Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, July 17, 1890, Image 2

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THUKSDAY, JULY 17, 1890.
Thpre in dow a continuous line of
Rtutes across our northern boundary
from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Thk Globe-Democrat gleefully (triees
to remark: "In the bracing air of St.
Louis it titkeB 16 degrees to make a sun
stroke." The present census, will, it ia believed,
show that Oregon hs a population of
:iG0,O0O, entitling the ntate to to repre
Bentatives in congress.
Chief Homtly, of the Umatilla reserva
tion, has taken unto himself another
wife a fortHt maiden of nineteen sum
mem paying seven good cayuses for
the prize. Homily now boatstfi of three
Senator Mitchell has necnred the
eitahlisumeut of a postoflice at Ivy,
Marion county, Oregon, and the appoint
ment of Martha J. Heath, as poHtmia
tress; abo a postoffioe at Riverton, Coos
connty, Oregon, and the appointment
of Orlando A. Kelly as postmaster.
Ooou advertisers are governed by a
business rule from which there is no va
riation cosistent with prolonged sucoess.
Cliis rule iB to have something to adver
tise that is good, that is standard, that
bears all tests, and then by advertising
there is no end to the demand for it
ii to the profit it brings in the market
Tif ebb is something imposing in the
fact that New York will enter the closing
decade of the nineteenth oeutnry as the
eoond city in the world. The census
estimates say 1,700,000, may be less than
Fans, but this is an inadequate expres
sion of what New York really is. Brook
lyn, Staten Island, Newark, Jersey City,
the inhabited plaoeB that compose New
York, depend upon it, build it up, added
to the accepted figures of the city, alone
easily give the metropolis 3,000.000, Lon
don surpasses this, but early in the
twentieth century New York will be try
ing conclusions with London.
It has been announoed that four enter
prising cities in the second district in
Oregon will show a population as fol
lows: Pendleton, 2,000; Dalles, 3,000;
Baker City and La Grande will have an
equal numbr, being 2,500. The claims
made for these cites considerably exoeed
the actual enumeration. For iustanoe,
Pendleton advertised ber population to
be 4,000, the others with muoh larger
estimates than those returned. It is
oouoeded that, with these cities, a fair
enumeration has been made. These re.
suits show that much of the complaints
maue are really unfounded.
On the other hand a too faithful ei
merator in San Franoisco not finding
uisaisinct as many as he supposed
ought to be in it, stuffed his returns
with four hundred names of persons
wnom ne thought to live there. The
government not agreeing with this
mode of making a census, has hBd the
party arrested.
ittm house.
The national election bill has passed
the house after one of the closest and
most excited oontests ever witnessed in
that body. The southern members with
tneir northern allies made desperate
enorts to defeat its passage to little pur
pose, as lis adoption was a necessity to
ecure fair and honest elections of na
tional represeatatives in congress. The
democrats all voting against the bill,
ana tne republicans present for it, except
Coleman of Louisiana, and Lehlbaot of
New Jersey, voting with the democrats.
Too little is known of the disposi
tion or me senate toward the bill, to
justify an assuranoe that the bill will
become a law this session.
The President has justly yetoed the
bill which passed congress purporting
to be for the relief of embarrassed farm
ers in Nebraska. The purpose of the
bill was to extend the payment of nnpaid
instalments of purchase money due for
Omaha Indian lands wbioh they bought.
The bill at the same time subject the
lands to taxation by the state, of which
they are now exempt To this latter
clause the president objects and refused
to sign the bill. He saysr
"There is no objection that I know of,
either on the part of the United States
or the Indians, to an extension of the
unpaid installment due from the pur
chasers.' The president, however, objects to the
provisions that all the lands the pay
ment for which is extended shall be
subject to taxation by the state of Ne
braska asjif fully paid for and the pat
ents issued. The president is of the
opinion that the title of the United
States and interest of the Indians in the
lands should not be subject to sale tor
delinquency of purchasers in paying tax
SIRABLE. A reoent deoision of an Iowa oourt
has brought into notioe, the important
fact, that the laws of that state afford no
chanoe for non residents to acquire title
to, and hold, any lands or real estate
within it, by desoent, devise, purchase
or otherwise; but an alien may acquire
or bold real property to the amount of
810,000 in value, provided certain con
ditions are observed and that the occu
pant shall become a citizen within ten
years from the time of purchase. The
purpose of the law is a good one, and
ought to be adopted by all states which
have large areas of unoccupied
cheap lauds. The possession of
reauy m lanos oi anen speculators is
injurious aJike to tne resident citizen
and the state. It retards the lmprove-
anent and growth at the state, and the
increased values wiixch accumulates
through the industries of the surround- j
ing settlers, when realized trom sales, j
are withdrawn from the state to increase ,
the wealth of foreign countries. It is .
well known that at the present time, ,
ezteoeive tracts of land in most of the
new states which are growing rapidly in
population are held by aliens who are
resident in foreign countries, who are of
no benefit to the Btate. The people will
Boon find it desirable and advantagoos
to adopt constitutional and legislative
provisions which will compel non
resident alien owners to sell their hold
.. , ,. , !
When members or congress, as li'l
Senator Cockerill of Missonria, the other
, , ,, , in i i
day, talk of maintaining a double stand- j
ard of two metals of unequal value for .
circulating mediums, they exhibit an I
ignorance of the true laws of economios !
and facts from which experience has ,
nrmrideil aunh theririea nnminn.ltvl. Th
past history of gold and silver as coined j
money shows that the equal value cf
the "two standards" have not been sub-
ject to fluctuations of relative value
between the two metals. So long as the
leading commercial countries hold to
the single stand of gold, so long will the
demand for gold, for purposes of
exchange, be greatly in excess to that
of silver. And in the ratio of that de
mand will the value of silyer fluctuate,
and its equal value with gold oannot be
maintained. A dollar of siver beyond
the limits of the power of th? law which
proclaims it a dollar, is held to be noth
ing more or less than its value as a
commodity; and is worth just so much
as it will bring in the market where sold,
just the same as wheat or articles of
produce. A double standard, such as
the unlimited free coinage advocates
demand, is a theory which in practice
means that the silver will be paid to the
farmer and laborer for loans and wages,
the loans to be paid at maturity in gold.
When the debtor finds himself compelled,
by bis promise to pay in gold, to go to
the banker and broker and purchase
his gold coins with which to liquidate
his notes, which are made payable in
that "standard," he will then understand
that standard may become very unequal
in value as money. He will then find
to his oost that an exoess of silver, like
an exoess of wheat or anv commodity
will inevitably cheapen it, so that it will
require more thtn a dollar in silver to
exchange it for a dollar in gold. Until
coinage shall have reached an excess
of the legitimate demands of commerce
and trade at home, it may maintain a
par value with gold; but when an ex
cess shall have been reached, business
will be stimulated, wild speculations
will follow and a general disturbance of
values will be experienced. The gold
will go abroad to pay for our foreign
imports and soon disappear from the
sight of our people. These results will
assuredly follow an unlimited coinage of
onr increasing production of silver.
With the closing days of the National
census comes the usual number of
growlers. Being those dissatisfied, be
oanse the returns did not show that the
wild imaginations of the exalted real
estate boomer and the speculator have
not been realized by facts. Such esti
mated are unreliable as a basis of the
true growth of cities and towns. Prob
ably never, has there been a perfect and
entirely satisfactory enumeration of
population made. In communities such
as oompose the population of this
country wbioh are always on the move
it is impossible to enumerate all its citi
zens, but it is possible to approximate
the actual number. In new settlements
it is a universal rule of its people, how
ever honest, to overestimate the popula
tion. Hence the growls of dissatisfaction,
however careful the officials may hav
been to strictly perform the duty imposed
upon them. There is no good reason to
suppose they have wilfully neglected to
make a true and fair return of all per
sons found. They are paid by the day,
and why should they neglect to make as
complete records as possible. It may be
that the law itself is somewhat faulty in
some particulars which are necessary to
secure good work. It is probable that
special agent Kruse was right in his
view of Portland's population. His
judgement founded upon bis long exper
ience is more valuable, becase of his dis
interestedness, than the prominent
oitizens who have lived in and grown
up with Portlands rapid growth. The
rising cities of the sound also raise their
howl of dissappointment. It is doubt
ful whether the howlers believe it them
selves or are in true earnest in their ob
jections. Their own enumeration, and
the votes indicate that the returns are
nearly correct, and come nearer the esti
mate made by observing visitors who
have never before been able to accept
the statement of the sanguine citizen.
There is a large population of single and
transient persons throughout the Noth
west who are constantly on the move ,
hence give a ficticious appearance to
actual resident numbers. Those who
are raising all the exoitement over the
inoompleteness of the returns, are doiug
their oities greater injury by bringing
into prominence the unwarranted ana
extravagant claims whioh have been
made by their too sanguine citizens.
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
brnises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hauds, Chil
Blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
a'ld positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A, D.
Johnson & Co. Nov. 14, '0.
List of letters remaining In the
ner postoffioe Jnly 12
Braios Johnny
Bronson James K
Bitter George
Bennet Jno B
Chatvert Emma
Moon J P
Nelson Joseph 3
Ormsby Sherman
Phipps Harve
Bncknum F O
Brown J M
Miller J P
Mitchell James 2
Newman Jno
Phipps Isaic
Rovse Aaron
Schoolcraft T
Sampson John G
i Summerfield A T
! Sbon A W
Smith Dr 31 M
V, illis Sadie
whpn cal,ina for ,hP6e leltera pIeaae
j Bav "advertised." A. Mailbox, P. Al
Having sold the "Arcade Saloon" I
want all persons indebted to me to settle
.before August 17th. After said date my
boois will be put in a collector's hands.
Heppses, July 16, '90.
82-85. G. W. Swaooabt.
by local applications, as they cannot
reach the diseased portion of the ear.
There is only one way to ciire Deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Ijeafuess is caused by an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lninR of the Eus
tachian Tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you have a rumbling sound or
imperfect hearing, and when it is entire
ly closed deafness is the result, and un
less the intiamation oan be taken out
and this tube restored to its normal con
dition, hearing will be destroyed forever;
I nine cases out of ten are caused by
I catarrh, which is nothing but an inflam-
ed condition of the mucous surfaces.
We will give Ote Hundred Dollars for
B11V case of Deafness (caused by Catarrh)
that we oanuot cure by tHking Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free,
p j CHENEY & CO, Toledo, O.
j3fSold by all druggists, .r7.
of the
Co-Operating with U. S. Sig. Ser.
Central Office, Portlano, Or.
Ktirthe Week Endins 8-ilnnlay. .Inly 12.
The temperature has been cooler than
average for the week ; partly cloudv to
cloudy weather with local ruins have
Trie temperature nas ranged trom ou
to 80 degrees. The amount of rainfall
has varied from .10 nf an inch to over
one inch.
The weather has been unfavorable to
the baying operations. Considerable
of it was cot and down when the rains
came on and some of it was injnred. In
addition the rains have delayed tne bay
ha; vest causing it to come too close to
the wheat harvest, which in sections has
already begun, and in most sections will
be in full sway next week. The hay
crop ia far better than expected. The
weather was very beneficial to the fall
and spring wheat crops, also to corn.
The fall wheat has generally filled very
well, the berry being large and plump.
The spring wheat, which on June 1st
was thought to be worthless, is growing
nicely aud will be almost au. average
crop in most sections. Root orops are
all in a most promising condition. Hops
continue to thrive and theiryield will be
above the average. The apples are be
ing injured by the codun moth. Iheir
non-appearance at an earlier date may
be due to the backward spring. They
are evidently now appearing in full
force and proving to be quite injurious.
Oregon peaches are ooming into the
market. The peacn crop of southern
Oregon will not be over 50 per cent of
the ave-age. Through the Willamette
valley the crop will be slightly better.
In Wasco the peaob crop appears to be
the best. Cherries are becoming soaro
er. Berries continue to be plentiful,
water and musk. melons promise a very
large crop. They are especially prolific
in Jackson and Josephine counties. The
grass on the ranges of Eastern Oregon
is very good for the latness of the season
and cattle are in prime condition. The
wheat crop in the Willamette valley
will be almoBt an average, in Southern
Oregon about an average; in Wasco.
Sherman, Gilliam and Morrow counties,
better than for years ; in Umatilla and
Union counties the largest ever produc
(d; in Wallowa, Baker, Grant, Crook
and interior counties, fully an average
Reports from all sections indicate that
a bountiful harvest is assured.
B. S. Pague,
Obs. U. S. Signal Service,
Ass't. Dir. Ore. Weather Bureau.
One or more Burgeons representing
this Institute will be at the Pioneer
House, Heppner, August 1st., one day
This Tnstitnte is speoially devoted to
ourvature of the spine, diseases of the
hip and knee joint, crooked limbs, club
feet and all bodily deformities. Their
success in treating these troubles as well
as all chronic diseases has made for the
Institute a national reputation.
All persons who are suffering from
any of these complaints, should not fail
to take advantage of this opportunity
for relief.
Reference may be had to the follow
ing residents : B. E. Snipes, The Dalles,
Or.; Mrs. M. A. Ray, Long Creek, Or.;
Mrs. H. Klindt, The Dalles, Or. ; Rev.
Alex. Chevne, Hnrtland, Wash. ; Mrs. S.
Bunnell, Centerville, Wash. 82-2t
Blaine's famous teply to Gladstone
has just been issued in pamphlet form.
This is one of the ablest presentations
of the benefits of Protection ever pub
lished, and should.be widely read. Send
for a copy to the American Protective
Tariff League, 23 West Twenty-third
Street, New York, inclosing a two-oent
Once in Seven i ears The body is
renewed. The blood must have the
elements of vitality. Wright's Com
pound Syrup of Sarsaparilla cleanses and
enncues tne oiooa, ana gives a new im
petus to life. Sold by A. D. Johnson.
The Grande dining room, of Arlington,
is now under the superior management of
W. E. Chapman. It is the place to stop
when you are in that town. Good
beds in oonneotion. The Grande was for
merly known as tbeSanford House. 72 tf
The stock holders of the Heppner and
Castle Rock Telegraph Co. are hereby
notified of a meeting to be held in W. R.
Ellis's office, Saturday, July 19th, for
the purpose of effecting arrangements
nnder which the property of the company
may be sold. By order of the directors.
r. JJJ. r elii,
All persons knowing themselves indeb
ted to me are requested to call and settle
either by oash or note, bv the 5th day of
August, as 1 must nave money to pay my
bills. 2t James Depcy.
T.miHOffint The DntlM Or.. Jnlv 15 '90.
Nntipe is herebv eiven that the fnllowine-named
settler haa tiled notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
6 roof will bo made before the connty clerk of
Lorrow ooanty, at Ueppner, Oregon, om Aug.
ju. law, viz:
Dillon Hoskins.
D. S 6678. for the 84 SW NE SWH and
SEH S Sec. 2. Tp. 5 8. R. 25 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence opon, and cultivation of
said land, viz:
James H. Horse. David N- Hardman. James H.
Hams and James Scrivner. all of Hardman, Or.
2-87. John v. Lewis, Register.
Ira G. Nelson.
J C Bqbkrts
About May 1st a ntw chrir will be added to the
establishment and a greater effort made to please
me puduc man ever.
EiDrop in for a good share,
cut. Pompadour a specialty.
shampoo or hair-
BILLIE RUARK, Proprietor.
"The finest liquors, cigars and wines canslantir
on hand, ('otirteous treatment guaranteed to all.
M. D. BAYMAX, Prop.
In City Hotel Building.
78tf BATHS at all hours.
If -not. You are unforturmte, for on are handicapped, in. your business.
Our Stock, Prices and Facilities are Beyond Comparison with Anything in Gilliam or Morrow Comities.
We have Bold these Headers for years, every one giving the best of satisfaction. It is to be hoped that our friendsi
will not be misled into buying inferior machines by the well conned tales of irresponsible traveling salesmen. We nls
have two sizes of the
Which are far ahead of the old-style machines. THE STANDARD SIX-FEET CUT is warranted to cut just as easy as
other small mowers, and can be handled much easier. Why cut four feet when a span of horses will just as easily cut six
feet with this improved machine?
REMEMBER, AliUiNGrTON IS IIEAUQUARTEItS, ani is the place for you to
trade. If you are longer on the road, you can save five times over for your time. Remember, also, that we buy many g( lods
from the manufacturers that no other bonse in this region oan, thns saving much to our customers, and enabling us to offer
merchants many goods here at prices aeked by Portland jobbers.
Notioe is hereby given that sealed pro
posals will be received by the oounty
olerk of Morrow eooaf-.v, for building a
county bridge at or near Douglass sta
tion, on Willow creek. Plans and speci
fications can be seen at the clerk's office,
at Heppner. Main span to be (50) Sfty
feet long and the width 18 feet "and the
approaoh 20 feet long on each bank.
Sealed bids will be opened at 2 o'clock
p. m., on Monday, the 4th day of Angnst,
1890. The oontraot will be let to the
lowest responsible bidder on that day.
A bond will be required as the law di
rects in such cases.
July 4, 1890. Wm. Mitchell,
82-2t. County Judge.
Notice ia hereby given that sealed pro
posals will be received by the county
clerk of Morrow county, for the filling in
with rocks about (100) one hundred feet
in length and ten feet wide, in Butter
Milk canyon, road district No. . Said
work to be done in the bad portion of
said Butter Milk canyon, at the pgce
where the aaid road is now bridged wili.
timbers. The work to be inspected by
the county commissioners. Said sealed
bids to be opened in open oourt at 2
o'clock p. m., on Monday, the 4th day of
August, 1890.
Wm. MitchktjL,
Connty Judge.
Note The contractor will be required
to give bond for the completion of his
oontract by the 10th day of October,
1890. 82-2t W: M., Connty Judge.
One bay horse, Bix years old, star
forehead and snip on nose, one. white
hind foot; branded three half moons, one
above the other, on left shonlder. 79-82.
Dal Reed.
Arlington, Or., June 6, '90.
All parties heretofore indebted to W.
G. Scott will please take notioe that I
have purchased said book and - accounts
and have left the same with Messrs-
Brown t Hamilton for collection.
Prompt settlement will be expected.
W. O. Minor.
Heppner, June 15, '90. 78-3
All parties heretofore indebted to me
will Dlease take notice that I have thin
day transferred and delivered all by book
aooonuts to W. O. Minor, to whom all
bills will be payable.
W. G. Scott.
Heppner, June 12, '90. 78-83.
If any of our readers are not taking
the weeklv illustrated West Shore they
ought to do so. It combines the desir
able features of all the eastern weeklies
and is superior to any ope of them. Es
pecially in its graphic pictures of west
em scenes it is of great interest. Aside
fVnm tha local Daner it is the best pub
lication that oan be taken, and should be
in every house. fubliBhed oy jj. ham
tjeIi, Portland, Oregon, at 84.00 a year.
Prices reduced. Every family now can
have tlio ocst Automatic Se'"i-a-chine
in the market at reduced prio
For particulars send for our new Illus
trated Circular with samples of stitch,
ing. Our Illustrated Circnlar 'shows
of the Maculae perfectly, and
is worth sending; for even if you hare a
Machine. Krue A- Murphy Mfg. Co.,
'.--, and 4.17 West 20th St., Jf. 1 "I' V-
I have opened a well-appointed tailor
ing estaoiisnmem in my new ouiiq.
ine on May street, and am now regularly
receiving new goods and will make cus
tom made pants from $7 to 15 best
goods in the market.
' A. Abbahambick.
We will furnish salt anil sulphur at
Long Creek this season at Heppner
prices with freight added.
74tf. AiiLEN & Rumo.
U 5 E IT!
IT 13 THE ICE At. METjlClifE.
It rouses the Xjver and Kidneys and Stomach,
cures Hadache. Dvspersia. creates an Appe
tite, Purines the Impure Blood, and
Mafcea Trie Weak Btropg.
rr unutn
Cud everywhere, 1 abottli i
in the Circuit Court for the County of Morrow,
State of Oregon.
The American Mortsage Company of ')
Scotland, flimitedj i'laintiff, j
M. D. Crow. 1). A. Herren. L. O. Welch. I
Wilson Stafford. W. K. Crow. Byron
Jackson, M.C. Tribble. J. H. Bob
bins and Benjamtne Bobbins, part
ners as J. H. Bobbins & Son, f'has. F.
S-innders and N. A. Junkins, adminis
tratrix of the estate of W. K. Junkins,
deceased. Defendants.
To I.. ). Welch. W. R Crow. Wilson Stafford
and Byron Jackson Defendants.
In tne name ot tne istat or uregon. you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint nieu aeainst. you in the above entitled
cause within ten days from the date of the ser
vice tif this summons upon you. if served within
this connty: or, if served in any other county of
this state, then within twenty days trom the date
of the service of this sumn.ons upon you; and if
you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plain
tiff will take judgement against you. and if you
fail to answer theconiplaiiit by the first Monday
of the next regular term of said circuit court,
after six weeks publication of this notice to-wit:
the first Monday of Sept., 1890. the plaintiff will
taae judgment tor tne loreciosure ot a certain
mortgage executed by the said M. D. Crow and
L. O. Welch in favor of plaintiff, on the 2:ld day
of April. 1883. on the follcming described prem
ises, to-wit: the south halt of section four. tp.
one south. B. 2ti E. W. M.. and for such further
relief as is demanded in the complaint.
And deiendants are further notinea that mis
summons is served by publication by order of
J. H. Bird, judge of i-aid circuit court. Dated at
Heppner. Oregon, this 17th duy ot June. 1890.
78-8 J. N.Bhown. Attorney for Plaintiff.
in the County Conrt of the State of Oregon, for
tiie c ounty oi Morrow.
In the matter of the guardianship )
of Lnla M. Gilmore and Charles Order to
Gil more, Minors. ) show cause
It appearing to this court from the petition of
John W. Gilmore. the euardinn of the ner sons
and estates of Lola M. Gilmore and Charles Gil
more. minors, praying for an order of sale of the
real estate belonging to his said wards, that it is
necessary that such real ewtate be sold.
It is hereby ordered that the next of kin of said
wards and all persons interested in aaid real es
tate appear betore tins court on
Kridtti. the 1st day of Aurnst. A. D.. 1890.
at 10 o'clock a. m.. at the courthouse at the town
of Heppner, in the county of Morrow, state of
OrpRon, then and there show cause why an order
should not be made for the sale of the real estae
aescribed in sa)d petition, as follows, to-wit
Lots one (1) and two (2) in block twelve (12) in
the town of Heppner. said county and state.
And it is further crderid that a copy of this or
der be published for four consecutive weeks in
the Heppner Gazcttk. a weekly newspaper pnb-
iisnea in tne county oe morrow.
Dated this 16th day of June, A. I).. 1890.
78-3 Wm. Mitchell, County Judge.
Whereas, Wm. H. Tindall did on the 80th
day or Dept., l dw, duly execute and deliver to w ,
W. Hiesland his certain Chattel MorUraee where
by he conveyed to said Hiestand his entire band
o cattle m Morrow county, Oregon, then rang
ing in Morrow and other counties, boiriff at the
time, about 140 in number, branded on both
hips and maked with two under slopes on ears,
and "juK handle" on brisket, to secure the pay-
mentto said N. W. Hiestand of the sum of
$3h6.42 and interest thereon at ten per cent, per
annum from Dec. 11 1888, and the further sum of
$160 .05, with interest thereon at said rate of ten
per cent, per annum from Sept. SOth lSfeQ. accord
ing to two promissory notes set out in said mort
gage, both of which now belon to N. W. Hies
tand, one of which was overdue when said mott
gage was executed, and the other being now due
by virtue of a provifion of said notes and mort
sage, to the effect that, if the holder thereof
should at any time feel unsafe or insecure, said
role should, at his option, become due and pay
able, which option said Hiestand, feeling unsafe
and insecure, exercises and declares both of said
notes due and payable; and whereas, the condi
tions of said mortgage have been broken by said
Tindall, and whereas, said mortgage was duly
tiled and registered as required bv law. and
whereas, said principal Bums with interest as
aforesaid are wholly unpaid, and whereas by the
terms of said mortgage, isaid mortgage) W.
Hiestand has the neht to sell said cattle on civ.
ing notice thereof by publication of such notice
once a week for two weeks in fume paper
puoiisnea in .uorrow connry; ihow, iherkfobe,
notice is hereby given that on the 18th day of Ju
ly. 1890, at one o'clock p. m. of said day. at the
residence nf W. H. Jinley. in said lorrow coun
ty said N. W. Hiestand. in person, or by his
agent will, by virtue of said mortgage, sell at
public auction to the highest bidder, seventy
head of said band of cattle, or so many thereof
as may be found by that time, to obtain funds
with which to pay said principal and interest and
costs and expenses or said sale, including the ex
pense of getting up and keeping said stock, of
advertising, counsel fees, etc. Said stock to be
sold consists of all kinds and ages of common
f N. W. Heistasi
Dated July 2d,1890. lay '
80-9t. ( O. F, Thompson, Agt.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
ie ( oun
W. B. Cunninghame,
To W. B. Cunninghame, the above named de
fendant: In the name of the State of Oregon.
Yon are hereby suin-nioned and required to an-
pear in said oourt on or before the first day of
the nv.xt r?gular term thereof to begun and
bmlH t Heonner. Morrow t ountv. Oreurnn
thetirst Monday in SeDtember. 1890 and answer
the complaint of plaintiff filed therein or judg
ment will be taken against you for the sum of
Thirteen Hundred and Ninety-Nix and 50-100
Dollars with interest at iu per cent, per annum
from tne nth day or August, imw. and Une Hun
dred Dollars as attorney's fees and the oosis and
disbursements or this action.
Tt is ordered bv the Hon. Morton D. Clifford.
Judge of the Sixth Judicial District of the State
of Oregon, that service of summons be made
upon you by publication in the HeppnerGAZETTE
lor si5i consecutive weens.
Dated June HO 1890. Fhank Kellooo.
81-88. Attorney fo Plaintiff,
Notice is hereby given that the undersigned,
doing business under the firm name of Cox &
English, have tli- day dissolved by mutual con
sent. John T. English.
Ed. S. Cox,
S. fi. Co
H.RDU-N, Or,, June IS, 'f0 78-SS,
Lbgal Blanks, Tbe Gazette job of
fice is getting out a catalog ne and price
liaft of Wal blanks which wili include
all kinds. Send in your order. We du
plicate Pendleton or Portland prices.
The following disconuts are allowed for
large orders : so to 310, 20 per cent, oil;
$10 to $20, 25 per cent off; $20 and over,
per cent. off.
Arlington, Oregon.
In the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for
the county of Morrow.
Percy H. Blyth. '
W. B. Cunninghame Y
and j
Alice Cunninghame, i
Defendants. J
To W. B. Cunninghame and Alios Cunning
hame: in the name of the State of Oregon ycai are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint hied against you in the above entitled suit
and court, on or before the first day of the next
regular term of said court, to-wit: On or before
September 1st, lyo.
And you will take notice that if you fail t o ans
wer or appear in said time, for want there-.f the
plaintiff will apply to the court for the mli ef de
manded in said complaint, to-wit: for judi rment
against you for the sum of $ 1000 and cost s and
disbursements of this suit, for a decree of fore
closure of a certain mortgage on real estate in
Morrow Conntv. Oregon, given by you to Plain
tiff to secure the payment of the said sum of $1000
and more fnlly described in the waid complaint
and such other and further relief as to the court
is equitable (j.. v. Rea
. . , Att'y for Plaintiff.
Stearns, Judge of the Fourth judicial District.
which umur was inaae ana Oated July 15 ltttW. 88.
In the Circuit Court, for the County of Morrow
State of Oregon.
v m Hughes,
L. O. Welch,
TWnn riant
TO L. O. Wplri, rUtfoTwlont-.
In the name of the State of Oregon, yon. are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint tiled against you in the above entitled suit
in the above entitled court, on or before the
first day of the next regular term of said court,
r"Wlt: .AhpnrBt Monday in September, A.. D..
l&iio. or judgment will be taken against you for
the foreclosure of a eertain mortgage execub id by
you to secure the payment of the sum of 400
with interest at 10 per cent, per annum 'from
August lb. 18M8; recorded August 16, 1888, in loook
C. pages 385 and 386, Record of Mortgages of aid
county, for $.( attorney's fee and for costs and
disbursements of this suit.
It is ordered by the judge of the Sixth Jud icial
Distnctof the State of Oregon, on July 12 1890
that service of this summons be made by publi
cation in the Heppner Gazette for a period of
lJ 16' ltj9-" J.N. Brown,
lK!-88... Attorney for Flauitiff.
In the ircnit Court for the County of Mo rrow
"'no Oregon.
W. O. Minor,
Frank Fitch,
To Frank Fith .lafulnnf
lu iue name oi me mate or Oregon, you are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled I ac
tion in the above entitled court on or before the
1 .1 . , . .
uitiLuaj. me next regular term of said co-nrt.
to-wit: I he first Monday in September. A. D..
iWJ, or judgment will be taken against you for
the sum of $1331. 14 with interest at 8 pr cent
from June 18. 189(). and for coste and disburse
ments of this action.
It s ordered by Hon. James A. Fee. Judgi of
...cum juuiuiw jjisinct or tne state ot Oregon,
on the 12th day of July, 1890, that service of b am
nions be male upon you by publication in the
iit-ppuwr viAini re ior six consecutive weeks.
Dated at Heppuer, July 16, I8W.
J. N. Brow:c,
Si"88 Attorney for Plain tiff.
In the Circuit Court, for the county of Morrow
State of Oregon.
w m. ix. KoyHe,
Charles M. Linde,
To Charles M. Lind Defendant
In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby required to apppear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled ac
tion within ten days from the date of the service
this summons upon you, if served within this
county, or. if served in any other county of this
state, then within twenty days from the date of
the service of thiB summons upon yon; and if
served by publication, then yon are required to
appear and answer said complaint by the first
day of the terra of sain court following the expi
ration of the ti me prescribed in the order for the
publication of this summons, to wit: Six suc
cessive weeks which said first day will be on
Monday the first day of September, 1st), and if
yo fail so to appear or answer for want thereof
the pla ntiff will apply to the court for the re
lief af-ked in the said complaint, to-wit: The
correction of a warranty deed made by you to
plaintiff on June 27. 1885, wherein the premises
described as the NW& of SW! of Section 3. Tp.
5 South of range 25 Kast should have been the
NWof the SK of said Section. Township and
Kange. and saia deed will be corrected to read ac
cordingly. This Summons is published by order of Hon.
T . Judge of the Dis
trict Dated July 17, 1890. W. R. Ellis.
L8-J-88.J Attorney for Plaintiff.
U. S. Land Office, La Geande, Or.
. . Joly 10,1890. J
Complaint having been entered at this office by
Edward L. Matlock against William Sloss for
failure to comply with law as to Timber-Culture
fcntry No. 1171, dated September 21st, 1890, upon
the SWH of Section 8, Township 2 S., Range 29
in Morrow County. Oregon, with a view to
the cancellation of said entry; contestant alleg
ing that William Sloss has left the state and
abandoned the said land and that he ha never
r lowed or planted to timber or in any way im
proved said land and that there is now no im
provements on the land, the B&id parties are
hereby summoned to appear at the office of J. W.
Morrow, county clerk, Heppner, Morrow county,
Oregon, on the SOth day of August, 1890, at 10
o'cluek a. m. to respond and furnish testimony
concerning said alleged failure. It is further
ordered that this notice be served by publication
for four consecutive weeks in the Heppner GA
ZETTE and by posting as in U.S. land cases.
tHi-8t.) A. C. McClelland,
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., July 15, 90.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has tiled notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of hiB
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the oounty judge of Morrow county, at Heppner,
Or., on Aug. 22. 18J viz:
John Jenkins,
Hd App. No. - , for the S!4 SWii and 8'4
SEl4 Sec 6. Tp. 4 S. R. 25, E. W. M
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Wiley McBee, L.Stanton, Fred AsbbTi and
John Aistott, all of Eight Mi e. Or,
John W. Lewtb. Rsfrister.
Cash Bargain Store!
The Genuine Foster
good a $6 boot
To close 100
5c. to $1.50.
The largest aud and most complete line of boos and shoes to be found
in Heppuer is now offered for sale at the CASH BAR
GAIN STORE, at prices that defy
Go to the
frighten you, and the stock
of the best qurlity.
Also the finest SUITS
found in the town.
Gilliam & Bisbee's
-HMusive Harffware Stora,
Have in Stock
Tinware, Shelf Hardware, Iron
and Steel, Blacksmiths' Coal,
Wood and Willow Ware, Oueensware,
Building Paper Of All Kinds.
T'loy Ilavo .Inst Received a Carload of Agricultural Implements In
cluding the Standard Mowers and Reapers, Sulky Rakes, Wag
ons, Hacks and Buckboards. These Vehicles are of the
Best Make. Try their Standard Mower for
Durability. It does Satisfactory Work.
Also in Stock Jachine Oils of
All Kinds.
Tin s Iron Roofing a Specialty
Next door to First Nat. Bank, Heppner, Or.
with its
Home Office at Salem, Or., (in the State Insurance Building), and
Branch Offices in Portland, Astoria and Albany, has for sale a
large lot of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms, also City
and Suburban Property.
Was specially organized for the purpose of buying and subdi
viding large tracts of land, and has, during the past two years, bought
and subdivided over 3200 acres of land into five to twenty acre
tracts. The success of this undertaking is shown in
the fact that out of 280 tracts of land plac
ed in the market, 225 have been
We claim that ten aoreB of choice land in fruit will yield a larger inoome than 160
acres in wheat in the Mississippi valley.
We also make valuable improvements in the way of roads, fences, etc. We can
sell a small tract of land for the rsauie prioe per acre as you would have to
pay for a large farm.
Send for pamphlet, maps and prioe list.
warding Agents.
The Company has recently constructed a two-story
warehouse 80 x 100 feet, with wool press and all con
veniences for Jiandling wool.
The Warehouse CJmrps at Heppn er will be the same
as those at Arlington, less cartages.
Freight upon baled wool from Heppner same at
from Arlington.
Cash advanced upon consignments of wool or wool in
111 Stock Now on HancU
Eatest Styles and Bot
tom Prices!
Repairing and Job
3 O
special: antentron paid to fine
0 dill?
Kid Gloves at $1.
as you ever saw
for men and boys at
the prices
will not
for boys to be
E. B. BISHOP, Treas.
and For
Work a
tf -
1 n
TT I f
Button. Lace or Congress. Every
Warranted. Also an extensive line
the celebrated Buckingham &
Heckt boots always on hand.
The Largest Stock in East
ern Oregon.
custom work. OoDosite f!itv TTi