T r IsBewS' " i ii ' in" '.jM " ' rUK Ws& IW I tilt- a??oc lOSIorrAIOKe 4EC!S. jr'iweaKsiMor Boay and Fluid, hlraBMhaA41Ctlt. r.SlMLTfei)PKnOUfftSSA Mlltlidl afff7. S4rAiltb UOU lHLtiXT-fccxSu IBS Sir. ha uailf; Tt, t Stm. rflgs Omtria. Writ, ih. n. ItMCrlblk bwuk ii&MtlnfiAd rot. nml4 .f:-j UMm ERIt MKDICAi. CO., BU?FAi0, W. V. ED A7CF1 AXLE GREASE BEST IW THE WORLD. XtawMrlBcquaUtlMars munniuHd, actually eutUMHoff two boxes of any other braid. Not ftecud by heat. tr6ET till: tl.V USE. FOB BALE BY DEALERS GENF.RAIXY. lyr ir YOU WISH A COOO REVOLVER BP'" SMITH & WESSON'S rinMt mnatl irmi aver nan atactured and Ute first ctioLee zoerU. In caUbrtw 82. ws acta m-ium. Biagis or double action. Safely Ham neriau and Target nvxlela. BmI anaJltv wramrbt rum I. caxafutlr iinmicLtjd tur wurkmaiuhiD auastock. Unrivaled for lnlafa. durmbilltv Hnd arnarBcr. Do not torn deceived by cheap mattea&e iron imitation often sold for the genuine article. Tli-y are unre liable and dangerou. The Smith ft wesson He volt bbs are camped upon the barrel wltli firm 'a name, addrai ancfdaUwof patents, and are guar ata1 perfect. InsUt upon having them, and If jour dealer cannot supply you, an order sent to ad dress below will receive prompt attention. Descrip tive eMaiogne and prlcesupon application. UailTli &C H'ESMON, Springfield, 91km. ARTHUR SMITH, PRACTICAL WATCHMAKER ! Next to Firflt National Bank, HEPPNER. : : OREGON. Watches,' A Optical Clocks, ) Goods . Watches Cleaned, - - 1.50. Mainsprings Fitted . - . SI .50. All work guaranteed for one year. TO Aldli PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT SXeppraex, Oreaon. J. C. HART, - Agent. THB PIONEER Jewells 3-OP-l '""RorwrrrtfRfll Continues to Sell 3 ?jcor?JS , 3 XJWXSIjIlir, ETC.. At the Lowest Possible Priees. A larg stock of Gord Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always on Hand A Full Line of 3jVO:T70XO.A.Xj iktstru MEKTTS Has been added to his large and well selected stook. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Work. G-uarautoocl. STOKE opposite Minor, Dorfson A. Co's Mar Bt. -THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. ''Overland Route." TICKETS To all Principal Points in the United States, Canada and Europe. ss ELEGANT NEW DINING CARSs Pullman Palace Sleepers. FREE COLONIST SLEEPING CARS Ran Through on all Express Trains to -E0MAHA,3333- Counoll BltAff sj AND Without Change. Close Connection at Portland for San Francisco and Puset Sound Points. ALL IRON STEAMERS Leave Portland for San Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip in 60 hours. Cabin, $1S. Steerage. 9S.0O Sound Trip Unlimited, $30,00. For further particulars inquire of any agent of the company. T. W. LEE. S. C. MELLIN, G. P t T. A. General Traffic Manaaer. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Ijmd Oflloe. at La Grande. Or.. JnneS.TO. Notice is hereby (rien that the followm(t-namM Mttler bae filed notice of his intention to make tinal poof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made bef re the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on July Jl.ltMU. Tis: . James Meifelvtn, D.S.No.S5;Sfor the N4 NE- SWVi SEK 8E!4 N W Sec 17 Tp 8 k E. Be names the foUowiiiR witnesses to prore his continuous reeidence upo".and culuvauon of. said land, Tis: , Uiles H. Dangherty. Wm. H. Pearson. W. B. Dangherty and James Daugherty. all of Lna, 7J3iCo - r- HKSKT Rjkichabt rWit-. m i 1 1 FOR LIVER. A torpM II ver d ereu,e9 the w hole mjim luia and protfucei Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Cost veness, Rheu matism, Saiicav Skin and Piles. There Im no better remedy fortbcM eotnmoo (Sinenses than Tutt's Liver nils. o a trial wiEI prove. riee, 20 Sold Everywhere. California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. J. 15. Keeney, Supt. Daily Btmrrt to and from Monnment. Blnce lwives Heppner at B:30 A. M. Arrives, 5:30 P. M. Pendleton HtAKe leaves Heppner 650 A. M. " ' arrivea 4:50 P. M. Fare to Monument, - - $5 00 Fare to Pendleton, - $400. E. J. ST.0CUM & CO., Agents. Freight 2 oents per pound. Heppner, Ogn S. P. FLORENCE STOCKRAISER! UEPPNKK OREGON. fat Ha branded and ear -marked ae shown above. Horses F on right shoulder. counties. 1 will pay HOil.OO reward for the arrest and con victioa of any person stealing my Our cattle range in morrow, ana umatuis stock. To core BUionsnepa, 3ck Hendache, ConBti pation. Malaria, SAier iiomplaints, take the safe and certain remedy, Tme the SMTAIX 8Jbo C4'-liU,eBean8totha bottle). They akb the most convkniknt. Suitable toff Ages. Price of e i tb eg size. Sac, per Bottle. llVD I WlMnilel ror4r'a. fropper. or lUmpi), J.F.SMITH A, CO.alrofBlLii!;EANS," ST. LOUIS M0. Dr. Warner's celebrated Coraline Health Corsets have one peculiarity which pertains only to corsets of their make. The bust retains its shape to the end, and the corset im parts to the wearer a well- proportioned and beautiful figure. The corset is boned with Coraline, a substance superior to the finest whale bone. Made in short, medium and extra long waists. There are many imitations, but you will find " Dr. Warner's Coraline " printed on the inside of every genuine corset. They are sold by your nearest dry goods dealer. WARNER BROS. Mnfrs., New York and Chicago. Halls So said Jlu we greatest of Novelists, and sLiKeSlBS never spoke more trulv, and he mil have added witli equal force, that merit is the essence of success. Wisdom's Robert ine is the synonym of merit, and its history is success. The magical ef fects of this preparation have been attest ed by thousands of the leading ladies of society and the staje. It is the only arti cle ever discovered which gives a Natur al and Beautiful tint to the complexion, at the same time removing ail roughness, of the face and arms and leaving the skin soft, smooth and velvety. It has long been the study of chemists to pro duce an article that while it would beau iify the complexion would also have the merit of being harmless, but these two important qualities were never brought together until combined in WISDOM'S 50c. f?OBETIfla. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I Consolidated.) IrfUid Offir at The Dalles. Or.. May 9, '90. Notice is hereby given that the following named settlers have filed notice of their inten tion to make final proof in support of their claims and that said proof will be made before the coun ty judge of Gilliam county at Arlington, Or., on June 30, 1890, viz: Mrs. M. Anderson, For the 84 8W, NW 8W and SW NW chh . ip, i. a. n. zz n. She names the f ollowini? witnnBnm tn titoto hr continuous residence noon, and cultivation of aaid land viz: Julian L. Paul. Lnfinn W Pan.. Jnhn M fV Ium and Edgar T. Persons, all of Shelby, Or. ductus i . fauL FortheEU NEW. NW". ilFV ami NFU KWU Sec. 2. To. 2 S- K, 2 E. He names the following witnesses to oroye his eontinuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: Mrs. M. Anderpon, Andrew T. Cochmn, John M. Collum and EdiTar T. Persons, all nt HhlK- Or. Julian L. Paul, For the NEH Sec. 14, Tp. 2 S. K. 28 E. rle names the followins witnesses t. nmv. hiscontinuous residence noon and cnlrivnHon of, said land, viz? Mrs. M. Anderson, Andrew J. Cochran, Edcar T. Persons and John M. Collnm, ail of Shelby. Or. 74-79. Johw W, Lkwis, Reaisrr. W...c.il...ll S.I1L rrxnrt and tnsfct destboyeks,' rroroinpiit among theenproies of orchard, garden ami greenhouse prod" ts arp fungus find iusfct proj'g'-nd ('ho oud conveni ent 1 ro its tf these euemies art1 union Riiiipht after, end we hr.vr- e"!:.-ftfd reuorts of experi ments with several, which we think will be of interest to our readers. By experiments in France the use of benzine haa been found ef fectual in destroying the white grubs (the larvae of the May or Dor bug), which often do immense damage, especially in dry seasons, to lawns, strawberry plants, seed ling trees and other nursery stock. Holes are made in the ground in fested with the grubs with one of the sharp iron dibbles used some times in transplanting small plants, and the benzine is poured into them. Fifty grains of ben zine are used to the square yard, and care is taken to insert it above the plane of the feeding ground of the grubs. In an experiment re cently made by one of the French forest officers, and reported at a meeting of the National Agricul tural Society, the grubs on twelve acres were destroyed at a cost of only $3.20 an acre. An Ohio farmer reports raising 300,000 cabbages and kept the flea beetle away at the cost of a single dollar. His method is to pour a gallon of spirits of turpentine into a barrel of land plaster, and when the plaster is dampened all through, as it will be in a few days, spread it broadcast over the the field. It is better than lime in ashes, and may be applied when the plants are not wet with rain or dew. A New Jersey grape-grower ex perimented with the sulphate of copper remedies recommended by the department of agriculture to destroy rose-bugs. The eau cel este (bluewater, a single solution of sulphate of copper with amonia) so he tells us, not only saved his vines from injury by mildew, but also rid them entirely and speedi ly from the rose-bugs, that were infesting them by millions and threatened to deatroy every ves tige of fruit and foliage. Hot water has been found a very cheap and effective remedy. The gardner's Jonthly says one of the cheapest and best modes of de stroying insects on pot plants is to invert the pot and dip the plant for a few seconds into water warm ed to 130 degrees. It is, after all tfecse many years, the best plan for destroying iusocts, except, perhaps, on a very large scale. The Garten Zeituug, in referring to the plan, says that the azalea will stand 133 degrees without injury. Heat the water pretty well, and pour in cold until 130 degrees is reached. In English experiments, a rem- dy has been found in quassia chips and soft soap, which com bined insure sudden death to plant pests. Take a four-inch pot full of the chips and place in an old sauce pan, in which you have a gallon of soft water. Put this vessel on the fire and gently boil until the whole of the chips sink to the bottom, stirring it occasionally the while. This will occupy a quaiter of an hour on a brisk fire; then strain oft the liquid and add two ounces of the soap, and when dissolved, add half a gallon more water. This last addition will cool it sufficient ly for immediate use, when it may be applied freely with a syringe. After this has been done about ten minutes, syringe with clean soft water. This will clear off the vic tims; and leave the plants clean, provided the plants are always syringed with clean water before the intersecticide gets dry. This is easily and quickly applied, cheap and most effectual in its results, and safe in the hands of "anyone. GENERAL NEWS. The indictments against the ex boodle aldermen of New York have been dismissed. The brewery recently erected by Carl Eoth & Co., at Denver, Col., was destroyed by fire June 13. Loss $30,000. Frank Warren, a traveling man was shot and killed, at Elmira, N. Y., by his 16-year old son for abusing bis mother. Hon. F. V. Hill, demoaratio candidate for governor, died at his home in Bancor. Maine. June 16 of acute bronchitis. John Furston and wife of Bigj Springs, Jieb., were killed last week by a railroad tram, while crossing the track. Henry Mullings was convicted, at Oroville, Cal., of the murder of John S. Moore, and sentenced to' imprisonment for life. Seven bodies of unknown dead were taken out of the river along the view rork city front between sunrise and sunset on JunJ 15. George Liddell who acted as time keeper in the fatal McBride Lnrne fhrrht at the Golden Gate club, has been held in $15,000 bail. AloDg and south of the Fresno river near Bale's Post-office, Cal., 17.000 acres have been burned over and was still burning on the 14th of June- Fire has destroyed a vastij amount of grain in the field, houses and live stock, in the vicinil j ty of San Rosa, Lower California; Loss reported at $35,000. j Edward Hutchinson, balloonist, while making an ascension in the outskirts of Knoxville, Tenii., fell from a height of seventy-five feet, and wa9 fatally injured. ' An explosion occurred June 14, at the Costeline Co's "vorks near Findley, O. Five tois of nitro glycerine exploded, destroying every thing, and leaving a hole deep enough to takoin a four'story house. The Washington D. C. Columbia Athletic Club governors recflitly gave permission to John ii Sulli van to give a boxing exhibition in the gymnasium. Many protested, and the club met and voted to prohibit tha affair. Cincinnati, O., was visited by a thunder Jtorm, and in less than an hour one and one-half inches of rain fell. Thirty-seven miles of fire and telphooe wires were melted or otherwise destroyed, and much other damage was done. A terrific lightning and thunder storm passed over the northern part of Bourbon county. Two of a fishing party were killed and ten others badly injured. When the storm came up they took shelter under a cattle trough. Lightning struck it with the result named. Sheriff Crommer was shot and fatally wounded by William West a prisoner in the Brownsville, Mo., jail, awaiting trial for murder. The sheriff had taken JFest to supper and as he turned his back West drew a revolver and fired. He then escaped but was captured. A cloud burst at Bull Creek," six miles above Marysville, Ky., wept away several dwellings and occupants. A dozen persons liv ing in the creek are reported drowned. A tram on V. fe O. rail road ran off an embankment kill ing the engineer and fireman and drowning a trainman. Some of the best citizens of Texarkana have been arrested for complicity in the Spur Switch train robbery and the city is wild with excitement John S. Will-4 iams, one of the oldest citizens, who is a detective of almost nation al repute, and Nepoleon McDaniel, an ex-policeman, and a man named Eadcliff have been arrested. A coat belonging to Williams, found near the scene of the robbery, was the first clew, and a son of Rad cliff s was found suffering from a gushot wound at Williaus' house. OKEGON NEWS. H. A. Bunsell has been nomi nated to the Senate for collector of customs at Yaquina. Senator Dolph has introduced a bill in the senate appropriating $200,000 to build a branchof the Soldiers home in Oregon. Postmaster Dorman of Dorinan, who was charged with abstracting a letter irom tne mans, nas oeen acquitted of the charge by the United states i;ourt. The Eagle brewery at Baker City was set on fire by some un known person Saturday June 14. and was entirely destroyed. The building occuppied by Oscar Johnson was also burned. The loss of J ulius Lachs' the owner of the brewery is $5,000. Jack Wal ker and Johnson placed their loss, at $800 and $300 respectively. The Salem Statesman says that already about two hundred houses have been built or contracted for in Salem during the current year, and the list is lengthening. All which shows the city to be growing. In the eighth mile and repeat race at Ulty View i'ark, .Portland. June 13, Ccylone dropped dead under the wire at the end of the third heat. The horse belonged to A. D. Hitchcock, of California, Old soldiers and G. A. R. men will organize a new post at Inde pendence. The old post haying oeen aoandoned tor some years T.1 i ,, , , .. , i.ne new posr. win stare witn an increased membership and much more enthusiasm. WASHINGTON. The Livery stable of McNeil, Wallace & Co., at Ellensburg was burned J une 12, caused by the explosion or a lantern. Loss 0,. 000. Insurance $4,000. The store of "Paw Cummings" in me tjganegan country was re cently robl ed of a larg-? amount of merchandise and money by Indjt ans. Ihey also stampeded a baukl or norses near tne mouth of Sal mon river. The trustees of the State reform school have selected a site for the location of the institution. It con sists of fifty acres lying a half mile southeast of Chehalis, pur chased from Mr. W. McLadden at $100 per acre. Jfj'Wr Durham editor of the Spokane Falls Review was arrestr ed on a warrant for contempt of courr ine charge is based upon n article which appeared in the tve-fiero uemanaing a tair and im. partial trial of Baer who killed Mcurossin. WANTED MORE BOOZE. Frank Hoyt Killed in a Saloon Racket. TJnioktown, Wash., June 19. Frank Hoyt, who arriyed here from the Grand Coulee country on Wednesday night, in company with a lot of railroad graders on their way to Lewiston to work on the TKT tL TJ : . - , . nuns i tiuiiiu ex tension, ana in tne em ploy of the O'Leary Brothers was Bhot last night in the left breast and died twenty minutes after. Hoyt, in 00m pan with half a dozen other men, want ed to gain admittance into F. Hartman's saloon, but were refused, when threats were made to break in the door. Hart man, as be claims, in order to scare the crowd, fired without intention to hit, but the bullet took effect. The coroner's ju ry is cow in session, and a verdict will be rendered soma time late to-night. TALLAPOOSA, -1,200 FBBTABOVE IBVBIV.- In Climate, the Italy of America. In Manufacturing, the coming Pittsburg of the South. In Elevation, the Pikes Peak of the Piedmont Bange. LX HEALTHF ULNESS, THE SANITARIUM OF THE WORLD. The present Mecca for Northern Investors and Settlers. Two M's BggGiuiG; Locating industries Oct 15, 1889, contract signed for completing Iron Furnace'.'. Oct 23, 1889. contract signed for Cotton Mill and Bleachery Nov. 1, 1889, contract signed for Edison Electric Light Plant Noe.15, 1889, contract signed for Jeans and Overall Factory Nov.25, 1889, contract signed for Foundry and Machine Works. Dec. 1, 1889, contract signed for Soap Manufactory Works Dec. 9, 1889, contract signed for Cotton Hosiery mills . Dec.12, 1889. contract signed for pressed brick works Dec.25, 1889, contraot signed for Tallapoosa Distillery I Dec.31, 1889, contract signed for starting Glass Works Jan.10, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Cabinet Works Jan.17, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Reclining Chai'- Company Jan,29, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Cigar Factory Total . And an Augur Factory, Woolen Mill, Car Works and other large manufactories are under negotiation. Most of the above contracts are now under construction, and all to be running within three months from date. With thece industries now building completed, OVER 900 OPERATIVES w ill be emnloved in manufacturing in TallaoooeB, Ga.. ..whioh, on the nsual basis of computation persons, while the present population of THE ADVANTAGES OF TALLAPOOSA. For a Northern settler are: Mild pleasant Winters, cooler summers than in the North, perfect, bealthfulness, wonderful mineral springs that have cured hundreds of cases of rheumatism, kidney and urinary troubles, dyspepsia, consumption and kindred diseases; pnre freestone water, high elevation, Northern society; (the largest G. A. R. lodge in the South, in propor tion to population, and first Women's Relief Corps organized in the state), free schools and low taxation, EXEMPTION FROM TAXATION FOR TEN YEARS. Free site and other inducements offered to manufacturing and other industries locating here, where we have nhean cot ton, iron coal andtimber in abundance. NOW IS Befoie the ad vanoe in prices that will surelv follow the great influx of manufacturing establishments now locating here BUILDING LOTS ARE ADVANCING RAPIDLY and will double in value before the end of tne first year. Send for prospectus of the city, terms and price list of building lots, copy of Tallapoosa Jonrnal, and full information or come and see for yourself the truth of the statements we make. It not found as represented, your expenses will be paid by this company, besides liberal compensation lor your time. Address ieDul'teow From Terminal or interior Points the ' w 1U1 U1C1 U J i RAILEOAD! Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It is the DINING CAB ROU 'J F.It run Through VESTIBTJLED TRAINS EVERT DAY IN THE YEAR TO - -:AND:- (No Change of Cars) , Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, I'.I IXMA.N llKAVVliNli fiUUil SLfttrtilS Of Latest Equipment, TouristSleepingCars Uest that can be constructed and ii which aooommodations are both FREE and furnished for holders of First or Second-Glass Tickets, and- Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all points in America, Eng land and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routea and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent. ATo. 121 First St.. Cor. Washington. PORTLAND OREGON TO SAN FRANCISCO. CAL, BT WAT OF THB- Southern Pacific Company's Line THE IHT. SHSSTB BOOTE. Quicker in Time than Any Other Bonte Between Portland gap Franeiseo, Leave Portland at i r, M., uauy, THROUGH TIME. 89 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURISTS SLEEPING CARS, For Accommodation of Second-Class ' Passengers Attached to Express Trains. Fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Fran cisco: Unlimited. 2- Limited First-Class " " Second-Class,. IS Through Tiokets to all Points South ana fifii, VIA CAIjIPOKXIA. TICKET OFFICES: City Office. No. 134. Corner First & Alder Streets Depot Office, Corner F and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. B. KOEHLER. Manager. E. P. ROGERS. Asst. i. F. and Fass.Af t ust? mm mm m. (one emplove for everv five of population) the city is 2300. (Majoiity Northern people.) THE TIME TO LOCATE OR INVEST IN TALLAPOOSA, GA. latjijit-fuuoa i&nu, lViiJSijNUr AJNU M'i'U JU., TALLAPOOSA, GA. NELSON JONES, Pres't. General Avar ding MUrulUW LUUtiU LMU t TnUST ,...u. i 3 v v .i n ai assasiBi v Wm flWteS Vvl ine vompany nas recently constructed a two-story mnifphmi Q Xil -v Kill -roo-f tt.ifh .1 ,.77 J . y.wiw w w jv, wMii vtsuvis fji &ss vunih u-11 con veniences for lutndling ivool. The WareJwuse Charges at Heppner will be the swine as those at Arlington, less cartages. Freight upon baled wool from Heppner, same as from Arlington. Cash advanced upon consignments of wool or wool in storage. THERON E. tMm& WHOLESALE Hardware, Iron, Steel Mil Fan Machinery. SOLE AGENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND NORTHERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Machines are too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers have used them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesting Machines that will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING AULTMAN'S The" most Effective and Successful Combination for Threshing and Cleaning Grain eve" constructed. BUCKEYE STEEL frame TVVI N E-BIN DERS. . "Tho Future tnat distinguishes this Twine-Binder is the Lightness of Draft, combined with its Extraordinary Strength and Durability. The Binder is of the Appleby pattern, the only really successful one yet knov. We have two styles, the Elevator Binder and the Platform Binder-both excellent both recommended by hundreds of patrons. SCHUTTLER MI WAGOIS BUCK-BOARDS, FOUR-SPRING V0UNTAIN WAGONS, BUCKEYE AND SUPERIOR DRILLS AND SEEDERS. C0RBIV DISC HARROWS, H0DGES-HAINES HEADERS. HAISH BARB WIRE. SF.NDlFOR CIRCULARS."6 W. O. MINOR, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. J3NCE M6fp- HACIHE,WIS. . LOGAUMBtRVARD ft 6?ITVTl3!lft?Q: of-rrivo fri"''T l-A01 Chai s e GEORGIA. m Tallapoosa. 150 hands .150 hands 10 hands 50 hands 50 hands 50 hands 150 hands 25 hands 25 hands 100 hands 50 hands 75 hands 25 hands ...910 hands will support a population of over 50011 E. E. BISHOP, Treas. (Incorporated.) Warehouse and For Agents. FELL. MANAGER. VI DOOM CO. Frcflt, First anl Vine Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. DEALERS IN THRESHER. STAR TRACTION ENGINE, Deere Plows, Deere Sulky Plows, I Carriages, Phaetons, Top Buggies, w niiupiSf fLL STYLES. FISH BR9S WAG9N G- RACINE,WIS. STOCK BR. NiS. While yo kcpymir mi h-ri prion paid i- yn oari keep your brani in free of charge. C K Adki.s.HorHee. X" iu-.Ji " f" Up, C R f-n right hip Haun n Urwnt m .Mor row counties. Adkius, J ' Horse, JA oonrwtod on lef' flank; cattle, sumeon left hip. Blcakman, Got-., Hunlmaa Horses, a flat? on left shoulder; cattle, -.ame on right Bhoulder. Bennett, Cy Horses. B on left shoulder. Brown, J- P horse? and cattle branded 8 with ox-yoke above on left shoulder. Brown, J C Horses, circle C with dot in flea teron left hip; cattle, same. m Boyer, W (x, Lena Horses, box brand or n?a; hip cattle, came, with split in each ear. Borg. P. O. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cat tle, same on left hip. Brien, T. F., Lone Rock. Horses o with bar under and over on right shoulder. Driskell, W. E. -Horses branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of Jerry Brosman, horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Jbeft ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Wi- -Horses, J Bon r.ght thigh; cattle, same on right hip;split in each ear. Wm. Rndio, Monument. Brands horses U on right shoulder. Kange. Crraut and Morrow couu- Kimer Gentry, Echo, Or. Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umatillacounties. Allison, O. D. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Range, Eight Mile. A. A. Crosby, cattle branded -j-i, (7HL con nected) on the right fhonlder. Cook, A. J., Lena Horses, 90on right shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip: earmark square cro. off left and split in right. Carrin. R Y- Horses, 03 on left stifle. Cox & English, Hard man Cattle, C with F in center: horses. CE on left Sin. CnnDer. H A Horses H O on left shoulder: cattle H C on left side, swallow fork on right ear. ti. it,. iocnran, axon amen t. vrrariL t;o , KJr. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope Dotn ears ana dew lap. Wm. Doonan. homes branded OO with bar hver them, on left shoulder; cattle same on left olp. Douglass, W M Cattle, R 1 on right side, swat-low-fork in each ear; horses, B D on left hip. J.B.Ely A Sons. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole in right ear. Fleck. Jackson. Horses. 7F connected on right shoulder; cattle, same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left. ijieuallen, John W. Horses branded half-circle JL connected on left shoulder. Cattle, same on left hip. Rangr, near Lexington. Florence, L A Cattle, LF on right hip; horses, F with bar nnderon right shoulder. Florence, S P Horses, F on right shoulder cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Armstrong, J. C, Acton T with bar under it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Gay, Henry GAY on left shoulder. GobLe, Frank Horses, 7 on left Btifie; cattle same on right hip. Mat Hughes, horses branded shoulder, heart o left shoulder. Hunsaker, B A. Horses, 9 on left shoulder; cat tie, 9 on left hip Humphreys, J M. Hardman Horses, H on left flank. Hiatt, Wm. E. Horses branded bar cross ou left shoulder: cattle same on left hip. Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right hip. Junkin, 8. M. Horses, horseshoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sama. Range on Eight Mile. Johnson. Felix Horses, circle Ton left etiflo cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in rigi and split in loft ear. Kirk. J T lloreee 69 on left shoulder: catt 69 on left hip. Kirk, J CHorees, 17 on either flank; cattle on right side. Lewis, J R. Lena Horses, P with over it oo left shoulder. J. W. Leahey, horses branded L N on the left shoulder; cattle branded the same on lett hip wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear Minor, Oscar. Cattle, M D on right hip; horeea Mon leftshoulder. Morgan, S N Horses, M ) on left shoulder cattle, same on left hip. McCumber, Jas A, Atwood Horses, M with bar over on ni?ht shoulder. Morgan, Thoa Horses, circle T on left shon) der and left thish; cattle, Z on right thigh. Mitchell, Oscar, Pettysville Horses, 77 on right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McCiaren. D G Horses, Figure 5 on each shoul der; cattle, M2on hip. Neal. Andrew. Lone Rock Horses AN con nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hip Mew man W.H. Hureet N with half circL over it on left shoulder. Nordyke, E Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cafc tie. same on left hip. Oiler, Perry. Lone Rock P O or left shou.Vfer Pearson, Ola ve. Horses, quarter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left h ip. Range on Eight Mile. Parker & Gleason, Hardman Horses IP on lfft shoulder. i Hf'Acton-Horsea.JE connected on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. Henry Patberg. horses branded with a Roman cross on left shoulder; cattle branded with Ro man cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. A. C. Pettys, Pettysville Horses, diamond P on left Bhoulder. Cattle, JHJ connected and in verted on left, hip; crop off left ear and split in right wattle or inside of right fore leg above tha knee. Rood. Andrew, Hardman Horses, square crofia wit h q parte r-nircle over it on left, stifle. liemnger, Chris Horses. C K on left shoulder. BecUtr. J W Horses. JO on loft ehorilder. Cat tie, O on right hip. X Spray, J. F. Horses branded SF connected on right shoulder: catUe same on both hips. A. L. Kwaggart. EUa. horses branded on left trhouluVr: cettle same on left hip. Crop on left ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W E.-Horses shaded J 8 on left Btice; cattle J S on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, uiuierbit in left. Saj-er, Robt -Horses S on right shoulder; caftlo square on right hip and S on right shoulder. Swaggart. L, Alpine Horses, 8 8 on right shoulder. Sapp. Thos. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cattle same on left hip. Bhobe, Dr A J Horses, DS on on left hip: cat tle, same on left side, wattle on left side of neck ears cut eharp at point. Stevenson, Mrs A J Cattle, 8 on right hit swallow-fork in left ear. Sperry E G Cattle, W C on leff hip, crop oft right and underbit in left ear.dulap; horses, W C! on left shoulder. Swaggart, G W Horses, 44 on left shoolJep cattle, 44 on left hip. r Stewart, Geo., Hardman Horses circle eon left shoulder. Smith E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Hoi-ses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; catde same on left. Bide. Range. Gilliam county, JFi A-ftreee, g on left shoulder cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tippets S T Horses. C on left shoulder. Wade, Henry, Horses branded ace of spadee on left shoulder and left hin. Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wells, A 8 Horses, o0 on left shoulder; oattl same. Wyland, JjH, Hardman Circle C on leftthigt JtS. iohn-Hore -onneotL on onefttkBtifleLiShe' hoTBe branded connected inT-ST1 i'arle8S'attle' on rishtthigfa. hole 25 e?ri.h2rel W on "ehfc solder, mmt same on left shoulder. - Wren2 A A Cwttle, running AA with barac c on right hip. TSon't&t'snSnlalr r-Horae" cirTleFonsfoulaef. dedl Wluttaer Bros. Drewy, Harney county, Or. - horses; cattle same on left hip with split in botlt Smith Geo., horses branded G 8 on left flank- f 1 I , ... . . i u ,Dranaea "oaole H con- shonWerT M a swlng u- on left hln. ncTffl uruuuen mangle on lefe auu,o uU ngiii, nip. also crop on rwht ear and nppec bit on same. Mike Kenny, horses branded KNY on left hip: th "hf" CTOP le" 0ar: onde'' 8iope " "-.. n.TOune. norses Drandod XB on left sniSilfwf. ;oa"'t ??mso''. left side and. ! .... , 1 T , . . k j i j ii t rJ ' yjr.. norses ana cattle, branded K H connected, with bar nnder it , t d . uiuiiuniem, nr., hrands hors es J P Connected on riKht shoulder; oaltle the same on the right hip and underslope in right NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., May 10 HO Nonce is hereby given that the following named settler has hleJnotice of his intenUon to JhSf Lv? pr!of f "PPO" of his claim, and thaVsaiiip,'oof Wl11 h8 made "ofure the county Jrffs 1. 1880"? OUnty' Bt HePPner- Oregon, on. William A. Martin. D. S. No. 7989. for the S H NVUNU Rw u Sec. S, Tp. S 8, R 28 E. H he names the following witnesses to pjure XSaOTvk:e8ldenCe UPOn' 8nd " .5aSd A-Se.'.Ten' W-,F- Cmy- Kobert Mattesom and ixigar Matteson, ail of Heppner, Oregon. Hknbt BmNWABT. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or.. May 22. HOI mnkf ,.?led not.loe- of h" intention to make fanal proof i Bnpport of his. toeSnmf "HdJpfwiU X madebefSS Or!.MnD&yldf;e Hiram Tasht R.d2SK- lm' fortheW H Bee. 29, Tp.4S,ot his;ont7r uiiag witnesses to prove. oSd nTsT'We apon- l cultivation MnSB?-3r'?.1 At Stephens. Joh T Oregon" a"en- of Hwdaun, John W. Lewis, Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. Nd.t.e.DU?. Or,.May settler has hied noti nf L'.""Swmf-I nnel proof insnn;; 1?.". . n viwi win DO rnncla hof. !.. .. : i i. ' T"-." uoiiiaini.Anti tha. Morrow county, at 11,? n!? 12, 1WJ0, viz: " V1MU' A v, ,1 -i . He names the fUlwmg wit said landrTi upi,2 -"-.iiuuouo r Besses Wnroy" r,idiWvsOB of a n j t u tr Jacob and John Peterson, all J reter HrcnnAr t v jr. meet 51 "Jtd .0 Q 0 'u.lsTBesnst