7 XHEGAZ ETTE. THURSDAY, J TXE 2iJ, 1HM) Union Pacific Railway-Local Card So.nU mixl. Hep,mer 7:45a.m. No. Si1, " arrive except Handay. 5aJ p. m., daily MKU AND INTERMEDIATEPOllifsT Htaae leaves for Canyon City daily excej t Sunday, at 6 :30 a. m. Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 5:00 P. m. There ie a saving of 16 boors in time and 810 ir cash by taking this route to Canyon. C. W. Loirilar & Cc., 429, Fiftb St., F 'land, Or., are u",orized to make Bi-i-tiBH'K contract; for tbe Gazette Tbey will a;sr ,-nake collections for this paper. RANDOM REMARKS. Job printing hi Pendleton prices at tbe Gazette utKce. A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc., at E. J, blocnni's drug store. Mat. Licbtenthal will open your eves in prices of bis boots aud shoes. You can buv them no cheaper in 1'ortland. The Newton wagon, backs and other vehicles, the largest stock in Heppner, can be found at Gilliam & Bis bee's. Call on them. Before purchasing your house furnish ings, call on Gilliam & Bisbee. The) also do tin-roofiog at tbe lowest figures. The $4 Buckingham & Hecht, men's shoe will not rip. Beet in the market for the price. Buy them at M. Licbten thal's. Gilliam & Bisbee have added a stock of tine machine oils. Remember them when you need anything in this line. Go to Mat. Lichteutbal'g for the Lud low ladies' shoes. Every pair warranted. AIbo "Fargo" $2.50 ladies' kid shoe. Tbe best shoe for the money in tbe mar ket. Do yon want some dried venison? Go to J. W. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store for it, and everything else in their lines. Tbe most complete stock of groceries in Heppner. Cofiim & McFarland have made a lib eral offer in presenting customers with a beatiful bound volume for every $25 worth of goods purchased in the line of dry goods, boots, shoes, etc. Roberts & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural maohinery, shoe your horse, and in fact there is nothing in tbe blacksmitbiog line that they are not able to do. Tbe Staudard Mower, for sale by Gil liam A Bisbee, has all tbe latest improve ments front out, and is arranged for cutting over either rounhor level ground. Their "six-foot" mower is guaranteed to run as light as any "three-foot" machine t iplu the market All those iu want of mowers, reapers and rakes, call on Van Duyn, sole agent for the celebrated Osborne, of Auburn, New York, best in tbe world. Call and examine. Guarantee satisfaction. Easi est and best machine in existanoe. Eldorado engine oil for mowers and reapers. Eldorado castor oil for headers and threshers. The best oils for tbe purpose ever manufactured. For sale at Leezer Sc Thompson's Net cash buys its value in goods any where, but different merchants have dif ferent amounts to offer for a oertain sum of money. For full value in groceries and all kind of supplies go to J. W. Mat look & Co., Beppner, near skating rink. All varieties of canned goods on band. Two drunks were pulled by our mar shal on Wednesday evening and taken before the recorder. They were tryin g to hammer each other up some, but neither were muoh hurt. Both of them being broke, the recorder sent them to the cooler" to sober up. HOW'S THIS I " We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for auy oaae of Catarrh that oan not be oured by taking Hall's Catarrh Cure. F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the uudersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfeouy bonoraDie iu an Diisiness transactions ami financially able to car ry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Tktjax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Waldino, Kinnan & Mabvtn, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall'a Catarrh Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mnoous surfaces of the system. Price 75o. a bottle. Sold by all druggists. GRAND CELEBRATION AT HARD MAN, JULY 4TH. Procession will form at 10 a. in. and march to the grounds where the follow ing programme will follow: 1st, Song by glee club; 2d, Beading of declaration of independence; 3d, Song by glee club; 4th, Oration, J. N. Brown; 5th Bong by glee club; 9th dinner. After dinner amusements consisting of ick racing, pony racing, foot racing etc.. uoder the management of nn efficient (committee, will be indulged iu. The gronuds will be shaded by aud ar- tn. fur miriuiRe. A swing wili be running near the ar bor, and no pains will oe spnreu 10 mane the day enjoyable. Bring your baskets well filled. 78 80 1 bis excitement to get to the fire at M r. Rush's this morning, Alex Thomp son ran iuto a barb wire, stretched on the top of the fence, which took him odder tbe chin, badly cutting his throat Tim Wotil limleat-J. The facilities cf the present day for the production of everything that will con duce to the material v.clfare and comfort gof mankind ore almost unlimited and vhffiV Syrup of was first produced ihe world was enriched with the only jwrfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing mid re freshing to the tasU and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. There is talk of a bakery being opened la Heppner shortly. This is something fnmeb needed in our town, and we hope it will receive enoouragement. Now itisat the whole vote is in from ithiB district, Blackman comes np with vfSl majority. MoHaley got Grant by 210 majority ; Blackmam, Harney, 192; Mor irow 79. Figure it yourself. 'JL'HE PULPIT AND THE STAGE. Rev. F. M. Shront, Pastor Uuited Brethren Churoh, Bine Mound, Kan., eays: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. King's New Disoovery has done for ms. My lungs were badly dis eased, and mjr parisboners thought I could live only a few weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. Kinz's Kew Disoovery and am sound and well, gaiuieg 26 pounds in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love a Funny Folkfl Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am eoofident Dr. Kings New Discovery for consumption, beats 'em all. and cures when everything else fails. The great est kindness I can do my manv thou sand friends is to nrge them to try it." Free trial bottles at A. D. Johnson & Co.'s Drug SKore. Regular ilzee W cents ana "CARD OF THANKS. W take iV18 opporiuuny ul iuuuuuk ", . : . . i i: ve ' Ntizens of Heppner who so those of tbe icaUv ubored with ns faithfully and L - d funjitIlre from in saving our nouo tbe fire this morning.v mbs. Cbabtbeb. "and Mrs. k Inne 2fi, 1S A1K- AHU Hkppnkr, J ITEPiS OF THE WEEK. W1.j. - r t-- a t ' "dl UUF pOlier MIlQS ARUmd Town and Learns From Outside Districts. SOCIETY AND PERSONAL NOTES. Love. Marriage, Trade and Traffic Numerous Stories in Few Words. Morrow's crops are all right yet. For a good cigar, buy at the "Morlel." 77. Kite flying is a popular passtime among our boys. Strawberries by quantity or dish at the "Model." 77. The "Model" has new potatoes and cabbage. 77. B. B. Mann, of Lena, was in town the fore part of the week. . Reports from the valley indicate tbe shortest crops for years. Sam Donaldson is over from Fossil af filiating with the boys. Frank Fairhnrst has sold his Hard man ranch to Mr. Howell. There was a big dance ot Furlongs on "the ridge," last Friday night. Sam Teed is over at Mineral City, Idaho, visiting the home folks. Mrs. Jack Gray and children are vis iting with relatives in Portland. Henry Welch and son are over from their John Day stock ranch this week. Levi Shaner and family are visiting with Sheriff Noble and family this week. W. M. Radio, of the Long Creek firm of Allen & Rudio, was in town early this week. Born. In Heppner, June 20, 1890, to the wife of P. M. Litis, a son. Weight ten pounds. Chris. Osmers and Mrs. Brina, brother and sister of Dan Osmers, are visiting in Heppner The time by rail between Portland and San Francisco is to be shortened abont three hours. Mrs. Geo. W. Conser left for Arlington this morning on a short visit. She will return Saturday. The artesian well is now down to a depth of 2 feet and the work is pro gressing mot ly. Hon. C. A. Rhen una returned from Wallowa, where he found plenty of good grass and fat cattle. Ckildn u and grown folks like the fruit chewing gum which is kept at the "Model." Ask for it 77. Nioe raiui have brought out the crops of the Hardmao country, as well as the whole of Morrow county. Jerusalem is the mini J of the town just laid out iu tbe heart of tbe Blue Moun tains, near Mcachera station. This June of 1890 is a very pleasant one. July and August will doubtless "make np" for it with a vengeuce. Uuolo Jack Morrow left Friday morn ing for Chicago to be present at the meeting of World's F ir commissioners Mr. and Mrs. Milin left for Portland on Monday's train, where tbey will spend the summer visiting relatives aud friends. W. R. Stokes, of Portland, who built the First National Bauk building, at this place, bus the contract for building the hotel. The most remarkable enres of sorofula on record have been accomplished by Hood's Sarsnpiirilla. Try it. Sold by .ill druggists. Vnwter Crawford, our foreman, has rc turued and will pres'de over the dealt nies of the Gazette during "Pat's" East ern trip. Churles Hastings, of The Dalles, id in Heppner, and is prepared to give lessons on any kind of band or reed instru ments. 76-4t. Heavy rains have falleu in the Bine mountnius during the past week. On last Friday it fairly "poured down," though not a drop fell in Heppner, John Brown was in town last Monday making final proof on his pre-emption. He reDorts crops as being pretty badly soo-cbed in bis neighborhood on Rbea creek. Wright's Jamaica Ginger Striotly Pure. An exoellent remedy for cramps. colic and where a tonio for the stomach is required. Sold by A. D. Johnson. Rev. Potwine of Pendleton held Epis onDal services in the M E. Church on Tuesday evening. The Rev. is a fine speaker and the people of Heppuer shonlu not miss neanng mm. lie win hold services in Heppner once a month hereafter. Sorofulons eruptions, such as pimples, discoloration of the skin, especially on the face, are caused by impure blood and will disappear rapidly by using Pfundor's Oregon Blood t urifier. Mr and Mrs. Henry Blackman and children leave Monday for San Francis co, where Mrs. Blackman and children will remain for the summer. The sena tor will return in a few weeks. A Summeb FuiBND Wright's Black berry Cordial. Once uaed always used. Reliable and prompt. Pleasant to take. Indispensihle tor snmmer troubles. Sold by A. D. Johuson. Most Rev. W. H. Gross, Catholic Arch bishop of Oregon, will be in Heppner on tbe 6th of July and will deliver a lee- tare in the morning at 10 o'clock, and a second one in tbo evening at 7uK. The Best Bbmedy. Wright's Para- con Headache Remedy for headache and neuralgia. Harmless, tasteless, no had effects. Mtops pain in nve minutes, Sold by A D. Johnson. Mairied At the M. E. parsonage in Heppner on last Friday eve., the 20th inst., Mr. Fred Thomas and Miss Carrie Hanby.Rev. Henry Rasmus performing the oeremony. May their troubles be few, and little ones. While retnrniog from the country last Thursday, Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Ayers were thrown out of their buggy by the breaking of tbe "king bolt," holding Coupling. Having a gentle team a dis astrous runaway was avoided. The rainfall for June '89 occurred on the 27, 1'S and 29, the total beiug 0.66 Inches. This month it rained on the J, 2, 16, 17, 18, 20, 22, 23, 24 and 25, with a total of 2.26 inches, beirg nearly four times as much as that of June '89, and much better distributed. For the Mardi Gras to be held at Og den, June 30th to July ot-, J890, the Union i'aoifio will sell Round Trip tick ets from Heppner to Ogdoa at the rate of one first-class limited or nnlimited fare, as tbe case may be. Tickets will be on sale June 29th to July 1st, inclus ive. Limit tickets returning np to and iuoludtug July 10, 1890. The contest between Joe Gibson and L. V, Barnett last week, for the office of J. P., Lexington preciuot, was decided in favor of Gibson. Aooordiug to tbe count. Barnett was tbe winner, but it ap pears that a ticket whioh should have been thrown out, was counted for bim. Judge Mitchell so decided, and there fore the election stood a tie. Tbey then drew straws, and Joe pulled the long one. On last Saturday cveaing, bils the Heppner train was nearing lone, it ran into a baud of horses. One ihree-year-old colt was knocked from the track, breaking one fore leg and otherwise bad ly nsing him up. The traiu was stopped and the engineer oalled for a gun to ki)J the animal, but there was not a gun on thd train, so tbe fireman finally suc ceeded in killing the poor brute with a sledge hammer. A ' njne tied to the fenoe near by beoame frightened, pull ing up the post he was tied to and want ; tearing around tbrough the brush, kiok ing at the post hangiug to him, muoh to tbe amu&eraefjt of the passengers. Two Mrs Ktum Last Saturday was a day "f fatalities near Pendleton. Wu. O'Neill, a section hand on the Un ion Paciuc, was killed m a horrible man ner alxmt six miles below town. He with three other section men were on a band car, when they saw a locom tive approaching at a rapid rate only a short distance away. His three companionns jumped off on either side of the car and escaped with slight bruises, but O'Niell jumped off in front. He was caught in the wheels of the hand car, which being srruck by theeugine, rolled him over the ties for a distance of teu ra.ls, when the car left the track and the bodv was rolled by the engine five rail lengths far ther before it could be stopped. The :xidy was found lying lengthwise of the track, fearfully mangled and bruised. Tbe head was entirely severed from the body, and was literally mashed to atoms. According to the verdict of tbe coro ner's jury no. blame was attached to any one for the occurrence. At about 12 o'clock another man by the name of James Greer was struck by a limb and instantly killed on tbe mountain near Wilbur, lie and and J. Gooley, were felling a tree. As it fell it struck another tree staudiug near, and a limb was bro ken off which struck Greer n tbe head with the above result. It was found that his skull was fractured, left leg and arm broken, and his left Bide fearfully crushed and bruised. A Fire This moruirgasthefamilyof Wm Bush were sitting down to break fast, Mrs. Rush discovered that tr.e house was on fire. Tbe alarm was given aud a crowd of excited people very soon gathered, but the fire had gamed such headway before beinr discovered, tuat it was almost impossible to extinguish it, and bad it not been for the heavy rain of yesterday and last night, which soaked everything so completely, the house could not have been saved at all, for when discovered the whole upstairs was aolaze. The house was damaged to the extent of about $H0O bv fire and water. Mr. Rush being in Portland, there was no one at home but Mrs. Rush and Mr. and Mrs. Crabtree, aud the wonder is that tbe whole house was not borned before assistance could arrive. Tbe tire started upstairs oyer the kitchen, from a detective flue. Old Range. Col. J. W. Redington cot back to old scenes in the Heppner country last Saturday eveuing. The Col. enjoys tbe business push ot fny allnp and other sound cities, but darn tbeir climate, and here ne is iuii oi ague and liver disorders. This week he leaves for Desolation lake whera Fred Wilmartb aud Martin Anderson are each seeking health, and at the same time industri ously presiding over the destinies of a band ot sbeep at tbe rate or oo per month and grub. Eastern Oregon may not have as much boom per acre, and at such a high price, but it has health. Mr. Redington will stay for several weeks. A Significant Majority. The follow ing are majorities in Harney county for popular democrats who are elected : Dustin, 18; Pennoyer, 67; Blackman, 192. That Blackman should run so far ahead of others on his ticket, is significant. Now that the coutest is over, the ItA- zette has no desire to renew it, but 'Will say that no unpopular man can get 192 majority in a county but slightly demo cratic. Harney people expect some good work from Mr. Blackman during the next four years, and they oan safely rest aasared that disappointment and disgust will not be their share. The Fair. The fair conducted by the little girls of the M. E. South Sunday school in Geo. W, Swaggarts new build ing on last Monday evening, was a decided snooess. As the fair was directed entirely by tbe little girls of the Sunday sohool, they deserve especial praise for the nice manner in which every thiDg was arranged and the fare was con ducted. As a result of their efforts they made for the Sunday school $21.10. Strawberries and ice cream were served at the same place by the ladies of the church which cleared tbe neat sum of $47.60. TAKE IT BEFORE BREAKFAST The great appetiser, tonio and liver reg ulator. In use tor more man ou years in England. Posititive specific for liver complaint. Bad taste in the mouth on arising in the morning, dull paint in the head and back of the eyes, tired feeling, dizziness, languor symptoms of liver complaint. Remedy Dr. Henley's Eng lish Dandelion Tonio. Relieves consti pation, sharpens the appetite and tones up the entire system. Get the genuine from your druggist for $1, and take ac cording to directions. 74-426. A Pleasant Party. On last Satur day eve, a merry lot of folks met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Sam Kinsman to while away a fewpleasant boors at whist and other innocent games. A fine lunch consisting of strawberries, ice cream, fruit aud cake was served after which all left for their home, tbe midnight hour being close at hand- The follow ing were present: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Conser, Mr. and Mrs, Jerry Cohn, Mr. and Mrs. W 'liter MoAtee, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Ryohard, Miss Lnla McAfee and Mr. and Mrs. Otis Patterson. Drunk and Disorderly. An old man by the name of John Thompson, was ar rested by Marshal Rasmns on Monday evening, tor being arunK and disorder ly. He came to town on the Long Creek stage, and got on on tbe sidewain and commenoed a lecture on some subject or other, which onr reporter could not "oatob on" to, and from his loud noise and lunatic gestures it was thought best to take bim in. He was brought before tbe recorder Tuesday morning and hned a V and costs, after which he went on his way rejoicing. Remarkable. A little son of Thos. Kimsey was thrown from a horse up Willow creek last February, sustaining a fracture of the skull in the baok part of the head, and although receiving no medical attention, has entirely recover ed. The extent of tbe injury was not known until recently. A piece of skull the size of a half dollar is entirely gone. The child's recovery, under the circum stances, is qnite remarkable, EPOCH. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health makes an epoch in the life of the indi vidaul. Such a remarkable event is treasured in tbe memory and the agency wherebv the health has been attained is gratefully blessed. So many feel they owe their restoration to bealth to the use of the Great Alternative and Tonic. If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or short standing you will surely find re lief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at 50c. and $1.00 per bottle at A. D. John son & Co. s Drug store, d Peculiar Casualty. Last Thursday Willie Howell, of Hard man, met with a singular aocident in the mountains by which be has likely lost the sight forev er of his left eye. In endeavoring to re place the cap of a 10-bore shotgun shell it was exploded, driving the stick which ha was nsing as a ramrod, into bis eye, mangling bis eyelid badly, and it is thought bursting the eyeball. The old saying that fire arms are dangerous with out "lock, stock or barrel," is very true. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil Blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 oents per box. For sale by A. D. Johnson & Go. Runaway. John Coffey's horse, at tached to a cart, beoame frightened be fore C. M. Mallory's furniture store, last Friday, breaking loose from tbe awning post to which it was hitched, aud mak ing things lively on Heppner's principal thorough-fares fall tired' of the sport Tbe rig was somewhat damaged. ! Times MGuiltaineer.The house of ; Frederick Noble, eight miles sontn oi ! 1-dot Rock, Umatilla county, was bnrned I to the ground the other night. The family tau retired aooui iu tbe evening, and the household was soon wrapped in slumber. Abont 11 o'clock the ialling of a burning brand awoke Mrs. Noble, who gave the alarm, and the members of the family escaped in their night clothes. A few minutes later escape would have been impossible. The fire started from sparks from the chimney. Eveverything was burned except a clock and sewing machine, which Mr. Noble managed to save. Forty or figty ohickens, which were blinied and bewildered by the blaze, ran into tbe flames and were burned to a crisp. SLEEPLESSNESS. DR. FLINT'S REMEDY is the best remedy known for insomania, or sleep lessness, which afflicts so many persons, and which leads to many serious ner vous diseases, particularly to insanity. DescriDtive treatise with each bottle; or or address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. In Favor op Law and Otder. A man full of "holy terror" whiskey, riding out of town on a dead run. and whooping at every breath, was a scene itnessed by oar ueoDle last Sunday. J-he reporter of this paper did not know the party, but is of tue opinion that all such otteuoes should be booked, and the ordinances en forced at tbe first opportunity. This paper may not be of tbe Sunday school variety, but it declares itself in favor of law and order at any cost. THE PUREST AND BEST Articles known to medical science are used in preparing Hood's Sarsaparilla. Every ingredient is carefully selected, personally examined and only tue best retained. Tbe medicine is prepared un der the supervision of thoroughly com petent parmacists, and every step in the process of manufacture is oaieiuiiy watched with a view to seouring in Hood's Sarsaparilla the best possible re sult. MOVING RIGHT ALONG. The Astoria & South Coast railroad is being graded to Hilisboro' by a force of over 300 men. There has been no let up on this undertaking and it is kept mov ing right along. Last week the rails were delivered in that city for the street oar track, and men were at once put to work laying them down. Astoria is moving right along, and those desirable lots in North Pacific avenue are selling quite readily by the Oregon Land Co., and property is steadily improving. 79. FROM THE EAGLE. The new hotel is now under roof and is a sightly structure. Encouraging reports are being receiv ed from the ranohars of the Susanville section relative to the luxuriant growth of their grass and grain. Bountiful crops are expected. Messrs. Allen & Rudio will probably establish a branch general merchandise store at Heppner this fall in time to sup ply the residents of the John Day. Billy Stewart, of Heppner, has charge of four ot C. A. Rhea's bands of sheep, and is now raujring on Indian creek in Northern Grant. Mr. Rhea is one of Morrow's leading stockmen. The citizens of the town of Long creek and immediate vicinity met at Couaer's ball last Monday evening and selected their officers and named the neoessary committees toward having a grand ovation on the 4th of July. Wm. Cooper was down from the Susan ville miues last Friday. He displayed several valuable nuggets whioh were ob tained from the Sloan & Haskell mine on which he is now employed. Mining, principally placer, is being extensively and profitably carried on in that section this season. TEN ACRE FRUIT FARMS. The Sunnyside tract of farm lands, four miles south of Salem, is growing in public favor, because of its eligible lo cation, and the choice quality of land. Those settlers who have gone onto this traot to make themselves homes, have shown diligence in improving their farms, and it wants but a few years to make this one of the most attractive spots in the whole Willamette valley. The Oregon Land Co., of Salem and Portland, still has a few or those choice 10-acre farms for sale, 79. e Sure If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar medicine, possessing, by virtue of its peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation, curative power superior to any other article, ft. Boston lady who fcnew what she wanted, .and whose example is worthy imitation, tells her experience below; To Get " In one store where I went to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce me buy their own instead of Hood's; he told me thelr's would last longer; that I might take it on ten days' trial ; that If I did not like It I need not pay anything, etc But he could not prevail on me to change. I told him I knew what Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, was satisfied with it, and did not want any other. Hood's When J began taking Hood's Sarsaparitla I was feeling real miserable, sintering a great deal with dyspepsia, and so- weak that at times I could hardly stand. I looked, and had for some time, like a person In con sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so much good that I wonder at myself sometimes, and my friends frequently speak of It." Mrs. Ella A. Goff, 61 Jerrace Street, Boston. Sarsaparilla Eoldbj all druggists. 1 ; six for 95. Prepared onll fcCL HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, IawbU, Has IQO Doses One Dollar THE CRY OF MILLIONSl OH, BHCKl STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WML BE TOO LATE. I hare been troubled many vears with disease of the -kidneys and have tried, many different remedies and have sought aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of April I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me m sucn a manner mm x was .-. When I sat down it was almost impossible for me tb get up alone, or to put pn my clothes, when Wind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost Ishment of all the 'fruests at the hotel, in a few days,! am happy to state. that I was a new man. 1 wu recommend the tea to all afflict. s x uavc ikco. G. A, TUPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Rosa. Cal. Faber's Goldsn Female Pills.. For Female I ire pillar Hies; uothinelikethem on the market. Revet fail. Successfully used "by prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. GUKE! SAFEI CERTAIN! Don't be humbnsrsed. Pave Time. Health, aud money ; take no oth er. Sent to any address, secure by mail on re ceipt of price, f 2.00. Address, THE APHRO MEDICINE COIKPANY, Western Brancij, figx27, 1? OKILAliD, OB Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co., Sol Agents for Heppner. w U 1 M0 IN ORDERING BY MAIL HALE BROS. & CO. You Can S Lretting, oo 1. Your order filled vvitn pleainsg promptness. 2. The same prices and attention as though you were at their counters. 3. Lower prices on the whole than elsewhere. They allow no one to undersell them. 4. Courteous and satisfactory treat ment. Goods may be exchanged; or money refunded where satisfac tion is not nven. FREE. OUR NEW FASHION BOOK AND PRICE LIST, 5. The best unsalable goods, 6. The benefits of their dealings di PAGES. small prices l5hE BOS. GO., -DEALERS IN DEX GOODS, CLOTHING, SH0EST hats, Ac Nos. 825 to 835, K Street, FURNITURE! lt ill Stools: Now on Hand, latest Styles o iicl X2ot torn Prices! Repairing and Job TERMS, C. M. MALLOBY, M. ti ' jif - -zi Kg$t&I&" jThe i Special attention paid to fine eustom work. Opposite City Hotel, , MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. Bred by Thomas T'enhnrst, Whittingham, Sootlaud. Imported by John Mo Hattie, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1889. T? pm ttfrkvol No. 8161, Vol. X, Shire Horse Society J-lLtaiO Ll J Lll 0f Great Britain and Ireland. Sandy rP n,,ln j-, S20 to insure, X t1 . pip, lPfm. mt- STEAX HORSES. Strayed from my plaoe, ou the May 5th my work-horses, described as follows: One buckskin, weight, 1050, no brands; one black, weight, 1050, left eye out, no brands visible. A reasonable reward will be paid for their return to my ranch nn East Fork of Willow creek, near Cald well grade, or any information leading to their recovery. When last seen, the black horse was hobbled and belled. John Lockhane, Heppner. May 11, 1800. f.S 0 Depend Upon H j j styles. They carry no rect with manufacturers. It makes NOTIONS AND HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES. - t - Saoramento, Cal. FURNITURE!! Work a CASH, HEPPNER, OR. LICHTENTHAL. -SOLE AGENT FOR- Buckinffhani k $4 CALF SHOES, Button. Lace or Congress, . Every pair Warranted. Also an extensive line of the celebrated Buckingham & Hecht boots always on hand. Largest Stock in East ern Uregon. SANDY. . :0. hire Stalk Is a five-year,old chestnut stallion, and will make the season at Heppner. $15 for the season, $10 sin- NELSON JONES. AUTOMATIC SSBWINC MACHINE! Pi-ices reduced. Every family now can have :lie In at Automatic Sewing Ma clrne in the market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch inc Our Illustrated Circular shows Yci-v pu t of the Machine perfectly, and s n orth pending for even if you have Kruse dc Murphy 15f. Co., .:, a ;d -i.V West 2'th St., N. T. City. Subscribe for the GAZETTE. FOR THE SrOT CASH You Will Find that You Can Get the Most Goods of the Same Class for the Least Monev at J. W. Matlock & Co.'s New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink MAIN STREET. When They Say they Keep a Complete Stock They Mean It. See for Yourself. The Most Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Grooeries, Canned Goods, Meats, Salt, Glassware and Qneensware, Anything and Everything. DON'T FOP.GET THE NEW STORE, MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. A HORSE! will travel well when sliocl Toy ROBERTS SIMONS, General Blacksmiths & Fariers. REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. lug $4.00 per t-A FIRST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDS MfttlocltCornor, IKEaiii Street, Heppner, Or SPHG GOODS. MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES- This Popular Millinery Establishment has a Fresh and Neat Stock J ust Open for Inspection at the Hands of the Public. ew Hats! New Styles! New Pnees! LADIES' FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY ! MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES, - - - MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR PROPRIETORS New Livery and hi Stable. The New Firm Has Added Rigs and Liuery Stock. Hay and Grain for Sale, and FREE STALL ROOM. Free Camping Honse in Connection. Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. DONT FOKGET THEM WHEN IN TOWN. KEEFEE & SARGENT, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. Are You Going to Paint Your House This Spring? If so, Call on V. D.JOHNSOX, We have just received a fine line of MIXED PAINTS bought at assignee's sale which we offer at very low prices. Also a stock of the celebrated CHICAGO MIXED PAINT. We carry a complete stock of Oils, Colors, Brushes Glass, etc., etc. A Full Line of WALLPAPER of the Latest Styles Just Eeceived From Chicago. Call and See Them at the CITY DRUG STORE, A. D. Johnson, Prop. W. J. LEEZER. LEEZER & TOOLS A f ! PUMPS And Pipincr Always on Hani MAIN STREET, E. J, SLOCUM, Drues, c 1 oi i i'f ll w, I f itfiit ATedlclnes Toilet l'nints, Oils, C3rliS illltl Wall I j 1 1 A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon. " -Ag't for Portland Oregonian, Leezer & Thompson's Corner, : ; : Main Street, HEPPNER, - OREGON W. A. KIBK. KIRK DEALERS IN Saddles, arness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con eeivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. 1- i i j f i I r i n j f Specialty ! Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get cash prices. MAIN STREET, - - HEPPNER, OREGON, Sjan alter Bias 1st, 1889. OF THE P. C. THOMPSON THOMPSON -DEALEKS IN- AT THE f Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Wood and Willow Ware, BARB WIRJ3, VZ Bhd Cages, XEw IIO"ME Sewing Ma chines and a complete line ot HEPPNER, OREGON J. C. KATES HAYES rc f j