Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 17, 1925, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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E. J, Evans of Lexington wis here
on Saturday; He is exfct'ric his
family home from Spokitna, where
they have been during tiie past few
monthi so that tne emmren could
be in achoot, to spend the holidays.
Mr. Evane alio report! that hia fall
seeding never looked better than at
present, and barring unfavorable wea
ther condition! he should have a
plendid atand when spring arrives.
Wm. Haylor arrived home Sunday
evening from Portland where he hsi
been spending tome two weeks or
more. Mr. Haylor is a sick man and
received but little encouragement
from Portland physicians, though he
thinks the stay in the city was of
. some help to him. Suffering from
anemia, Mr. Haylor will be compelled
to seek a land of sunshine if he gets
permanent relief.
The Joseph Burgoyne mill, ware
house and other property at Lexing
ton, were sold by Sheriff McDuffee on
Saturday, the purchasers being Dan
Summers, Daniel Rice and Sadie
Lewis, who held mortgage against
the property. The sale was for the
amount of the Judgment the plain
tiffs had obtained, amounting in the
aggregate to over 116,000.00.
Heppner Lodge No. 69 and Ruth
Chapter No. 82 will hold their in
stallation of officers on Monday eve
ning next. It is to be a joint meet
ing of the two orders, and at 6:30 a
big feed will be spread in the dining
hall. All members of the two lodges
are expected to bring wife or husband
who are not members.
- J. B. Huddletton was over from
Lone Rock to be present at the
meeting of other stockmen and forest
reserve permittees on Saturday af
ternoon. J. B, is one of the strong
backers of the movement to get the
rules of the service modified and he
has been doing some good campaign
ing along this line.
Earl Warner, extensive wheatraiser
of Lexington, was doing business in
the county seat on Saturday. Earl is
wearing a pretty broad smile these
Hays, for his big acreage of 'all cn
grain is now putting forth in pood
shape, though it was not so promis
ing for a time.
Dick Howard, who has been with
the Wright brothers of Rhea
creek during the summer, was in
town a short time on Tuesday, on his
way to the ranch of W. B. Barratt &
Son, where he will look after a band
of sheep during the balance of the
winter months.
Herbert C. Bryson, attorney, and
hia brother, Elmer D. Bryson, who is
secretary of the Wenaha Wood Grow
ers association, both of Walla Walla
were here on Saturday to attend the j
meeting of the national forest permit
tees gathered at Hotel Heppner.
L. E. Reaney was looking after
business matters here on Saturday
from his home near Lexington. He
reports that the fall seeding in his
neighborhood is all coming along good
now, the Indian summer weather hav
ing been just what was needed.
Johan Trocdson nad son were vis
itors here on Friday, Mr. Trocdson
having matters of business to attend
to in the city. He states that the
wheat in hia section of the county is
coming along fine. Mr. Troedson
farms north of lone.
Jimmy Johnson was over from his
cattle ranch in the Range section of
Grant county the first of the week.
He reports the weather conditions
there very fine, and stock all doing
Mrs. Geo. C. Aiken arrived home
the past week from Portland and
other valley points, where she spent a
very pleasant fortnight visiting mem
bers of her family and friends.
Mr. and Mrs. OlaO Bergstrom were
Eight Mile people in the city for a
few hours Saturday afternoon.
Wanted Woman for general house
work. Phone 785, eity.
Judge Fred W. Wilson of The
Dalles was in Heppner on Monday and
Tuesday of this week, opening the
December term of circuit court. The
docket was gone over, but as there
were few matters ready to be heard,
adjournment vws taken. Judge Wil
son is acting for Judge Phelps, who
is still too ill to attend to hia full
official duties.
Harry Duvall and wife, Swaggart
butte residents, were visitors in this
city Satu.-Jay. With J. O. Turner,
Mr. Duvall is. interested in running
the Burgoyne warehouse at Lexington
and was here to attend the sale of
the Burgoyne property Saturday fore
noon. '
lone lodge of Oddfellows will be
host to the various lodges of the
county this evening,' when a general
good time will be had. Following the
main program of the evening will be
a big feed prepared and served under
the auspices of the members of lone
Grant Harrar, prominent stockman
of Long Creek, was here Saturday to
attend the meeting of forest permit
tees held at Hotel Heppner. Mr.
Harar does not come to Heppner as
often as in former years, when he
made this his shipping point,
Dillard French and sons were down
from Gurdane on Saturday, bringing
in a bunch of calves which were
shipped on Sunday to the Portland
market. While here Mr. French took
time off to attend the stockmen's
meeting Saturday afternoon.
Fred Nicholson and wife of lone
were shopping in this city Tuesday
afternoon. Mr. Nicholson is still en
gaged in the business of making
Wells, an occupation that he has fol
lowed for many years i the north
end of the county.
Mrs. Ed Duran of Lexington was
a guest at the Van Winkle home on
Thursday after a visit of several
months with her daughter Mrs. R. G.
McMurty at Salem. Mrs. McMurty,
who has been ill is much improved.
Arlington Bulletin.
FOR SALE 63-horsepower Blcwett
Webfoot tractor and two three-bot
tom 16-inch plows. Will sell with or
without plows and take in trade some
sood work horses. C. C. Hutchcroft,
Morgan, Ore., on H. C. Witzol place.
Automobile, Delco Light and Radio
batteries charged with Lightning in
stantly, and stay charged; time trou
ble and money saved. Why not find
out. Guaranteed. Will Bailey, Ho
tel Heppner, or Shivcly's shop.
Word received at this office this
week announces the marriage at Port
land on December 7th of Mrs. Tillie
Duncan to Lou Zigler, former Hepp
ner folks. They are now at home at
481 E. 17th street.
The regular meeting of the Legion
Auxiliary for Monday evening, De
cember 21, has been postponed. There
will be no meeting until the first
Monday in January, we are requested
to announce.
Mesdamcs Elmer Slocum, Fred Lu
cas, S. S. Strodtman and J. C. White
were in attendance at the meeting
of Ruth Chapter No. 32, O. E. S. Fri
day evening from Lexington.
E. J, Merrill was down from his
ranch near Hardman on Tuesday. He
states that there is little evidence of
winter up that way but no complaint
as to weather conditions.
Barney Doherty was up from Al
pine Saturday, being an interested
stockman attending the meeting of
forest permittees in the afternoon.
Jason Biddle was here on Saturday,
settling up affairs in connection with
the estate of Ivy B. Nolan, of which
he is the administrator.'
WANTED To rent ranch in Morrow
county; prefer near Heppner. Laur
ence E. Reaney, Lexington, Oregon.
FOR SALE Ford touring car, fair
condition; $76. Inquire this office.
Break Rum Ring
I aSh fj
Gigantic $25,000,000 rum ring
has been broken up, with many ar
rests. Here is Major Walton
Green, the man who directed the
captures. Lower photo is Mr. John
A. Foster, Prohibition Director of
New York, whose active work is
stopping booze smuggling.
Published weekly by the students
of the Union high school at Hard
man. Lee Merrill, editor, Teddy
Burnside, assistant.
Present indications are that the
Hardman grade school will disregard
the long established custom this year
of giving its pupils and teachers a
Christmas vacation. This seems to
be another cae of applying economy
in the wrong place since it is an ac
cepted fact by men standing high in
the educational profession, that a
short vacation now and then is most
essentia! to the efficiency of both pu
pils and teachers.
Basketball prospects this year are
very" poor. Due to the very small
student body, basketball material is
limited almost a minus quantity.
Captain Laurence Williams is the
only regular of last year's team in
school. The problem will be to build
It's easier to pay
Our new GMAC
rates save you '15 to
35 on the time pur
chase of a new Chev
rolet one rate
covers all charges.
Come in and see
how much quality
Chevrolet offers you
at low cost and
how easy it is for
' you to own one of
these cars.
W JLiUCKY is the person who in the rush of the Christmas Season selects
a gift that will bring the light to the eyes, smiles to the lips and thanks jte
from the heart. m
What will do this? Gifts which combine beauty with unsefulness. &
A beautiful gift box of station
ery will solve many a Christmas
problem. We carry both Whit
ing's and Crane's fine linens.
The Filled Toiletware combines
smartness with beauty, usefulness
and permanence. You may pur
chase the toilet articles individ
ually or in set.
' A lasting gift. We have books
for the young and old, great and
small; books of poetry, books of
prose; books of adventure and
books of romance.
Bibles and New Testaments are
also carried.
With a few good "pictures on
the walls a dwelling is changed
from a house to a home.
Humphreys Drug Company
a team around him from the green,
inexperienced boys turning out. The
greatest need" at present is a depend
able lighting system so that training
might bo started in earnest.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Ayers of Hard
man returned borne this past week
from their extended trip to The
Hardman was well represented at
the program presented by the Rhea
Creek Grange last Friday evening.
Everyone interviewed reports having
had a splendid time.
Two popular young Hardman cou
ples, Miss Nellie Flynn and Eaten
Stevens, Miss Elizabeth Bleakman and
Nea Knighten motored to Boardman
Saturday afternoon. They attended
the big dance there in the evening
and spent Snday visiting friends, re
turning home Sunday night. They
report having had a most enjoyable
week end.
W. H. French.'a prosperous ranch
er near Spray, was in our little city
"Bill" Mahrt spent the week end
visiting his wife and daughter at
Hardman hotel.
Monday, the English IV class read
and reported on the President's mes
sage to Congress.
The editorial staff of the Flash
light has been changed. Lturn Wil
liams has been appointed editor.
A new microscope and a box of
slides have been added to the physiol
ogy apparatus.
The I. 0. O. F. of Hardman are
planning two dances, one to be given
Christmas Eve and the other on New
Year's Eve. ,
The local Odd Fellows Lodge has
been requested to locate if possible
George (Bud) Crow, age 15; B feet,
8 inches tall;. weight 115; fair com
plexion, dark brown hair, small round
face; pleasing personality, small
bunch or scar under left jaw near
ear; very faint scar across neck in
He disappeared from his home in
Gooding, Idaho, on August 18th and
is believed to be in this vicinity.
Mrs. Crow is prostrated and any in
formation would be appreciated. If
Bud sees this he should write home
immediately and relieve his mother's
Arlington Lodge of Knights of Py
thias will entertain the district con
vention of the order on Friday eve
ning, Dee. 18. It is expected that
some of the grand officers will be
present and delegations representing
the lodges of Heppner, Lone Rock,
Condon, Johh Day and other points
will gather there to enjoy the con
vention program. The Arlington
Knights plan a reception and lunch
for the visitors.
Rhea Creek Grange meets the first
Sunday of each month at 10 a. m.,
and the third Friday night of each
month at 8 p. m. Visiting members
George Stephens, Earl Snell, Dave
Lemon, Clyde Wristen and Pat Moon
ey, fight fans of Arlington, attended
the Elks' smoker here last Saturday
Rebekah regular meeting Friday
evening at 7:30. All Past Noble
Grands requested to be present, as
well as other members of the order.
LOST Pair Kryptok double-vision
spectacles, round lenses, small am
ber frames, maroon case. Reward.
Leave at G. T. office.
Ed McDaid, pioneer resident of
Juniper canyon, was in the city on
Friday, looking after matters of bus-
of Portland, Oregon
hereby announces that he
is a candidate for the Re
publican nomination for
U. S. Senator at the May,
1926, Primaries.
Will work zealously for develop
ment of Oregon and support of mess
ares for real benefit of farmers as
suggested by their organizations. Fa
vor World Court and Reform Senate
Rules. Paid. Advertisement
Central Market
C. W. McNAMER, Proprietor
Call us when you have anything in our
line to sell.
Phone Main 652
Is Coming!
Time to sharpen op the carving knife and order the
cranberries, the apples, the nuts, raisins, oranges, the
candy, cakes and cheese. And the dozen other delicacies.
Time to check up and see that everybody's coming.
Just time enough to write a lonesome friend. Don't wait
till the last minute for your groceries.
If its Candy, we have it.
If its Christmas Tree, Tree Ornaments or
Xmas Candles, we have them.
Phelps Grocery Company
Buy Your Boy a
Sweater for
I am offering a very complete line of
Jantzen and Bradley
heavy sweaters at the following reduced
1-4 Off
$12.00 Jantzen, 14 off .. ......$9.00
$10.00 Jantzen off $7.50
$8.00 Bradley, off ....$6.00
All sweaters are new and in very durable
colors. Both V-neck and roughneck styles.
I carry everything for a man You should
see my Christmas Neckwear, Hosiery and
Shirts. They make beautiful and useful
A Man's Store for Men
Poultry and
Dairy Feeds
Heppner Farmers
Elevator Company
I oA Hosiery Lhnstmas
p with gifts of our
Famous for beauty, famous for durability
The most economical hosiery you can buy.
For Women
NEW SHADES-French Nude, Sunburn,
Champagne, Satin Blonde, Airdale, Sandal
wood, Grain, Nouveau Beige, as well as
standard -colors in silk, lisle and mixtures.
$1 $1.50 $1.65
Special bargain on $2.50 hose at $1 a pair.
For Men
fSf MEN'S DRESS SOX Fine worsted over
lisle, drop stitch, fancy. Colors of camel
blue and blue-patterned. New Style
M 75c a pair
i ;
Ij Pure Cane Sugar $6.95 the sack
. p
1 Sam Hughes Co. I
H Phone 962 Heppner, Ore. p
f . j
Heppner ' . Oregon