THE GAZETTE." THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1890. N . CHAPTER VI. And verily Blackmail gelictb there with both pedals. FARM MORTGAGES MAGNIFIED. Borne political demagogues delight in littering doleful strains of pretended sympathy for suffering farm rs, apsertiuu that they are all impoverished and over whelmed with mortgages upon their farms, the interest of which they unci themsi Ives unable to pay, and bankrupt cy is the preseut condition of the farmer. Many politician and others of that ilk, have been loud in declaring the utter im pending ruin ofllhe farmers of their own state of Indiana. The attention of its citizeus iiss been directed to an inquiry into the truth of the assertions, and they are found to be unwarranted iind nlun deroiis to the farmers and the fair fume of their state. The following statement copied from the Walla Walla Statesman is from the Indiaunpolis Journal, and is a refutation of farm mortirae humuuui ''This talk about the state being plas tered over witn mortgages ana the farm ers in the last stages of financial decay is all nonsense," remarked a well known citizen to a Journal reporter last night. 'There are Dot to-day one-tenth part as many mortgages in this section as there wus fifteen years ago. The connty records from which these political writers get their figures convey an altogether m aoenrate idea of the number of mortgages actually in force, for the simple reason that a vast number of them have long ago been satisfied and no entry made of the fact od the records. As long as there is nothing compulsory about notifying the recorder tha. a mortgage has been satisfied, it will not in ninny instances be done, la fact it is not at all necessa ry, and the farmer who has tne original mortgage with the endorsement by its bolder that it has been satisfied in full, rarely bothers his head about notifying the recorder. Then, nnm, there are many mortgages partiallv paid -off, yet there lsnothiug on the reoords to indicate the fact. Why, I know that in Marion county the mortgages on record represent at least twice as much money loaned as is actually the case. "Very frequently where a man sella a piece of property, takes a mortgage on it as security for the payment, and the property again oomes luto bis possession because it was never paid for, he allows the mortgage to stand in order to protect the title. These cases swell the number of mortgages in reality satisfied, but which do not so appear on the records. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. "The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruises, Hores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Hores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil Blnius, Corns, and all bkiu Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by A. D. Johnson & Go. , SIGNIFICANCE OF ELECTION. The result of the recent election in Oregon shows the peculiar condition of state and national politics as held by a majority of the people. (iovernor Pennoyer, though a demo cratic candidate for re-election, was not T fnrtnn ' iiiur 'Miiirun rUimnrnit hill principle which was involved in state policy. Tt3 great significance in his uocess consists in the acquiescence by a majority of the people of the principles expressed in his veto message on the Portland water bill. They have given an emphatic expres sion of their will upon the issue of non taxable bonds by the Btate, county or municipalities, and declared against them. Whether right or wrong the principle is thus settled nutil reversed by the people after a thorough and better examination of the true principles on which the peo ple should borrow money for public ne cessities. The time bag not yet, but will come when the people will reverse the decision now made at the polls. Thoy will yet see that it is to the interest of the people and the taxpayer to refuse to tax their own indebtedness, and thus in sure a saving to themselves of that which isinevitably lost. Governor Pennoyer en tered on his canvass early, and thus an tioipntod his opponent, who made a gal lant fight in a desperate struggle. The election of Governor Pennoyer gives no comfort of even probable suooess in national politics of the democratic par ty principles for tbe reason exhibited in the snccesss of the remaining part of- tbe republican state ticket by large majori ties, audespeoiallv in the increased vote given to Binger Hermann, it is dearly evident that the majority of the people of Oregon are firmly fixed in the princi ples of the republican party npon na tional questions, particularly on the tar iff issue, which baa been, and is now, so prominent before the public. Tbe lesson which the republicans have learned from tbe lata results is, that success depends npon nmty and harmony. THE BEST RESULT. Every ingredient employed in produc ing Hood's Sarsaparilltt is strictly pure, aud is the best of its kind it is possible to buy. All the roots and herbs are carefully selected, personally examined, and only the best retained. So that from the time of purchase until Hood's Sarsaparilla is prepared, everything is carefullv watched with a view to attain ing the "best result Why don't yon try it? Born In Heppner, on the 8th inst., to the wife of C. W. Rees, an 8 ponnd boy. Rogers & Jones have bought the Gem saloon. Mr. G. B. Tedrowe, the forrmr proprietor, will remain here this season. Joe Gibson, candidate on the fusion tioket for justice of Lexington precinct, was scooped y one majority. He con tests the election and the case will be decided next monday. . . - it.- . .. : l At a special session tn iuo uuuuuu Tuesday eve, the committee on fire and water were instructed to olose contact with A H. Tysoo, relative to the lot on which the artesian well is being bor ed. Morrow county is 40 democratic in the opinion of republicans, and democrats as well From the amount of republican votes given to the democratic party in both county and district tickets, they shonld have had larger majorities here. Chas. Nelson, ot the Belvedere, has recently bonght a canary bird, and last Thy added a coote to rie. With a bear, a gray wolf and a Uelinfested monkev he will be ready to iaTX rSad. Look out tor the.advance man. The Oregon Statesman announces the a-WoMbe Salem State Democrat iMvs- "AH liked tbe 'tone' and ring' of the Democrat, but few cf them k8it less read it, and none of them S f'r it, so it died, and will stay Assd." DOWS FROM MIDDLE FORK, S Reynolds, the well-known Middle Fork stockmu. and a former r,rllefnn is is the city. He tfunks ihni ihe trade of his section will eventu allv come Pendleton, although Hepp- M iners at Camp Sasanville talk ol mai KudletoniheirMrading point , as they find ttiai auppur r-- ritv J. i urn t ina at Baker City. A LIVE PEOPLE. From the HRrncyiitcnu.. Heppner, the cormtv seat of Morrow county, is ooe of tbe liveliest towns of its size in tbe great .Northwest, Burns not excepted. The great snocesa of that place is due to tbe energetic business men who are interested there. Mr. Henry Blackman. the democratic nomi nee for joint senator, is a specimen of the enterprising citizens of that town. While sojourning in Burns for tbe few days past, Mr. Blackman purchased several thousand dollars' worth of hides, pelts and wool and shipped to Heppner, where the teams will be loaded with merchandise for transportation to Burns merchants. Tuns commercial relations are being opened up between Harney and Morrow counties that may develop into a permanent trade that will beuent both localities. There are mnn3' larre mercantile es tablishments in Heppuer. toe proptietors of which, as well as other citizens of that j town, are alive to their owu interests, carefully watching every opportu' ity to aid in the advancement of the material interest of town and county. A line hotel is now in course of construc tion at that place which will cost some thing like $50,000, am! many important bUHiuess houses are under way. Mr. Blackman thinks that Heppner and Burns are the coming places iu all Eastern Oregon. As rooh as the two points are linked together by . a good wagon road a commercial intercourse will spring up that will be of mutual benefit. Ten Bix-horse teams have al ready loaded for Heppner and others will soon follow. Burna, while loading for Heppner. reminds one of the early mining days before the advent of rail roads iif the mining regions. MERIT WINS. We desire to say to our citizens, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, Dr, King's New Life Pills, Bucklin's Arnica Salve and Electric Bitters, and have never handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given such universal satis faction. We do not hesitate to guaran tee them every time, and we stand readg to refund the purchase price, if satisfac tory results do not follow their use. These remedies have wou their great popularity purely on their merits. A. D. Johnson & Co., Druggists. To The Peoplf. Any one interested in the sick-benefit, funeral-aid, and death-beneficiary associations of the United States cau help make the statis tics of their organizations for the forth coming census more complete aud dis seminate the knowledge of the good work tbey are doing by sending the names of such societies as they may know of, and the addresses of their prin cipal officers, to Mr. Charles A. Jennet, Special Agent of the Eleventh Census, 58 William street, New York City. SLEEPLESSNESS. DR. FLINT'S REMEDY is the best remedy known for insomauia, or sleep lessness, which ahTcts so many persons, and which leads to many serious ner vous diseases, particularly to insanity. Descriptive treatise with eaoh bottle; or or address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. Eight Mile Celebrates. Eight Mile, that prosperous couimnuitv of Morrow, has decided to celebrate. Extensive ar rangements are being made for a rous ing good time, and all are invited. A FAMOUS WOMAN'S ENCE. KXPERI- Chicago, Nov. 13th. Mr. Wisdom: Dear Sir: I beg to thank you for the delightful and refresh ing "R obertina" yon so kindly sent me. I have nsed the toilet preparations of the most celebrated mauut'aoturerB of London and Paris, but consider your plli iij'aiaj E.itteiiuw."'iriBijiuif itifr unbounded success which von deserve, T remain, Faithfully yours. Emma Abbott AGAIN LOOMING UP. The Astoria Columbian sums up the amount of real estate sales in Clatsop Co. for the week euding May 17th at 829,053. The Astoria real estate market la showing a decided improvement siuot Huntington expressed his iutention of completing the Astoria & South Ciast road into Astoria. Tbe sales reported above were not large, but better than they have oeen for the pnst two mouths. That city is brightening up, and the big boom that precedes railroad building in the Northwest has already begun in As toria. The bonding of property during tD3 week named reached a quarter of a million dollars, but the amount deposit ed on the bonds hardly reached 840,000, thus proving that the actual transfer to tals were not a reflex ot the condition of the market. The lots held by the Ore gon Land Co., of Salem and Portland, in tbe North Pacific addition to Astoria, are again coming in demand, aud offer a very desirable investment. 77 NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lund Office at The Dallos, Or., Jnne 10, 1800. Notice ia hereby givfm that the followinfr natned settler has rilw.1 notice of hit intention to make filial proof in support of his claim, and that wml proof will be made before the county j little of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., od July 31, ISiW, viz: Alexander Young, Hd. app. No, 230, for the BE Sec 31 Tp 2 8 R 23 hi W M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upou aud cultivation of, said land viz: I. R. Eaten, T. D. Rail and John Spicknall of Gooseberry, Or., and C K. Jones, of Kitfht Mile, Or. 77-2 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or.. May 31, 90 Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has nleu notice of hiB intention to make final proof in enpjort of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner. Oregon, od July 17, ItiW, via: Allen T. Smnmerfield, D. S. No. iW79. for the W 4 SW. 8Wi NWS Sec 19 Tp 4 S H is K, and NK SE Sec 21 Tp 4 8 K 37 K W 11. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of baid land viz: Jack McKenzie. John Zollinger, Lather Hamil ton and Froeuiaii W Green, all of Heppner. Or. 377-81 HkskY. RXNEHAHT, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lard Office at La (i rand- Or., May 31 IP90, Notice is hereby given that the following named set'ler has hied notice of his intention to make fcnal proof iu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judire, or in bis absence before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Ore., ou July 18, ISW, vix: William E. Hiatt, Hd. No. 2R48 for the NWS. NE1, N4 NWi, SW NWV Sec Tp 2 S R 29 E. He names the following witnesses to proTe his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: J hn Mullally. H. A. Sali-bu y.lJ. W. Salisfcu-y and J- E. Ereeman, all of l-enn. Or . a;7i HsNBY Rixkhart, Register NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office at LaGrande. Or.. May 27, '. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make Jinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county juUre, or in his absence before the county clerk of Morrow county, OrM at Heppner, Or., on July IS, 1890, viz: Holme V. Hayman, Hd No. 444. for the Lots 5 4 6 and E'i SWH Sec6Tp3SR28E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. sa d land, viz: John H. Willinms. Jas. Hurt. Oscar Hurt and Wra. Straight, all of Heppner. Or. . -7. Hknbk Kjn&habt. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande. Or., May f0. Notice is hereby given that the following named eetUer has hied notice of bis intention to mike final proof in support of his claim and 1 at i nroof will h- nrnde before the county clerk . Morrow county. Or., at Heppner, Oregon, oa IStli 0 of J bo . ipw. viz: Joseph Swart z. D S. No' 8501. for .he BE1 Sec. 12, Tp. 1 N. R. 'vinmw'the following witnesses to prove his ruinous residence upon, and cultivation A.Sf-ey',ZJoph Cuha, Andrew Alroth and .T,,t Rhodes, ail oi EA-mi. "i. . ILl"UO, wi. . II insy RlNMURT, Pegitr. ( X52E NEW PRIZE STOBT If eajrerly sought for, rad with pleasure or dis appointment, is then tossod aside and forgot ten. Hut ladies who road of Dr. Piorce'a Fa vorite Prescription, read it again, for they dis cover in it something to prize a roewng-er of joy to those suffering from functional derange ments or from any of the painful disorders or weakness peculiar to their sex. Periodical fmins, internal inflammation and ulceration, eucir;-!:?a and kindred ailments rradily yield to ire wonderful curative and healing: powers. It is t( only medicine for women, sold by drirrinsts, under a positive u'uaranUio from the manufacturers, that it will ifivo satis faction in every case, or money w ill bo rtt fuudod. This guarantee has been printed on thif bottle-wrappers, and faithfully carried out for many years. $1.00 by druifirista, or air bottles tor $5.00. Copyright, 1803, by World's dis. Msd. ass'w- V3T n DOCTOR tpDTC S PiEacE's 10? PELLETS QOGuets MS TJnequaled sfl a Xjtver PHI. ?iTmT!?st, cheapest, easiest to take. One Pcltrt a Done. Dnf nnt n'pe. Cun, SlcU E9ead fhe, BilSonn Headache, CoiiMlipa tiou, Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and all dcranxremenut of tlie sremaeh ana bowels. Put up in glass viols, hermeticallr sealed. Always fresh and reliable. Gently t&xatlvet or an active cathartic, according to sue 1 duss, swtfs, by drucyista. SIGNAL SERVICE KGCOKD. For Week Ending, Wednesday. June 11.1890 Mean Mean Pre- Char Date Temp. Hax. Min. Bar, cip. acler. Jun S-BSS(i 7(1 (HI JfiO :lu.s::5 3!(1 el'r 6 76 IM MiWl 4?0. :riir0 G.IHl el'r 7 71.1N1 ?2.ll S5. 0.111 el'r H iVi'AI TS0O 51.00 3:.V 0JO elr f) Sif.XI 72.01) 51.(10 .10.1Hr I lt.i el'r 10 ill 50 7;UI 411 00 SO. 145 0.00 fair 11 6'. 00 75.50 53.00 80.045 I 0.00 cl'd A. Smith. The prints (rot the precinct vote oome wbat mixed in our last isHiie. Gov. Res has do majority bs he hud no opposition. F. J. Halloi k and tha Gov. fire, oar su preme jnstioes; Dick Neville and Chas. Talbert, our constables. Look consider able oat. Tbe Gazette is iu receipt of a state ment of the condition of the First Na tional Bunk of Arlington, Or., at close of business May 21, 1890. It shows np well for that institution, they haviug on deposit over $135,003 and loaned out, $205,607.21!. HOW'S THIS! We offer One Hundred Dollars re ward for any case of Catarrh that can not be oured by takinji Hall's Catarrh C" P8' F. J. CHENEY & CO.. Props., Toledo, Ohio. We the undersigned, have known F. J. Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe him perfectly honorable iu all business transactions aud financially able to car ry out any obligations made by their firm. West & Trcax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Walking, Kiknah & Marvin, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. Hail's Catarrti Cure is taken internally, acting directly on the blood and mucous bottle. Hold by all druggists. Dr. Dayid II. Kund, of Portland, qnite well-known here, has just returned from a visit to the Nawf Eng aud states. The doctor was married while in tbe E ist to one of Connecticut's fairest daughters. The Gazette extends congratulations. Once in Seven Years The body is renewed. Tha blood must have the elements of vitality. Wright's Com pound Syrup of Sarsaparilla cleanses and enriches ihe blood, and gives a new im petus to life. Sold by A. D. Johnson. The Graude diuing room,of Arlington, is now under tbe superior management of Chapman & Freeman. It is the place to stop when you are in that town. Good beds in oonneotiou. TbeGraude was for merly known as theSauford lionse. 72tf The Silver bill, which has beeu pend ing in the house, has filially been adopt ed und passed by a vote of 135 yeas to 119 nays, one democrat voting with the republicans and eight republicans voting with the democrats otherwise being a strict party vote. Oregon's congressman voted for the bill. A Michigan Central Kailread Employe Wins Ui Cae, after tieven lean Contest. While employed as agent of the Mich igan Ceutral Kailroad Company, at Au gusta, Mich., my kidneys became dis eased, aud from an impoverished and impure state of the blood, my general health was entirely undermined. 1 con sulted the leading physicians of this city and Ann Arbor, and all pronouuoed my case Brighl's disease. In October last. I began taking Hibbard's Rheumatic Svrup, and am to-day a well man. It stfords me pleasure to render suffering humanity auy good tbat X can, and 1 wish to say thut I think it the greatest blood, kiduey and liver medicine in the world. E. Larzilere, Agent M. C. R. R., Albion, Mich. Sold bv A D Johnson, Heppner, Or. TO THE G. A. R. BOYS. Inspection of Rawlins Post, No. 81, G. A. "R.. by the department insneotor. will be held in Lexincton on Saturdav, Jnne 28, '90. All members are speHnlly in vited to be present. 77-9 TAKEN UP. At my ranch on Upper Willow creek, a dark bay horse, " eisrht 1150. branded FM and "clover'leaf on leftshonlder;an iron crnv horse, weicht 1000, branded "mnle shoe" on left shoulder. Owner can have same by proving property and pavine oharges. John Lccknave, 77-80. Heppner, Or. SMALL FRUIT FARMS. Among the few bareains yet remaining of the Snnnyside fruit farms, four miles east of Salem, we oite the following: No. 39 $30 per acre. Ten acres, all timber: level, good soil. No. 48 $90 per acre. Ten acrns, with small honse aud barn; five acres cultivated. Good soil, -small orchard, spring water on the place. The above are very desirable property, and are for sn'e by the Oregon Land Co., of Salem and Portland. 77 The Storm Is Over. Politics and "bnsinees are altogether different matters. The heat cf the pnst conflict has passed away and all join in well-wishes to the successful candidates. J. W. Smith, of Arlincton, is not in politics, although he is beiore the people for their patronage in the lines of general meichnndise. and farming implements, the most worthy of the latter being that celebrated Haines Header. Buy it and have no other. 7-80 AUTOMATIC SEWINe MACHINE! Prices reduced. Every family now can have the ln-t Automatic Sewing Star rli'ua in tl e market at reduced price, for particulars send for our new Illus 'rt icd Ciwaiar with samples of stitch-iK-. Our l'!'.is:ic.ted shows ve v nart cf the Machine perfectly, and -e.jdintr for even if you hare a .-: i ' sVuse Murphy "Mfg. Co., c ..-1 WV-.I. !tl St-, N. Y. City. . W.SMITH'S LOW PRICES? If not, You are imfovtunati', for yon. arc handimpjted in your business. Onrtock, Prices and Fiiciiities are P.eyond Comparison with Anything i;i Gilliam or Morrow Counties. HAINES OREGON HEADERS, ANOTHER CAR LOAD BEING MAX UFA CTURED FOR US. AB HAVE THESE (THB FINEST HEADERS EVER MADE) BOTH IN WOOD AND STEEL FRAME. We have eoM these Headers for years, every one giving the best of sati.sfaotiqn. It ia to be hoped that oar friends will not be misled into buying inferior have two sizes of the STANDAED Whioh are far ahead of the old-style machines. THE STANDARD SIX-FEET other small mowers, and can be bandied feet with this improved machine? REMEMBER, ARLINGTON IS HEADQUARTE K8, anl is the j.lace for yon to trade. If yon are lunger on the mad, you can tave five times over for yonr time. Remember, also, that we buy many goods from the manufacturers that no other honse in this region can, thus saving tnuoh to our customers, and enabling ns to offer merchants many goods here at prices asked by Portland jobbers. MEETING OF DIRECTORS. Notice ia herpby given that on Satur day, July 5, 1890, the directors cf the Heppner schools will meet to select terchers for the coming year. Teachers desiring positions should send in their applications in writing. 1 E. Minor, Directors W. R, Ellis, ( Otis l attebson. Stray Horse. From my place near Condon, Or., a bay horse, weight 950, branded O C on the left shoulder and JF connected, on tbe left stifle. Will pay suitable reward for information lead ing to his recovery. Address John A. Wai.keb, Condon, Or. 77-8. EXAMINE OUR CUT SHOE 3 IT SHOWS HOW ALL WAVERLY X OLMUUL A- A, SHOES . Ht LOW BROAD HEEL 'O LEATH MADE FOE 8AAE BY J. W. SMITH, ARLINGTON, OR. GALLON BILLIE MORROW AT THE I Old Jones Stand. To get your horses fed. LIVERY RIGS; And Good Saddle Horses for Hire. Don't Forget Billie When You Come to Town. C. M. JONES : TONSORIAL ARTIST "Dath rooms comiected, ard nil run ia good "shape tihop. Minor's Building. Main Street. jCall in and see Charley when you want work done. DR, B. F. VAUGHAN. :0: DENTIST. T)LATE WORK' A SPECIALTY. -- Extracting aDd Filling by the Latest and luosc rmprovea Methods. Office over Slocum's Drugstore. Ira G. NgLSoy. J. C. Roberts NELSON d ROBERTS, BAHBERS. A bout May 1 at a new chair will be added to the "-establishment and a greater effort made to please the public than ever. "Drop in for a good shave, shampoon or hair cut. Pompadour a specialty. MATLOCK CORNER - - MAIN STREET. Wo have iha Exclusive Confrofof o Am. don't havt to offer a prfn to tU thfa Goods, for ttM ihe BEST HADE. Every Com ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. H, BLACKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON. tyn WH0LEs s I r i it I z S a m CHOOL U2 5 i SEAMLESSX" l- SQLC LEATHEJJ ! 3 S3 3 . . 55 vA DO YOU? I0 YOU GET THE BENEFIT OF WE HAVE ALREADY RECEIVED ONE machines by the well conned tales of irresponsible traveling salesmen. We also REAPEES AND MOWEES, much easier. Why ant four feet when J. W. SMITH, SHIPLEY'S -TO- eppner, HUGGINS i . j I jJ i ( I KEITHLEY The above 32 Lots, situated between the original City of Heppner and the Mount Vernon Addition, are finely located for Residences be sides, being EXTEA GOOD LAND. The whole property, or any part thereof, is now offered for sale. TERMS: One-thiid cash; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, with approved security and 10 per cent, interest. Apply to THE OREGON LAND CO. with its Home Office at Salem, Or., (in tbe jjmucu umora iu jroi iia-iu, .astoria ana .ftioany, nas tor sale a large lot of Grain, Stock and Fruit Farms, also City and Suburban Property. THE ORBGON. FwJ) CO. WnQ cnolnllir irrra ni7ad ffr 1 1 n viding large tracts of land, and has, iHicDii lauu iuiwuo iaj tweniy acre tracts. The success of this undertaking is shown in the fact that out of 280 tracts of land plac ed in tne market, 5Sao have been sold. We claim that ten aores of choice land in We also make valuable improvements in CK.-U a email i muu iur tne tiauie Send for pamphlet, maps and price hat. SPRING RACE MEETING WALLA WALLA, WASH., JUXE li, 20 21st, '90. RUlS7IISra & TROTTING. Furses $1350. Tl,ed,u,r.ed. Ttn.ilrnnrl Tin tan One and one-fifth fare for Round 1 nvjii 1, nuiij.nniv;i x iivir iij una iiUJM Hallway Systems. For complete programme see posters or write to A. BYRD, or Hexry. Kelling, Secretary, A. A. HOISIJRTS, Beat Estate, Insurance anc( Collection. Office in CUDNCIL CHAMBERS, Heppner, Oregon. The onlv live real estate dealer in the ritv. Write him. ' CAB-LOAD OF THE CUT U warranted to cat -just as easy as a span of horses will just as easily cut six Arlington, Oregon. DDISIOl Oregon STREET. STREET. STREET 1 DR, L. F. SHIPLEY, Heppner, Or. State Insurance Building), and ...... r- 1 ..... J 1 ! 1 " during the past two years, bought fruit will yield a larger income than 1G0 the way of roada, fences, etc. We oan price pur acre as you would have to Trip over the lines of the UNIO Wonderful Oregon Remedies O B. HEADACHE AND LIVER CURE J will cure Stomach, Kidney and Liver dia eabes, Coaffh and Consumption fore will cure t-oorfw, Coida, Consumption and Asthma. a. d. aijina t-ain ure will cure any pain in ! ak.U,e, nrde by K.J. sh-a.. . . Coffin & M 13 I T i We take pleasure in informing our customers and the public generally that we have just removed our stock of General Merchandise ! into our Elegant New Brick Store down Main Street, i where we shall be pleased to welcome all. I We have the Best Assorted Stock of Goods ; in this section. On? Bryys iprtiiiltiie Hraplete! In Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing We are The Leaders. We can show a Handsome Lane of Fiue Tailor Made Suits, of the Lntest Style t:nd Most Brilliant Patterns. Don't Imy your Spring Suit before Exitminiujtj onr Assurtmont. FIXE, STYLISH HATS IX ALL SHAPES. LADIES' AND : MISSES' : FINE : SHOES : AND Gouts' Footwear in all Grades. FINEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES AND RANGES IN THE CITY. Tiie "Home Jewel" Ranges will "bake the cake. Fall line ot Groceries, Hardware and Tinware. California San Jose Saddles. Bits and Spurs. Heavy Team Harness. MITCHELL WAGONS. Plows aud Harrows. Doors ami Windows. Paints, Oils and Glass. Carpets, Wall Papers. Black smith's Stone Coal. Shingles, Lime Snlpltnr, Cement. CLOCKS, AND WATCHES. GUNS AND PISTOLS. TRUNKS and VALISES. Comtneucins Monday Moruina, FEBRUARY, 17th, 1890, we intonil presenting to every retail cash purchaser of dry goods, cloth ing, boots, shoes, hats aud caps to the amount of Twenty-five Dollars (S25.00), A BEAUTIFUL BOUND VOLUME, Worth each. Our pjices on all goods are low as the lowest. Buying the books from the publishers east, in large quantities, we are eabled to offer them as an inducement to incrense our trade. The above offer holds good until JAN. 1, 1891. Do not miss this chance, but start in at once buying from us and get a present, for EACH TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS WORTH OF DRY GOODS Purchased between the above dates. Orders from the Country Solicited. Highest price Paid for Sheep Pelts. Agents ibr CliiMsfcy & Wise. Gilliam & Bisbee's Have in Stock Tinware, Shelf Hardware, Iron and Steel, Blacksmiths' Coal, Wood and Willow Ware, Queensware, Building Paper Of ill Kinds. They Have Just Eeceived a Carload of Agricultural Implements In cluding the Standard Mowers and Reapers, Sulky Rakes, Tl'ag rmsttacks and Backboards, t These Vehicles are of tho Best Make. Try their Standard Mower for Durability. It does Satisfactory Work. Also in Stoct Jiaeluue Oils of All OQjnpLETE LIKE OF STOVES FOK THE IUQST EXflOTIHG A TIN SHOP IN CONNECTION. Tit & Iron Roofing a Specialty GILLIAM & BISBEE, Next door to First Nat. Bank, Heppner, Or. Agent For The Brownsville Woolen Mills! Blankets, Clothing, Flannels, Bolt Goods Etc Complete Line of GENT S FURNISHINGS. Staple ara,? GrROCSRX&S. C. S Van Duyn, FIRST NATIONAL HEPPNER, 5 Mil Bred by Thomas Denhnrst, WhittiDKhamf Scotland. Imported by John Mc Hattie, Cuicago, Illinois, August, 1839. Rearistered 0;.816:'J0'-.x'Shii'eHnrse iety vvt 0f reat Britain and Ireland. S ailtl V JLa Ve"y rU chestnut stallin. will make the season at Heppner. Terms: Se0ieoaPia8me' Wm. Jlost The Greatest ALM0ST MIRACULOUS CURES ' f.CASTLEMAN 'M 8S Morrisnn 8tti, Portland. O, ' 11 PP'ir. fit stii.ri ir yig, or $7 .50 per raw SVlcFarland, 33 I SLIPPERS Kinds. BANK BUILDING, OREGON. -:0: :0: $15 for the season'$1 sin- NELSON JONES. Radam's truly and correctly culled- Medicine in the World! itzzzr op iw wiv-i,,,,, .,.35; mW C A ATTW Shire Mm. T7 A I an' Sp