Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, March 04, 1926, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Roy Ritner, who is a prominent res
ident of Umatilla county, a b'.g wheat
raiser of that section, was in Hepp
ner for a short time on Sunday from
his home at Pendleton. Mr. Ritner is
an ex-member of the Oregon legisla
ture, having had a lot of experience
in that line as senator from his home
county, and he is contemplating en
tering the race for joint representa
tive of Morrow and Umatilla counties.
His intentions will be made known
a little later, he informs tho editor
of this paper.
Mrs. Jeff French is with her daugh
ter, Mrs. Ray Davidson, in Portland,
going to the city the past week. Mr.
and Mrs. Davidson are the parents
of a daughter, born to them on Feb
ruary 21st, and Mrs. French expects
to remain with her daughter until
she is able to be about again.
tracted for a limited amount of No 1
Inspected Netted Gem Seed Potatoes.
I will be able to sell these at 4c per
pound f. o. b. the store. Phone or
write your order as they are going
fast at this low price.
From Hot Lake sanatorium, just
east of La Grande, comes word that
Mrs. Frank Monahan of this city, is
getting along nicely. Mrs. Monahan
went over to Hot Lake the middle of
last week for baths and treatment.
The American Legion announces
fhat they will give a ball on the night
of St. Patrick's day, March 17, and
the people of the community may
look forward to one of the best events
of the season.
Strayed from forks of Willow creek
1 bay and 1 brown mule, each with
the brand of wineglass and C on right
shoulder; coming three-year-olds; left
pasture about Christmas. H. E. COOL,
lone, Ore.
Mr. and Mrs. Louis Balsiger of
lone and Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Keller
of Lexington attended the anniver
sary program and banquet of. Doric
Lodge No. 20, K. of P., on Tuesday
James McEntire of Condon was
called to Heppner the end of the
week bv the death of his brother,
John C. McEntire, and remained over
Sunday to attend the funeral services.
The Willing Workes of the Chris
tian church are planning a roasted
chicken dinner which they will give
in the parlors of the church on April
9th, in connection with an apron sale.
I.ISTPV A I am lcavine. I am
offering my boarding house for sale.
This is a good place for man and
wife, or two parties, l'rice reason
able. MRS. T. W. RIPPEE.
Pat Hcaly of this city this week
purchased of the Cohn Auto company
a Dodge sedan, and he and his fam
ily will henceforth ride in a com
fortable car.
FOR RENT Sheep range that will
be good by Apil 15th. Good place
to shear, 2 miles from K. K. station
Address S. C. Goff, Minam, Oregon.
Hirhert Olden, extensive wheat-
mUer of Fairview. attended to busi
ness affairs in Heppner on Saturday.
Anson Wrieht. prominent ranch
man of Hardman, was doing business
in this city on Saturday.
Lnxton McMurrny of lone attend-
ed to matters of business in this city
on Saturday.
Wanted Competent girl for house
work. Apply Mrs. W. H. Cleveland,
A second-hand cream separator at
Case Furniture Co. exchange department.
The district convention of Odd Fel
lows from Morrfew and Umatilla coun
ties was held at Athena on Saturday
and was attended by large delegations.
Oscar Edwards and H. J. Roosa were
representatives of 'Willow Lodge No.
66 of this city. A business session,
address of welcome and response, took
up the forenoon, and in the afternoon
number of addresses were made on
Oddfellowship by prominent members
of the order, including Grand Master
Henry Young, and Grand Marshal 0.
F. Steed.
Exemplification of the third degree
by competitive teams from Pendleton,
Herimston and Stanfield followed a
banquet spread at 6:30 with the Ath
ena lodge as host. The Pendleton team
was winner of the loving cup, which
they had held for two years, and also
took three out of the eight individual
prizes offered for excellence in floor
Echo was chosen as place of meet
ing for the next convention. Officers
elected for the ensuing term were,
president, John Young of Echo; vice-
president, E. J. Bristow of lone; sec
retary, W, T. Reeves, Stanfield; and
treasurer, Joe Bailey, Echo.
In the two counties of Morrow and
Umatilla there are 14 lodges repot-
lng a membership of 1511, with 71
received during the year. $6,832.22
was expended for relief and charity
$6,344.11 for current expenses; total
income, $19,565.97 and total assets,
mSS' Albert HanJi
for bcircr brtakftuu" I
Umatilla and Morrow
Odd Fellows Meet
n answering them. At any rate we
claim the privilege of asking. We
hope to be able to show at the church
of Christ on Sunday night the dilem
ma that confronts the unbeliever
when he begins to answer questions.
The morning sermon will be "A Liv
ing Sacrifice." Bible schaal at ,10.
Christian Endeavor at 6:30.
MILTON W. BOWER, Minister.
At the parsonage of the M. E.
church on Saturday evening last, Miss
Muriel Cason was united in marriage
to Mr. Paul Aiken, by Rev. E. C. Al
ford, pastor of the church. The wed
ding was a quiet one, and the young
people will continue to make their
home in this city. The bride is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Cason,
and the bridegroom is the youngest
son of Mr. and Mrs. George C. Aiken,
both recently student, in Heppner
high school. We extend congratula
To the many neighbors and friends,
to the Heppner lodge of Elks and the
members of the Knights of Colum
bus, we extend our sincerest thanks
for their sympathy so generously
manifested by their acts of kindness
and assistance during the hours of
sickness and grief in the passing of
our beloved husband and brother,
John C. McEntire.
Mrs. McEntire and Children.
James McEntire.
, Peter McEntire.
James 'Sheridan.
Used sewing machines for sale at
Case Furniture Co. i
A drive up Butter breek from Pine
City to Lena Sunday revealed the
fact that both sheep and cattle that
have been wintering there have come
through in excellent shape. Lamb
ing will soon be under way at the
various sheep ranches and condi
tions generally for both cattle and
sheep appear excellent. Tho alfalfa
is holding out well and the hills are
now bringing forth an abundance of
grass, and the willows along the
creek are beginning to bud, indicat
ing that it will not be long until they
are in full leaf, while in many places
the wild flowers are putting forth in
pink and yellow blossoms.
BELIEVER. It has always been a fad and a
pastime of unbelievers to propose
difficult questions in order to harass
those who accept the word of God at
its face value. They have a right to
ask questions but in all fairness they
oupht to be'willing to tnke their turn
it on the S
dealer'- yxw
counter F
'Carnation Mush brings to
your breakfast bowl all the
flavor, all the nutriment, of
golden wheatfields. Audioes
it in 5 minutes thanks to the
Albers process Ask your
5P fo yur
thti best Peppermint
Chewing Sweet for
any money 613 K
You hear a lot of talk about
"BARGAINS." We have no
bargain sales, but our prices .
from day to day speak for,
fof themselves. Just com
pare the fojlowing prices on grain, flour and feed with .
other dealers' prices on goods of LIKE quality:
0. K. Scratch, $2.75, 0. K. Cowfeed, $2.30,
0. K. Egg Mash, $2.65, Baby Chick, $3.40,
Baby Chick Starter, $3.40, Flour, $2.25.
Prices per sack delivered.
' Brown Warehouse Co.
Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644
floleproof rCi
Some Mighty Late Stuff
In Hosiery
The famous Holeproof
Gay spring patterns, with predominating
. colors of Windsor, Deauville, Bond Street
the very latest. Artificial silk and mercer
ized lisle, mercerized top, heel and toe.
75c the pair
Good Work Sox In Solid Colors, 35c pair
Sam Hughes Co.
Phone 962
Heppner, Ore.
Another Car Just
49, 24 1-2 and 10 lb. sacks
in 49-lb. sacks
Also: Graham, Whole
Wheat and Rye Flour,
Corn Meal, Farina,
Rolled Oats and Pan
Cake Flour.
Buster Brown
Shoe Store
of Pendleton
will have a display of
Ladies' Slippers &
Children's Shoes &
Oxfords ,
And Ladies' Guaranteed
Silk Hosiery
Hotel Heppner
Sample Rooms
9 a. m. to 5 p. m.
We invite everyone to
come and inspect our
Styles of New Spring
Shoes and Hosiery.
"Watch Buster Grow"
Mp Grocer, tapan, R R