HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, MARCH 25, 192& PAGE THREE J7ie BlACIft GAMG A Sequel to Bulldog Drummond. - TCWVZ MWEILE CftOKGE B. DCfeAN CO. JfrWge SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I. To a gathering of anar chists in Harking, London suburb, Zaboleff, foreign agitator,, tells of the operations of a body of men who have become a menace to their activities. He Is interrupted by the men he ia describing (the Black Gang), who break up the meeting, sentencing some of the participants to condign punishment and carrying away others. A memorandum found on Zaboleff gives an address in Hox ton, London, which the leader of the at tacking party considers of importance. CHAPTER II. Sir Bryan Johnstone, di rector of criminal investigation, hears from Inspector M elver, sent to arrest Zaboleff the night before, of his discomfiture. He had been seized and chloroformed and bin raid frustrated. Hugh Drummnd, man of leisure and old friend of Johnstone's ar rives and tells of seeing the kidnapers and their victims. He becomes an unpaid agent of the police, to be under the direction of Mclver, and takes up his duties at once. CHAPTER III. A "Mr. William Atkin son," ostensibly pawnbroker and money lender, really Count Zadowa, director of anarchy in England, does business in an other London Buburb. A mysterious stran ger invades the premises. Count Zadowa, after a brief glimpse f the intruder, is strangely disconcerted. CHAPTER IV. Drummond, having knowledge of Atkinson's anarchistic activ ities, arranges to burglarize the latter' s office to secure evidence of the fact. While bo engaged, with two companions, a bomb Is hurled at them from an adjoining room. CHAPTER V. The explosion kills "Ginger Martin," expert burglar whom Drummond had employed to open Atkin son's safe. Drummond and his friend es cape, taking with them a bag they And on the floor. Neither Drummond nor his com panion at the time find out what it con tains. CHAPTER VI. At a fashionable hotel Rev. Theodosius Longmoor and his daugh ter Janet are guests. "Longmoor" is really Carl Peterson, international crook, with whom Drummond has an old feud. Zadowa tells Longmoor and his daughter of the bomb he had hurled, which he believes killed the three invaders. Longmoor ia en raged, pointing out that the diamonds (Russian crown jewels, of which Zadowa had known nothing) had been lost thru his action. Longmoor insists that Zadowa' recover the diamonds, suggesting that they may be in the hands of the police, and warning his subordinate (Iongmoor is ad dresmed by Zadowa as "chief") that failure will be punished with death. CHAPTER VII Drummond discovers that Longmoor, most cleverly disguised, is Carl Peterson. Janet, at the same time, recogniftea in Drummond the leader of the Black Gang, and their old enemy. CHAPTER VIII. Drummond becomes convinced that Peterson knows he is head of the Black Gang. Zadowa also knows it. CHAPTER IX. Zadowa, impressed with the belief that Drummond has the diam onds, visits him and makes the proposition that Hugh restore the gems as an equiva lent to Zadowa's agreeing not to divulge to the .police the fact that Drummond is the loader of the Black Gang. Drummond, in furiated by the death of Martin and the despicable character of the man before him. thrashes his vUitor severely and kicks him out of the tiouse. CHAPTER X. Mrs. Drummond disap pears, and Hugh recognises Peterson's hand. Peterson summons Drummond to hi hotel. He goes, and they come to an under standing. Peterson stipulates that the dia monds must be returned to him before Mrs. Drummond is released. Hugh agrees to the terms, and leaves to bring the gems. CHAPTER XI. Returning with the stones, Drummond is drugged and placed in an auto, which Peterson plans is to be driven into the Thames. Drummond's con sequent death being made to appear the re BUlt of an accident. CHAPTER XII. Drummond escapes from the river and, following his would-be murderers, reaches a house, Maybrick Hall, in which he has learned his wife is hidden. He effects her release. CHAPTER XIII Unable to escape from the grounds, though at liberty, Hugh wit nesses the arrival of an automobile in which are Peterson, Zadowa and, to his consternation, his wife, again a captive. Peterson threatens instant death to Mrs. Drummond if Hugh does not surrender. CHAPTER XIV. Drummond goes into the house Peterson informs him that he and his wife are to be killed and their deaths made to seem accidental Mrs. Drummond. before her capture, had got word to the Black Gang, which arrives in time to save the pair. CHAPTER XV In Which the Threads Are Gathered Up. IT WAS a week later. In Sir Bryan Johnstone's office two men were seated, the features of one of whom, at any rate, were well known to the public, Sir Bryan encournged no notoriety! the man in the street passed him without recognition every time. But with his companion it was different: as a member of several suc pnasivft enhinots. his face was well known. And it is Bafe to say that never in the course of a life devoted to the peculiar vagaries of politics had that face worn such an expression of com plete bewilderment. "But it's incredible, Johnstone," he remarked for the fiftieth time. "Sim ply incredible." Sir John." returned the other, "it is true. I have absolute indisputnble proof of the wnole tning. And if you may remember, I have long drawn till government's atten tion to the spead of those activities in England." "Yes, yeB, I know." said Sir John Haverton a little testily, "but you have never given us chapter and verse like this before. Incredible," he mut tered. "Incredible." "And yot the truth," said the oth er. "That there is an organized and well-financed conspiracy to preach T,.i.u...i. in r.nirlnnd wo have known for some time: how well organised t Is we did not realize, uui as yuu w... see from that paper, there is not a -i i- nr,fn.tnrinir town or city in Great Britain that has not got a branch of the organization A, which can, if need be, draw plentifully on funds from headquarters. ,Sir John Haverton nodded thought- T 'must go Into all this in detail," he remarked. "But in the meantime you have raised my curiosity most in fernally about this Black Gang of yours. Sir Bryan leaned back in his chair and lit a cigarette. "There are one or two gaps I have n't filled in myself at the moment," he answered. "But I can tell you very briefly what led us to our discoveries at the house in Essex of which I spoke to you Maybrick hall. About six days ago I received a typewritten commun ication of a similar type to one or two which I had seen before. A certain defect in the typewriter made it clear that the source was the same, and that source was the leader of he Black Gang. Here is the communication:" He opened a drawer in his desk, and passed a sheet of paper across to the cabinet minister. "If," it ran, "jolly old Mclver will take his morning constitutional to Maybrick hall in Essex, he will find much to interest him in that delight ful rural spot. Many specimens, both dead and alive, will be found there, all in a splendid state of preservation. He will also find a great many mter- estnig devices in the house. Above all, let him be careful of an elderly clergyman of beneficent aspect, whose beauty is only marred by a stiff and somewhat swollen neck, accompanied by a charming lady who answers to the name of Janet. They form the peerless gems of the collection, and were on the point of leaving the coun try with the enclosed packet which I removed from them for safe keeping. my modesty lorDids me to tell an un married man like you in what portion of dear Janet's garments this little bag was found, but there's no harm in your guessing." . 'What the devil?" sputtered Sir John. "It is a practical joke?" Far from i " answered the other. "Read to the end." 'After Mclver had done this little job," Sir John read out, "he might like a trip to the north. There was an uninhabited island off the west coast of Mull, which is uninhabitated no longer. He may have everything he finds there, with my love. The leader of the Black Gang." Sir John laid down the paper and stared at the director of criminal investigation. "Is this the rambling of a par tially diseased intellect?" he inquired with mild sarcasm. 'Nothing of the sort," returned the other shortly. "Mclver and ten plain clothes men went immediately to Maybrick hall. And they found it a very peculiar place. There were some fifteen men there trussed up like so many fowls, and alive. They were laid out in a row in the hall. "Enthroned in state, in two chairs at the end, and also trussed hand and foot, were the beneficent clergy man ar.d Miss Janet. So much for he living ones, with the exception of an Italian, who was found peace fully sleeping upstairs, wuh his right wrist padlocked to the wall by a long chain. I've mentioned him last, be cause ho was destined to play a very important part in the matter." He frowned suddenly. "A very import ant part, confound him," he repeated. However, we will now pass to the other specimens. In the grounds were discovered a dead fowl, a dead fox and three dead men." Sir John ejaculated explosively, sitting up in his chair. "They had all died from the same cause," continued the other impertur- bably "elecrtocution. But that was nothing compared to what they found inside. In an upstairs room was a dreadful looking specimen, more like an ape than a man, whose neck was broken. In addition, the main artery of his left arm had been severed with a knife. And even that was mild to what they found downstairs. Sup poited against the wall was a red headed man stone dead. A bayonet lixed to a rifle had been driven clean through his chest, and stuck six in ches into the wall behind him. And on that the body was supported." "But, my dear fellow," sputtered the cabinet minister, "yo'i can't ex pect me to believe all th!s. You're pulling my leg." "Never farther from It in my life, Haverton," said the othei. "I ad mit it seems a bit over the odds, but every word I've told you is gospel To return to the discoveries. Mclver found that the house was the head quarters of a vast criminal organi zation. There were schemes of the most fantastic descriptions cut and dried in every detail. Some of them were stupid: some wore not. I have them all here. This one" he glanced through some papers on his desk "conceens the blowing of a large gap in one of the retaining walls of the big reservoir at Staines. This one concerns a porfectly-thought-out plot on your life when you go to Beau champ hall next week. You were to be found dead In your railway car riage." "What?" roared Sir John, spring iiit to his feet. "It would very likely have failed." .aid Sir Bryan calmly, "but they would have tried again. They don't like you or your views at all these gentlemen. From time immemorial wild, fanatical youths have done sim ilar things: the danger was far great er and more subtle. And perhaps the most dangerous activity of all was what I have spoken about alroady Maybrick hall was the headquarters of these poisonous proletarian Sun day schools. But in addition to that there was forgery going on there on a big scale: money is necessary for their activities. There were also long lists of their agents in different parts of the country, and detailed instruc tions for fomenting industrial un rest. But you have it all there you can read it at your leisure for your self. Particularly I commend to your notice, the series of pamphlets on Ireland, and the method suggested for promoting discord between Eng land and France, and England and America." Sir Bryan lit a cigarette. "To return to the personal side of it. Mclver, engrossed in his search, paid very little attention to the row of mummies in the hall. They cer tainly seemed extraordinarily safe, and one can hardly blame him. But the fact Temains that, at some per iod during the morning, the Italian, who, if you remember, was padlocked in a bedroom upstairs, escaped. How I can't tell you: he must have had a key in his pocket. They found the padlock open, and the room empty. And going downstairs they found the chairs recently occupied by the cler gyman and Miss Janet empty also. Moreover, from that moment no trace of any of them has been found. It is as if the earth had opened and swal lowed them. Which brings us to the packet enclosed with the letter from the leader of the Black Gang." He crossed to a safe and took out the little chamois leather bag of diamonds. "Nice stones," he remarked quietly. "Worth literally a king's Tansom. The pink one is part of the Russian crown jewels: the remainder belong ed to the Grand' Duke Georgius, who was murdered by the Bolshevists. His son, who had these in his possession, died ten days ago of an overdose of a sleeping draught in Amsterdam. At least that is what I understood until I received these. ; Now I am not so sure. I would go further, and say I am quite sure that even if he did die of an overdose, it was admin istered by the beneficent clergyman calling himself the Reverend Theo dosius Longmoor the most amazing international criminal of this or any other age the man who, with Miss Janet and the Italian, has vanished into thin air, right under Mclver's nose." "And you mean to say this man has been in England and you haven't laid him by the heels?" said Sir John incredulously. "Unfortunately that is what I mean," answered the other. "The po lice of four continents know about him, but that's a very different thing from proof. This time we have proof these diamonds: and the man has vanished utterly and completely. He is the master mind who controls and directs, but very rarely actually does anything himself. That's why he's so devilishly difficult to catch. But we'll do it sooner or later." The cabinet minister was once more studying the typewritten communica tion from the leader of the Black Gang. "It's the most astounding affair, this, Johnstone," he said at length. "Most astounding. And what's all this about the island off the cqast of Mull?" Sir Bryan laughed. "Not the least astounding part of the whole show, I assure you. But for you to understand it better I must go back two or three months, to the time when we first became aware of the existence of the Black Gang. A series of very strange disappear ances were taking place: men were being spirited away, without leaving a trace behind them. Of course we knew about it, but in view of the fact that our assistance was never asked to find them, and still more in view of the fact that in every case they were people whose room we preferred to their company, we lay low and said nothing. "From unofficial inquiries I had car ried out we came to the conclusion that this mysterious Black Gang was j undoubtedly an extremely powerful and ably led organization whose ob ject was simply and solely to fight the Red element in England. The means they adopted were undoubtedly ille gal but the results were excellent. Whenever a man appeared preaching Bolshevism, after a few days he sim ply disappeared. In short, a reign of terror was established amongst the terrorists. And it was to put that right I have no doubt that the Rever end Theodosius Longmoor arrived in his country." Sir Bryan thoughtfully lit another cigarette. "To return to the island. Mclver went there, and after some little diffi culty located it, out of the twenty or thirty to which the description might apply. He found it far from uninhab ited, just as that letter says. He found it occupied by gome fifty or six ty anarchists the gentlemen who had so mysteriously disappeared who were presided over by twenty large demobilized soldiers commanded by an ex-sergeant-major of the Guards. The sixty frenzied anarchists he gatheed, were running a state on communistic lines. And the interpre tation moved even Mclver to tears of laughter. It appeared that once every three hours they were all drawn up in a row, and the sergeant-major, with a voice like a bull, would bellow: " 'Should the ruling classes have money?' "Then they answered in unison 'No.' , . "'Should anyone have money?' Again they answered No.' " 'Should everyone work for the common good for love?' 'Yes.' "Whereat he would roar: 'Well, in this 'ere island there ain't no rul ing classes, and there ain't no money, and there's dam' little love, so go and plant some more potatoes, you lop eared sons of Beelzebub.' "At which point the parade broke up in disorder." Sir John was shaking helplessly. "This is a jest, Johnstone. You're joking." "I'm not," answered the other, "But I think you'll admit that the man who started the whole show the leader of the Black Gang, is a humorist, to put it mildly, who cannot well be spared." "My dear fellow, the cabinet is the only place for him. If ony he'd ex port two or three of my coleagues to this island and let 'em plant potatoes I'd take off my hat to him. Tell me do I know him?" Sir John smiled. "I'm not certain: you may. But the point, Haverton, is this. We must take cognizance of the whole thing, if we acknowledge it at all. There fore shall we assume that everything I have been telling you is a fairy story: that the Black Gang is non existent I may say that it will be shortly and that what has already appeared in the papers is just a hoax by some irresponsible person? Un less we do that there will be a couse velebre fought out on class prejudice a most injudicious thing at the present moment. I may say that the island is shut down, and the sixty pioneers have departed to other coun tries. Also quite a number of those agents whose names ire on the list you have have left our shores during the past few days. It is merely up to us to see that they don't come back. But nothing has come out in the papers: and I don't want any thing to come out, either." He paused suddenly, as a cheerful voice was heard in the office outside. "Ah! here is one Captain Drum mond, whom I asked to come round this morning." he continued, with a faint smile. "I wonder if you know him." "I've seen him at his aunt's old lady Meltrose. She says he's the big gest fool in London." Sir Bryan's smile grew more pro nounced as the door opened and Hugh came in. "Morning, Tum-tum," he boomed genially. "How's the liver and all that?" "Morning, Hugh. Do you know Sir John Haverton?" "Morning, Sir John. Jolly old cab inet merry and bright? Or did you all go down on Purple Polly at Good wood yesterday?" Sir John rose a little grimly. "We have other things to do be sides backing horses, Captain Drum mond. I think we have met at Lady Meltrose's house, haven't we?" "More than likely," said Hugh af fably. "I don't often dine there: she ropes in such a ghastly crowd of bores, don't you know." "I feel, sure, Captain Drummond, that you are an admirable judge." Sir John turned to Sir Bryan John stone and held out his hand. "Well, I must be off. Good-morning, John stone and you've thoroughly roused my curiosity. I'd very much like to know who the genlteman is whom we've been discussing. And in the meantime I'll look through there pa pers and let you know my decision in due course." . '' He bustled out of the office, and Hugh sank into a chair with a sigh of relief. "The old boy's clothes seem full of body this morning, Tum-tum," he Te marked as the door closed. "Indi- Let Us Shoiv You Our New Art Wall Papers 'pHE walls of your home how do they look ? Your friends and guests are observing and critical. What do they THINK about them ? When beau tiful art wall coverings cost such a trifle redecorating one or two rooms is money well spent. Now is the time to do it too, because Spring is the home beautifying time and our stocks of new papers are complete. Come in. It will be a pleasure to show them. Case Furniture Co. (Continued on Pajfe Six! BULLS EYE "Editor and Qentral Manaqer WILL ROGERS ' Jor Economical Trantporloflon You Can't Smoke History A fellow from Carolina wants to know where I get the idea that "Bull" Durham and George Wash ington come from the same state. He says, "Why don't you write and give the people the real History of 'Bull' Durham in its native State, South Carolina, that people would appreciate that more than these Bull Legends of yours." Now thanks, Sir, for your good natured suggestion. If I knew His tory I wouldn't be able to write "Bull" Durham Ads. I would be a College Professor, get everything right, and get nothing for it Everything you suggested me tell ing the public about when and where "Bull" Durham originated, has been told for 66 years by typ ical Advertising writers. That's the only thing the Company asked of me was "please don't tell again where it came from, or how." You see you didn't read their Ads, but you did read mine and remembered it, because it was wrong. Writing Ads that will be re membered is a queer game. This is an Ad, not a History. I selected Ads over History on account of the pay. (American Tobacco Com pany's pay is as good as its tobacco.) Where "Bull" Durham comes from or where it goes to is left for the starving Historian. ' P.S. You notice I named in this ar ticle the WRONG Carolina. That's so North Carolina will get sore because I named South Carolina, and South Carolina will get sore because I didn't name North Carolina. A true South erner never forgets. P.P.S. There will be another piece in this paper soon. Watch for it. Bull Durham Guaranteed bv INCOR'OSATIO 111 Fifth Avenue, New Yt rk City 80 S)inniom 4 So Your first drive in the Improved Chevrolet will be a revelation! Improved, made amazingly smooth and responsive Chevrolet offers today a combina tion of power and effortless performance absolutely new in the low price field! But even more remarkable is the fact that these improvements cost you not more, but actually less because the prices have been substantially reduced. Take a ride in the Improved Chevrolet. A demon stration will delight you! New Low Price TcmrhlJ 510 Coach . . 645 54 Too Tmek 395 Roadrfer . 510 Sedan - . 735 1 Ton Track . 5541 Coupe 645 IjTxfan 765 (Chaoti owj) f..hrajtf,MicUfaa Government tax reduction on automobiles officially in effect on March 29 is allowed NOW on all purchases of Chevrolet cars. Ferguson Chevrolet Co. Heppner, Oregon q'uality AT LOW CCJST 1 Heppner Tailoring Shop Now located in our quarters on lower Main Street. CUSTOM TAILORING CLEANING :-: PRESSING also Full line of Hart, Schaffner & Marx Ready Made Suits. What About It? Are You Reading "THE BLACK GANG"? We Want To Know ! If you have not already done so, will you please clip the attached coupon, and mail to us. Our purpose is to serve you to the best of our ability, and we want to know the things in which you are particularly inter ested. We have published two serial stories on the supposition that you would like them. But if there is a better way in which you be lieve we can serve you, let us know about it. nMIIMIIIIHIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIItlllllMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHIIlnMlltlllllllltllMtlllllllllllllHIIMIt To HErPNER GAZETTE TIMES: ( ) I have been reading "THE BLACK GANG." ( ) I want another serial story. ( ) Please print, Instead (Signed) (Mark a cross (X) in space before peferred remark)