J J McGea EIGHTH YEAR. HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, JUNE 12, 1890. NO. 377. E GAZETTE. IHH1KD BVKUY THUUHDAT ArrfcBKOON. II OTIS PATTERSON, .M, ,r yt-j.r, 1.25 Tor nix month, $0.75 f or trr rrntutfir.; in advaijce. If paid for tit the ... im moiHii. -:Ja year wui be charged. ADVKBTIBINO EATKH. I msh, single eolnmn, per month, $ l.Vi ? " ' 2.50 " 5 (Jt i 8.51 15.UU DOUBLE COLUMN. inctrtM 3 00 '. . 5.(jO column 8.5 ' 15.00 advertiMinsr IOc per line. Kach uhae quwnl :nTtio at half rate. Hpwciaf rates will be charged lor pentonal digs and political sluhh. CIIES-CIT OFFICIALS. fiovernor , Hue. of Htate l'rPMnurtr fcijpt. Instruction JurlK bnventh District htttlrict. AtUniy H. Peiinoyer. , W. Mcllride. W. Webb. .ki.B. McKlroy. J. If. Bird. W. K. Kllis. MOIUcOW COUNTY. Jomtnnnntor J. P. Wager. neprnui(i ve T. K. rell, ' utility Judge Wm. Mitchell. (OinixiiHHioners J. ti. Ely, J. A Thompson, f'ierk C. Ij. Andrews " Sheriff T. R. Howard. " Trwt)Fr i jo. Noble. AtMteHMor J. J. McOee. Purveyor Julius Kmth.ey, ehool Hup't J. II. 8tuiily. 'orounr A. J. Whobe. HKPPNBB TOWN OFFICERS. lju Henry llUtckmar. i ouiiilnifii Nelson J.nes, J. W. Morrow. E, L. Matlock, (. E. FaniK worth, C. M . Mullory ajid W.J. HcAtee. Htcordr A. A. Roberta. TrenMiiror. W.J- Ijeezer, Marttltai J. VV. IluHiuua. SEPP1TEE SOCIETIES. Doric LwlK. No. 20 K. of F. meet ev-eryTuHH(liiyevHtiiiiKat7.30o,cloc-k in I. O. O. K. Hull. HojourninK brothers cor dially invited to attend. J. H. Stanley, C. C. K. It. riWlNBUBNE. K. of It. & 8. KAWMN'rS POST, Na. SI. (1. A. K. Meet, at Lexington, Or., the lant Saturday of eaeh month. All veterans are invited to join. ISA JiliaWH. J. 8, BoOTHBT. Adjutant, Commander. PROrESSIOn P. T. (1 U hrne v-a w. m: -La ."zi ziNutarv Public and Justice of the Peace. HEPPNlili, OGN. KH( E OI'KN AT AU; HOL'HS J. N. BHOVVS, .IAS D. HAMILTON Attorney at Law. Brown 8c Hamilton Practice in all courts of the atate. ineuralice, real egtnte collect in and !o;in airrt,it. Prompt attention uiven t. all buainees entruet eil to them. Opposite Gazette Ofilce, Heppner. W. B. ELLIH, A t torney-at- Law Notary - - - Public, UKPPNKH, OREGON. i liineviitiiiy Attorney for Seventh Ju dicial District. Wilt yite prompt utteuficii to an and nil busiiiesn entrusted to hinu s iruii'K on Main Street, over Liberty Mar. V V ket GEO. P. MORGAN. Land Office ' Specialist, The Dalles, Oreoii. lteKulnrlv admitted to pruciice Iwrore tbe II. S. Land orlice and departments at WaBhiontou, 1- C. Attenlw to con tetH and reoovery of lost riRhto. Call ou. or write liiin. NATIONAL BANK of HEPPNER II. P. THOMPSON, President. Kt. K BISHOP. Cashier. fRANSACTSA GENERAL BANKING Bl'SINESS. OOLLKCTIONH Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOl'GH'f & SOLD. Opposite Minor's Hotel, UEPPNEH. OREGON. First National Bank OF HEPPNER, A. KHKA. FRANK KKLLOOO, President. Vice-President. George II. Conser, Cashier. Transacts a General Banking Business icc ii isr a i; On all prt of the world Bo lie lit and Sold, sonaoie jrrnm. 150,000 to ltmu on improved farms at 8 per. ceut WhEN YOU WANT isfjoB rnmm DON'T FORGET Tltnt th l,eBt ,,laee to cet ' 18 at tlie A2SETTE SHOP. Heppner, Oregon. YOU CAS SUBSCRIBE KOK ANY NEWSPAPER AT 2Hfc GAZETTE SHOP. AND Canyon City. BTAG-E LINE.. I Chas. H. Lbk. Proprietor. Stages leave monument daily ex- CEPT SUNDAY. FARE: an von City to Monument .. Long Creek $5.00 3 00 ! This iRM.equioRost ami ftoortlaud from points in this vicinity. . . . i i. . ... ...ii.. It A. H. TYSON. J. D. BOYED Tyson & Boyed. Contractors, Builders and Archi tects. Special attention given to plans, designs and estimates for all kinds of buildings. They are putting in their Heppner Brick Yard iii.iniw.iiint!ry lor making a superior quality of pre8hd brick. OFFICE, HEPPNER, UPPER MAIN ST., OKEGON, GEO. W. LORD, CONTKACTOR and BUILDER Estimates for all kinds of build ings, town or country. Moving Buildings a Specialty HEPPNFR, 'S YOUR FENCE? We have the CHEAPEST and Best WOVEN WIRE FENCING jwiro Hope Selvage. ' 60 INCHES HIOH AT 60 CENTS PER ROD. Jiivn (Jfird.m. P..ut,r. and RtnW Penntnir. all and widtim. atef tomatch. Pricealow. Sold vy -i.-si.ftrN. rrrluiit faltl. fcienu lor CIrcuJarH. riib Mt?u i.L ivovr.f miiiiFKSrKro.. thicauo, ill. -. All-stcl LAW Mud CU1 LTKK V KM VOICE ! fVom Ohio. Hen i portrait of Mr. Garri son, of Salem. Ohio. wriiM: "Was at work on a farm for ttlfiO a month: I now have id inacr Tor E. C. Alien Co alUurni and trubli- aiiona and oftm niki WSO a day." William Klin, Ilarriaborx, Pa., write : 1 bava nerer known nTthinf to like your albvm. pay ma ovar SSA.'' W. J. El- l aieraaj i too ordttri ciiouirb to tnort, Banair, Ma., writei: - akc an order Tor rour aiUamat a I moat avery bouta I visit. Ur proot onn as murbai wu ,for a a I n a; I dav'awork." Othara are doing- quite an well ; niva bqi inace io anve ii- irum Intr lttera. Shall we start YOU in this b ho take hold of tbiasrand buttneaa pilea upyiatid pro At a. usiuesn. reader? n rite to oa and learn ail about it foryoui elf. We Irv Ifv, take hold you will be able to nick up void fait. DrlCenrt On Bfiouiii it ft foired manufketurer'a aala 1 SA.OOO ttR dollur IhtuErith Albums arc to be sold to th -oie for a.-a(li Hound m Koyal Crimson Silk Velvet I'liinh. Cliarminfdy decorated inaidea. llundaomeat albums In I ha world. Law! Size. Urealeat bargain erer known. Aprenla wanted. Libera) terma. tiig moiier for afrents. Any one fan brrume a aueoessful arnt. Sella ilaelf ou aiarlit little or no talking ne-eary. Wherever ibown, every one want to pur chase. Aarnu take thousands of orders with rapiiiily never before known, (Jreat profit await every worker. Afcenta ara ma hi hk lortune. I.ndieamake a much as nieu. You, reader, can do a well as any one. Full information and tamia Free, to Hioaa who write for same, with particular! and terms fur our Family Uibles, Books and Periodicals. Afier you know all. buuM you conclude to go no further, wby no harm la done. Addieu K. C. ALLEN CO ALULSTA. AlAlK 'HEBEST Z41N.SAFETYEVER MaD ADJUSTABLE. IN LVtnT Ht-AHINO AGENTS WANTED CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE OF WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION . Toledo.Ohio. M r Printers' Ink. A JOURNAL FOR ADVERTISERS. Is Issued oa the first aad flftiesth d7i of tick Berth, ulI it tht repreie&UttTi Jonrwd thijriia oonul of America tdTertlaeft. Xt l&iicatet to tht Inexperienced advertiser hov. Then, tad vhert hi ihouli tdvertiae ; hsv to write m adTertUemtst ; ho Ic display tae; what aevspapeitto nit; ho Booh moaejto izpead Is fact, dlieounet an ererj poi&k that admlti of profltahlt diicuiiion. AdTOrtiiisf if an art practiied by many but undtritood ty ft. Tht wnducton of PSINTEES' IKX undentand It, anf ihelr adrici ii hated on an experience of more thai twtaty-flTi yeari in placing advertising eontraets for many of tht largest and most luceeisful adTtrtlten. A year' i sntscriptlon ceiti but One Collar : sample copies free. Address : ifcvtL r.FO. P. HOWELL A CO.. Newspaper Advertising Bureau, io Spruce St., New York. Th &Mrated French Sure, 'SSKT "APHR0DITINE" S3L Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure my form of uervout disease, or any disorder or the BEFORE geu era live or- AFTER gaut of either sex whether arising from the excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or throtigh youthful indiscretion, over iudulg eucc, ic, such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful neas. Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission. , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory, Loss of Power and Impoteucy, which If ne glected often lead to premature old age and insan ity. Price 91.00 a box, 6 boxes for 15.00 Sent by mail ou receipt of price. A W KITTEN GUARANTEE for every f&-00 order, to refund the money if a Permaueut cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial! from old and young, of both sexes, permanently rurvd by Aphroditink. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WXBTBBM BRANCA BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co., Drag itta, Heppner, Oregon. WASHINGTON. It is probable that Governor Ferry will resign his office after he extra session of the legislature, tie fears prostration from overwork, .vhioh threatens him. David J. Wilcox, late receiver of the laud office at Walla Walla, left for his home in New York, June 2. Robert McCalley, the new receiver, assumed the charge of the office. The secretary of the interior has denied the motion for a review of his decision of March 27, in the Seattle tide lands case. The case involves the right to locate Valen tine scrip npon certain tide lands adjacent to Seattle in the territory of Washington. SI 3 .QAM.0 POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel of parity, strength and wholesoiueoess. More economical thui the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition nail mo munrEuue 01 low st, snort weight, alum or phosphate "powders Sold oxi.y in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 106 Wall Street, N. Y. Great English Remedy. MURRAY'S SPECIFIC. ei. A trunmnteed cure fr all nervous diseases, unch aa Weak Memory, Low of Brain power Hysteria Headache, Pain m the Back, Ner vous Protitration, Wakefulness, Leucorrhceti. Universal Lassitude Bmiiia Weaknefrj, Ira potency, and general lone of power of the General Orimns in either sex, caused by indiscretion or over Before Takings exertion, aud which ultimately lpads U Premature Old Age, In- Trawl Ms-rk. sanity and consumption, $1.1N a box or six boxfls for S.Oi. Snt by mail on receipt of price. Full particulars in pamphlet sent free to ever' applicant. we Guarantee 6 Boxes to cure anv case. For everv 5 order received we send six boxes and a written traaran tee to refund AfterTaklnir the money if our Specific doea not effect a cure. Addretw all coaamunicatrone to the sole rnanu- lacturere, ine MURRAY MKDICINE CO., Kannnfl City. Mo. Sol in HeDDner bv A. D JOHN8()N A m sole anente. mmmfVQH SCROFULA COUCHS COLDS Wasting Kseases mimmi Wonderful Fiesh Producer. Many liu.v8 gained one pound per day by its uso. Gjott's Emulsion is not a secret teuiodj. It contauiis the stiaiulat ing' properties of the Hypophos phitss uad pure Norwaiou Cod Liver) Oil., the pqlcajy Ci both beinrlrigdy increased. It 13 used by Pijsiciiics all ever the -world. PALATABLE A3 Mii-K. Sclil !i atl X)mfTiists, SC3TT & rjoWHE, Chemists. N.Y. The Portland Oreaonian says: The Snake river steamer Annie Faxon returned to Riparia a few days siooe, after achieving a run never before known m the 0ra of steamboating on that very swift and treacherous waterway, lhe high water which for the past month and a half has prevailed en abled the steamer to stem the rap ids, which have heretofore been consid 'red the bead of navigation. After the rapids were safely passed the steamer reports sailing up an entirely new and magnificent river, with very few treacherous points for a distance of nearly one hun dred miles. The river opened up a superb farming eountry, and on many of the choicest sites were handsome looking farms. The first steamer up the river was greeted by everybody, and the Faxon returned loaded with freight to her guards. The farmers in that country are forced to pay $40 a ton to get their cereals and pro duce out of the country to the nearest railroad station, and the presence of the Faxon seemed a godsend to the residents. OKEGON NEWS. W. H. Byers has been nominated to the senate by the president, as surveyor general for Oregon. Col. Geer, of Burns, has bought the necessary machinery for a roll er flouring mill, making the second flouring mill in tbe thriving capital of Harney county. For . a town wholly isolated from railroads, Burns is doing pretty well. Portland Oregonian says: James Udell, of Hood river, has received an injury that is likely fatal. He was at work on a steep hillside near a place where logs are slid down, A log came down near him struck a sapling about four inches through at the butt, throwing its top to one side with terrible force. The end of the saplin struck him on the side with terrimc force, knocking him several yards down the hill. He was picked up in an insensible con dition and carried to his house. At last reports he was still uncon scious. . Systematic Robbery. Seattlh, Jane 5. I. P. Coombs, custo dian of the funds of the general relief oommittffl, organized after the great fire of a year ago to-morrow, was convicted in the superior conrt to-day of forging the name of one of the oommittee's ben eficiaries by endorsing a cbeok drawn by the committee. Coombs robbed the oommittee most systematically for months, getting in all several thousand dollars, with the assistance of one George Turner, now on the way here from New York in charge of 3 detective. He forged hundreds of dummy applications for re lief and passed them himself. He bad checks drawn by '.be oomittee, and then forged the endorsements of parties for whom the checks were drawn and bad them collected. SCOTT'S X The Fire Fiend Finds Food -L Strikes a Powder House. ightmng HERMANN THANKFUL TO OREGON Hot Weather in New York Systematic Rob bery A Baseball Game Struck by Lightning The "Sheep HaTe Voted" Etc. Etc. WORK OK THE STOKM. Ftttalitiea and Damage Mot an Great aa at First Keported. St. Paul, June 5. Beports of damage from the storm arvnow coming in from various parts of the northwest. In gen-i era! the rain was a benefit, but the wind that acoompanied it in some places and the washouts and floods that resulted from it in others, have caused a loss of many thousands of dollars to the railroad. arm) ana towns. The damage at Bed Wing and Zum- brola, Minn., is very heavy, many dwell ings being ruined by the floods and fam ilies forced to vacate. In Belle creek valley all tbe tracks of the MinneapDolis & St. Louis and Can non Valley division of the Milwaukee railway are destroyed. Cattle pastured on. the bottoms are reported drowned. In some plaoes the tracks are buried 15 feet under earth. Dulutb, Bed Wing and Zumbreta were washed away in many places. Wires are down and nothing very definite oan now be learned. At Hay creek two mill dams buret, sweeping away a large portion of the track and station house. Around Leroy, Minn., the wind was like a cyclone and the damage was great, Chester, Iowa, suffered from the storm which formed near the southeast corner of Oakland township, Howard oounty. It demolished a School house, injuring the teacher and several children, and one fa tally. Several farm houses were partially demolished, and a number of people lightly injured. The report telegraphed from Sioux Falls that lightning had struck tbe Blissman school house, twelve miles southeast of Flandreaa, killing sixteen children, was incorrect. Lightning did strike the building, and the shock stun ned tbe children, but none were seriously injured. St. Louis, June 5. The Republican' York, Neb special save 4a falaliti ia Uhiaxi. -afie " " V vk reacu-.tuteen. The wounedT n e-iiu gemots ballot boxes were have been removed to other towns or into the country. Tbe estimated loss will reaoh $250,000. Of the stricken house holds it is estimated that not 10 per cent will be able to erect roofs oyer their headB, MABSHAL1.TOWN, la., June 5. A report has been received of a violent windstorm, almost a tornado, in Hardin connty. Sev farmhouses and outbuildings were demo 1 ished and considerable livestock killed. All the human beings escaped miracu lously with slight injuries. A Storm Visits Glenwood, Iowa. Counoii. Bluffs, la., June 3. The NonpareiVs Glenwood special says: One of the moat disastrous storms that ever visited this section struck Glenwood early this morning. The state institution for tbe feeble minded was blown down. The roof of the building was crushed by the falling of a smokestack, which tore its way through the building, killing Iwe inmates. Six others were seriously in jured. Lightning Strikes a Powdor House, Mansfield, Ohio, June 3. This afte: noon during a heavy storm, lightning struck Tracy &Avery's powder house con taining over 5000 pounds of powder which exploded, causing a tremendous report, haudreds of windows in the city, being broken, glassware knocked from shelves, and people thrown from their feet. Many buildings in the vicinity were badly wreaked. The dwelling occupied by enry Roost, wife and two children, was destroyed. A six-months' old babe was instantly killed. The mother and tbe other child are thought to be fatally injured. The Village of Loyeland Doomed. Council Bluffs Iowa, June 3 Last Saturday night a cloudburst car ried away a number of houses and build ings. A family was rescued from the tree tops the following morning, while one of them was swept away, Tbe storm which prevailed over this section last night completes tbe demolition of the village. The river, which is swollen by the previous storm, overflowed from last night's rains and carried everything before it, Nothing is left of the hamlet save bouses which stood on high ground. No loss of lite is reported thns far. Destructive Fire. Daggett, Cal.,June 4. At noon to-day fire was discovered in the southeast coi ner of the Capital hotel. A heavy west wind was blowing for the first time n6 months. Everything was done to save the property but within ten minutes tbe fire bad spread west 1500 foot, destroying a large number of buildings. Losses $35,000; insuranoe, 810,000. The cause ot the fire is unknown. The town is now without a hotel or re-taurant and only one saloon. Hermann Is Thankful. Washington, June 4. The announce ment of the Oregon election returns oanses great interest here. Representa tive Hermann is the recipient of cordial and nniversal congratulations among members irrespective of party. He has received numerous telegrams from all parts of the state, and especially from James Lotan, chairman of the republi can state central committee, informing him that be is elected by at lea.t 8000 majority, is exciting much attention among public men and politicians of both parties. Mr. Hermann seems deeply moved by the news from Oregon. He says that such an overwhelming vote of confidence in him by the kind people of Oregon far exceeded his fondest ex pectations. Any man may well feel proud ta be the representative of snch a people, and be will be stimulated to ex ert still greater efforts for bis state in thejature as a proof to his constituents that he appreciates this reminder of their individual and public confidence. I He expresses the hope that when the re turns are in, it will be found that all his associates on the ticket have been likewise elected by large majorities. A Baseball Game Struck bi Lightning. Ceveland, June 5. A heavy rain and hail storm, with lightning and thunder. broke over the city at 4 o'clock this after noon. Hail as larce as hinknrv nni, ihii. tered window glass and did other dam agii At tQe- grounds of the baseball 'iea'giK) lightning struck a flagstaff on tbe grand stand, and three or four persons were prostrated by the shock. A minute after the first shook a second one tore np the grass of the diamond, and the thoroughly-frightened spectators were then thrown almost into a panic. Lightning also struck a bouse under construction on Wilson avenue, and Wm. Clark, a carpenter, and five other men were knocked to the ground, bat it did not seriously injure tbera. Earlier in the day the heat was almost unbearable and several persons were sunstruok. Refused to Dismiss the-'Cases. Seattle, June 3. In the United States district court to-day Judge Han ford re fused to dismiss the celebrated cases against ex-Special Customs Agent Beecher, at Port Townsend, son of Hen ry Ward Beecher. UDon renort nf TTnitirl States Attorney Winston that he had oeen authorized by the dsnartment of justice to enter nolle in these cases. South Carolina Election Laws are Unconstitu tional. Washington, June 3. The majority report in the case of Miller vs. Elliot, from the Seventh South Carolina district was submitted to tbe bouse committee on elections to-day. The report is some what sensational in that it declares that the entire South Carolina registration and election laws are unconstitutional. The basis for this declaration is that the state law imposes a number of restric tions upon the exercises of the right of suffrage which are in conflict with the state constitution. The report also states that a number of negroes have been compelled by poverty, while await ing maturing of their cotton crops to ne gotiate their registration certificates to traders, who immediately sent them to political headquarters, with the result that negroes are permanently disfran- separated in the cases of each offioe, and that voters were deceived by the inten tional shift of boxes, so that the judges of election were able to throw out all of the ballots oast in the wrong boxes. Summing up it is found that taking the position most favorable to sitting mem bers, the oonteetant, Miller, had a ma jority of 755, while if the law is strictly followed his minority would reach 1443. Wilson of Missouri, will prepare a mi nority report. The Law Will Be Enforced Wshington, June 3. Census Super intendent Porter to-day called the atten tion of the department of justice to viola tions reported to him of two seotions of the oensus law. One imposes a penalty for refusing to answer the census ques tions ; the other penalty for refusal on the part of enumerators to perform tbe duties after taking the oath. Up to noon he received information of twenty-five cases of persons in different parts of the country who refuses to furnish any in formation, and Porter's intention is to prosecute with vigor all violations of the law reported to him. To Prevent the Captnrd of Lower California San Diego, Cal., June 5. A rumor is afloat this afternoon that advices have been received to the effeot that the Mex ican government had requested the gov ernment of the United States to send a regiment to San Dieg to prevent any probable or possible oonspiraoy to cap tare Lower California being carried oat. Chinese in Jail. San Francisco, June 5. Fifteen more Chinese, who were remanded by the court commissioner in Los Angeles, arrived in this city to-day and were sen t to the Almeda oounty jail to await tbe sailing of the next steamer for China They were caught trying to enter the United States over the Mexican border. Suing Ex-City Treasurers, Chioaqo, June Q. Suits were began to-day in the name of tbe city against four ex-city treasurers and their bonds men to recover interest paid them on city funds and not deposited in the city treas ury. - The suits cover a period from 1881 to 1899, and the amount claimed is 8500,000. " The Sheep Have Voted. San Francisco, June 4. The Chroni cle this morning says : "In 1888 a disgusted California demo crat who went to Oregon to help Cleve land declared after election that the sheep had voted the republican ticket. It looks, judging bom tbe majority given Binger Hermann, republican representa tive, as though the sheep had voted again this year. The simple fact is, Oregon is protectionist and republican, and that nothing can Induce the people of the state to be deluded by the sophistries of democracy and free trade. The Examiner has the following : The Oregon election wilt have nonnirl. erablc effect in the east. Itwillstrengthen tbe bands of those republicans that have been resisting the MoKinley maroh to ward the system recently outgrown by the Chinese, of considerable provision. The ailing infant tariff bill is likely to have a considerably harder time in the senate than jt would have had if Pen noyer had been beaten by 7000 majority. The Posf this evening contains this: "Oregon, in deolaring onoe more for the protective policy, speaks for a majority of the Americjp"-lie." 2 raa&Bt Cures HURTS. I, UTS, SPRAINS, BRUISES. RHEUMATISM. STJACOBSOIj TRADE tKl MABIcVi FOR RHEUMATISM. Sutr.r.d N.arlr Thirty Y.ara. . lin m. Chester St., Baltimore, Md. For nearly 80 yeara 1 Buffered with rheuma- i3u iu arm ana snouiaer; couia not lilt my arm. Lea than two bottles of St. Jacobs OU vurcuwe. W H. H&ESON. THE CHARLES . V0GELER CO.. RaMmera. Ml How Chinese are Smuggled Across the Korder- Washington, June 3. A. Willard, U- a. consul at Lruavmas. Mexico, in n lat ter transmitted to the senate to-day, re ports tbe arrival of one hundred aud eleven more Chinamen at Mazatlan Thirty-nine Chinamen whose arrival at Guaymas was reported in a previous let ter, Willard states, have left Guaymas for towns in Sonora, near the United States frontier, and are awaiting an opportunity to cross the border. Uuited States officers were notified. Levy W. Meyers, United States consul at Victoria, B.-C., tells how twenty-two Chinamen were undoubtedly smuggled into the United States by the steamer North Star. The Chinmen were taken on board of the vessel about midnight, and, although the Canadian collector had men watching her, she slipped out of the harbor in safety, and managed to elude the pursuing tug sent after her. Th price charged for this work is twenty dollars per head. Meyers says, "If this practice is not stopped, more cutters must be placed on the Sonnd, and spies must be employed to aid the Canadian authorities. Died of Hydrophobia. Albuqurque, N. M., June 4. Antonio Montoyo died at El Rito last night from hydrophobia, making the third death in .the month from bites of a mad unvote in Delman's cattle camp. During tha night while the men were asleep, a coyote with the rabies entered the camp, biting four men. Two died several days after being jjitten, but Montovo linoo ;.-. .t.v- ,ja u nau lerrioie con vulsions, frothing at the mouth continu ally. Tbe fourth man is sick and the doo tors fear he will also die. Hot Weather in New York. New York, June 5. Exceedingly hot weather prevailed this afternoon, follow ed by furious lightning and wind storm. Two men were fatally hurt and others slightly injured. A fire destroyed twentv-eieht houses in the village of St. J acme. De Lachin, Canada, one day last week. The police have expelled eiehtv- four Prussians and AustrianB from Warsaw, Russia. A telegram from Ellensburg May 4, says: California buyers bought $25,000 worth of wool here this week, paying 16 cents a pound spot cash. Wool was sold at the same time last year at 12 cents a pound. Two Trains Daily Between Portland and Spokane Falls. Effective May 11th, 1890, the Union Pa cific System will establish two daily trains between Portland and Spokane Falls. Pullman Palace Sleepers and Reclining Chair oars will be ran between Portland and Spokane Falls without change. lliis new arrangement will allord both local and through passengers additional and unsurpassed facilities. Tickets, de tailed time of trains, and general inform ation, can be obtained upon application to any ticdet agent Union Pacmc System 75-79. T. W. Lee, Gen'l Pass Agent NOTICE OF INTEimOJN. Laud Office at La Grande, Or., May 19. m Notice is herebv civen that the folliwm named settlor has filed notice cf bis intention to make nnaJ proof in support of his claim, and that (mi d nmof will ha ttirHa hAfnm the Rmintv clerk of Morrow count?, at Heppner, Oregou, on tiuiy h iowt viz: William A. Martin. D. 8. No. 7989. for the 8 V. NW . N V. SV ! 8ec.-TD. 5 8. R29E. lie names tnetoiiowinfr witnesses to piuve nia continuous residence udod. ana cultivation of said land, via i David A ,! Herren. W. R. Casey. Robert Mattenun and Edgar fllatteson, all of Heppner, Oregon. 74-79 Henby Rhinkhart, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Offloe at The Balles, Or., May 22, '90. Notic- is hereby given that the following-namea settler tas tiled notice of his intention to make nnal proot in support ot his claim, and that said proof will be made before the conntv indue of Morrow county, at HeDDner. Or., on July 12, 1890 viz: Hiram Tosh, Hd. No. 1839, for the 8W !4 Bee. 29. Tp. 4 8, of B. 25 E. . He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence npon. and cultivation of, said land, viz: red foppen, virgu a. Stephens, John x. More land and Lewib D. Allen, all of Hardm in. Oregon. 75-99 JOHN w. jewx9, if agister NOTICE OF INTENTION. Iund Office at The Dallea. Or.. May 3, '90. Votive is hnrehv criven that the followin'named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make Anal proof in support or nis ciaim, ana mat said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on June 14th, 1890, viz: A. ti. nooh-er, uxani juiie. ur.. fid. 163tt, for the SE 8ec. 7, Tp. 48. R. 24 E.W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiv. tion of, said land, viz: M. H, Swearengin, J. H. Inskeep, Eight Mile ; W. M. Ingram, C. A. Repass, OooBeberry. 72-77 John W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. lnd Office at The Dalles Or.. May K. HQ. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler haB tiled notic of bis intention to make nal proof in support of his claim, and that said roof wiii be made before the connty judge of 'arrow county. 13, 10, viz; - Andrew uariaon, Hd No. 1355. for the N 8W. and 84 NWM See. 8, Tp. 3 8. R. 24 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: Peter Brenner, Jacob Jones, Olof BergstroB and John Peterson, all of Eight Mile. Or. 76-81. JOHN W. LiKWiB, KegiBter. 5 PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! LOTYS II The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackmail & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots" the largest assorted stock of General Merchandiser To be Found Among the Lais' Dress Goods, Garments,. TrioiniiiM, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suitevery body both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in Sheep Dip Tobacco. A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the public that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand.. Hides and Pelts Bought r - Parties ;,fronv Lqn&Cree, totMibOTelfse:""" ' where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices within the reach" of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buvers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. blumbia Brewery Depot, vVUG UST B lJCril.K R, ."Proprietor, Of the Columbia Brewery, at The Dalles, would counties that he has leased from John B. Natter the City Brewery in Heppner, and has established a depot at the well known stand, for the sale of the best Lager Beer and Porter, either in the keg or bottled, which he will be pleasel to supply customers! n any quantity wholesale and retail. The Public are invited to call and examine his stock ivith the assurance that they will find it first-class. The Heppner Depot will be in charge fully supply all orders. Where can you Candies, Nuts, Notions, FOR THE LEAST MONEY? WHY, AT Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's, and next door to the Rea Restaurant. Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style. Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the Choicest Goods. MRS. OTIS PATTEKSON, Proprietor. n P ISO'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For Cold in the Head It is an Ointment, of which a small particle is applied f 1 to the nostrils. Price, 50c. Sold by druggists or sent 1 1 by mail. Address, E. T. Hazelttne, Warren, Pa. ' I TP LED ! East of Portland. Latest Novelties are called :sa.x.'5 Best'.' Is unsurpassed for durability. Sulphur. Lime. Ire, Burrell & Co.'s Ag for Cash and Trade. inform the citizens of Morrow and surround in of Mr. Dan Osmere, who will cheer- get the Most Cigars, T ohaccos, Ik -Where did you Say ? "THE MODEL," it has no equal.