THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1890. ICE ! ICE ! f J. VV. Morrow calls the attention of the public to the fact that he has pleuty of ice for sale, and will promptly supply nil deinnnds. Office, Ht livery stable, Main street. NOTIC This is to notifv all persons that my wife, Melissa J. Ely, has left my bed and board, and I will not be ropousible for nj del its she mav contract. 72-74. D- C. Ely. TAILORING I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods and will make cus tom made pants from $7 to $15 best goods in the market. A. Abbahamsick. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSI NESS FOR SALE. Small capital required. The only general merchandise business in the town, and twenty miles from any other business place. Inquire at First Nation al Bank, Heppnor, Or. .... ... C8-2m. ., NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. I am prepared to herd bucks the oom ing season. Terms, 81.10 per head whioh includes dipping, salt and sulphur. Range 9 miles south of Hardman. Ten per cent commission on all sales trans acted. Address C. M. Hastings. 6R-75. Hardmau, Oregon. EST KAY NOTICE. : ' Taken no bv the subscriber on Day's ranch on Batter creek, one buy borne, witu star in lore-head, branded ,IHG con nected, on l.rft shoulder, and about 6 or 7 years ol,L He came ta the ranch early in February. The owner can have the horse' by proving'-property and paying charges. ' 7S75. E. F. Day. - EST11AT NOTICE. Taken np, on May 8. by the subscriber, lioing on Kea oreek, 12 miles from Hepp ner, one roan gelding, nine or ten years old, weight 8lHt pounds; branded Hon left shoulder. Left stine, 91 ; right shoul der, horizontal H with H above and bar tUV.I( ...MlanDarit VlAloW. The OWner MIT III" dbiud t" " - ' - ana paying tneouarges. 78tf . J. D- Fristoe. DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP- Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between Al exander M. Gunn and William F. Ruark in the business of blaoksmithing, under the firm name of Gunn & Ruark, has this day been dissolved by mutual oousent. A. M. Gunn will continue the business at the old stand, to whom all debtB dne the firm will be paid, Bnd all claims against it will be paid by him. A. M. Gunn, W. F. Boabk. ? Heppner, April 26, 189a 71-76 ' NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I hereby give notice that George Con ser, of Heppner, is authorized to colleot all monies due or to become due to me from rents, notes or accounts of what ever nature, and to give reoeipts for all sums so paid him, in my name. I would also inform the publio that I have sold all my Brewery accounts to Mr. Mat. Liohtenthall, of Heppner, who is alone authorized to colleot the same. J. B. Natter. leppuer, May 15, 1890. 73-81 STRAY HORSES. Strayed from ray place, on the 5th inBt., my work horse, deseriiwd as folio. vs: One bucks in, -weight. 1050, no brauds; one black, weight, ltfcO, right eye out, no brands visible. A reasonable reward will : be paid for their return to my ranch on . East Furk of Willow ;creek, near Cold well graue, or anv information leading to their recovery. When last seen, the black horse was hobbled and belled. John Locknane. Heppner. . Mav 14. 1890. 73tf Two Trains Daily "BeTwrt'm Portland and Spokane Fall?. Effective May 11th, 1890, the Union Pa- cific System will establish two daily trains between Portland and Spokane Falls. Pullman Palace Sleepers and Reclining Chair cars will be ran between Portland and Spokane Falls without change. This new arrangement will afford both local and through passengers additional nd unsurpassed facilities. 1 icaets, ue tailed time of trains, and general inform- ation, can be obtained upon application to any tiodet agent Union Pacific System. . '1. w. lee, uen i rass Agent. Legal Blanks. The Gazette job of fice is getting out a oatalogne and price list of legal blanks which will include all kinds. Send in your order. We du plicate Pendleton or Portland prices. The following discounts are allowed for large orders : 5 to 810, 20 ,er cent, off; 810 to 20, 25 per cent, off; $20 and over, 33l-s per oent. off. FOR SALE. A good stock or sheep ranch contain ing over 1,700 acres. All ander fence, two large springs of running water, two c-nod houses and other improvements, good access to outside range. 4S0 Bores deeded. Inquire of Warner Bros., Eouo, Oregon. 1 ' Fresh vegetables at the Model. C. M. JONES TONSORIAL ARTIST. TDuth rooms connected, ard all run in good 'shape Shop, Uiaor'o liuiidiug, Main Street. fCall in and see Charley when you want work done. A. A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Insurance and Collection. Office in COUNCIL CHAMBERS, Heppner, - . - Oregon. The only live real estate dealer in the city. Write him." DR, B. F. V A UGH AN. DENTIST. TLATE WORK A SPECIALTY. Extracting and Filling by the Latest aDd Most Improved Methods. Office over HJocum 's Drugstore. ' Ira G. Nelson. J. C. Roberts j NELSON & ROBERTS, BARBERS.! A bout May 1st a new chair will be added to the -establishmeiit and a reater effort made ,to please the public than ever. fSP-Prnp in for a good whave, Bhampoon or hair- cnt. Pompadour a specialty. MATIK'K COllNKK - - MAIN STKEfT. Season of 1890: -:0: The thorough bird imported Clydesdale stuUions (H-li. Vol. V. A.u f.tnd Tinok.) I'iiTOT, Vol. X, Stud Hook of Oreut Urituin.) f lika-Jifaoltl, 77, Vol. V, m. Stud Hook.) (tWiTT, Stud Book (if (ireut HrtlHin.) Will stand this snon at- my place on Bi Ji titter creek. 5 miles from Lena, and serve mates at the following mta.s: Siusrle low p. . . .$10.00 Season ..: ..$20.00 Insure with Fonl 825 00 Mares from a drntanco pastured and attmidedto for $S a month. 414-2 tn U. B. Mann. CALL ON BILLIE MORROW AT THE Olci Jones Stand. To got your horses fed. LIVERY RIGS And Good Saddle- Horses for Hire. Don't .Forget Billie "W hen You Come to Town. No have the Exclusive Control of o N L Y 50 Ant. don't have to offer a prize to eell tht Good; for its the BEST MADE. Every Can hold ONE AND OKE HALF POUNDS. H. BLAGKMAN & CO., - HEPPNER, OREGON. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Bnnanas at the "Model." Ice cream at the "Model." Fresh candies jnst the choicest. stock in Heppner. The "Estaella," "Dirago Clab" and other fine cigars always in stock at the "Model. All kinds of soft drinks at the'. 'Model," Try their soda and sarsapaulla. In fact the "Model" is the only cigar, tobaooo and confectionary store in town. They make a specialty in these lines. The Grande dining room.of Arlington. is now under the superior management of Chapman & Freeman, It is the place to stop when you are in that town. Good beds in connection. The Grande was for merly known as tbeSanford House. 72tf Messrs. Brown & Hamilton will attend toonrlociil collections Theeditor has not the time to spare to look after that branch of the business, which is quite an essential one. When yon pass through Long Creek, rtop with Frank Waterbnry at the Har iisty House. The table is always sup plied with the best in the market. The "Model" can furnish parties with ice in small quantities. AlTOTJ.t'riC SKWISG MACHINE! Prices reduced. Every family now can have the best Automatic Sewing Ma chine in the market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch iiif. Our Illustrated Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you hare a Machine. Kruse & Murphy Mfg. Co., 455 and 437 West 2tith St., X. T. City. Subscribe for the GAZETTE. When a man's principles are chiefly boodle, he never fails, either in politics or other tics, to follow where boodle leads. The pbople of Heppuer are represent ed in their city government by Henry Blackman as mayor. Will the Budget nrui repeat the charge that no "Self re si ecting- man w auts to be reprt'seuted by a Jew," and say that two-thirds of the voters of Heppner are not self-respecting men. The editor of the Biutyet is a consist ent and "self-rospectiug nnau." He claims to be a republican. But to be consistent and retain his self-respeot he is snre to be found working for inde pendents in 1888, and for democrats in 1890. Does it conform to what he claims or to what he !? Trne republic ans are not that kind of stuff. "Ekes about the ban hole of a cider barrel is what the late democratic re ceiver and register of The Dalles land office eay of Governor Pennoyer'e state school laod commissioners and their at torney, in their persistent efforts to get patents for school lands sold to a ring for $1.25, who had already sold them for $3.50 per acre. Bead the letter on the first page According to the Budget the demo cratic ticket was made by a combination of democrats and "republicans who wanted to down the ring." , How funny that republicans should, to avoid oue ring jump into another. And thus they made a ticket "entirely satisfactory" all i-,fyouiid. Heppner j;ot the five import- anToffices and whs lovely. Why should ituot'be '.satisfactory when the cifrv got the ctmr.ty m the hip. 'Oni: of the strongest precepts of po litical tricKsiersis dpeeit,'1 says the edi tor of the Budget, lie is a thorough scholar io that scho-d and has shown himself to he an adept in that practice. Another of its precepts is 'Defense is decep iiin " It is supposed that these are the reasons why he won't come to the front and explain that Heppner ticket. Look out for it to-dny. He -will bring his luetics into play. The Gazette accords to the editor of the Budget, that he "is wise in his own conceit," but like all vain men, he tct'H ex- pose bis own foolishness. His vanity and superficial knowledge leads him to ex pose unintentionally his secret "precepts" for political action. It may be fonnd in the Budget of May 1st, and reads thus : One of the strongest precepts of politi cal tricksters is deceit." That is just what the Gazette has been tryirlg to get the people to see, from the course which the Budget has adopted to secure votes for hi3 Heppner tioket; and is what Judge Mitchtll means in his letter of Mayi 188S. Read it. The Budget's "modern ohronicles," of last week, contains intimations that cer tainly sh-jnld cause every democratic delegate from 'Morrow county to the state convention, and their many friends, to sour on psrt of their program. What right has tL;-.t paper to presume that gen tlemen the democratic party did sell their influence ? The following is ao extraot from their slanderous article relative to Mr. Blackman : "And it came to pass after many days, when he had gathered together his followers and bought up all the proxies he could con trol, that tuey journeyed to the mighty- city where the high priest were to gather themselves together." The delegates to the demnc ratio state convention wtre C. A. 1 l:ea. T. J. Midlock, J. W. Redford J.I,, ftlorroi, E. G. Sloan andTbos. Qnai i. P,s that paper mean to say that these gentlemen, or their proxies, were bonirhfcup? We have only to refer U the people for an unanimous answer in the negative. This plainly shows to what extremes that paper will go to defeat the object of their personal hate one of the best friends Morrow connty ever had. The Gazette has attempted to con duct this oanvass with deoency and re spect to the private ptKSoijal feelings of the candidates on the democratic tieket and those who composed the -convention which nominated it. On the contrary, the Budget, which supports that ticket, have assailed not only those who are candidates on the republican ticket, but all wLo assisted in making it and sup porting it in convention and out with abusive invectives, malicious slander and villainous lies. It became necessary to use the knife in dealing with a bad case, and n e have used it not to strike at any of the personal qualities of any gentle- mnn on the ticket, but it was necessary in defense of those gentlemen whose personal qualities are their equals, who were grossly, maliciously, slanderously and without regard to truth, ruthlessly assailed by the editor of the Budget. It is with pleasure the Gazette can f that it tas not designed or used the name of a single democratic candidate in its controversy, except Judge Wm. Mitchell's, which we regret to Bay was necessary in its defense, and not then only in deep respect for the judge. The Gazette is couiident that a thorough and careful examination of its files will confirm this statement. ABOUT THOSE SCHOOL LAXDS I Governor Pennoyer was not interested in the syndicate to obtain the exclusive control of these school lands, he shows the lack of astuteness and business qualifica tions which, m the management of the state's interest, have been at tributed to him in the management of his own private business. Was the desire ou the part of the gov ernor greater to insure the appar ent value of the school fund, or to obtain the $3.50 for 'the school lands which the syndicate were permitted tohave the exclusive privilege of purchasing at $1.25. It appears that honest settlers were cut off from purchasing any of those lands direct from the state at the state's prices, at $1.25, by what looks like a clear fraud to hold the lands for speculation, in which the school commisson seemed to take so much interest, as declar ed and exposed by the late demo cratic register and receiver of the lnn,l nflhV.A at TIia T)11pr. Orprrnn . , , . i , j ' Huit-to branded circle with bai boneath. on ief; Who Were tOO honest and honorableTshoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, Tmaril to be silent when they saw that the school fund of the state, and the people were being defrauded and deceived by their own officials. Can any one, after reading the official letter of lhe Dalles land office om- eials, which will be found on the first page of the Gazette, doubt that the entire board of school land commissioners did not know that they were working in the interest of a syndicate of laud speculators, and against the interest of the state and the actual settler? When the settlers went to the board, they were met with the reply that there were no more lands but if they went to the syndicate they could ijet the lauds, for S3.50 per acre. Then, and not till then, did this honest board of school land com missioners, of which the honest Governor Pennoyer was the head, uscover that the state did have school lands for sale. Can any one doubt that the president of the board was aware of such villainy in a board comprised of three persons only, besides himself ? He might be excused and a plea of ignorance be accepted in a few exceptional instances, but when the fraud is an entirety.and enters into every trans action, he cannot avoid the irresist- able conclusion that the entire' board were interested in the syndi cate, Governor Pennoyer and all. If he were not, it is still evident that the governor is an unfit person to whom the people should intrust the interests of the state. BIRDS OF A FEATHER, ETC. ''As a prominent citizen of Hepp ner said at the beginning of the present campaign, the Gazette always manages to get on the wrong side of every question, and if there is any dirt around it is sure to smear itself completely." Lexington Budget. If the editor of the midget is not at his old trick of lying, and the p. c. did sav so, it is only evi dence that there is somethingwrong iu his upper story, when his vanity persuades him that he"ia alivoys right, and the Gazette is always wrong, and looks to the Budget for what is right. "Always right" men are denominated "crauks," cow-a- days. If he is satisfied with the Budget "dirt," it is dear prooi that his mind is perverted. "Birds of feather dock together," you know. As the Budget's editor fought some of the best citizens in Morrow county two years ago. so he fights them now except where inducements makes change of policy. Two years ago he said; "The democrats of Heppner precinct claim that they wiU-jpport Howell. They will not do it. Every son of S gun of them will vote fox Fell." The election oame along, and it. it was found that Howell oarried his party in Heppner pre cinct. In the Bame column he slsudered Uncle Billy Mitchell, and in this cam paign admits that he lied. Now,-what faith can the voters of Morrow put in that "baib wirff'and bacon" story so per sistently urged against Henry Blackman ? He admits thatbe has lied in the past, and we have every reason to believe that he will lie again t'accomplfth his dirty de signs. "One of thefarcngest precepts of po litical tricksters is deceit," says the Budget. Hon? well it follows its preoept is seen in its purpose to follow the tac tics of the shoplifter which he refers to as being the most noiBy and loudest to cry "stop thief." Hid ticket is so appar ent to the eye which sees it, that it can not be successfully defended from the appearance of a combination or a ring, that it follows in th wake of the shop lifter and cries Boss, King and Ringster "Tt' Inn tbin Tfx STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up you can keep your brand in free of charge. CP Adkins.Horses. I, on ripht shoulder; eat- ix on rigm. nip Range in lirant and Mor row counties. Adkins, J J Horses, JA connected on left nank; cattle, same on left hip. Bteakman, Geo., Hardman Horses, a flair on left shoulder; cattle, same on right shoulder. Bennett, Cy Horses. B on" left shoulder. Brown, J. P horses and cattle branded 8 with ox-yoke ahove on left shoulder. Brown , J C Horses, circle Cwithdotin cea teron left hip; cattle, same. Buyer. W i, Liena Horses, box brand or. r"h hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. J Borg, P. O. Horses, f Bon left shoulder; cat tle, same on left hio. Brieu, T. F., Lone Rock. Horses o with bar under and over on right shoulder. Driskell, W. K. Horses branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. f--Jerry Brosman, horses branded 7 on right snoulder; cattle H on the left side. Left ear hulf crop and right ear npper slope. Barton, Wr HorseB, J Bon right thigh J cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Wm. Rudio, Monument. Brands horses R on right shoulder. Kange, Grant and Morrow coun ties. Elmer Gentry, Echo, Or. Horses branded H. S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Kange in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Allison. 1). T). flaltle brand O h ,.n loft 1,; and horses same brand on right shoulder. Range, A. A. Crosby, cattle branded -,-L, (7 H L con nected) on the right fhoulder. Cook, A. J., Lena Horses, HOon rightshoulder Cattle, same on right hip; earmark square cro off left and Bplit in right. ijumn. rt i- norses. on left stine. Cox & English. Hardman Cnit.ln. C with v it center: horses. CE on left Mo. Copper, H A Horses H C on Ifft shoulder cattle H 0 on left side, swallow fork on right ear. n.. c. i-ocnran, aionument. urant to, ur. Mimwr wuw uuiu ran rniu uewiap. Wm. Doonan. horses branded OO with bar liver them, on left shoulder; cattle same on left oip. Douglass, W M Cattle, R 1 on right side. Bwai low-fork in each ear; horses. K D on left hio. J. B. Ely & Sons. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same ou left hip. hole in right ear. t'leek, Jackson. Horses. 7F connected on right shoulder: cattle same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left. Wtrallen. John W. Hi,rse hrnnrlcl holfj.,-- cle JL connected on left shoulder. Cattle, same on left hip. Range, near Lexington. Florence, L A Cattle, LF on right hip; horses F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, S P Horses, F on right shorjder cattle. F on right hip or thigh. Armstrong. J. C. Acton T with bar nnder it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left nip. Gay, Henry GAi on left shoulder. Goble. Frank Horses. 7 Fon left, stifle: cattle same on right hip. Mat Hughes, horses branded shoulder, heart, r, . left shoulder. Hunsaker. B A Horses. 1) on left shoulder, cnt tie, 9 on left hip Humphreys, J U. Hardman Horses, H on left Sank. Htatt. Wm. E. Horses branded bar cross on left shoulder: cattle same on left hip. Hayes, J 51 Horses, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, same on right bip. Junkin, S. M. Horses, horseshoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sama. Range on Eight Mile. Johnson, relix Horses, circle T on left stifl- cattle, same on right hip, under half crop in rig: and split in left ear. Kirk. J L Horses 6tt on left shoulder: catt I on left hip. Kirk. J C Horses. 17 on either flank: cattle on right side. Lewis, J R. Lena Horses, P with over it on left shoulder. J. W. Leahey, horses branded L N on the left shoulder: cattle branded the same on leti, hip; wattle over right eye, three Bute in right ear. Minor, Oscar. Cattle, M D on right hip; horses M on Ief t shoulder. Morgan. S N Horses. M 1 on left nhonlder cattle, same on left hip. fllct umoerj J as A, Atwood Horses, M with bar over on right shoulder. Morgan. lh( Horses, circle T on left shonl. der and left thigh; cattle, Z on right thigh. fllitchell, uscar, l-ettysvuie JtlorseB, 11 on right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McClaren, D G Horses, Figure 5 on each Bhoul der; cattle, M2 on hip. Neal. Andrew. Lone Rock Horses A N con nectod on left shoulder; cattle same on both hips .Newman, W. R. Horses N with half circl over it on left 6honlder. Nordyke. ft. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh: cat tie. same on left hip. Uller. ferry. Lone Kock r J oi left shou.ner Pearson. Olave. Horses, ouflrter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Range on Eight Mile. Parker a. tileason. HurdmAn Horses TP on 1 ri t shoulder. Piper, J . H., Acton -Horses, JE connected on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. Uenry Patberg. horses branded with a lvoman cross on left shoulder; cattle branded with Ro man cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. A. C. Pettys. Pettysville Horses, diamond P on left shoulder. Cattle, JH J connected and in verted on left hip; crop off left ear and split in right wattle or luside or right fore leg above the knee. Rood. Andrew. Hardman Horses, square cross with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Rector. J ' W Horses. JO on left shoulder. Cat tle, o n right hip. Spray. J. F. Horses branded SF connected on right shoulder: cattle same on both hips. A. L. bwaggart. Ella, horses branded i on left shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop on left ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. E, Horses shaded J 8 on left stifle; cattle J S on left hip, swallow fork in right ear. underbit in left. Savor. Kobt Horses. !3 on right shoulder: cattl, square on right hip and 8 ou right shonlder. Swaggart. L. Alpine Hcrses. S 8 on right shonlder. bapp. Thos. Horses. 8 A P on left hin: cattle same on left hip. Shobe. Dr A J Horses. DS on on left hin: cat tle, same on left side, wattle on left side of neck ears cut sharp at point. Stevenson, Mrs A J Cattle, 8 on right hip swallow-fork in left ear. Sperry, IL (j t attle, w C on leff hip, crop oft right and underbit in left ear.dulaD: horses. W C on left shoulder. The ALMOST. MIRACULOUS CURESl Of hopeless and apparently incurable diseases are constantly made. It is expected to perform tt.e impossible, by curing cases given up by physicians, and it t-DOES NOT DISAPPOINT EXPECTATIONS.. P. F. CASTLEMAN Gen'l Ag't for Eastern Oregon aid Wasll, 89 Morrison Street, Portland. Or Sold by J. W.JflATLOCK 4 CO., Heppnor, at $;l.75 per jug, or $ 7.60 per case. EFOR BEST MEALS l!G-o JACK GRAY MAY STREET, Best Cook in Oregon ! FHSH BHEAS FOR SAIjE Bwaggart G W Horses, 44 on left shoulder; cattle, 44 on left hip. Stewart, Geo.. Hardman Horses circle e on left shoulder. Smith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded ' a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on left side. Range, Gilliam county. Thompson, J A Horses, z on left shoulder cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tippets. 8 T Horses. C on left Bhonlder. Wade. Henry, Horses branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip. Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wells, A 8 Horses, o"o on left shoulder; catt! same. Wyland, J H. Hardman Circle C on left thigt Woodward, John Horses, IJP connected on left shoulder. Watkins, Lishe, horses branded TJE connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in left ear: horses. W ou right shoulder, some same on left Bhoulder. Wten, A A Cattle, running AA with bar acro on right hip. J. 8. Young. Gooseberry, Or. Horses branded T 8 on the right shoulder. W. H. Crowley, Long creek Horses branded circle 5 on left shoulder. Whittier Bros.. Drewy, Harney county. Or. -Horses branded W B. connected on left shoulder. Turner R. W., Bmall capital T left shoulder, horses; cattle same on left hip witu split in boUi ears." Smith Geo., horses branded G 8 on left flank. George Lord, horses branded double H con nected, Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Johnny Ayers, horses branded triangle on left hip; cattle same on right hip. also crop off right ear and upper bit on same. Mike Kenny, horses branded KNY on left hip; Attle same and crop off left oar: under slope ou .he right Mrs C. A. Benge, horses branded XB on left shoulder or stine; cattle same on left side and plit in left ear, npper half crop in right. Ed Holloway, Saddle, Or., horses and cattle branded K H connected, with bar under it. Joseph Putnnm. Monument. Or., brands hors es J P Connected, on right shonlder: cattle the ame on the right hip and nnderslope in right HI. THE Excelsior Soda Works has on hasd at all times soda, saesapakilla, Sarsparilla and Iron AND O I D E LI . FACTORY, May Street, rear First National Bank. THOS. P. RILEY. Proprietor. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION. Notice is hereby given that the part nership existing heretofore between T. W. Ayers and T. E. Fell, under the firm name of Ayers & Fell is this day dissolv ed by mutual consent. -Accounts are payable to either member of the firm, and all knowing themselves indebted on account, or by note are requested to make prompt settlemet. 74-79. T. E. Fell. Hkpinek, May 16, '90. T. W. Atebs. STRAYED. From Sand Hollow, one black gelding, five years old, branded 5 on left stifle. One black geldiDg, four years old, brand ed J H on right sheulder. Weight of each about 3200. A liberal reward will be paid for their delivery to thevHeppner Feed Yard, or to Mr. Bartholomew, at Alpine, Or. J. A. Steaoh, 74 76 Long Creek, Or. A REASONABLE BEQUEST. After May 1st, all accounts due the "Gem" saloon will be placed in the hands ot Brown & Hamilton for collection. Those indebted, please take notice at a reasonable request, and avoid a positive demand. 68tf . G. B. Tedbowb. FUKNITUKE. C. M. Mallory is now receiving large shipments of wire beds, chairs, refrigera tors, etc., etc., and from this on will keep on hand a full stock of all kinds of furniture which he will sell at the low est price for cash down. 73-tf. NOTICE TO SHEEP MEN. We will famish salt and sulphur at Long Creek this season at Heppner prices with freight added. 74tf. Allen & UvDto. " If any of our readers are not taking the weekly illustrated West Shore they ought to do so. It combines the desir able features of all the eastern weeklies and is superior to any one of them. Es pecially in its graphic pictures of west ern scenes it is of great interest. Aside from the local paper it is the best pub lication that can be taken, and should be in every house. Published by- 1 8am pel, Portland, Oregon, at $4.00 a year. Are yon married? If not, send your address with stamp, to the Amerioan Corresponding Club, P. O. Box 643, Clarksbur , W. Va. 370-422 Wm. Radam's Most truly and correctly called Greatest Medicine World!" . . in the THEs AND BEST BEDS, to Tlxell RESTAURANT ! HEPPNER. OREGON., Meals at All Hours?