Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, May 29, 1890, Image 3

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i. i
THURSDAY, MAY 20, 1890,
Union Pacific Railway-Local Card.
al, mi,, ,1, We. Mi.ner '.M a. m
A It. m.. daily
Staae leaves for Canyon
exee t Sunday, at 6:30 A. M.
City daily.
Arrives daily, except Sunday
,I',V,?liF!,Ravir,K"f 10 ""nra u time
and 81(1 lr cub), by taking this route to
c;,w-, V,m,Hr- c, -.42n7Fi7tust",
r-tlan.l. Jr., are an '.orized to make
nirat-K for tue Gazette.
J. hey will ,-cake collections for this
Job printing at endleton prices at
the (jAZKTTE oilioe.
A tine line of iroM ,.na r.or,;iu
. w, .jiuii, H urug store.
Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner.
Mat. I.khtenthal will open your eves
in prices of his boots and shoes. Yon
ran buy them no cheaper in Portland.
The Newton waifon, barks and other
vehicles, the laraest stock in Heppner
can be found at Gilliam & JJisbee's. Call
on them.
Before purchasing your house furnish
ings, call on Gilliam & Bisbee. The bIho
uo ii d-rooting at the lowest figures.
lhe St Buckingham & lleoht, men's
shoe will not rip. Best in the market
for the price. Buy them at M. Lioliteu
tbal's. Gilliam & Bisbee have added a stock
of tine machine oils. iemember them
'wmP'i0n ya neeJ anything in this line.
' Go to Mat. Lichtenthal's for the T.ml-
low ladies' shoes. Kvery pair warranted.
Also "Kargo" 82.511 ladies' kid shoe.
Tim best shoe for tbe money in the mar
ket. 't Do you want some dried venison? Go
to J. W. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store
, for if, ami everything else in their lines.
, The most complete stock of groceries in
ColTim & MuFarland have made a lib
eral offer in presenting customers with
a beatiful bound volume for every 825
' worth of goods purchased iu the line of
dry goods, boots, shoes, etc.
, Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
; pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe
i juur uorse, auu in tact mere is nothing
I in the blacksmithing lino that they are
3 not able to do.
The Staudurd Mower, for sale by "Gil
; liam & Bisbee, has nil the latest improve
ments front cut, and is arranged for
cutting over either rough or level ground.
Their "six-foot" mower is guaranteed to
run as light as Buy ''three-foot" machine
in the market
Teamthkks. Get a box of Maud S.
rapid Harness Menders at Leezer
& Thompson's and be reany for
accidents. Try them once and you will
never do without- them.
All those in want of mowers, reaperB
uml rakes, call on Van Duyn, sole agent'
for the celebrated Osborne, of Auburn,
New York,--best in the world. Call and
examine. Guarantee satisfaction. Easi
est and liest machine in existanoe.
The fifth annua! convention of lhe
Morrow county Sunday School Associa-
- tion, will be held iu the grove at the
' place of James Adkius, on Khea Creek,
Thursday, June I2th, 181)0, commencing
4. at lit o'clock' ft. m, (Providence permit-
A general invitation is extended to all
Come aud enjoy a day's recreation in this
- grovp. A haskel pionio is Ui
to bring the children; also mi micu
baskets for their entertainment.
The pastors of all denominations are
especially invited to be in attendance,
with well filled heads and ready tongues
for the entertainmeut of the parents.
We particularly desire and urge that
each Sunday School in Morrow county
be officially represented, with full report
of work for the past year.
A programme will be prepared for our
enjoyment, and help in this line is earn
estly soliclieu iroui iui luicc... ...
dav School work. Make your own selec
tions, and send list of the same as early
as possible, to the secretary at Heppner.
Come one aud all, and we will not ouly
have a good time, but help iilontf the
noble oatise of elevating the children.
Jons B. Ely, Persident, lone.
Oeohge VV. Loud, See, Heppner. ll-lo
nersou wouiu suppose .....
. , ... H.a
t.iiufc Penuover was the "world
beuU.'rSyjeu j the poor man or labor
ing classe,UBt be spent his nights toss
ing pou hiue(j restless and sleepless
studying how Kemeliorate the condition
of the poor maNworfc,ug to oarry out
the theories he Kjvmiced before bis
election four years agy While the ouly
theory that was withiuj8reaoh to carry
out and make a hero of hiiseU he failed
to do; namely, the eight hour system.
Yhy does he not at his public works
reduce the hours of his laborers to eight?
This be can do and it is the only thing
he can accomplish by himself, and it will
further his sincerity n his care for the
poor laboring class. It is all for "bun
combe." Mr. Thompson, the republioau
candidate, so far as i can learn, has
shown himself as much and more ot a
friend to the needy than the Puda"''
cbampiou. 'Mr. Thompson is a man
who has risen from poverty to wealth.
Ho kuows from experience what it is to
be poor and can truly sympathize with
the unfortuuate. What has Peunoyer
tloneexeept to make blunder after blun
der since he has beeu iu office.
A BrNcnuRASSEit.
Beware of Ointments tor Catarrh that Contain
s mercury will surely destroy the serse
of smell and completely derange the
whole svsteni wueu entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold the good
vou can possibly derive trom them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by t.
3. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.. contains no
mercurv.andis taken internally, and acts
directlv" upon the blood and mucous sur
faces ot the system. fu buying Hal Is
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the gel t
iue. It is taken internally, and made m
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
y Sold by Druggists, price io-. per
Look out foTiTregular tickets on elec
tion day.
The Heppner Cornet Band will meet
u ... ,M for a 1 , of J uly eel-
EIL I. Vf 1. 1 i . -
T;ie World Enriched.
The facilities of the present day for the
production of everything tliatvvm -.' ,
duce to the material welfare and comfort j
.- , i unlimited audi,, ...t thi blood is filled
ot manKinu arc -
when Syip of Figs was first producea
the -world was enriched wun iue vj
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedv which is truly pleasing "
ci- t-,t. and orompt and
freshing to the taste and Pro
effectual to cleanse the system g--""
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop -
ular it becomes.
Here and Tlere.
' Push Pat, push !" ':
Cool weather for May. ;
I fr Henry Bluckmai
'LttLs Sperry iH .n the rd east with
; horses. ,
' .I.J. Mi-Gee returned frm Portland
I iaht Saturday.
! Kmmett. Cochran, of Moiument. was
m to- n biftt week.
; Frost last Tuesday niyht nipped gar
dens in this vicinity. ',
J. E. Frick was up to Ilppner last
; -Jnnday on busiuess.
Mr. Jacobs, of Jacobs Bros; Portland,
i was iu t.jwn eariy this week, i
Clerk Andrews and C. M. Jallorv vis
; ited Lexington last Monday, i
The Luce Bro3.. of Prai rie Civ, brought
tr.Jas. Small's pelts early thisweek.
Will Yeikes and Chas. Malory start
for York state with horses nextTuesday.
Our citizens wiii not throw arote aay
by Huppurting Pattys, for reprisentative.
The foundation for the new hotel is
completed, and brickwork will begin as
soon as possible.
Keffer& Sargent have put ona rig with
which he will haul passenge-a to and
from the depot.
I olitics have been too livelv of late for
much scandal, hence our go,id people
are enjoying a rest.
At the present there are few pelts com
ing in, and there are plenty of buyers for
the few in the market.
M. Kosendurf came up from Independ
ence Tuesday of last week. Ue is thinking
of locating here again.
Tlios. Morian. .1. J. Mi-Go nnrl .T r.
Kirk attended Grand Lodge I. O. O. F.,
at Portland hist week.
Eight loaded teams pnlledont for Long
Creek and Canyon City yesterday, from
Collin A Moi'arland's.
Geo. Conner aud Conductor Carrington
have the nobbiest rigs in town, and the
poor printer is compelled to walk.
Fred It. Sherman and family have
moved to La Grande, where, this paper
hopes, that they will ever prosper.
A.C. I'ettys is a farmtr, aud will be able
to represent our county well in the next
legislature, if elected. Vote for him.
Do not be deceived by lies. Henry
Blacknian will best represent Morrow,
Grant and Harnev, and should be elect
ed. "It's only a question of time," and a
a short time, too, as to when your rheu
matism will yield to Hood's Sarsaparilla
Try it.
George Swaggart is erecting a build
ing, s& feet, back between his saloon
property and Ellis Minor's store moms
ou Main street.
Ras. Lienallen was up from Lexiugton
oyer Sun lay. He reports crops in a good
condition, and hasevery reason to expect
a bountiful harvest.
Misses Iva Mitchell and Bertha Jones
visited in Heppner over Sunday. M
Bertha is attendiug school ou Lower Rhea
creek this summer.
J. W. Cofley returned Monday from
Portland and Astoria. At the latter
plaoe John his mvested in property in
which he hue much faith.
Gov. E a and Unole Jaok Morrow left
last .Monday morning for Heppner after
eiijoyinj; s-'veral days visit at the Warm
Springp. Lang Creek Eagle.
In all diseases of the Stomach, Liver
and Kidneys, use, to the exclusion of all
other medicines, Nature's own remedy,
Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
Have you sheep iu the mountaius ? If
so, you can buy your supplies at Long
Creek, of Conger & Hirsebberg, at Hepp
ner prices, with freight added. 75-70
Wright's Jamaica " Ginoeb Strictly
Pure. An excellent remedy for cramps,
colic aud where a touio for the stomach
is required. Sold by A. D. Johnson.
Wm. Starrelt, Bill LunsfordV Thos-
H i tntn hm.I nihT teamster- hroiAiht i
hiir loaiU of wool this week, taking back
goods for merchants of their seotilin.
W. B. Cunninghame writes tlie Ga
zette from San Frauoisoo that he is ou
his way to Euglaud and Germany where
he wiil remain three or four months.
The Heppner warehouse loaded 24
teams with merchandise last Tuesday,
destined for Long Creek, Canyon City,
Mount Vernon and other pointsof Grant.
Jake Brown is baok from the Big
Bend country, where be says he held
his own. He will remain here till June,
when he will depart for Western Uregon.
Dan Horner returned Tuesday from a
trip through Ohio, Iudiana and other
eastern sta'es. About the 14th prox., he
wiil start ten oar leads of horses for that
Leet Greenwood is expected in Hepp
ner iii a few davs. mid will live here,
again. Leet and family caunot locate
whore they will have more friends than
at Heppuer.
Teams, of al' descriptions aud kinds.
are now pouring into our town of
Henmier from Grant. They come in
loaded principally with wool, returning
with merchandise.
Moscow, Idaho, has a new artesian well
which throws a six inch stream of water
seventy feet into t he air. If Heppner can
cet a well like that, it will be all she will
ask in the line of water.
Reports trom all parts of Oregon do
not show up the best for cereals, but
this is due largelv to a very late season,
which we are told is being experienced
in uiauy parts of the Eastern country.
Hon. Henry Blackman returned from
across the mo'untaius ,ast Sunday accom
panied by Ed O. Allen. Mr. Blackmau
was nicely receivtd in all sections, and
will get a strong support, particularly
iu Harney.,
P,,r thn nines to bp held at Walla Wal-
1 1 t i.i u.,,1 oi iHnO. the 17. V.
w ill sell book tickets fur one and one
lifth fare for the round trip-. These
tickets are good up to and including
juoo.a'J, no. 1
Yesterday the water got low in the
boiler used at the well-boring apparatus,
and in consequence, the lire-plug was
burned out, to the discomfiture and as
tonishment of the engineer who is a
novice al the busiuess.
The following persons have been ap
pointed as census enumerators for Mor
row county: Euiil f. Voruz, A. C.
Pettvs, Wui. Warren, J. F. Willis, A. H.
Hooker aud Dr. B. F. Vaughan. They
will begiu their work next Mouday.
A. G. Bartholomew will leave in a few
days for the Litlle Potts to inspect a
quartz ledge which lies recently been
discovered there. The croppiugs assayed
Sli.'.li uer tou. at a depth of three feet
SrOo.32, aud ote foot lower $72.3o per ton.
Married At Arlington, on Sunday,
the 2,"tu iust , by the Methodist pastor
at that place. Mr. Ed. Hollo ay and Miss
Gertrude E. Saver, daughter ot Mr. Robt.
Saver, of Saddle I'ue couple are very
well known by our people, and have their
kindest wishes.
Col. Nevius failed to arrive yesterday,
as billed, and therefore, no repn lican
meeting was had. The severe sand storms
of the last few days have more or less
disarranged trains on the main line, and
this is thought to be the reason for the
gentleman's non-arrival.
Tt has been commonly reported mat
i clefk c L Andrews was doiug all he
j ,,,, i amat the republican ticket. e
i V ....... ..n .....
j do not believe it. Mr. Audrews is a very
: straight republican, and in justice to him
1 this naner ventures to say that nothing
. exi;ts.to give credence to such a story.
, j um- -" - " ' unmlatioQ of
j witll impurltieijf the atcamuiatioo oi
i m0nth8 ot oonouemtfot iu ,
j ,a,ed stores WOrksbops and tenement
An these impurines auu 3
aorofnla, salt rheum or other disease
""pelled by taking Hood's sarsa-
, . begt bJood piir!fier ever pro-
duee(i' jt ig tne only medicine of which
; .m AoRea one dollar" is true.
j Some editors find what they consider
to be the strong side of a question, wheth-
er ngm or wrong, ana men rusli to its ; sioner. resides m ingot Mile, and is en
support. Not so with this paper. We do j gaged in farming aud raising stock. He
not claim to b3 "always right," but it is is a conscientious gentleman, well in
a fact that we can, aud do advocate our ' formed regarding the needs of our
side ot matters witbout drooping down
into s ich rotteu tilth as the Budget has
puoiiHUea against tiacuia:i during this
E irly in the campaign it was conceded
that certain nominations by the demo
cratic county convention would catch
the Bnrljet, let the other side of the
house do their best to make a good ticket.
'"You have tickled may back when I
needed it worst, and kept your funny
work up like a man, now I must pose as
a kicker aud help you out," is the gistof
the busiaess.
It is quite bkely that Arlington will get
the vote of the Fossil and May ville
oountry in the county seat coDtest, as
the defeat of Condou will give these
towns an opportunity to enter the race
for a permanent location in a few years.
It is pretty hard times too ; nost too
tough to make much increase in tax
atiou, at present, which would be
necessary if Condon should get the
The Dunlap Mining Co., of Fox valley,
were compelled to shut down work on
their upper placer mine, due to the fail
ure of water. The company anticipates
the construction of a reservoir during
the present season, as that will be the
only means to seoure sufficient water
ruu any length of time. Long Creek
Married At Ilillsboro, Or., on the
?lst inst., at the residenoe of the bride's
father, Mr. L. M. Gosney, Hon. J. B.
Sperry, of Heppner, and Mrs. S. C. Mas
ters. Mr. and Mrs. Sperry arrived home
on last Saturday's train, and on that eve
were serenaded by the Heppner band,
representing the well-wishes of our peo
ple. The Gazette's columns are open to
correspondence and communications of
proier character, but tbe proprietor of
this sheet will not insert anything with
out having the author's name in black
and white not for publication but for
protection. The Gazette fathers its own
utterances, but nothing more.
Pelts aud wool are coming in from
Burns, Harney county, and the indica
tions are that Baker City is losing much
of her former trade. There are also
many hauling into Heppner this season
who have formerly gone to The Dalles.
It seems that Heppner is having a bar
vest, and it deserves it, too.
Ben Hunsaker and W. A. Fisber were
over from Haystack this week. They in
form this office that Warren Caraner has
been appointed to receive money subscrip
tions on the Dayville-Haystack road, and
that they are at work at present. Of that
road they inform us there are but ten
miles to build.
Arliugton is circulating 16th sheet cir
culars showing the present advantages
of Arlington over Condon as the county
seat. Fossil is the only town in the
oounty whioh has a paper, bnt it is not
in the race this year, having tailed to
coins out better than third best two years
The Gazette defends the citizens who
sent their delegates to tbe county con
vention and who made their county
ticket,) from the abuse of the editor of
the Budget, whom Judge William Mitch
ell called a "mud-slinger" and "publisher
of malicious lies to catch votes."
The bill forfeiting the unearned rail
road lands now before the senate will
come up and is certain to pass. The
bill reserves to all settlers, whether by
con (r not with the rail road company or
by occupancy otherwise, all rights of
purchase or by homestead.
Wiil. Serve the People Well. Wm.
Blair, candidate, on the republican ticket
or county indue, resides at Liexington.
and is a voting mxn of excellent business
qualifications. If elected, he wiil serve
our people well.
Woi i.D Stand Fiat-itoOted. a. An1
drews, of Alpine, is'in every way quali
fied to till the otnee oi sneriu. an is n
gentleman of much force ot character,
and in official duties wonld stand flat-
footed. Support Mr. Andrews.
Once in Seven Years The body is
renewed. The blood must bave the
elements of vitality. Wright's Com
pound Syrup of Sarsaparilla cleanses and
enriches the blood, and gives a new im
petus to life. Sold by A. D. Johnson.
Should Get Republican Votes. L.
W. Briggs, with Leezer & Thompson,
candidate on the repnblioan ticket for
oonuty treasurer, is a siraigni repuuueau,
an honorable young man, and there is no
reason why he should not get republican
Fair to Taxpayers. M. S. Maxwell,
repubnblican candidate for assessor, re
sides in Gooseberry precinct. So far as
we are personally acquainted with Mr.
Maxwell, we are inclined to think that
he, if elected, will fairly assess the tax
payers of Morrow.
A Successful 1'eacher. W. L.Saling,
the reiiublicau candidate for school su
perintendent, is regarded by all as a
worthv voung man. He holds a first
grade certificate in Monow county, aud
is a success as a teacher. He received
his education at Whitman college. Walla
Walla, Wash. Vote for him.
An Old Settler. The old settlers all
know A. C. Pettys, republican candidate
for representative. His residence in the
section now known as Morrow county
dates 'way baok. Having seen the coun
try grow irom a primitive state to its
present oondition, he is in a position to
well understand unr needs. Give him
your support.
The Surveyor. The Gazette is not
personally acquainted with W. S. Par
man, republican candidate for surveyor,
bnt we !e reliably informed that he is
well qualified for that position. Mr.
Parman resides in Gooseberry. Later
Siiuce writing the above we have met the
gentleman, and believe that be is worthy
of the people's support.
Decoration Day at Lexington. On
the otlth inst., Kawlins Post G. A. R., at
Lexington, assisted by the patriotic resi
dents of Morrow, will observe "Decora
tion Day" in a manner fitting to the mem
ory of tueir dead comrades. It is hoped
that all will avail themselves of this op
portunity, and meet with their comrades,
friends and neighbors at Lexington to
morrow. Have No Choice In The Matter.
The contest for coroner lies between
Jas. Dougherty and Dock Vaughn. If
Duok is elected, Jim is to be bis deputy;
if Jim rakes in the persimmon, Dock is
deputy. Those who will insist on cash
ing their staok mysteriously will under
stand that they have no choice in the
matter, as Jim and Dock are dead sure
of the busiuess for the next four years.
At Wokk. The artesian well wbich is
being bored at the corner of Main aud
Canyon streets, is down some 25 or 30
feet. Bed ruck was struck last Tuesday
evening, and Mr. Kleckner, tbe manager,
says that be can make greater headway
tban wben he was working in gravel,
near the surface. He is using a regular
Pennsylvaniajoil outfit, to do tbework,and
will soon complete the 500 feet for which
the contract calls. It n How of water is
not struck within the 500 feet, we are in
formed that tbe town authorities favor
going down a sufficient depth to give it a
complete trial. Tbe people of Heppner
are much interested in the project, and
our mayor and council deserve proper
j credit for tbeir push and enterpriae.
r, 1
NervooH Disorders.
FLINT'S REMEDY must be j
wben excessive or continuous mns- '
lar n
, cuiir exertion, exciting passions, or over ;
j indulgence, stimulating food or drink, or
1 nervous disorders have long continued,
j Descriptive treatise with eaoh bottie; or,
I addrew. Mick Drug Co., N . T. ;
Vote For E. B. Stanton. E. B. Stan-
ton republican candidate for cominis-
county. It elected the people of Mor
row wiil not be disappointed, for he will
assist m making better roads and where
most needed, aud at the same time keep
an eye on the expense fund. If you do
not know Mr. Stanton, inquire about
him. You will find the Gzettk has not
over-estimated bis ability.
The Best Remedy. Wright's Para
gon Headache Remedy for headache and
neuralgia. Harmless, tasteless, no bad
effects. Stops pain in five minntee.
Sold by A. D. Johnson,
A Deserving Man. Julius Hodson, on
the republican tioket for clerk, is well
qualified for the office for which h is a
candidate. He writes a clear, legible
hand, is well educated, accommodating
and pleasing in his address. He has
taught school in this county for a
number of years, being principal of
the Lexington schools, last winter, where
he gave general satisfaction. Mr. Hodson
is in every respect a self-made man, his
father dying years aga.leaving the family
with little means, yet be has managed to
aoqnire some education, besides assisting
to care for and comfort his widowed
mother. Vote for Julius Hodson. He
will attend to the duties ot the clerk's
office himself, having no outside interests
to engage his attention.
The great appetizer, tonic and liver1 reg
ulator. In use for more than 50 years in
England. Poaititive specific for liier
compl'iint. Bad taste in the month on
arising in the morning, dull pains in the
head and back of the eves, tired feeling.
dizziness, languor symptoms of liver
complaint. Remedy Dr. Henley's Eng
lish Dandelion Tonic. Relieves consti
pation, sharpens the appetite and tones
up the entire system. Get the genuine
trom your druggist tor S51, and take ac
cording to directions. 74-426.
Mr. vv. G. bcott has resumed mining
operations at the head of Willow creek,
where he confidently expects to strike it
rich. Indications continue good.
A Claimant May Make a Second Pre-Emption
Filing; if He Abandons His Unit Claim.
From the East Oreeonian.
Ijaod Attorney hi. W. Farrow reoeived
notice from the La Grande land office
yesterday of a decision of the Honorable
Commissioner of considerable interest
to land claimants generally.
Aioert f. wisdom, of JSye, Or., filed a
pre-emption some time ago and aban
doned it. He afterward made a second
filing, which was refused Bt the La
uranue omce. tie tnen placed the case
in the hands of Mr. Farrow, who appeal
ed it to the commissioner. He has
decided that the hrst entry be cancelled
without prejudice, and that the second
be allowed to stand in satisfaction of the
claimant s right. It took but four
months to carry the case to this success
ful termination.
A similar case is that of James Leh
man, who abandoned one pre-emption
olaim and was allowed to file upon and
hold a second after a three years' con
test. Both Bhow that a man may make
a second pre-emption filing if he aban
dons his first olaim for good reasons.
Read the following: Mr. O. H. Mor
ris, Newark, Ark., says: '-Was down
with abcess of lungs, and friends and
physicians pronounced me an incnrable
consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, am
now on my third bottle and am able to
oversee the work on my farm. It is the
finest medicine ever made."
Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says:
'Had it not been for Dr. Kine's New
Discovery for consumption I would have
died of Inn it tronbles. Was onven nn
Johnson Uo. s drug store.
A Summer Frdjnd Wright's Black
berry Cordial. Onoe used always used.
Reliable and prompt. Pleasant to take.
Indispensible for summer tronbles.
Sold by A. D. Johnson.
Sam Carmack wintered in the valley
oountry, and is here again looking con
tented and happy. He will remain for a
mont or so.
Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar
saparilla superior to an other .medicines.
Peculiar In combination, proportion,
and preparation of Ingredients, jy
Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses JrSSf
the full curative value of the jr Vr
best known temeileartQrr of
the vegetable klng- flSi.Aom'
Peculiar In its Qr strength
and economy ySr Hood's Sar
aaparpja is Sr the only medi
cine otV "wbJch can truly
beeaii.rCf "One Hundred Doses
One jQk Dollar." Medicines In
ZrSj larger and smaller bottles
JkNrequlre larger doses, and do not
prodnce as good results as Hood's.
S Peculiar in its medicinal merits,
Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith
erto unknown, and has won for itself
the title ot " The greatest blood .vt
purifier ever discovered." r
Peculiar in its "good name
nome," tnere is now X?' more
of Hood's Sarsaparilla S S sold In
Lowell, where S 10it Is made,
than of allr ;otber blood
purifiers. VT OPecullar in Its
phenome- .nal record of sales
S no other preparation
has rVX ever attained such noim-
Piarity in so short a time.
and confidence among all classes
of people so steadfastly.
TV not be induced to buy other preparatibr!
but be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine,
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggists. $l;aixforS5. Prepared onlr
DJ o. J. uouu tfc oo.. Apothecaries, LoweU,
IOO Doses One Dollar
I have been troubled many years with
disease of the kidneys and have tried
many different remedies and have
sought aid from different physicians
without relief. About the 15th of April
I was suffering from a very violent
attack that almost prostrated me in
sucn a manner mat x w ucuiuvti .
When I sat down it was almost impossible for me
to get up alone, or to put on my clothes, when
kind Providence sent Dr. Henley, with the
hotel. I immediately commenced
using the tea. It had an almost
miraculous effect, and to the aston
ishment of all the guests at tbe hotel,
in a few days, I am bappy to state.
that I was a new man. I wii
recommend the tea to all afflict)
as x nave Dcen.
Proprietor Occidental Hotel,
Santa Rosa. Cal.
Fakr's Golden Female Pills..
ForFemale Trregnlar
ities; nothinelitethem
on the market. Never
fail, sm-oessfully used
by prominent ladies
monthly. Guaranteed
to relieve suppressed
Don't be hnmbugeed.
Save Time, Health,
andmoney;Ute nooth
er. Sent to any address,
secure by mail on re
ceipt of price, f 2.00,
Westem Branch, Bx27, PORTLAND, OE
Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co., Sol
Agents for Heppner.
v ws
You Can Depend Upon
Your order
2. The same
as though
Lower prices on the whole than
elsewhere. They allow no one to
undersell them.
Courteous and satisfactory treat
ment. Goods may be exchanged;
or money refunded where satisfac
tion is not given.
5. The best
unsalable o -
6. The benefits of their dealings di
rect with manufacturers. It makes
small prices.
5DE BOS. Co.,
lt ill Stock Xow on Ilorxtl.
latest Styles and Bot
torn Prices!
and Job
Special attention paid to fine
dBe& ill
SlJ Buckingham
BEGXo 1 KRED : No. 1215 in Norman Fercheron Book U. t. and 1M4 in
the "French Percheron book of France, aire, monton low, r. u.
S B. He by French Monarch, 734 in F. P. S. B., 205 in the A. P. S. B.
and 350 in F. D. S. B.; out of Marganrete by Cow; by Mesle-Sur-Sarthe, through
the genealogy as found in the stud book (Peroberonne De France.) and stud book
Des Chevau De Trait FraDoais. We find SULTAN comes from the most fashion
able strains of ancestors in all France.
COLOR, BLACK. Is nine years old; weight 1,800; will make the season at Rock
Creek, four miles south of Hardman, at
cox & English's iivN or I.
SULTAN can show the finest colte from yearlings to four-year-olds, of any
horse ever imported into Oregon.
if any should occur, or mares get out of
"Observer," a supporter -of Mr Mc-
Haley for joint-senator, writes to the
Long Creek Eagle that "Henry Black-
man is making big promises to the peo
ple of Wagner precinct, in saying he will
secure an appropriation for a wagon road
known as the Dayville. Wagner and
Heppner road." If Henry Blackman said
so,and he.shonld be elected, Henry tsiactt-
- 1 man w;i not fail the people in anything
he promises, and that wagon road wm
be made; ''and don't yon forget it."
filled witn pleainsg
and attention
at their
you were
styles. - They carry
fork a Specialty.
& Heels
J,ace or uongress. iiivery pair
Warranted. Also an extensive line of
the celebrated Buckingham &
Hecht boots always on hand.
The Largest Stock in East
ern Oregon.
custom work. Opposite City Hotel,
Imported by
KORMAIi, ILLS., Dec. 1813.
$20 to insure ; $10 season. Pasture furnished free. All care
will be taken to prevent aocidents, but will not be responsible
Some lies are yet being circulated in
various parts of Morrow county relative
to W. L. Saling, candidate for county
school superintendent, regardless of the
fact that an exposition of tbe big buger.
boo was made by the Gazette some
time ago, and undoubtedly read by
three-fourths of the voters in Morrow
oounty. Mr. Saling has a first-grade
certificate, and U well qualified for the
sn peri ntendeney.
You Will Find that Tou Can Get the Most Goods of the Same Class for
the Least Money at
J. W. Matlock & Co.'s
New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink
When They Say they Keep a Complete Stock They Mean It. See for Yourself
The Most Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods,
Meats, Salt, Glassware and Queensware, Anything and Everything
will travel well wlien shod by .
General Blacksmiths & Fariers.
Horsesnoeing $100 psr after may 1st, 1889.
aiatlooh.Oorner. Main Street, Heppner, O I-
This Topular Millinery Establishment has a Fresh and Neat
Stock Just Open for Inspection at the
Hands of the Public.
New "Hats! New Styles! New Prices!
lew livery and Feed Stable.
The New Firm Has Added Rigs and Liuery Stock. Hay and Grain for
Sale, and FREE STALL ROOM. Free Camping Honse in Connection.
Whole Barley and Chop for Sale.
KEEFEK & SARGENT, Props. Lutver Main St., Heppner, Or.
Are Tou Going to Paint Your House
We have jnst reoeived a fine Hue of MIXED PAINTS bought at assignee's sale
which we offer at very low prices. Also a stock .
of the celebrated
We carry a complete stock of Oils, Colors,
Brushes Glass, etc., etc.
A Full Line of WALLPAPER of the Latest Styles Just Heceived
From Chicago. Call and See Them at the
A. D. Johnson, Prop.
And Piping Always
on Hani
A Specialty ! !
General ESartxgrrissit.
cirDeaifir InfJ .
Drues, Cl oitii((ils, Patent Medicines, Toilet
Ardoiesi Paints, Oils, O-iass atxa
W til paper.
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD PENS in
Eastern Oreo-on.
As't for l'ort lf
Leezer & Thompson's Corner,
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
eeivable article article kept in a First
class Harneis Shop.
Repairing a Specialty I
Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and
get cash prices.
This Spring? If so, Call on
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Wood and "Willow Ware,
Bi'.l Cages, NE HOME Sewing Ma
chines anil n complete Hue of
Groceries ail Confectionery !
ntl Oregonian,
: : : Main Street,