Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, December 03, 1925, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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CMiLVftfN TMil YEAR "9
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Wheat Price In Morrow County. .
Movement of wheat from Eastern
Oregon to Portland terminals this
fall has been very slow in comparison
with former seasons, farmers appar
ently holding for higher prices. Ac
tual prices to growers around Hepp
ner, as reported to the State Market
Agent's office, ranged from $1.30 to
f 1.35. net, for Bluestem; Club and
Fortyfold, 1.25 to $1.28; Turkey
Red, $1.18 to $1.25. These differences
were mostly on grades and wheat of
good test weight and grade would run
closer in price. For instance, the
$1J8 lot of Turkey Red weighed 62
pounds to the bushel.
Frank Lowden's Prediction.
"I can forsee the day when every
thing produced on the farm for the
markets will be marketed by the far.
niers themselves, through organiza
tions of their own creation."
This prediction was made by Frank
0. Lowden, ex-governor of Illinois
and president of the American Dairy
Federation, at a speech in Oakland
Jditor and Qenerat Manager
.- ,.
MRS. A. T. HEREIM, Correspondent.
Many delightful Thanksgiving din
ners were given at the various homes
Thursday and tables fairly groaned
under their burdens of goodies. One
of the most elaborate dinners was
that given by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Bal
lenger when they entertained the
teachers of the Do Drop Inn to 4 o'
clock dinner. Covers were laid for
the Misses Kathleen Malloy, Elsie
Silver and Ethel Beougher, G. G. Mc
Pherson, the host and hostess and
Maxene. ,
Robert Rayburn was a guest at the
John Pmter home at a bounteous
turkey dinner.
W. H. Mefford had a severe- cold
and was threatened with pneumonia
for a time but is now greatly im
proved. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Woodard, Albert
Mefford, and Jesse Lower motored to
Pendleton Wednesday for repairs for
the Woodard car.
Mrs. H. Cason was taken to her
home on Wednesday from Mefford'a
where she has been since her recent
injury. She is able to sit up for a
time each day but is very weak and
was terribly bruised.
A beautifully appointed dinner was
that given Thursday by Mr. and Mrs.
J. R. Johnson. The guests who par
took of this delicious dinner were 0.
H. Warner and wife, Caroline Hunt,
Mr. and Mrs. Nick Faler and Helen
Brice Dillabaugh had his tonsils
removed on Tuesday of last week by
Dr. Miller. j
Paul Smith and family were enter
tained at a splendid dinner at the Ed
Kunzie home Thursday.
Edward McLelland came up from
Portland to spend Thanksgiving with
his mother. Edward was a graduate
of the local high school last year.
Mr. and Mrs. W. I. Gadwa of Pen
dleton were visitors Thursday at the
Frank Hayse home on their return
trip from Portland. They made the
trip home in a lovely new Buick se
dan. William Gilbreth of The Dalles was
a Boardman visitor Saturday. He was
a resident on the project for several
Mrs. Olive M. Wilson spent the holi
days at the Joe Cannon home at
Miss Flossie Officer went to Hard
man and Heppner and visited fjjiend?
during her vacation.
Recent guents at the Highway Inn
were Andrew Barnhart and son of
Pendleton, C. Wolexter and C. I. Wol
gast of The Dalies, who were up here
with Mr. Gifbreth, M. H. Bourgette of
Seattle, Frank Tuckpr of Kingston,
Ida. Coming from Tampa, Florida,
were Mr. and Mrs. Drutchutt.
On Monday evening the telephone
crew arrived and registered at the
hotel. They are putting new wire
along the main line.
Mrs. E. K. Mulkey underwent a ser
ious operation for the removal of a
tumor on Wednesday, Nov. 25. She
has been at The Dalles hospital for
four weeks. Mr. Mulkey went down to
be with her during her operation. She
is getting along as well as could be
Mike Marshall suffered a painful in
jury last week when he stepped on a
One of the most enjoyable of the
numerous Thanksgiving dinner parties
was the one given by Mr. and Mrs.
Alec Warren at their home in the
West End. The guests were Claude
Myers and family, Mr. and Mrs. 11. H.
Weston and John Brice and family.
Mike Mulligan has taken Nine
heip up to Coyote Springs on the
property owned by John Jenkins.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Nixer enter
tained in their usual pleasing manner
at their Wt End home on Thursday
with Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Thome of
Stalilield, 11. Canon and Mr. and Mrs.
T. E. Hroyles and thildren as guests.
M. L. Morgan and three friends of
Pendleton topped here a short time
enroute to Arlington where they went
goose hunting.
Frank Otto is the newest radio fan.
He has a fine 5-tube "Gold Medal" set
which brings him much pleasure.
Caroline Hunt was a week-end
guest of Irma Broyles.
A beautifully appointed dinner was
that given by Mr. and Mrs. Lee Mead
on Thursday with Ray Brown and
family, Mrs. Frances Kennedy of Wal
la WTalla and C. S. Calkins and family
as guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Shell spent
Thanksgiving at Umatilla at the Mc
Farland home where they had a boun
tiful Thanksgiving feast. The Mc
Farlands brought them home that eve
ning and all attended the grange
dance Thursday night.
Geo. Van Nostern and son Ray and
Mrs. Sam Becks were guests at the
Bailey home for Thanksgiving.
Johnsons have a classy new Fold
which they drove home from Hermis
ton Saturday when they and Mr3. 0.
H. Wrarner were Hermiston visitors.
J. G. Hayse of La Grande arrived
Saturday for a visit at the home of
his son Frank Hayse and family. Vi
neta Weaver of Pendelton spent her
vacation with her sister, Mrs. Hayse.
A delightful family dinner was the
one given by Mr. and Mrs. Paul Part
low Thursday when they had a fine
turkey dinner. Mrs. Partlow, Sr., Mr.
and Mrs. Cruishank and children and
Frank and Bob Partlow were guests.
Mr. and Mrs. Pat Pattee of Condon
spent a week at the home of the lat
ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. B. Ol
son. C. G. Blayden and wife and Carl
Doering of Messner were guests at
the J. F. Gorham home at a turkey
dinner Thursday.
Schuells and Harve Wolfes of Irri-
gon came down Thursday evening for
the movie and dance.
The dates of the movies have been
changed from Thursday night to Tues
day so that the basketball players
might rest on the evenings previous
to their games. Beginning next week
the movies will be held on Tuesday
Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Smith and Mary
of Messner spent their Thanksgiving
at Arlington with Mr. and Mrs. Guy
Bob Bradley visited here from Se
attle with Mr. and Mrs. John L. Jen
kins. Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Beardsley and
F. .C. Forteir were dinner guests at
the A. T. Hereim home on Thursday.
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Carr went to
Pendleton Thursday and returned on
Ray Brown was pleased to have his
parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Brown
of Waitsburg, down for a short visit
on Wednesday. Ernestine and Har
old Tfice came with them.
Nate Macombers spent Thanksgiv
ing at Olex with Albert Macomber and
Wife, driving over Wednesday and re
turning Thursday evening.
Mrs. Omah Carr motored to Hef
rninton Wednesday.
Geo. Mitchell returned from Gol
dcndalc, Wn., where he attended the
funeral of his sister, Mrs. J. Mingus,
who died Friday, Nov. 20. Funeral
services were held at Goldendale Sun
day. Mrs. Mingus left five children,
some of them grown.
Geo. Fetzer and wife of Umatilla
were guests at the Merle Mulkey
home Thanksgiving Day. Mr. Fetzer
is an old friend of Mr. Mulkey, both
being Monmouth boys.
Ray Browns have a new Star tour
ing car.
Richard Dingman suffered a very
painful accident Tuesday of last week
when he broke the middle finger of
his left hand. It was also cut and re
qu:red three stitches to close the
wound and the doctor was compelled
to cut off the nail.
Irigaard Skoubo planned to leave on
Thanksgiving but was unable to make
the necessary connections and will
leave later. He will go to Denmark
to visit relatives and will bring his
wife and two sons home with him.
They have been in Denmark since
early spring.
Tom Miller and family enjoyed a
delicious turkey dinner at the Walter
Knaulf home Thursday.
Chas. Aridregg and I. Skoubo re
lumed from Portland where they
went with a truck load of hogs.
A program was given at the school
house on Wednesday afternoon be
fore Thanksgiving. Songs, recita
tions and some playlets formed the
features of the afternoon. The small
folks were pleasing as they always
The Pacific Telephone & Telegraph
Co. crew has reached Boardman. The
following are registered at the High
way Inn: W. J.Collins, Ray Denton,
J. T. Ensign and wife, P. T. Foley,
Jas. Henderson, E. A. Anderson, G. E.
McAllister, C. C. McFarlane, Glenn
Montgomery, Jas. A. Boyan, C. H.
Rhea, E. T. Yeaton, W. Rowland.
Geo. Agee has returned after sev
eral months' absence.
Miss Ethal Beougher and Miss K.
Malloy entertained the' seniors and
juniors of the high school at a jolly
party on Friday evening at the Do
Drop Inn. Games were played and re
freshments served by the hostesses.
All had a joyous evening.
Arthur Allen and wife and Jesse
Allen were all home from Olex for
Mr. and Mrs. C. S. Wood of Seattle
have been house guests at the W. H.
Mefford home.
John Jenkins and wife entertained
most delightfully on Thursday, hav
ing Leslie Packard and family and
Robt. Bradley of Seattle and Miss
Mamie Hango as guests.
Chas. Dillabaugh leaves shortly far
Portland where he will visit for some
Through the efforts of Mrs. Clyde
Carr a basketball team of Boardman
matrons has been organized and they
have started practice with the high
school girls as their opponents. This
will give the girls some splendid prac
tice and will provide good exercise
for the matrons, particularly any who
may be afflicted with a surplus of em
bonpoint. An incomplete line-up fol
lows: Mesdames, Root, Carr, Ma
comber, Beardsley, Ballenger,' Pack
ard, R. Wilson, Wicklander.
Douglas Fairbanks, Jr., in "Stephen
Steps Out" was the feature of the
film last Thursday and all seemed to
enjoy it. After the movie the Green
field grange gave a dance in the Mur
chie building. A large crowd attend
ed and all enjoyed the affair. Wick
lander's orchestra furnished music.
Mrs. Leo Root entertained fifteen
guests at a chicken dinner Sunday.
Among those present were Mrs. C. S.
Wood and family of Arlington, Wash.,
and Kenneth Kestler and Bill La Pace
of Heppner, 0r.
Cal., November 18. And why not?
asks the state market agent. The sur
prising thing is that farmers have so
long permitted the middle interests
to make what profits that are made on
farm products. No other industry of
power would year after year produce
and sell at about coat and permit oth
ers to resell the products at a sixty
per cent advance. There is, no good
reason on earth, says the market
agent, why producers themselves can
not handle their products all the way
through to the consumer. There is
no good reason why they cannot be
their own middle men. When they
do bring this about the bridge be
tween grower and eater can be ma
terially shortened and both classes be
benefitted. Consumption of all farm
products would greatly increase if
prices to the consumer could be low
eredif many of the unnecessary
middle profits and expenses could be
eliminated. If the farmer could re
tain half of the profits that others
make off his products he could make
money. If the consumer could get
the other half of profits in reduced
prices, there would be greatly in
creased buying. When farmers sol
idly organize to sell their own goods
they will have accomplished much for
themselves. ,
"Regulating" Grain Gambling.
. The newspapers state that the Chi
cago Board of Trade has agreed to
the plans of Secretary of Agriculture
Jardine, and that wheat gambling
will hereafter be restricted. A regu
lation has been adopted that the
board directors may place limit on
how high or low prices may go, and
that "heavy penalties are provided
for anyone buying or selling above
or below the limits set by the direc
tors." State Market Agent Spence
thinks that this is rather of a re
markable proceeding on the part of
the government. "Supposing that a
gambling house in Portlan . would be
given a license to play poker if the
ante was restricted to two-bits, and
if any of the boys went over the limit
they would be penalised. This is
about the substance of the 'regula
tion' put on the Chicago Board of
Trade; as I see it," he says. "Gamb
ling on grain in Chicago is either all
right or all wroug limiting the
stakes doesn't change it."
Fast Growing in Favor.
Reports from growers, inspectors,
county agents and retail merchants
from different sections of the state
are that the potato grading and in
spection law is fast growing in favor
as the people realize its benefits. The
law simply requires an honest pack
and any honest grower or dealer
doesn't want any more. Growers
compelled to grade their stock now
realize what others have gained by-
doing this for them.
Scale. Heights
f il
a l1W7s I "
neorire H. Jones adds his name
to the long list of self-made men
in American Industry. 35 yenrs
ago he was a stenographer. Today
he heads Standard Oil. '
(If iif
rim r.l
A Checking
Account of
Another "Bull" Durham advertise
ment by Will Rosers, Ziealcld Fol
lies and screen star, and leading
American humorist. More coming.
Watch fur them.
To all the friends and neighbors
who so kindly assisted us in every
way by their help and sympathy dur
ing the death and burial of our be
loved son and brother, we extend sin
cerest thanks.
Mrs. Virginia Matteson,
Mrs. Frank Gabler.
Joseph Newton Matteson.
, Edgar A. Matteson,
Walter Lee Matteson.
Thos. J. Hcsn.
Now is the time to
order your
for your winter
Heppner, Lexington, ton
If You Want to
Look Like This
Don't Smoke
You are going to be disappointed
when you look at the face in this
Advertisement." It will be such
a shock fro'm the type of Faces
you always see in Advertisements.
They generally get some Guys
face to use in a Collar or Un
derwear Ad that looks like he
was just born for that Ad. You
never see him in real life or any
thing that ever looked like him.
These "Bull" Durham people .
conceived the idea of something
new. They felt that you were
tired looking at such handsome
faces in Ads, it was so discour
aging to men who looked at them
because they knew they could
never look like these fellows
themselves. So they wanted a
homely face that would be an
inspiration to other homely men,
(because there is a terrible lot of
hard looking Birds among you
readers). So after looking the
World over they picked on me.
I dont smoke "Bull" Durham,
so the Moral is IF YOU WILL
I am .the horrible example of a
man not using it.
P. S. There is going to be another
piece in this paper soon. Look for it.
Guaranteed by 9
111 Fifth Avenue, New York City
To give a checking account just for the sake of giv
ing isn't a good recommondation. The best reason
. for opening a checking account for your wife, and
depositing a gift sum for a starter, is because
a cancelled check is a receipt!
it saves carrying sums of money in the home or purse that
may be lost.
saves running to the bank for money to pay unexpected
sending a check thru the mail is safe! It also saves time
and the price of a money order!
we render accurate monthly statements which keep the
home accounts ni order!
jyiiiimnimm '""""" "" essa.e tnttmimitinimiiimj
First National Bank of Heppner
'.titiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiir;
We are agents for
Oregon City Woolen Mills
Blankets, Indian Robes
Men's and Boys' Suits
Shirts and Blouses
See Our Window
Thomson Brothers