HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, FEB. 4, 1926. PAGE THREE U7te MACE GAMG A Sequel to Bulldog Drummond. BVCYRL AfcMEilE sapp SYNOPSIS CHAPTER I. To a fathering of anar chists in Barking, London suburb, ZabolefT, foreign agitator, tclla of the operations of a body of men who have become a menace to their activities. He is interrupted by the men he is describing (the Black Gang), who break up the meeting, sentencing some of the participants to oondign punishment and carrying away others. A memorandum found on ZabolefT gives an address in Hox ton, London, which the -leader of the at tacking party considers of importance. CHAPTER II. Sir Bryan Johnstone, di rector of criminal investigation, hears from Inspector Mclver, sent to arrest ZabolefT the night before, of his discomfiture. He had been seized and chloroformed and his raid frustrated. Hugh Drummnd, man of leisure and old friend of Johnstone's ar rivea and tells of seeing the kidnapers and their victims. He becomes an unpaid agent of tha police, to be under the direction of Mclver, and takes, up his duties at once. CHAPTER III. A "Mr. William Atkin son," ostensibly pawnbroker and money lender, really Count Zadowa, director of anarchy in England, does business in an other London suburb. A mysterious stran ger invades the premises. Count Zadowa, after a brief glimpse f the intruder, is strangely disconcerted, CHAPTER IV. Drummond, having knowledge of Atkinson's anarchistic activ ities, arranges to burglarize the latter's office to secure evidence of the fact. While so engaged, with two companions, s bomb is hurled at them from an adjoining room. CHAPTER V. The explosion kills "Ginger Martin," expert burglar whom Drummond had employed to open Atkin son's safe. Drummond and his friend es cape, taking with them a bag they find on the floor. Neither Drummond nor his com panion at the time find out what it con tains. CHAPTER VI In Which There Is a Stormy Suprftr Party at the liilz. IT WAS just abo.it ihe tints that Ginger Martin'a wife became, all unconsciously, a widow that the sitting-room bell of a certain private suite in tho Ritz wr.s rung. The oc cupants of tho room were two in num ber a man and a woman and they had arrived only that morning from tho Continent. Tho man, whose sig nature in the register announced him to be the Reverend Theodosius Long moor looked a splendid rpecimcn cf the right sore of clergyman. Tall, broad-shouldered, with a pair of shrewd, kindly eyes and a great mass of snow-white hair, he was the type of man who attracted cttcntion wher ever he went, and in whntcver so ciety he found himself. A fai'-t twang in his speech betrcyed his nationality, and, indeed, he made no Btfcr-.t tf 1t. He was an American, bon; and bred, who had boon seeing finst hr-.nd for himself some of the dreadful hcrrovs of the famine which was ravaging Central Europe. And with htm hod gone his daugh ter Janet -that faithful, constant companion of his, who since her mo, ther's death iiad :.evjr left him. She was a good-looking girl, too though perhaps unkind people might say girlhood's happy dnys had receded somewhat into the past. Thirty, per haps even thirty-five though her father always alluded to her as "My little girl." There was something very sweet and touching about their relation ship; his pride in her and her sim doubtedly a charming couple, had pie, loving adoration for dad. Un been the verdict of their chnnco ac quaintances so simple, so fresh, so unassuming in these days of com plexity and double dealing. After dinner, because his little Janet was tired, tho Reverend Theo dosius and his daughter remained in their suites. And for two hours until ho got up and rang the bell, the Reverend Theo dosius was engrossed in work; while his little Janet, lying on the soTa, displayed considerably more leg than one would have expected a vicar's daughter even to possess. -And occa sionally gurgles of laughter seemed to prove that Guy do Maupassant ap peals to a more catholic audience than he would have suspected. She was knitting decorously when the waiter came in, and her father ordered a little supper to be sent up. "Some chicken, please, and a little foie gras. I am expecting a friend very soon so lay for three. .Some champagne yes. Porrior Jouet '04 will do. I'm afraid I don't know much about wine. And a little ichy water for iy daughter." The waiter withdrew. "What time do you expect Zado wa?" Janet asked. "He should have been hero by now. I don't know why he's late." "Did you see him this afternoon?" "No. I was down at the office, but only for a short while." The sound of voices outside the door caused Janet to resume her knitting, and the next moment Count Zadowa was announced. For an ap preciable time after the waiter had withdrawn he stood staring at them; then a smile crossed his face. "Magnificent," he murmured. "Su perb, Madame, I felicitate you. Well though I know your powers, this time you have excelled yourself. I have the most wonderful news for you." Reverend Theodosius bit the end off a cigar and stared at his visitor with eyes from which every trace of kindliness had vanished. "It's about time you did have some good news, Zadowa." he snapped. "Anything more d d disgraceful than the way you've let this so-callud Black Gang do you in, I've never heard of." But the other merely smiled quiet- "I admit," he murmured. "Up to date they have scored a faint measure of success exaggerated, my friend, greatly exaggerated by the papers. To night came the reckoning, which in cidentally is the reason why I am a little late. Tonight" he leaned for ward impressively "the leader of the gang himself honored me with a visit. And the leader will lead no more." "You killed him?" said th girl, helping herself to tho champagne. "I did," answered the count. "And without the leader I think we can Ig nore the gang." "That's all right as far as it goes," said the Reverend Theodosius in a slightly mollified tone. "But have you covered your traces? In this country the police get peevish over murder." The count gave a Belf-satisfied smile. "Not only that," he remarked, "but I have made it appear as if he had killed himself. Listen, my friends, and I will give you a brief statement of the events of the past few days. I suddenly found out that the leader of this gang had discovered my head quarters in Hoxton. I was actually talking to Latter in my office at the time, when I heard outside the call of an owl. Now, from the information I had received that was the rallying call of their gang, and I dashed Into the passage. Sure enough, standing by the door at the end was a hupe man covered from head to foot in black. Whether it was bravndo that made him give the cry, or whether it was a ruie to enable him to see me, is immaterial now. , As I say he is dead. But and this is the point it made me decide that the office there, convenient though it was, would have to be given up. I was completing the' final sorting out of my papers with my secretary, when the electric warning disk on my desk glowed red. Now. the office was emp ty, and the red light meant that some one had opened the door outside. I heard nothing, which made it all the more suspicious. So between us we gathered up every important paper, switched off all lights and went out through the secret door. Then we waited." He turned to the clergyman, who sat motionless save for a ceaseless tapping of his left knee with his hand. "As you know, monsieur," he pro ceeded, "there is an opening in that door through which one can see into the room. And through that opening I watched developments. After a while a torch was switched on at the further door, and I heard voices. And then the man holding the torch came cautiously in. He was turning it in to every corner, but finally he focused it on my desk. I heard him speak to one of his companions, who came into the beam of light and started in to pick the lock. And it was then that I switched on every light, and closed the other door electrically. They were caught caught like rats in a trap." The hunchback paused dramatical ly, and drained his champagne. If he was expecting any laudatory re marks on the part of his audience he was disappointed. But the Reverend Theodosius and his little Janet might have been carved out of marble, save for that ceaseless tapping by the man"' of his left knee. In fact, had Count Zadowa been less pleased, with him self end less sure of the effect he was about to cause he might have had a premonition of coming danger. There was something almost terrify ing in tho big clergyman's immobility. "Like rats in a trap," repeated the hunchback gloatingly. "Two men I didn't know, and-well, you know who the other was. True, he had his mask on by way of disguise, but I recog nized him at once. That huge figure couldn't be mistaken it was the lead er of tho Black Gang himself." "And what did you do, Zadowa? How did you dispose of one or all of these men so that no suspicion is likely to rest on you'.'-' Tho hunchback rubbed his hands to gether gleefully. "By an act which, I think you will agree, is very nearly worthy of your- i self, monsieur. To shoot was impos siblebecause I am not aufflrioatly ! cupert with a revolver to be sure of killing them. No nothing so. ordin ary as that. They saw me watching them: 'I can see his eyes, Hugh,' sa d one of them to the leader, and I re membered suddenly that in the pas sage not far from where I stood were half a dozen bombs What is it, mon sieur?" he paused in alarm at the look on the clergyman's face as he slowly rose. "Bombs!" ho snarled. "Bombs!" Tell me what you did, you dreg!" "Why," stnmmered the frightened hunchback. "I threw one into the room. I no longer wanted It as an office, and . . . Ah, heaven, don't murder mel ... . What have I done?" ' , His words died away in a dreadful gurgle, as the clergyman, his face diabolical with fury, sprung on him and gripped him by tho throat. He shook the hunchback as a terrier shakes a rat, cursing horribly under his breath and for a moment or two it seemed as if tho other's fear was justified. There was murder, in the big man's face, until tho touch of the girl's hand on his arm steadied him in hia senses. With a last spasm of fury he hurled the wretched Zadowa into a corner, and left him lying there; then his Iron self-control came back to him. "Get up," he ordered tensely, "and answer some 'questions." Trembling all over, the hunchback staggered to his feet and came into the center of the room. "Monsieur," he whined, "I do not understand. What have I done?" "You don't need to understand!" snarled the clergyman. "Tell me ex actly what happened when the bomb burst." "It killed the three men, monsieur," stammered the other. "Curse the three men!" He lifted his clenched fist, and Zadowa shrank back. "What happened to the room?" "It was wrecked utterly. A great hole was blown in the" wall." "And what happened to the desk?" "I don't know exactly, monsieur," stammered the other. "I didn't go back to see. But it must have been blown to matchwood. Only as there was nothing inside of importance it makes no odds." ' "Did you look in the secret drawer at the back of the center opening? You didn't know there was one, did you? Only I knew of Ha existence, and short of taking the desk to pieces no one would be able to find it. And you took'the desk to pieces, Zadowa, d:dn't you? Just to kill the leader of this trumpery gang, Zadowa, you cursed fool!" Step by step the hunchback was retreating before the other, terror convulsing his face, until the wall brought him to an abrupt stop. "You blew the desk to pieces, Za dowa," continued the Reverend Theo dosius standing in front of him, "a desk tnat contained the six most per fect diamonds in the world, Zadowa. With your wretched bomb, you worm, you destroyed a fortune What have you got to say?" "I didn't know, monsieur," cringed the other. "How could I know? When were they put there?" "I put them there this afternoon for safety. Not in my wildest imag ination did I dream that you would start throwing bombs about the place." "Perhaps they wen; not destroyed,'' st:inriiered the huchbark hope:. lily "In which case they are now in the hands of the police. You have one chance, Zadowa, and only one. It is that those diamonds are not in the hands of the police. If they are, and you can get them I will say no more." "But if they have been destroyed, monsieur?" muttered the other. "Then, Zadowa, I am afraid you will share their fate." Almost indifferently the clergyman turned back into the room, taking no more notice whatever of the wretched man who followed him on his knees begging for mercy. And tlien after a while the hunchback-pulled himself together and stood up. "It was a mistake, monsieur," he said quietly, "which f deeply regret. It was, however, you must admit, hardly my fault. I will do my best." "Let us hope, then, for your sake, Zadowa, that your best will be suc cessful. Now go." He pointed to the door, and with out another word the hunchback went. The girl rose and came over to where the man was standing. "What diamonds are those you talk about?" The man gave a short, hard laugh. "I didn't tell you," he answered. There was no object in your knowing for a time. I know your weakness where jewels' are concerned too well, my dear; I got them the night before last in Amsterdam. Do you remem ber that Russian Stanovich? That wasn't his real name. He was the eldest son of the Grand Duke Geor gius, and he had just arrived from Russia. "The man who took that overdose of his sleeping-draught?" whispered the girl barely above her breath. The Reverend Theodosius smiled grimly. "So they decided," he remarked. "He confided to me the night before he came to his sad end what he had been doing in Russia. His father had hidden the family heirlooms from the Bolshevists, and our friend went over to retrieve them. Most ingenius the way he got them out of Russia. Such a pity he had a lapse with his sleep dope." And now the Reverend Theodosius was snarling like a mad dog. "By heavens, girl do you wonder that I nearly kliled that fool Zadowa? The coup of a lifetime, safely brought off. Not a trace of suspicion on me not a trace. And then, after having got them safely into this country, to lose them like that. Why, do you know that one of them was the rose diamond of the Russian crown jewels?" He was pacing up and down the room, and for a while she stood watching him in silence. "I'm glad I didn't know about them till now," she said at length, "I might not have stopped you killing him if I hud. And it would have been rather awkward." He gave a short laugh and threw the end of his cigar into the grate. "No use crying over spilt milk, my dear. Let's go to bed." But little Janet still stood by the table watching him thoughtfully. "What are you thinking ubout?" . "I was thinking about a rather pe culiar coincidence," she answered quietly. "You were too worried over tlio diamonds to notice, it but it struck me instantly. The leader of this gang this huge man whom Za dowa killed tonight. Did you notice whnt his Christian name was? It was Hugh Zadowa heard one of tho oth ers call him by name. Hugh, mon nmi; Hugh and a huge man. A co incidence, I think. The man gave a short laugh. "A very long one, my dear. Too long to bother about." . "It would be a pity if ho was dead," she wont on thoughtfully. "I would have liked to see my Hugh Drum mond again." "If he has been killed, it your sup position is correct," returned the man, " it will do something toward reconciling me to the loss of the di amonds. But I don't think it's likely. And incidentally he Is the only side show I am going to allow myself dur ing this trip." Little Janet laughed softly. "I wonder," she said, "I wonder. Let us, as you say, go to bed." CHAPTER VII In Which Hugh Drummond Makes a Discovery. THE prospect in front of Count Za dowa, alias Mr. Atkinson, was not a very alluring one, and the more he thought about It the less he liked it. Either the diamonds were blown to dust, or they were in the hands of the authorities. In the first event he had the Reverend Theodosius to reck on with; in the second the police. And for preference the police won in a canter. He was under no delusions, was the hunchback. ThiB mysterious man who singed all his communications by the enigmatic letter X, and whose real appearance was known probably only to the girl who was his constant com panion, so wonderful and varied were his disguises, was not a person whom it paid to have any delusions about. With a shudder Count Zadowa re membered the fate of certain men he had known in the past, men who had been employed, even as he was now employed, on one of the innumerable schemes of their chief. No project, from the restoration of a monarch to the downfall of a business combine, was too great for the Reverend Theo dosius' Longmoor. All that mattered was that there should be money in it. Why he should be interesting him self in the spread of Communism in England it was not for Count Zadowa to inquire, even though he was the head of that particular activity. Pre sumably he was being paid for it by others; it was no business of Count' Zadowa's. As he undressed that night in the quiet hotel in Bloomsbury where he lived the hunchback cursed bitterly under his breath. It was such a cruel stroke of luck. He had already decided that his only method lay in going down to the office the next morning as usual. He would find it, of course, in the pos session of the police, and would be told what had happened. And then he would have to trust to luck to dis cover what he could. Punctually at half-past nine the next morning he arrived at 5 Green street. As he had expected, a consta ble was standing at the door. "Who are you, sir?" The police man was barring his entrance. "My name is Atkinson," said the count, with well-assumed surprise. "May I ask what you're doing here?" "Haven't you heard, sir?" said the 'constable. "There was a bomb out rage here last night. Is your office upstairs?" . "A bomb outrage?" Mr. Atkinson gazed at the constable in amazement, and a loafer standing by began to laugh. "Not 'arf,- guv'nor," he remarked cheerfully. "The 'ole ruddy place is gone to blazes." ' "You dry up," admonished the po liceman. "Move along, can't you?" "Orl rite, orl rite," grumbled the other, shambling off. "Not allowed to live soon, we won't be." "You'd better go up, sir," contin ued the constable. "The inspector is upstairs." Mr. Atlinkson needed no second in vitation. Viewed by the light of day which came streaming in through the great hole in the wall the ruin was complete. In the center and it was there Mr. Atkinson's eyes strayed continuously even while he was ack nowledging the greetings of the in spector stood the remnants of the desk. And as he looked at it any faint hope he may have cherished vanished completely. It was literally split to pieces in every direction; there was not left a hiding-place for a pea, much less a bag of diamonds. The inspector was speaking and Mr. Atkinson pulled himself together. He had a part to ploy, and whatever happened no suspicions must be aroused. "I feel quite staKRered, inspector," His glance traveled to a sinister-looking heap in the cornel- a heap roughly covered with an old rug. It was stained a dull red, and from un der the rug stretched out two long streams of the same color streams which were not yet dry. "What on earth has happened?" "There seems very little doubt about that, sir," remarked the inspec tor. "Evidently their idea was bur glary. What happened, then, of course, is hard to say exactly. Pre sumably they started using explosives to force your safe, and explosive is funny stuff, even for the expert." The inspector waved a hand at the heap in the corner. "And he poor devil, was quite an expert in his way. One of the three men, Mr. Atkinson or what's left of him, Ginger Martin an old friend of mine." For a moment Mr. Atkinson's heart stood still. ' One of the three men! Then, where in heaven's name were the other two? "One of the three, inspector," he said at length, steadying his voice. "But what happened to the others?" "That is the amazing thing, sir," answered the inspector. "I can but think thnt though three men entered the office downstairs, only Martin could have been in here at the time of tho explosion." He pulled back the blood-stained rug, and with a shudder Mr.' Atkinson contemplated what was underneath. The mangled remnants had formed one man and one man only. Then what, he re flected again what had become of the other two? They had been in there the leader of the Black Gang and one of his pals. Wherefore, somehow, by some miracu lous means they must have escaped, and the soul of Count Zadowa grew sick within him. Suddenly he became aware that the inspector was asking him a question. "Why, yes," he said, pulling him self together, "that is so. I was leav ing this office here, and had removed almost everything of value. Only some diamonds were left, inspector and they were in that desk. I have somewhat extensive dealings in prec ious stones. Was there any truce of them found?" The inspector laughed grimly. "You see the room for yourself, sir. But thnt perhaps supplies us with a motive for the crime. I am afraid your diamonds are either blown to pieces, or In the hands of tho other two men, whom I have every hope to lay my hands on shortly. There is no trace of them here." In the hands of the other two men! The idea was a new one, which had not yet come into his calculations, so convinced had he been that all three men were dead. And suddenly he felt a sort of blind certainty that the in spector though in ignorance of the real facts of the case was riht in his surmise. Diamonds are not blown to pieces by an explosion; .-leathered they might be disintegrated, no. He felt he must get away to consider this new development. He crossed over to the jagged hole in the wall and looked out. "This has rather upset me, inspec tor," he said, after a while. "The South Surrey hotel in Bloomsbury will always find me." "Right, sir!" The inspector made a note, and then leaned out through the hole with a frown. "Get out of here, you there! Go on, or I'll have you locked up as a vagrant!" "Orl rite, orl rite! Can't a bloke 'ave a bit o' fun when 'e ain't doing no 'arm?" The loafer, who had been ignomin iously moved on from the front door, scrambled down from the leanto roof behind, and slouched away, mutter ing darkly. And he was still mutter ing to himself as he opened the door of a taxi a few minutes later, into which Mr. Atkinson hurriedly stepped. For a moment or two he stood on the pavement until it disappeared from view; then his prowling propensities seemed to disappear as if by magic. Still with the same shambling gait, but apparently now with some definite object in mind, he disappeared down a side street, finally coming to a halt before a public telephone-box.. He gave one rapid look around, then he stepped inside. "Mayfair 1234." He waited beating a tattoo with his pennies on the box. Things had gone well this morning very well. "Hello, is that you, Hugh? Yes, Peter speaking. The man Atkinson is the hunchback. Stopping South Sur rey hotel, Bloomsbury. He's just got "into a taxi and gone off to the Ritz. He seemed peeved, to me. . . . Yes, he inquired lovingly about the what nots. . '. . What's that? You'll tod dle around to the Ritz yourself. Right ho! I'll come, too. Cocktail time. Give you full details then." The loafer stepped out of the box and shut the door. Then, still suck ing a filthy clay pipe, he shambled off in the direction of the nearest Tube station. A slight change of at tire before lining up at the Ritz seemed indicated. ' . -. ' And it would, indeed, have been a shrewd observer who would have iden tified the immaculately dressed young gentleman who strolled into the Ritz shortly before twelve o'clock with the dissolute-looking object who had so roused the wrath of the police a few hours previously in Hoxton.- The first person he saw sprawling contentedly in an easy chair was Hugh Drummond, who waved his 'stick in greeting. Peter Darrell took the next chair, and his eyes glanced quickly round the lounge. "Have you seen him, Hugh?" he said, lowering his voice. "I don't see anything answering to the bird grow ing about the place here." "No," answered Hugh. "But from discreet inquiries made from old pimply-face yonder I find that he arrived here about ten o'clock. He was at once shown up to the rooms of a gent calling himself the Reverend Theodo sius Longmoor, where, as far as I can make out, he has remained ever since. I want to see the Reverend Theodo sius Longmoor, Peter." A ball of wool rolled to his feet, and Hugh stooped to pick it up. The NTT" . Wbemomj - .-" VuiT-s'pi; ,,,, 1 MOT owner was a girl, sitting close by, busily engaged' in knitting some ob scure garment, and Hugh handed her the wool with a bow. "Thank you ; much!" she said with a pleasant smile. "I'm afraid I'm always dropping my wool all over the place." ' "Don't mention It," remarked Hugh politely. "Deucid agile little thing, a ball of wool. Spend my life pick ing up my wife'j. Everybody seems to be knitting these jumper effects new." "Oh, this isn't a jumper," answered the. girl a little sadly. "I've no. time for such frivolities as that. You see, I've just come back from the famine stricken parts of Austria and not only are the poor things hungry, but they can't get p coper clothes. So just a few of us are knitting things for them sick sizes, you know big, me dium and small." "How fearfully jolly of you!" said Hugh admiringly. "Dashed sporting thing to do. I must tell my wife about it. She's coming here to lunch, and she ought to turn 'em out like bulletj from a machine gun what?" The girl smiled faintly as she rose. "It would lj very good of her rf she would help'," 'she remarked gent ly, and then with a slight bow, she walked away in the direction of the lift. "You know, old son," remarked Hugh, as he watched her disappear ing, "it's an amazing affair when you really come to think of it. There's that girl, with a face far superior to a patched boot, and positively oozing virtue from every pore. . And yet, would you leave your happy home foT her? Look at her skirts five inches too long; yet she'd make a man an excellent wife. A heart of gold, prob ably, hidden beneath innumerable strata of multi-colored wools." Completely exhausted he drained his cocktail, and leaned back in his chair, while Peter digested the pro found utterance in silence.' A slight feeling of lassitude was beginning to weigh on him, owing to the atrocious hour at which he had been compelled to rise, and he felt quite unable to contribute any suitable addition to the conversation. Not that it was required; the ferocious frown on Drummond's face indicated that he was in the throes of thought and might be expected to give tongue in the near future. "I ought to have a bit of paper to write it all down on, Peter," he remarked at length. "Where are we, Peter? That is tho question. Point one; we have the diamonds more by luck than good management. Point two; the hunchback gentleman who has a sufficiently strong constitution to live in the South Surrey hotel in Bloomsbury has not got the diamonds. Point three: he, at the present mo ment, is closeted with the Reverend Thodosius Longmoor upstairs. Point four: we are about to consume an other cocktail downstairs. Well bearing that little lot in mind, what happens when we all meet?" A slight stare was his only an swer, and Hugh continued to ponder on the obscurity of the situation in silence. That several rays , of light might have been thrown on it by a conversation then proceeding -Upstairs was of no help to him; nor could he have been expected to know that the fog of war was about to lift in a most unpleasantly drastic manner. " "Coincidence? Bosh!" the girl with tho' heart of gold was remarking at that very moment. "It's a certainty. Whether he's got tho diamonds or not I can't say, but your big friend of last night, Zadowa, is sitting down stairs now drinking a cocktail in the lounge." 1 "Amazing though it is, it certain etmom SUBSTANTIAL HAINES CITY CTUALLY built on actualities that is Haines . City. There is no flagrantly exaggerated tale of things that may be- done; instead, there is to ofTer to the investor a long list of accom plishments by the residents and developers of Haines City. These accomplishments are in the form of solid, substantial improvements, working constantly for the Haines City of the future rather than tempor arily for tho Haines City of the minute. Substantially there is a character of prime im portance to every investor. For example a pro-, pram of city improvement which will pave every street in the city; ample water and sewage fa cilities; plenty of homes to be provided under a $5,000,000 building program for the next few months; and a community of neighbors desirable because of their never-failing interest in Haines City. Surrounding all this activity is a countryside where an increasing number of fanners and grow ers are producing the necessaries of life. Their presence means that the aforesaid substantiality is not confined to the city. It is the substantiality of a whole district. REALTOR llllllllM riaiiMH lifr llllllMl I .III SSSI I 11 ill SSI, asisssi ly looks as if you ware right, my dear," answered her father thought fully. "Of course I'm right!" erled the girl. "Why, the darned thing la stick ing out and barking nt you. A big man. Christian name Hugh, was in Zadowa's office last night. Hugh Drummond is downstairs at the mo ment, having nctually tracked Za dowa here. Of course, they're the same; an infant in arms could see it. His wife is coming here to lunch. You remember her that silly little fool Phyllis Benton? And they live in Brook street. It might b worth trying. If, by any chance, he has got the diamonds well, shell be very useful.' And if he hasn't," she shrug ged her shoulders, "we can easily re turn her if we want her." The Reverend Theodosius smiled. Long-winded explanations between the two of them were seldom neces sary. Then he looked at his watch. "Short notice," he remarked; "but we'll try. No harm done, if we fail." He stepped over to the telephone, and put through a call. And having given two or three curt orders he came slowly into the loom. "Chances of success very small, I'm afradi; but as you gay, my dear, worth trying. And now I think I'll renew my acquaintance with Mr. Drummond." With a short chuckle he left the room, and a minute or two later a benevolent clergyman, reading the Church Times, was sitting in the lounge just opposite Hugh and Peter. Through half-closed eyes Hugh took stock of him, wondering casually if this was the Reverend Theodosius Longmoor. And when a few minutes later the clergyman took a cigarette out of his case, and then commenced to fumble in his pockets for matches which he had evidently forgotten, Hugh rose and offered him one. "Allow me, air," he murmured, holding it out "I thank you, sir," said the clergy man, with a charming smile. "I'm so terribly forgetful over matches. As a matter of fact I don't generally smoke before lunch, but I've had such a distressing morning that. I felt I must have a cigarette just to soothe my nerves." "By Jove! that's bad," remarked Hugh. "Bath water cold, and all that?" "Nothing so trivial, I fear," said the other. "No; a poor man who has been with me since ten has just suffered the most terrible blow. I can hardly have believed it possible here in London, but the whole of his business premises were wrecked by a bomb last night." "You don't say so," murmured Hugh, sinking into a chair, and at the table opposite-Peter Darrell open ed one eye. "All his papers everything gone. And it has hit me, too. Quite a re spectable little sum of money over a huhdred pounds, gathered together for the restoration of the old oak ehancel in my church blown to pieces by this unknown miscreant. It's hard, sir,-it's hard. But 'this poor fellow's loss ia greater than mine, so I must not complain." The clergyman took off his spec tacles and wiped them, and Drum mond stole a lightning glance at Darrell. The faintest shurg of his shoulders indicated that the latter had heard, and was r.s much in the dark as Hugh. That this was the Reverend Theodosius Longmoor was now obvious, but what a charming, courteous old gentleman! It seemed impossible to associate guilt with such a delightful person, and, if so, they had made a bad mistake. It was (Continued on Fwge Six) PS