THE GAZETTE. THCli.SOAY, MAY 2, 1890. GOB LOCBL TICKET. F..r Joint Senator of Morrow, (irant and Harnev, HENRY BLACKMAN, of Heppner. For Proseontinij Attorney of the 7tb Judicial Irihtnct, W. H. WILSON, of The Dalles. County Republican Ticket. Representative, A. C. PETTYS, of Ioue. Sheriff. A. ANDREWS, of Alpine. Clerk, JULIU.S HUDSON, of Lexington. Connty Judtfe, WM. BLA1K, of Lexington. Treasurer, L. W. BKKiGS, of Heppner. Superintendent of ScUooIh. . W. L. SALINQ. of Sand Hollow. Commissioner, E. 15. STANTON, of Eight Mile. AssesHor, M. 8. MAXWELL, of Gooseberry. Surveyor, W. S. PAH MAN, of Gooselierry. Coroner, DH. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner. HEPPNKIt PRECINCT. Justice of the Peace, F. J. HALLOCK. Const able, CHAS. O. TALbEUT. If bveby republican who will vote the regular republican oounty ticket will go to the polls and cast his vote it will be elected. It is not true that there is any serious rliaaflActinn in the republican ranks which would endanger the ticket if every voter will go to the polls. Republicans, seethat;every man votes who will support the ticket . When the Budget says the Gazette is defending any Boss, Ringeteror Boodler, the Gazette cannot do better than ap ply the langnage of Judge Wm. Mitohell in bis note to its editor in 1888, "It w a malicious lie to catch votes.". The editor of the Budget and hiB dis satisfied republicans were present when that democratic Heppner ticket was be ing made to "down the republican tick et." And when they gave the five good offices to the Heppner men they were aU satisfied, and threw up their hats and rejoiced. The Budget having made a disastrous failure in its efforts to prevent the nomi nation of Henry Blackman, has since at tempted to find solace in giving personal attacks which only show their author tp be destitute of all the finer feelings which control enlightened and Christian ized humanity. It the editor of the Budgtt while ed- iting ' '"''-nnilrnt, i-nYro'i'i irf itk IU UllfB lUac, it to nil tuvsiftiDlC mat mere nas oeen mucn progreos toward re form by tbe editor of the Budget wbiob would make him more truthful now. When tbe Budget says that the repub lican ticket is tbe work ot one man or of bait a dozen men, and not of the majori ty of the republicans ot Morrow oounty it deliberately, maliciously and knowing ly tells an untruth. It is a repetition of an old trick for which be is noted. Read Jndge Mitchell's card which will be found in another column. Has the editor of the Budget been Doted for bis adherence to the repnblioan party ? Has be not always held the an ' omolous position of a regular kicker? Is it probable that any ticket could be made at a republican convention at wbiob he would not be found a kicker? Has be not in most, if not all cases, been found a mongrel republican? Did he ever support a straight republican tick et? Did the democratic delegates from the country know tbat the editor of the Budget and bis cohorts, which he calls republicans, were watching and figuring viur ouuuiuiicvB waom iney oouia con ecienstously vote for, "to down the ring," that they graciously resigned all to Heppner candidates, or was it done by obtaining alternates and oombining? We don't know, and ask for information. Can the Budget say? Yes, the Gazette has been reflecting upon tbe Budget's allusion to the Btory ot "Old Dog Tray," but it was not puz zled to distinguish which is poor Tray and tbe bad company into which he fell. The Gazette's judgment is that as tbe Budget has a well-known charao- ter as a growler and for trickiness, be represents the bad dog and the demo cratic party represents the good dog whioh fell into very bad company and will suffer accordingly at the bands of indignant voters next week. All have heard something about the frightened and disooncerted boy who whistled to keep up bis courage. Tbat is what tbe Budget endeavored to do in its last week's issue. The exposure by tbe Gazkttk of tbe real and only genu- ineBnoceselul combination was a severe blow to its self assurance and gave its courage a little set pack. Its weak whistle lacked the ring and confidence of hold soldier boy to tell in a word about bow, when and where tbat Hepp ner ticket was arranged, to drop on tbe eonvention. The surgeon of the Budget imag ines that be has removed a very bad oanoer from the republican body, and thinks the cut he has made has destroy ed the party. The only cancer which the republican party in Morrow has been troubled with is the editor of the Budget, who has persistently clung to it as a fungus growth and is better cut off with a little of the flesh than not at all. He has not been noted for any remark able value to that party. It is a good thing to be rid of a malignant cancer. and the party will be gainer whea it is j which he can get bV his adherence ' digestion try Electric Bitters. Entire , e its observance absolutely impera .. . o . :- . Q""f'f ui.c . . tj aran eed .orm onev r ef nnd - , tive. Very respectful v. cut oat. Ho is a sore place in tbe body 9f Any political party. THE GNAWING wo::, Iu this world are many "n"('J'-i ances, which are to a greater cr less degree a curse to a com mu nity where they exist. Among which are happily, a small class of editors ( '? ) and scribbling writers, whose am bition is attained when they get down iu the filth and roll in slimy corruption of personal detraction and calumny, if perchance their personal interests are not inspired to more noble acts. This has be come so frequent that disgust has taken th place of a satiated curi osity ana astonishment. One cannot fail to be struck with the lamentable truthfulness of this statement when persons who are held in respect and honor by their neighbors are presented by them to the public favor as candidates for official positions 'Die occasion brings to life the starving worm, which lives and fattens in disgust ing, filthy and slimy matter. Then no man s private artairs are neiu sacred; the smallest peisonal mat ters are seized with avidity and be come the spoil of the calumniator. Even the sanctuary of the home is invaded, the faintest breath and whisper is held up as a cause for suspicion upon which his imagina tion feeds until it bursts to scatter its filth to nauseate and disgust a respectable community. These are the sobeijand thought ful, though indignant, impressions which the Gazette holds on the Jjudget's chief pride, and is so as siduous iu nursing into popularity. Its vulgar nauseate called "chron icles," which are only an exhibition of his precept for a political trickster, by deceit and social slan der to tickle the fancy for the mo ment, and as Judge Mitchell says, "to catch voters." Stripped of the peculiar but beautiful style in which the poison ous shafts are hidden they are a covert stab to every friend and ac quaintance, whether social or polit ical, of the gentlemen against whom they are aimed. It is a wound directed at the feelings and sensibilities of every man who has a spark of the love of fair play yet lingering in his bosom for his fel low man, particularly those who come in daily contact with him. These "chronicles" are but the writhings from the stings of dis- aDDOinted ambition. When the asperity of this politi cal contest have passed away, the writer of the "chronicles," when he shall have become kiiown to his fellow citizans, will be met with scorn and contumely, and pointed at as the synonym of malicious slanderer. WON'T STEAL ' THE BUDGETS THUNDER. The word "dupe" was not intro duced into this canvass by the Ga zette. It does not belong to its vocabulary and it will not rob the Budget's title to the exclusive right during the canvass to the applica tion of "dupe" and "dupes" to the people of Morrow county, for it makes its first appearance in the uju UUlpjue,w'a(ru'Uu tu'e riVjg and its dupes on the other." It ha3 been exceedingly expert and free in vulgar phrases, such as boss, ring, ringsters and dupes. The Gazette has honestly and earnest ly endeavored to defend the people of Morrow from his impertinent and audacious charges; contending that they were intelligent, reasoning people, who knew their own wishes and had the firmness to do accord ing as their judgment dictated right True,they did not consult the wishes of the Budget crew, not having the fear or favor of the Boss of the Budget ring, they selected their candidates in such manner that all sections of the county are represented on their ticket, so far as they were enabled to do. The Gazette has called no far mer or person or class of farmers or persons "dupes." It said that the combination which made the Heppner ticket arrangf d it so as to give the citizens of Heppner the tat offices, and the lean ones to the "duped farmers" not that it was the Gazette's opinion that the farmers or anybody else were "dupes," but that the intention and purpose of the chief trainers of that ticket was to blind and "dupe" (or deceive) the farmers. That the little sops thrown them, would hide the purpose of the schemers to grab the five valuable offices for the city of Heppner. The article in which the term was used was an expose ot tue scueme, and was written for the consideration of reasoning and intelligent men, having at least a fair quantum of nouesty, a quality which it is loath to accord to the Budget,&nd did not expect its editor could be made to see a point, even so clear as exhib ited, until after the election. THE I ACILLATOR NO BENEFIT TO A PARTY. Neither political party are now. never have been, and never will be free from from boodle followers. There is a class of men to be found in the democratic and prohibition parties, as also, iu the republican party, wno are not controlled by any nobler principle than selfish ness. They vacillate from one party to Rnother as impelled by their selfish desires or disappointments. Such men are designated by the very unsavory name of "boodlers." Whether justly or not, people trill have their opinion formed from circumstances which are sufficient to arouse suspicion from individual action. The man who acts from those principles which are for the great est good for the highest number of his fellow men, is not purely a selfish man, and is a valuable at tache to any party or community. But he, whose principles and mo tives for action are regulated and governed by the dollars and cents " v i""v "., ui i j moral, is unworthy the confidence j -ssocwtea. 3 ich an : one is always readv to rweiveitue thirty nieces of silver. i These facts will not be imperii-1 j nent to the conditions now present- j j ed by the Lexington Budget in its j j opposition to tin; Morrow county j i reuuiilican ticket. i ne majority in the convention, believing in the principle that rotation in office was wholesome to the public good, nom inated excellent and capable repub licans to succeed those to whom had been couSded offices for two terms. Wherefore the Budget with spiteful vehemence, denounced the action of that convention, declaring the majority of its delegates as ringsters, controlled by a ring-master, and announced its purpose to defeat the republicans by support ing the democratic candidate. And I the reason assigned bv it was that the convention did not see proper to nominate for the third term those persons. What was there in the loss of those offices to the two gentlemen who will have served the people faithfully for two terms, which aroused the ire of the editor of the Budget, and caused him to rlee from his republican (?) principles into the support of the democratic ticket V Was it the good of the party or the public that it sought, or was it exclusively selfishness? V as there any boodle about it? The Budget has declared that failure to nominate the present officers to be the cause which sud denly impelled it to support the democratic ticket, and uoon such base and flimsy purposes shame lessly declared its object to be to defeat a good and fair ticket. Its editor exhausts himself with cries of "ring" and "boodle" against hon orable and decent men, with the expectation thatothois will believe him honest, when they think that it is the loss of boodle ou the one hand, and the gain of boodle on the other, to which they are indebt ed for the present attitude of a pre tended republican, one who shifts with the wind. SEEKING ITS LEVEL. The Gazette has been neither amused or annoyed at the " chronicles," that has been the chief attraction of the Budget, and which have been too contemptible to notice. Let the weak, vicious and depraved mind enjoy itself in the mode best suited to the tastes of its owner. It will simply seek its level in proper time. lhe writer has only shown himself able to steal the style of the old Jewish writer, to clothe his venomed arrows with malicious slander and invectives to gratify his personal hate and spite. The scribbler of what he calls "chroni cles." is as blind as a copperhead snake in "dog days." He cannot see that the friends and neighbors of Henry Blackman, living in the city of Heppner, and in the county at large,and in all Eastern Oregon. will not believe that thev have known him these many years and through much social and business win tiiui.((ii,tlbciibbler would deceive the people into a be- Iiet that lie ought to be in the pen itentiary ior liis many raults, which the scribbler has drawn from his imagination only. Is it possible that the citizens of Heppner who have repeatedly elected him as their city's official chief did not know Henry Blackman to be an honorable man worthy of their confidence? Has anybody ever neara ot nis betrayal of this cod fadence in any instance until he was presented as a fit representa tive lor joint-senator, when The scurvy Budget began to emit its slime? The whole course of the paper has been one of vile calum niation on the fair fame of the citv of Heppner; the intelligence of its citizens, and Blackman's many friends of this district, embracing our own Morrow county, ts efforts will not avail. Henry Blackman will be the next joint-senator, if his friends rally to the polls next Mon day. BUCKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. ' The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruises. Sores, Ulcers, SaltEheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil Blnins, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, a id positively oures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price"1 a cents per box. For sale bv A. T) Johnson & Co. AN UNWARRANTED ATTACK. Heppneb, Or., 1890. Ed. Gazette : In last week's issue of yonr paper an artiole appeared, written by some one who signs himself "A Buuchgrasser," purporting to give a con versation between my uncle and myself. I must say that the conversation is dis torted till some portions were badly lied about. He did not come to me and tell me he was going to run for sheriff. He said nothing to me about it till I heard it from other parties, "and I supposed it was a mistake and went to bim and asked him about it the first time I had an opportu nity. He said he had agreed to let hia name go before the couveution. I then said "Why didn't you come and tell me. You onglit to have told me;" and he answered that " tt was a free country and a man could do as be pleased." I did DM use the language referred to, although I am not a saint in my langnage at times, but I did not say that at that time. I think tbat tbe conversation was proper, and that he ought to have let me known sooner; and 1 also tninK tne c imm nni cation was very unaentlemauly, as I had not in any way done or said anything about mv uncle's candidacy to injuie him. and the article was an unwarranted ' attack C. L. Andrews. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and popular as to need no special men tion. All who have used Eleotric Bit ters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric biMers will cure all diseases of the liver aud kidneys, will remote pim ples, boils, salt reum and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from tbe system and prevent as well ns cure all malaria' levers, tor cure of head. n he. constipatiou and in- ; jpnee ovo. and ifl.uu per Dottle at A. j r. Johnson's Co. drug atore. A liis fcllc !HS NOT iMPBOVD-A KE MINIS CENCE. During the political campaign preced ing the June election the present editor of the liudyet edited a political column in the Lexington Bunchy run Blade and supported the indf-pendenr ticket. TLen, as now, he conducted his political eimvass without regard to honor, honesty or truth, ! and fiiled his column with personal in vectives and malicious falsehoods for the purpose of deceiving voters. The follow ing note contains Judge William Mitch ell's opinion of the present editor of the Budget iu 1888. It was published iu the Heppner Gazette of that vear. It will be seen that the editor was an adept at imd slinging" at that time: A LIE. Editor Gazette: I desire that von publish this article iu the Gazette this week to inform the voters ana taxpayers of Morrow county, that the Bunchyras Blade, published in tbe last issue (iu the independent column ot niuit-slingiug falsehoods.) one notorious lie relation to the action ot the Morrow (Jo. court ou county roads running into Heppner and Lexington. The editor or author of tbe garbled, unfair, unjust and untruthful statement has no evidence, foundation or authority. From the records and papers on tile in the clerk's office, there is not the least foundation to attaok the county court, or any other offioer holding iu the county with partiality tor lleppuer and prejudice against Lexington, and the man who wrote that, article must have known that he was writing a campaign lie for the purpose of misleading the un informed voters of the huehgrass settle ments. And I now say that the road laws of this state, the petitions, noi and alfidavits on file within the last two years, and tbe testimony of the two co misaioners, Andrew Kood and William Douglass, and also tbe attorneys iu tbe road cases for the last two years, will bear me out to assert that it is a mali cious lie to catch votes for the independ ents. Wm. MitcheijIi, Co. Jndge. May 20, 18S8. . A COMMUNICATION. Ed. Gazette : Will yon have the kindness to publish the following letter, which I received a few days ago, and whicb may interest, tbe people at large. It explains itself : Eugene, May J5, 18W. Mr. C. A. Rhea, Heppner, Or.: Dear Sir : I see that the democrats ot your county have nominated J. V. Matlock for county treasurer. Mr. Mat lock formerly lived here. I have known him from childhood. He is a man of honor and high standing here, as every man in this oounty will attest regardless of party. With such a man as J. W. Mat look elected treasurer, the funds ot Mor row county would be perfectly safe and eeeure, withont bonds. All his old friends here congratulate him and wish him suc cess. Yours truly, T. G. Hendricks, Cashier First Nat. Bank. Eugene. Tours truly, C. A Rhea, President 1st Nat. Bank, Heppner,Or.- The Pendleton Tribune applied the stale calf story, which it attempted to palm off as origiual to the East - Oreaoman, and now comes the E. O. and charges the Tribune wit b a clear steal from the Lexington Budget. Not so, Brother E. O. That little piece of attempted wit bas been in current use since calves became involved in difficulties. It is too stale to palm off as original. "Defense is deception" is one of the precepts of the Buduct & presume that is tbe reason,11 " lU " defend it u(fli()r,tliencleal, bijHIie Budget continr nes as it began "the tactics ot the fleq ing shop-lifter who ories, 'stop thief,' tp attract attention." It thinks tbe cry ojf Ring, Ringster, Boss and abuse of the delegates to the republican convention and the supporters of its ticket will distract the attention of the people from the peculiarly formed ticket it supports as innocent of combinations and rings A single glance ot it shows that nice fingers manipulated it. As the guilty wretch has been known to smile a ghastly smile when on the threshold of-eternity, so the editor of the nuaget witu his "homely maxim" about giving the oalf rope enough and amus ing itself by trying bis "precept of po litical tricksters" to deceive its readers, that it is the Gazette, and not the Bud get, with its Heppner ticket, which is "inextricably entangled" in halter, rope and all. So tightly is the Budget and its ticket entwined in the network wov en by the Gazette that it has not been able to tell ns how Heppner got all the fat places on the demooratio tiokat. Per haps next week it will tell how they didn't get them. The Budget has frequently used the word 'contempt" in reference to the ed itor of this paper in referring to his re lations with the citizens of Heppner- To him the editor ot the Gazette will say that whether his charges are true or false, he has walked tbe streets of Hepp ner and mingled and conversed with his fellow citizens without fear or favor. He has not sneaked through alleys, crossed the streets to avoid respectable, honest men, or walked by with bowed head conscious of guilt. Neither have we received the hootings of onr neigh bors, nor have the fingers of scorn and contempt been pointed at us, as we have-J been informed by a cin'zen of Lexington is the case of a well known and now very prominent political soribbler of that place. GIVE A FULL BEPOKT, Cirrnlar as to the Xon-Kligibitity of Assessors aud Certain other Persons for appolut nieut as Census Ktiuiuerators, Washington, 1. C, April 15. 18J0. From representations recently made to this office from different parts ot the country, it is evident that there is more or less misconception existing among certain viussea oi toe community, more especially the agricultural class, as to the object of the census, and there is great reason to fear tuat, unless such a contingency be specially guarded atrainst many persons will be deterred from ren dering tun and accurate statements of 'nelr f roPerty J its productions by the I"" I"" """" wouia De u Ptoses oi taxation. 1" lu's. woulu- seriously impair the ue oi tue census for some of its most important purposes, supervisors of cen. sus nave been instructed not to recom mend for appointment as enumerator any person directly or indirectly con cerned either in the assessment of prop erty for taxation or in the actual levying of taxation iu yonr district, as no snob recommendations will be approved. Although this order will Lave the ef fect of excluding many persons who in everv other respect tlun that mentioned would make excellent enumerators, and whose appointment was even contem plated in the letter of instructions issued to supervisors with their resnectivo commissions, me interestj ot the census Robert P. Pouter. Superintendent of Cennus. niALTHFn EXERCISE. Only a few months apro these romping, rosr eheeked lasses were puny, delicate, pale, sickly firls. By tbe aid of Dr. Pierce's world-famed avorite Prescription, they have blossomed out into beautiful, plump, bale, hearty, strong jounjr women. f avorite rrescnpiion is an inTioraunjr, J - of functional V.' ESS period or cnanpe Irom g-irmooa to woman hood, it is a perfectly safe remedial agent, and can produce only good results. It is care fully compounded, by an experienced and skillful physician, and adapted to woman's delicate organization. It is purely vegetable in its composition and perfectly harmless in any condition of the system. It impart strength to the whole system. For over worked, "worn-out," " run-down," debilitated teachers, milliners, dressmakers, seamstresses, "shop-ffiris," housekeepers, nursing- mothers, imd feeble women generally. Dr. Pierce's favorite Prescription is the greatest earthly "noon, being unequaled as an appetizing cor dial and restorative tonic. It is the only medicine for women, sold by druggists, under a positive guarantee from the manufacturers, that it will give satisfaction in every case. or money will be refunded. This guarantea has h-n faithfully carried out for many years. 1SSS. by WORLD'S DIS. MED. A8g'lT. K 11' OQO OFFEaED bv th manufactur ers of Dr. Bail's Catarrh Remedy, for as Icoumble caaa of Cutarrn. iu tha Head. STRAYED OR. STOLEN. Strayed or taken from pasture od Willow creek on tbe 16th of April, one bay 5-year-old raare branded N with a quarter circle above, on left shoulder. Star on forehead, white fetlocks behind: harness marked and was shod all nronnd when she left. A liberal reward will oe nuid for information leadme to her re covery, or for her return to the Stewart stable. 75-77 W. R. Newman. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., May 10. '90. is hrehv riven that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof wiil be made before the eonnty clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on July 7, 18M), tiz: William A. Martin. D. S. No. 79B!. for the 8 H NW ii N VS KW H K..C. a To. 5 8. K -2S E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, ana cuuivaLiou of said land, viz: David A , Herren . W. R. Casey. Hobert Matteson and Edgar matteson. au or neppner, wreou, 74-79 . Henry Kuimehabt. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I.,l nm t The T),.lles. Or.. Mav 22. 90. Notice is hereby given thatthe following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow connty, at Heppner, Or., on -July 12. 1K.H) viz: Hiram. Tank, Hd. No. 1839, for the 8W !4 Sec. 29, Tp. 4 S. of R. 25 E. HenameB the following witnesses to, prove his continuous residence upon, anil cultivation of. said land, viz: Fred Poppen, Virgil A. Stephens, John T. Moreland and Ldwb. D. Allen, all of Hardm ,n. Oregon. . 75-idl John W . Lewis, Register eppner, HUGGINS SHOBE STREET. I - - ! I . . I j , ' i g -H ; 5i" ' 7 1 ... i KEITH LEY The aboM, 32 Lots, situated between the original City of Heppner and the iuut ernon Addition, are finely located for Residencies be sidesiieing EXTRA GOOD LAND. Tbe whole property, or' any part tereof, is now offered for sale, 7 TERMS One-thiid cash; one-third in one year, and one-third in two years, th approved- security and 10 per cent interest. Apply to DR. THE OREGON LAND CO. with its Home Office at SaVn, Or. , (m the State Insurance Building), and Branch Ofhcesn Portland, Astoria and Albany, has for sale a large lot orTrain, stock and Fruit Farms, also City nun ououroan irroperty. ME OljGOX IVVJ CO. Was specially org,ized for the purpose of b ; and gubdi Tiding large tracts of l,d. and has, during the past two years, bought , and subdivided ove3200 acres of land into five totwJntv ,T8 tracts xne su,ess of this undertaking is shown in ; the fact thaout of 280 tracts of land plac ed in t, marketj 225 have been sold. W'rS InTbeMte4 wi "ger "come than 160 We also mnke valuable i in prove ni-a in nL t SlalltrB0trflBDaltetfitmelOd feDCes' We can py for a large farm. , ame pr,oe Per aore M ""old have to Send for pamphlet, maps and prif.jI8( ' - NOTICE OF INTENTION. f 'onwolidfltd. J l La:J Office at The Dalle. Or., May S. "JO. j Notice is hereby given that the following- ' namcl settlers have tiled notice of their inten- ' tion to make final proof in support of their claims j aiiti tiiHt said prool will be matte betore tnecoun- : v of Gilliam county at Arlington, l ,r., on : Jane ao, 1SW, viz: J Mrs. M. Anderson, j For the 8 SW'i. NW HWand SW NW4 ' Sec. 12. T. 2 b. It. 22 K. 8he names the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, waid hind viz: Julian L. Paul, Lucius W . Paul. John M. Col- lum and Edrar X . Persons, all of Shelby, Or. Lucius W. Paul. Forth' E'i NEH. NW dEandNEfc NWH Sec. 21, Tt. 2 S. It, 22 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence uion and cultivation of, said land, viz: Mrs. M. Anderson, Andrew T. Cochran, John M. ( olluin and Edgar T. Persons, ail of Shelby. Or. Julian L. Paul, For the NE1 Sec. 14, Tp. 2 S. K. 23 E. He names the following witDebnes to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said hind, viz: Mrs. M. Anderson, Andrew J. CooJiran, Hugar T. Persons and John M. Collum, all of Shelby. Or. . 74-79. John W, Lewis. Kegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T-Rnd Office at The Dalles. Or.. Mav 3. '0. Nntirn U hprohv uivftn tht tiie followinir named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final prtmf m support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of ilorrow county, at heppner, Or., ou June Hta, 189U, viz: .4. H. Hooker. Eiaht Mile, Or., Hd. ltW. for the 8KJ4 Sec. 7, Tp. 4 8. K. 24 E.W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultiva tion of, said land, viz: M. H, Swearengin, J. H. Inskeep, Eight Mile ; W. M. In gram, C.A. Repass, Gooseberry. 72-77 John V. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office, at The Dalles, Or., May 3,'ft). Nittiro is hpmhv iriven tliut the f.lllowintr-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make nnal poof m support of his claim, ana that of Morrow county, atHeppuer, oreRon, on June 14, toao. VIA. Michael H. Swearengin, of Eight Mile, Hd. 2534 for the E'-i NKW SW NEV4 and SE! NVVH of Sec. 1H. Tp. 4S. tt. 24 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of. said land, viz: A. H. Hooker, J. H. Inskeep, tight Mile ; W. M. Ingrum, C A. Repass, Gooseberry. 72-77 John W. Lewis, Ketrister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles Or.. May 8. '90. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on June 21, lbtKI. viz: William Gilliam, Heppner, Or. D. 8., 3233, for the 8 Wi NW( Sec. 9, and the S',i NE4 aodSE NWitSec. 8, Jp. 48. K. 26, E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, Baid land, viz: Charles Kirk, John T. Kirk. Frank (iltliam and Hardy Long, all of Heppner. Or. 13-78 John VV. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., May 9, '90. Notice is hereby given that tbe following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Hepp ner, Or., on June mi3. 1890. viz: John Brown, D. S. No. 71S6, For the H'i NWH & SE"4 NWH MW XFM Nwv 5. To. 4 H. R. 2t5. E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz: V. E. Miller, J. M. Hayes, of Heppner, Or., Richard Hayes and J.G. Hayes of Eight Mile.Or. 7a7i John W.Lewis. Register. SIGNAL SERVICE RECORD. For Week Ending Wednesday, Hay 28. 1890 Mean Mean Pre- Char Date Temp. Max. Min. Bar, cip. acter. Mav22 B3.25 71.50 82.00 j.2) j Oio fair "23 flo.75 77.00 50.00 30.890 0.00 cl'r 24 87.2') 79.00 42.50 30.X) 0.00 cl'r 25 60.00 79 75 43.00 30.14u I 0.00 cl'r 26 71.." 83.00 49.50 29,865 I 0.00 fair 27 54 35 72.50 45.50 211.925 0.00 fair 28 51.50 63.00 33.50 29.920 I 0.00 fair A. Smith. TO Oregon. STREET. STREET L. F. SHIPLEY, Heppner, Or. te ice Coffin & McFarland, II Y Jr L We take pleasure in iufoi ming our customers and the public generally that we have just removed our stock of General Merchandise into our Elegant New Brick Store down Main Street, where we shall be pleased to welcome all. We have the Best Assorted Stock of Goods in this section. Our Dry tlssds Beparimcnt the Most Complete! In Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing We are The Leaders. We can show a Handsome Jjine of Fine Tailor Made Suits, of the Latest Styles and Most Brilliant Patterns. Don't bay yonr Spring Suit before Examimsg our FINE, STYLISH HATS IN ALL SHAPES. LADIES' : AND : MISSES' : FINE : SHOES : AND Grents' Footwear in all Grades. FINEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES AND RANGES IN THE CITY. The "Home Jewel" Ranges will "bake the cake. Full line of Grooeries, Hardware and Tinware. California San Jose Saddles. Bits and Spurs. Heavy Team Harness. MITCHELL WAGONS. Plows and Harrows. Doors and Windows. Paints, Oils and Glass. Carpets, Wall Papers. Black smith's Stone Coal. Shingles, Lime Sulphur, Cement. CLOCKS, AND WATCHES. GUNS AND PISTOLS. TRUNKS and VALISES. j Commencing Monday Morning, FEBRUARY, 17th, presenting to every retail cash ing, boots, shoes, hats and caps to the amount of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), A BEAUTIFUL BOUND VOLUME, Worth &4 each. Our prices on all goods are low as the lowest. Buying the books from the publishers east, in large quantities, we are eabled to offer them as an inducement to increase our trade. The above offer holds good until JAN. 1, 1891. Do not miss this chance, but start iu at once buying from us and get a present, for EACH TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS WORTH OF DRY GOODS Purchased between the above dates. Orders from the Country Solicited. Highest price ' Paid for Sheep Pelts. Agents for Christy & "Wise. Gilliam & Exclusive Hamware storey - t Have in Stock Tinware, Shlef Hardware, Iron and Steel, Blacksmiths' Coal, Wood and Willow W are, Queensware, ilding Paper They Have Just Eeceived a Carload of Agricultural Implements In cluding the Standard Mowers and Reapers, Sulky Rakes, Wag ons, Hacks and Buckboards. These Vehicles are of the S?nnt TTiiL-o Try theit-Standard JowerJor. . durability. U u5SS i Also in btock All flCOIMETELIJfE OF STOVES A TIN SHOP IN CONNECTION. Tin & IronRoofingaSpeoialty GILLIAM & BISBEE, Next door to First Nat. Bank, Heppner, Or. Agent Blankets, Clothing, Flannels, Bolt Goods, Etc. Complete Line of GENT S FURNISHINGS. C. S Van Duyn,. FIRST NATIONAL HEPPNER, Bred by Thomas Denhnrst, Whittingbam, Hattie, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1889. pal English Registered ITSL Sandy tITSTat 8ta,lion' and lerms: If , lnsure' Wonderful Oregon Remedies O B. HEADACHE AND LIVER CDRP will cure Stomach, Kidney and "iTOr it r5,Ji".0?Dfi Consumption Can, will cure Coughs Colds ( onBumption and Asthma. 8. B. Alpha Pain Cure will cure ani lain in twenty minates. Ask yonr drneoW fT.i ?? ln. '5 no other. For dale byK.J.slucum. ej. Movir Subscribe for the GAZETTE. Subscribes for the GAZETTE. IV Assortment. SLIPPERS 1890, we intend purchaser of dry goods, cloth Bisbee's Of 111 Kinds. 'tiaiist'act Jlachine Oils Is of Kinds. FB?IHE 1ST EXflOTIE For The Brownsville Woolen Mills! BANK BUILDING OREGON. SANDY. K -:0: Scotland Tmr, . Ported by John ISO make 815 fr the season, $10 Bin- NELSON JONES. W. LOW n GEO m Mm. CONTRACTOR and "r""" au kinds of mgs, town or country. build- in?; Buildino-s a Snerialtv ' 7 HEPPNER, OREGON.