EIGHTH YEAR. NO. 378. THE. GAZETTE. SlrED ITZBT THTTKBDAT AFTKBHOOH. BI OTIS PATTERSON, Ai fl.(t per rear, $1.25 for six months. $0.75 for three mouLfm; in advance. If paid for at the ena oi six nionUia, 4.w a year WW be charged. ADTKBTISIHO BATK8. t iorh, single oolamn, per month $ 1.50 t - " 8.50 ! " " " " 5J0 " 8.50 15.UU DOUBLE (X)T.UKN. inches t S.0 1 " 5.0U It colomn e.5- y, : I5.ua f wn tut vert it tier 11W nnr line. Kjich subse quent iriHertion at half rates, bpecial rates will he.charged for personal digs and pouticai slash. cxisaoiT ornei ft t.r. iioTrnor 8. Pennoyer. 8ec. of Mute . W. McMtlde. Ireasurer 'I.W.Webb. HniA. Instruction h B. Slct.lroy. Judge beyenth District -J. H. Biro. District Attorney i.W. B. Ellis. MOBKOW COUNTY. JointHenator ..... i. P. Wager. 1. K. fell. ounty Judise. Wm . Mitchell. ' Commissioner. J . n. Uly, J . A. Thompson. . . . Clerk P; L. A',drew8- Sheriff T- B- ""J"?"1- ' Treasurer i'Wi'1 Assessor J- Mdiee. Surveyor'".'.'.'."'.'.'. JuUus Ke,thjoy. rlchool Sup't J. H. Stanley. Coroner...T A. J.Shobe. RBPPNBB TOWN OFFIOKBS. Mbjoi Henry Blacbnar. i ouni-iiiiien Nelson Jones, J. W. Morrow. E. L. Matlock. O. E. larusworth, 0. m M..1I..... ....I UL' .1 MfAt.ee. Recorder .' -;,AR.obert!- Treasurer 7."...'.7.7.7j. W. Rasmus. Marshal ssmTEia societies. Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev ery Tuesday evening at 7.30 o clock in 1. 0. 11. V. Hall, rejourning brothers cor dially invited to attend. J. H. Stanley, 0. C. E. U. SwiNBDBNK. K. of It. 4 B. 11AWIJNS POST, N J. SI. 0. A. B. Meets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of each month. All veterans are invited to join. ISA BBOWN, J- & BOOTHBT. Adjutant, Commander. PBOTSSSIOn ft T. 4 1 1 cr n e y-a t-Law,rz : Notary Public and Justice of the Peace. HEPPNER, 0GN. OFFK E OPEN AT ALL HOUK8 J. N. BROWN Attorney at Law. JA3. D. HAMILTON. Brown & Hamilton Practice in all courts of the state. Insurance, real estate collection and loan ageuts. Prompt attention given to all business entrust ed to Uum. Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner. W. It. ELLIS, A t tomey - at- TLiaw Notary - - - Public, HEPPNER, OREGON. Promcuiing Attorney for Seventh Ju- dicial District. Will gh t. prompt attention to any and all buttiiiesx entruHtna w Hint. o I'Fll'E mi Main Street, over Liberty Mar ket GEO. P. MORGAN. Land Office Specialist, The Dalles, Oregon. Regularly admitted to practice berore the TJ. S. Laud office aud departments at WashiDKton, D. C. Attenbs to con tests BDd recovery of lost right. Call od, or write hiin. NATION A I. BANK of HEPPNER D. p. THOMPSON. ED. K BISHOP, Pretddeiit. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. oolTlkotions jMatle on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. Opposite Minor's Hotel, HEPPNEB, OREGON. First National Bank OF HEPPNER, - FRANK KELLOGG. A. tinf.A. . p.ulent. Vice-President Georae W. Conser, Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business On all parte of the world-: - Bought and Sold, Collections made at all point on Rea Terms. 150,000 r. Wn on improved farms at S per ceut WhEN YOU WANT :: :::JBB Ppiji DON'T FORGET That the best dace to get it is at the GAZETTE JSHOI. Heppner, : : Oregon. YOU ?4-V SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER AT THE GAZETTE SHOP. Canyon City STAGE LIE, Chak. H. Lk, Proprietor. STAGES LEAVE MOMMENT DAILY n CEPT SUNDAY. FARE: anyon City "to Monument : : $5.00 " Long Creek : : o uu This is the quickest and cheapest route L. D. BOTED. Tyson & Boyed, Contractors, Builders and Archi tects. Special attention given to plane, designs and estimates for all kinds of buildings. They are parting in their HepDner Brick Yard tne machinery for making a superior quality of pressed brick. Of FICE, UPPER MAIN ST., HEPPXER. - OREGON, GEO. W. LORD, CONTH ACTOR -and BUILDER Estimates for all kinds of build ings, town or country. Moving- Buildings a Specialty HEPPNER, 0RrN. HOW'S YOUR FENCE We have the CHEAPEST and Bes! WOVEN WIRE FENCINC t Wire Rope Selvage. 60 INCHES HIGH AX 00 CENIS PEE ROD. ,wn (iftrdn Pnnlrrr nnri Htfifk FAnrtnir. mil m.Tva and widths. Gates to match. Prices low. Bold bv dffciern. Fretvht Paid. Bend for circular. YjtE ePn i.l.R!( WOVEN W1BK FMtE CO., CHKUO, ILL. IIAIAf (ram Ohio. Here im Vlllllr portnit ofHr.Oirri. WIWU ton, of 8m 1cm, Ohio. (H wrilM: "Wa t work on a farm for lBO a month ; I now have an agency b. t Alien loi aiuuma ana puuu n aa of) an mike SXO a dy." (Sifned) W. U.UAaaisojt. illiam Kline, Harriibnrf, Pa., writn: "I kave never knowm auytbib j to acll like vour album. Yaaterdaj I took ordera anoaajh to y jam over n . j. ti- .ore, Banajor, ala., wriiaa: "I ke an order for your album at imoat every howan I viait. 11 nroflt la often muchaa SKBO ifur mi la day's work." Oiharaare doinir quite aa well ; have not iDace to aiva ai- :cts from their lottera. Every on who ukM hold of tbiamnd buatnaaa pilea upgrand proflta Khali we start YOU in this business, reader r WrlU to na and laam ill about it foryourself. Wi are itartinr many ; wa will at art yog if you don't delay until another (eta ahrad of von in your part of country. If you take hold you will be able to pick up cold feat. Ocf Read On account of a forced manufacturer a aala 1 SS.OOO ten dollar Photograph Albums art to be wild to tho people for WZ each. Bound in Koyal Crimaon Silk Velvet Plush. Channintjlydacorated Inaidea. Handaonieat albumain the world. Large" Blaa. Greatest barraina ever known. Aganta wanted. Liberal rerma. Big money for agenta. Any one emm become a sncceaaful a Rent. Sella Itaelf on eight little or no talking neceaaary. Wherever ahown, every ooe wanta to pur ebaee. Agenta take thoueanda of orders with rapidity never before knuwn. Or eat proflta await every worker. Agonta are making fortunee. Ladies make aa much as men. You, reader, ean do aa well aa any one. Full information and term f r, to those who write for same, with particulars and terms for our Family Bibles, Books and Periodicals. After you know alL bould you conclude to go no further, why no harm ia dona Address S. C ALLEN CO- AUGUSTA. frvpT C( h. r:ii.ti.i,r,. I eBest Z4in.safetyEverMadC ADJUSTABLE. IN LVtHT DLAHINli AGENTS WANTED CATALOGUE QESCHIBING OUR FULL LINE OF WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION . Printers Ink. A JOURNAL FOR ADVERTISERS. Ii Imii n tit Irat ui aitntti iiji ef twk soath, ud it la pr(ieittlT Jonrul Ottndi onmil of ABgricw tawrtlaeri. It lidlutei to th luiporiaactd tdvertiiu no, wkeo, ud i Ikould adTirtiia ; flow to irriti u tdrertlieBest ; &ov U ilipUr at; vaat Mvqiftn to no ; kov Book bout to ixpnd 1 fut, dluonrtoi n irer7 pe!t tut (dnlti of pnltttla ditcuiloi. Adertiilj U u ut ptactlied If maj tat nsdnttood Ij ttw. lu oadueton of rsIHTIES' IHI tudmtud It, as ladr idrlct ll lusd oa u axperleaso of mora tab troatj-STa J tin la p!idi alTaitidat uatrwti for aaaj of tao Urseit ud most lucceufnl adTertiian. A year'a toaicrlptlaa coati aot Oaa PoIUt : lampla ooplai Fraa. Addraaa : CEO, P. ROWELL A CO., Newipapcr A4vi(isjiis; Gumn, 10 Spruce St., Saw York. EXAMINE OUR CUT SHOE 3 IT SHOWS HOW ALL WAVERLY A, SHOES Ant. MADE LOW BROAD FOR 8AAE BI J. W. SMITH Ho have the Exelutks Control ot a. H. TYSON. 9 rh V JIN WUIPVPI L PV l MAVEt WH0L7i? i L- rv50Lo HEEL - UZLJ Gout teATHE- 63 C . x W - ' Ig fe so 1 M T ONE AND CUE HALF POUHDS. H, BLACKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON. POWDER Absolutely Pure. Thia powder never varies. A marvel of purity, strength and wholesorOeoesa. More economical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, aictn or phosphate powders SoIiP OXLT TN CANS. BO YAI BAKING POWDER CO., v 30i Wall Street. N. I. Great English Remedy. MURRAY'S SPECIFIC. Trade HaEi A eiiaranteed cure for all nervous dieeawes, such Weak memory, Loss of IJrain power. Hysteria Headache, Pain in the Back, Ner vous Prostration, Wakefulness, JLeucorrhcea. UniveraaJ Lassitude Seminal Weakness, Imooteucy, and general loss of power of the General OrnaiiB in either six, caused by indiscretion or over Bafor Taking, exertion, ajd which ultimately leads to Premature Old Aee, In- Trade sanity and consumption, $1.00 a box or six boxes for $W0. fc?ent bv mail on receint of orii. Full particulars in pamphlet sent free to every applicant. we Guarantee 6 Boxes to care any case. For every $5 iinlur roiii vrul nrA UATIl! six hltTM nndnnrritten cniarfliitee to refund After TlklftZ' the money it our apecinc aoes not eaect a cure. Address all communications to the sole manu facturers, the Kansas ity. Mo. Sol in HeoDner by A. I) JOHNSON CO. sole agents. SCOTT'S EMULSION CONSUMPTION SCROFULA BRONCHITIS COUGHS COLDS Wasting Eiseases CUBES Wonderful Flesh Producer. Many have gained one pound per day fcy its use. Scott's Emulsion is not a secret remedy. It contains the stimulat ing properties of the Hypophos phites and pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, the potency of both being largely increased- It is used by Physicians all over the world. PALATABLE AS MILK. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT &BOWNE, Chemists, N.Y. Tha y ecrated French Sure, Warranted " A DUROn T NF" or mono j to CUT rm a a. reluuutJ Is Solo on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease, or any disorder ot the fiFQRS geuerative or- AFTER gaui of either sex whether arising from tb xctBsive use of Stimulauts, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence, Ac, such as Loss of Brain Power. Wakeful Bess, Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission: , Leucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if ne glected otteu lead to premfttureoldageaud insan ity. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxes for 15.00 Bent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE forerery J5.00 order, to refund the money if a Permmaianft cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial! from old and young, of both sexes, permanently i nired by Apheoditin. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WBSTXBH BRAlfCB BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR Sold by A. D. Join) eon & Co., Drug stigts, tiepp&er, Uregou, NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at LaGrande, Or., May 27, B;i. Notice is hereby sriven that the- following named settler has filed, notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judjre, or io his absence before the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at neppner, ur., on Jtuy ia, ifiuu, viz: . Holmes V. Havman Hd. No. 445, for the Lota 5 6 and 14 yyi Sec n I n a It a C. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. 'iyi ,anrt- VIZ: oodn H, Williams, Jas. Hurt. Oscar Hurt and iTta!,f;ui,t nil nf Hwmnor fir Y 2si Hknbt Kinkhabt. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande. Or.. May 28. '9 Notice is hereby eiven that the foilowine- named settler has hied notice of hie intention to make final proof in support "of iiie cjaiin and that said proof will be made before the collate plerk of Morrow connty. Or., at Heppner, Oregon, on 18th day of July, 1890. viz: Joseph Swart z. D. S. No- 8301. for the 8E?4 8ec. 12, Tp. 1 N. E. S8.E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land viz: A. B. Stanley, Joseph Cuha, Andrew Alroth and John Khodes, all of Echo, Or. S778'f! Henbt Kinehabt, Register NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or.. May SI, '90 Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of inorrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, or July !7, 189il, via: Allen T. Summerfield, D. a No. 9679. for the W',4 8W(4. 8WV4 NW Sec 19 Tp 4 S R 28 E, and NEk SE4 See 24 Tp 4 8 K27 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of taid land viz: Jack MeKenzie. John Zollinger, Luther Hamil ton and Freeman W Green, all of Heppner, Or. 377-81 Hknby Kinehabt, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Oftce at Latrrande Oi., Kay SI. 1830. Notiee is hereby given that the "following named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said procf will be made before the county judge, or in his absence before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Ore-, on July 18, 1S90. viz: William E. Hiatt, Hd. No. 2648 for the NW NEH, NWH, HWi- NWU fte 2 Tn 2 S R 29 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his cofiujkions residence nuon and. cultivation of said iand.Viz:' ' - . ... r. John Mullaliy. H. A. Salisbury if. W. Salisbury ...1 1 u VMmoT, .11 lna. Or.. 1 Btarau a. 1 A Son Kills his Mother While Sleeping, Then Shoots himself. POSSESSED OF OVER 812,000. He Frin Starvation and Buffering, to Avoid men, He Commits the Awful Crime, PoBTiiAND, Or., June 12. Daniel Har vey, who has lived with bis mother, Mrs. Mary BtraDell, and stepfather, Charles Bunnell, near Milwaukee, shot his moth er through the temple with a pistol, and completed the tragedy by shooting nimnelf through the head, early yjtr- day morniDg'. Both mother snd soisTdale yesterday an aeronaut named lived till about half past 9 o'clook the next morning. Mrs. Bunnell died five minutes before her son. It is supposed a deranged condition of the son's mind led to the tragedy. He was thirty -five years of age, his mother 65. The family lived peaoeably, Harvey being kind and loving to his mother. Harvey owned the place on which they liyed, and had reoently sold it for $12, 900. He regretted the sale afterwards, and became despondent, and repeatedly expressed fears of future want and starvation. He had made several at tempts to re-purchase the place, with out success. It is thought that this so preyed upon his mind that he was led to commit the terrible crime. Mrs. Bunnell was born in Maine in 1825, and was married the second time to Mr. Bunnell. Harvey haB been a resi dent of Claokamas county for many years, and was known as a peaceable and well behaved young man, though somewhat peculiar. He took great pride in caring for his place of thirty- five acres, ana had spent years of hard work in clearing and improving it' The funeral services will take place at 3 o'clock this afternoon. The remains will be interred in the Milwaukee oemet ary. .SarvcUlance of Chinese. San Francisco, June 8. The Chron icle's Nogales, Arizona, special says: The Chinese question is practically solv' ed by Special Agent Irving. The Chi nese are followed from oan Franoisoo to Ouayniaa and thence overland to the line. There are now 180 coolies between hero and Gnaymas, and the daily move ments ot each are regularly reported to Agent Irving at this point, a party of twenty-eight, now the only one bound for the United States, being followed by the son oX Marshal Paul and anotfcei.Jr;-iirday deputy marshal. A system of surveill anoe is now pursued below the line, and the recent order relative to Chinese in transit will soon solve the proDlem be low the line. One Bandit Captured, Dickenson, N. D., June 11. Charles E. Baley, one of the party who robbed the Northern Paoific train ne ar Salem last Sunday, was arrested near Grand river, eighty miles south of here. On his way back he tave himself up for loet and told all the details of the robbery. He said the band consisted of five men, two of whom came from the West on the train which they robbed, the other three being in readiness at the scene of the robbery with horses. After the job was completed tl'e three latter started South and separated when a few miles out, one going towards the Missouri river, one West, and he was making for the Black Hills. The two who came from the West remained; on the train and from what the prisoner says, there is no doubt of their intention at one time to rob the passengers, but for some reason this was abandoned. The prisoner offered the sheriff 81000 to release him. .CREATES A SENSATION. Mrs. Pvle and Her Son in the Walla Walla feniientjary Confess. Walla Walla, June ll.Mrs. Pyle, John Hum and W. S. Clink, the two former serving life sentences for m'nr der by Brson, and the latter seven years for the same crime, made a oonfession to the officers last evening, implicating citi zens of the oity in the big fires of 1888 and 1889, which resulted in the destruc tion pf mui:h pronerty and the Joss of two lives. Ttie prisoners offered this af ternoon to make a sworn deposition in accordance with the confession, which will be taken in the morning. It is learned that the confession, whioh will probably be relative to the fire of 1887, which destroyed two Main street blooks,. will implicate three persons now living n Walla Walla, ope of the three also be ing implicated in the fire of the Bvwceed: ing year, which destroyed the Aurora hotel. The two prisoners say that one of those, now dead, confessed that in the fire of 1888, he was paid for the work $550, one of the outsiders giving 8300, while the other gave 8250. Many other statements of a damaging oharaoter were made by the trisonora, bat some of these statements, it is beliaved will not be sworn to. As soon as the con fession is made warrauts will be issued to arrest the implicated parties. Ontinw ia Alsbaaie. Birmingham. Ala., J une o, in wins- ton county Newt Bowe and Harry Ben. field, members of a gang of horse-thieves and outlaws, have been terrorizing ths people committing many murders ana robberies. Ten days ago Sheriff Mitoh ell and a posse surrounded the outlaws. A pitched battle ensued in which Ben fiald was killed, bnt Rowe escaped. The pursuit was continued aud i8' night the officers surrounded Bowe in the mountains twenty-five miles f'm Double Springs. This morning he cune out and was called on to surrender. He refused and the officers fired killing him as he raised his Winchester to shoot. Th ntlifir members of'the gang art be ing hqiiterT' Indians Surrender a Murderer. Helena, Mont., June 9. The Chey enne Indians have surrendered the In dian chief White Buffalo, one of three In dians charged with the murder of Bob- ert Ferguson, a eowboy, on May 3. Black Medicine and Little Eyes, other Indians accused were oaptnred a few days ago. The Cheyennes secreted White Buffalo, and only a show of force by General Brisbane caused his surren der. Settlers were beooming alarmed but now all danger is passed. Killed by Cattle Thieve.. Cheyenne, Jane 9. James Barton nnd Wm. Johnson, cattle men, who have been active .in the campaign against cattle thieves, were ambushed to-day by George McDonald and a companion by the name of Sinnora, the leaders of the cattle tbievrs. Barton was killed at the first fire. Johnson escaped uninjured. Another Aeronaut Falls. Rpoptanic FaT.TJ3. .TllnA 11 At. Oflk.. VVoeley made an ascension with a hot air balloon. At an elevation of 300 feet the balloon collapsed and the aeronaut was thrown into a tree top, falling from there to the ground. He was picked np insensible, with a broken arm and leg besides suffering other injuries. Wanted to be a Drover. Fleminosbuhg, Ky., June 10. John McMilliken, a young man, went to church at Forman's chapel last night During the services be slipped out, and cutting the bridles of seven or eight horses and -mounting another, gave a Comanche yell and drove the whole herd ahead of him. He was pursued aud shot fatally, one ball entering the baok of his head and coming out at the raeuth. Cattle tor Eastern Markets. Albuo.uebo.db, June 10. The number of cattle being ahipped to the Eastern markets surpasses anything heretofore known in the stock business in the Southwest. Last night and to-day, five trains of cattle, consisting of twenty-five oars each, passed up the Atchison road. Thousands of cattle are waiting at vari ous points south ot this city to be trans ported, but the railroad cannot furnish cars. American valley alone baa shipp ed nearly 10,000, and it is estimated that before the present activity closes, fully 159,000 animals will have been Bhipped from New Mexico and Arizona. There are buyers here from seveial Eastern states and prices continue to go up. Cherokee Lands. St. Louis, June 10. The Cherokee commissioners believe to-morrow will end the work of arranging the final de tails in connection with the deal made for. a oession of all the lands belonging to the Sao and Fox Indians. Indians are in high glee over the pros pects of a big payment soon, and seem to realize that they have the best end of the deal. The richest one in the tribe is H. C. Jones, who becomes owner of 1900 acres of land besides receiving $12,000 in money. Other Indians become rich in proportion. Satter'8 Fort Purchased. San Fbancisoo, June 10. The oom- mittee of the Native Sons report that $5000 ot the $20,000 required has been raised and the purchase of the historic property made. C. F. Crocker yester day inBtruoted the oommittee to draw upon him for the deficit of 815,000. Women Baseballists Arrested. Danvtlbs, UL, June 8. Two basebnll clubs composed of women played a game to-day before 200 people. This evening United States Attorney Blaokburp swore out a warrant for their arrest for dis turbing the peace. Officer Patterson arrested them as they were leaving town in carriages for Covington, Ind. Chinese to be Returned. Washington, June 11. The house oommittee on appropriations to-day re? ported the sundry oivil bill. It provides for an appropriation of 850,000 to pay the expenses of the arrest and deporta tion to China ot Chinese unlawfully found in the United States. The trou ble hitherto has been that the law sim ply provided that the offending China, men should be returned to the oountry frorq which they came, whioh was gen. erally Mexico or Canada. Ifow they will be sent all the way back. Resistance Threatened. New Yore, June 12. The stringent measures adopted by the secretary of ag riculture to stamp out pleuro-pnenmo-nia in cattle from the counties of Kings and Queens has created tremendous ex- qitemeut, apd aroused toe dairymen in to an attitude of armed rebellion. It-is understood that Secretary Busk recently received private information that unless this disease be erfeotnally extirpated a severe quarantine will be proclaimed by England against the exportation of American onttle. rt ' Escaped Cremation. Dkavenfobt, Ia., June 12. By the prompt and heroio work of thirty sisters in the Catholic Meroy hospital here for ty patiente were saved from a horrible death this morning. At 3:30 this morn ing one ot the sisters was awakened by smoke, and discovered fire in the closet of her room. An alarm was sounded and the work of removing the patiente was successfully accomplished. One nun, called Sister Mary Irene, whose name was Ellen Murphy, perished. Loss, $10,000. Goanterfeitc r Arrested. Rookfobd, 111., June 12. James Blanes, alias Henry Hughes, was arrest ed this morning by government officials fram Chicago for making spurious coin principally dimes and quarters. A half gallon jar full of bogus money was found and confiscated. The prisoner wag tak en to ehieaga, SPORTS, HURTS AND ILLS OF MAN KND BEAST ABB PBOMPTLT CPBXD BI Such as i 8prains, Bruises, Wounds. Swellings, Soreness. OntheFleld, Tho Water, Th Turf. Athletes and 8 ports men Use It. Chili. Vogeler Co., Baltimore, Ud. The Text of the Dependent Pension Bill. Washington, June 11. The dependent pension bill as agreed upon by the con ference and reported to the house to-day, after pensioning dependent parents says all persons who served three montl s or more in the military or naval service of the United States during the war of the rebellion and who have been honorablv discharged therefrom and who are now or who may hereafter be Buffering from a mental or pnysical disability of a per manent obarncter, not the result of their own vicious habits whioh incapacitates them from the performance of manual labor in such a degree as to render them nnable to earn support, shall be placed upon the list of invalid pensioners of the United States to be entitled to receive pensions not to exceed $12 per mouth and not less than $6 per month, propor tioned to their inability to earn support, Such pension to oontinue during the ex istence of such disability. Bank in eer vioe shall not be considered in the appli cations fixed in this act. Provision is made for pensioning at the rate of $8 per month widowB of men who served ninety days without proving death resulting from army service, and likewise granting $2 per month to each child under 16 years of age. Disposal of Mormon Church Property. Washtnoton, June 10. Senator Ed munds introduced a bill in the senate providing that all funds or other proper ty belonging to or in possession or claim ed by the corporation of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints shall be devoted to the benefit of the publio common schools in Utah. ANOTHER TRAGEDY. A Wife Driven to Desperation KUle Her Hus band' and Herself. Albany, Orn June 12. Seven miles north of Lebanon, lived Grant Aurna paugh, his wife, their two ohildren and a sister of Mrs. Aumspaogh. The wife upon several occasions had surprised her sister and her husband in compromising situations. Notwithstanding her repeat- ea remonstranoes tneir intimacy con tinued, and the wife's desperation cul minated this morning by her shooting tier busbsnd wnile he was asleep in bed. She then placed the pistol to her own head and ended the terrible tragedy. She died in a short time and Anrnspaugb several hours after, who confessed the facts which led to the murder and sui cide. Their babe, lying on the bed, was uninjured. Killed by Hail. St. Louis, June 12. At Bolla, during the hail storm yesterday, atones four inohes in circumference fell, killing Jesse Cox, a farmer, who was literally pounded to death while in the field set ting out cabbage plants. Two Trains Daily Between Portland and Spokane Falls. Effective May 11th, 1890, the Union Pa- cifio System will establish two daily trains between Portland and Spokane Falls. Pullman Palaoe Sleepers and Beolining Chair cars will be run between Portland and Spokane Falls without change. lliia new arrangement will auord Doth local and through passengers additional and unsurpassed facilities. Tickets, de tailed time of trains, and general inform ation, can be obtained upon application to any ticdet agent Union Pacific System 75-79. T. W. Lbs, Gen'l Pass Agent. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., May t9. DO. Notice ia hereby iriven that the folluwlner named settler has filed notice of his intention to make hnal proof in supoort of his claim, and that said proof wili be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 7, 1890, viz: WTilliam A. Martin. D. S. No. 79S9. for the 8 NW M N 'A SW & Seo. 3, Tp. B 8. R S E. ne names uie ruuuwiag wiiuwatw w fiioy his nont.innons residence udou. and cultivation of said land, viz: David AJHerren, W. K. Uasey, Robert matteeon and Edgar Matteeon, all'Of Heppner, Oregon. 74-79 Henbt Rhinkhart, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., May 22, to. Notice is hereby given that the following-named Mttler has filed notice of his intention to make hnal proof in support or his claim, and that said proof will be made before the connty inn.ge of fllorrow county, at Heppner, Or.. bn'Jnlyli ia8Qvi: Hiram Tash, Hd. No. 1839, for the 8W M Heo. 29, Tp. 4 8, of R. 26 E. HnniiniM the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, Baid land, viz: t r-red foppen, Virgil a. mepnens, jonn a. Moreland and Lewi6 D. Allen, all of Hardinin. Oregon. . 75-99 JobnW. XjKWJIS, Register. 'notice of intention. Land Office at The Dalit Or.. May 28, '90, Nntiftn irt herabv eiven that the followine-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support ot bis claim, ana tnat saia Sroof will be made before the connty judge of lorrow county, at Heppner, Oregrcm. oa July 12, 18S0, Tia: Andrew Uariaoxi Hd. tfo. 1S55. for the 8WJ4 and 8i NWJ4 Sec. 8, Tp. 3 8. R. 24 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, tub; Peter Brenner, Jacob Jones, Olof Bergs trom and John Peterson, all of Eight Mile, Or. 75-Bl. JOHN W . XAEW1B, nefflNCT. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., June 10, 18S0. Notiia is hereby ejven that the following nanied' settler has filed notice of his intention to malM finftl 'rtroof In innoart of his claim, and that said proof will be tnade before the county Judge of Morrow oounty,. at lleppner, ur., on ulyS1.180,vU: ' Alexander Youna. Hd. app. No, 2S90, for the SE!4 Sec 34 Tp 2 8 B MEW&f , He names the following witnesses to prove hia oontinuous residence upon ana cultivation or. aud land via: I. ft. Fsteb.. T- P.. uU and John SpioknalL of Goiifiherry, Or,, and C, & Jones, of Eight Mile, ' 71-J Jobs W. Lkwis. Begi.ter PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! 7TTr77f7,YS TD The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandise To be Found East of Portland. . Among the Latest Novelties are Ladies' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various stylos to suitevery body both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc. our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Speoial Inducements in In mam in "mm xn n WUwwM VIM NMJVMI tf NMIfUHIp A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stook will convince the publio that we carry the goods required whioh will be sold at Bedrock Prioes for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand Hides and Pelts BomM for Cash and Trade. Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Conntiea will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else- -where. We gnarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all , feel at home. Do Not Forget the Placed Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marvelously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Columbia Brewery Depot, AUGUST BUCHLEE, '."Piopri e tor, Of the Colnmbia Brewery. t The Dalles, would inform th oitisens of Morrow and trarroandia counties that he has leased from John B. Natter the City Brewery in Heppner, and has established a depot at the well known stand, for the sale of the best Lager Beer and Porter, either in the keg or bottled, which he will be pleased to supply oustomersin any quantity wholesale and retail. The Public are invited to call and examine his stock with the assurance that they will find it first-class. gjtT" The Heppner Depot will be in charge of Mr. Dan Osmera, who will oheer. fully supply all orders. Where can you get the Most 4 Candies, Nuts, Notions, Cigars, Tobaccos, Ik FOR THE LEAST MONEY? WHY, AT Just removed to the Smith Building-, opposite W. O. Minor's, and next door to the Rea Restaurant. Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style, Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the Choicest Goods. MRS. OTIS PATTEESON, Proprietor. Best Ca.uttb. Medicine. Recommended by Physicians. Cute where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the taste. Uhildren take it without flaftlBMalakaSftflbBMalaSaBa W?V, TrR7.ni called Li:i, Wire, hi Burrell & Co.'s Ag Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. -Where did you Say ? . "THE MODEL," objection. By drufjgiBta. S77-&1 " HbRY Rinbhabt, Register ytonrtland rmm pm u- . J.