Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 05, 1925, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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The editor of this paper spoke kind
ly to Willis Stewart the other day
and inquired of him why we should
be suffering such a long dry spell,
when rain is sd much needed. We
could not understand why he was not
busy, but he informs ua that he re
signed the position of Heppner's
weather prophet a year or more ago,
leaving that work to Lum Gordon.
The latter gentleman is away in the
country looking after a band of sheep,
so we have no one on the job. ' Willis
seems to think that after serving
faithfully for so many years, he
should be entitled to a rest, besides
there were a lot of people who ap
parently thought he was not doing the
job up right, hence we shall have to
suffer the consequences. . It's a cinch
that someone should get busy and
order a big rain; we need it right
now. The mud snow storm of Tues
day morning helps, but more mois
ture would be welcome.
Arnold Pieper was doing business
in town on Saturday. He thinks that
his family, as well as a number of
their neighbors, were rather badly
stung recently by a picture outfit that
was here taking orders for enlarge
. ments. One bunch came along and
took the orders, securing the con
tracts and then another party made
the deliveries which were not up to
the representations made by the
parties making the first visit, but the
scheme was so cleverly worked that
those accepting the pictures had no
comeback, and they are charging the
cost up to "experience." It is stated
that this outfit is now working over
in the Yakima country.
Hr. and Mrs. John M. Lundy of
Rhea creek were in the city Monday.
They were accompanied by Mrs. M.
E. Cotter, sister of Mrs. Lundy, and
this office acknowledgea a pleasant
visit from the ladies. Mr. and Mrs.
' Lundy have leased their ranch for
the year to Mike Healey of Heppner,
and Mr. Healey is moving out there
with his family this week. Mr. and
Mrs. Lundy expect to spend some time
in Portland, where Mr. Lundy goes to
take medical treatment. They expect
to return to Morrow county later.
J. M. Humphreys, sage of Eight
Mile, was doing business in Heppner
on friday. lor some time past Mr.
Humphreys has been suffering from
rheumatism, brought on, probably, by
his having to follow the harrow too
steadily. Mr. Humphreys says that
some precipitation is in order out
his way; it will help the new grain
that is coming up immensely.-
1. A. Pearson and wife of Lena
were in Echo over the week end and
held a family reunion at the Howard
Pearson home, observing the birth
days of George and Roy Pearson. Of
the eight members of the family all
were present except one daughter,
Ella, who is in Idaho. Mr. and Mrs,
Pearson returned to Lena Tuesday.
Echo News.
C. W. McNamer departed on Satur
day night for- Portland, being called
below by the, death of his brother-in
law, T. A. Ritchie, of Forest Grove,
who passed away at St. Vincents hoS'
pital in Portland late Saturday after
noon, following an illness of short
duration. The funeral services were
held at Forest Grove on Sunday af
George Mead and son J. C. Mead
were visitors in the city Saturday,
They are farming land out north of
Jordan Siding and hava some 250
acres of fall wheat in that is cominf
along very well, considering the ex
tremely dry weather.
Fred Albert, who - ranches in thi
Lena country, was a business visitor
in this city on Friday. We hope that
when the Lena-Vlnaoo gap is com
pletcd the people out that way wi
be more frequent visitors in Heppner.
Mrs. Tony Garland ia enjoying
visit with her relatives and numer
oua friends at Heppner. She is
guest at the home of her uncle and
aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Jones. Mrs,
Garland's home is at Cuprum, Idaho,
. Assessor Wells left for Portland on
Friday last, and this week he is at
Salem attending the meeting of in
state tax commission and looking af
ter other matters pertaining to th
duties of his office.
W. P. Luttrell of Grass Valley spent
several days in this city the psst
week, visiting at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. M. D. Clark and taking In som
of the pheasant shooting before th
close of the season.
Troy Bogard, who recently took
charge of the Claus Johnson ranch in
Demcorat Gulch, was a visitor here
on Saturday. Fall seeding is proced-
ing out that way but moisture i
Mrs. Arthur Kccne and Mrs. Arthur
Campbell were ladies visiting in the
city Saturday from their homes on
Soc a Ridge. Out that way tne iar
mers are now quite busy with the fall
Chuck Boll was here from Pendle
ton Kutunlnv. vinltine at the hom
of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Latourcll. Ho
is working as a mechanic with the
Simpson Auto Co. at Pendleton.
Rev. Albyn Esson was up from Al
bany over Sun'day and held sorvicos
at the Christian church in this city
both mornimr and evening. He re
turned to his home on Mondny.
Emery Gentry and wife were over
from Pcnod ton on Hunaay. m
fjnnfr.rv im enflrnircd in the selling of
Forda In that territory.
Wiley WBtlenburger, prominent
ranchman of the Pine City district,
was doing business in this city on
Saturday. .
n.nro-A Vinson, nioneor resident of
T.lnio nutter eroek. was a visitor I
Heppner on Saturday.
T Trade Ford touring car an
stock for Ford truck. Troy Bognrd,
Eight Mile, Ore,
Lawrence Redding of Eight Mile
received word of the death of. hia
father on Tuesday morning at Long
Beach, Calif. The elder Mr. Redding
had been aick for the past month or
more. He was past 75 years of age.
The remains will be shipped to
Brownington, Mo., the old family
home, for interment, and Lawrence
departed on Tuesday afternoon 'to be
present at the funeral. He expected
to be joined by a brother at Billinga,
Mont., on the way east. -
To the Ladlea of Heppner and
Morrow County: I am the represen
tative of the Spirella Compapvea;
makers of the Spirella Corsets, Gir
dles, Brassieres, Hosiery' and Undea
wear. I have a complete line of sam
ples, and will soon present this fine
line to the ladies. Mrs. Hessis Kin
ney, Corsetiere, Heppner, Ore.
Dwight Misner called at this office
while in the city yesterday looking
after business matters. It is still
dry out his way but the farmers of
the lone country have been busy with
their fall seeding and. hope that rain
will come so in as a boost to the gram
that ia now coming up nicely.
Dean'' T. , Goodman arrived home
Monday evening from The Dalles.
He has been with Mrs. Goodman for
the paBt two weeks, and reports that
she is now well on the way to recov-
ry, though it will be necessary for
her to remain in the hospital for two
three weeks yet.
Ralph Finley spent a few hours in
the city yesterday from his home
down Alpine way. He has finished
s fall seeding and the gram is com
ing along well. So far no moisture
has fallen out that far north and Mr.
inley hopes that it may not be long-
r delayed.
W. P. Mahoney, John Patterson,
Frank Gilliam, W. E.-Pruyn, John
Wightman, Dr. Fred E. Farrior and
Thos. Brennan were members of
Heppner Lodge No. 69, A. F. & A. M.,
who went to Portland on Tuesday to
attend the funeral of the late C. E.
Woodson. .
Henry C. Ross, traveling man of
Portland, spent several days in Hepp
ner this week. While here Mr. Ross
sisted the management of Peoples
Hardware Co. in getting ready for
the ten days sale they are now put
ting on at their store here.
Mrs. James Cypert has been a guest
this week at the home of her daugh
ter, Mrs. Frank Parker in this city.
Mrs. Cypert is spending a couple of
weeks from her home at Tacoma, vis
iting relatives here and at Lexington.
Oscar Keithley states that there
was a small covering oi snow over.
the Eight Mile country early Tuesday
morning. It also rained some out
that way, all of which helps in break
ing the drought.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Howard will
spend the winter at Pullman, Wash.
They expect to leave for that city
the coming week.
Johnnie Hiatt arrived home from
Portland Monday. He spent the past
week in that city.
West Heard From
Death Comes Suddenly
To William H. Moore
Gov. Mrs. Nellie Rosa, Wyom
ing's dynamic leader, made a spec
ial trip to see Pres. Coolidge and
protested granting concessions in
Colorado Rive". Basin giving pri
vate interests . control of water
power. Wyoming and other Basin
State Governors will appear before
Federal Power Commiaaion in pub
lic's interest.
William H. Moore, aged about 60
yeara, died suddenly late Thursday
night lasi at his rooms in the Fair
building over the postoffice. Death
waa caused from heart disease with
which he had been afflicted for some
time. Funeral services were conduct
ed by Doric Lodge No. 20, K. of P., of
which deceased waa a member, at
10 o'clock Monday forenoon, burial
being in Heppner cemetery.
Mr. Moore was a native oi wngnt
county, Mo., and had lived at Hepp
ner and vicinity for many years. He
had no immediatae relatives living
here except a nephew, John Keyes of
Eight Mile. 'His other relatives re
side in Missouri and Texas, these be
ing three brothers and three sisters.
He also leaves a daughter whose pres
ent address is unknown. -
GRANDSTAND TO BE READY. j U 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
University of Oregon, Eugene, Nov. 1
3. With a -seating capacity of 4200,!:
the new grandstand on Hayward field z
will be completed in time for the
Homecoming game between Oregon ,
snd O. A. C. on November 14, th !
building committee has announced.
The cost of the grandstand ia $24,424.
Servicea will be held in All Saints
Episcopal church on Sunday next,
Nov. 8th at 11 o'clock, conducted by
Archdeacon Creasey. Church achool
meets at 9 :4S.
Poultry and dairy ranches for sale;
6, 10, 20 and 40 acre tracts. Prices
right, terms easy. Best place in the
Northwest for egg production and un
limited market arranged. Cows, hens,
hogs, honey, asparagus, early pota
toes and home gardens specialized
yield heavily and bring high cash
prices. Write or come for particu
lars.. E. P. Dodd, Hermiston, Oregon.
The ladies of the Episcopal church
will hold their annual bazaar Tues
day, Dec. 1st, at Bethel chapel. Many
beautiful articles will be on Bale.
Come and do your Christmas shop
ping early.
Mike Sepanek and wife were visit
ors in Heppner yesterday. Mr. Se
panek was interested with numerous
other residents of Alpine in present
ing their road troubles to the county
courts , -
llolt Junior Combine, 18-ft.- cut,
ground power, fine condition. Trade
for good young horses, or milk cows.
Value J600. Dwight Misner, lone, Ore,
FOR SALE Good residence prop
erty in Heppner. Two-story house,
good barn, chicken house, wood shed;
S lots. Terms. See Sam Hughes.
Herb Olden, extensive farmer of
the Fairview section, wsa doing busi-
n in the city yesterday.
Gaiter's Hotel Through srxial ar
nngsment with Th Educational Book Co.,
Y.. this nwDDer now otters iu rma
in Uils inttrastinc feature, "QUIZ", baing
extracts from that book, andoreed by Eu.
ant C. Qlbaar. Director of Extension Ao
tlvltiaa. New fork Board of Education.
Thau pusalea will be round lnteiiaouau as
wau a Instruct!
Puzzle No. 1
1 1XC6 W8
At a Hallowe'en party, three
lumnkins were brought in, num
ered as the ones shown above.
The largest pumpkin was offered
as a prize to the Boy wno couid
arrange the pumpkins in a row so
they formed a number of three flsr-
ures that could be divided by
eleven. How did the winner ar
range the pumpkins T
Puzsle No. 2
Fill in the missing space with
the proper latter, making a three
letter word to meat the require
ments. When rightly guessed, the
central letters reading down, will
spell the name of a President of
the United States. You certainly
should not have much trouble with
this puzsle. Time allowed three
Construction work on the Umatilla
connty end of the Lena-Vinson gap
on the Oregon-Washington highway
will begin within the next ten days
said Judge Schannep, according to
Mondav's East Oregonion. The con
tract was awarded to Logan brothers,
and plans are already being made to
get the equipment on the job. Lamp
for" the job will be made about one
mile above the Donald Rosa place,
The work is of such a nature that it
can co forward during the winter
Alfalfa hay and winter and early
sDrinz range for sale. Address J. W.
Messner, Hermiston, Oregon.
Good winter apples r ow ready. De
liveries from orchard, xZ per sacs:.
F. Burroughs, lone, Oregon.
Notice is hereby given that the un
dcrsigned, by virtue of the statutes
of the State of Oregon, has taken up
the hereinafter described animal, run
ning at large on his place in Morrrow
County. Oregon, and that he will on
Saturday, November 21st, 1925, at the
hour of 10:00 oclock A. M. of said
day, at his place 11 miles southeast
of Heppner on Willow creek in said
Morrow County, sell to the, highest
bidder for cash in hand, the follow.
ine described animal:
One black horse, 6 or 7 years old,
weight 1000 lbs, star in forehead.
branded with hat and swastika under
it on right stifla and 7PX on left
stifle; unless the same shall have
been redeemed by the owner or own.
ers thereof. JAMES L. KIRK.
Corn, Mill Feed, Egg Mash and Baled Hay
Ask for Princess Flour you'll like it.
Brown Warehouse Co.
Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Sweek departed!
Mr. Sweek was called by the very
serious illness of his partner, C. E.
WANTED To rent ranch in Morrow
county; prefer near Heppner. Laur
ence E. Reaney, Lexington, Oregon.
For Sale 100 sacks forty fold seed
wheat; also 3 Lincoln bucks. Alex
Green, at ranch, Eight Mile.
leave at this office.
Pair ladies suede gauntlet
size No. 6. Finder please
Cold Weather
Have you bought your winter clothing?
If not look over the following suggestions
and prices
UNDERWEAR . . .$2.00 to $6.00
(Warm and Serviceable)
WOOL SHIRTS, ....$3.00 to $6.00
(Standard Brands)
The Popular
with knit bottom, Regular weights, extra
good quality
$4.50 to $7.50
Extra heavy weights, fine quality wool
$8.00 to $9.50
A Few Leather Coats, Less Than Cost
David A. Wilson
A Man's Store for Men
A performance
An animal
A measurement
A totality
A title
A poem
Number of yeara
A berth
Pnsale No. J
An Arab died and he left his
seventeen camels to be divided
among hia three sons, so that the
eldest had half of them, the next
had one third, and the youngest
had one ninth of them.
Think it over.
f e-
Solutions will b pablUhfld ncit week.
The flrst Are solutions raeslrtd to sach set
of pussies will raealva Un ornrtlts i when
suae winner has obtained 100 cmllta ht
will be sntltUd to a "QUIZ CLUB" button
or pin. (00 eradlts will ntllla the winnei
to twelve an attrartlvi tirlwt snd rIm
have his nasoe printed on the honor roll.
Reduced Prices on
Single Barrel $8.00
' 3 Barrels or More $7.75 per Barrel.
Lexington Farmers Whse.
Lewis Store, Lexington
tral Manager
Another "Bull Durham advet
tUement by Will Roger., Zieg-
feid hollies Kid ccreen star, ana
leading American humorist
More coming. Watch for them.
Who Won
the War?
England and France, smoking
ready made Cigarettes fought two
and a half years and couldn't make
the first down on Germany. Ger
many smoking old tow lines off
Ships, Sawdust, Cabbage leaves,
Horse Blankets, and second hand
Gun Powder couldn't make the
grade. But when Americans arrived
with no equipment and no training,
but plenty "Bull" Durham, and
Nerve to burq it with, in Two
weeks the French were trading
Legion of Honor Medals for a
sack of "Bull." One sack was
worth two quarts of Iron Crosses.
Englishmen have even been known
f ...
to saenhee tneir afternoon tea lor
a puff of "Bull" Durham. Even
after the war an American private,
occupyirg the Ruhr, went into a
German Restaurant and asked for
a glass of Milk. He couldn't make
the Waiter understand so he drew
the Picture of a Cow, and a Milk
Pail. The Waiter immediately
returned with a Bucket of Beer
and a Sack of "Bull" Durham
Tobacco. That Private was a better
Artist than he thought he was.
V $1.00
lit, A cf?&
P. S. There will be another piece
here two weeks from now. Look
for it.
Guaranteed by
111 Fifth Avenue, New York City
Quality Brand Merchandise
Unconditionally Guaranteed Satisfactory
Opening Sale Saturday, Nov. 7 at 10 A.M.
36 stainless steel paring -knives free to the first 36 ladies
buying one dollar's worth of Quality Brand Aluminum.
Hours of sale, between ten and twelve noon, or while special
priced stock lasts.
Nothing wrapped or delivered. Positively Cash Only. Watch
these columns for further information.
Case Furniture Co.
The Store With Many Homefurnsihing Lines
Such Bargains in DRY" GOODS and GRO
CERIES as Heppner hasn't seen in
many a day at our
Closing Out Sale
Holproof Hosiery
Formerly $2, $2.50 and $3
Now selling for
$1.00 the pail
Some Latest Numbers at $1.50
Newest shades and weaves
Best Cane Sugar $6.65 sk.
Phone 962
Heppner, Ore.