THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, JTNE 12, 1890 Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. N. si, Biizd, Iranw Hpnnt T:S a. m. No. 3-.' trrim ' 5j p. m., doily CANYON ANO INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Bt j life leaves for Ounyon City daily e'- I .Sunday, nt 6 :30 a. m. Arnvps-ii.ily, except Suo.lay, 5 P. M. lliTK if :. Having ()f 10 hours in time j and 810 ir cash by takiDif this rontn to i Canyon. I'Ttlaivl. Or., nre an '.orized to muke I a -ih 1-k contrbc r. for the Gazette. Tuey will h.s.- .mik collections for this iaper. w ifiini ti Tim aiixt DUlIUm Jim MA A. An , CswELfoME Visitor. Oue day last week Joe McKeuzie came across a ''six-foot'' miik snake near his irrigating ditclt, and, as he thought, killed it, but it alters ards transpired that it was only stnnned. On last Saturday while Joe was getting his dinner Joe is a banne- I lor, 3-011 know he was surprised fo see I this same snake c irne up through the j floor of bis Louse aiid seek refiine among the blankets of Joe's downy conch. He usedaspade on it so vigorously that recovery is uariiiy probable. RANDOM KKMAKKS. pndIeton prices at Job printing ai the Oazrtte oilice. A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc., at E. J, Slocnni's drug store. Mat. Lichteuthal will open your eyes in prices of bis boots and shoes. You c an buy then) no cheaper in Portland. The Newton wagon, backs and other vehicles, the largest stock in Iieppner, can be found at Gilliam & Bibliee's. Call on them. Before purchaping your bouse furnish ings, call on Gilliam te ijisbee. The) also do tiu-roofiug at the lowest figures. The 84 Buckingham & Heoht, men's shoe will not rip. Best in the market for the price. Buy tbem at M. Lichteu tbat's. Gilliam & liisbee have added a stock of fine machine oils. Iiemeiuber them I when you need anything in this line. Go to Mat. IJcbtentbal's for the Lud low ladies' shoes. Every pair warranter). Also "Fargo" ladies' kid shoe. Tbe best shoo for the money in the mar ket. Do you want some dried venison? Go to J. W. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store for it, and everything else iu their lines. Tbe most complete stock of groceries in Heppner. Coffim A McFarland have made n lib eral oiTer in presenting customers with a beatiful bound volume for every S'25 worth of goods purchased in the line of dry goods, boots, shoes, etc. Roberts & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your borBo, nud in fact there is notniug in the blacksmithing line that they are not able to do. Tbe Standard Mower, for sale by Gil liam & Bisbee, has all the latest improve ments front cut, and is arranged for catting over either roughor level ground. Their "six-foot" mower is guaranteed to run as light us auy ''three-foot" machine in the market All those iu want of mowers, reapers and rakes, oall nu Van Duyu, sole agent for the celebrated Osborne, of Auburn, New York, best in the world. Call and examine. Guarantee satisfaction. Easi est and best machine in existanue. Eldorado engine oil for mowers and reapers. Eldorado castor oil for headers and threshers. The best oils for the purpose ever manufactured. For sale at Leezer & Thompson's He Heads off His Competitor in a Republican District AND GETS THERE, ELL! MiMrpirfHentationH Did Not Disturb the Vot era of Grant, Harney and Morrow Much Rejoicing in Heppner Over the Hesult. Oar special correspondent writes ua that Blficlitnan is elected senator by thirty majority. Tlii a is tbo count: McHaley Blaokman Mormw 79 G rau t 210 HarDey 1;1 WEAK WO.ME.W Tbe more sensitive Datura of the fe male sex renders women much more susceptible tuiiu men from those numer ous ills which spring from hick of bar Diony in the BitHin. Tbe nervous sys tem ve way, pick be-uhicheis frequent, tbe appetite is lost, nni other ailments peculiar to the sex raiise trreat suffering. Hood's Sarsjipanlla is peculiarly adapt ed fur such casts, ami has received the most tjratifyinjj praise f-;r the reiki it has afforded thousands of women whose very existence before taking it was mis ery. It strengthens the rerves, onres sick headache and indigestion, purifies iAS to Mokbow. "Gene Vaughn re turn? d from Idaho last week, btdng un able to cm.piete the drive of sheep ow- ini: to sickness. . He was bauied in the mess wrsgoii two weeks, ami ijeepairing oi' recovery white heme jolted annum that manner, enme bark to bis borne at Heppner. 'Gne intended sjMng on J.nst to take a course iu dentistry, but now wiil remain hero a while until a more favorable opportunity presents. This youn man is made of good stuff and wjll succeed in the end. IX ORDERING BY MAIL and vitalizes the uinou. alio gives rej iar and healthy action to every organ the body. . ;iO or s.i. i.nricncii. The- faci'i'iicr. of the present dny for the pro.i-ction cf evrythiu;" tliat will con to the material welfare and comfort cf nui.;;;-.::ul ae almost unlimited and when Synr.j of I'is was ilr.-t produced '-he world was enriched vKh the only perfect laxative hiiov.-n. as it is the only remedy which i tr::1y pleasing and re freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently iu the Sprii-g time or, in fact, at any time and the be iter it is known tlie more pop- Prom." HALE BROS. & CO. Upon FOR THE SPOT CASH lou Will Find that Ton Can Get tbe Most Goods the Least Money at of the Same Class for 5 1. You Can Depend Getting, n- j ular it beco)eK. 210 24!) Majority for Blaoknian, 30 Ounsiderinj; that tbe t (intriet is largely republican, and that Mr. Blackman was grossly misrepresented by many who Hhould have been bis friends, it is a big victory. In other wori's the people will vote for a Jew, when they know him to be a man, notwithstanding tbe assertions of our esteemed cotemporary down the road. Sclfth. . ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Bnnanas nt the "Model." ' Ice cream at the "Model." Fresh randies just iu, the choicest took in Heppner. Tbe "Model" cm furnish parties with ice in nmall quantities. . Tbe "Estaella," "Dirago Club" and other fine cigars ahravs in stock at the "Model." All kinds of soft drinks at tbe "Model." Try their sodn aud sarsapaiilla. It! fact the "Model" is the only cigar, tobacco and confectionary store in town'. They make a specialty in these lines. Are you married? If not, seud your address with stamp, to the American Corresponding Club, I. O. J" Vt3, Clark ilmr,;, W. Va. 3(0-422 QUI13S FROM THE EAGLE. Luc-inn Eve' fa and Chas. E. Dnstiu were unanimously the choice of the vot ers of this precinct for justice of the peace aud coustuble, respectively. Considerable excitement prevailed here at the election last Monday, and as louu as there was a otiance of securing a stray vote, the political worker were active. Tbe free use of "tangle leg" nt last Monday's eleotion bad au overwhelming influence over the floatiug vote, and the man who collared them firsc was the lucky party. Heppner, the greatest wool market on the Ooast, is experiencing equally as (Treat au era of prosperity. A $40,000 liotel and complete system of water works, are two of tbe enterprises uow in progress. An accident happened to Mr. aud Mrs. Worsbara of the main Johu Day last Buuday afternoon, due to a --balky" horse in upsetting the vehicle while at tempting to ford the river at John Day City. They were all capsized iu the swift stream, llie baby child sinking be neath the ourrent aud lit last reports, bid not been fouud. It is to he remembered thit all men are created equal and supposed to be en dowed with the same reasoning powers, and just btcuuse your neighbor did not see proper to support tbe ticket or man your conscience permitted yon to, aud because they would not be inllueLced by you, it is very inconsistent for you to as sert that "the d n fools had no sense." A resident of the section between Day ville aud Mt. Vernon recently informed .... .1.... .1..... nafltwni uvo utill IHITinllfl to 113 iUHL lllCll oconui, "tv men re an open thoroughfare to connect with the Heppner road iu Fox Valley. They realize the Hdvautage to be gained by disposing of their wool in the Hepp market, and if tbe road which t ey are now working on can he completed, tlieir wool will all go into Heppner this sea sou. Would it not be of great convenience and vaiue. if tbe town of Lojg Creek o.w.1. " tlirainn a 'Aala- boose?" Most certainly (he oocstable says "yes." Very frequently some par ty through an over doee of "bug juice" gets iu and raises particular "Ned," and allocks the modesty of tbe entire oommu oity by resorting to language of the most obsceue oharncter. A commodious dun geon for sueb parties could be erected at no great expense to our citizens, and ihe value of such could not be esti mated. Charles Ostin, of WagDer, recently ommumcated to the Fossil Joirrual eooceroiug 'he article which appeared in that paper relative to Hnuj'aker's sud den disappearance. The substance of the communication was that Huusaker bad sold his realty and personal property in Haystack aud sought another clime, but that his actions were not prompted . t n i..:i., MTi,nittee. wj any umt iruui iyimuj . v.... whioh be declares do s not exist in the vllry. Huusaker is well known around here and our citizens cau readily account for his sudden disaopearance. A S A FE INVEST MEN'T. is one which is guaranteed to bring J atisfactory results, or in case of failure a return of purchase price. Ou this sate plan yon can bu from our ad vertised Prngsist a bottle of Dr. King s Kew Discovery for Consumption. It is gnaranteed to bring relief iu every ease, when used for auy affection of Throat, Lungs or Chest, such as Consumption, Inttaramation of Lungs Bronchitis, Asth Whooping Couth, Croup, etc., etc. It is pleasant aud agreeabe to taste, per fectly safe, and can always be depended upon. Trial bottles free at A. D. Jobn- 4 Cos Drugstore. 1- Here and There. Celebrate. Celebrate. Why not? i repare to celebrate the 4th of July. The "Model" has new potatoes and cabbage. 77. Thos. J. Matlock is attending the races at Portland. Hon. W. R. Ell s is at The Dalles at tending oourt Frank Reaney and C. C. Booue were in towu Monday. Mrs. C. M. Mallory is visiting her par ents at Uuiou, Or. Hill Kimsoy says crops must have ruin soon in his purt of buncbirrass. Ed. Simons arrived home Monday, ac companied by his wife aud child. Give the band boys a chance to earn a few dollars and air their uniforms. F. A. Joslyn is bnyiug wool iu the market here for J. M. Russell & Co. Union very deservedly gets nway with county seat honors iu the coutest last week. Ed. Simons, Geo. Swaggarfc and "Sny" Bennett are attending the Portland races. Send for the Gazkttb's prices on job printing. WTe do as neat work as any of thetu. Tbe people of Heppner should stand together on one grand 4tb of July cele b ration. Lawrence Swick and Emil Sobarff were over from Hamilton, Grant county,. last week. Will Kirk and P. O. Borg ore in at tendance on Grand Lodge, A. F. & A. M., at Portland. Every citizen of Hei puer ia regarding tbe progress of boring the artesiau well it Li much interest. F. J. Hallock has returned from Grant and tukeu his position at the case again in this office. The political cayuse has bucked his last buck this year of 1890, and is now as docile as au old horse. Wonder what couple played "Love in tbe Dark" one eve of last eek. Ask the school house steps. The power briok machine of Tyson & Boyed is turmug out thousands per day of the very best quality of brick. Frank Gilliam, of Gilliam & Bisbee, the hardware merobants, visited his Spring Hollow ranch last Sunday. Charles, Hastings, of The Dalles, is in Heppuer, and is prepared to give lessons no any kind of band or reed instiu meuts. 76-4t. Wright's Jamaica Gingeb Strictly Pure. An exoelleut remedy for cramps, colic and where a tonic for the stomach is required. Sold by A. D. Johnson. Geo. Swaggart's new building on Main street is full two stories high and will help he appea ance of that part of Main stMet very much when completed. When the republican party have sense enough to nominate a good man for gov ernor then thev may suooeed. And they will not till tlfftt importaut point is ac complished. A Scumer Friend Wright' Black berry Cordial. Once used always used. Reliable and prompt. Pleasant to tilke. Indispensible for summer troubles. Sold by A. D. Johnson. Rhea & Blackwell bouirht 500 head of cattle in Graut uounty receutly, and will make n delivery of 400 head at Arliugtou Juno 25, the Oregon Dressed Meat Co. being the purchasers. Thk Best Remedy. Wright's Para gon Headache Remedy for headache and neuralgia. Harmless, tasteless, no bad i effects. Stops pain in five minntes. Sold by A D. Johuson. Burns takes the county seat of Harnsy county from Harney City, as decided by the voters of that oouuty last week. Later This paier since learns that the contest is much iu doubt. N. L- Robisou leaves this week for the Long Creek country to dispose of his stock of shoes and meruhaadise. Levi uorked the odt market here while it lasted for all there was iu it. Scrofulous eruptijus, such as pimples, discoloration of the skin, especially ou the face, are caused by impure blood and will disappear rapidly by using Pfunder's Oregon Blood i urifier. A. A. Wren, of Clark Canyou, thinks blue stem wheat is the grain for this country. His club is just out of the "Kt " while the blue stem, sown at the same time, is headed out and half made. Waila Walla's anti-mossback club is doing good service, as will be seen in the unusual growth of that place. Won .1 if hrAiiches of that valuable org mi- .M wiil not be established iu other towns? J S Boothby aud son, acoompanied bv Julius Hedson. of Lexinghm, made thip office a pleasant call last Saturday. Mr Hodson takes his defeat quite philo sophically, and is not sore at any olique, faction or party. Ou last Saturday the jury in the Scott murder trial at MoMinnville returned a ve-diot of gniltv of manslaughter. It wiil be remembered that Scott 19 the aged farmer who killed his wife in Yam hill county. Pillio, the Indian who murdered Mrs. TaissoB. an Indian woman on the Uma tifu reservation, May 28. 18S9 w hang ed at Portland last Friday. He received consolation from Father Orth and died protestiug bis innocence. Heppner's band has engaged the ser vices of Chas. Hasting as teaoher. jur. Hastings plavs auy band justrnmeut but Tis Tspeciafiy handv with .be clarionet, fs aCembirof the 3d Regimental hand, stationed at The Dalles. The Wutjii Market With eight or ten bnyers at The Oidies, there had beeu no salen of any eoiir'.eqaeiioe up to Fri day. Prices realized at HpppmT, in sales ayregatin a hnU million pounds to June 5th, were within half a cent of prices at San Francisco for nimi lur wfml. Judge Dntton Bold Ins wool for lo.'ceuts, which is considered the bent sale made, although sump wools have sold as hiii as !73. Scharff Bros, gut lfit4,;. ; Morrow, lSc ; Harry Jones, 1430. , anil liii:i::oi Sc Sohirzniiror, I512c. Ihe light wools from Canyou City hve not been offered ."--nerally being for warded direct to San Francisco. If they were for sale here. Heppner wonkl show up as the best wool market on the coast, in which the highe:?t prices tire being paid. TAKE IT BEFOUE BREAKFAST The great appetizer, tonic and livor reg ulator, in use for more than 50 years in England. Poaiiitive specitic for liver comppiint. Bad taste in the mouth on arising in the' morning, dull p:iins iu the head and hack oi the eyes, tired feeling, dizziness, languor symptoms of liver complaiut. Remedy Dr. Henley's Eng lish Dandelion Tonic. Relieves consti pation, sharpens the appetite and tones up the entire system. Get the genuine from your drngUt for SI, and take ac cording to directions. 74-42(. SECURING THE LION'S SHARE. D. D. Earp has returned from a rust ling trip to Heppner. He says that en towu is securiug the lion's share of the Long Creek trade, and ad vises Pendleton to look to its laurels. One day twenty-five wngon-loads of wool were broiurht into Heppner, and ex changed for loads of merchandise. E.O, Rain, give us rain. For a good cigar, buv at the "Model." 77. Pry Wilson got oyer from Monument on Monday eve. Strawberries oy quantity or dish at the "Model," 77. The democrats all have money aud tbe republicans have , Children and grown folks like the friiit chewing gum which is kept at the ' Model." Ask for it. 77. Pry Wilson pulled out for Monument yesterday with two teams loaded to the guards with merchandise. Wirt Minor, of the firm of Cox & Min or, passed through Heppner last week enroute from Harney oouuty to Ins Pendleton home. Mr, Vawter Crawford, onr foreman, is sojouruiug below thi week. He will visit his Waitsburg home, returning about June 20. After diphtheria, scarlet fever or poeu mouia, HooO's rjarsapariiia will give strength to the system, aud expel all pujgoa from the blood. Albert Muttesou tells us that he and his brothers are still working on their coal miue above Heppuer. The shows up very hard and black. Dou't rush to the office with a item and tuen add "but dou't say thing iu your paper about it.' must puulish the news, y.ou know. Rocky Mountain Smith takes the !ore manship of the ullice during Mr. Vaw ter Crawford's absence. He is a first class printer. Bring id your job work. J. I. Benuiliel reports his crops badly burned, yet he thinks he will reap some grain ihe blue stem be st .ud ing the drought better than the other varieties. W. P. Dutton, aud wife left on last Monday's train to visit Mr. Duttou's relatives in Vermout. The Gazette wishes them a sate journey and a pleas ant time. Anticipating the passago of a new tar iff bill, manufacturers buve imported du ring the last three months, more worsted yarn thau for the two years preceding tbis period. The Gazette's subscription list has largely increased in tbe last six mouttis. The advertising column speak for them selves. Yet it makes a paper hustie here to keep up to a good, n e standard and live like averse lojlis. Try it lor yourself. VETERANS, ATTENTION! Any veterau of the lute war, or others, kupwiug comrades who have died ano are buried in Morrow county, will please forward tbo musters of said comrades to J. S. Boothby, commander of Ratlins Post, iNo. ill, at Lexiugton, Oregon. 77-80 rock good We Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Ashbaiigh and two daughters were over from Eight Mile last Tuesday, and made this ohice a visit. Crops are in good condition iu their section of Morrow, and gardens look very well, sultoring mtre from re cent frosts thau the dry weather. EliOKK JAIL. A Goon Road. Our reporter fouud Mr. Tjei .Miller, of Canyon City, at Hotel de Miuore last Sunday, and in conversa tion learned that the Harnev people had requested Mr. Miller's opinion of the road to Heppner as compared with the Bai:cr City route. lie wrote them that the former was a much better route, ex cept at lieiieh creek, and that this will be remedied hood. In addition to being a food road, plenty of feed nan he pro cured alontr the routw, which is quite an i'em to teamsters. From the amount of business that Heppuer is receiving from that country this year, it would appear that many have already discovered that it is tiia easiest point to reach, the best wool market on the coast and the place ro uny goods r.t low ngnres. FREE. -00- 1. Your order promptness. 2. The same filled witrr pleainsg J.W Matlock & Co.'s. New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink MAIN STRBKT. wb They Say they Keep a Complete Stock They Mean It. See for Yourself. The Most Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, Meats, Salt, Glassware andQneensware, Anything and Everything. DON'T FORGET THE NEW STORE, MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. anc as though prices you were attention at their o ren counters. NEW FASHION f ROM Towa. A personal lettar from Mac McClnrv says: "Send along your Gazette. We still want to see and hear from our Heppuer friends We have had a cold spring here thus far, though the finest for work in the history ot rue country, tjro; s were put m in excellent shape and if tbe weather does not continue too dry we - will have a bountiful harvest Frank Ross has been heme bnt little for sir months. Has been in Omaha, Neb., most of the tune, hut went h; Denver a week a?o, where he will prohably remain during the summer We are glad to hear of Heppner having such a steady growth, an.l hope she may, ere lone, number her population by the thousands I am not thoroughly weaned from the West yet and still think that some time it will be my home." AocrDEN-TAL Shootinq. Last Thurs day Billy M;de received a painful wound in the right foot from a 45 cal. Coirs. The pistol would not stand cor-ked and while loading it was discharged with the above result. He says he monkeys no more with broken firearms. Dr. A. L. Fox dressed the wound, and by the aid of crninhes Billy is able to perambulate with a fair degree of satisfaction. Wandeukus. Last Monday Charley TomiL'Kren discovered a swarm of bees hanuinir to a saffebrnHh back of the court house on Nels. Jones hill. Notify ing Marshal Rasmus and Park Garri gnfs. the trio induced the immigrants to locate in a hastily provised home where thf'jr now seeni happy and contented. Where these bees came from is a mys tery. EitOKEN W r rsT. On last Mondav Ora, a younu son of Jas. Adkins, w as throwu from a horse, breaking his right wrist. The little fellow was brought to town where Dr. Fox reduced the fracture. With average caution and care he will be able to use the injured member in a few-weeks. Dave McAfee returned last Friday from Portland w'here he has been look ing alter Ben Swaggart's race horses. We hear people, express thempIves as well satisfied with Dr. John Rasmus as martial of Heppner. That is a hard po sition fo fill to the satisfaction of all. Lee Miller, of Cauyon town over Sunday on his land. City, was in way to Port- Dyspepsia Eating Tlic Coop Did Not Halil Them and Hotel de liowul'd is Placed ut Their Disposal. On Thursday of last week Jap Leabo and Ed. Bilderback broke out of the Ar liugtou jail, which is nothing more than a lock-up aud struck out ou their, own hook. T bey were captured out on Rock creek, and iu compauy with lioy Brady who did not attempt to eseape, were brought up to the Heppner jaii last Sat urday by Deputy Frank Furrier. Brady is iu for stealing horses from Nate Cecil last year, and was caught over iu the Cascade country. Leabo is a well known character who has beeu in jail more or leas, for the past two years. Previous to the burning of the Arliugtou jaii over a year ago, he was confined for iudecent exposure, but at the time of the fire down there did val aot service in saving the towu from utter destruction. Partly for this reason aud principally from tbe fact that there was no limb , he was al lowed to go ou his own recognizance. He appeared at the next term of court, pleaded guilty, but the judge suspended aentenc. on him, hoping that he would alter his course. Recently he had a row at Gondou and it is alleged that Jay tried to shoot a barkeep. He was re turned to await sentence on the old score, aud to square up iue new oue. Bilderback went through a house on Rock creek recently, and was pot smooth enough to get away with it. He is a California boy and does not appear over IS years of a A Rake Chasce. The livery stable known as the Joins stable, right m ti e center of the business part ot Heppuer j is for sale. If tbe whole property is too ! lunch, part of it wdl be sold. For par- j ticuiais enquire of M. Rjf.encl.iif, Port-1 land, or Wm. Morrow. Heppuer. 77-8 1 Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating:, sour stomach, sick headaehe, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone " t eeluig, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu- . larity of the bowels, are viS.rOSS some of the more common AfT symptoms. Dyspepsia docs not get well of itself. It requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones tbe stomach and other prgans, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Pick overcoming the local symp- . toms removes tie sympa- KSaCSaCSl tliotic effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. I have been troubled witli dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eut in .a distressed me, or did mo ricn- jjttIe g00(I In hour DUrn after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trour ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that of a painter, and firm beuig more or less shut np in a Sour room with fresh paint. Last . spring I took Hood's Sarsa- wtOmaCd rilla took three bottles. It did me an Immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving 1 had previously experience d.' George A. Tage, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsspari!!a So'.dbyalldrugrrlsta. gl; 8ixforg5. JTepared OHly fcy C. I. KOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. ICO Doses One Dollar THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OK. TOY BHCKI STOP IT NOW, SOON IT WIIL BE TOO LATE. I have been troubled many years with disense of the kidneys and have tried manv different remedies and have sousr'ht aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of April I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in such a manner t .at 1 was Dent over. When I sat dowu it was almost impossible for me to eet up alone, or to put on mv clothes, when kin.l rrovnlence sent Dr. Henley, with the ORKGON KJUXEY TEA, to my hoteL I immediately commenced usinjr the tea It had an almost miraculous efi'cct, aud to the aston ishment of all the guests at the hotel, in a few days.I am bappy to stats, that I was a new man. I will' recommend the tea to all aiHictedj as x nave Deeu. G. A. TUPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Rosa, Cal. CjMen Female 1 fj-k mis. FnrFpTnfile !rrenlar ities: no: 11 in? lite them on the market. AVi'flr faiL Hn.-oessiully used by p ominnt ladies monthly, tiuaranieed to relieve s lpprcssed menstrLiauon. fUHE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Tont bo humbnffffcd. Suvft Tinifi. Health. ana money ;tate no oth er. Pent to any address. secure by mail on re ceipt of price, Address, THE fl?MR0 W.mmt C0E5Friy, Western Branca. Bex 27, l'OETLAXB, i'-.i oy A. i). Johnson A; Co., Agents for H"pner. HOOK AND PRICE LIST, PAGES. ' fi 'Mil Lower prices on elsewhere. They undersell them. the whole than allow no one to HORSE 11 will travel well wJien sliod by ROBERTS m SIMONS. 7 General Blacksmiths & Fariers. o REPAIRING MOWEKS A SPECIALTY. HorsesAoeif aoFpeFspaii alter may 1st, 1889. tTA FIRST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDS matloccorner. Street, Heppa er, Or 4. Courteous and satisfactory treat ment. Goods may be exchanged; or money refunded where satisfac tion is not given. 0. The best styles, unsalable goods. They carry no 6. The benefits of their dealings di rect with manufacturers. It makes small prices. BiiE Bros. DBY GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, -DEALERS IN- HATS, 06.-825 to 835, K Street, NOTIONS AND HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES. Sacramento, Cal. FURNITURE! FURNITURE!! ltili Stock iTo-w on TT. latest Styles and Bot tom Prices! Repairing and Jo!) Work 0 TERMS, CASH Specialty. C. 31. MALLORY, HEPPNER, OR. -7 t ( L v S -v - P J HJ t M. LICHTENTHAL, -SOLE AGENT FOR- Buckingham & Hecht's $4 CALF SHOES, Button. Lace or Congress. Every Warranted. Also an extensive line the celebrated Buckingham & Hecht boots always on hand. pair of The Largest Stock-in East ern Oregon. Special attention paid to fine custom work. Opposite City Hotel MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. Norman Perecheron, Imported by 6 ! DILLON BROS., NORMAL, ILLS , Dec. 1813. REGIS I JiRED : No. 1215 in Norman Peroheron Book TJ. S. and 1644 in the frencu i'prolieron bouk ot France. Sire, Mouton 1640, F. D. S. B. He hy Frencb Monarch, 734 in F. P. S. B., 205 in the A. P. 8. B. and 330 in F. 1). S. B.; out of Margaurete by Cow; by Mesle-Sur-Sarthe, through the genealogy as fonud in the stud boot ("ercheronne L)e France,; and stnd book Des Chevanx De Trait Francais. We find SULTAN comes from the most fashion able strains of ancestors in all France. COLOR. BLACK. Is nine yeare old: weight 1,800: will make the season at Rook Creek, four miles south of Hardman, at COX & ElSTGr LISTi S IlCJEL SULTAN can show the finest colto from yearlings to four-year-olds, of any horse ever imported into Oregon. T,prT?T TQ . $20 to insure; $10 season. Pasture furnished free. AU care Avivxj . wjjj De tajeil prevent aocidents, but will not be responsible if any should occur, or mares get out of pasture. FOR SALE. A good stock or sheep ranc-h contain ing over 1,700 acres. AU ander fence, two large springs of running water, two good bouses and other improvements. Sol good accesfjto outside range, 480 acres j deeded. Inquire of Warner Bros., Echo, uregon. V4-Y7 Siibseiino for the GAZETTE. Fresh vegetables at the Model, Legal Blanks. The Gazette job of fice is getting out a catalogue and price list of legal blanks which will include all kinds. Send in your order. We du plicate Pendleton or Portland prices. The following disconnta are allowed for large orders : $5 to (JO, 20 ver cent, off; S10 to $20, 2$ per cent off; $20 and over, 83 per oent. eff. S P f? I II (5 600DS. MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES This Popular Millinery Establishment has a Fresh and Neat Stock J UBt Open for Inspection at the Hands of the Public. New Hats! L. n i it)W TO ! LADIES' FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY ! ilF STREET, HEPPNER, OR MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES, PROPRIETORS OF THE e. New- Livery and Feed Stat The New Firm Has Added Rigs and Liuery Stock. Hay and Grain for Sale, and FREE STALL ROOM. Free Camping Honse in Connection Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. DONT FORGET THEM WHEN IN TOWN. KEEFER & SARGENT, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. Are You, Going to Paint Your House This Spring? If so, Call on A. D.JOH1VSOA, -AT THE assigne e's saL. We have just received a fine line of MIXED PAINTS bought at which we offer at very low prioes. Also a stock of the celebrated CHICAGO MIXED PAINT. We carry a complete stock of Oils, Colors, Brushes Glass, etc., etc. A FulLLine of WALLPAPEE of the Latest Styles Just Eeceived From Chicago. Call and See Them at the CITY DRUG STORE, A. D. Johnson, Prop. W. J. LEEZER. LEEZER P. C. THOMPSON & THOMPSON TOOLS A ! ! PUMPS And Piping: Always on Hand. -DEALERS IN- Hardware, Tinware, Gramtera, Wood and Willow Ware, MARB WIRE.s Bhd Cages, NEw HOME Sewing Ma chines and n complete line of Groceries and MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON E. J; SL0CUM; ' ' ,, "Dealer Inc iri ' ' " , Drugs, Cnemloals, Patent Medlolneia. ..,,, Ariiolos, liivt-. oils. CH. , 1 o'lef- Wiill Ptiper, A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND ROOKS OF ALL KINDS The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon. As't for Portland Oregoiiian Leezer & Thompson's Corner, : : . Main Str. t HEPPNER, - . OREGON W. A. KIBK. KIRK A D DKALEBS IN , J- C. HATES HAYES Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and everv Ton eeivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. Reroit-liag: t Speoialtv on liana the lIebrated Hcpctier Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Dont bny elsewhere till yon examine their machines and get cash prioes, M AIN STKEET, - . HEPPNEB, OREGON,