Heppner gazette-times. (Heppner, Or.) 1925-current, November 05, 1925, Image 1

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Volume 42, Number 32.
Subscription $2.00 a Year
Prominent Heppner Law
yer Died in Portland
On Monday.
Wu Member of University Board of
Regents, a Former Representative
and Prominent In Local Affairs
C. E. Woodson, prominent citizen
of Heppner and a leading attorney
here for many years, answered death's
call at St. Vincent's hospital in Fort
land on Monday evening at 7:20, fol
lowing an Illness of something over a
year, but which did not take a really
serious turn until within the last few
months. Death was the result of in
ternal complications arising out of
the general breakdown in his health
during the past year.
Mr. Woodson had been a resident
of Heppner for nearly twenty-five
years, coming here as a young man
shortly following his graduation as
a lawyer at. the University of Ore
gon. During all the years of his res-
Idence in this city he had enjoyed a
splendid law practice and was quite
successful in business affairs. He
was prominent in all matters pertain
ing to the welfare of the community
and stood high as a cititen. At the
time of his death, Mr. Woodson was
one of the regents of the University
of Oregon, an institution that was
always his pride and for which he
gave much time and attention in all
its affairs. He was also a member of
the board of education of this city,
and had served many years as a di
rector and clerk of the district at
various times.
Mr. Woodson was weH known over
the state, and especially through the
Eastern Oregon section. He served
in the legislative assembly of 1921 as
Joint representative of Morrow and
Umatilla counties and was accredited
with being one of the very hardest
workers in that body, being at the
head of the judiciary committee In
the house. It is stated that the hard
work Mr. Woodson did at this session
of the legislature was in a large
measure responsible for his break
down In health, for since that time his
friends noted a decline which he ap
peared unabl eto overcome, htough
there was never any complaint on his
The appointment of Mr. Woodson
as one of the regents of the Univer
sity was made by Governor Olcott,
and he served faithfully in that po
sition, helping greatly In the shaping
of the policies that have brought the
university to the front in recent
years. A number of years ago he
formed a partnership in the law bus
iness here with Calvin I.. Sweek, and
the law firm of Woodson 4 Sweek has
continued since with an ever increas
intr clientile.
Mrs. Ida I). WodBOn, the widow, and
two daughters, Margaret and Bornlco,
survive. The latter are students at
the University of Oregon. Funeral
services were held at the Finley chap
cl In Portland on Wednesday fore
noon, with commitment services at
the Portland crcamntorium following.
A number of the friends of Mr. Wood
son from this city wore present at
the funeral.
Wo hope to give a more extended
obituary in our next Issue.
Lexington and lone
Play to 6 to 6 Tie
A fnat football game was played
between Lexington and lone high
school on tho Lexington gridiron
last Saturday afternoon, in which
neither team wns able to emerge the
victor. In the first half it looked
like Lexington's game, they kept the
bail in lone territory moot of the
time and bad the long end of the
score at mid-game, 6-0, Jn the sec
ond half, however, lone cam back
with ft series of line bucks whloh
carried the ball across, and from
then on the game was Hp and tuck,
Neither side kicked goal, according
to the referee's decision, Both teams
showed signs fo good coaching and
few bobbles were made.
Next Saturday the fast, light lone
team will come to Heppner and from
the atuff they showed at Lexington
they ought to make things interest
ing for the locals.
mi i
"Hold That Line, Jimmy" Will Be
Presented by Local Students
at Star Next Monday.
Something especially good in the
way of comedy is promised for next
Monday afternoon and evening when
the senior class of the high schoul
will present "Hold That Line, Jimmy,'"
a modern farce in three acts, each of
which is funnier than the preceding
one, at the Star theater here.
The plot, which is distinctly dif
ferent and clever, deals with the
complications which 'arise from the
circumstance of having an extreme
ly unaggressive president at the head
of an equally aggressive college. How
this president, Jimmy Graham, as
played by Jim Thomson, changes his
ideas and tactics and becomes quite
in keeping with the spirit tf the
school is what makes the play inter
esting. That is, it's one of the things
that make it interesting. There are
several, not the least of which is the
work of Margaret Prophet as Ara
bella Washington, oeok of the col
lege, who attempts to cure the "in
feloctty zootex" of the president and
at the same time to convince the
world at large that football is a
gambling device of the deepest dye.
Arabella is irrestible, and her part
alone will be worth traveling a long
way to see.
Other members of the cast, all of
whom play their roles well, are Crock
et Sprouls, as Jerry Travis, a friend
of Graham's and very different from
him in temperment; Nellie Babcock
as .Shirley Allen, niece pf Jasper AU
len, president of the school board;
John Turner as Allen himself; Earl
Merritt as Chubby, captain of the
football team whose whole world re-.
; volves around the energetic Marjie,
; played by Velma Fell; and Flossie,
: the champion candy-consumer of the
; nchool, portrayed by Irene Lovgren.
! Almost all of these have appeared be
: fore in high school theatricals in
! which they have done very good work,
i Coaching of the play has been in
i the hands of Mr. Smith and Miss
I Denn, who have been training the
members of the cast for several
The matinee will be at 2:30 and the
evening performance is scheduled to
start at 8 o'clock. The high school
orhcestra will give selection before
the play as well -as between acts. In
addition there will probably be a fea
ture number.
Good Figures Are Obtained, and
Work is Expected to Begin
At Portland on the 28th, the state
highway commission awarded the
contracts for the completion of the
grading of the Lenn-Vinson gap in
the Oregon-Washington highway. The
entire distance to be graded is 15.1
miles and the contracts let in two
units. Unit number 1 to John Hamp
shire of Grants Pass, for $84,460, in
Morrow county, and unit number two
to Philbrick and Nicholson of Ta-
coma, their bid being $31,809.40. It
is understood that there was some
clow competition in the bidding.
From what we have been able to
learn, preparations to begin the work
promptly are now being made, and
that within thirty days required by
the terms of the contract, astual con
structlon work will be under way and
the grading completed by late sum
mer of ll'zK. work has progressed
nicely in securing of the right-of-way
by the Morrow county court, and
little difficulty is anticipated In this
Books, Good and Bad
Subject P.T.A. Meet
A subject of much Interest will be
up for discussion at the next regular
meeting of the Patron-Teacher asso
ciation at the high school auditorium
on Tuesday afternoon at 3 o clock.
The question of good books, bad
books' and clean magailnes will be
prominent on the program, and there
should be a large attendance present
to get the benefit of tho presentation
of this Important matter,
The program as outlined for this
meeting follows!
Music Piano solo, Margaret Notson
The 4th grade will present a sketch,
"Of tho Making of Books There la
No Endj Both Good and Had," pre
sented by Mrs, Brnmer, followed by
3 mlmito discussion by Mis, r, K
Drown and Prof. Smith,
"Wherein Shall Our Schools Have a
Hetter Library; How Should Wo
Mnke Use of State Library," Supt,
"How Shall We Eneourngo Our Local
Book Dealers to Curry Wholesome
Hooks," Mrs, Boamor,
"How Spcui'O the Elimination of Vic-
iuoa Magaalnes From Our Ncwa
Stands," Mrs, McDuffoe,
"Report of Stnlo Convention on Na
tional Bettocr Book Weik," Mrs,
MRS, BEAMEU, Chairman pro tern.
Johnnie Mclntiie, Skinner creek
stockman, is not well pleased with
weather conditions. The all has
been too dry for sheep to prosper and
the range will not likely improve this
late in the season. Mr. Mclntire was
for many months during the past
year a sick man but is now greatly
improved and will soon be restored to
his former good health.
Ir. and Mrs. C. H,' Bartholomew
were Pine City folks in the city on
Wednesday. They were interested in
the proceedings before the county
court during the discussion of road
matters pertaining to their part of
the county, Wednesday afternoon.
Miss Sara Kilkenny, daugutoi of
John Kilkenny of Hinton creek, who
was recently operated on at St. Vin
cent's hospital in Portland, is re
ported to be getting along nicely.
Miss Kilkenny has been in the hos
pital for some time.
Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Helms left on ;
Thursday of the past week for a
atay in Portland. , i
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. U. Damson ol i
Boise, Idaho, were visitors at Turn- I
A-Lum yard on Thursday last.
Sunday afternoon a large crowd ;
from Lexington and surrounding
towns witnessed the football game
on thd local field between Lexing-ton
town team and Athena town team. ;
Coach Adams of lone was referee.
It proved a hard fought game, the
teams bemt evenly matched, sev
eral time-out periods were called for
players on each side and no score
was made by either team. Lexington
will play Athena a return game on
Athena's field next Sunday.
R. A. Thompson of Heppner was at
visitor at Gerald White's chicken
farm last week.
On Friday evening last the ladies
of the Congregational church grave a
moat pleasing Hallowe'en entertain
ment. From six until eight o'clock
supper was served In the basement
rooms of the parsonage. Hero a large
number of guests interchanged cour
tesies for an hour or so over their
tea-cups and later, in the handsomely
decorated parsonage living rooms en
joyed an evening of genuine Hallow
e'en merriment.
W. L. La Duslre, Chrysler dealer
of Heppner, brought Mrs. Turner to
her school duties in Lexington on
Wednesday. . Mrs. Turner was unable
to start her car.
Lexington grammar school team
played Ione's football team Saturday
morning on Lexington field and won
by a score of 20 to 7. Russell Wright
was referee. Ione's team showed
good players but lacked tho strength
of Lexington. Two of Ione's men,
Dan Head and Johnnie Eubanks, met
with injuries. However, they are not
considered serious. Bert Morey made
a 97-yard run for Lexington and
with Laurel Rhul shared honors as
a star player,
Chas. Burchell, former Lexington
rancher, is here from Corvallis for a
visit at the home of his brother, Ed
Lawrence McAllister of Starbuck.
Wash., visited his cousins, Ray and
Harvey McAllister during the past
week. "
On Friday evening at Lexington
g5'mnasium the three upper high
school classes entertained the fresh
man class, faculty, board of educa
tion and their wives at a delightful
Hallowe'en party. During the eve
ning the young freshmen were in
itiated by upper classmen, which was
followed by a general celebration by
all, and enjoyable refreshments.
On Saturday evening at the Christ-
inn church parsomige, Rev. and Mrs.
Wallace Jones entertained a number
of their friends at a delightful par
ty. The living rooms with their Hnl-
lowe'en decorations, loaned an at
mosphere of mystery to the occasion
while Rev. and Mrs, Jones In pleasing
style led the guests through series
of unique entertainments. Dainty re
freshments were served at a late hour
and when the guests said goodnight
they felt that only good witches are
(Continued on Page Six)
Lexington Town Team
Holds Touted Athenans
A rather slow game of football was
that lost Sunday afternoon at Lex
ington In which neither Lexington
town team nor Athena town team
were able to score, though on a few
occasions considerable signs of bril
liancy were shown. Athena came to
Lexington believing themselves good
enough to tackle Whitman college,
with whom they ar trying to arrange
a game, and consequently had the
Morrow county lads pretty muoh wor
ried. However, at no time during
the game wns Lexington incapable of
coping with the Umatilla team, as
they seemingly held them at will,
Outntnnding for Lexington was the
line plunging of Paul Nichols, full
back, former Lexington high school
star, who went through the lines on
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Armistice Day
Tribute to America's world-war
dead ia solemn ceremonies wlU mark
Armistice Day NoTember H thru
out the land. Upper Flowers, the
perfect tribute; center, Secretary of
War, Davis; President Coolidge and
Secretary of Navy Wilbar at grave
of unknown soldier at Arlington, W.
V a. cemetery. Lower Guard at
flower-bank crypt of War-President
Wilson- at St. Albans Cathedral.
Locals Clean Boardman;
Sophomores Get Pennant
Heppner won an easy victory from
Boardman last Friday in the annual
Heppner-Boardman football contest,.
The score was 39-0 in Heppner's fa
vor. Nine ears of players and rooters
made the trip to Boardman for the
game, although second at ting men
made up most of the personnel of
the Heppner team. One of the play
ers on the opposing side sustained
an injury to his foot.
A gay new orange and white pen
nant, the property , of tho sophomore
class, now adorns the assembly room
wall. It replaces the small green one
that has so far represented the class
because of the defeat in last year's
pennant scrap.
With the close of the football sea
son approaching, Heppner high has
three more games to play. The first
of these will be fought on Gentry
field at 2:30 Saturday, against the
Iono team. Armistice day Heppner
and Lexington will clash at Lexing
ton and the final game will be with
Wasco Thanksgiving day at Wasco.
In respect to tho memory of Hon.
C. E. Woodson, for many years a
member of the Heppner school board
and always a loyal worker in the in
terests of the school, there were no
classes on Wednesday.
Stereopticon slides from the Uni
versity of Oregon Kxtension division
were shown to the biology and geo
graphy classes last week. Forms of
life, glaciers and volcanoes were
some of the subjects depicted by the
With the date for the presenta
tion very near, members of the cast
of the senior play, "Hold That Line,
Jimmy," have been working on it
at every available time. There is a
rehearsal each evening in addition
to those arranged at other hours.
The Willing Workers of the Chris
tian church are preparing to hold
their annual bunzar and sale of use
ful articles of sewing and fancy
work, and the date set is Saturday
December (Hit, at tho church parlors.
several occasions for from five to ten
yards, in a game where line plunges
never netted many gains, Russell
Wright and Louie AUyn, backs, and
Gerald While, end, showed up strong
on the Lexington defensive,
A large crowd of Heppner and lone
fans witnessed the game.
Arthur Erwin, who farms ex ten-1
lively in the Jordan Butte section,
was doing business here today. Like
many of his neighbors, Mr. Erwin
would be pleased to see some good
rains come right now. His grain is
up well but begins to need moisture
to keep it growing.
District Attorney 8. E. Not con went
to Portland on Tuesday to be p.-esent
at the funeral services for the late
C. E. Woodson, held ,n that city on
K. L. Beach of Lexington present
ed the claims of his city for an ex
tension of the Lexington-Jarmon
market road before the meeting of
the county court on Wednesday af
ternoon. Mrs. Percy Jarmon. Clyde G. Wright
and C. H. Erwin are sitting with the
county court today and helping with
the making of the budget for the com
ing year. t .
Mr. and Mrs. Charley Shnver of
lone are visitors here today. Mr.
Shaver follows the business of well
boring in his part of the county and
numerous good wells scattered over
the farms of the north end are the
result of his labois of the past sev
eral years.
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Dobyns of lone
were visitors in this city on Monday.
These newlyweds are now located on
the Herbert Olden ranch in Fairview.
Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Crawford ar
rived from Portland last evening.
They wiil visit with relatives in this
city for n short time before Mr.
Crawford returns to hia work in the
Ed Neill, sheepman of Butter creek,
was a visitor in this city on Tuesday.
Attention is called to the raise in
prices of flour by Brown Warehouse
Co. In their advertisement on an
other page Quotations are $8.00 per
single barrel; 3-barrel lots or more,
$7.75. These prices should be for
single barrel, $8.80; 3 barrels or more,
J.8.60 per barrel.
WANTED To pasture about 60
head of good horses for winter. Will
feed when necessary. O. T. Fergu
son & Son, Heppner.
Orchard pick apples, Rome Beauty
and Winter Banana, $1.25 per sack.
See G. M. Anderson.
Oliver. Born in October.
was born in the town of Rumley
on a vile October day in 1890.
Rumley people were divided in their
excitement over this event and the
arrival of a band of gypsies, camped
on the edge of the swamp below the
Baxter house,
Oliver's parents were prominent in
tho commercial, social and spiritual
life of the town. His father was the
proprietor of the hardware store and
a prominent member of the Presby
terian church, and a leader in the lo
cal lodge of Odd Fellows. His moth
er, Mary Baxter, a comely, capable
young woman, was beloved by all. No
finer "youngun" than Oliver October
had ever been born, according to Mrs.
Serepta Grimes, and Seropta ws on
authority on babies. It was she who
took command of Oliver, his mother
and his father, the house tiself, and
all that therein was. j
As the story of Oliver October real-1
ly begins at seven o'clock in the eve
ning of his birthday, we will open the
narrative with Mr. Joseph Sikes, Mr.
Baxter's old and trusted friend, ho
vering in solitary gloom over the base
burner in the sitting room of Baxter's
house. He was interrupted in his
gloomy meditations by the slamming
of the kitchen door.v is brow grew
dark. This was no time to be slam
ming doors.
Rushing to open the door, he was
confronted by a pair of total strang
ers a tall man with short black
whiskers and a frail little woman with
red, wind-smitten checks.
"I am Oliver Baxter's sister," an
nounced the woman, "and this is my
husband, Mr. Ciooch. We drove all
the way over here from Hopkinsville
to take charge of things for my
"Well, I guess if you are his sister
you'd better come into tho sitting
room and take your things off, said
Mr. Sikes, lending the way.
Mrs. Gooch, having divosted herself
of coat, scarf, bonnet and overshoes,
straightened her hair before the look
ing glass, while her husband surveyed
the room with the disdainful air of
one used to much better things.
Gooch typified prospcity of the
meaner kind. Over in Hopkinsville he
was considered the richest and the
stingiest man in town. He was what
is commonly died a "tax shark," de
riving a lucrative and obnoxious in-
Rebekahs of District No. 20, Com
prising Lodges of County,
s Plan Inspiring Time.
A convention of the Rebekah lodges
of Morrow county, comprising Hard
man, Morgan, lone, Lexington and
Heppner, will meet in Heppner on
Saturday afternoon, November 7, at
1:30 at I. O. O. F. hall, with San
Souci lodge No. 33 acting as hostess.
The lodges of this county form Dv
trict No. 20, and it is expected that
the Various points will be well rep
resented. . Dora N. Sexton of The Dalles, vice
president of the Rebekah Assembly
of Oregon, will be a guest of honor
on this occasion, and will be cn in
spiration to the gathering. A ban
quet is scheduled to be served at 6
o'clock in the evening, and this fea
ture will be one of the enjoyable
items on the program.
The following program will be giv
en: 1. Music by McMillan orchestra.
2. AddreBs, Rev. W. W. Head of lone.
3. Reading Mrs. Rogtr Morse.
4. Vocal Solo Mrs. Helen Walker.
5. Reading Beth Bleakman.
6. Piano Solo, Miss Helen Fredericson
The members of San Souci lodge
are requested to be present at the-j
regular meeting on Friday evening,
the 6th, as at this time matters per
taining to the district convention will
be discussed and final arrangements
made for the entertainment of the
guests. Mis. Sexton will also be pre
sent at this meeting, and the mem
bers should be there to welcome her.
Legion Boys Sponsor
Armistice Day Dance
Heppner Post No. 87, American Le
gion, will sponsor a big Armistice
Day dance at the Fair pavilion Arm
istice night, according to plans laid
at the Legion meeting Tuesday eve
ning. No preparations were made for
an Armistice Day program, it being
decided time did not allow for ade
quate preparation.
The Armistice dance will be a
straight $1 mix, and the Legion boys
extend an hearty invitation to the
public, promising the usual good time
for which their dances are noted. At
the present time the legion 6nances
are nil, it ia stated, and the proceeds
of this dance will b applied toward
the post's annual local Christmas
cheer fund which has been a feature
of its activities for the last three
Dr. A. H. Johnston reports the
birth of an 8-lb. son to Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Raef of Blackhorse at the ma
ternity home of Mrs. Aiken in this
city on Tuesday, November 3rd.
come through his practice of buying
up real estate at tax sales and holding
it until it was redeemed by the hard
pressed owner, or, as it happened in
many instances, acquired the prop
erty under a provsiion of the state
law then in poeration, whereby after
a prescribed lapse of time he was en
abled to secure a tax deed in his own
name. No one, not even his fellow
church members, had ever been known
to get the better of him.
"1 shall take charge here," Mrs.
Gooch announced to Mr. Sikes. "Is
this the way upstairs?"
Mr. Sikes nodded. "But if I was
you," he said, "I'd ask Serepty
lirimes before I took charge here."
"I will soon get rid of Mrs. Grimes,
said she, tossing her head.
As she started to leave the room,
a loud knocking at the front door rose
above the howl of the wind. Sikes,
resuming his office as master of cere
monies, pushed his way past Mrs.
Gooch and opened the door to admit
a woman and two men. Tho first to
enter the sitting room was a tall man
wearing a thin black overcoat and
high silk hat. This was Rev. Herbert
Sage, pastor of the Presbyterian
church of Rumley. The lady was his
The other member ,of the trio, a
fat, red-faced, jolly looking man of
indeterminate age, was Silas Link, the
undertaker, upholsterer and delivery
man of Rumley.
"Reverend" Sage was a good-looking
young man of thirty, threadbare
and a trifle wan, with kindly brown
eyes set deep under a broad, intel
lectual brow. His wife was, surpris
ingly enough, a handsome, dashing
young woman. She was tall, willowy
and startling. She wore a sealskin
coat at least it looked like seal
with sleeves that ballooned grandly
at the shoulders; rather stunning
coral earrings made up of graduated
globes and a slinky satin skirt of
"Good evening, Mr. Sikes," she
drawled, as she scuffled past him into
the sitting room. "Nice, balmy
weather to be born in, isn't it?"
Mr. Sikes, taken unawares, forgot
himself so far as to wink at the par
son, and hen, in some confusion
stammered: "St-step right in, Mrs.
Snge and hiivo a chnir. Let me make
you acquainted with Oliver's sister,
from Hopkinsville, Mrs. Gooch. Mr.
Link, Mrs. Gooch. And this is Oliver's
(Continued on Pair, Three)
By Arthur Brisbane
No More Obey.
No, to Atheism.
Russia Thinking.
Bear Tooth Necklace.
The Protestant Episcopal Church
House of Bishops definitely removes
obey" from the marriage ceremony.
Many marriedjadies had already re
moved it from the routine of daily
life, common sense telling them that
if marriage is not an equal partner
ship, it isn't much.
The old idea about women is dying
out not too soon. British husbands
no longer are allowed by law to beat
their wives with a stick "no thicker
than the thumb." The French nn- 1
written law gave fathers authority
over their children, according to Wes
termarck on the theory that the child
was the property of the mother, and
the mother was the property of the
The Moors, according to the same
Westermarck (see "Origin and De
velopment of Moral Ideas"), believed
that old men became saints and old
women witches.
Breach of promise cases prove that
old men become foolish android wo
men have to be very patient.
In New Tork City, a group of fool
ish young men seek to charter a cor
poration to encourage atheism, and
"destroy the power of church and
Quite a programme, but the judge
wouldn't let it go through.
In Russia, on the other hand, a
delegation of orthodox priests and
bishops begged the Government "for
an equal civil status with citizens of
the Soviet State."
The priests asked he right to Dub-
lish religious literature and have for
their children (priests of the Greek
Church marry) the same education
as is given to the children of the peas
ants. I he Russian Government said
Russian women also show intelli
gence fighting an atetmpt to reduce
the marriage age for girls below six
teen, declaring that a girl at sixteen
is "only a baby." She is more than
that, but it is foolish to let her mar
ry younger than sixteen. The right
law would be no raarrige under twen
The mother gives to the child
health, strength, plus moral charac
ter, and many other good qualities.
She should wait until strength and
health are fully developed.
A man contributes to the child
character and intelligence, if he has
any. He should wait until both are
fully developed, say until thirty
among the mentally poorer sort; fif
ty as Plato suggested among the
really intelligent.
At Eyiies, in France, has been
found, made of teeth from the cave
bear, a necklace 25,000 years old. Pas
sion for adornment is aa strong as it
ever was. Twenty-five thousand years
ago cave women pulled teeth from a
dead bear to hang something shiny
round their necks. Now pearl divers
go "all naked to the hungry sharks"
to bring up more expensive necklaces.
An estimable lady, just dead in
New York state, leaves a collection
of jewelry worth literally millions of
dollars. It couldn't make her look a
day younger or any more beautiful.
But, as with the lady that owned the
cave bear teeth necklace, the "urge"
was there.
Scientists investigating the alleged
transmutation of mercury into gold
by a German chemist say the thing
has not been done.
Gold basis of currency will not be
threatened until some genius finds a
way to extract gold from the waters
of the ocean as they roll through the
English Channel, or out of the Bay
of Fundy.
Every ton of sea water contains
fifty milligrams of gold. Not much,
from a ton, but a good deal if you
could get it all. There are on earth
about one quintiilion three hundred
and eighty quadrillion tons of sea
water, containing about sixty-nine
trillion tons of gold. Or one hundred
and one thousand two hundred pounds
of solid gold for each of the one bil
lion five hundred million men, women
and children on earth.
If each of us owned nothing but
his share of gold that is in the oceans
he would be worth (13,000.000, How
ever, if any man asks you to invest
in a plan to get gold from the ocean,
arrest him.
The people of Heppner are invited
to the services at this church on
onch returning Lord's Day. We are
here on business for the King. Cul
tivation of the spiritual nature Is a
public service appreciated by our na
tional leaders.
You are invited to a pleasant audi
torium, a cordial greeting, gospel in
struction and a Christian career.
ALBYN ESSON. Minister.
HEMSTITCHING done at the Cur
ran Hut Shoppe; also a nice line of
art goods. ,