Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 26, 1890, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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Notice is hereby given that the part
nershjp existing heretofore between T.
W. Avers surf T V. foil nn,l... ti. es
name of Ayers & Fell is' this day dissolv- jrohers for the coming year.
vj uiuLum consent. Aecounts are
payable to either member of the firm,
and all knowing themselves indebted on
account or by note are requested to make
prompt settlemet. 74-79. T. E. Fell.
Heppner, May 1G, "90. T. W. Avers.
Notice is hereby given that on Satur
day, July 5, 1890, the directors of the
Heppner schools will meet to select
in their
desiring positioos should send
applications in writing.
( E. Minor,
D.rectors-J W. R. Ellis,
( Otis Pattebson.
Stray House. From my place near
J-onUon, Or., a bay horse, weight 950.
I have opened a weH-appointed tailor- JF connected thelltt'stiu vvi.1
mg establishment in my new build- Pay suitable reward for information lead
ing on May street, and am now regularly jjS o hie recovery. Address John A
reoeiving new goods and will make cue- Walker, Condon, Or. 77-8.
torn made nants from 87 t.r. sir .t
goods in the market
A. Abbahahsick.
We will furnish
Long Creek this
prices with freight added.
Allen A Budio.
salt and sulphur at
season at Heppner
Hurrah ! It rains!!!
Ves Carlisle is in town again.
Ex-Governor Moody was in town hint
Ian?"6 Wilson haa taken 8 triP o Port
Harve Condon paid a visit to the new
county seat last week.
John Downing.a Condon merch ant,
shipped a carload of horses to the valley
on Monday.
Sunday we were blessed with a gentle
rainfall the only trouble was it did not
last long enough.
Mrs. C. & Wenner and Miss Weo'ner
have gone to Kennmgton, Ohio, on a vis
it to our Charley's people.
Mr. Bennett and danvhtor nr. Tii-t
7 v. wjcvlovi seuaior lor
Bt5 Iarney nd Morrow counties
passed turnnoh ln.t ... ,1
Portland. -...uie ,or
. 7 ri""" ""iromr, will
oe held in Lexington on iinrj... t..-
cnj. a.ii menioers are specially
vited to be present. 77.9
The Storm Is Over. Politics and
uusiuess are altogether different matters.
Taken np. on Mav 8. bv tho HI1 Imoi-ihiiii
The heat of the past conflict has u..' lioinK on Rea oreek. 12 miles from Hodd-
away and all join in well-wishes to the "fi" D? ran0rd,DB' ?ine. or ten
successful candidates. J.W.Smith of fH' T s,, v J",uu; Dranaea Hon ou xranoisoo Abend Post
Arlington, is not in politics, although he a Blhoulder- "''Ae, 91; right shoul- W)M.U' town last week and said be bad a
is before the people for their patronage -.1 br,IfZODtaJ H with H above and bar Blonons time at Heppner when the news
in tue lines of, general merchandise and , ouverm, oeiow. xne owner 0 i"" ciacsman was elected,
farming implements, the most worthy of !Ih n ? ,1 ""i"6 by proTiu ownership Dal Reed hopes to be able to dispense
Dr. Ed. Molitor, who was a guest of
JJr Bacon for several months last fall,
died of consumption at his home in Sam
ooank. 111., on the 12th inst.
H. A. Lehndorff, subscription canvass
er for the ban Franoisco Ahenri pnf
the latter beinir that nnlhr.l and paying thecharges.
neftaer. Hni ir. find hava .,..,. n on " -
J mu uiuci. I -mi
J. A. Fristoe.
with crutches before long.
If anv of nnr rfn?An nra Legal Blanks. TiiflrrinD .-.k
the weekly illustrated West Shore they is. Bating oot a catalogue and price
ought to do so. It combines the desi
able features of all the eastern weeklies
and is superior to any one ot them, iv
pecially in its graphic pictures ot west
ern scenes it is of great interest. Aside
from the local paper it is the best pub
lication that can be taken, and should be
in every bouse. Published by L. Sam
ckl, Portlapd, Oregon, at 84.00 a year.
Teams are
busy hauling from the
?ine "ll?1wer8 tue Past weel, but more
iiBi 01 legal oianns winch will include
an Kiaus. oena in voar order w a
keHSiiUW&BuuWuJgWilsAprices. fain is badly needed
large orders : $5 to $10, 20 per ceniTofT; ofTuly in a glonKuiym
1U to fVHJ, per oent. off; ?M and over,
33 per oent. off.
I hereby give notice that George Con
ner, of Heppner, is authorized to collect
all monies due or to become doe to me
from rents, notes or accounts of what
ever nature, and to give receipts for all
sums so paid him, in my name. I would
also inform the public that I have sold
all my Brewery accounts to Mr. Mat.
Licbtentball, of Heppner, who is alone
authorized to collect the same.
J. B. Natter.
Heppner, May 15, 1890.
Any veteran of the late war, or others,
knowing oomrndes who have died and
are buried in Morrow county, will please
forward the musters of said comrades to
J. S. Boothby, commander of Rawlins
PoBt. No. 31,'at Lexington, Oregon. 77-80
Bananas at the "Model."
Ice cream at the 'Model."
Fresh candies inst in. - the choicest
73-81 stock in Heppner.
The "Model" can furnish parties with
ice in small quantities.
At my ranch ou Upper Willow creek. The "Estaella," "Dirago Clnb" and
a dark bay horse, weight 1150, branded other fine cigars always in stock at the
FM and."cloverleaf" on left shoulder : an "Model."
iron gray horse, weight 1000, branded
' mule shoe" on left shoulder. Owner
can have same by proving property and
paying charges. Jons L icknanb,
77-80. Heppner, Or.
E. O. Ten men, with Henry Thomp
son as teamster, left Pendleton this
morning to complete the Long Creek
wagon road.
All kinds of soft drinks at the "Model."
Try their soda and sarsapaiilla.
West Bran nan and wife and baby
have gone to the McDuffee springs for
rest and recreation. Wright Saling ac
companied them.
Since Theodore Downing has a new
daughter to greet him when he returns
from his work, he feels that he cau do
the work of two shops, and hence he
stepped over and purchased MessrB.
Dennis & Meadows' blacksmith shop.
He will be the only blacksmith at pres
ent in Hardman.
Eight Mile Center is preparing an in
teresting programme for the .4th. They
will add an evergreen arbor to the school
house. The boys also expect fun in par
ticipating in the sports booked for them.
L G.I.
Eight Mile, Or., June 21, 1890.
Fossil will celebrate the i in an ap
propriate manner. Base ball, horse
races, baby show, and a grand ball in
the evening, are among the prominent
features of the celebration.
Numerous good showers this week
will greatly offset the effect of a very
In fact the "Model" is the only cigar, dry spring. The crops of Morrow will
tobaoco and oonfectionary store in town,
Tney make a specialty in these lines.
Are yon married? If not, send your
address with stamp, to the American
Corresponding Club, P. O. B"t 043,
Clarksburg, W. Va. 370-422
not be so short this season as has been
reported, as good reports are coming in
from all sides at present.
A. B. Stanley made a flying trip to
Heppner Saturday, returning to his home
near Echo, Monday.