Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, January 14, 1926, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Bend Attorney In Race
For Governor on Re
publican Ticket.
Jay H. Upton of Bend announces
his candidacy for Governor in the fol
lowing platform:
"I am forty-six years old. I am a
Republican. I expect to win, but if
I should not, I will support the man
who can defeat me at the Republican
I will give the people a dignified,
efficient and economical business ad
ministration. I will be Governor of
all the people of Oregon.
As President of the Senate in 1923,
I appointed a Ways and Means com
mittee who cut appropriations below
the demands of the budget makers
and saved the taxpayers more than
one million dollars. Expenses can
be cut if those in authority have
nerve enough to cut them. There has
been too much slackness. I will put
a stop to junket trips by those who
hold office under me and will en
deavor to stop that practice in other
departments. The way to economize
is to stop spending. ,
Abolish Emergency Board.
While a special fund should be pro
vided to meet actual emergencies
caused by the act of God, the so-called
Emergency Board should be abolished.
If the various departments knew that
they would have to close up shop if
they did not keep within the appro
priations made for them, they would
do so. The State needs a head with
firmness and common sense.
Law Enforcement Urged.
All laws must be enforced and ob
served. Law observance is the duty
of every citizen and is as important
as law enforcement. The people must
cooperate with the officers before laws
can be successfully enforced. Respect
of law should be taught in every
school, church, lodge and civic organ
ization. Criticism of citizens who
violate the law will be more useful
than criticism of officials who are
finding their efforts impeded because
of lack of civic conscience. Citizens
will not respect the law unless offi
cers themselves obey the law and con
stitution. Ex-jail birds, bootleggers
and stool pigeons will most certainly
not be appointe dto enforce law. No
officer will be retained who himself
violates.the law, but honest and effi
cient men will be appointed to cooper
ate with local authorities and to dili
gently enforce the law without favor
or partiality.
Fewer Laws and Better Engorcement.
We have too much regulation and
inspection. New criminal laws
should be passed with the greatest
caution. Let us get acquainted with
the penalties already provided before
harassing the people with new ones.
Harmony Between Executive and
Legislative Departments,
The Governor cannot pass new
laws, but he can cooperate with the
legislature and bring about needed
reforms by intelligent leadership.
For years, there has been no har
mony between the executive and leg
islative branches. I have always
worked with and among the leaders
of the legislature. The men who
comprise the legislature are honest
and earnest men who want to abolish
needless bureaus and over-lapping
agencies that eat up the taxpayers'
money, but with no intelligent lead
ership from the Governor, it has been
impossible to effect necessary relief.
The first step is to secure such lead
ership and cooperation.
Reduce Auto License.
We are strangling the automobile
owner with high licences and burden
some regulations. The automobile hr.s
built our good roads. Each year we
have added to its burden. There is
a limit to he burden it can bear. We
have passed that limit and ere about
to kill the goose that lays the golden
egg. We can reduce licence costs ct
least half a million dollars annur.lly
now, and more as the number of
automobiles and tourist travel in
crease. Registering of automobile titles
with the Secretary of State, which
was passed in the belief that it would
not be an expense to the tax-payer
but which has resulted in increased
tax burdens and great annoyance to
automobile owners, should be re
pealed. The farmer who u.-cs a truck
to haul his own crop and a few loads
for his neighbor, should not be com
pelled to pay the same charges and
conform to the same regulations as
the freight truck regulr.riy udng'our
Roads and Highways.
The designated highways, which
still remain unimproved, should he
graded and macadamized with all due
speed. It is now of primary import
ance to build the rod beds on ther.e
so-called highways. The major work
in the past has been the building of
paved roads. The major work in the
future should be to build those road
that yet remain untouched. As fast
as the principal of road bonds is paid,
additional bonds to the same amount
should be issued to improve the roads
in the localities that havo patiently
waited until the more populous sec
tions have secured their pavements.
Re-Adjustment of Taxation and
The present unintelligible method
by which the tax commission attempts
to equalize assessments by the so
called ratio system should bo abol
ished and the tax commission given
authority to supervise assessments of'
county assessors and to harmonize as
sessments in the entire state, a thing
the law requires to be done but which
is avoided by subterfuge. This would
display to the world the true per
capita wealth of the state, reduce the
tax millage one half and bo a great
advertisement of prosperity to en
courage settlement and development
of Oregon, and furnish necessary
funds for the University of Oregon,
Agricultural College and Normal
Schools, but the millage for those in
stitutions should be readjusted so
that excess income would be return
ed to the general fund.
No Tax Exempt Bonds.
No municipal bond should be ex
empt from taxation. If bonds were
not so attractive an investment for
the tax dodger, there would not be so
many bondsissued and sold for ul
timate payment by the tax payer.
Preserve Forests Reforestation.
Oregon should continue to be the
foremost forest state, yielding its peo
ple for all time the revenue and ad
vantages its phenomenal forest-growing
capacity can and should provide.
Private and public agencies alike must
do their share to assure this, both by
protecting and wisely using the old
fcrest and by growing the new. Tax
ation of suitable land devoted to re
forestation should be re-adjusted,
without subsidy but dependably, so
the public burden may be lessened
through encouraging private enter
prise to keep this land productive and
a source of tax revenue forever.
Against Federal Game Control.
The great forests, lakes, stream;
and mountains with which we have
grown lip and love are no longer a
heritage of Oregon, but are controlled
by bureaus at Washington and dom
inated by people who do not know the
State of Oregon. They are reaching
out tentacles now and are trying to
control our wild life and game. If, I
am Governor, all the power of that
office will be exerted to prevent fur
ther usurpation of our Oregon birth
right. We who live close to nature
know better how to preserve it than
the descendants of those who des
troyed their own.
Game License Money Not to Go Into
General Fund.
The few women who fish and hunt
should not be required to pay a state
license. Every dollar that is collected
from sportsmen should be used by
them to protect, propagate and pre
serve the fish and game of Oregon
and none of it should be diverted to
the general fund of the State.
Aid to Infirm and Orphans.
The infirm and aged; the orphaned
and underprivileged child should re
ceive more assistance from the State
and society. We have given too much
attention to regulating the conduct
of grownups and have been too ne
glectful of the child and the aged.
There should 'be a reformatory for
youths convicted of crime and those
first termers whose crimes are of
a light character. Such an institu
tion can be built largely by such in
mates and at a minimum of expense,
Until so constructed the buildings
heretofore U'-ed for the reform school
1 ouring . . . . $510
Roadster $510
Coupe $645
Coach $645
Sedan ...... $735
Half-Ton Truck ... $395
One-Ton Truck . . . $550
All Prices F. 0. B. Flint, Michigan
Division of General Motors Corporation
Jay H. Upton
can be utilized.
The parole board should be abolish
ed Snd management of prisoners put
squarely up to the warden. In a penal
institution there should not be divid
ed authority or control. Paroles
should be given for good behavior on
ly and on recommendation of the war
den, and pardons granted only within
the spirit of the constitutional au
thority therefor.
Ability to select competent men for
work to be done is the test of failure
or success in an executive position.
A man who can not gauge other men
is not competent to act as Governor.
Prison Management Failure.
The State Prison has been a failure.
There have been, in the past, some
good men in charge as wardens, and
good men are still available. The
present heads of the insane asylum
and feeble minded home were not se
lected by the Board of Control but
by a former Governor who knew how
to select competent men. I will not
evade responsibility. A warden will
be selected who will be competent to
run the prison and he will be required
to do so.
Cooperative Marketing.
I am not a "dirt" farmer, but I own
a farm and have faced all the prob
lems that have confronted the other
farmers of Oregon. Agriculture is
the basis of prosperity, but the farm
er cannot be made successful by the
mere passing of laws. If it could
have been done, thiy would all have
been rich years ago. . The farmers do
not need nor desire to be pampered.
A competent and practical State Mar
ket Aent, who would devote the pow
er of his office to the organization and
assistance of cooperative marketing
agencies, in each particular line of
agriculture, so that production, trans
portation, orderly marketing, stand
ardization and grading of farm pro
ducts could be intelligently con
trolled and economically co-ordinated,
could help the farmers work out their
Legislatures will be willing to pass
necessary enabling laws when a State
Market Agent who knows his business
and sincerely tries to solve the econ
omic, and not political, problems, can
recommend any intelligent plan of
For more than ten years I have
been actively associated with the ef
fort to reclaim the great areas of
potential farm land in Oregon; first
in trying to induce the Federal Gov
ernment to return to this state for
reclamation development the millions
of dollars paid the Reclamation Fund
from Oregon, and second, to assist
the farmers of Oregon to develop our
state by our own efforts.
War prices for construction of ir
rigation works and deflation of farm
values and products have brought
bankruptcy to many loyal, hardwork
ing men who have unselfishly tried to
develop our State. Therefore, the
State should in all honesty and fair
ness amend its laws so that future
development will be required to avoid
repeating the damage already suf
fered. The State should aid those projects
which were constructed under war
conditions where the land cannot car
ry the existing load. Oregon as a
whole cannot permit isolated sections
to repudiate obligations to those who
have, in good faith, invested their
money for honest development. This
is not .a political, but an economic
problem and it is possible for the
fanners, financiers and friends of
economic development to find a solu
tion that will not only save the farm
ers, but also protect the investor.
I will appoint a non-political com
mission to investigate and recommend
a feasible and satisfactory plan to
save the fafmer and protect the good
name of the State and will use every
suitable influence to have the legisla
ture enact laws that will carry such
recommendations into effect.
I buy anything from one head
to a carload, or more if you
have 'em. Prices right, deliv
ered at Heppner stock yards.
Phone Main 753, Heppner, Ore.
Buying Ability and
Bank Balance
Your bank balance has a very close con
nection with your purchasing ability. If
you maintain a reasonably large balance in
.your checking account, you always have
available funds for making the purchases
that are necessary.
A large balnce also makes your credit
good and places you in a position to secure
additional funds.
Build up your balance here so that you
may always have sufficient capital for an
emergency and so that your credit will en
title you to the loans that you may need.
Farmers & Stockgrowers National
Heppner Bsiok Oregon
depend on what kind
of feed you give them.
"O.K." Scratch Feed is balanced just
right to insure healthy hens, as well as
plenty of eggs. Give your chickens O.K.
Scratch Feed daily for a month and keep
a record of the eggs. The results will be
Brown Warehouse Co.
Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644
Puffed Wheat
'Puffed Rice
Corn Flakes
, All Bran
Bran -
Health Bran
u Corn Meal
Wheat Flakes
Pancake Flour
Flapjack Flour
Buckwheat Flour
Hominy Grit
H. 0.
Quick Cooker.
Steam Cooked
Mother's Oats
Roman Meal
Shredded Wheat
, Biscuits
Swansdowne Cake
Kerr's Oats
Quaker Oats
January Sale
Men's Overcoats
Men's Suits
Boys' Overcoats 4 Boys' Suits
Men's and Boys' Mackinaws
Ladies' Coats
Children's Coats
lOKt Off
Thomson Brothers
Malcolm D.Clark
mmuffl0 tesSK5 JsatS)ay
DAY MtfL 1 MONDAY -ca2!sf1 I
fflrlm, II I upe 5"thursday
(U jta jgll imMW WSORANCEM) l. , )
wctAimixxi VTr'2' ! o cafe j
The strength of nations or individuals depends entirely upon the
way they are organized to achieve things. Perhaps you do not yet know
the full details of the "Thrift Week" movement which has developed in
to a national activity? Benjamin Franklin first taught it so what is
more fitting than the week of his birthday each year should be set aside
for the furthering of the great principles of Thrift. Come in. Let us
explain how you can benefit by joining in.
Ask us for Thrift Week infor
formation. We, will tell you how
others have achieved.
To make 1926 your Very best
year get organized so the present
will take care of the future.
First National Bank