THE GAZETTE THURSDAY, JUNE 19. 1890 Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. No. HI. miiMt u p, .w ..... urnvtMt except Huuday. (MAWA AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Htaire leaves for Canyon City daily. ei( t Sunday, at 6 :30 a. m. Arrives daily, except Sunday, at 5 :UU p. it. There ig saving of 16 hoars in time and 81(1 ir cash by taking this route to Canyon. C. W. Lomlar A Cr.,429, Fifth St., rrtland, Or., are authorized to make a !v,.-iFfK contract! Tor the Gazettb. luey will aisr. make collections for this paper. RANDOM REMARKS. Job printing at Pendleton prices at the Oazbtte office. A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc., at E. J, SloenmVdrug store. Mat. Lichtenthal will open your eves in prices of his boots and shoes. Yon can buy them no cheaper in Portland. ' The Newton wagon, backs and other vehicles, the largest stock in Heppner, can be found at Gilliam A Bisbee'g. Call on them. Before purchasing your house furnish ings, call on Gilliam & Bisbee. They also do tin-roofing at the lowest figures. The $4 Buckingham A Heoht, men's shoe will not rip. Best in the market for the price. Buy them at M. Liobten thal's. Gilliam A liisliee have added a stock of fine machine oils. Kemember them when yon need anything in this line. Oo to Mat. Liohteuthal's for the Lud low ladies' shoes. Every pair warranted. Also "Fargo" $2.50 ladies' kid shoe. The best shoe for the money in the mar ket. Do you want some dried venison? Go to J. W. Matlock A Co.'s grocery store for it, and everything else in their lines. The most complete stock of groceries in Heppner. Coffim A McFarland have made a lib eral offer in presenting customers with a beatiful bound volume for every 825 worth of goods purchased in the line of dry goods, boots, shoes, etc. Roberts A Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your horse, and in fact there is nothing in the blacksmithing line that they are not able to do. The standard Mower, for sale by Gil liam A Bisbee, hag all the latest improve ments front out, and is arranged for cutting over either rough or level ground. Their "six-toot" mower is guaranteed to run as light as any '"three-foot" machine in the market All those in want of mowers, reapers and rakes, call on Van Puyn, sole agent for the oelebrated Osborne, of Auburn, New York, best in the world. Call and examine. Guarantee satisfaction. Easi est and best machine in existanoe. Eldorado engine oil for mowers and reapers. Eldorado castor oil for headers and threshers. The best oils for the purpose ever manufactured. For sale at Leezer A Thompson's Hardmnn will celebrate. Hon. John Q. Wilson is in town. We notioed the presenoe of M. S. Max well, M. Sweariugen. A. H. Hooker, Bill Ingrnm and Ed. Hooker in Heppner last Saturday. Ed. Slocnni has gone East well we don't want a word said about it, but if he don't bring a bride back with him we arc much mistaken. HOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars re wani for any oase of Catarrh that oan not be onred by taking Hall's Catarrb -(Jure. F. J. CHENEY A CO.. Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F.J. Cheney for the lBst 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to car ry out any obligations made by their firm. Wist A Tbitax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. W aiding, Kinnan A Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hall's Catarrb Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Price 75c. a bottle. Sold by all druggists. A Rake Chance. The livery stable known as the Jones stable, right in the center of the business part of Heppner is tor sale. If the whole property is too much, part of it will be sold. For par ticulars enquire of M. Rosendorf, Port land, or Wm. Morrow, Heppner. 77-8 LETTER LIST. List of advertised letters in Heppner Sost office June 17, 1890. rown Mr Elmer Bosworth William Barnard Will Beard R L Cannon Joseph Cannon T J 2 Dale Mr 1 A Frost Mr Merritt Gilfillan Mr Thomas Glaspey Dora Hall Wm Hughs Saml (card) Hunt W W Hert Mrs E J Ingalls horsedealer King A Hall Letellier Mr C 2 Mount Miss K L Merrill T J Myers C H Meana William Morris J L 4 Nelson J B Oakes J H 2 Kennedv J D Rich D W Shaw R L St John J A E Swaggart Miss Etta Travis W E Vaughn Miller Varney E V Reynoldz J A In calling for any of these letters please sav "advertised." A. Mali-ory, Postmaster. Here and There. J, M. Fisher is in from Idaho. Walla Walla's races begin to-day. For a good cigar, buy at the "Model." 77. ' Strawberries by quantity or dish at JJO p. m.. daily I the "ModeL" 77. 1 he 'Model' has new potatoes and cabbage. 77. Joe Williams left Sunday for the Greenhorn mines. All Heppner's visitors to Portland ra ces have returned. . rs- f . Briggs, mother of.Leon, is visiting in neppner. R. C. Breeding dropped naystacK last week. Mr. Frank Snow, of the Budiet, was in Heppner Monday. Rain, rain, genuine June showers. Let ns have more of it. Pioneer Henry Heppner visited Heppner early this week. Mrs. Wm. Mitchell left Tuesday to visit menus in ttie valley. Miss Lewis, of Lexington, visited her brother, Chas., last week. Joint Representative elect, C. S. Dus- tin, ol Long Creek is in the city. sawyer Drown, or Arlington, was in Heppner last Saturday and Sunday. Seventeen oar loads of wool have been shipped from Heppner so far this season. The artesian well is down over 200 feet. They are now making 50 feet per day. Misses Belle Elder and Lizzie Matlock are home from St. Helen's Hall, of Port- lanl. Jaa. Jones, Gid Boyer and the editor of this paper leave Monday for "the state s. John Coffey, now a rustliner real estate dealer of New Astoria, got back to Hepp ner juouday. Edwin Scott, representing the Oreyo nian, called at the gazet'g editorial rooms Monday. Frank Sloan, a rustling young man of Butter creek, represented bis section here last week. Dan Horner and Nels Jones have gone to Malheur and will shortly ship ten car loads of horses East. Children and grown folks like the fruit chewing gum which is kept at the "Model." Ask for it. 77. August Buobler, of the Columbia brewery, was in town looking after bis interebts early this week. Miss Katie Smith, daughter of Road master Smith, is visiting the home of her uncle, Mr. Ed. Smith. Billie Ruttrk, the popular proprietor of the Arcade, starts iu this week With a card in the Gazette's columns. Mrs. Chas. Wallace has gone to Port land to take up her residence. Uncle Chas. will also go below iu a few weeks. A road ti Ritter means not only the trade of that section but all of that a distance of 25 mite np the Middle Fork. Miss Lillie Whetstone returned last Thursday from Pendleton's Catholic school where she has attended the past year. Charles Hastings, of The Dalles, is in Heppner, and is prepared to give lessons on any kind of baud or reed instru ments. 76-4t. Miss Lulu MoAtee returned from the Sister's school, of The Dalles, last Thurs day, sod will spend ber vaoation at b ine. Our old friend. M. D. Hayman, has recently purchased the shaving parlors in the City hotel. He advertises in the Gazkttk. The Dafly Tribune, of Pendleton, has suspended. Pendleton supports one live daily and another could not live without loss to owners. J. V. Creighton, traveling freight agent of the Northern Pacific railroad, was in Heppner last week, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. T. E. Fell. Jiniuiie Matlock, one of our emerjretio young men who has been attending Bishop Scott's Academy the pant school year, is at borne again. James Hughrs, of Haystack, came up on last Thursday's train acocnipanied by his daughter, who has been attending the Catholic school at The Dalles. AVkioht's Jamaica Ginger Strictly Pure. An excellent remedy for cramps, colic and where a tonio for the stomach is required. Sold by A. D. Johnson. Onr "Coon" bootblack was pulled Monday morning for disorderly conduct. He refused to pay any fine, bnt after wards reconsidered the matter, and set tled np. Ben and Fred Poppen inform us that grasshoppers are very numerous iu the vicinity of Hardman. Dan Rice's and Louie Allen's orops are totally destroyed by the pests. A Summer Friend Wright's Black berry Cordial. Once used always used. Reliable and prompt. Pleasant to take. Indispensible for summer troubles. Sold by A. D. Johnson. Every week there is work for a board of trade in Heppner. No project for the general welfare of the town can be put to actual use so well without organiza tion as with it. The Best Remedy. Wright's Para gon Headache Remedy for headaohe and neuralgia. Harmless, tasteless, no bad effects. Stops pain in five minutes. Sold by A D. Johnson. Dry McClaran, of Balm Fork, started overland for Brownsville last Friday. Although comparatively late in the sea son, he expects to meet with some snow on the summit of the Cascades. A Road To Ritter. J. W. Ambrose and J. A. Powell were over from Ritter last week. Mr. Powell called on the Gazette office, and iu conversation with him we learned that he and neighbors are much interested iu a direct road from Heppner to Ritter. The road lo cated by our county court some three years ago is the best route, he says, and it was generally understood over in his section last summer that this was an ac cepted road. Acting from this conclu sion, Mr. Powell secured a subscription of 300 days' work for the Grant county end of the route, which has been duly surveyed and ordered opened by their connty court. Sinoe that time the Rit terites have learned the true state of af- over from i 'a' concerning this road, and to some i extent, they have lost interest in the project. However, the supervisor of the Grant connty division will put all his work on the road, and many now are working out their subscriptions. Fully realizing that the completion of this Ritter road to Heppner means trade and business for Heppner, the larger part of which is now going to Pendleton, it be hoves the people her , to do something towards its completion. We can have all the trade as well as the larger part of it, if we make an effort. ARLINGTON JOTTIOTS. IX ORDERING BY MAIL REMARKAbLE RESCUE. Mrs. Michael Curtain, Plainfield, III., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her "family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopeless victim of consump tion and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from the first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of thU Gieat Discovery at A. D. Johnson & Co.,W Drug Store; large Ixittles 50c. and S1.00. 2 The Choick of the Pkoii,e. The fol lowing state, district and county officers are elected: Congressman. Binger Her mann, rep.; Governer.Sylvester Pennoyer, dem.; Secretary of state, Geo. McBnde, rep.; State treasurer, Phil Metschan, rep.; Supreme judge. R. S. Bean, ren.: Supt. of public instruction, E. B. McEl- roy, rep.; Htate printer, irauk C Baker, rep.; Joint senator of Morrow, Grant and Harney, Henry iilaokman. dem.; Prose- outing attorney, 7th judicial distriot, W. H. Wilson, rep.; Representative, J. C. Thomson, dem.; County judge, Win, Mitchell, dem.: Commissioner. H. M. Vaughn, dem.; Clerk, J. W. Morrow, dem.; Sheriff, George Noble, dem.; Treasurer,; J. W. Matlock, dem.; School superintendent. W. L. Saling, rep.; As sessor, J. J. MoGee, dem.; Surveyor, Ju lius Keithiey, dem.; Coroner, James Daugherty, dem. SUNNYSIDE FRUIT FARMS. Salem continues to grow, and the building industry was never so actively pushed in that city before. This activity extends to the section surrounding, and ach contributes to the other's prosper ity; This condition of things gives add ded value to those 10-acre fruit farms at Sunuyside, four miles south of Salem, and renders them increasingly desirable to those who wish to engage in any farm specialty. For sale by the Oregon Land Co., of Salem and Portland. GRAND CELEBRATION AT HARD MAN, JULY 4TII. Procession will form at 10 a. m. and i, the oronnds where the follow ing programme wiu ioiiow !. clnb: 2d. Reading of i tnrienendence 4tb, Oration, J. 1st, Song by declaration of 3d, Song by glee olub; N.Brown; 5th Song by l 1 L - (It l. dinnnr. Aftr dinner amusements consisting of sack raoing, pony racing, foot racing etc.. ZVr the management of an emcient committee, will be indulged in. The grounds will be shaded by and ar bor built for the purpose. A swing will be running near the ar bor, and no pains will be spared to make the day enjoyable. .,,., 7ssn Bring jour baskets well filled. 18-8O IX LIVELY DEMAND. The Astoria Columbian says real es tate in that city is quite firm, every thing is advancing n value, "f for inside property are wBtm.,'y"i: ing in. and outside property, including acreage and residence lots, is selling as fastsiitc.n be platted. Everyone is holding in anticipation of the oonsuma tion of the deal with G P. Huntington, whereby the Astoria A South Coast rail road to Hillsboro will be completed. As soou as he signs the contraot values will be doubled, and even then PPerty will go at a lively rate. The lots 00 sale by the Oregon Land Co.. in North Pa cine addition to Astoria, partake of this activity, and are quite favorably regard ed as an investment. Scrofulous eruptions, such as pimples, discoloration of the skin, especially on the face, are caused by impure blood and will disappear rapidly by using Plunder's Oregon Blood fnrifier. A young man, under age, got full as a tick and somewhat disorderly last Sun day, and bad to be quieted by Sheriff Howard, who happened to be near at baud. The question is, "Where do these boys get liquor?" Henry Blackman's frieuds celebrated bis victory bere last Thursday eve, the music of the Heppner band and the fir ing of auvils being an important feature. Mr. Blackman made a few well-timed remarks on this oooasiou. The Grande dining roora.of Arlington, is now under the superior management of W. F. Chapman. It is the place to stop when you are in that town. Good beds in connection. The Grande was for merly known as theSanford House. 2tf7 Once in Seven Years The body is renewed. The blood must have the elements of vitality. Wright's Com pound Syrup of Sarsaparilla cleanses and enriches the blood, and gives a new1 im petns to life. Sold by A. D. Johnson. TAKE IT BEFORE BREAKFAST The great appetizer, tonio and liver reg ulator. In use for more than 50 years in England. Posititive specific for liver complaint. Bad taste in the mooth on arising in the morning, dull pains in the head and back of the eyes, tired feeling, dizziness, lauguor symptoms of liver complaint. Remedy Dr. Henley's Eng lish .Dandelion ionic fiioe nation, sharpens the appetite and tones up the entire system. Get the genuine from your druggist for SI, and take ae- Aiinllltff TO directions. ARCADE! BILLIE RCARK, Pivprietor. The finest liquors, cigars anl wine constantly .n hand.lVmrteons treatment Krou-Mteedtoiill. SHAVING PARL0R$, M. D. HAYMAX, Prop. In City Hotel Building. 78tf tfTBATHS at all honrs. Church Services. We are informed by the Rev. Mr. Potwine, of Pendleton, tnat mere win oe regular monthly ser vice of the Episcopal churoh held in this city after this, and a congregation form ed of members of that church, and any others who are interested in the work. Mr. Potwine expects to be in the city on the 23d iust. to visit the people, and an nounces a servioe for the following eve ning, (the 24th.) All persons are cordi ally invited to take part in these services whenever held. The World Enriched. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will con duce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. REDEMPTION OF MORROW COUN TY SCRIP. (Delayed correspondence.) Mr. G. Smythe is here purchasing horses for shipment east Freeman has sold out his interest in "The Grande" to W. E. Ch. pinan. Hon. Joe Thomas, accompanied by hia dog and ijun, left here last week for Jef ferson, Or. Geo. Hoyt took his family and house hold chattels to B'aiue, Wash, last Thursday. Quite a number of Lost Valiey, Matt ney and Shoofiy residents are in. town looking after tue sale of their clips. The Fossil Journal attributes the de feat of W. W. iSteiwer for representative to dead beat voters at Arliugton, with a view to saving the county seat. This is a very unkind cut. Possibly these same dead beat voters ( ?) succeeded in reach ing Ferry canyon and Mayville precincts before the closing of the polls. As a looker on I must contend that I never saw more honest voting. As proof of 1 this 2'27 .votes were cast; 214 for AH ing ton, 6 for Coudon, and 7 strangers voted ( state ticket only, this being all they were entitled to. I only bring tbia for ward to show that the voting was fair and square. D. E. Gilman, the well known horse raiser, of Fosail, paid a fbing visit to The Dalles Saturday. Now that the election is over, our bnrg has returned to her everyday appearance. Sheriff Sanderson's three boarders. probably indignant at being kept here, now that the county seat is gone, paid a flying visit to Coudon vicinity hut were speedily tripped up aud forwarded to more secure apartments in your city. Mr. Fanlkaer, of Klickitat Co., ha re paired the barge brought up frtm Co lumbus by Mr. Presby and purchased it with a view, as soon as the river -rises, to take it down to the lower Coh uitiia. Filo Summers had a naaty . fall from his horse at the foot of Main street and was unconscious several butiry, but was able to proceed on the trail to Ellensburg next day, feeling sore and shaken. Nobody on Schuttler Flat would ob ject if Jupiter Pluvius Wiggins wuuld predict a shower of rain, as the grass sadly needs water. Two wool buyers were here Friday. Next day 5 oarloads of wool started on their way East. Mr. Jno. Corkish, of Portland, who is interested in the waterworks came up to inspect the pump and windmill. Ed. Gilmore has returned from La Grande. Mrs. Mart Smith left town Moeday by the eastbound train. Fred Iloag, the genial pelt buyer, whom we had begun to look upon as a resident, has gone to Montana. J. W. Smith and Harve Condon, favor ed by a westerly wind, took. a long sail up the riyer Monday. A Tennessee lady accompanied by two children, arrived on No. 1 Saturday too late to make connections with the Hepp ner train, and rather than stay over here, she hired a team to take her to Lexing ton. Mrs. A. C. Hawson and Mrs. H. C. Condon have gone to Dayton, Wash., on a visit. Condon has the oouuty seat and Mose Kirby has come back to Arlington. Huzza! Cuyi". :Prom; HALE BROS. & CO. FOR THE SFOT CASH You Will Find that You Can Get the the Least Most Goods Monev at of the Same Class for Yon Can Depend Upon Getting, -00- Your order promptness. filled witn pleainsg FREE. OCR AEW 2. The as same though prices and attention 5'ou were at their counters. FASHION HOOK AND PRICE LIST, KM PAGES. Why did three of Heppner's young men hold down a lumber yard for five mortal honrs in the e'ead of night? and in this oase wasn't the joker joked? Jack Gray returned from Long Creek Saturday. He informs us that snow and freezing weather have hurt crops more iu that section than the drought. Notioe is hereby given that there is money on band in the treasury of Mor row oouuty to pay the following describ ed warrants, to-wit: ss 141 S3Mi2 WU 2152' 2m' asm 22S0 23411 '.Mil. mid 2885. 201 23W81 1733 24IIH tun 2155 2384; 1S7UI 23H0: 2r2 241S: 2411 2495. 24!W: S4SI7 249Si 25117' 2509 i 2451 2457; 2449 2450 2499 250(1 SB W f 'E o ' o 'E 'C d 2501 2502 213 12501 2445 24t; 2458 I24h3 a4(i2t .242 24421 25101 2431 2432 2494 2477 23301 i4tf 2344 21125 .2atMi 2SM 237(1 14'Jl 2515! :'j5lli IS51J' 2518, 2314 2394 12524 '2HS3 2577 2529 2B312 26491 2A07 '219 230 25rt0 2ftOS '2650 2589 3537 124311, 254i 125S' SStiSi 2585i 2333! 2542' 1581! 12471'! ,2653 I ' '24381 :2t)4! 3B271 2758: 2763: 2775; 2810! 2819 2883! S2884: :-.8M5. 2SS6 2887; 2888 2 !288Ui 2X90; 12891! 2892: 2894 1 2tM2l 11654! !2241i 2489 .2723! '27117! 2818: 2798; 2799: 12742! 9743 3755 127411 2744: :2737i :27S4' ,2746 :27S5 !2690l '2689 ! asHii 12672! 2671 ;2WW: 2666 2-lt'4: 2673 2700 2 27i IS; !27 :2727J 275l! :277' 2781! :asoi; 2811! 2592 2766 !2765 :2S73, !252l: !234 2845 233 12821 !2K25 27S3 2769 :2858 3S651 2X69! 276(1. .2831: I 562. 12382 V.731 2774 2694. 12759! 2695 2698 2705 2 ;2693; ,27!lt ,2748 :2701 270S1 126X4 !2721i 2738 2783, llSO 2790 2793 ,2794 27H) 2795 2752, 2747. 274.i! 2875: 2864 2868: !2813 2X14 i2809 2812 1747 2H05 2.-.S2j 2761, 12750 2787' 2848: 2178 2877 2 2754 2792 2791 2174 2x79 2711 2841 2842 2657 2651 26".9 2567 2856 2828 2X74 2635 12022. 2034 2863 2545 2310 2534: 2640 :3857i 2x95' 2570. 12914. 2423 2873 2X80. 12X62! 1X13 2917 o - o C e ohT- it- e s 3D X 30 3 sz) 2; 2902 274!): a7K5. 2789 2M06 2898 2K43 2823 2912 2913 2(i76 2731 2714 26H5 2788 2777' 2903 2848 : 2899' 28y7: 2876 2699! 2677 2900! 2655 2303 2918 2739 2924 2954 2955 2928 2935 2936 2937 2932: 2734 '2925 2636 2872 !2519 2933. 2934 2844 2988. 2946 2927! 2922 2870 2860 2939 2929! ;2923: 2946 2943 2952 2956 1051 2930 2683 2597 2957: 2718 291l! 2817 2 2832 2837 2958 :2959 2960 !2961 !2962 2963 i2964 !29o5: 2702 2i97 2975! ;2976 !2985, 2974 ;2980 12991: 12966 !2970 12989 '2999 2816 2983 2948! 2998: 2994; 2993 .2987: 2820' !2969 2590 3032 3033; 3034 3031 asm' 3J28 :3029: 3027' '2996 3003 3035 2990 2997 2797 2972 2591 2971 2612 2981 3002 2982 2421 3()21 3022 3023 3024 3005' 3036 3013 2995 3020 3019 2 3041 3004 2836 2921 3011 2642 2907 3017 3039 2744 2967 2!68 2931: 2973 1930 2978 3043 3042 3044 N. B. This inoludes all unpaid Mor row county warrants registered at the treasurer's orhce prior to the 1st day of October, 1889. Parties holding such warrants can present tbem for payment. There will be no interest paid on the above scrip after date of this notioe, this 1 Geo. Noble. Treasurer of Morrow couotv. 19th day of June, 1890. hi OF JULY. Pendleton Will Olebrste and Invites All to Come. Our neighboring town of Pendleton has deoided to celebrate our natal day in a proper manner. This grand celebra tion will not only ocoupy the 4th of Ju ly, but continue on into the 5th, giving all an opportunity to display their pat riotism. A large ad. appears in this issue of the Gazette relative to this event. It was intended to ocoupy a conspicuous posi tion on the first page, but the "make-up' put it over on the fourth. It describes the extensive preparations being made for a grand, good time, and also mentions that the fare on all railroads to Pendle ton on this occasion xcill be half the us ual rates. Go to Pendleton to meet your old friends and make new acquaintances. It A Sekious Row About a week ago Billy Rail and Frauk McCaslin had some difficulty, and Billy struck Frank over tne bead witn a six shooter, trank got hold of the gun and retaliated by bnr ing up Kali's face and head. Tha latter was hurt quite severelj' and bad to keep his bed several days. McCaslin prefer red a charge of assault with a danger ous weapon, as soon as Rail was able to be about, and the case was settled before our town recorder on the payment of a nominal fine, and trimmings thereto attached. 3. Lower prices on elsewhere. They undersell them. the whole than allow no one to . W. Matlock & Co.'s New G rocen Store, next door to skating rink LVIJV STREET. When They Say they Keep a Complete Stock They Mean It. See for Yourself, lue Most C omplete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, Meats, Salt, Glassware and tineensware, Anything and Everything. innx,,,,"1 FORGET THE NEW STORE, MAIN STREET, HEPPJvLR, OREGOX. - A HORSE will travel well when sliocl by ROBERTS SIMONS, General Blacksmiths & iFariers. REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. 4. Courteous and satisfactory treat ment. Goods may be exchanged; or money refunded where satisfac tion is not eiven. mi p Span after may 1st, 1889. tWA. FIRST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDS MatiocltCoi i-.or. Main Street, Iloppnor, Or SP?I IJG GOODS. MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES This Popular Millinery Establishment has a Fresh and Neat Stock J ust Open for Inspection at the Hands of the Public. 5. The best styles. They unsalable eoods.. carrv no 6. The benefits of their dealings di rect with manufacturers, small prices. It makes 5LE BOS. Go., -DEALERS IN- DBY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, Xos. 82-5 to 835, K Street, NOTIONS AND HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES. Sacramento, Cal. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! yspepsi Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone " feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu larity of the bowels, are "iStrGSS some of the more common Aftr symptoms. Dyspepsia does not get well of itself. It taxing requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local symp- - . toms removes the sympa- HOSXiaCn thetic effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. 44 1 have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat iiflat,t distressed me, or did me riearc little g0Od jn an hour bum after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which Is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a Sour room with fresh paint. Last , . spring I took Hood's Sarsa- StOmaCSl rilla took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." George A. Page, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. $1 ; six f or $5. prepared only by C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH. 7V BKCK! STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WIIL BE TOO LATE. I have teen troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and have sought aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of April I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me In such a manner tuat 1 was, oeuiw.... When I sat down it was almost impossible for me to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when l-i-H Pri.lemv. sent Dr. Heulev. with the OREGON KJDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced using the tea. It had an almost miraculous effect, and to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel, in a few davs.I am bappy to state. that I was a new man. I will; recommend the tea to all afflict as I have been. G. A. TUPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Kosa, Cal. dl Irxll Stools: Now on Hand, latest Stories and Bot tom Prices! New Hats! Vaiit -j-TTlnrtl .T it5v mm 1) LADIES' FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY ! MRS. S. P. OARRIGUES, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR PROPRIETORS OF THE lew Limy and Fee able. The New Firm Has Added Rigs and Liuery Stock. Hay and Grain for Sale, and FREE STALL ROOM. Free Camping Honse in Connection. Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. DOXTFOEGET THEM WHEN IN TOWN. KEEFER & SARGENT, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. Are You Going to Paint Your House This Spring? If so, Call on D.JOHXSOX, Repairing and Jo!) Work" TERMS, CASH. a Specialty. C. JI. MALLORY, HEPPNER, OR. m 7 1 if -a M. LICHTENTHAL. -SOLE AGENT FOR- Buckingham t Heclit's $4 CALF SHOES, We have just received a fine line of MIXED PAINTS bought at assignee's aale which we offer at very low prices. Also a stook of the celebrated CHICAGO MIXED PAINT. We carry a complete stock of Oils, CoIqjs, Brushes Glass, etc., etc. A Full Line of WALLPAPER of the Latest Styles Just Received From Chicago. Call and See Them at the CITY DRUG STORE, A. D. Johnson, Prop. W, J. LEEZER. P. C. THOMPSON LEEZER &. THOMPSON Button. Lace or Congress. Every Warranted. Also an extensive line the celebrated Huckiugham &. Hecht boots always on hand. pair of The Largest Stock in East ern Oregon. Hod !, Special attention paid to fine custom work. Opposite City MAIN STKKKT, IllilTNICK, OUKUON. SUMMONS. !i County f Morrow, Faber's Golden Feu-ale Pills. For Female Trrernlar ities; uothinelikethem on the market. Feivr fail, successfully "sea bv prominent la-lies rn'ontW. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed, menstruation. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be humbutrtred. TSmn Htyllttl. and monej- ;take no oth er. Bent to any address, secure by mail ou re ceipt of price, $2.00. Address, ' THE APHRO IREDICINE CGSiPANY, Wmc Rmnch. "Rnx 27. PORTLAND. OR' Sold by A. D. Johneon & Co., Sol Apeota for Hppner. wit) ! In the fircui Court for lli Htitto nf Orptron. Th" AiiifricitTi Murt'iiKo Ponipnny f Protlniid, limited, t I'tuilil.ifT, v. yi. T Prow, 1). A. Tl.-rrcn. L.O. WHcli. Wilsnn ShifTurd. V. It. Crow, Hvnni .Jiieknon, M. (', Trihhlo, J. ll. flob bins nnil U.-n.imnim' KmIiIhtih. imrl . Tiers it .1. H. It -bliinsA S.n.t'hn. K. HiumUrn tunf N. A.JtinkiiiH. ridiniiiiH. trarrix of the enlatc of W. K. .liinkiiiM, decease!, iHirchilmiiM. To L. (. Vvelrli, W. R. Prow. WiLtum HtnfTortl and Rjnm Jnckn(n Dnfcndruil. In the name of tlio Stills of Oregon, you nru hereby repaired to apptwr and attnwer (hn com plnirt filed again nt yon in the- hIov Hiititltnl cause whiiin tin days from the dt of the mr vict of this Piunmntirt upon you, if Mwrvfd within thin county: or, if nerved in nny other county of this stilts, then within twenty ditytt from th dnle of the service of thin pumn una upon yon; and if yon fail ho to answer, forwiint thereof the plnin titT will take judgement awaiiiHt you. and if you tail to aiiwwer ttiecomplant by the Ami Monday : of the next reeutar trm of aaid oirenit court, after bix weeks publication of this notice to-wit: the first Monday of Sept., ImW), tha plaintiff will take judgment for the foreclosure of a certain mortgage executed by the said M. D. Prow and L. O. Welch in favor of plaintiff, on the 'AHd day of April. ltMii, on the following d'Hnriled prem- lt-es. to-wir: ine soutn nair or section four, tp. one south. K. 2tt K. W. M.. and for such further relief as in demanded in the complaint. And defendants are further notified that this summons is served by publication by order of -J. II. liird, judge of - aid circuit conrt. Dated at Heppner, Oregon, this 17th day of June. 1HW, J. N. Rrowv. Attorney for Plaintiff. '1' TOOLS f I PUMPS And Pijiins: Always on Hand. -DEALERS MAJX STRKET, Hardware, Tinware,. Graniteware, Wood and Willow Ware, '. 1IARJ5 WIRB, liiid Cages, XEw HOME Sewing Ma . chines anil fi complete line of Groceries ami Confectionery ! V J1EPPNER, OREGON NT KAY HOKNKS. Htiiiyeil from my )ilno.i. 1111 tln Mnv Tub my wurk hiirHnx, iliH.ii'il)iul follows: (n Imi knkiii. wtiiKlit, I(o0, no luinwls; one lilii.-k. wriiflit, 1050, loft ey ,,, limiulH viHililo. A ri'iiHoimlile rnwiinl will lf mi4l for thi-ir ruturn to my rniicli on KiiHt Kork of Willow orimk, ni'ur Culil- wpii KrHiie, or nnv information li'nilinu to incir rn.Tovery. mum last xtn,tlie hlnck horne was holililoii mid Mini. John Jjocknanf, lltinir. Mny H, 1HSM. 7H () NOTIOK. All pnrtips linrotofivrn iii,lt.,tf..l (,, v 1. .Scott will please take notion tlnit I uhvp pnrohased Raul book and iiimt. and have left the buiiib with Mnwra. Brown & Hamilton for collection. Prompt settlement will be expected W. O. Minor. Heppner, Juno 15, '90. 7s3 E. J. S. OCUM, KOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office, at La Grande, Or., June 590. Notice ie herebv iriven tliat. th following-named Bettler haf tiled notice of his intention to make tinal noof in simnort of his elaim. and that eaM proof will be made bef re tlie oonnty clrk ot Morrow connty, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 31, viz: James McMelviti. D. S. No. 8575 for the N'4 NKH SW?4 NE14 & SEli NWV Sec 17 Td3 8 RE. He names the following witnesea to prove his continuous residence npo". nd cultivation of, said land, viz: Giles H. Daiifiherty, Wm. r', Pearson, W. B. Daucrherty and James Dangherty, all of Lena, MorrcfW Co., Or. 7sa Hknrt Bikhhart RArietM NOTICE. All parties heretofore indebted to me will please take noti ihnt t dny trausforretl antl delivered all by book rv"""". iuincr, to whom all bills will be payable. tt " T W- O- S.TT. Heppner, Jane 12, '90. 78-83. DISSOLUTION NOTICE. jl'E? herely rivm that the nndnrBinnw. i' P """me i"iar tlie firm nmg of Cox tnl!8h, have this day diwwl.ed bj matoal Jon JOHN T. KMJLI3H, Habdman. Or., Jane 18. '.0, 8. H. Cox 78-83, Subscribo for the GAZETTE. . .7;"Dewier Iri;V ,r, irnu:. oiioinloiii, Pntont MecllclneAt Toilet Ar, Ioiomi I'uintw, Oils. Cr it . i ikikU Willi i jipor. A WELL SKIjKCTF.1) STOCK OF NOVELS AN J) HOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon. Vfct't; for Iortliind Leezer & Thompson's Corner, : HErrNKii, - - - Oregonlan. : : Main Ktreet, - OREGON W. A. KIUK. J. C. HATES 7V 13 DEALKKS IN HAYES Saddles, arness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First elass Harness Shop. Repairing fi j jooirilt y ! Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get cash prioes. MATN STREET, - - HEPPNER, OREGON.