THE GAZETTE. THrPvSDAY, JUNE 20, 1800. CELEBRATION AT IONE. The citizens of louo have made prepa rations lor a grand telebratiou at tueir place on July 1th. Tlie Happuer Cor net Band bait lieeu ejigHged to furnish music on that day and a good time promised all who attend. See large bills lor further particulars. The president has sent to the senate the following nominations: Postmasters Mit:hael T. Nolan, The Dallns, Ore gon; Mrs. Mmuie Washburn, Eugene, Oregon. A woman in Atcbiuaon Kansas, ha buried six unuan(J4, Land is cheap in Kansas so that a wonan in veay ordi nary circumstances can afford to pay for land enough to bury half a dozen husbands on, but in this country land is getting too bitch priifd for suoU a luxury. Oovkunob I'ensoyek has coininuted the sentence of Clinton Pennington who killed Charles Calooro about a year ago and was to bavebetn handed soon, to imprisonment for life. There was no doubt about the killing, but there was doubt as to the homicide being pre meditated. The executive clemency was do doubt judiciously used. Alleged land frauds on the Pacific Coust Bra at present receiving the atten tion of the commisioner of the general land office. He promises to ask Con gress for an additional force of special agents to investigate the charges. He gays there are between 2,000 and 3,000 oases in which charges of fraud are made. It has lately oome to the knowledge of this office that our socks should not "be darned" at all, but simply turned over and the hole worn on top of the foot. We next expect to be informed that when we have worn our pants goggle eyed by pressure of circumstances, we should not have them mended, but change front or wear specks. But we will "be darned" first. Border Signal. ,, THE PENSION BILL. The passage of the dependent pension bill by the house by a large majority, in which a number of democrats joined, is a recognition by that body or the re sponsibilities and duties of the govern ment to its citizen soldiers who sacri ficed their health and their lives in maintaining the powers of the nation. Congress has heretofore repeatedly recognized the obligations of the gov ernment to the soldier and its duty to aid them when in a dependent condition, by establishing soldiers' homes' in all sections of the country. The bill which bas passed the house provides a pension to assist indigent soldiers and widows of nldiers, who, from other causes, were not entitled to pensious. It will afford assistance ami relief to many who are Incapacitated from age and siokness to elf support. A FAMOUS WOMAN'S ENC. EXPERI- Chicaoo, Novr-Hh. Mb. Wisdom: Dear Siri-'I be to thauk you for the delightful and retreah " tng "Uobertine" you so kindly sent me. "tliave used the toilet preparations of the most celebrated manufacturers of London and Paris, but consider your "Kobertine" the superior in point of purity and excellence. Wishing yon the unbounded success which vou deserve, I remain, Faithfully yours, Emma Abbott. COMPETITION DESTROYS NOPOLY. MO- lt is reported that sinoe completion and operation of the great refinery of the Spreokles company, the sugar trust has been compelled to reduce tbeir out pat fifty per cent, which indicates a threatened destruction of its powers to control tbeir monopoly in the sugar sta ple. The enormous production of one half the capacity of the output of estab lishments in which immense capital is invested, is evidenoe that trusts are en- dangered by open and free competition. To keep their oostly works running to their capacity, with fair and honorable competition entails a loss which will lead to bankruptcy and dissolution. This shows the truth of a well-known busi ness law, that persistent competition. proteoted by law, will destroy in a great measure, if not entirely, the powers monopoly. of A Michigan Central Railroad Kmplnye- Wins Him Case, after Seven Years' Contest. Wbile employed as agent of the Mich igan Central Railroad Company, at Au gusta, Mioh., my kidneys became dis eased, and from an impoverished and impure state of the blood, my general health was entirely undermined. I con sulted the leading physicians of this city and Ann Arbor, and all pronounced my case Bright's disease. In Ootober last, I began taking Hibbard's Rheumatic Syrup, and am to-day a well man. It affords me pleasure to render suffering humanity any good that I can, and 1 wish to say that I think it the greatest blood, kiduey and liver medicine in the world. E. Lakzii.ekk, Agent M. C. R. R-, Albion, Mioh. Sold by A. D. Johnson, Heppner, Or. OREGON NATIONAL GUARD. HEADQUARTERS THIRD REGIMENT OF INFANTRY. East Portland, obeoon, Jnne 6. 1890. Gknkbai. Orders, i No. 8 ( I. The resignation of the following officers of the Third Infantry have been accepted bv the Governor, to take effect Jnne 6, ISsK): Captain Homer McFarland, "D" Co., Lient. Jos. P. FitzGerald, Lieut. Ed. M. Williams, Lieut. F. A. Bail?, and Lieut. Irvin S. Watson, Regimental Staff. II. Corp. V. W. Bollen is hereby ap pointed Sargeant Major of the Third In fantry, Warrant to date April 17, 1891). ill. The resignation of Col. Chas. E. Morgan, Third Infautry has been ac cepted bv the Governor to take effect Jnne 10,'lS'JO. TV. Major F. S. Ivanhoe, Third In fantry, will assume command of the reg iment on that date, and all reports, pa pers, and other matters concerning the regiment after that date will be sent to him at Enterprise, Oregon. By order of Chas. E. Morgan. Official: Colonel. lRVIM 8. V.-.TSON. 1st LuHit. ana Adj. THE WALLA WALLA RACES. The June meeting of the Walla Walla race.s ended last Saturday. The weather was all that could he desired. Light raiud having falleu, the air was oo"l and quite free from the inconvenience of much dust. The attendance nu the first day wiiS small and the races were observ ed with much interest. The lirnt was a runuing daah of f4 mile for purseof $100. The entries were East Lynue by W. J. Keetiej, Cyclone by A. I). Hitchcock aud White Cloud by J. E. (iarrison. In the pools Cyclone S5. E. Lynn i and White Cloud SI. Much time was consumed by the efforts of the jockeys to get their positions, which was finally settled by the judges order ing to starter to drop the Hag at the start Cyclone took the lead followed by East Lynn and White Cloud, in which positions they came uuder the pole in 23 seoonds. This was followed by a two-year-old trotting match for 8100. W. H. Parker named s.jrrel (illy Goldie, II. A. Gardner named black filly Peulope aud iS. A. Crowell named bay filly Amber G. Iu the pools Goldie sold for $10, Peulope $10 and Amber G. 83. They got off well after the first effort. Penlope broke aiter Jeaviug the wire and fell behind. Near the third quarter Goldie broke and was brought to a stand still, but soon gathered and passed Am ber G. and came under the wire a length behind Penlope in 3:18)a. Poole in second heat, Goldie $10, Peu lope $10, Amber 1. The horses got off oq the first attempt. Penlope breaking. Goldie took the lead, passing the wire in 3:10, Amber G. third. Pools for the third heat sold Goldie $10 to $5 on the field. The horses got away on the first trial, with Goldie be hind, but soon took the front and main tained the lead iu spite of Amber's forc ed gallop to cause a break, coming un der the wire in 3 :07. The last race of the day was a (iGj yard race for $200. The entries were Huckleberry Ben, George Moore, Mag gie Ladd and Domitable. Pools sold Huckleberry Ben $10, Ladd $o, the field $3. The start was even, Huckleberry taking the lead, followed by Domitable second, with the others well in the rear. Time, 27 seconds. SECOND DAY. Thursday saw a slightly better attend ance with greater interest in the races. Pools' were active and considerable mon ey was staked outside freely. The first race was a halt mile pony race. The pools sold Popcorn $5, Snowball $2, Bauty $1 aud Grey Nelly $1, but soon Popaorn went at $10. After a start was made, Popoorn took the lead and held it, coming uuder the wire in 53 seconds, with Snowball second, Nelly seyeral lengths after and Banty distanced. A 600 yard race came next with en tries of E. F. Massam'a R icky, Hutchiu son's Hugh Moore, W. J. Keeuey's East Lynn. Pools were lively, Hugh Moore $10, Rooky $10 and East Lynn $6. An even start was had and Hugh Moore gained the lead followed closely by Rocky and East Lynn almost neck and neck with Rocky slightly in front. Hugh Moore won iu 31? seoonds. Then followed a trotting race of 3-year-olds, best two in three. The en tries were D. W. Small's Billy S. and L. D. Lott'B TX'lly Withers. An even atari was made on the second trial. They kept side by side till the turn, when Dolly went up, losing several lengths, and acted badly throughout. Billy, on the last half mile made some breaks, but was soon down to work again, winning the heat in 3:51. The second heat was much like the first, at the turn of the last quarter Nellie was considerably in the lead, but Billy came up even half way home, and near the pole was slightly ahead and came under the wire with Dolly leading slightly in a gallop. Billy S. was declared the winner in 2:50. Pools sold in the trotting race Billy B. $10, Dolly $4. A mile race was then run by Daisy A., Regal, Nellie Ray and Bell Evans, pools selling, Bell E. $10, Regal $7, Dai sy $r, Nellie $3. Thev got off with Daisy S. slightly in the lead, which she held, passing under the wire iu 1:04, with Regal second, Bell Evans third and Nellie Ray fourth. THIRD DAY. The attendance on Saturday, the last day, was largely in excess of the previ ous days. The first called was a running race of a half mile and repeat. The en tries were Regal, Huckleberry Ben, Flora B., Carrie M. and Daisy A. Pools brisk at $10 on Carrie M , Regal $,), and the field 5. The horses got an even start on the fifth tiial, aud ran well to gether the first quarter. As they came into the home stretch, Huckleberry Ben took the lead with Carrie M. and Regal following olose. As they came under the wire Rogal made a tremendous lunge and jumped to the front aud won in 49,' i seconds. On the repeat no start oould be made, and after au hour and a half the heat was postponed until 7 o' clock p. m. Then followed a trotting race, mile heats, three best iu five. The entries were Duncan's Carrie A., Glaesford's Rosewood, and Dr. Clowe's pacer Bru-! nctte. Pools were not brisk at Carrie I A. $10, Brunette $5 and Rosewood 82 After four trials the word was given, j Brunette had the lead and broke at the j turn when Carrie took the lead. Bni-; net te soon got into work and nt t!.e ' home stretch- caught up with C.-'rrie who then broke, Bmnett coming to the I wire '23Si. Carrie seeoud and Rosewood was runuing to save being distanced. The second heat pools were britk. Bru nette first choice at $10, Carrie $8 and $10, Rosewood $1. The start was mnde aiter a number of trials. Brunette be haved badly aud with Rosewood fell be hind, Carrie winning the heat in 2:39la, leading Rosewood three lengths and Brunette five. The third beat created much interest and exoitement. The start was good, Brunett fretting badly throughout the heat, Carrie winning in 2:411-2 Rosewood second, Brundtt dis tanced. The fourth heat was won by Carrie M. in 2:41. The runners for the repeat were sail ed. Flora B. withdrawing. A good start was made, ruuuing well together until the homestretch was reached, when Re- WOMEN AND MICE. The reason -why a woman is afraid of a mouse is a profound mystery indeed, it bai never been very clearly proven that she is. But some women are constantly in inch a nervous, irritable condition that the slightest thins; annoys and startk-s them. The cause of this unfortunate state of affairs is usually tome functional derangement: some distress ing or painful irregularity, some deranire ment or peculiar weakness incident to her sex ; or, it may ho due to inflammation, ul ceration or displacement, of some of the pelvic viscera, or to other organic lesions peculiar to her sex. From whichever cause it may arise. Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescrip tion is a portfire remedy, so certain in its curative results that its manufacturers sell it, through druggists, under a guarantee at its giving satisfaction in every case, or money paid for it will be promptly re funded. As a soothing and strengthening nervine, Favorite Prescription ' is une- analed and is invaluable in allaying and sub uing nervous excitability, irritability, ex haustion, prostration, hve'teria, spasms and other distressing, nervous symptoms com monly attendant upon functional and organic disease of the womb. It induces refreshing sleep and relieves mental anxiety and de spondency. Copyright, lsffi, by WORLD'S Dis. Med. Ass1!!. BR. PIERCE'S PELLETS Anti - Bilious Granules, ara Laxative, or Cathartic, aecordiner to aiza ot dud. Uj DruifirisLa, & ctuU a vial. Fok the People. No oi-gnnizationa in the United States have mtiltiplieil more rapidly io the past ten years than the sick-benefit, funeral-aid, death-benefit, and other kindred societies. As they are generally confined to those who are in the humbler walks of life, the cood they have done is iuculcnlable, carrying' anbatauti il aid to-thmsnrid3 nf stricken families and inspiring those who are for tunate enough iu being1 membem with a courage which might not exist- in Heir hearts without them. The members of these organization; will be glad to learn that Hon. Robert P. Porter, Superintend ent of the Eleventh Census, will eudeav- vor to secure the statistics of the noble work these associations are doiug, and it is safe to say that no other branch, of the census will be more interesting. The business of gathering the data has been placed in charge of Air. Ghurles A. Jen nev, special agent of the insurance di vision, 58 William street, New York Oity, aud all associations throughout the United States, whether incorporated or private, should assist by sending to him the address of their priucipal officers. FOURTH OF JULY RATES ON THE U. P. For the Fourth of July the Union Pa cific will sell round trip tickets from Heppner to any rail staHon within 300 miles, at the rata of one limited or un limited fare, as the case may be, for round trip. Tickets for sale on July 2, 3d and 4. Limit tickets returning up to and including July 4th 1399. As there is to be no celebration in Heppner, the coming 4th, this will afford a good op portunity for our people to atteud cele brations elsewhere at greatly reduced rates. DO YOU ? DO YOU (Jj-:T the benefit of J. W. SMITH'S LOW PRICES? If not, You are unfortunate, for you are handicapped in your business. Our Stock, Triers and Facilities are Beyond Comparison with Anything in Gilliam or Morrow Counties. STRAY HORSE. One bay horse, six years old, star in forehead and snip on nose, one white hind foot; branded three hajf moons, (one above the other, on left shoulder. 7M-82. Dal Reed. Arlington, Or., June 6, '90. NOTICE. All parties heretofore indebted to W. G. Scott will pleaee take notice that I have purchased said book and accounts aud have left the same with Messrs. Brown & Hamilton for collection. Prompt settlement will be expected. W. O. Minor. Heppner, June 15, '90. 78-3 WE HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED OXE CARLOAD OF THE A1NESC2BEGON HEADERS, ANOTHER CARLOAD BEIjYG MAX UFACTURED FOR US. AE HAVE THESE (THE FINEST HEADERS EVER MADE) BOTH IN WOOD AND STEEL FRAME. We have sold these Headers for years, every one giving the best of satisfaction. It is to be hoped that onr friends will not be misled into buying inferior maohines by the well conned tales of irresponsible traveling salesmen. We also have two sizes of the AVl.lnl, aw, I,. nl,n.-l t tU U ..l.,!- K: dim? OTHVn T--I-v ri-T-V T-.T-.T--m mrm - ... ... ciq tut nucou ui luo uiu-nijio uiuuuiues. mji ji.i.uA.iu si.v-r jn. i uu i is warranted to cut just as easy as other small mowers, and can be handiecTmoch easier. Why cut four feet when a span of horses will just as easily out six feet with this improved maohine? EMEMBE , ARLINGTON IS HEADQUARTERS, ani is the place for you to trade. If you are longer on the road, you can save five times over for your time. Remember, also, that we bny many goods trom tne manufacturers that no other house in this region can, thus saving much to onr customers, and enabling us to offer mercnant9 many goods here at prices asked by Jrortland jobbers. J. W. SMITH, Arlington, Oregon. Coffin & McFarland, hbppnbr; We take pleasure in informing onr customers and the public generally tnat we have just removed our stocfe or (jeneral .Merchandise into our Elegant New Brick Store down Main Street, where we shall be pleased to welcome all. We have the Best Assorted Stock of Goods in this section. Our Dry y . Department the Most Compleis! In Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing We are The Leaders. . We can show a Handsome Ijiue of Fine Tailor Made Suits, of the Latest Styles and Most Brilliant Patterns. Don't buy yonr Spring Suit before Examining our Assortment. FINE, STYLISH HATS IN ALL SHAPES. LADIES SLIPPERS SUMMONS. In the Circuit Court for the County " of Morrow, State of Oreflron. The American Mortem? Company of Scotland, limited, . Plaintiff, VB. M. D. Crow. D. A. Horren. L. O. Welch, Wilson Stafford, W. R. Crow. Bvron Jacknon, M.C. Tribble, J. H. Rob bing and llenjamine Kobbins. part ners as J. H. Kibbin8 A Hon, Chas. F. Smnders and N. A. Junkins, adminis tratrix of the estate of W.E. Junkins, deceased. Defendants. To L. O. Welch, W. R. Crow. Wilson Stafford and Byron Jackson Defendants. In the name of the tttat of Oregon, you are hereby required to appear and anewer the com. plairt filed asainst you in the above entitled cause within ten days from the date of the ser vice of this eummonB npon you, if served within this county: or, if served in any other county of this state, then within twenty days from the date of the servii-e of this sumn.ons upon you; and if you fail so to answer, for want thereof the plain tiff will take judgement against you, and if you fail to answer the complaint by the first Monday of the next regular terra of said circuit court, after six weeks publication of this notice to-wit: the first Monday of Sept., It.), the plaintiff will take judfrment for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed by the said M. D. Crow and L. O. Welch in favor of pliiintiff. on the 23d day of April, 1S83. on the following described prem ises, to-wit: the south half of section fonr, tp. one south, R. iHi E. W. M.. and for Buch further relief as is demanded in the complaint. And defendants are further notified that this summons is served by publication by order of J. H. Bird, judge of t-aid circuit court. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 17th day of June. 1890. J . N. BBOWN. Attorney for Plaintiff. ORDER TO SHO W CAUSE. -a NOTICE. All parties heretofore indebted to me will please tnke notice that I have this day transferred and delivered all by book accounts to W. O. Minor, to whom all bills will be payable. W. G. Scott. Heppner, Jnne 12, 'P0. - 78-83. Wonderful S. Ureeon Remedies B. HEADACHE AND LIVER CURK WILL cure Stomach. Kidney aruf Liver disease. 8. n. t'oUHh and Consumption Cure wilt cure Coughs Colds, Consnnjption and Asthma. o. n. .4 lima tain I ure will cure any nam in twenty minutes: ask your druKsist for it nnd take no other, hot sale ny n.. J . JMocuni. ni ARCADE! B1LLIE RUARK, Proprietor, The finast liquors, cigars and wines constantly on hand. Courteous treatment izuaranteed to all. mSHAVING PARL0RS, M. D. IL1YMAX, Frop. In City Hotel Building. 78tf tBATHS at all hours. CALL ON BILLIE MORROW AT THE Old Jones Stand. To get your horses fed. LIVERY RIGS And, Good Saddle Horses for Hire. Don't Korpjet Billie When You Come to Town. Excelsior Soda Works has on hand at all times SODA, SAESAPARILLA, Sarsparilla and Iron AND C I D E H . in the County Conrt of the Btatje of Oregon, tne i onnty or Aiorrow. j In the matter of the guardianship ) of Lula M. Oil more and Charles Order to Gilmore, Minors. ) show cause It aonearine to this eonrt from t.lm wHtinn nf John w. iTiimore, the guardian of the persons and estates of Lula AI. Oilmore and Charles Gil- more, minors, praying for an order of sale of the real estate belonging to bis said wards, that it ia necessary that such real estate be sold. it is nertoy oraered that the next of kin of said wants ana all nersone intareftteri in aairi rm cm. tate appear before this court on Friday, the 1st day of Auirrist. A. D., 1890. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the courthouse at the town of Heppner, in the county of Morrow, state of uregon, then and there show cause why an order snouia not oe maae tor rne sale or tne real eetae aesenbeu m said petition, as follows, to-wit: Lots one (1) and two (2) in block twelve (12) in uio wwn oi neppner, saiu county ana state. And it id further orderid that a onnv nf this nr. der be published for four consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette, a weekly newspaper pub- -iir-iiuu iu i.iio iiiiiuiiy ul morrow. Dated this 16th day of June, A. O., 1890. 78-8 Wm. Mitchell, County Judge. SHIPLEY'S DDISIOI TO Heppner, Oregon. STREET. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. June 12 '90. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tn.aj proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be matte before the county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on July 26th, lblHJ, viz: Manuel Sawyer, Hd. app. No, 2S59 for thd 8i48 aud b'4 SW H yec -At Tp 3 S R 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: Alfred H. Hooker. Pascal Halley and Wm. Williams, of Eight Mile, Or, and Ueorge Hall, of Gooseberry, Or. John W. Lewis. Renter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, OrM June 18 'tfO. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge, or in his absence before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner. Oregon, on August 4, 18V0, viz: Abraham Hiatt, Hd. 3595. for the 84 SVH. NW-i 8W& See. 10, and Sec. . Tp. 3 S. R. 29. E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to piove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Jame-s Daueherty, W. B. Daughertv, Charles K. Cate aud Andrew J. Cook, all of Lena, Mvrrow. Co., Or. 79-84 Henry Rhinehabt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., June J7, '90. Notice is hereby iriven that the following numm! settler han filed notice of his intention to make final Droof m cnooort of his clfiim, and that said proof will be made before tne county ciem or Morrow county, at Hepp ner, Or., on Aug. 1. 1890, viz: Chesman O. Haines. D. 8. No. t29 for the 8W W STnlSHwr W M. He names the foUowine witnesses to nrov his continuous residence upon and cultivation of saia iana viz: Chas. K. Kirk and ChaR K. Millar nf Wna, Or., Chris. Keininger Sr., and Otis bhaner, of nuruman, ur. 'i-. John W. Lewis, Register MUGGINS I en tik. OS 4 w il I : 00 K IO CS its I STREET. j ;w i CD j AND : MISSES' : FINE : SHOES : AND Gents' Footwear in all Grades. FINEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES AND RANGES IN THE CITY. Tbe."Home Jewel" Ranges will "bake the cake. Full line of Grooeries, Hurdware and Tinware. California San Jose Saddles. Bits and Spurs. Heavv Team Harness. MITCHELL WAGONS. Plows and Harrows. Doors and Windows. Paints, Oils and Glass. Carpets, Wall Papers. Black smith's Stone Coal. Shingles, Lime Sulphur, Cement, CLOCKS, AND WATCHES. GUNS AND PISTOLS. TRUNKS and VALISES. Commencing Monday Morning, FEBRUAEY, 17th, 1890, we intend presenting to every retail cash purchaser of dry goods, cloth ing, boots, shoes, hats and caps to the amount of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), A BEAUTIFUL BOUND VOLUME, "Worth $4 each. Our prices on all goods are low as the lowest. Buying the books from the publishers east, in large quantities, we are enabled to offer them as an inducement to increase our trade. The above offer holds good until JAN. 1, 1891. Do not miss this chance, but start in at once buying from us and get a present, for EACH TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS WORTH OF DRY GOODS Purchased between the above dates. Orders from the Country Solicited. Highest price Paid for Sheep Pelts. Agents for Christ v & "Wise. Gilliam & Bisbee's Eiciasive Harflware gun,- Have in Stock KEITHLEY The above 32 Lots, situated between the original City of Heppner and the Mount Vernon Addition, are finely located for Residences, be sides, being EXTRA GOOD LAND. The whole property, or any part thereof, is now offered for sale. TERMS; One-thhd cash; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, with approved security and 10 per cent, interest. Apply to DR. L, F. SHIPLEY, -Heppner,-Or Tinware, Shelf Hardware, Iron and Steel, Blacksmiths' Coal, Wood and Willow Ware, Q ueensware, Building Paper Of All Kinds. . They Have Just Received a Carload of Agricultural Implements In cluding the Standard Mowers and Reapers, Sulky Rakes, Wag ons, Hacks and Buckboaids. These Vehicles are of the Best Make. Try their Standard 2bwer for Durability. It does Satisfactory Work. Also in Stock JLTachine Oils of All Kinds. fl C0H1FLEIE LIKE OF STOYES FOS THE P10ST EXPCTIJIB A TIN SHOP IN CONNECTION. Tin & Iron Roofing: l Specialty GILLIAM & BISBEE, Next door to First Nat. Bank, Heppner, Or. and TOR GLOB 4iii of my To Bo OoloUratecl toy tlior DISSOLUTION NOTICE. Noti(r is hPTbv iHwftn flint. tll nnHcrminii dnintr business undr the farm Dame of Cox & English, have this day dissolved by nmtnai con BIlt. JOHN A- ENGLISH. Ed. S. Cox, 8. H Cm Hardman. Or., June 18, '!0, 78-83, FACTORY, May Street, rear First National Bank THOS. P. RILEY. Proprietor. sal tooK tue lead ana came to tue wire Oxc in Skven Yevks The body is ; in 50 aecoutis. Carrie M. second, Daisy renewed. The blood must have the j third and Huckleberry Ben fourth, elements of vitality. Wright's Com- There was some considerable feeling pound Syrupof Sarsaparilla cleanses and : of dissatisfaction shown by a number of enriches the blood, and gives a new im- spectators whose suspicions were ar- petus to life. Sold by A. D. Johnson, j roused by Jhe course pursued by the1 The Grande dining room, of Arlington, jockeys in creating delays in starting, i is now under the superior management of j Those suspicions wers not wholly with- ; W. J3. Chapman. It is the place to stop out cause from appearances aud the dif- i when yon are in that town. Good j fioulties in arranging the startiugs in j beds in connection. The Grande was for- some of the races. Happily this oc-j rnerlv known as thePanfoni Honse. 2tf7 I curred in bn'. few of the ruces. 7rf.s HEALTH RESTORER. It? is USE IT! TTTE IDS A.Ii MBPICTjra. It rouses the Liver and Kidneys Stcmnch, Cures ll- :ulache. Dvstve -si i, cre-ltcs arf Aper tite, Purines the Impure Blood, and Makes The Strong. Used everywhere. 91 a bottle ( six for $5, -A . A, ROBERTS, Real Estate, Insurance and Collection OtfiM iu C OUNCIL CHAMBERS, Heppner, - - - Oregon PR, B. F. VAUGHAN. DENTIST. TLATE WOKK A SPECIALTY. Extracting aod Filling by the Latest and Most Improved Methods. Office over Sloe urn's Drugstore. Ira G. Nelson. NELSON & J C Roberts ROBERTS, BARBERS. About May 1st a new chrir will be added to the establishment and a greater effort made to please the public than ever. IDrop in for a good shave, shampoo or hair cat. Pompadour a specialty. MATLOCK CORNER - - MAINN STREET Patriotic People i hdhi Being thankful that they are alive, and enjoying Peaea, Happiness ana jrrospenty, tney win, on tins natal day, Friday, July4th, 1 890 Inangurate a grand celebration of a high order, carrying out an interesting and complete programme to be announced in particular at an early day. You, Your Sisters, Cousins and Aunts Are invited to prepare to come to Pendleton to enjoy yourself, visit relatives and old friends and make-new acquaintances. Taking this recreation will relieve the strain of the dull monotony of every-day life, thereby refreshing the body and invigorating the mind to greater and better deeds. Not Content with One Day Of jollification, it has been deoided to carry the era of fun, froiio and good fellow ship into Saturday and season it with the saoredness and peace of the Sab bath that will follow the two days of joys unconfined. Feeling that yon will accept our invitation, we prepare to give yon a cordial greeting to The Good Things We promise to have in Store For all who may see fit to lay aside dull care, and oome to enjoy themselves. Te Bons of toil, of fields and forests, are particularly welcomed, and ye citizens of sister towns and villages are especially invited. There will be room and plen ty for all. Let us have the pleasure of greeting yon. Some of the Features: Races by the Umatilla Indians, an Indian war dance, five bands to furnish music bicycle races, baseball games, foot races, hose team races, day and night time fire works, procession, oration, declaration and decoration, Two Deiys OeletoiratioixJ (One half fare on all railroads) The People of Pendleton. THE OREGON LAND CO. with its Home Office at Salem, Or (in the State Insurance Buildin) Branch Offices m Portland, Astoria and Albany, has for a!e a large lot of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms also nitw and Suburban Property. OGOX T.VI) CO. ;A;I?J??T!L0Di fo,r,the PrP6e of buying and subdi- s'b iana, ana Has, during the past two years bourht lUnbndThVer 3200 aCre80f nd into five to twenty acre g tracts Ihe success of this undertaking is shown in the fact that out of 280 tracts of land plac ed in the market, 225 have been sold. We claim that ten acres of choice land in fruit will . i acres in wheat in the MississiPp?vaTley yiM " Iarger laeome tbaD 160 . maae vwuHoie improvements in the way of roads fenv. sell a small traot of land tn.r n, roBis, lenoes, pay for . large farm. ",e ,"8 per aore Send for pamphlet, maps and prioe list. etc. We oan yon would have to Agent For The Brownsville Woolen Mills! Blankets. Clothino- Fl ;-' - ""'""Si' jjvjil uuous, etc. Me Line of GENTS FURNISHINGS. to C. S Van Duyn HEPPNEE, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING OEEGON. Wm. Rada m's The licine in the MoBt truly and correctly called Greatest Medi World! s ALMOST MIRACULOUS CURES lilS eXDectB bl narfAFm .ha. Of hoDAleSS Mill I li. .. ...mrauie quwasea are oonstantlv m.A, t" DOES NMDISAPiMWnfei-" F, CASTLSMAN tien'l AH for Rantjm n , "ONS. bW by J. W. MAVLOCK tCO, hTd 17Kn B,reet- T . J 1 l at $3.75 per jug, or $7 ,5ft per cuse