Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, June 12, 1890, SUPPLEMENT, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1890.
Geo. Miller, of Saddle, represented
Lower Willow creek Tuesday.
Born uear Alpine, on the 8th hist., to
the wife of M. V Long, a boy.
Matt B. Kelly, representing the Amer
ican Fire Ins. Co., is in Heppner.
Oar Arlington correspondence came
too late for publication this week.
Capt. Pope ia here to buy snob
as suit and are oiierea ror sale.
The Mackey Photo Co. have pitched
their tent opposite the opera house.
Uncle Ohas. Lee, of Long Creek, was
in town Monday, on his way below.
Our friend, J. W. Gilmore, of Arling
ton, wu up here on a business trip this
J. F. Spray represented Haystack last
week, where he said Blackman was the
Thos. P. Riley, of the Exoelsior Soda
Works, visited his relatives at Pendleton
last week.
Chas. Mallory and Will Terkes left
Tuesday for the "states" with a shipment
of horses.
Johnny Loeknane has opened up a
beer hall in Minor's building, opposite
the City Hotel.
Billy Cavincss and wife, of Arlington,
were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo.
Conser over Sunday.
Hon. C. A. Rhea, president of the
First National Bank, is looking after
his iuterests in Wallowa county this
Look over the Gazette and see the
strong firms who are doing business
here. They are to the front and will re
main there.
J. J. Roberts, of the firm of Roberts &
Simons, the popular blacksmiths, has re
covered sullioiently from the measles to
be about again.
Reports from all parts of Morrow coun
ty show that rain is badly needed. Un
less it comes in a few day we fear that
grain will be damaged.
Neil VanDuyn has one of the neatest
show windows in the city, the result of
artistic manipulation at the hands of
Ben Leland. This show window racket
is n big thing.
W. H. Wilson is chosen as the succes
sor of Hon. W. R. Ellis as prosecutor of
the 7th judicial distriot. His opponent,
Mr. Dufur, ran him a close race, both be
ing rattling good men.
Taken up, on May 8, by the subscriber,
lioing on Rea creek, 12 miles from Hepp
ner, one roan gelding,'nino or ten years
old, weight 800 pounds ; branded H on
left shoulder. Left stifle, "1 ; right shoul
der, horizontal H with H above and bar
with half circle overit, below. The owner
can have the same by proving ownership
and paying thecbarges.
73tf J. A. FkISTOE.
Notice, is hereby given that the part
nership existing heretofore between T.
W. Ayers and T. E. Fell, under the firm
name of Ayers & Fell is this day dissolv
ed by mutuil consent. Accounts are
payable to either member of the firm,
and all knowing themselves indebted on
account or by note are requested to make
prompt settlemet. 74 79. T. E. Fell.
Hepiner, May 16, '90. T. W. Avers.
ICE ! ICE !!
J. W. Morrow calls the attention of
the public to the faot that he has pleuty
of ice for sale, and will promptly supply
all demands. Oilice, at livery stable,
Main street. ,
I have opened a well-appointed tailor
ing .establishment in my new build
injftMay street, and am now regularly
rcSfng new goods and will make cus
tuyrmude pants from $7 to 15 best
goods in the market.
A. Abrahamsxck.
Notice to sheep men.
. Strayed from my place, on the 5th inst.,
my work-horses, described as follows:
One buckskin, weight. 1050, no brands;
one black, weight, 1C50, left eye out, no
brands visible. A reasouablo reward will
be paid for their return to my rauch on
E 1st Fork of Willow creek, near Cold
well grane, or any information leading to
their recovery. When last seen, the black
horse was hobbled and belled.
John LVjcknane, Heppner.
May 14, 189J. 73tf
Strayed or taken from pasture on
Willow creek on the 16th of April, one
bay 5-year-old mare branded N with a
quarter circle above, on left shoulder.
Star on forehead, white fetlocks behind;
harness marked and was shod all around
when she left. A liberal reward will be
paid for information leading to her re
covery, or for her return to the Stewart,
stable. 75-77 W. R. Newman.
We will furnish salt and sulphur at
Long Creek this season ut Heppner
pricta with freight added.
74tf. Allen & Rudio.
Mackey, the photographer of the traf
fic Northwest, will photograph from
June 5 to June 20, and will guarantee
the very best work. Extra work done
over each picture. Cloudy weather just
as good and favorable as fair weather.
Avail yourselves of tiie opportunity to
come early so your work oau be finished.
Prices from $3.50 to S4.00 Der dozen. Iu
front of Matlock's Btore near the bank.
H. C. Mackev. manager. 76-8.
The most graphic and artistic engrav
iugs published by any illustrated weekly
in the United States are the large colored
plates in the West Shore. Iu its con
tents and general nature this is the best
illustrated paper a resident of the Pacif
ic coast can take. It deals with eubjeots
he is interested in, and during the year
he is sure to find something in it that he
deems alone worth the year's subscrip
tion. Everyone should take it. The
price is but $4.00 a year for fifty-two
numbers, making a splendid volume of
engravings. L. Samuel, Publisher
Portland, Or.
I hereby give notice that George Con
ser. of Heppner, is authorized to collect
all monies due or to become due to me
from rents, notes or accounts of what
ever nature, aud to give receipts for all
sums so paid him, in my name. I would
also inform the publio that I have sold
all my Brewery accounts to Mr. Mat.
Licbtenthall, of Heppner, who is alone
authorized to collect the same.
J. B. Nattpb.
Heppner, May 15, 1890. 73-81
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Excelsior Soda Works
has on hand at all times
soda, sarsaparilla,
Sarsparilla and Iron ,
C I D 3D 11 . ,
FACTORY, May Street, rear First National Ban
THOS. P. RILEY. Proprietor.