PAGE EIGHT HEPPNER GAZETTE TIMES, HEPPNER, OREGON, THURSDAY, DEC. 3, 1925. SHEEPMEN OPPOSE BEDDING-OUT LAW (Continued from Ftnt Pa) procreation of the range or in ben efit to the forest in the prevention of lot by fires or otherwise orer the old system. The disadvantage is all to the sheepman. President Thompson in comment ing on statements of Mr. Cleveland thought his estimates were very con servative; his experiences would lead him to believe that the figures should be raised materially. This view was also taken by J. B. Buddleston of Lone Rock. Mr. Hud dleston also called attention to the serious question of getting herders under this system, stating that it was next to impossible now to get good men to accept such work, as they were strongly opposed to the propo sition of lying out of nights; such men as he was able to get would agree to stay with the sheep on the bedding out proposition, but his ex perience proved that they did not do so, and the sheep were left alone. He felt that the estimate of tost as given by Mr. Cleveland was very con servative. Furthermore, Mr. Hud dleston was right after the proposi tion of getting rid of this ruling and would help all he could in that direction. Grant Harar of Long Creek also gave his indorsement to what had been said. George Sperry, for more than for ty years extensively engaged in the sheep game in both Oregon and Wyoming, and many seasons helped in trailing of sheep to the eastern markets, added his testimony regard ing the proper handling of sheep in bedding, and plainly showed where the present system was wrong. Feeling that the association here should go on record in a proper way, President Thompson appointed the following as a committee on resolu tions: W. H. Cleveland, J. B. Hud- dleston, F. Wilkenson, E. 0. Neill Geo. Krebs and W. P. Mahoney. Act ing with them were Attorney Bryson of Walla Wall aand Attorney C. L. Sweek of Heppner. This committee got busy at once and brought in. their report, which was unanimously accepted, as. follows: Whereas, the Umatilla Permittees association, in special session nssem bled, has gone on record unanimously opposed to the Forestry regulation of compulsory one-night bedding of sheep in the National Forests, and Whereas, the Wenaha Woolgrowers association now has appealed to the Secretary of Agriculture the wisdom of enforcing said rule in the National Forests; Now, Therefore, be it unanimously resolved by this association that we heartily join the Wenaha Woolgrow ers in their appeal, and that we com demn as impractical, excessively ex pensive in application, resulting ii heavier range losses and of no benefit in conservation of any natural re sources, the one night bedding sys tem. (Signed) W. H. Cleveland, chair man; J. B. Huddleston, F. Wilken son, E. 0. Neill, Geo. Krebs, W. P. Mahoney, resolutions committee. Following the report of the 'com mittee the question of financial as sistance in the matter of the appeal wa3 taken up. to which the stockmen present readily responded, and around $300 was subscribed and paid in for this purpose, to be used as needed. The sentiment was also express :d that the help of tho Oregon Wool growers association would be much appreciated in this move of the sheep men for relief from the ruling re quiring one night bedding, and they will likely be asked to co-op- rate at the coming annual meeting of the association in January. Irwin-Hodson Co, General.... 46.25 Latourell Auto Co, General 6S2.25 Thomson Bros., General 1.85 B. P. Stone, General 50 City of lone. No. 10 297.50 Bark of lone, Roads 264.79 W. U McCaleb, Gneeral 11.40 Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co., Gen- .. 50.00 Gilliam A Bisbee. General .. 27.24 Peoples Hdwe. Co., General 7.5S F. Shively, General . 38.55 "OLIVER OCTOBER" (Continued from Page Five.)' voice so strange and hollow that he did not recognize it as his own. The figure drew nearer the house. "I'm OUie Baxter. For goodness' sake. Horace, don't tell me you've for gotten your only brother-in-law. I " "Go away! You're dead!" "You come down here and let me in," cried the other. "I'll darned soon show you I'm not dead." Mr. Gooch was now convinced. It was Oliver Baxter and ha was very much alive. "Well, what do you want?" "I want to come in and spend the nig-ht with you, that's what I want." Presently the two were seated in Gooch's warm kitchen. 'Now," demanded Mr. Gooch, "where have you been all this time?" Mr. Baxter stretched out his wrin kled legs, and filled his pipe and lit it, all the while keeping his keen lit- te eyes on his brother-in-law. 'Well, sir," he began presently; "I hunted this country over before I found her. She remembered every thing. It took me nearly two weeks to get her to admit that she lied, and I guess she wouldn't have done it if I hadn't offered her a hundred dollars to tell the truth." Are you talking about the gypsy who' told his fortune?" inquired Mr. Gooch, comprehending suddenly. les. Queen Marguerite. I finally got her to confess that .everything she said was false. Oliver am t go ing to be hung any more than you or I. All spite work, she says. Got mad at all of us." "So that's what you've been up to, you blamed old idiot," exclaimed Gooch. "Letting us all think that you were dead! That reminds me I was just wondering whose body it is, since it cant possibly be yours. The one they found in the swamp yesterday, I mean." Mr. Baxter inquired with sudden interest: "In the swamp, eh? Out in one of the pools? Why, it must be Tom Sharp's body. Tom Sharp was killed with an ax right out there on the edge of the swamp thirty years ago. He was killed by a gypsy Say. Horace, if they think that body is mine, who is supposed to have killed me?" Mr. Gooch experienced a strange and unsuspected softening of the heart. "A man that used to work around your place," said he, after a moment's hesitation. Silence fell between them. Mr. Bax ter was thinking profoundly, his brow wrinkled, his eyes fixed on on of his bony hands. "Just so it wasn't Oliver," he aaid at last, swallowing hard. He had re moved the gaudy muffler. His Ad am's apple rose and fell twice con vulsively. "I'd hat to have people think he did it." "Don't worry about that," said Mr. Gooch brusquely. "Get along to bed now." (THE END) A FRANK STATEMENT. To the Editor: I wish to make a frank statement through your paper regarding the comedy that appeared at the Star the ater last Sunday night. With regard to the charcater of the play be it said that as it was put on it was exceptionally clean. It was very much more so than the advertising might indicate. Our objection was based upon having known a play. film, bearing the same name, "The Girl From Colorado," given some years ago, and was forbidden in the city of Salem, to be repeated the sec ond night. We are glad to know that the comedy in question was far from being identical in character with the film. An appended statement to the petition, eliminating all reference to the character of the play, though af ter it had been presented to the churches of the city, was given over my signature, and that should have been noted by the spokesman for the show. What was emphasized in the peti tion, was the request for Sunday clos ing. Ihis, the church organizations did express themselves upon, either orally or in writing. It will be a sad day for Heppner, or any other town, when there is not in it a class of people who feel it necessary and prof itable to hold some time sacred for associations and study for .the deeper life. Whatever liberties men may take, there is not a mother's child in town that does not know that an utter disregard for the Sabbath is de moralizing, and few men ever get far enough from their childhood to be rid of a sense of shame for its dese cration. The spokesman of the occasion was very assertive in his appeal to the audience, to demand their rights as American citizens, referring to the matter of Sunday shows. The asser tion was of course made upon the fact (to our everlasting disgrace) that we have no state Sunday closing law. Would he say that because we have no such statute we therefore have in Oregon no Christian Sabbath? Dare any man say that there does not exist in the hearts of a multitude a pro found regard for the sacred day? Where does real law abide? On in flammable paper, or in the life of the people? It' is no mark of gentleman ness to tramp upon the conscience and practice of the men who, with their toil, their blood and their Chris tian ideals have laid the foundations of our honored State. The statement of "rights as Amer ican citizens," needs analysis. No man has a right to breathe upon an American audience unmodified state ments of "liberty." When the acid test is applied some things that sound well in oratory, may in the analysis bear color of Hnarchy, bolshevism, or treason. Dar anyone deny that the Sabbath as a day of rest and wroship is on of the foundation stones up on which tho Republic was estab lished? Where are th people who have made no place, (or jarred it out of its place) a time in which to give concentrated thought to th moral and spiritual interest! of life? Whcr is France today for her infidel at tempt to alienate herself from Sab bath keeping? Ask the doughboys who waded their mud and bled for them. "Lord God of hosts, be with us yet, lest wt forget, lest w for get." E. C. ALF0RD, Pastor Community Methodist Church. The Girl From Colorado. She has com and gone. Her pas sage across the amusement firma ment was not particularly spectac ular, though possessing many attri butes of a celestial visitor. She entered Morrow County'i sys tem via lone, where she was greeted with great acclaim on the 12th, made a twenty-four hour turn about the county seat on the 13th and vanished on her outward journey through Lex ington on the 14th. Like comets of old she was regard ed by the superstitious and uninform ed as probably possessing Satanic characteristics, but like all imaginary bugbears, in the light of experience, she proved to be only what she was Make Money Your Count Her Heppner visit promised to b a little disconcerting for a short per iod, probably because of her choos ing an unlucky date like th 13th for her perihelion demonstration. If her orbit proves elliptic and her gossamer does not become too atten uated, ah may visit us again some day. If not, we doubt if many years of travel will furnish her with a more select audience of the same size. Th vaudeville between acta wi enthusiastically applauded. B. G. SIGSBEE, Manager, Star Theater. Apples Aplenty For The School Children 'Say It with flowers" is a some what popular slogan and one that w see published a great deal. This conveys too much the Idea, however, that some little attention la to be paid to on after the scenea of this life have passed. "Say it with apples" at Christmas time is mors appro priate. Santa Claus has left an abundance of fine Hood River apples at the atore of Case Furniture com pany, and Mr. Case has authorized us to state that this Christmas sea son he is going to pass some of these along to th children of th county. Mr. Case will furnish, free, to all public school teachers and all com mittees of the Sunday schools of the county who are putting on treats for their pupils, sufficient fine apples to add to their treat, and there could be no more appropriate item on th "bill of fare" than a supply of these excellent Hood River apples. Figur out your needs and call on Mr. Case. 1 5 v . . A Child Can Feed Your Chicks COUNTY COURT HAS DECEMBER MEETING (Continued from First Page) R. E. Shurte, Sheriff 66.00 L. P. Davidson, County Court 24.00 G. A. Bleakman, County Court 21.00 J. J. Wells, Assessor 41.48 A. H. Johnston, Poor 100.00 M. A, Frye, Court House 2.13 C. E. Hunt Co., Cur. Ex. 8.78 Pac. Teh C,o. Cur. Ex 30.72 Irwin-Hodson, Office 23.23 Remington Type. Co., Assess. 1.58 Geo. McDuffee, Various 42.15 Gazette Times, Various 97.50 Glass-Prudhomme, Various 110.65 Sam Hughes Co., Ct. House .. 1.35 C. A. Miller, Court House . 3.44 Gets It Mfg. Co., Court House . 1.25 Heppner Light Co Ct. Hse. 68.65 , Phelps Grocery Co., Poor .... 7.00 Wm. Wilson, Poor -.. 20.00 D. A. Wilson, Jail 28.60 Humphreys Drug Co., Jail .... 9.48 Matt Hughes, Refund 17.73 Rostein 4 Greenbaum, Fee ble Minded 62.25 J. K. Gill Co., Library 13.81 Gilliam & Bisbee, Court Hse. 26.55 H. M. Walker, Bupt 123.30 Case Furniture Co., Poor .. 92.60 W. L. McCaleb, I-G 22.62 Bert Mason, 1-G 7.20 Gabriel Powder Co., I-G . 26.68 H -Cooper Cor., I-G 488.16 W. F. Haberlach, I-G . 11.25 Tum-A-Lum Lbr. Co., I-G 33.10 W. L. McCaleb, I-G 77.10 F. Engelman, I-G ..... 15.90 K. L. Beach, I-G 42.95 Tum-Lum Lbr. Co., I-G 93.40 Gilliam 4 Bisbee, I-G 15.66 First National Bank, I-G 2,763.66 Tum-Lum Lbr. Co, 1-G 57.05 F. A B. Bank, J-G 287.88 Bank of lone, I-G - 660.91 F. E. Parker, Mo. 19 61.90 C. E. Glasgow, No. 1 . 106.79 John Osteen, Br. 16 151.76 W. L. McCaleb, Salary 166.68 H. McDuffee, Stingle - 86.00 J. W. Kirschner, Stingl 116.00 E. Bucknum, Stingle 9.00 Wm. Bucknum, Stingle 8.00 First National Bank, Roads.... 3,006.83 W. O. Bayleas, Roads 84.80 Ion Independent, Lena-Vincent Daily Bond News, Lena-Vin- eant Tum-Lum Lbr. Co., No. 6 City of Heppner, No. 12 f, A 8. Bank, Koads Heppner Elev. Co., Gen Le Blocum, General with our prepared feeds. They require no mixing. When you buy them from us you get the pure undiluted article that nour ishes. If you want healthy poultry use "O.K." prepared poultry feeds. Brown Warehouse Co. WE DELIVER WITHIN CITY LIMITS. Phones: Warehouse 643, Residence 644 Not being able to carry a credit system I I am forced to return to a strictly CASH basis. Make your money count; I offer you good reductions for the cash, which the following prices indicate: $18.00 Leather Coats Now $15.00 $13.75 Leather Coats Now $10.50 EE $23.50 Overcoats Now $20.00 i $13.50 Moleskin, sheeplined Coats ....$10.50 E $5.25 Boys' Makinaw Coats .'. $4.25 E EE $1.65 Bib Overalls $1.55 A. & L. Peaches, 2y2-lb. cans, 3 for 85c Corn, 2-lb. cans ....3 for 55c j EE Sweet Corn 3 for 45c j EE Royal Club Corn 3 for 65c EE Royal Red Tomatoes, 2y2 cans 3 for 50c H Royal Red, case ." $3.95 j Fountain Brand Peas 3 for 65c I Royal Club Peanut Butter, 5 lbs $1.20 ! M. J. B. Coffee, 5 lbs $2.80 I $6.00 Winter Unionsuits Now $5.25 -1 fj $4.85 Winter Unionsuits Now $4.40 I EE $5.00 Winter Unionsuits Now $4.25 ; 1 W. P. Prophet i if I V II n si n n I? II HOLIDAY GIFTS Toys, Fancy Dishes, Vases, Cutlery sensible and useful gifts Peoples Hardware Co. Plumbing, Implements & General Hardware 11.00 12.00 8.85 1,583.17 843.81 8.90 8.00 4. H. Gentry, General 24.05 HARWOOD'S .ore Only (5 M Shopping Days Til Christmas Don't delay your selection of Jewelry, Music, Radio, gifts that are certain to please, at n n n n n n n si ii ii ii ii ii ii ii Open Evenings Till Christmas HARWOOD'S I. O. O. P. Bldg. ' Heppner, Ore. Star Theater THURSDAY and FRIDAY, DEC. 17 & 18 ' . EDMUND LOWE in "THE CYCLONE .RIDER" "NIP 0' SCOTCH," two reel comedy, and Sixth Episode of "RIDDLE RIDER" An enjoyble, thrilling and live-wire program SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19: Jacqueline Logan, Malcolm MacGregor, in "THE 'HOUSE OF YOUTH" From Maud Radford ' Warren's famous novel. An up-to-date picture you should see. ALSO COMEDY SUNDAY and MONDAY, Dec. 20 and 21 Lon Chaney, Norma Shearer and John Gilbert. in , "HE WHO GETS SLAPPED" Seldom does the screen echo the heartbeat of human ity, its tears-, its joys, its laughter, as dsoe this MAGNIFICENT MOTION PICTURE It will capture your heart. It is unquestionably one of the most gripping stories ever filmed. Don't miss it; it's showing two days. Children 20c, Adults 40c. ALSO COMEDY TUES. and WEDS., Dec. 22 and 23: Lois Wilson and Warner Baxter in "WELCOME HOME" A masterpiece of mirth which proves that hilarity begins at home. A story of how to stay married. Also Reginald Denny in "DON COYOTE," NEXT WEEK: Tom 'Mix in DICK TURPIN. Willard Louis in The Man Without a Conscience. Special cast in STOP FLIRTING. . Raymond Griffith in THE NIGHT CLUB. Every picture mentioned in this ad is a good one. There may be differences of opinion as to which is the best, but that is a good thing. If we all thought alike life would not be worth living. COME OUT AND ENJOY YOURSELF