THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, JCNE 5, 1890 Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. No. 21, mix-d, lfHvw H-wnr 7:15 a. m. itt'K " arnv-H " jj. m., daily .- Sunday. f CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. KtHga leaves for Chdvoo City daily. ici? t Sunday, at G :30 a. m. rnves daily, except Sunday, at C. W. L'.mls.r & Co., 420, Fifth St., :ird. Or., are n''.orized to make c'tipiT'K contract for tbe Gazettk. ey will ais nulte collections fur this RANDOM KCHAKKS. Job printing al Pendleton prices at 4 tlie Gazette oilioe. A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc., at E. J, Sloenm's drug store. Itasmim. th dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. Mat. Licbtenthal will open your eyes i in prices of his boots and shoes. You Duv mem no cneaper in i-oriianu. The Newton wagon, backs and other chicles, the largest stock in Heppner, can lie found at Gilliam A Bisliee's. Call on tbein. Before purchasing your house furnish ings, call on Gilliam & Bisbee. They also do tin-rooliug at tbe lowest figures. The $4 Buckingham & Heoht, men's shoe will not rip. Best in tbe market for tbe price. Buy them at M. Licbten tbal's. Gilliam & Bisbee have added a stock of fine mat-bine oils. Remember them when yon need anything in this line. Go to Mat. JJehtetitbal's for the Lud low ladies' shoes. Every pair warranted. Also "Fargo" 82.50 ladies' kid shoe. The best shoe for the money in tbe mar ket. Do you want some dried veiiisou? Go to J. VV. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store for it, and everything else in their lines. The most complete stock of groceries in Heppner. Coflirn & McFurland have made a lib eral offer iu presenting customers with a beatiful bound volume for every 825 irth of goods purchased in the line of ry goods, boots, shoes, etc. Itoberts & Himnris are urooared to re- imir broken atrnoiiltnral machinery, suoe your horse, and in fact there is nothing in the blacksmithiug line that they are not able to do. The Standard Mower, for sale by Gil liam A Bisbee, bus all the latest improve ments front cut, and is arranged for cutting over either rough or level ground. Their "six-foot" mower is guaranteed to run as light hb any '-three-foot" machine in tbe market Teamtsekh. Get a box of Maud S. rapid Harness Menders at Leezer & Thompson's and be reauy for accidents. Try them once and you will never do without them. All those in want of mowers, reapers and rakes, call on Van Duyn, sole agent for the celebrated Osborne, of Auburn, New York, best in the world. Call and examine, Guarantee satisfaction. Easi- ADDITIO.NAL LOCALS. Bnnanns at the "Model." Ice cream at the "Model." Fresh candies just in, the choicest stock iu Heppner. The "Estaella," "Dirugo Club" and other fine cigars alwavs in stock at the "Model." Ail kinds of soft drinks at the "Model." Try their soda and sarsapaiilla. In fact the "Model" is tbe only oigar, tobacco and confectionary store in town. They make a specialty in these lines. The Grande dining roora.of Arlington, is now nnder the snperior management of Chapman & Freemau. It is tbe place to stop when you are in that town. Good beds in oouneotion. The Grande was for merly known as theSanford House. 72tf Messrs. Brown & Hamilton will attend toour local collections Theeditor has not the time to spare to look after that branch of the business, which is quite an essential one. When yon pass through Long Creek, rtup with Frank Waterbnry at the Har iisty House. The table is always sup plied with the best in the market. The "Model" can fumish parties with ice in small quantities. RETORT OF THE CONDITION . Of the National Hank of Heppner at Heppner, in the State of Oregon, at the close of business, Man 17, ISM. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $113,421.1(1 Overdrafts secured aud unse cured 3,072.10 U. S. bonds to secure circula tion 12,500.00 Stocks, securities, judgments, olaims, etc '.. 3,531.65 Due from approved reserve agents 20,878.30 Due from other Nut. Banks. . . 15,0av58 ttankiughnnse. furniture, and fix. 2,110.30 Current ex. and taxes paid... 2,227.15 Premiums on U. S. bonds 3.200.00 Checks and other cash items. . 622.94 :m- . u....i,. Arvm rm in iiui xiiiiiv3 - Fractional paper curreuey, i nickels, and oeuts 2.93: Specie 11,642.95 Legal-tender notes 1,050.00 . Redemption fund witu (.'. a. Treasurer (5 per cent, of cir culation) . . 62-50 TOTAL $200,272.86 ! LIABILITIES. Capital stock paid in 8 Surplus fund Undivided profits Nat. Bank notes outstanding.. Individual deposits subject to check , -. I"emand certificates of deposit 11., a fa. ntlw.r Xsit. banks 50.000.00 2.728.69 4.4IV4.64 11,250.00 102,318.46 7.019 53 2.636.25! v..tua n. I hills nvdisMimited 19.855.29 ToT.vti 8200,272 8t State of Oreoon, I County or Morrow, $ I, Ed. R. Bishop, Cashier ot the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the abve statement is true to the beet ot my knowledge and belief. Ed It. Bishop, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3ist dav of Mav. ISsiO. A. A. Rohksts Notary Public Correct Attest: Win. Penlaod, E.R. Swit.burne and Nelson Jones, Directors. A Summer Friksd Wright's Biaek- j ijso Dandelion Tonic, Relieves" oonsti brry Cordial. Once usl always used. I pation, sharpens tbe appetite and tones Reliable and prompt. Pleasant to take. ! np the entire system. Get the genaine Indispensible for summer troubles. Here and There. O. Fleming in over from Haystack. John Bennett is back to Heppner. J, B. Hunt leaves to-day for Gray's Harbor. Arlington lost tbe county seat by 136 majoiity. F. O. Bucknnm was in town over Sunday. T. A. Hudson was up from Tbe Dalles last .Sunday. H. A. Cupper was over from Monu ment last week. J. J. Roberts, tbe well-known black smith, is quite sick. Showers last week did much toward re viving grain and grass. Miss Maggie Rea returned from Port land on last Thursday. Born In Heppner, on tbe 2d inst., to the wife of A. D. Johnson, a boy. Born In Heppner. on the 3d inst., to tbe wife of W'm. McAtee, a girl. Billy Morrow drives a stallion wbicb is something for speed, as well as looks. Born to the wife of Mat Licbten thal, on the 2!, ult., a girl. Weight 15 pounds. Teachers' examination was held in Heppner last week. Ten applicants ap plied for certificates. The democratic party are sure to hold Morrow's offices for tbe next four years. They deserve their success. Waldren Rhea got borne last Satnrday from Corvallis where he has been at tending school the past winter. D.D. Earp, who was over from Pendle ton recently, compliments Heppner on gaining tbe Long Creek trade. While tbe excitement ran high in Heppner, od election day, all was qaiet not a single disturbance occurring. The work on the artesian well is pro gressing nicely. At present they are down 40 feet, and the rock is quite bard. Mr. John Kerns is now with R. A. Ford, aud are prepared to do anything in the line of painting and paper bang ing. 76-lt. Hood's Sarsaparilla enres catarrh by expelling impurity from tbe blood, wbioh is the cause of the complaint. Give it a trial. Hon. W. F. Matlock telegraphs bis brother, Ed. of this place, that he is elected senator of Umatilla by over 300 majority. Nat. Webb has sent twobandsVif sheep to summer in Mount Adams county. They are in charge of Chas. Elder and Jeff Hayes. Tbe election is now over, and the Ga zette proposes to devote more space to local interests and improvements and less to politics. Tbe Gazette congratulates our demo cratic friends for their personal success, and believes that they will prove faithful and honest officers. Jake Johnson was in Heppner this week to look after the state of tbe wool market. Crops are looking well in bis, section but need rain. Chris. Hrlpin and wife bad a regular row last Satnrday night and wound np in the city jnil. The matter was adjust ed before the recorder. Decoration Day as properly observed at Lexington last Friday, quite a nnm-ber.i-f cur people attending. A social hop was given that evening. Hon. Geo. W. McHaley was over from Prairie City la9t week, looking after his political interests here. We fonnd him to be a very pleasant gentleman. Whiokt's Jamaica Ginger Strictly Pure. An excellent remedy for cramps, colic and where a tonic for the stomach is required. Sold by A. D. Johnson. The Gazette's republican wing is very consistently named "pants." The democratic side is more hopeful and believes that Blackman is elected. Have von sheeD in tbe mountains ? If so, you can buy your supplies at Long Creek, of Conger & Hirsobberg, at Hepp ner prices, with freight added. 75-76 Martin Anderson has returned from Malheur in good health. He finds little work over there, large numbers of sheep having perished in last winter's storm. TT . XTT T CHI. 1 1. .1 I. la at Satura"ayr" 'We nWcirTn"lEe tjregontan ' that he is given credit with delivering the best campaingn speech of the season at Eugene, Oregon. Scrofulous eruptions, such as pimples disooloration of the skin, especially on the face, are caused by impure blood and will disappear rapidly by using Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. Rawlins Post, G. A. R., of Lexington, would like to have all old soldiers of Heppner to unite with their post They promise to divide time of holding meet ings with the members here, should they choose to unite. Once in Seven Years The body is renewed. The blood mnst have the elements of vitality. Wright's Com pound Syrupof Sarsaparilla cleanses and enriches the blood, and gives a uew im petus to life. Sold by A. D. Johnson. Col. Nevius, of The Dalles, addressed an audience of republicans and demo crats at Heppner last Thursday eve, in the interest of the republican party. He was to speak at this place on Wednes day, but failed to arrive on account of a wreok between Arlington and The Dalles. Maokey, the photographer of the traf fio Northwest, will photograph from June 5 to June 20, and will guarantee the very best work. Extra work done over eaoh picture. Cloudy weather just as good and favorable as fair weather. Avail yourselves of the opportunity to corue early so your work can be finished. Prices from 83 50 to 84.00 per dozen. II. front of Matlock's store near the bank. H. C. Mackev. manager. 76-8. THE NEW DISCOVERY. Yon have heard your friends and neighlors talking about it. Yon may yourself be one of tbe many wbo know from personal experience just how good a thing it is. If you have ever tried it, yon are one of its stannnh friends, be cause the wonderful thing about it is, that when once given a trial, Dr. King's New Disi overy ever holds a place in the ho'.ise. If you have never used it and should be afflicted with a cough, cold or any Throat Lung, or Chest trouble, Se oul e a bottle at once and give it a fair trial. It is guaranteed every time, or money refunded, rnal ixitties x-reo A. D. Johnson A Co's Drugstore. at THE RAINFALL. The following table shows tbe preeip- ! itation from the 1st day of June 1889 up I to the 3l8t day of May 1S90, inclusive, befog the first t .velve months of wbioh any record has been kept at Heppner. Month. Inches and hundredths. June 1889 , 0.66 July 0.12 0.10 0.16 0.88 0.55 1.25 1.13 1.37 2.75 0.39 0.71 i Aug. I Sept. Oct. Nov. lc Jan- 1890.. I Feb. ! March " i April My Total.. 10.08 TAKE IT BEFORE BREAKFAST j The great appetizer, touio and liver reg i ulator. In use for more than 50 years in Ensrland. Posititive specific for liver oomol iint. Bud taste in tbe month on arising in the morning, dull pains in the head and back of the eyes, tired reeling, dizzioess. languor symptoms of liver romolaiot. Remedy Dr. Henley's Eng- from your druggist for SI. and take ac- ANYTHING TO BEAT- BLACKMAN. Ia the midst of defeat the Gazette has some victory. The election of Blackmau is conceded. Some of our people said "that damn Swinburne organ is taking too much interest in Blackman." "His goose is cooked. We will let his case go by default." Tbe Budget howled "no self respecting man will vote tor a bi-toned Jew, much less a common one." That "barb wire and bacon story" was turned loose. "He is lieutenant of the Swinburne olique." "The Gazette supports the straight republican county ticket, an 1 Blackman is in bad company." "We mnst knock bim ont." "To tell the truth, we know he is rnstler, and tbe man we need in the legislature, but we will teli lieson him." "Yet Blackman carries Morrow county by 79 majority. How did it happen." THE FIRST STEP. Perhaps you are run down, can't eat can't sleep, can't think, can't do any, thing to your satisfaction, aud you won der what ails you. You should beed tbe warning, you are taking the first step in to Nervous Prostration. You need a Nerve Tonic and in Eleotric Bitters you will find tbe exact remedy for restoring your system to its normal healthy con dition. Surprising results follow the use of this great Nerve Tonic and Altera tiva Your appetite returns, good diges tion is restored, and the Liver and Kid neys resame healthy action. Try a bot tle. Price 60o. at A. D. Johnson A Go's Drugstore. Umatilla Democrats. A telegram from Umatilla county states that tbe en tire county and legislative ticket is elect ed. Tbe canvass up there bas been de oidedly wanner than Morrow's, although ours was decidedly interesting. THE STANDARD. "I regard Hood's Sarsaparilla as hav ing passed abovo the grade of what are commonly called patent or proprietary medicines," said a well known physi cian recently. "It is fully entitled to be considered a standard medicine, and has won this position by its undoubted mer it and by the remarkable cures it has effected. For an alterative and tonic it has never been equalled." New Town. A. G. Bartholemew has returned from Little Potts where be says there is considerable excitement over the newly discovered mines. One man who owns a ranch in the mineral district has refused $10,000 for it. A petition is out for a postoffioe, and Mr. Bartholemew will put in a store iu tbe near future. A town is being laid oat, and if the mines prove as they appear. Little Potts will be a booming place. The Best Remedy. Wright's Para gon Headache Remedy for headache and neuralgia. Harmless, tasteless, no bad effects. Stops pain in five minutes. Sold b- A. D. Johnson. ELECTION MATTERS. The latest returns from the state in dicate the election of the entire repub lican state ticket by handsome majori ties, with tbe exception of Governor Peunoyer, who is undoubtedly elected bv propably 3000 majority, Hermann's majority wiil probably reach about 9000. Too republicans, it is olaimed, have elected two-thirds of the members of the legislature. The returns show that Ore gon is a republican state. SLEEPLESSNESS. DR. FLINTS REMEDY is tbe beat remedy known for insomania, or sleep lessness, which aflVcts so many persons, and which leads to many serious ner vous diseases, particularly to insanity. Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or or RfMresi Mac k Drug Co., N. Y. DIED. In Hepwier on the 29th ult., Mrs. the 29th Ouey, wife of Charles Oney. Her death is much regretted by her friends here, as well as where they formerly V-e$ in Wast f min accom panied by the sorrowing husband, were sent for mterrment to Garnett, Kansas, where tbey formerly resided. THE ELECTION. -The eleotion last Monday passed off quietiy and orderly, notwithstanding the bitter reeling woicu naa grown up between the two republican factions. The vote at Heppner was large aud warmly contested. Scratching was done in profusion ou both sides. The state ticket was almost ignored in the con test for county officers. The democrats, with the aid and support given by re publicans, elected their entire ticket ex cept the superintendent of schools. The West Shore has improved at since tbe first copy of tbe weekly wa issued, and it is now tbe handsomest i lustrated weekly in the United States Its pictures of western scenes are of special iuterest, its general contents are interesting and valuable. Every bouse on the Pacifio coast should receive the West Shore regularlv. L. Samuel, Pnblisher, Portland, Oregon. 84.00 a year. Mr. Tbeo. Dauner has a photo of our Main street as it appeared one day last week crowded with teams for Long Creek. Charles, Hastings, of The Dalles, is in Heppner, aud is prepared to give lessees no any kind of band or reed instru ments. 76-4t. Mrs. Gilliam is erecting a very neat residence on Swinburne street. Born To the wife of Dau Slalter, on Balm Fork, on tbe 1st inst, a boy. REPORT OF THE CONDITION Of the First National Bank at Hepp ner, in the State of Oregon, at the Close of Business. May 17, if'(. RESOURCES. Loans and discounts $134,842.29 Overdrafts secured and unsecured 7,723.61 U. S. Bonds to seoure circula tion 12.500.00 Due from approved reserve agents 4,294 34 Due from other National banks 19,422.49 Due from State Banks and bank ers 2,803.51 Banking-house furniture and fixtures 3772.08 Curreut expenses and taxes paid....: 2,331.47 Premiums on U. S. bonds 8,000.00 Bills of other Banks 20.00 Fractional paper ourrency, ' nickels and cents. J x? Specie 17,685.30 Legal-tender notes o.OO Redemption fund with TJ. S. Treasurer (5 per cent, ot circulation) 562 50 Total 8208,964.57 LIABILITIES. Capital stookpaidin 8 50.000.00 Surplus fund 12,000.00 Undivided profits 4,673.64 National Bank Notes outstand ing 11,250.00 Tnrliindnnl denosits subiect to cheok 107.538.45 Demand certificates of deposit 7,627-72 Time certificates of deposit 8,627 51 Due to other Nationul Banks. . 7,247.25 Total 8208,964.67 State of Oregon, i M County of Morrow, j I, George Conser, Cashier of the above named bank, do solemnly swear that the above statement is true to tbe best of my knowledge and belief. Geo. Conser, Cashier. Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4tU day of June, 1890. Otis Patterson, Notary Public for Oregon. Correct- -Attest; C. A. Rhea, James P. Rhea and Frank Kellogg, Directors. ARLINGTON NOTES. Senator Hilton was iu town yesterday, j Arthnr Coffin paid a visit to Portland but returned iu time to cast his vote. The body of Mrs. Oney was put aboard the east bound train Sunday noon. Geo. McCready has about 100 sacks of wool waiting above the mouth of Piae creek to be shipped to this burg. Sunday a huge barge from Columbus, Wash., en route to Pasco, struck a rook opposite Arlington and was beached. She is 100 feet long, 24 feet wide and has a mast 56 feet from tbe deck. A party of our townspeople went to the Indian races and had a very enjoya ble time, tbe principal item of interest being a race between Stanley Coffin and a siwash, 100 yards. Stanley's long legs served him in good stead, landing him 20 yards ahead ot his opponent. Maiu street presented an unwonted ap pearance of activity yesterday, specula tion being rife as to what would be the result of this precinct, but suspense at an end just before 2 o'clock, when the following was annonnced : For congress, Hermanu, 146; Millar 79. For governor, Thompson, 121; r eunoyer, 105. For secretary of state, McBride, 138. Tonnsend, 88. For state treasurer, Met acban, 143; Webb 84. For supreme judge, Bean, 139; Bonham,8S. For superintend ent of public instruction, McElroy, 136; LeRoy, 88. For state printer, Baker 139; O'Brien, 88. For prosecuting attorney, 7th judicial district, Wilson, 133; Dufur, 90. GILLIAM COUNTY TICKET. For representative, Steuver, 106; Mul key, 112. For county judge, Mariner, 158; Darling. 56. For sheriff, Sanderson, 130; Wiloox85. For county olerk, Lucas, 132; Keeney, 85 For oounty commission er, Edwards, 131; McQninn, 85. For county treasurer, Hart 77 ; Ewing, 140. For assessor. Mason 136; Dunn, 81. For school superintendent, Kennedy, 109, Parke 107. For surveyor, Hurlburt, 139; Wick, 85. For coroner, Hankens, 139; Easton, 88. For oounty seat, Arlington, ' 214; Condon. 6. BIiALOCKS PRECINCT. For congress, Hermann, 31; Miller 13. For supreme judge, Bean 31; Bonham 13. For governor, Thompson, 26; Pennoyer, 18. For secretary of state, MoBride, 31 ; Townsend, 13. For state treasurer, Metschan, 31; Webb, 13. For superinten dent of public instruction, McElroy, 31; LeRoy, 13. For proseouting attorney, seventh judicial district, Wilson, 31; Dufur, 13. COUNTY. For representative, Steuver, 32; Mul key, 11. For county judge, Mariner, 34; Darling, 8. For oouuty commissioner, Edwards, 30 ; McGuinn, 12. For sheriff, Sanderson, 31; Wilcox, 12. For oounty olerk, Lucas, 37 ; Keeuey, 7. For county treasurer, Hart, 24; Ewing 20. For assessor, Mason, 28; Dunn, 15. For school , superintendent, Kennedy, 31 : Parker, 13. For surveyor, Hurlburt, 30 Wick, 14. For coroner, Hankins, 28; Dr. Easton, 16. For oounty-. seat, Arlington, 40; Condon, 4. The World Enriched. The facilities of tbe present day for the production of everything that will con duce to the material welfare aud comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Tigs was first produced the "world was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy -which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the taste and prompt aud effectual to cleanse the system gently iu the Spring time or, iu fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. Advertised Letters List of Letters advertised at the post- office at Heppner, Or. June 2, 1890. In calling for for them please say adver tised : Argus. Bub M'gr Cummins, Michael Coffee, Miss Belle Carrier, M. J. Frost, Merit S Henderson. H. Li. Kivette. B. C MurreU, M. De Mifern. Kita Messinee. Chas. Parsons. H. F. Sweeney, Arthur J. Tomer. Geo. E. Vajglui, J. W. , Bowser, Esq., John Connor, T. J. Cox. A. B. Dnstin, Elias Garen, Mr. Harris. Tom R. Niebahr, Christ MctjinuiB, James Malone Frank Paviatt. J. H. Reasoaer.Koyal F. Sweeny, H. TJrin. William WeUer, Mi Hadf parcels: Wrench, Wm. Hnnter, T. C. Mrs. Jennie Kea A. M-ALLORY, P. M. Heppner, Or., June 2. 1890. Dyspepsia Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick headache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone" feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregii laxity of the bowels, are DlStrOSS some of the more common After symptoms. Dyspepsia does not get well ot itself. It Eating requires careful, persistent attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which acta gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus Sick overcoming the local symp- -u toms removes the sympa- HeaaaCIlO thetic effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. " I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat u . distressed me, or did me riean" jttl6 m -m hour bum after eating I would expe rience a falntness, or tired, all-gone feeling, as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a SOUT room with fresh paint. Last e spring I took Hood's Sarsa- OTOmacn rilla took three bottles. It did me an immense amount ot good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." George A. Page, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by aU druggists. Si; six for fS. Prepared only by C.I. HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar THE CRY OF MILLIONS! OH, TOY BACK! STOP IT HOW, SOON IT WIIL BC TOO LATE. I have been troubled many years with disease of the kidneys and have tried many different remedies and have sought aid from different physicians without relief. About the 15th of April I was suffering from a very violent attack that almost prostrated me in .ch. manner I was bent Over. When I sat down it was almost impossible for me to get up alone, or to put on my clothes when irinH Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the OREGON KIDNEY TEA, to my hotel. I immediately commenced k-using the tea. It had an almost miraculous enect, ana 10 we khuo ishmentof all the guests at the hotel, in a few days, I am happy to state, that I was a new man. . I will recommend the tea to all afflict as x nave oecn. G. A. TUPPER, Proprietor Occidental Hotel, Santa Rosa, Cal. Fabcr's Golden Female Pills.. For Female Irregular Itivts: uothiuzlikethem on the market. iWrer faiL Success fully used by prominent ladies monthlv. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SURE! SAFEf CERTAIN! Don't be humbugged. Save Time, a eaua, and money ;tkke no oth er. ftPTit. to any address. secure by mail on re ceipt ot price, uu. Address, THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, western Branch, Box 27, PORTLAND, OK Sold bv A. D. Johnson & Co.. Sol AjrenU for Heppner. AS 2 , INT OKDERIXG :Froxu: HALE BROS. & CO. You Can Depend Upon Getting, oo 1. Your order filled witn pleainsg promptness. 2. The same prices and attention as though you were at their counters. 3. Lower prices on the whole than FREE. OUR NEW elsewhere. They allow7 no one to undersell them. 4. Courteous and satisfactory treat ment. Goods may be exchanged; or money refunded where satisfac tion is not given. 5. The best styles. They carry no unsalable goods, 6. The benefits of their dealings di rect with manufacturers. It makes small prices. FASHION BOOK AND PRICE LIST, 100 PAGES. m 5LE Bf(0S. GO., -DEALERS IN- DB Y GOODS, CLOTHING, SHOES, HATS, Nos. 825 to 835, K Street, FURNITURE! ltill Stock Now on Hand. Latest Styles oriel Bot tom. Prices! Repa iring and Job TERMS, C. M. MALLOET, M. S,--'J..2- . f - i . ilvsiThe Special attention paid to fine MAIN STEEET, REGISTERED : No. 1215 in Norman Percheron Hook u. .- and 1M4 in the French Peroheron book of France. Hire, mouton imu, v. S. B. He bv French Monaroh, 734 in F. P. S. B., 205 in the A. P. 8. B. and 350 in F. D. 8. B.; out of Margaorete by Cow; by Mesle-Snr-Sarthe, through the genealogy as found in the stud book (Peroberonne De France.) and stnd book Des Chevaox De Trait Franows. We find SULTAN comes from the most fashion able strains ot ancestors in all France, COLOR, BLACK. Is nine years old; weight 1,800; will make the season at Rock Creek, four miles south of Hardman, at COX & ENGLISH'S nusrcH, SULTAN can show the finest colt from yearlings to four-year-olds, of any horse ever imported into Oregon. TIT T) TTC . $20 to insure ; $10 season. Pasture famished free. AH care -1 i-lVlV10 . wjij taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible if any should oocur, or mares get out of pasture. t FOR SALE. A good stock or sheep ranoh contain ing over 1,700 acres. Ail under fence, two large springs of running water, two good houses and other improvements, good accessto outside range. 430 acres deeded. Inquire of Warner Bros., Eoho, Oregon, ' 74-7? Fresh vegetable at the Mode, BV MAIL NOTIONS AND HOUSEHOLD SUPPLIES. Sacramento, Cal. FURNITURE!! fork a CASH. LICHTENTHAL, -SOLE AGENT FOB- Specialty. HEPPNER. OR. Buckingham & Heclit's $4 CALF SHOES, . . . ,i Button. Lace or Congress. Every pair Warranted. xlso an extensive line of the celebrated Buckingham & Hecht boots always on hand. Largest Stock in East- ern uregon custom work. Opposite City Hotel, HEPPNER, OEEGON. Norman Perecheron, Imported by DILLON BROS., NORMAL, ILLS , Dec. 1813. Legal Blanks. The Gazette job of. fice is getting out a catalogue and price list ot legal blanks which will include all kinds. Send n yoor order. We du plicate Pendleton or Portland prices. The following discounts are allowed for large orders ; $5 to $10, 20 per cent, off; $10 to $20, 25 per oent off; $20 and over, 33 per oent. off. FOR THE SPOT CASH Yon, Will Fiml that Yon Can Get the Moat Goods of the Samo Cluss for tbe.LeASt Money at J. W. Matlock & Co.'s New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink When They Say they Keep a Complete Stock They Mean It. See tor Yourself. The Most Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods, Meats, Salt, Glassware and Queensware, Anything and Everything. DON'T FORGET THE NEW STORE, MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON ;a horse ; will travel well when sliocl "by ROBERTS i SIMONS, Grenex'al Blacksmiths & ITariers. REPAIRING MOWERS A SPECIALTY. HorsesUQBing S4.00 per 0TA FIRST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDS MatlocllCornor, MaiiiStreet, Heppner, Ox- SPBIlj GOODS. MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES This Popular Millinery Establishment has a Fresh and Nent Stock Just Open for Inspection at the . Hands of the Public. New Hats! New Styles! New Prices!' LADIES' FURNISHINGS A SPECIALTY ! MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES, PROPRIETORS STew Livery and Feed Stable. The New Firm Has Added Rigs and Livery Stock. Hay and Grain for Sale, and FREE STALL ROOM. Free Camping Honse in Connection. Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. DONT FORGET THEM WHEN IN TOWN. KEEFEE & SARGENT, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. Are Ton Going to Paint Your House This Spring? If so, Call on A. DJOHNSOX, We have jnet received a fine line of MIXED PAINTS bought at assignee's sale which we offer at very low prices. Also a stock of the celebrated CHICAGO MIXED PAINT. We carry a complete stock , of Oils, Colors, Brushes Glass, etc., etc. O ' - A Full Line of WALLPAPEE of the Latest Styles Just Eeceived From Chicago. Call and See Them at the CITY DRUG STROE, A. D. Johnson, Prop. W. J. LEEZEB. LEEZER & PUMPS And Piping Always on Hand. MAIN STREET, TOOLS A Specialty ! ! : E. J. SLOCUM, rDeaier In parent Aieaioines, Toilet Artloles, liiiti. Oils. Glass and W till A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon, A&'t for Portland Oregonian. Leezer & Thompson's Corner, ; : : Main Street, HEPPNER, - - OEEGON W. A. KTRK. KIRK -DEALERS IN - Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con eeivable article article kept in a First elass Harness Shop. Repairing ti Specialty ! Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get cash prices. MAIN STREET, - - HEPPNER, OREGON. Span after may 1st, 1889. MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR OF THE P. O. THOMPSON THOMPSON -DEALEES IN Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware, Wood and "Willow Ware, Bud Cages, NEw HOME Sewing Ma chines and a complete line of Groceries ami Confectionery! HEPPNER, OREGON Paper J. C. HAYES HAYES ,S ld by A. D. J hnson. i cording to directions. 74-426.