight 6tt lbs.
each. Dr. McMurdo reports both
mother and babies doing well, with
Martin as head nurse.
we can show you why
it pays to buy
"0. K." COW FEED
They are carefully balanced to get the best
results, and cost no more than ordinary
Brown Warehouse Co.
Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644
Stock Salt $16 A Ton
At Warehouse
Wool Bags Fleece Twine
Brown Warehouse Co.
Wesley Brannon was in Heppner
yesterday from his home at Hardman.
Dr. A. D. McMurdo made a trip to
Portland the end of the . week, re
maining over to take his part in the
big shoot there on Sunday. He was
one of the members of Heppner's
winning team.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Huston will de
part for Eugene on Sunday. Mr. Hus
ton will be a delegate to the I. 0. 0.
F. grand lodge at Salem, and Mrs.
Huston will visit at Eugene and Al
bany. They expect to be absent from
Heppner for a week or so.
Mr. and Mrs. Claud Huston, Eight
Mile residents, were visitors in this
city yesterday.
Mrs. Frank Turner and Mrs. George
McDuffee will represent San Souci
Rebekah lodge of this city at the
state meeting in Salem, which gathers
there the coming week. They will
leave for Salem on Sunday.
Adam Knoblock will be one of the
delegates from Willow Lodge No. 66,
I. 0. 0. F. of this city to the grand
lodge meeting in Salem the coming
week. He will leave for the conven
tion city on Sunday.
Dr. A. H. Johnston, county health
officer, was inspecting the auto camps
at Boardman Tuesday.
Wood and posts for sale, north of
old Boiler Camp on Arbuckle road. 3t.
To the Public of Heppner and Vicinity:
I desire to announce that I have purchased
the HEPPNER SODA WORKS, and have
taken possession of the same. It is my in
tention to maintain the high standard of
products' put out by this factory, hoping
thereby to merit the patronage of the pub
lic. A coninuation of the support of present
patrons and the adding of many new friends,
to our list of customers will be greatly ap
preciated. Our phone is Main 362, Heppner.
Combine Harvester
I have the agency for this popular and
efficient machine, and would like pros
pective buyers of harvesting machinery
to look this combine over before making
a decision.
Frank Shively
Perhaps you plan someday to sell
your present home. Keep it well
painted; nothing helps in the sale
of a house more surely than Ras
mussen Paints and Varnishes.
The house is outstandingly attract
toe; it is in a splendid state of pres
ervation; buyers know the quality
of Rasmussen.
If you are in the realty business, try featuring a
fresh Rasmussen paint job on your next house,
and see how readily it sells.
Portland - Seattle - ;.
Ask your painter or your dealer.
For Exterior!
Aso Creosote Shingle Stain; Porch Floor Paint; Barn and
Roof Paint; Truck, Tractor and Implement Paint; Auto
mobile Enamel; Spar Varnish; Roof Coating; Concrete
and Cement Coating.
For In tor ion
Wall Dura Washable Wall Paint; Racolite Enamel; Inside
Floor Paint; Oil Stain; Floor and Varnish Stain; Bath Tub
Enamel, Durable floor Varnish, Freto-lac-a brush lacquer
for floors.
We can only make the grade of buttre from the grade of
cream we receive. Now, if we are going ahead and be on the
map like other surviving creameries, we must have A-grade
cream. We are not churning any B-grade cream. We will pay
market price for A-grade cream.
Morrow County Creamery Co.
W. C. COX, Manager.
Sugar and Butter, "best sellers" in the grocery trade, an
only two of a thousand article we carry to fill your order at
a moment's notice.
Everything we buy for you must be he best and It must be
priced to save you money.
Fine Assortment of Cheeses
Brookfield Loaf, Pimento, Cream Brick, Swiss la handy
packs and cut to order.
Have You Had Your Iodine Today?
MORTON'S IODIZED SALT (never cakes or hardens), rec
ommended by doctors everywhere.
Fresh Strawberries and Vegetables
Arriving Daily
Phone 962
Heppner, Ore.
HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, Only $2.00 the Year
Fresh Fruits
and Vegetables
in Season
Gilliam & Bisbee Phelps Grocery Company
Heppner, Oregon