EIGHTH YEAR. HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 26. 1890. NO. 379. THE GAZETTE. UMnro BTMY THUB8DAY ArTZBHOOH. B OTIS PATTERSON, At $ji.00 per year, $1.25 for six montha. $0.75 'or three mourns; in advance. If paid for at the "u a year WUJ be charged. ADTEBTIBIBa BATHS. I inch, mngle column, per month t 1-50 J " " " ' " 2M " " " " 5.(10 a " 8.5o " 15.0U DOUBLB OOXJTHlf. inches $ ". 6Jj column , 8.5 15.00 Local advertising lOo per line. Each subse quent :nrtion at half rates. Bpeciat rates will beharged for personal digs and political slush. CSS90IT OI'lr'XOT ft T.F3. Governor B. Pennoyer. Bee. of Htate 'i. W. McBnde. Treasurer '4. W. Webb. Bo pt. Instruction 1. B. MeKlroy. Judge Heventb District J. H. llird. District Attorney W. B. KUis. MOBBOW OOOKTT. Joint Senator J. P. Wager. Representative T. E. tell. ounty Judge Wm. Mitchell. ' Commissioners J. B. Ely, J. A. Thompson. Clerk C.L.Andrews. - Sheriff T.K.Howard. Treasurer Geo. Noble. Assessor J. J. Mcliee. rjorveyor Julias Keithley. ' School Bup't J. H. Stanley. f'oroner A.J. Shobe. UKPPNBK TOWM OFFIOBBB. Mai oi Henry Blackmar. ounciluien Nelson Jones, J. W. Morrow. E. L. Matlock, O. K. Farus worth, 0. M.Mallory and.W. J. McAtee. Recorder ..A. A. Roberta. Treasurer W. J. Leexer. Marshal J. W. Basmus. SOCIETIES- Doric Lodge No. 90 K. of P. meets ev eryTueedayeveningat7.S0o,clock in 1. O. O. V. Hall. Sojourning brothers cor dially invited to attend. J. H. Stanlbt.O. C. E. It. Swinbcbhb. K. of it. A. S. KAWLINB POST, Ni). SI. 6. A. B. Meets at Lexington. Or., the last Saturday of each month. All veterans are invited to Join. ISA BBOWS, J. ft BOOTHBY. Adjutant, Commander. PEorEsaiOnJi.L- . W. UEA, UlorBey-at-Law Q Q Notary Public and Justice of tlie Peace. HEPPNER, OGN. tlFFIC E OPEN AT ALL HOURS J.N. BROWN. Attorney at Law. J AH. 1). HAMILTON. Brown & Hamilton Practioe in all courts of the state. Insurance, real estate collection and loan agents. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to thorn. Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner. W. B. ELLIS, Attorney-at- Law AND Not&ry - - - Public, HEFFNER, OREGON. I'rotecutiintf Attorney for Seventh Ju dicial LHntrict. H'iH giye jirompf attention to an i all business entrusted to him. o FKH'B on MainBtraet, ov.r Liberty Mar- atti GEO. F. MORGAN. Land Office Specialist, The Dalles. Oregon. Rea-altrlv admitted to prao:ioe berore tbe U. S. Land office and departments at Washington. D. C. Attenba to con testa and recovery of lost rigbte. Call on, or write biiu. NATIONAL BANK of HEPPNER 0. P. THOMPSON. ED. R BISHOP. President. Cashier. HAXSACTS A C EXERAL BANKING BUSINESS. COLLKCTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. Opposite Minor's Hotel, HEPPNER, OREGON. First National Bank OF HEPPNER, RHEA. FRANK KELLOGG, President. Vioe-Presiilent George W. Conner, Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business - ()n ali part of the world Bought and Sold, Collection made at all points on Sea sonable Terms. $150,000 to loan on improved farms at 8 per cent WhEN "YOU WANT un DON'T FORGET That the best Dlaoe to net it is at the GvA.SBXT'irX'lEl SSOZ! Heppner, ; : : Oregon. YOU CAlf SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER OrMasaxlne 'irouWe&nt AT THE GAZETTE SHOP. AND Canyon City STAGE LINE, Chas. H. Las, Proprietor. STAGES LEAVE MONUMENT DAILY LX CEPT SUNDAY. FARE: Canyon City to Monument " - Loog Creek 85.00 300 This Utbeqniokest ad cheapest route Ftoortland from point in this vicinity. L. D. BOYED. Tyson & Boyed, Contractors, Builders aud Archi tects. Special attention given to plans, designs and estimates for all kinds of buildings. They are putting in their Heppner Brick Yard me macninery lor matting a superior quality of pressed brick. OFFICE, UPPER MAIN ST., HEPPNER. - OREGON. GEO. W. LORD, CONTRACTOR and. BUILDER Estimates for all kinds of build ings, town or country. Moving Buildings a Specialty HEPPNER, OREGON. HOW'S YOUR FENCE? We have the CHEAPEST and Best WOVEN WIRE FENCING Wlra Rope Selvage. 60 INCRE3 HIGH AT 60 CENTS PER ROD. .awn. Garden. Poultry snd Stock Fencing, all i.re3andwldths.Gatestomatch. Priceslow. Sold jy dealers. Freicut lald. Bend for circulars. tnK HcttriXKft worr.l itiuk fkwk to. , cnifACio, ILU . AU-Hteel LAWN und OEHEIEIIV l'en AHAIAf flram Ohio. Hera i 11 ICE portrait of Mr. Cirri son, of SaUm, Ohio. Wu at work on farm for li0 month ; I now have an for E. C. Allen Co albuma and publi- aitona and often make WVO a day. Kltne, Harriiburfr, Pa., write : "I bave never known anything to ttll like your album. Yeaterdar I took order enongb to pay rue otm 8r. ' W. J. Ki rn ore, Bangor, He., write : "I lake an order for your alb am at almoat every houiM I viait. My pro n 1 1 otten ai muonii llor a aina-la day'awork.". OthcraaredoinsTduitea well; ivr have not pace 10 five ex tract from their letter. Every one who take hold of thisjraud buafne pile uptrend profit a. Khali we start VOU in this business, reader? Write to tu and learn all about it for youraelf. We are Martina; many; we will Mart you if you don't delay until another -et ahead of yon in your part of the countrv. If jom take hold you will be able to pick up rold fait- ObT Menti on account of a forced rnanufacturtr ale ISii.OOOten dollar Ihfoajmph Album art to be Mid to iho People for eaoh. Bound in Koyal Crimann Silk Velvet luah. CbamiinKly decorated inaidea. Handaonie! album In I be world Lara-eat Hite. Greateal br(rain er known. A Rem a wanted. Liberal lerro. big money for agent. Aoy one can become a ancceaeful afrent. Sella iuclf on aitlit little or do talk ma; neceaaary. Wherever shown, every one went to pur eiia. Arent take thousand of order with rapidity never before known. Ureat profit await every worker. Agents ar making fortune. Ladieamake a much a men. You, reader can do a well a anyone. Foil Information and term free, to those who write for same, witli particular and term for our Family Bible, Book and Periodicala. After you know alL afaouldyou conclude to go no further, why no harm ia done. Address K. C. ALLEN CO- AvaVBJA. UAlXft I rHtBEST 24IN.SAFETYEVER MaD ADJUSTAbLE. IN IVtHT Bt-r(IIH AGENTS WANTED CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE OF WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION . LOZIER&YOSTBltfCLE ,6.. Toledo.Ohio. Hf Printers' Ink. A JOURNAL FOR ADVERTISERS. U lined on the first an! flftienth diyi of tub Bntk, and li the re;reaentati7 journal th 9 trait jronul of American adTertlaert. It Indicatei to the tstzptrincei adTertiier how, vl., aad Tier h should adTrtlse ; her to writs aa adTirtiaemeat ; bov tc diaplay oaa ; That aewtpapera to in ; how much aosej to oxpesd ia fact, dliconrtei a rerj point that adalti of profltablt dincuidou. AdTertiiing U an art practliod by may but understood hy few. Thr enductori of r&HTTSS' I1TI underttand It, an their adrlce It huel oa an experle&ci of mors tha twnty-flTt yeari Is placing advertising contracts for many of the largeit and most loceesiful adTertisera. A year'i tuhacriptlon certa but One Collar : aampl eocIea Tree. Addrtia : CEO. P. ROW ELL A CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, to Spruce St., New York. SOLE LEATHE- EX AMINE OUR CUT SHOE IT SHOWS HOW ALL UAXLTDI "V (j- nnvbiiui x SCHOOL SHOES ARE MADE LOW BROAD HEEL FOB 8AAK BY J. W. SMITH, ARLINGTON, OB. Wo havo i ho Exclusive Control ot o Is Y SO C E N T S . .. s. lu An tuff Mm Aootfc, for tts th BEST MADE ery Cam W ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. H. BLAGKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON. A. H. TYSON. S3 V? 5 f3? YfirVEn WHOLEg g School (I i S JH0E gRAINJ d g L- " 'S0LI0 HEEL BEST SOLID "gSi 11 m 1 1 VI SB "v. g ill POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel :f purity, streotftb and whnlesnmeness. More economical thin the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in comietition with the multitude of low teat, short weight, alum or phosphate powders Sold only in cans. EOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 1W Wall Street, N. Y. Great English Remedy. MURRAY'S SPECIFIC. TMd Me A guaranteed cure for all nervoae diseases, euch as Weak Memory, Loss of bruin power Hysteria Headache, Pain ui the Back, Ner vous Prostration, Wakefulness, Leucorrhueft. L'niversaJ Lawflitxide (Seminal Weakness, Impotency, and general loss of power of the General Organs in either Bex, caused by indiscretion or over Bfore Takine. exertion, aud which ultimately leads to Premature Old Ape. Tn- Ts-afle Hrk. sanity and consumption, 1.00 a box or six boxes for $5.U0. 8'nt by mail on receipt of price. Full particulars in pamphlet sent free to every applicant. we Guarantee 6 Boxes to cure any case. For every $5 nnlar rittuivf.H urA six ttltXeS and n written iraarantee to refund AfMfTaklllff the money it our bpecinc uoes not errecc a cure ddresH all communications to the sole manu facturers, the Kansas Citv. Mo. 8ol in Heppner by A. D JOHNSON t CO . sole agents. SCOTTS CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Wasting Diseases EMULSION CURE? Wonderful Fieeh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day by its use. Scott's Emulsion ia not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased. It is used, by Physicians all over the -world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. 8COTT &BOWNE, Chemists, N.Y. The GoleBrated French Gure, 'foTJir "APHP.ODITINE" asSES Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to euro any form of uervoua disease, or any disorder of the BEFORE geuerative or- AFTER gaui of either sex whether arising from the excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence, &c, such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful, ness, Bearing down Patus in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission. , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory. Loss of Power and Impotency, which If ne glected often lead to premature old age aud insan ity. Price tl.00 a box, 6 boxes for $5.00 Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE forevery $5.00 order, to refund the money if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial! from old and young, of both sexes, permanently enred by Aphroditimi. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WKSTKRM BBJLNCH, BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co.t Drug gists, Heppner, Oregon. ni NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at LaGrande, Or., May 27, 'Hi. Notice is hereby eiven that the following named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make final proof in Bnpporl of hie claim, and that Raid proof will be made before the county judjre, or in his absence beforo the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Ur., on July 18, Iwu, viz: Holmes V. Hauman. Hd. No. 4454, for too Lots 5 &6 and Eli SWT Sec ti ID DHKb. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: John II, Williams, Jas. Hurt. Oscar Hurt and Wi. straight, all of Heppner, Dr. 77-81 Hkjjb Kikkhabt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La trrande. Or., May 28, 'TO. Notice is hereby given that the following, named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of liis elaim and that said proof will be made before the ouonty clerk of Morrow county. Or., at Heppner, Ore tfon. on 18th day of July, 1A0, vis: Joseph Sicartz. D. S. No- 8M4, for the 8E) Sec. 12, Tp. 1 N. R. J8 E. W. M. He names the following witneBHes to prove hie continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: A. B. Stanley, Joseph Cuha, Andrew Alrot and John Khodes, all of Echo, Or. Uknby KlNjutART, Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or.. May SI, '90 Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has elect notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner. Oregon, on July 17. lhW, viz: ' Allen T. Stimmerfield, D. S. No. 9679. for the W"4 8W 'Vi. 8W NWii Sec 19 Tp 4 8 K 28 E, and NE! BE Sec 21 Tp 4 8 K 7 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove hie continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land viz: Jack McRenzie. John Zollinger, Luther Hamil ton and Freemau W (ireen, all of Heppner, Or, 377-l Henry Kikehabt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at LaGrande Or., May 51. IPSO. Notice is hereby given that the following named eetiler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said procf will be made before the county judge, or in his alisence before the count)' clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Ore., on July 1S 1800, viz: William E. Hiait, Hd. No. 264$ for the NWH NE, NWM, 8W! N Wl Sec 2 i p 2 8 B 29 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivaiion of said nuid. viz: .., John Mullally. H. A. Salisbury. J. W. Salisbury and J- E. Freeman, all of Lena. Or.. JIxnky RiNRBART.Kegister mm Going Too Fast in the Matter of Free Coinage. TO BE HANGED FOB JIUKDB'BJ-a5y8: A Man and Wife to Suffer the Death Penalty A tineep Herder Suicides Other Mews Items. . TOO FAST. Have Taken Ground a Step Too If ar in the In terest of Silver. Washington, June 18. Oregonian disptach. The men who yesterday ran like frightened people whefc the big Kan sas senator threw a free coinage bomb inro iue senate are wouaenug '"""JUnd.livises the greatest possible disaster what they ran tor and having got themnriifi 9no..tfiBt timB. selves into tbe present predicament, are striving to extricate themselves. They are hoping that wiser Counsels may pre vail in tbe house. The actual silver men, those who would have been satis fied with $4,500,000 a month, the bullion redemption clause strioken out, and the treasury notes made legal tender are fearful they have carried things too far and forced a vote which will mean that they won't begin to get what they want, when another measure is considered. It now remains to see what the house will do. The impression is that the silver men will vote to have the bill go to con ference upon an agreement that they will get what is above stated. Then there are others who feel that it would be fit ting to force npon the administration the neoessity of vetoing the bill. There is no doubt but all feel that a step too far has been taken even in the interests of silver. It is further stated that Speaker Reed will prevent by every possible means any vote to concur in the senate amendments. He may do this by allow ing the bill to be upon his table until agreement is reached to consider it eith er in the coinage committee or the oom mitte of the whole. The silver men who were jubilant last night are more thoughtful to-day and there is a possi bility that enough conservatives will be found in the house, with Eastern demo crats, to defeat tbe free coinage provi sion. SILVER ASSOCIATION. Proposition to Establish an lnterDation.il League for Education. Denver, June 18. A meeting of tbe Colorado Silver Association was held to day, and was addressed by Francis G. Newlaud, of Nevada, a member of tbe National Silver committee appointed by the St. Louis convention who has been in attendance in Washington through tin winter, and gave an nccouut offending legislation and of the position of the par ties and administration and protnineDt politicians with reference to it. He ursr ed as un extension of the work of the national silver committee, the organiza tion of a bi-metal!io league under tbe prexidenoy of General Warper, of Ohio, which is to act in co-operation with the bi-metallic leagues of France, England, Germany and Italy and is to extend in those countries tbe work of education and preparing pamphlets in the language of various countries adapted to their ants with a view of uniting the produc ers and agricultural classes with tbe po litical economists of those count ries who have declared themselves almost unani mously in favor of the bi-metallic system in a war upon the mono-metallic gold standard. The meeting was cue of great earnestness, and resolutions were adopt ed favoring free coinage aud opposed to bullion redemption, and advocatiug tbe retirement of those senators and con gressmen who vote for such a measure, The motto is, "sit down on them." A grllSEFHIiRDElfji DEATH. August Bresson Sends a Knftet Throngh His Heart. The Dalles, June 18. August Bres son was found dead under a bridge over Mill creek seven miles from this city, this morning, with a pistol clasped his right hand and a bullcthole through his heart. Be was last seen Monday morning at H o'clock, when he left Mea- plie's saying he wsb going to herd sheep for a neighbor. Ho had worked for Mes- plie nine and a half days, and it is sup posed he became despondent and went under the bridge and committed suicide. Bresson was about 21 years of age cud a native of France. On his person were $40 in money and a check for 1000 francs on a bank at Fresno, Cal. An inquest was held and the facts are the same as above. The drug store of Josiah Marsh burn ed yesterday morning at Wasco. Tbe tire commenced from the outside aud is supposed to be the work of an incendi ary. The loss is 82300; no insurance. The ooroues jury have not given a Verdict on tbe man found on the beach Sunday. There are some evidrnces of foul play, but not sufficient to give the case to tbe grand jury. Some suppose the man to be the same who was drown ed at tbe month of John Day about three weeks ago. EDITORIAL COMMENT: Tlie New York Papers Opposed to Free, Coin age. New York, Juue 18. The Tribune, in an editorial on free coinage, sayi : Just at this point an increase of coin age with the issues of silver certificates invite serious critioism. Coinage does not help at all. Nobody would want silver dollars in place of notes, even if the latter should fall 1 per cent, or 10 per cent below par in gqld. The re demption in bullion of a fixed gold value would make tbe additional currency safe, and put silver bullion behind notes as a seoarity of unquestioned value. The omission of that feature leaves the the notes to be supported by the stock of gold it may be possible to provide. That may yet prove inadequate. Becogniz ing the matter, tbe advocates of sound currency have faith in the disposition and ability of the present admiuist ration to protect tbe public credit as far as cir sutnstances give it power, but it cannot be Eaid the new legislation proposed in ibe senate by its vote, with the redemp tion in bullion omitted, is calculated to render the task, in the least degree, easier. - The Mail and Express, republican, . i.ne Dm is of a most radical character. The combination between Western re oublioan senators and democratic sena tois is pretentious. It is the duty of the bouso to stand firmly to the conservative, yet liberal, silver policy it has adopted. The Evening Post, independent, says: The bill is far from being a law, and the chances are decidedly against it be-coming-eo. Section 5 proposes to lower the standard value 25 per cent, at one Jmp. This is truly a bedlamite Bcheme, a te shortest time. jy'he Sun says: j-iiere is reason to believe that tbe bouse and the president Trill concur in the senate's action. The measure is far K-ore radical than was thought possible before yesterday. LITTLE WOKK BEING DONE. LTob tracts tor About 2000 Negroes Ha e Been Made. CpBiMTO, Nicaragua, June 19. People from Greytown say tbat little work is be ing done on the canal. About eighty men are at work just about where they started the town, carrying away brush along the canal. A hospital is located there with about one hundred patients, mostly Americans Contracts for abcut two thousand negroes have been made. The country is being, overrun with Americaus and Europeans who have no money and can get no work, and all are trying to get out of the -country. HANGED FOR MURDER. A Man and ife to Suffer the Death Penalty. Elko, N6V., June 19. Josiah Potts and his. wife, Elizabeth, will be hanged here Friday for tbemnrderof Miles Faw cett at Carlin. January 1, 1888. Fawcett was about 70 years of age and lived on a ranch a few miles from Car lin, where he bad some stock and sev eral hundred dollars in money. Mrs. Potts did his washing and baking, and Fawcett leut- them several hundred dol lars, which they substquently refusei to pay., . On January 1 Fawoett requested a man. named Limeburger to accompany him to Pott's place, saying he would make tbem pay or he would tell some thing about Mrs. Potts tbat would bang her. Fawcett had $300 with him at the time. They found tbe Potts family en join g the New Year's eve, and Lime- 'jer, a'tsr accepting a glass of whis key, left the house, leaving Fawcett there to transact th business. This was the last ever seen of him un. til his body was fonnd the following year. The Potts family stated tbat Fawcett had settled up all his business ; bad given MrB. Potts a bill of sale for all his property, and left for parts un known. Mrs Potts theD gave out that she was going East to visit some rela tives, bt instead took the train for San Francisco, Two months afterward she returned to Carlin, and in September, 1888, they sold out their property aud formerly belonging to Fawcett and re moved to Kook Springs, Wyo., where Potts resumed his trade of maobinist. In January, 1889, the body of Fawcett, with his limbs severed from the trunk, akuli crushed in and the remains partly burned, were found by tbe caving in of the roof of a dug-out cellar attached to the house formerly occupied by tbe Potts. The family was brought back to Elko and placed on trial. They claim ed that Fawcett committed suicide it consequence of being detected in an at tempt to assault their little daughter ; that before doing so he promised to leave tbe ouuntry and had given them t bill of sale of his property. When, how ever, Fawcett shot himself, the Potts crushed in the Bkull and tried to burn the body to destroy his identity, and then the family left Carlin to avoid sus picion. Medical ex perts, hovever, proved that he man had not been shot and cir cumstantial evidence went to show that Mrs. Potts struck Fawcett on the back of the head with an ax as he was lving in bed. The jury returned averdictof mur der in the hrst degree, and tbe supreme court affirmed tbe decision. WILD ABOUT SILVER. legislators Getting Down Deep Into a Parlia mentary Scrap. Washington, June 19. It Looked for some time to-day as if the silver oraze bad been transferred to the house of rep resentatives, and that tbe free coinage silver bill would pass with a whirl like that which characterized the senate. Each of the ballots taken to-day show that tbe democrats with the free coinage silver men werein control, but in their effort te censure Speaker Beed for refer ring the bill, and to expunge from the journal any reference of the bill they bungled, and to-night after adjournment nobody is able to tell just exactly what condition tbe bill is in. As a matter of fact the bill is with the chairman of com mittee on coinage, weights and meas ures. The paragraph in the journal showing that it has been referred to this committee is gone. The preamble to tbe resolution was defeated. When an at tempt is made to-morrow to pass the bill the democrats will find that they have no bill to act on, and just how they will recall a bill from a committee when there is no record that the bill is before such a committee is something of a mystery, and which parlaments are not ready to decide. There is a prevailing senti ment that the delay which points of or- aer ana or tne general debate will con sume will enable the republicans to get together their forces so that when tbe real test oomes they may defsat free coinage. Corvallis Stieet Kailway. Corvallis, June 20. The street rail way began running yesterday, and it doing a large business. It ia probable tbat a further extension of the system will be made soon. FOR CHICKEN CHOLERA. 419 ITuron St., Sheboygan, Wis., Nov. 12, 1888. I have used 6t.JacobsOilfor chicken cholera with great suc cess. Every fowl affected with the disease was cured by it, and I recommend it as a sure cure. It has saved me many dollars. H. A. KUENNE, Breeder of Fine Fowls. For StaDiemen and Stockmen. Cuts. Swelling?. Bruises. Sprains, Galls. Strains. Lameness, Stifinsfs, Cracked Heels, Scratches, Contractions. Flesh Wounds. Strlnghslt, oore Throat, Distemper. Cslic, Whitlow. Poll Evil, Fistula, Turgors, Splints, Ringbones and Spavin In their early SUgss. Directions with each bottle. AT DRTJGGIST3 AND DEALKIU THE CHARLES A. VOGELER CO.. Baitlraor. Ui .IACKSO.N RESENTS AN INSI'LT. San Fkascisco, June 15. A Chron icle special says: There was a free-for-all fight last night at Joe Dievies's Three-mile house, on the Leandro road, near Oakland, in which Peter Jackson the colored pugilist, played a prominent part, Jackson was in the barroom with Dieves and his son, when about a dozen Germans, returning from a picnic, entered. They were under the influence of liquor, and one of tbem, after vainly attempting to pick a quarrel with Jack son, grossly insulted him. Jackson knocked bim don and tbe man's friends took up tbe fight. Jackson was aided by Dieves and his sou, aud the three managed to put the crowd to flight. Sheriff Hale was notified of the trouble by several men who demanded a warrant for Jackson's arrest, but they conoluded to wait until morning. Jaokson says be tried bard to avoid tbe trouble, but was foroed into fighting by insults from the crowd. THE WALLA WALLA ARSON CASE. Confession of Jail Birds to Implicate Citizens of that Town. It seems every convict in the Walla Walla penitentiary not employed making brick is engaged in studying up confessions. The late Mrs. Pyle, Hurn and Clink confession has especially createa considerable attention, more perhaps in fact, than it really deserved says tlie w alia Walla Journal, for we don't beiieve there is anything in it. The Pyleand Hurn confession implicates a certain dealer in second hand goods, now absent from Walla Walla, also prominent merchant of this place. What they teil'ou these 'men . may have some foundation, but we doubt it. The Clink confession tries to Impli cate a man who died before his time, who used to keep a ealoon iu this city, leaves a wife and several children, and without mentioning names, for their sake and that of the public, we here reit erate most emphatically that the man was as innocent of arson for which Clink is in the pen, as a child unborn, tbat is taking a sensible view of the matter. Tbe facts in tbat particular case are these, and we got tbem straight: A few weeks before the great fire, Clink and several other men were drinking, when the landlord mentioned what a lot of trouble he had with his tenants and irj open, frank way of talking, he thought lessly remarked : "I would give :f500 if the d mn shanty would burn down,' and then they all took a drink, just a men will do sometimes. On the night of the fire, Clink came to tbe saloon man's place of business, called him to one side and said to him: "Well I set her a going." Not understanding what he meant at first, he explained more fully, when the saloon man exclaimed "My God, you didn't set fire to her!" " did, and you offered $500 to have it done. Now don t try to crawfish. I never meant for you to do that, even if I said so. Now don't give me away !" and then Clink received a little hush money and the saloon man became his innocent prey. The man really meant no more what be said at the bar than a mother means sometimes when talking to her bad little boy and exclaims: "I'll break every bone in your body !" and bad he not become scared, but went right up into court and told the judge and jury just bow it all happened, the suspicious public surmises now indulged in would fiud no footing in tbe public mind and Clink's confession would fall in the soup. but as it is, it raises a little ripple every now and then, vet believe us, that when the thing is as thoroughly understood as we understand it, tbe whole thing so far aa they are trying to implicate that dead man, now resting in his grave would be treated with contempt. How often does a father say, when speaking of his wav- ward son: "I wish he were dead," and yet rushes for a doctor tbe moment bis bowels are the least bit out of order. complains of a pain in his chest? You all know that we are apt to make fre quent strange expressions and no one would dream of taking tbem up as mean ing anything serious, unless it was person prone to do evil, and tbe woods are fall of 'em. So is the pen. Two Trains Daily Between Portland and Spokane Falls. Effective May 11th, 1890, tbe Union Pa cific System will establish two daily trains between Portland and Spokane Falls, Pullman Palace Sleepers and Reclining Chair cars will be run between Portland and Spokane Falls without change. This new arrangement will afford both local and through passengers additional and unsurpassed facilities. Tickets, de tailed time of trains, and general inform ation, can be obtained upon application to any ticdet agent Union Paoific System 75-79. T. W. Lee, GenT Pass Agent. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Jnne 10, 1S90. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on July 31, 1S90, viz: Alexander Young, Hd. app. No, 23H0, for the 8E!4 Sec 34 Tp 2 8 B 23 E VV M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous resilience upon ana cultivation or. said land viz: T R. Etph T. Tl r.sll nnil John SnVnnll nf Gooseberry, Or., and C. K. Joues. of Eight Mile. Or 7"-2 John W. I.fwib, Register- PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandise To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Lais' Dress tods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot called " ' "Blackman's Best" Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suitevery body both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobacoos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in ieep lip Tobacco, Sulphur, Lii, Wire, Maoliinery, Ejto. A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will oonvince tbe public that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. His and Pelts Mt for Cash and Trade. Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Conntiea will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, . and will endeavor to make all feel at home..-' Do Not Forget the Placer Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heopner. Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as tbe Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. Columbia Brewery Depot, U jt U ST 13 U CJT I Lit, 1 , Proprietor, Of the Columbia Brewery, at The Dalles, wonld inform the citizens of Morrow and Borroandin counties that he has leased from John B. Natter the City Brewery in Heppner, and has established a depot at the well known stand, for the sale of the best Lager Beer and Porter, either in the keg or bottled, which he will be pleased to supply enstomersin any quantity wholesale and retail. Tlie Public are invited to cull and examine his stock with the assurance that theij will find it first-class. The Heppner Depot will be in charge of Mr. Dan Osmere, who will cheer fully supply all orders. Where can you get the Most fhnfa Nnk Minis fSirars ToWm Eh FOR THE LEAST MONEY? WHY, AT Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's, and next door to the Rea Restaurant. Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style. Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the Choicest Goods. MRS. OTIS PATTEKSOX, Proprietor. n P ISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For Cold in the Head it has no equal. It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied to the nostrils. .Price, 5Uc. bold ty druggists or sent by mail. Address, E. T. HAZELmr, Warrep, Pa. -Where did you Say ? "THE MODEL,"