Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 25, 1926, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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(Continoed from Page Three)
gestion or don't the elastic-sided
boots fit?"
"Do you know what we have been
discussing, Hugh?" said the other
"Not an earthly, old man. Was it
that new one about the girl in the
grocer's shop?"
"WeVe been discussing the leader
of the Black Gang," said Sir Bryan
with his eyes fixed on the man sprawl
ing in the chair opposite.
Not by the twitch of a muscle did
Drummond's face change: he seemed
engrossed in the task of selecting a
"You've been in Deauville, haven't
you, Hugh the last few days?"
"Quite right, old man. All among
the fairies."
"You don't know that a burglary
has taken place at your house in Lon
don?" "A burglary!" Drummond sat up
with a jerk. "Why the deuce hasn't
Denny told me?"
"A very small one," said Sir Bryan,
"committed by myself and perhaps he
doesn't know. I took your type
writer." For a few moments Hugh Drum
mond stared at him in silence; then
his Hps began to twitch.
"I see," he said at length. "I meant
to have thBt defective V repaired."
"You took me in old boy," contin
ued Sir Bryan, "utterly and asbolute
ly. If it hadn't been for one of the
men at Maybrick hall turning king's
evidence, I don't believe I should have
found out now."
"Well, what are you going to do
about it?" asked Drummond after a
"Nothing. I was discussing the
matter with Sir John this morning,
and we both agreed that you either
deserved penal servitude or a seat in
the cabinet. And since neither course
commends itself to us, we have de
cided to do nothing. There are rea
sons, which you will appreciate,
against any publicity at the moment.
But, Hugh, the Black Gang must
"Carried, nem. con., Tum-tum. It
shall automatically dissolve today.
Now, one for you. Why did you let
Carl Peterson escape? I neary killed
him that night, after I'd bayoneted
the Russian."
"How did you know he had escap
ed?" demanded Sir Bryan.
Hugh felt in his pocket and pro
duced a note.
"Read it," he said.
"It was a pity you forgot that there
might be another key to the padlock,
Captain Drummond," it ran. "And
Guiseppi is an old friend of mine. I
"uite enjoyed our single."
Sir Bryan returned the note without
a word, and Drummond replaced it
in his pocket.
He rose and grinned at his friend.
"It's deuced good of you, old man,
and all that . . ." The eyes of
the two men met,
"If it was found out, I should be
looking for another job," remarked
Sir Bryan dryly. "And perhaps I
should not get the two thousand
pounds which I understand the wid
ow of the late Ginger Martin has re
ceived anonymously."
"Shut up," said Drummond awk
wardly. "Delighted, old man," returned the
other. "But the police in that dis
trict are demanding a rise of pay.
She has been drunk and disorderly
five times in the last week."
A. A. Beery, district manager of
the campaign to raise $35,000 for
building the Louise Home in Port
land, spoke here on Saturday evening.
The local Women's club will manage
the campaign here under the direc
tion of Mrs. Glasgow.
A bazaar is to be held Saturday eve
ning at the auditorium. Water con
tracts are to be explained that nipht.
"Alien stands for
Better Breakfasa"
A hot, nourishing cereal is the
prime morning need of a growing
child. This is why the wise mother
always serves Carnation Mush to
His Highchair Highness. Whole
wheat and delicious!
Listen in on RADIO KTBR, Portland, Thursday, March 25, 8:30 p. m.
Candidate for the Republican nomination for United States Senator
will deliver the firt radio political address of the campaign.
Don't Miss It! Hear the Story of :
The present assault on the direct primary law,
The attempt to dictate Republican politics and nominations in this
The ambitious program to control the senatorial nomination this year,
The purpose later to accomplish the defeat of the senior senator as
Paid Adv. Alfred E. Clark for United States Senator Campaign
Svangelittic Services
Church of Christ
March 21st to April 4th
Except Saturday ght
Scriptural Sermons cRight to the cPoint
Come "with your friends
I .... . .... 4
Great hilarity is to follow that.
Revival meetings began at the local
church Wednesday evening. Rev.
Durstan is being assisted by a singing
The school band assisted at the
evening services at the church Sun
day night by giving several sacred
Irrigon and Boardman grange offi
cers held a joint rehearsal here Mon
day in preparation for the Pomona
meeting at Heppner April 2.
In the baseball game here last Fri
day, our girls lost to Umatilla by a
"few" scores, but our boys won 4 to
3. Ottie Benefiel had ten strike-outs
to his credit.
Quite a number of boxing fans at
tended the smoker at Umatilla Thurs
day night. Our school band played
The local town team played Uma
tilla there Sunday, losing by a 9 to 6
a number of selections during the in
termissions. Prof. Kraus helped judge a debate
at Hermiston Monday night between
Hermiston and Milton-Freewater high
(Contributed by Alpine High School.)
The play given by the high school
March 13 was a decided success. The
parts were plaved well and much fa
vorable criticism has been given.
The teachers of the Alpine school,
We simply pour LIGHTNING ELEC
TROLYTE into a discharged battery and
it commences to charge instantly. ,No put
ting on the line. No waiting for days. No
rentals to pay.
We absolutely guarantee that LIGTH
NING will in no way injure your battery,
if the proof is what you want we will give
it to you.
Wright Brothers
Mrs. McDaniel and Miss Doherty,
were visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. R. K. Mitchell last Thursday
Mrs. G. L. Bennett and son Muriel
left for Portland March 15 to see Mrs.
Bennett's father who was very ill.
The high school students have been
roaming over the hills in search of
wild flowers for Biology study. Sev
eral small boquets have been the re
sult. Mr. Jones of Lexington filled his
place .here last Sunday as usual
Preparations are being made for the
Easter services.
The people of Alpine are planning
a basket dinner here Easter Sunday.
The next Farm Bureau meeting
will be held here April 3. Since this
will probably be the last meeting this
spring, an unusually good program
is being prepared. A pie social will
be given in connection with it. All
ladies should bring pies.
We extend sincere thanks to our
many friends and neighbor! who so
tenderly ministered unto us during
the recent hours when our hearts
were torn with grief at the loss of
our loved one, William Wright.
Mr. and Mrs. Sylvanus Wright
and Family.
Mr. and Mrs, W. R. Munkers
and Family.
Piano for tale near Heppner. Beau
tiful high grade piano mujt be sold
at once. Large discount and terms
$10 monthly to reliable party. For
particulars write Cline Piano Co., 66
Front St., Portland, Ore. 51-52
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Griffith of lone
were shopping in Heppner Tuesday.
We can only make thd rade of buttre from the 'grade of
cream we receive. Now, if we are going ahead and be on the
map like other surviving creameries, we must have A-grade
cream. We are not churning any B-grade cream. We will pay
market price for A-grade cream.
Morrow County Creamery Co.
W. C. COX, Manager.
Combine Harvester
I have the agency for this popular and
efficient machine, and would like pros
pective buyers of harvesting machinery
to look this combine over before making
a decision.
Frank Shively
Service and the Small
This bank is a service institution organized to meet finan
cial necessities of its depositors. The amount of its ser
vice to its dpeositors often depends on the bank balances
they maintain.
This bank must carefully protect the funds deposited
here by its depositors. Money can be loaned only when
we feel sure that it will be safe. When a depositor main
tains a reasonably large, steady balance, it is an indica
tion to us that he knows how to use money successfully.
It gives us a reason to believe that loans to him will be
safe. That is one reason why depositors who maintain
large balances get better service from their bank. They
are entitled to it.
And even more than that, a large balance provides
the depositor with sufficient funds to take care of emer
gencies and business opportunities that may arise.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner Bank Oregon
Star Theater
AT THE TOP OF THE WORLD there brute passions are un
leashed Blizzard and Avalanche try men'a souls a woman finds
romance amidst perils of the untracked wastes. Youll love this
great snow film, with Claire Windsor, Pat O'Malley, Robert Frazer.
"The Fast Express" Episode 6; 2-reel Comedy "Blue Blood."
Hoot Gibson in "BLINKY"
"Blinkey" a fine name for a hero! He had been raised to
be a "nice boy" by a doting mother in the East and he was a
nice boy 1 Hut his father was an old cavalry colonel known as
"Raw Meat' so he had "Blinky" detailed to the roaring, fighting
143rd Cavalry on the Mexican border. It was there that "Hlinky"
found himself and earned a real nickname the one that he pre
ferred to any other name in the world.
This is Hoot's greatest picture, thrilling ridea over cactus
studded deserts, and dangerous passes, with an entire cavalry
troop thundering behind him, alternating with scenes of hilarious
comedy and rugged romance.
Also "THE RUN-A WAY TAXI," Steroscopik.
STEREOSCOPIKS The marvel of the moviea! No development
in the motion picture field in recent years has atrtacted so much
attention. Think what is means to have DKI'TH to a picture, In
stead of the usual flat appearance. See this wonderful discovery
here on these dates and realize the difference.
Harold Lloyd in "THE FRESHMAN"
He was just the goat of the college I A bid hearted kid with high
hopes and purple dreams, that came tumbling down, rocked by the
laughter of his fellows I A regular fellow In a mail order suit, trying
ot look like a tailor-made campus hero. Trying to be somebody else
instead of being his own real self I But the girl understood I Then the
football game I Harold, the water boy, the college boob, the last sub
stitute, hanging on, hoping agninst hope that his chance would cornel
"The Freshman" is the brightest twinkle of the screen's biggest star.
Also Comedy "THAT'S THE SPIRIT."
TUES. and WEDS., MARCH 30 and 31:
Thousands of tribesmen in the tremendous mob scenes screened in
Algiers and Tunis, as the old warfare of Crescent and Cross breaks out
anew. Here are the frenzied Moslems crying for Christian blood, with
one heroic dragoman standing between the American mission girl and
death. Here is the glamour, enchantment and mystery of the East as
a harkground for a sensationally thrlllllng photodrama.
The cast, with the exception of Ramon Novarro and Alice Terry,
was selected entirely in Europe, nd includes some of the most famous
players of the old world.
Also Comedy "PUP SCHOOL."
Muck Jones In "THE TRAIL RIDER."
Clara How in "WINE."
Anita Stewart and liert Lytell In "Never the Twain Shall Meet."
Hebe Daniels in "THE CROWDED HOUR."
CZZ aS ..J
Trade. Marti Kmi.
New Spring Styles Are Here
FEATURING the double-breasted
Dunhill, Newport and York mod
els, and constructed of beautiful
and durable Fieldbrook and Windsor
Cheviots. Light colors, of course, pre
dominate, with many beautiful greys.
You'll be surprised how reasonably
they're priced. Don't neglect seeing
them at
Where Customers Are Satisfied.
On Display
The New 1926 Model, 14-ft. Cut
CASE Combined Harvester
See This Wonderful Machine and Let Us
Demonstrate It to You
Let us give you a list of Morrow County users and hear what
they think of the CASE. This machine has proven its ability.
Don't experiment. It is CASE built throughout and is sim
ple, strong and made to "SAVE THE GRAIN."
We stock a complete line of repairs for this machine, a
no small item when misfortune happens to hit you in the mid
dle of your run.
Watch the Front Page
Peoples Hdw. Co.
Agents fori. I. Case and John Deere