v3 . t OR MEH ONLY! 'or LUbXorFALLiJVli JRL&riHOOD; (GeaerklandKEKVOUB DEEXLII Y: 4aU ! 'tHOOI) fnlrr HMtarMl. Ifnw t mIih. .fyl ii. tUfj fro Mi BtfttM Fanln tvontrlta. If rtt Ik?. WkMiripU RoektijiUuaUua ftrucfb mailed (MaUd)frM Mil RIKUIbAfe bUn HUrfALUflUf. FRAZER AXLE GREASE BEST IX THE WORLD. -te we.rloa qualities are unsurpassed, actually e-itlastiag two boxes of any other brand. Not ffjctd by host. uriiV.T Til E it. LIME. FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY. lfr IP YOU WISH A COOO REVOLVER ploWE SMITH & WESSON'S finest mall ruumifarture4l Bati fcrul the nrsteii,.tnf all Jt'jerta. lu Ottilljrttri Hi, . nd 44-1MJ. Siiufle or j-j bie aotlon. Safety Ham merutu and Target mock-In. Maat quality wrought teel. carefully ins nested Tr workmanship and stock. TJiirl aled for fialah. dnrabtlltr and accurarT. Do unt be dewivtdl hy cheap malleable irm imitations often aold for the genuine article- They are tin re liable a ad ttanKerou. The Smith ft wesson Kr ToLVxaa are Lamped upon the harrela with firm'a Umrie, addreHR anudateuof patents, and are guar a u teed yrfrt. Innlnt upon having them, and If our dealer cannot supply you, an order Ment to ad dreMS below will rexwtve prompt attention. Ueftcriy Uv catalogue and prices upon application. ttMlTU tfc WKShllN, irins;field, aiasa. ARTHUR SMITH, .PKACT1CAX. WATCHMAKER ! CJ"I ' Next to First National Bank, HEPPNER. : : OKEGON. Watches, A Optical Clocks, J) Goods . Watches Cleaned, - - 1.50. Mainsprings Fitted . - . . 81.50. All work guaranteed for one year, tf PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH A.T Heppner, Oregon J. C. HART, - Agent. THE 1"1(). IvIC W Jewelry EstaMisH :-03P- Btill Continuefl to Sell WATCHES, - - OIjOOKS , JBWBIiHT, ETC. At the Lowest Possible Prioes. A large stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always on Handrr A Full Line of 3VIXTIO.Ij INSTHT7' Has been added to his large and well eeleoted stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL 8TOKE opposite Minor, Dodson 4 Co"s May St. Ileppeur, - -tf- Oreeon -THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. Overland Route." ii TICKETS To all Principal Points in the United States. Canada and Europe. ELEGANT NEW DINING CARSs Pullman Palace Sleepers. FREE COLONIST SLEEPING CARS Run Through on all Express Trains to eOMAHA.e Comiell J 5 luffs AND KANSAS CITY Without Change. Close Connection at Portland for San Francisco and Puget Sound Points. ALL IRON STEAJ1ERS Leave Portland for San Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip in 60 hours. Cabin, $16- Steerage 9-i.OO Round Trip Unlimited, $30,00. For further particulars inquire of any agent of the company. T. W. LEE, S. C. MELLIX. G. P fc T. A. General Traffic Manager, tf. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijind Office. t La Grande. Or.. June 5. '90. Notice is hereby jriven that the followinK-named settier has filed notice of his intention to make poof in support of his claim, and that aid proof will be made bef ire the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on July ai.lbW. Ti: James McMelrin, It. 8. No. 8675 for the NE SWH JiEfc aSENWiSectfTpSSR 3E. He names the following witnesses to prove his eonrinuous residence upo". and cultivation of. said land. Tie: liilea H. Daugherty. Wm. H. Pearson, W. B. Daogherty and James Daugaerly. all of Lena, Morrow Co., Or. . Hekbt Rinkhart Besister. I i California; Oregon andj IDAHO ' STAGE COMPANY. i J. B. Keeoey, 8upt. Daily stjiKe to ai:d from Monument. Smtf loaves Heppner at b:3u A, M. Arrives, 5::J4J P. 31. Pendleton Stage leaves Heppner 6:30 A. M. arrives " 4:30 P. M. Fare to Monument, - - 85 00 Fare to Pendleton, - 81.00. E. J. SL.OCUM & CO., Aoexts. Freight 2 eeutB per pound. Heppner, Ogn S. P. FLORENCE STOCKRAISER! HKPPNKU OKEGON. Cattle branded and ear-marked as shown above. Horties K on right shoulder. Our cattle range in Morrow, and Dmatilla counties. 1 will oav 8100.00 reward for the arrest and conviction of any person stealing uiy stock. To cure BilionsnC33, Sink Hcidache, Consti pation. Malarin, Liver Complaints, take the safe a?id certain remeOy, Fe tbe RWAM. SEse (40lHtle BeanBtothe bttle). '1 'HKY AKB THE MOST CONVENIENT. Suiiahlo ior 11 Price of eittier Hix One. pir Bottle. IVij'o4iJJ Mi.il.-d Uriels, f corpora or stcmpt). J.F.SMITKACa.Maiu.-sor"ru.iiiSAAS."ST.lOUIS MO. Dr. Warner's celebrated Coraline Health Corsets have one peculiarity which pertains only to corsets of their make. The bust retains its shape to the end, and the corset im parts to the wearer a well proportioned and beautiful figure. The corset is boned with Coraline, a substance superior to the finest whale bone. Made in short, medium and extra long waists. There are many imitations, but you will find ' Dr. Warner's Coraline ' printed oo the inside of every genuine corset. They are sold by your nearest dry goods dealer. WARNER BROS. Mnfrs., New York and Chicago. To care coatlvenesn the medicine most be more than m purgative. To be per utaueut, It must coutuia Tonic. Alterative and Cathartic Properties. Tntt's Pills ponaes thea in all ties In ma eminent degree, aud Speedily Restore to tbe bowels their uatnal perintaltt notion, no esseutial to regularity. Sold Everywhere- TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. BY WAT OF THE Southern Pacific Company's Line IE BIT. SHHSTfl ROUTE. Quicker in Time than Any Other Kouta jecween Portland ASTI3 :San Francisco. Leare Portland at J P. M., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURISTS SLEEPING CARS, For Accommodation of Second-Class Passengers Attached to Express Trains. Fare from Portland to Sacramento andSan Fran. Cisco: Tnlimited Limited Kirst-CIass 20 " SecoD(l-Clasp 15 Through Tickets to all Points South and taii. VIA CALIFORNIA. TICKET OFFICES: Citj Office, No. 1M. Corner First 4 Alder Streets Depot Office, Corner F and Front Streets, PORTLAND. OREGON. R. KOEHLER. E. P. ROGERS, tf Manager. Asst. ft. F. and Paae.Ao- OKEGON NEWS. The daily edition of the Baker City Blade, which tixjk the Associ ated Press dispatches, has suspen ded publication for lack of patron age. The weekly is still published. A young lady read the declara tion of indesendence at Astoria on the Fourth of July. The Astoriau says one of the fair sex was chosen on account of their proficiency in reading the riot act to their hus bands and sweethearts. Twelve miles north of Pendle ton Sam McCully, a farmer, was seriously injured by having a piece of a header which he was repair ing, fall on his head. Although his hat was not torn iu the least, his scalp wae badly cut, a wound six inches long being made as neatly as though done with the scalping knife of an Apache. Mr. McCully was rendered insensible for an hour or more by the blow. George Bowman, a young fisher man who went angling along the Umatilla, landed a trout a foot in length. He carried it home in triumph, and while dressing his troutship for breakfast, discovered a plain gold ring, with the initials "I. V." on the inside, imbedded in its anatomy. The ring had been evidently accidentally dropped into the river and swallowed by the trout through the natural mistake that it was a new variety of the insect family. "This is no fish lie" declares the East Oregonian; "'it is the earnest, sober, truth. WASHINGTON NEWS. A 7-year-old son of Joseph Fisher, was shot and killed by the accidental discharge of a shotgun at Spokane Falls on July 11. The Walla Walla Union urges the board of trade to petition for a recount of her population, saying cases of omission are reported every day. The editor of the Sprague Ad vertiser recently made a trip among the farms of of Lincoln county and found that the wheat crop will average twenty-five bush els to the acre, oats forty bushels and barley twenty-five bushels. Sunday forenoon, Frank Parton was driving a sprightly horse hitched to a road cart. Near the turn the other side of Main street bridge he stopped and handed out a satchel to E. E.Lyttle. The horse looked around and took fright at the satchel. It ran against P. A, Preston's fence and threw Mr. Parton violently to the ground.. He was carried home unconscious. He was badly injured inside. The muscles at the top of the hip bone were severed and bruised to a pulp. The top of the bone is also crushed.- Waifsburg Enterprise. Captain E. Farnham, a pioneer lumberman, of Seattle, who landed there thirty-one years ago, direct from China, says: "The biggest stick of timber ever cut on Puget souud was gotten out at Port Gamble mill ten years ago. It was 140 feet in length and 30x36 inches square. It was shipped to China, where it was cut up into spans for bridges. I was on board the vessel on which it was ship ped. The timber protruded over both the bow and stern. I think that it might be possible to get out one perhaps 180 feet long 30x30 inches square at the small end. Such a stick could not be found near the coast howeyer. One would have to go into the interior for it. A great deal of care would have to be exercised in cutting it, to prevent its breaking when it fell. If such a stick were cut I have no doubt it would be the largest piece of timber ever cut in the world." The question of co-education of the sexes was much discusses at the national council of education in St. Paul, and the fear was ex pressed by some that the associa tion of boys and girls at college might lead to improprieties. The experience of many of our smaller colleges and state normal schools, where the sexes are admitted upon even terms, does not justify this fear, while it does demonstrate the quieting and refining influence of the girl upon the rowdyish tenden cies of the other sex. It is safe to say that if Harvard admitted girls into full fellowship, the students would conduct themselves less like an aggregation of hoodlums than they have been doing of late. West Shore. QCEEK BANK NOTES. Some of the Peculiar Bills That Are Re ceived at the Treasury Department. There was received at the treasu ry department recently the most peculiar bank note ever seen among the millions upon millions of cur rency notesprinted by the govern ment. It was a twenty dollar note, or a ten dollar note, just acording to which side was up, for, by some remarkable mistake, the one side was printed with the figures and devices of a twenty-dollar bill, while the other had all the figures and devices of a ten. The note was returned to the treasury by the cashier of the First Washington National Bank of Jer sy City, who sent it with a rather sarcastic note, intimating that his bank was not going into the freak business, aud added that as the treasury had counted that bill for twenty dollars, he would trouble them to send him an ordinary twenty dollar note. The affair cre ated a sensation, for no one had seen snch a note before. The mat ter was referred to the Department of Issue, from which the note had been sent out to the Jersy City bank. The mistake was promptly corrected, and an immediate inves tigation was begun. A consultation was held with General Meredith, the chief of bu reau of engraving and printing. He was at first thunderstruck, but his amazement soon gave way to intense alarm at the palpable evi dence of some glaring oversight somewhere. The bureau is consi dered a marvel of perfect surveil lance, continual check and counter check on everj' little detail. This mistake having occurred in one note, it must have occurre in more. All bank notes are printed in blocks of four on one sheet, and two hundred and fifty sheets in one bundle, so that there is always a thousand in one printing. The thought occurred to him that possibly the banks might be flood ed with these hybrids, which would mean disgrace and ridicule to his administration. A particular aggravating feature was the fact that Mr. Graves, Gen. Merediths immediate predecessor' had beeen in the treasury when the mistake was reported and had learned all about it. The investi gation was prosecuted with vigor, and Gen. Meredith soon found the cause of the trouble. It Beems that the four notes printeil on a sheet are not all of one denomina tion. There are always three of one kind, and the fourth of another; thus in this case, three tens and a twenty. It was an easy task to learn just whern this bundle had been printed and by what plate printers. They were examined and it was found that one sheet of four notes, after having been printed on one side, had fallen off the bun dle to the floor. The assistant who picked it up, by some unfor tunate oversight, turned the sheet upside down when she placed it on the bundle. The rest is easily understood. This sheet was print ed on the second side with a twenty face on the reverse of a ten, and one of the three ten faces on the reverse of the steel. Hence, there are two "10-20s" in the lot. Thus the mistake was corrected; but no good explanation was offered, or can be offered, why these two bills, passing through scores of hands, each one of whom is supposed to examine each bill most carefully, should not have been discovered. Every person in the bureau who handles a note is held responsible in the strictest way, and it is al most incredible that none of these people should have discovered the mistake. The treasury depart ment is anxiously waiting to heap from it. Should it ever be returned the two notes will be kept in the treasurer's office as rare curiosities. IS HAY, HAY? Whether a ton of timothy hay is of the same value for feeding regardless of the soil upon which it is grown, is a question worthy of study, says Prof. F. E. Ladd in the Mured New Yorker. It is a common saying among feeders that "hay spends well this winter," or, "hay spends poorly," which means that the feeding value of hay grown on the same farm varies more or less for different seasons. Thus the farmer has recognized a difference in the feeding value of different lots of hay. As yet there does not seem to be sufficient data to determine whether hay grown on different Boils has a liko feed ing value. From observations and such experiments as have come under my observation, I believe that timothy grown in clay soil will be found to have a different feeding value from that grown on sand or muck. The difference in soil, however, does not seem to be so influential as that in the climat ic conditions. Some investigations at the New York Experiment Sta tion at Geneva, as given in the sixth and seventh annual reports, seem to demonstrate that the feed ing value of timothy, and of the hay from other grasses as well, is quite variable, as judged from chemical analysis. It was found that the albuminoids or "muscle former" in timothy from the same plots for two years were: Per cent. Timothy 16 7.5S Timothy 8.12 For orchard grass and tall mead ow oat grass we find the albumin oids as follows: Per cent. Orchard Brass 1890 7.3S Orchard t?rase 1837 8.94 TaU meadow oat grass 18S6 6.75 Tall meadow oat grass 1887 10.37 In one ton of the above named hay there would be of albuminoids: 1886 lbs. 1887 lbs. Timothy hay 79 137 Orchard grass hay 12 151 Tall meadow oat grass hay 114 173 From the last table it seems very evident the feeding value of the hay for the two years was very different and the common saying: I "Hay spends poorly or hay spends I well, is justihed. ihe examina I tion of hay from difierent localties ! made at the same station, show less variation in feeding value than for hays grown at the same place under different climatic conditions. From the analysis as given for timothy hay, one ton, for 1889, we would have of albuminoids: Pounds in Hay from e Maine J New Hampshire Sew York g Wisconsin 1M Ln the cloyer wn have conaidered tbe aibuminiods only, and of course j tLe carbohydrates (iu hay cut at i the same period of growth- -full , bloom as in these experi ments) ' may safely be considered a fair measure of the relative feeding : values. The studies thus far made seem to indicate that the variations in the feeding values of hays from different localities and sons is not so great as upon the same soil under varying con- ditior.s of rain and sunshine. We may say that, often all the climat- j ic conditions are a more potent factor in determining the equality (and sometimes the quality) of the hay crop than are fertilizers of re cent application. As a general conclusion, it would seem that, one season with another, ou the same farm the maximum hay crop will have a miuimun feeding value. TIMTI The Steamer Tioga Blown to Pieces in Chicap-o. CAUSED BY GASES IN THE HOLD. The Vessel Catches Fire anil It Is Impossible to Rescue the Injured Scenes About the Wreck. Chicago, July 11. A frightful explos ion occurred to-night on the steamer Tioga, one of the largest vessels on the great lakes. Thirty-eight people were aboard the steamer at the time. Wheu the work of rescuing the survivors. which commonoed almost instantly, was well under way, only two persons could be found who escaped unhurt. To make matters worse a fire broke out on the wrecked vessel and huge volumes of flames and smoke impeded the searchers for the dead and dying. The bursting of the 8te3mer"s boiler was the cause of the catastrophe. It was in the Chicago river at the foot of Washington street that the explosion occurred. This locality is m the heart of the business center of Chicago, and the explosion brought people in terror out of tall buildings blocks away. While the fire was still in propress, an associated press reporter met the cap tain of the ill fated steamer on the for ward deck. The officer consented to stop long enough in hie task of straight ening out the confusion prevailing to give a statement of what he knew of the wreck. He said: "My name is Captain A. A. Phelps. I arrived here last evening from Buffalo, in command of the Tioga, aud we were unloading at this dock when the explos ion took place this evening. I was in the freight shed on the kitchen when I heard a terriffc noise, aud "-running out, saw the north quarter of the vessel en veloped in steam. All of the crew of twenty-five men were either aboard at the time or on the dock in the freight house. I found after careful search that all but three were accounted for and safe. Those three, all from Buffalo, were the Second Engineer George Hard, Lookout C. S. Walley and Deckhand Wm. Cuthbert. Besides the three miss ing who belonged to the crew, there must have been from twelve to fiifteen other men killed, and probably half a dozen additional injuied. There were laborers in the hold who were doing the unloading. Eight oolored men are posi tively stated to have been below, and six or seven other were at the hatches aiding their fellow stevedores lower down. The explosion occurred in the hold, not in machinery or boilers as near as I could ascertain, and was prob ably in some combustible freight stored there." The captain was at this moment called away to a wrecked portion of the vessel, which seemed gradually settling into the river. Occasionally a wounded man was being hauled out of the debris as the flames permitted the polioe and firemen to close in toward the literal bake hole in which most of the unfortunate steve dores lay. Great crowds of people gathered on the neighboring bridges. docks and vessels, and watched tragic scenes being enacted on the Tioga's im mense iron bull, painted a forbidding black, stretching 300 feet or more along the pier, and a swarm of people, firemen and reporters were clambering over her on all sides. Eye witnesses of the ex plosion were busy telling new comers the gory particulars. It appeared that the explosion occurred just after a port er named Wm. Palmer had gone below with the lighted lamps. He had scarce ty reached the deck again when the shock came. It was said that 200 bar rels of oil were among the cargo, and that these had become ignited. Others insisted the explosion must have been due to a Jack of water in the boilers, and the second engineer, who is known to be massing, was the man whose duty would be to start the pony pumps in such an emergency. This, it was de clared, would have produced just such an explosion, wrecking only one com partment of the vessel. Most of the victims were Chicagoans stevedores, who were unloading the ves sel. Only three of the Tioga's crew are reported on the list. The fire proved a stubborn one and made it impossible at the time to verify the report that the boilers had exploded. A statement was current that the ex plosion was due to another cause the accidental lighting of a large lot of com bustibles in the narrow confines of the Tioga's deep hold. The hold near the steamer's stern was where the fire held its sway. Through bursts of fire could be seen a great, jagged cleft in the Ti oga's decks and cabin, and aloft on the tall smoke stacks dangled huge frag ments of the wreckage timber fantastic ally swaying backward and forward, telling of the terrific force of the explos ion, which sent it there from thirty feet below. Up to 11 ;30 p. m. nine bodies had been taken from the wreck, and five or more wounded conveyed to the hospit als. The Tioga's stern sank to the bot tom of the river, but as it is not deep, her decks are still above the surface. It is estimated that $75,000 will cover the damage to the vessal and cargo. This fimoaut is said to be fully insnred Engineer Haur and Steamritter Bums cannot live through the night. The additional names of colored stevedores supposed to have been killed are : Waiter Dukes, Henry Weatherepoou. John Golf, Jacob Churl. Alex Smith, J. Braxton. Charles Foster. A clear idea of tbe explosion was ob tained about midnight, when the boilers and cargo could be examined. The boil ers seemed intact. The cargo was kero sene, gasoline and cotton. Tbe inference is drawn that the leaking ,if kerosene saturated the coti.on and g.'n'Tated gases which ignited v.-hen lantern was taken into the hold. At Staunton Ind., July 11, fox huuters accidentally discovered a cave, and while exploring it the party stumbled over a petrified Indian woman, whose ornaments proclaimed a princess of a powerful tribe. Her ai ms and ankles were encircled with bracelets made from gold and bone. Around her neck was a band of human teeth. Three other bodies were found in a less degree of preservation.and scattered throughout the cave were speci mens of gold jewelry and a colle tion of stone cooking utensils, axes, knives and tomahawks. THE Excelsior Soda Works has on hand at all times soda, saksapaeilla, Sarsparilla and Iron AND C I D E K . FACTORY, May Street, rear First National Bank tf . THOS. P. RILEY. Proprietor. C ALL ON BILLIE MORROW AT THE Old Jones Stand. To get your horses fed. LIVERY RIGS And Good Saddle Horses for Hire. Don't Forget Billie When tf- You Come to Town. One ofthrj 5S-FR.EE fit EST T the ivorld. Our facilities are uneqiied, Bnd to inlmducn out tupcriorjroodiwewitl nendrRFB tOONE I'EKSOX in each lecolitr. Kt above Only ihnse who writ fjg the w h" -ni your neiettbort PJiltW Jp""j"V-f "V," fTf-V" leope. The following ect gives the apirauce of it reduoed to ibout the fiftieth pert of its bulk, li is i ope,:;!i Inrseu is easy to t nrrv We wi :an matte from ihSIOi day ut i.-ast, fnmi ihs1 -.tart .with ut experience Hftter writf at one p&v nil esprcsif cnarircB. iddres, H.HALLr.Tr A CO.. U.ii f40, PukIiami. MaiSB. WHOLESALE BHSTrS GOING ON ro many nti?! Hardware, Iron, Steel and Farm Mattery. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAH3 FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers have used them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines thatwillgive ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING AULTMAN'S The most Effective and Successful Comhinatlon for Threshteg and Cleaning Grain eve' constructed. B UC K EYE STEELFBAME TWI NE-BINDERS. . 'T'.he Feature tnat distinguishes this Twlse-Blnder is the Lightness ot Draft, combined with it. Extraordinary btren-th and Durability. The Hinder is of the Apideby pattern, the onlv really successful one yet known. . have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Bmder-both excellent-both recommended by hundreds of patrons. SGHUTTLER FARM WAGOffS. SSra&S. SFbSSS: BUCK-BOARDS, POUR-SPRING MOUNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS, CORBIH DISC HARROWS, HODGES-HAINES HEADERS, UAlPLl Dinn uttnr nmon Dtna i.lliL. jj 'SEND FOR CIRCULARS.'B W. O. MINOR, Agent, Heppner, Oregon ,tS RACINE .WIS- WlP 0f. Log.LumberVard a- CnV Trucks - i J?' TSPRINQ W fkGONSff ALL STYLES. I T Ladies Chaise. f rgsSewan 1 f -JPT. W PATENT CHAlSE BRAKE j From Terminal or intenor points the Northern Pacific KAILKOAD! Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It is the DINING CAB ROUTE. It run Through VESTIBULED TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR TO :ANO: (No Change of Cars; Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING MOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment. Tourist Sleeping Cars Best that can be constructed and in which accommodations are both FREE and furnished for holders of First or Second-Class Tickets, and i Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct aod Uninter rupted Service. PTran Sleeper Reservations can be Secured in adxance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To end vrom f.Il points in America, Eng land fiod Knrope can be pnrebased ai any Ticket Office of this Company. !Full inform at ion concerning rates, time of trams, routes and other details furnished on application to any p.fjent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Genera Passenger Agent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON. So said Bui- wer, t greatest of Lite Success have added with equal force, that merit is the essence or success. Wisdom s Robertine is the sTjonym of merit, and its history is success. The magical ef fects of this preparation have been attest ed by thousands of the leading ladies of society and the stajj;. It is the only arti cle ever discovered which gives a Natur al and Beautiful tint to the complexion, at the same time removing all roughness of the face and arms and leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvetv. It has long teen the study of chemists to pro duce an article that while it would beau tify tift complexion would also have the merit of being harmless, but these two important qualities were never brought together until combined in WISDOM'S ROSERTIJMH. 50c. P1D0DD&C0. Frciit, First anfi Vine Streets, PORTLAND, - OREGON. DEALERS IN THRESHER. STAR TRACTION ENGINE, FISH BR9S WAG9N C- RACINE,WIS. STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your Hiilworifition imid up cu kif p your brand m free of chartfe. V K Ailkins. Horses, j. (.n riM Hhuukier; cut tle, C K on i if it hip Raiitce in Grant ami Mr.r row counties. Ad kins, J J Horsed, JA connected on left flank; cattle, same on left hip. Bleakman, Geo., Uardinan Hordes, a ttan on left shoulder; cattle, same on riKUt Buoulder. Bennett, Oy Horses. B on left shoulder. Brown, J. P horse? and cattle branded 8 ox-yoke above on left nhoulder. Brown. J C Horses, circle CJ with dot in obu teron left hip; cattle, raine. Buyer, VV G. Lena Horses, box brand or r'"' hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Bortf, P. O. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cat tie. same on left hip. Brien, T. F., Lone Rock. Horses o with bir under and over on riht shoulder. Driskell, VV. K. Hon-es branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on left, side of neck. Jerry Brosman, horses brnrded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Wp -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip;split in each ear. Wm. Rndio, Monument. Brands horses R on right shoulder. Range. Grant and Morrow coun ties. Elmer Gentry, Echo, Or. Horses branded H. S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umotillaeounties. Allison, O. D. Cattle brnnd, O D on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Range, Eisht Mile. A. A. Crosby, cattle branded nected) on the right fhoulder. . (7 H L con. Cook, A. J., Lena Horses, 90on right shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip: earmark square crot off left and split in right. Currin. R Y- Horses, oo on left stifle. Cox & English. Hard man Caitle, O with E in center: horses. CE on left ip. Cupper, H A Horses H 0 on lrft shoulder; cattle H C on left side, swallow fork on right ear. R. E. Cochran, Monument, Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Wm. Doonan. horses branded OO with bar hver thein, on left shoulder; cattle some on left oip. Douglass, W M Cattle, R 1 on right side, swut-low-fork in each ear; horses. R D on left hip. J. B.Ely & Sons. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole in right ear. Eleek, Jackson.Horses. 7F connected on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left. Lieuallen, John W. Horses branded half-circle JL connected on left shoulder. Cattle, same on left hip. Range, near Iexington. Florence, L A Cattle, LF on right hip; horses, F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, 8 P Horses, F on right shoulder cattle. F on right hip or thigh. Armstrong, J. C, Acton T with bar under it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Gay, Henry GAY on left shoulder. Goble, Frank HorseB, 7 Fon left stifle; cattle same on right hip. Mat Hughes, horseB branded shoulder, heart o left shoulder, Hunsaker, B A Horses, 9 on left shoulder; cat tie. 9 on left hip Humphreys, J M, Hardman Horses. H on left flank. Hiatt, Wm. E. Horses branded bar cross ou left shoulder: cuttle same on left hip. Hayes, J M HorseB, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Junk-in, S. M. Horses, horseshoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sams. Range on Eight Mile. Johnson. Felix Horses, circle T on left stifle cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in rigt and split in left ear. Kirk. J T Horses 69 on left shoulder: catt 89 on left hip. Ki rk, J C Horses, 17 on either flank; cattle ' ' on right side. Lewis, J H. Lena Horses, P with orer it on left shoulder. J. W. Leahey, horses branded L N on the left shoulder; cattle branded the same on left hip wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear Minor, Oscar Cattle, M Don right hip; horsea Mon left shoulder. Morgan, S N Horses, M ) on left shoulder cattle, same on left hip. McCumber, Jas A, Atwood Horses, M with bar over on right shoulder. Morgan, Thos Horees. circle T on left shoul der aud left thigh; cattle, Z on right thigh. Mitchell, Oscar, Pettysville Horses, J7 on right tup; cattle. 77 on right, bide. McClaren, D G Horses, Figure 9 on each shoul der; cattle, M2on hip. Neal. Andrew. Lone Rock Horses AN con nected on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips Newman, W. R. Horses N with half circl over it on left shoulder. Nordyke, E Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cat tie. same on left hip. Oiler, Pern-. Lone Rock P O oj left Bhon.der Pearson, Ola ve. Horses, quarter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear right cropped. '4 on left hip. Range on Eight Mile. Parker & Gleason. Hardman Horses IP on left shoulder. Piper, J. H., Acton -Horses. JE connected on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. nnder bit in each ear. Henry Patberg, horses branded with a Roman crorfs on left shoulder; cattle branded with Rir mu:i crosB. bar at botrom, on left hip. A. C. Pettys, Pettysville Horses, diamond P on left shoulder. Cattle, JHJ connected and in verted on left hip; crop off left ear and split in right wattle or inside of right fore leg above the knee. Rood. Andrew, Hardman Horses, square cross with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Remnger, Chris Horses. C R on left shoulder Rector. J W Horses. JO on left Bhoulder. Cat tie, O on right hip. u -L Spray. J. F. Horses branded SF connected on right shoulder; cattle same on both hips. A. L. Bwaggart. Ella, horses branded L on left shoulder; cettle same on left hip. CrojTon left ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W E. -Horses shaded J S on left stifle; cattle J S on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, underbit in left. Sayer, Robt -Horses, 8 on right Bhoulder; cattle square on right hip and S on right shoulder. Swaggart, L, Alpine Horses, SS on right Bhoulder. Sapp. ThoB. Horses, S A P on left hip; cattle same on left hip. Shobe, Dr A J Horses, DS on on left hip; cat tle, same on left side, wattle on left side of neck ears cut sharp at point. Stevenson, Mrs A J Cattle, S on right hi&i swallow-fork in left ear. Sperry, E G Cattle, W V, on leff hip, crop otii right and underbit in left ear, dulap; horses. W C on left shoulder. Swaggart, G W Horses, 44 on left BhonUerJ cattle, 44 on left hip. Stewart, Geo., Hardman Horses circle c De left shoulder. Smith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded: a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on left side. Range, Gilliam county. Thompson, J A Horses, g on left shoulder cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tippets S T Horses, C on left shoulder. Wade. Henry, Horses branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip. Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wells, A S Horses, 0va on left Bhoulder; cattl same. Wyland, J H. Hardman Circle C on lef thigt Woodward. John Horsea, UP connected on left shoulder. Watkins, Lishe, horses branded UE connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles Cattle,Wonrightthigh,hole m left ear; horses. W on right shoulder, some same on left shoulder. Wren, A A Cattle, running AA with bar ac ss on right hip. J. S. Young. Gooseberry, Or.-Horses branded X S on the right shoulder. W. H. Crowley, Long creek Horses branded circle a on left shoulder. Whittier Bros., Drewy, Harney county, Or. Horses branded W B. connected on left Nmlder Turner R. W., small capital T left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Smith Geo., horses branded G S on left flank. George Lord, horses branded double H con nected. Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Johnny Ayers. horses branded triangle on left hip; cattle same on right hip. also crop off right ear and upper bit on same. Mike Kenny, horses branded KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left oar; under slope on the right Mra.C. A. Benge. horses branded XB on left shoulder or stifle: cRttl unm if j split in left ear, upper half crop in right. u j oaooie, ur., horses and cattle branded E H connected, with bar under it JOSenh Pllt.nnm. Mimnmont- ll. 1 1.. l es J P Connected, on riihf nhnMA. i same on the right hip and underalope in right NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., June 10, 1890. ".c.av niveii tnat tne rollowinir" named aettler has hied notice of his intention u make final proof in support of his claim, and V. WJ" ulaue Derore the conntv Juivtll lsw"'," county, at Heppner. Or., oi Alexander Young, 23 EdW T' KO- 23l)0' '"r the 8K! 34 TP 2 8 K He names the following witnesses to prove hi continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: I. H. Esteb T. D. Ball and John 8pieknall, of (jooseberry. Or., and C. K. Jones, of Eight Mile. 77'2 John W- I.vrwra p NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., June 30. ISW ..iY;L;?iit.reb,gi,'en.-that ". blowing. . ' "' i"cu uuLice or nis intention .'b "k Hfinal P'O"' rapport of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the count? J.Ddfe. of. ftS;lllam cunn,. at Arlington Or." on Benjamin T. Snell. E W M. Dnoec 28 Tp 1 B B 22 11D ..n : -fin ,7,,;,5"""mK ""neeses to prove his said land, viir " " cultivation of. JdawSrPKShSnro1;V08ephBnd1 o--'- JOHN W. l-rvi. 13 NOTICE OF INTENTION Nnff aLLaGrand.-.Or., June 28 18flo. n. , 5 I" Sating, Sec. 32, Tp7 1 8. ft. 27 E 54 SWJt' W SE SinOyShU- niflKHABT, Regi II