THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1S90. WAHHISUTOS-S BRIBERY FIAH- , CO. i Tb eipcwure of tbe rraul mteiupt to bribe or force charge of corruption by nrreptitioug means upon the Washing Ion State Be boo I Commission has creat ed a sensation which is not confined to the limits of that state. The promptness of Secretary Leach in presenting to the I board a oheck, given bim by one Eames ' an agent of the book trust, and exposing the sonspirators, is com mended by all. That Eames claims to be a detective employed by the Trust, does not exonse their baseness. If the attempt to bribe was good enough to convict parties of bribery, it should be equally good to hold the at tempted briber. An example should be made of such pretended detectives wbo have no moral qualities which would prevent them from bribery or perjury, whan the occasion offers, by which they can profit. The system should meet the condemnation whiob such acts deserve. The man who would attempt to entrap another into a a crime by such means for personal gain, should be made the victim of the law through his own per fidious and villainous acts. The acts of these men, upon their own statem-nts show the extent of villainy and corruption to which the book trusts have been filling to resort to accomplish their purpose of plundering the people, through exhorbitant contracts. They oondemn themselves by their own acts. the guilty are always suspicions. And in the present case they deserve no credit other than the condemnation by all honorable men. It is evident that those parties are gnilty of placing a snare before innocent men to bring them into snapioion and contempt, or to commit a orime. In either case they are worse than the criminal. It is bad to be a bribe taker; it is worse to be the briber. In neither case oan the parties escape the ignomy which they bring up on all the aotors ooneerned. It is to be hoped that good may result from a thorough investigation of the methods employed by sohoolbook publishers and agents to obtain adop tion by public authorities of their pub lications. SENATOR TELLER'S ATTITUDE. Senator Teller, the republican senator from Nevada, has an enormous amount of cheek. A senator elected to represent bis state in the national legislature to make laws for the good of the whole na tion, it would seem that his personal in terest should be relegated to the pablio good. .Not so with Senator Teller. A millionaire and a large mine owner with heavy ailver interests, he is found an ag itator with other senators, equally inter ested, in advocating and urging the adoption of measures, the purpose of which is to secure benefits to himself and other large silver mine owners, re gardless of the interests of the govern ment and the people. His modesty will not permit him to accept anything less than he demands. With bim it is "the whole hog or none." Self interest is his ainj and guide in all his actions on the ailver .fion. He will not support tnf ailver bill which is not based upon bis own plan to dump bis silver upon the government and the people, regard less of the dangers to the country whiob is involved in the adoption of his plans. What the people want is an increased circulation of money sufficient to meet all the demands of trade and commerce, whether of gold Bilver or paper, wbioh can and will be maintained at its full value in the bands of the people and tbe government, without loss by depre ciations and fluctuations, and not sub ject to the caprice cf money ohangers and speculators. If money is plenty, the people will not care to enquire whether it was issued on bullion or coined dol lars so long as it will buy what they require without loss from appreciation. A QUESTIONABLE PRACTICE. Dispatches say that tbe silver advo cates and tbe Southern members in con gress have agreed to help one another, tbe Southern members to support the silver men in passing their free silver bill and the free ailver members to vote ninst tbe election bill. When mem bers of the national legislative bodies, whose duties to make laws for the nation will hold their votes subject to a ooo deration, it ia no more nor less than bribery, though it may not be for money consideration. Can it be expected that the voters will be deterred from Belling tbeir votes by any law, when law-makers show an example so bold as bargaining their votes for or against laws whioh re beneficial and necessary for the peo ple? A member who would barter his vote in the halls of congress, would sell it at the ballot-box for bis price. Sucb mem bers should be watched and it matters not who or bow exalted they are, they should receive their reward at tbe hands of an indignant people. ' Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies the blood, and thus permanently cures catarrh. The people of Heppner are much taken np with the kl' a of having a direct road to Bitter. The distance from Bitter to Heppner ia 44 miles, while tbe Pendleton route is 70 miles long. Mr. Blackwell, father of Henry, is in Heppner. He lives near Long Creek. A tair, direoted by tbe little girla of M. E. South, Sunday Sohool, will be held in Geo. W. Swaggart't new build ing on Main street, next Monday eve ning, the proceeds to be donated to the Sunday School, ioe cream and straw berries will be served, and all are cor dially invited. TJncle Jsok Morrow has been appoint ed by the president as one of the World's Fair Commissioners, and will leave for Chicago this week to be present at tbeir first meeting, June 26th. All know that TJncle Jack will do his share towards giving Eastern Oregon good represent ation in 1892. WHAT IT COSTS Most be eeneidered bv the great major ity of people, in buying even necessities of life. Hood's Sarsaparilla commends itself with great force to the middle classes, because it combines positive economy with great medicinal power. It ia the only medicine of which can tru ly be said "100 Doses One Dollar," and s bottle taken acoording to directions will average to last a month. OFFICIAL VOTE OF MORROW CO. (CORRECTED.) FOB GONOJMES8. Binger Hermann K. A. Miller tJ. A. Brace 216 -228 -i 2 73 58 4H 27 i 7 roa srPRXjcr judok. j B. 8. Bean 202 B. F. Bonham 237: roB OOTKSNOE. 66 61 31 D. P. Thompson 1S1 Sylvester Pennoyer 267; 40 51, FOR BKCBETASY OF STATE. Ooo. W. McBride W. M Townaend t-N. Pierce FOB STATE TBBASUBEH. . 203 237 .i 2: .'l97! 69 57: 50 28 ! 6 I I 65 57 Phil. MetMh&n i ti. W. Webb 244 55 29 fU. F.Walker 2 STAT. SDPT. PUB. INSTKUO. ! ! K. B. McElroy li A. Leroy 244 tT.C.Jory j STATE PBIXTKH. F. C. Baker -5403; J. O'Brien ;237 JOINT SENATOR. i j a W. McHalev '157 1 6 58 57, 00: 29 6 671 57 53 35, 59; 59! 56 ; 29j Henn Blackmail 250 DISTRICT ATTOBNET. j W. H. Wilson ,.!J87 F,. B. Dufur 226 BEFRFBEMTATTrX. A. C. Pattys 1154 J. C. Thompson 260 SHERIFF. A. Andrews . .104 Geo. Noble .'. 305 OLBRIC. J Julius Hodson !l53 J. W. Morrow ;255: COUNT JUIKiE. j 601 30 88: 54 77j 37 64' 58 51 31 Win. Blair 156 65 62 50 28 Wm. Mitchell 2al TREASURER. I ! L.W. Brim 129 61 55! J. W.Matlock 1281 54; 35! SCPT. or SCHOOLS. W. L. Baling C. B. Crane :193j oomnssioNBB. j E. B. Btanton 181 H. M. Vaughn 231 ASSESSOR. j M. 8. Maxwell 1153! J.J. Mcdes 259i StraVETOR. W. B. Parman !l47l Julins Keilhley 12601 55 54i 60 86 CORONER. Dr. B. F. Vanghan 174 James Daugherty f. Or F., HEPPNER. 231 F.J. Hallock O. W. Kea 113 168 CONSTABLE. C. O. Talbert "Dick Neville 113 70 Names of candidates marked with are Names of candidates marked with a t are Majorities marked with a indicate plurality. Mb. Gladstone never was more right. though it may have grieved him to admit it, when he said in bis speech before the English Cobden Club recently, that the Americans protected not only their goods but their protection extended to persons, referring to tbe laws protecting them from Chinese importations of cheap la-! Dor. i.nat is lust tne proper policy to adopt ; it means protection to American labor, from all cheap importations from abroad which have a tendency to injure and destroy our home labor and borne markets, by cheap and low grade compe titions. If it is necessary to protect tbe country against cheap labor, it is just as essential to protect the home labor from the imported manufactures and products of the same cheap labor from abroad. It is the prune prinoiple upon wnion our protection laws are based. If oheap goods and raw materials ought to be ad mitted fiee in conipetitiomwitb our borne products, and is beneficial to our people, why should ,oheap labor be restricted? Would it in sucb case not be beneficial also? Good sense and good polio) prompts its people to declare for protec tion from all forms of oheap competition. A BOLD, BAD HORSETHIEF. He Makes a Plea In Ordel to Borrow a Horse and to btill Going. On last Wednesday, the 11th inst, a stranger who gave his name as Lee Moore, oame to Mr. Leslie s plaoe near Fossil, and asked the loan of a horse with which to hunt a team of "bay" horses that he claimed to have lost. Mr. Leslie acceded to bis request, and the stranger iode off, promising to re turn the animal that evening. Not re turning according to promise, Leslie went over to .fossil on Inursday and learned that the party who called him self "Moore," had been in that plaoe three or four days trying to Hire a horse, and also to secure sotne grub on oredit. He also learned that Mr. Moore had more gall than bay horses, and seeing that he was bilked, swore out a warrant for the thief's arrest, the sheriff of Gil liam county offering $100 reward for his apprehension. A posse tracKed mm through Lost Valley and were still hot on bis trail when last heard from. Geo. Harrington and son met a man answer ing to the description on, Wilson prairie off the roai, last Friday about 11 a. m. Tbe thief is described as follows: Abont thirty or thirty-five years of age, weight 175 pounds, height 5 feet 10 inch es, small, light mustache; wore a check ered jumper and white hat when last seen. Tbe horse is a brown, star in forehead, ronelied mane, weight 950, branded a ''fishhook T" on left shoulder. Was barefoot, and walks well. Grant, Har ney or Malheur authorities may pick np $100 by a little vigilance. HAPPY HOOSIEBS. Win. Timinons, Postmaster of Idavil e Iud., writes: "Electric Bitters has done mora tor me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arising from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney and Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man " J . W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, says: Electric Bitters is just tbe thing fur a man who is all run down aud don't care whether be lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite and felt jnst like be bad a new lease oa life. Only lllc. a bottle Bt A. D. Johnson & Go.'s Drug Store. 2 Miss Maggie Kea bag returned from Portland. Senator-elect Blackman returned irom foruana yesieraay. From the E. O. we learn that Gov. Pennoyer cannot be at Pendleton to ad dress tbe people on the 4th of July. . Corrected returns of Morrow Bounty were intended to be printed in our last issue, but owing to lack of space were orowded out We present tbe count to our readers this week. A great Mardi-gras carnival will be held at Og'ien, Utah, June 30, to July 5. 1890. The Onion Pacific will sell excur sion tickets at the low rate of one fare for the round trip. Tickets will be sold on June 28th to June 30th, inclusive, west of Huntington, good returning un til July 10th, lHK). BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruise. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil Blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, aud positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. .For sale by A. D. Joboann & Co. I i 3 592 4:537 I 9. 2 560. 5 571 04491 7b89 2 557! 5 566: 24 23! 21 15 17 12 18 21 37' 15 44 55 11 13: 33 23 16 23 23 21 14 33 23 15 16 12 13 19: 34 IT 47 i : 17 25 19 56 I I 44 I T 54 21 20 19 16 36 25, i ! I 23 22 21 14 a3 23; 11 15 16, 20 240 9 53 62 20 79 32 212 369 104 72 238 146 22 308 173 73 l!i 44 j Id 15 16 12 19 19' 32 17: 49 22 21: 34 23 151 16 12 19, 19 29 17 52 0 537: 7 590, ; 8 0 53l! 7B93 . I10! 2555: 5 575 1494 6,573 ! I 2535! 5 567: I ! 0438; 6 650 i ! 0361! 6.730j 0 488: 6592; I i. 15 45, 12 23 22 21 14! 33, 23! 14 16 13, 19, 19 31 17 50: 23 23 21 141 33 23, I I 25' 18; 18: 10' 34 26: 15. 15! 12 19 19 33 17 48 4) 13! 40i 9 16 25 34 18 161 9 45: 17 23 21 14 16 16! 32: 43i 33: 23; 12; 19! 13! 12! 13, 23. 20j 49, 17! 2o! 16: 58: 19! 25, 16 55j 22f 40! 13j 39; 20 281 15: 52! 19 29; 16j 51; 22! 3o! 19; 33! 16j 47- 18! 39: 231 20i 14, 3(i I 15 10 22 45 12 14 14: 21 14! 20 12 13! 25' 13 20: 12: 43j 23 I 26! 161 20 12! 17 14! 18 I 13 48, 0 5061 6 578; I 391 241 1 Hi 16! 14: 19! 23! 10! 0 426! 6664 1 618 59 3 21 5472 1 535' 5 557: I i 21 11! 121 14! 23 13 13 13j 22 0372: 668o 0 457 17 51 17, 28 18 52 21' 29 6 630 I 0 502! 6 575! 13 16 12 19 14 51 I Democrats. Cnion Labor. The Pilot, a Bhort-felt-want of a news paper, Btarted up in La Grande a few months ago, and is already a thing of the past. La Grande has one good pa per on a paying basis, and tbe town does not seem large enough to decently sup port another. Too many small towns are newspaper ridden". "The Old Oaken Bucket, The Iron-bound Bucket, The Moss-covsred Bucket," Is very llksly the one that has conveyed poi sons to your srstsm from some old well, wkoss wsters navs become contaminated from sewers, vaults, or peroolatlons from tbo soil. To eradicate these poisons from the system and save yourself a spell of malarial, Kphold or bilious fever, and to keep the er, kidneys and lungs In a bealtbr and vigorous condition, use Dr. Pierce's Golden Medloal Discovery. It arouses all the el evator? organs Into activity, thereby cleans- Sf mna puniving im system, xrseing it rrom manner or blood-oolsons. no matter from what eause they nave arisen. All diseases originating from a torpid or deranged liver, or from impure blood, yield to its wonderful urattre properties. It regulates the stom ach and Dowels, promotes the appetite and digestion, and cures Dyspepsia, " Liver Com plaint," and Chronic Diarrhea. Salt-rheum, Tetter. Koaema, Erysipelas. Scrofulous Sores and Swellings. Enlarged Glands and Tumors disappear under its use. "Golden Medical Discovery' Is the only blood aud liver medicine, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee of its bene fiting or curing in every case, or money paid tor it will bo promptly roturneo. Cesirlsat. ma, br vroBUtt so. Mao. Asa's. Miss Carrie Borg is conducting a very successful school at Lena, Some correspondence from Goose berry, and very well written, too, is not published, mainly for lack of space. Judge Fee presided at tbe recent term of court held at Tbe Dalles, and those in attendance compliment him highly on his manner of dispatching business. N. H. Tennery, representing the East Oregonian, is in tbe city. The E. O. will get out a mammoth 4th of July edi tion, aud Mr. Tennery is anxious to have Morrow county, and especially Heppner, represented, in this issue. We can't af ord to lose a good opportunity to adver tise onr section. Lieot. Colonel Ivanbo, editor and pro prietor of the Border Signal, was in Heppner yesterday, snd left this morn ing for Lexington. He will bs in town again this eve. Messrs. Ed. and Ssm Cox, John Eng lish and H. H. Glassford were over from Hardman last Friday. Notwithstanding that Hardman is one of tbe best sections of Morrow, they report crops more or less injuria by drought, A Michigan Central Railroad Employe Wins His Case, after Seven lean' Contest. Wbile employed as agent of the Mich igan Central Railroad Company, at Au gusta, Mich., my kidneys became dis eased, and from an impoverished and impure state of the blood, my general health was entirely undermined. I con sulted tbe leading phyeioians of this city and Ann Arbor, and all pronounced my case Brigbt's disease. In October last, I began taking Hibbard's Rbeumatic Syrnp, and am to day a well man. It affords me pleasure to render suffering humanity any good that I can, and I wish to say that I think it the greatest blood, kidney and liver medicine in the world. E. Larzii.erk, Agent M. C. R. R., Albion, Mich. Sold bv A. D. John-son, Heppner, Or. AFT05IATIC SBWI86 5IACHINK? T,: .3 V uni famllu Willi MA riita rcuuucu. jj.sij - J -- have the best Automatic Sewing Ma chine in the market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus- trateu vireuiar iiu Dfliiirl , - lllj. UUI 1 11 rtln " -' ' every part of the Machine perfectly, and Is worth sending for even if you hare a Machine. Kruse or aiurpuy vi 4.V. and 45.7 West 2fith St., N. T. City. J. W.SMITH'S LOW PRICES? If not, You are unfortunate, for you are handicapped in your business. Our Stock, Prices and Facilities are Beyond Comparison with Anything in Gilliam or Morrow Counties. "WE HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED ONE CARLOAD OF THE HAINES OREGON HEADERS, AXOTIIER CAR LOAD BEING MAM UFACTURED FOR US, JUE HAVE THESE (THE FINEST HEADERS EVER MADE) BOTH IN WOOD AND FRAME. We have sold these Headers for years, every one giving the best of satisfaction. Tt is to be hoped Tthknr friends will uot be misled into buying inferior bave two sizes of the STANDAED Whioh are far ahead of the old-style machines. THE STANDARD SIX-FEET other small mowers, and can be bandied much easier. Why cut four feet when a span of horses will just as easily out six feet with this improved machine? REMEMBER, ARLINGTON IS HEADQUARTERS, anl is the place for you to trade. If you are longer on the road, you oan save five times over for your time. Remember, also, that we buy many goods from the manufacturers that no other house in this region oan, thus saving much to our customers, and enabling us to offer merchants many goods here at prices asked by Portland jobbers. SIGNAL SERVICE RECOKn. For Week Ending Wednesday, June 19. 1890 Mean Mean Pre- Char Date Temp. Max. Min. Bar, cip. auter. Junl2 55.00 Ii8.50 43.0(1 SO.lfS 0.(10 I fuir 13 SH.90 "4.CI0 41.50 80.51EJ 0.00 ol'l 14 60.01) 73.00 4l.50 30.20b 0.00 tair 15 61.50 77 50 42.00 30.210 0.00 fair 16 75.50 54.00 2d.WiO 0.10 1 fair 17 55.50 63.00 42(e) 2.r 0.1 el'd 18 68.0(1 7Q.C0 4.0O 20.005 0.07 fair A. Smith. Many of our citizens are investing in New Astoria property. Astoria is bound to be something of a railroad town, as well as a seaport, in the near future, and the new town is in a position to reap a liberal Bbare of tbe benefits. SLEEPLESSNESS. DR. FLINT'S REMEDY is the best remedy known for insomania, or sleep lessness, which afflicts so many persons, and which leads to many Bcrious ner vous diseases, particularly to insanity. Descriptive treatise witb each bottle ; or or address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Good reports are still heard relative to Baker City's boom. Tbe Pendleton Water Works Co. are already beginniug to limit consumeis to a certain amount of water for irrigating purposes. Will Kirk returned Saturday., pom Portland, where he had.been in rop' ance on Grand Lodge, A. F. A. M. ' 1 FAAIOUS WOMAN'S ENGE. EXPEEI- Chioaoo, Nov. 13th. Mr. Wisdom: Dear Sir: I beg to thank you for tbe delightful and refresh ing "Kobertine" you so kindly sent me. I have used tbe toilet preparations ot the most celebrated manufacturers of London and Paris, but consider your "Bobertine" the superior in point of purity and excellence. Wishing yon the unbounded success which you deserve, I remain, Faithfully yours, Emma Abbott. THE REASON WHY The ''Charter Oak" it the Bet Cook-Stove maae, WHY the wire gauze used in an oven door does not cool the oven? BECAUSE the fresh air enters into the oven through the wire ganzo in the form of jets. Tbe air diffuses before it has an opportunity to cool the oven. WHY the wire gauze oven door does not require more fuel? BECAUSE, as tbe wire gauze does not cool the oven, extra fuel is not required. WHY the wire gauze oven door requires less fuel when the oven contains bread to be baked or meats to be roasted? BECAUSE the oxygen of the air in the oven, and also that in the fresh air which is admitted through tbe ganze, is constantly being absorbed by the bread or meat, thus produc ing extra heat, requiring 33 per cent, less fuel. WHY the wire gauze oven door makes meat tender? BECAUSE the action of the heat expands the air, allowing an inflow of fresh air, supplving the oven with more oxygen, compelling a more thorough decomposition, producing tender meat. WHY the wire gauze over oven door makes the enormous sai-iiig of 4Q per cent in meats? BECAUSE it converts the oven of tbe "CHAKTEB OAK" Bange and Stove to answer all tbe purposes of tbe Bpit and allows the hydrogeu gas generated by the heat to escape slowly from the oven, and the cells so formed in the meat, instead of closing, are filled by the heavy, fatty vapors, resulting in tbe saviDg of 40 per cent in weignt. 'WHY the wire gauze oven door pro- auces to per cent more oreaar BECAUSE it allows a constant sup ply of fresh oxygen, resulting iu per fect chemical change, producing loaves 25 per oent larger than any known' process; the bread being light, porus and healthy, it is easily digested. The temperaatnre of the oven should not be over 350 degrees and the time required 60 to 90 min utes. WHY is the Wire Gauze Oven Door a necessity in every household? BECAUSE it saves your fuel, meat, flour and health; saves basting the meats, and saves labor sufficient to repay tbe cost of a "Charter Oak" Bange or Stove every year, WH Y the Wire Gauze Oven Door and a "Charter Oak" Range or Stoves will be in EVERY KITCHEN? BECAUSE the health of your fami ly demands it, and the saving is so large that you cannot afiord to be without one. INSTRUCTIONS. The Fire Box should never be over half full of fuel, after t ie article to bg broiled or roasted is placed in the Oven. DO NOT OPEN NHE OVEN DOOR DURING THE PROCESS OF BROIL ING OR ROASTING. Do not baste the meats as the Gauze Oven Door is an au tomatic baster. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's, Main street, below First National Bank. DO YOU? DO YOU GET THE BENEFIT OF machines by the well conned tales of irresponsible traveling salesmen. We also REAPERS AN D MOAVEE8, J. W. SMITH, Arlington, Oregon. SHIPLEY'S DDISIOI TO Heppner, Oregon. 1 1 : i i . ' i C J 08 OS ' OS !53 It I 5 ihH W i j ' HUGGINS 6TREET, , . i j j " ' (0 t3 3 ' W I'm w irr H r i . ! j f i -I KEITH LEY The above 32 Lots, situated between the original City of Heppner and the Mount Vernon Addition, are finely located for Residences, be sides, being EXTEA GOOD LAND. The whole property, or' any part thereof, is now offered for sale. TERMS: One-thhd cash; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, with approved security and 10 per cent, interest. Apply to DR. L. F. SHIPLEY, Heppner, Or. ORDER TO SHO W CAUSE, in the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the County of Morrow. In the matter of the guardian ship ) of Liula M. (iilmore and Charles Order to (iilmore. Minors. ) show cause It appearing to this court from the petition of John VV. Gilinore, the tfuarciian of the persons and estates of Lula M. tiilmore and Charles Gil more, minors, praying for an order of sale of the real estate belonging to his aai4 wards, that it is necessary that such real estate be sold. It is hertby ordered that the next of kin of said wards and all person e interested in said real es tate appear before this conrt on Friday, the 1st day of Antrnst, A. I)., 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m,, at tbe courthouse at the town of Heppner, in the county of Morrow, state of Oregon, then and there show cause why an order should not be made for the sale of the real estae described in said petition, as follows, to-wit: Lots one (1) and two (2) in block twelve (12) in the town of Heppner, said county and state. And it is further crderid that a copy of this or der be published for four consecutive weeks in the Heppner Gazette, a weekly newspaper pub lish ed in the county of Morrow. Dated this 10th day of June, A. I)., 189a 78-3 Wm. Mitchkjll, County Judge. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. June 12 90. ntice is hereby given that the following named sattler has tiled notice of his intention to make Ann! nroot in support ot nis claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, at uuppner, ur,, on dmy xoia, 1890, viz: Manuel Sawyer, Hd. app. No, 2359 for th SM S&K and BH SW H Sec 20 Tp 3 S R 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz; Alfred K. Hooker. Pascal Hallev and Wm. Williams, of Eight Mile, Or, and George Hall, of Gooseberry, Or, 7iM3 John W. Lewis, Register. the Excelsior Soda Works has on hand at all times SODA, SAESAPAKILLA, Sarsparilla and Iron ! O I D E K . FACTORI, May Street, rear First National Bank THOS. P. RILEY. Proprietor. CUT is warranted to cut just as easy as 1 STREET. STREET Iba G. Nelson. " j c Roberto NELSON & ROBERTS, BARBERS. Abont May 1st a new chrir will be added to the establishment and a greater effort made to please the public than ever. Drop in for a good shave, shampoo or hair cut. Pompadour a specialty. . MATLOCK CORNER . . MALNN STREET A. Am ROBERTS Meal Estpte, Insurance and CoS Office in . COCNCIL CHAMBERS, ' Heppner, , . Oregon CALL ON BILLIE MORROW AT THE Old J ones Stand. To get yonr horses fed. LIVERY RIGS And Good Saddle for Hire, Don't Forget Billie When You Come to Town. DR, B. F. VAUGHAN. : DENTIST. pLATE WOKE A SPECIALTY. ExtrartiniT nnH "Filling Kn il.a T.i, - uj nut) XJ(I LCSl and Most Improved Methods. uraoe oyer Bioema a .urugstora. Wonderful Oregon Remedies SB. HEADACHE AND LIVER CURE WILL "r Stomach. Kidney and Liver diseases. Coughs Colde, Consumption and Asthma. 8. B. Alpha Pain Care will enre nv iuin ln I wenty minutes: ask yonr druggist for it and take o other. For sale by E.J. Sloonm. BT Coffin & 1 1 ic i i We take pleasure in informing our customers and the public generally that we have just removed our stock of General Merchandise into our Elegant New Brick Store down Main Street, where we shall be pleased to welcome all. We have the Best Assorted Stock of Goods in this section. Our Dry Qoods Dspaiiaeni the Most (kpUe! In Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing We are The Leaders. We can show a Handsome Line of Fine Tailor Made Suits, of the Latest Styles and Most Brilliant Patterns. Don't buy your Spring Suit before Examining our Assortment. FINE, STYLISH LADIES' :, AND : MISSES' : FINE : SHOES : AND : SLIPPERS Gents' Footwear in all Grades. FINEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES AND RANGES IN THE CITY. The "Home Jewel" Ranges will "bake the cake. Full line of Groceries, Hardware and Tinware. California San Jose Saddles. Bits and Spurs. Heavy Team Harness. MITCHELL WAGONS. Plows and Harrows. Doors and Windows. Paints, Oils and Glass. Caipets, Wall Papers. Black smith's Stone Coal. Shingles, Lime Sulphur, Cemeut. CLOCKS". AND WATCHES. GUNS AND PISTOLS. TRUNKS and VALFSKS Commencing JVlonaay .Morning, jjUKUAltl, litli, ltttHJ, we intend presenting to every retail cash purchaser of dry goods, cloth ing, boots, shoes, hats and caps to the amount of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), A BEAUTIFUL BOUND VOLUME, Worth $4 each. Our pjices on all goods are low as the lowest Buying the books from the publishers east, in large quantities, we are eabled to offer them as an inducement to increase our trade. The above offer holds good until " JAN. 1, 1891. Do not miss this chance, but start in at once buying from us and set a present, for EACH TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS WOKTH OF DRY GOODS Purchased between the above dates. Orders from the Country Solicited. Highest price Paid for Sheep Pelts. A.gents for ClirM.sty & "Wise. TEE OREGON LAND CO. with its Home Office at Salem, Or., (in the State Insurance Building), and Branch Offices in Portland, Astoria and Albany, has for sale a large lot of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms, also City and Suburban Property. THE ORIJGOX IvAlVD CO. Was specially organized for the purpose of buying and subdi viding large tracts of land, and has, during the past two years, bought and subdivided over 3200 acres of land into five to twenty acre tracts. The success of this undertaking is shown in the fact that out of 280 tracts of land plac ed in the market, 225 have been sold. We olaim that ten acres of choice land in fruit will yield a larger income than 160 acres in wheat in tbe Mississippi valley. We also make valuable improvements in the way of roads, fences, etc. We can sell a small tract of land for the same price per acre as you would have to pay for a large farm. Send for pamphlet, maps and price list. SPRING RACE MEETING . WALLA WALLA. WASH., JXTIVl 10, SO & 21st, 'OO. rti jsnsr iisr g- & trotting Purses $1350. Reduced Railroad Rates. One and one-fifth fare for Round Trip over the lines of the UNTON PACIFC, NORTHERN PACIFIC and HUNT Railway Systems. For complete programme see pOsters or write to A. BYRD, or Henry Selling, Secretary. Agent For The Brownsville Woolen Mills! Blankets, Clothing, Flannels, Bolt Goods Etc Complete Line of GENT S FURNISHINGS. C. S Van Duyn, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING HEPPNEE, ... Registered Sandy fcT Terms: ynsure Moat 5 sp, " rrectU- called The Greatest Medicine in the McFarland, :v 10 iv ; HATS IN ALL SHAPES. OREGON. SANDY. -:0: . English Shire Stalk fitr Socie aucl will make 15 the $10 xJiLSON JONES. Wm. Raa,,a trills world!