y EIGIJTH YEAR. HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 29, 181)0 mm NO. 375. I I w IP THE GAZETTE. !Hr?:U KVtKV THLBHDAY AFTKRNOON HY OTIS PATTEIiKON, At 'i.ii year, $1.2r for six n-'uiths. 0. V :i,rw? nioiitns; in advance. -If paid for at the nnj hwuuih. iMja year will be charged. ADVEHT18INO BATES. I inph, 6ingln colamn, per month,.. . $ l.Vl .. 2.rt DOTJBI.K COLUMN. ilM'llfS.. 3-fKl ... 5.M ?H column .7.7, ' "' Local advwrtitii ug Ukt per line. Each subsr quDt ::iMf.rtion at half rates. Hpeciul rates will be charged for personal Jik aud oolitical mIukJi. OHEO-OIT ornciALs. tiovernor , Hec. of State .'return rer Hiipt. Instruction JmJe Heventh District .district Attorney 8. Pt-nnoyer. , W. McHride. VV. W.-bb. .JS.H. McKtroy. J. li. Hird. ....W. ti. KUi. MOIillOW COUNTY. Joint Henator , J. P. Waster. KaprfHontative T. LC. tell. ' oonty Jude Win. Mitchell. ('ouimiduionAre J. B. Ely. J. A. Thoui psoii. Clerk ('. L.Andrews. " Hheriff T. H. Howard. Treamirer (jeo. Noble, AHfceHor J. J. MeGee. Surveyor... JnliuK Keith ley. School bap't.... J. kl. Htanley. oroner A. J. Shobe. URPPNEE TOWN OFFICERS. 1oi Henry Blacknian. ( ounciliiien Nelnon J ones, J. W. Morrow. E. L. Matlock, O. E. FaniMWorth, ('. M.MMloiy and W. J. Me Ate;. i;ecniei ,.A. A. Roberts. Fr-anureF W.J. Ix-zer, Mural ink, J. W. Kmuius. rT Jlorie LfMlge No. 20 K. of P. meets ev "A ery'J'lleiday ovenine-nt 7.30o'ctock in 1. Ixr'XSl dially invited to at tend. 5.T I II Ht.wi.-v I1 i1 K. K. .SwiNBUttNlfi, K. of 11. A: ti. PEOrE;SSIOnli. itokni-;y5sse .aw. -oxxx o -Coiikliusr Moi'lrase Trust Co. Agent for .krvis- tMlice in Fii Heppner, st National Dank, Oregon 4 1 1 o r n e y-a t-L a wzzz v o liAOtarv l nunc aau .Tutstioe of tlie Ieaf;o. H EPi'NEli, OGN. 1FHC E OPEN AT AIJ. IWh US i. N. I1KOWN, JAM. L. HAMILTON. Attorney at Lhiv. Brown & Hamilton Practice in all court of the state. Insurance, real estiitw coliecti-m ii:itl loan My.it-. Prompt atUtntiOii tiven to all buiiineHs cntrurt ed to tin -in. OjipoHite Gazette Office, Heppner. W. K. ELLIS, t torney-at- WWjjaMaMipUliii'i' HRlTNliB. OliEUON. I'roHCcnting Attorney for Seventh Ju dicial District. ill gil e prompt attention to an J unit all business entmstea 10 mm. OFFICE on Main Street, over Liberty Mar ket GEO. P. MORGAN, Land Office Specialist, The Dalles, Oregon. t i,! ,im;tt.Bil to nraotioe beroie the V. 8. Land office and departments at Washiufiton, D. C. Attenbs to con- .-i 1 ,ur.vUrv nf l,t rillbtS. Ci"! ItlBliS OUU ixjuw-j on, or write him. 1M 4T K l! A 1 . hAirv 01 HClTt' ..... . . iTr r xtrn ilUVl'"" i p THOMPSON. F.D. B. BISHOP.' President. Cashier. flLWSACTS A tiENEBALBAXKlXG BUSINESS. OOtJLECTToNS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. nnnnnite Minor's Hotel, HEPPNEK, OREGON. National Bank -OF HEFPNER, First .A. KHEA. PreBident. FRANK KELLOGG-, Vice-Presiilent. George. W. Conser, Cashier. , I ranaaota' ft General Ban kiug Business On all parts of tlie world Bought and Sold, Collection made at all points on Rea sonable Terms. $150.1100 to lona on improved farms at 8 per cent WHEN YOU WANT nnN'T FORGbl Ti,t. the best ulace to get it is at the GAZETTE SHOP Heppner, : " YOU CAX SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER THE . GAZETTE SHOP. AND Canyon City STAGE LIKE, Chas. H. Lke, Proprietor. STAGES LEAVE MIEST DAILY EX CEl'T SUNDAY. FARE: Cnoron City to Monument - " Long Creek 85.00 300 This is the quickest and cheapest route Portland from point ,n this vicinity. U. h. Jj. D. BOYED. Tyson & Boyed, Contractors, Builders and Archi tects. Special attention given to plans, tlsigns and estimates-fur all kinds of buildings. Ihcj are pull ms in their H"tmcr Hiiokl'ard il." ni;i:hin'.-ry for niakiuj,' a .superior quality i.f pi. n bl ink. OFFICE, UPPER M.UXST., HEPPXER. - OllEGON, ttPZ i CM FENCE i a e tie CHEAPEST End Bes! FEW CI KG 5 illOH AT 60 OEHTS Plift ROD. n, lo!iii,rv and Swok Fencing, all -. i.HU'j: iOF'atCll. r!CP3low. Sold Hsiit K'ald- SpndfnrclrfTulara. '.;t.x wj-itii FKNrc., rint'AGO, ii,r l S and tKMMKifY Fene from Ohio. Here ! of Salem, Ohio. work on a farm for ulbnms and jjuiU nske a a day." W. H. OaKBISOH. e an apucv ine. Haniiburp, Pa., 1 have u-ver known nythinfr to sell like your album, csterduy 1 tonk ordi'rs enough to .fflnmre, BuDf-or, Me., writes: "! .it'aku an order fur your nlbuin at J lmost everv liouto I visit. My 74 profit is often a nturitaft fiSU 'i'te.' or . single dny . work." r-jiOtheraredoiiiKfuit takea bold oftbiSBTaml business inli-t uiifrranti pro tits. Mian we start YUU tn tins bust this usiness, n all about it for irt you if you do: ourmit. we 't delay until i' ill t ea-iet-wii !.r..OOO ten diillur Ihoti:rUh Allium arc to behold to tba People for 3 ac h. Il.xmit in KoVHl Crimson Silk Velvet iush. Chnriinnp-ly deeomu-d inides. Handsomest albums in Hie world. Larct-st S'u.v. tire ill est bar pa ins ever known. A Rent a wanted. Liberal terms. Big monev for atc"'"- Anv one enn become a sucrcsiful at--cnt. Sells itself on sipbt liitle or no talking necessnry. Wlu-rever shown, every one wants to iur hnse. AfrciiU take thousands of orders with rapidity never bufori kriuwii. Girftt profits await every worker. Agents are ninkiiiff liirtunes, Ludies make as much as men. You, reader, full information and terms t I'fp. n th-i ml t ly llibh-s. Rooks and IVriodii Aflei . kn..i all. louldyou conclude to jrono furtbt AdUreb JL. C. AI-L.KN k 'HeBest 24i.m-safetyEverMad ADJUSTABLE IN EVERT BEAKINH AGENTS WANTED CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE OF WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION. LOZIER&YQSTBiCYCLE TO L EDO, OHiO. BS3T; - .t i i. 1 THEY JILL WANT IT For It does such beautiful work. Sastspk MaeSiina al Faetsry Prist. EVERY BACEIHE WARRANTED FOR 5 YEARS. Apts Wantefl in Dnoccipa Territory. JOKE MAPFACTURIN& Cd B,"' .ncr.r:s, ill. Printers'. Ink. A JOURNAL FOR ADVERTISERS. Is issued oa tla Siat is fifteenth days of uek OSBti, and is tie npesostatiTi imrnal-the trade loarcal of Aistican adTOtisets. It Indicates to tie lneiperienoed advertiser low, bea, and Tiers ll liould adreriiss ; isw to write an advertisement ;io c display one ; wiat nerspaper3 to nse ; now rae money to eisend-in fast, discourses on every joint out adsits o troStasle discussion. Advertisins ll an art practised. y many ant understood ly few. lie tondactcrs of PSWTEBS' VSt understand it, anf vieir advice is tased on an experience of more tnai twenty-Svo years in placiaB advertisins contracts for many of tie largest aid most successful advertisers. A year's subscription ccsts tut One I pilar : aa?i copies Free. Address CEO. P. ROWELL 4 CO., Kewspaper Advertising Bureau, ro Spmce St.. New York. Ths &Mrated French Cure, Warranted "APHRGDITINE" to cure Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease, or any disorder of the RFCnDC fpiievntive or- AFTER gaus of cither sex whether arising lrom tan excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, ortht'ough youthful indiscretion, over iudu'.g .1 o . such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful MM. v.,.. . ness, Bearing dowu l'atns iu the Back, seminal Weakuess, Hysteria. Kervous Prostration Nocturn S3 7Jf WOVEf4 C fSsjw- sro Rope Selvage. ft iir-H- mmw Law - ? . .. i 5 r TZ r E 9 nr ja or money refunded. al Emission , Iacorrhoa, Dizziness, w eat aiera. orv. Loss of Power and Inipotency, which if ne glected often lead to premature old age and insan ity. Price $1.00 a box, 6 boxes for ?5.00 Sent by niail ou receipt of price. A WKITTEN' GUARANTEE forevery5.00 order, to refund the money if a rerniaaent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently .--iredbyArHRoniTiSE. Circular free. Addrese THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTERN BRANCH, PORTLAND. OR Sold by A. D. Johnson Co., Drug gists, Heppner, Oregon. POWDER Absolutely Pure. flu's powder Dever varic-a. A marvel of purity, strength and w holesomeuess. Mire economical than the ordinary kinds, aod cannot lie sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders HoIiO ONLY IN CANS. ROYAL BAKIXG POWDER CO.. lOd Wall Street, N. Y. Great Knglfsh Remedy. MURRAY'S SPECIFIC A g'jnmnfoed enr-t f rail nervous diet-'ts, snch a.- W.;ak Memfry, LofH f iirain power Hysteria Iluitdartie, Pain tn the Back, Mer v.ir protitruTion, Wakefulness. Le iL-"rrhoja. UniveiHuJ JjiiBsitude fc?.-ii;ii ,;t- W!'itkti"ss, in i potency, an,! ;f: er,-tl loan of power of the Ce'ral Ornans in either sex, ca'isetl by indiscretitt!! or over ej:-iiou, n -! nliich ultimately tu i-'rcuj-HUt'e ltl Ae, 3n- Trn.ieSlart. sio'il..' .tfio foriMiinipt Ion, i- i a bos or tiii Di.x.i! for .r!.t,H). tent by rnaii n receipt of pi:e. Fall part in turn; in jia:rpld-t isent freft U( everj- applicant. we Guarantee 6 Boxes to cure any case. Fur every ?" ordor redeived vp and cix boys and a written gnarynx.ee to refund AiterTaking. the ii:fjuty if or.r 8;iecilii dou t-t ie. t a cure. Ariitn :. all mnimuniealionn to tlte Bole nianti- faai , tin- ;DiiUAY MtiDIOINE CO.. KaiiH;! ( ity. Mo. or by A. I) JOHNSON & CO. 'ol in IIel! 3olf asftn ts. CONSUMPTION BRONCHITIS SCROFULA COUGH OR COLD Throat Affection Wasting of Flesh Or any Disease where the Throat and Zungs are Jnfiamed, Xaclc of Strength or Nerve Power, you can be relieved and Cured by OF PURE COD LIVER OIL WItn Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS WIILK. accept at substitute. Sold ty all uruggisTs. SCOTT &. BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y. NOTICE OP INTENTION. Lan-1 Office at The UalJea, ur., ii.ru 1 1, i. Nntire if r.ireby Riven that the following- ,.,B.i Brtiler has Ued notice or nra Mitui,i.u " i.. rrt..f tn Nimmirt of Ins I'laim, ana county hulire of Morrow county, at fjeipfr. (?., on H'l. S029. for the HW'i 8ec. 23, i ntions reeiaence upon anu t-uii.T. on of. sait! iaud yiz: . w.- P. Hi.lse- v t .,. n. V?. lrKeSiBter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Tjtn , i.-r: "..n,k Or A.n it. t''-J settler has fUoci notice of lua mtention to .maa. proot wut o ' Jnne Alorrow couiuj, n U,W. ..D . ly'i, viz: George laon, D. S. No. MIS. for the N'i NW M and W i NK! U. T tl S. ti,. "' I 1. Y . 11. He names me loiiowms wkhv-" - y- lis continuous residence upon ana cniuvdi.ut. u' v. liv. 'Knm Hail. Albert RinS nqd Alec ('onnet, all of Jjona. Or. . al!r...c"mce of such oroof. or who knows or .iiij i nv oerson w iO aesires vo p.uiwi ,,...w c,,hinr.rinl i-..-.3on. iiiulor the law and the reiula ahoiilrt not bo allowed, will be given an opporta- and ti offer eridenoe in vebottal of that submit ted hv clailTl'int. i;3. 1-71 ttE.NJH itl.".M..i. A BOaBS CHECK. A Cl.tver ami ltascaliy Ktlieme Workil by the Swiaillere. East Oregonian May 22. The swindler, G, B. Pole, who present ed a bogus check at the Pendleton Sav ings bank, worked a very deep ana ras cally scheme. It was Monday morning when he called on Joe Balser aud bar gained for a stove and saddle represent ing himself to be a Heppner stockman, and stating that he was expecting money from Colville in payment for two horses i. !,r1 anld there. In the afternoon he came in with a registered letter which enclosed a check on the Colville bank for SltiO and signed by a man named Urn nellv.'to whom he claimed to have sold the horses. This fellow was evidently a confederate and had sent the check in a registered letter, iu order to make the scheme more plausible for its payment. It was forwarded to Colville by Cashier Kaley and Wednesday afternoon the word came over the wire that Connelly bad no money in the bank and the check was boons. Search was then commenced for Pole but he had long since skipped for some more salubrious locality , Pole is described as a tall heavily built individual, with black mustache and a look of innocence. He is evidently Swede and talks broken English. A Wrecked Circus Train. Wade Koe. Deforo Takiiig. 1h;:!s SCOTT'S Nashua, N. H., May 22. John Robin- . i 11.. .....1t a.1 liorn son s tram w as ouuiy this morning. The train was piled np in a confused mass of ruins. Many an imals were killed, and many of the per formers and attendants were injured. The loss is heavy. The House Passes the Tariff Bill. Washington, May 21. The McKinley tariff bill passed the house of representa tives, to-day, by 161 yeas and 142 nays. INTERESTING LETTER. It Seems to be Matter that Concerns Gov Per.noyer. What the Late Deniiit-iutie Oucfpaute of th? Land OtHee at Tlie Dalles Had to Say About tlie '"State Lai,d Ring." The Dali.es, Or. Nov. 26, 1889. Hon. Commissioner of GeDerai Land Ofiioe. Washington, D. G. Sir : We are just in receipt ofjyour teletrram of to-day,-Kritf in accordance with it, as a construction of your former telegram and lettei th the Rlihinct. nf inirfrnriitw koV- tions, we herewith transmit list - nine, inclusive, of selections made ly the state of Oregon for Josses the stateclaim3 to have sustained by reason of section 16 ind 30 falling within the Warm Spriugs Indian reservation. We ate directed to accompany the same by our joint opioioa If, in complying; with your direction in this matter, we shall be led into a fuller discussion of tlie question or questions involved than would at the first giauce appear to be necessary, we trust that you will bear in mind that we occupy a posi tion that gives us a knowledge that can not be -obtained readily by your office. We feel that no apology is needed on our part for endeavoring to place all mat ters bearing on this question before you to the end that you fully understand just what an approval of the list means. It has been urged upon tbis office that when it was decided that the state was entitled to indemnity nothing was left for this office but to accept the lists, and for the honorable commissioner. under a rule of his office to approve them regardless of the size, and location of tracts selected. This has been urged bv tlie clerk of the board of school land commissioners for the tate and by the attorney for the board. With telegrams and letters and personal visitations the state has reminded ua of bees about the bungbole of a eider bar rel; and so persistent hs it all been that became necessary in onr judgment to inform the state that we wutild have to give a portion of our time to the transae- iou of other business of the office. An explanation of the conduct of the ac- redited agents of the state is found in the fact that 'through another member of the gang these lands are already sold t $3.60 per acre, while by legislative enactment the price which the state re ceives $1.25 per acre. It is a fact easilv ubstantiated by affidavit that while the itc board ssnres an SCII ulUUUiu linn man of the "ovtht" oilers lifers a citizen of this district any amount of land, either on forty acre tracts or whole sections, either on even sections in railroad limits, or on any land outside. It has been urged by these disinterested persons (God save the mark !) that as a citizen of Oregon the register of this office should assist the state in this matter ! That if tue office would pass the lists favorUly, no further trouble would be experienced. and, inferential!)-, we suppose, the labor. r, worthv of his hire, would get his pay? We do not claim that the existence of this state of facts has a bearing on the question of contiguity which we take it, is the main question involved, and wlucn your office must pass upon, bat it cer-1 tainly has a bearing, and should be prop erly considered in connection with the lrgumeuts of the ring's vVasbiagton at torneys. WTe are every day business men, in no way interested, immediately orre- motely, in the outcome of this matter, further than to assist yourself in the premises, and thus discharge our dutyas officers of your department, anu as co zens of the state. We have had the ''sanl" to do in this matter what appeared to be our duty, as we were capable ot under standing it, regardless of pressus brought to bear upon us. Now, as to the gist of the matter as w suppose it will appear before yon. Tie state is entitled under Governor Stonfs decision to indemnity.Can she eelectiit regardless of contiguity, regardless to tte size of tracts? If the selections mustiie made "as near as can be" to the lards Inst, then no: but if there is a-L practice of your office construing ti; stat ute to mean anywhere :n the aistici, is it a rule that should continue it force? If such is the rule it certainly tas not established iu sucli a case as w pre sented. Ordinary school jdemnity comes fiom losses sustained Jera and there in small amounts, throuhoul the district, aad in that case such construc tion of the statue is doubtUs proper- Tou are now confronted by nfsuch state of facts. The loss the state l's susi.ua- ed in the Waim Spring reservation amounts, approximately , tv "ores if, as the state urges, an nr.nrveyed loss is as great as one that is arveyed. As to the immense amour possibly a quarter of a million acreof land passed over by the Btate' befo selecting the bargained away-in-adv-ce lunus, anu also as to the relative i OI vacant and entered lands, yo a consult tue maps of your office wnien saow Jus" how the whole c-6 stands. For a section on the mom"118 of tne Warm Sring reservation "ey are willing to take sixteen forty tracts laid upon the springs and veering places of a purely pastoral ountry. We transmit two affadavsts ide by citizens of this state aud entr1"" und!r the United States land 18s. we caQ find an number of m throughout the cuamci who will irroborate tl16 statements made by a?11'8 Wo feel -at the disposal of the govern ment lanr" to. actual settlers, and the developr11' of tuis Fortion of tne s"te! :n u ;arded if in the matter selec- tions bn contiguity and the size of tracts5lected are disregarded. It is probf1? DO' neoessary or us au that onr iomt au several opinions lections as made are against the interest of the general government of this state, and are against sound public policy. We are conscious that we have argued the question," and oan only plead onr knowledge of the "true in wardness" of the matter as justification. Respectfully. F. A. McDonald, Register. T. W. Sltjsheb, Receiver. I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and correct copy of a letter of the register and reoeiver in this office, bear- j mg nate November 2G, 1889, as it appears of record in this office, addressed to the commissioner of the general land office at Washington, D. C. John W. Lewis, Register. Fatal Hesults of the Pilson Strike. Prague, May 20. The striking miners at Pilson made a raid upon the pits, and forced the men at work to quit. Troops 7ere sent for, which opon arrival had a collision with the rioters, who fired upon toe ssnuers, Jailing five and wounrtin;' Willing Witneswe. Pendlotoa Tribane, May 23. Last night, daring the civil suit of Hopkins vs. O'Bryan in the circuit court, Hopkins testified that he had been deal ing "stud poker" at Athena, and O'Bryan th,it he allowed gambling to go on in his place of business, and when asked by the J udge if they would swear to that state ment, both replied they would. There upon the judge sent for the prosecuting attorney, and a warrant was sworn out and both taken into custody by the sheriff. They were taken before Justice Miller and cited to appear to-day at 10 o'clock. Each furnished bail m the sum of &;0 for his appearance. A Remarkable Indian. East Oregonian, May 22. A powerful, finely formed Indian, gailv comparisoned in a gaudy blanket, beaded belt and moccasins, was seen on the streets to-day. He is chief Wolf, who oouuts his ponies by the thousand and is perhaps the richest Indian in the United States to-day. His herds are ranging on Suake river, where his lodes- is located. He reoently visited, the White Father at Wasmngton to obtain redress against the county authorities, who were taxing his property, and succeeded in his mission. He is on his way to visit Chief Skaniio. at Celilo. Wolf is a remarkable charac ter and a power among his fellows. 'f ile National Laws will be Enforced. Cedab Keys, Fla., May 21. The reve nue cutter McLean is still here and it brought that the fugitive desperado ffprTSf captured before i growing rjiore mieuf "l t".r" v.- en insulted aud reviii.il J, IH'ui'i' 1 Lit'L1 JJ '. IF fiir the last two days. It is almost im possible to conceive the degree of bitter ness which is exhibited by ex-confederates, who refer to marines as republi can hirelings infringing on the rights of the people of a free state. The captain of the cutter came ashore last night and was treated to some talk of this kind by a group of loud-mouthed citizens. The captain was indignant and gave the fellows a tongue lashing they won't soon forget. He told them that his marines were working under orders of the United Staes marshal, and if any fancied or real wrong was committed during the search that the citizen aggrieved could appeal to the oourts. He wanted it dis tinctly understood, however, that he would brook no lawlessness or attempted intimidation, and he told the spokesman of the party that if he heard of anv more seditious language from him he would clap him in irons in short order, Tronble for Conspirators. San FnANCi3co,May 21. A lete Chron icle special from Los Angeles gives in terviews with prominent citizens on the alleged fillibustering scheme which was exposed this morning. C. A. Deloy, res identof Ensenado, stated that theexpose will create an intense excitement on the peninsula, and iu his opinion, will result in President Diaz demanding an explana tion from the state department, and prob ably a demand from the Mexican gov ernment that the conspirators be punish ed. Deloy also said that the exposure will result in serious damage to the in terests of Americans on the peninsula. but that the worst sufferers will be the English stockholders iu the Mexican Laud and Colonization Company, and he thinks that the large grant which the company now holds from the Mexican government will be declared forfeited, and that the company's property at En senado, Alamo aud other places .will be confiscated. He also expressed the opin ion that as soon as the news reaches En senado that the company's officers will be arrested. Standard Oil Company's Defeat. San Fbancisco, May 21. The suit of the Standard Oil company against the Southern Pacifio Railroad company and Whittier, Fuller & Co., was decided to day by Judge Hoffman in the United States circuit court. He dissolved the temporary restraing order and denied the application for a permanent order re straining tne defendants from using a certain car for hauling oil, upon which car plaintiff claimed patent rights. The question involved the very existence of the6il trade in California, except that portion of it carried on by the Standard Oil company. When an ordinary freight car is used in sending out a carload of oil from the east, the empty car must be hauled al! the way back at a cost of 890. which kills the profit on the goods. The Standard Oil company uses cars which can be used for carrying oil one way and freight on the return, so that the railroad charges nothing for hauling it back. Whittier, Fuller & Co. adopted a car somewhat similar to tkat used by the Standard Cil compan, and the latter sued for an injunction. FOtt CHICEKN CHOLERA. 419 Huron St., Sheboygan, Wis., Nov. 12, 1S88. I have li sed StJacobsOilfor chicken cholera with great suc cess. Every fowl affected with the disease was cured by it. and iS'-stS.. I recommend it as a sure cure. It has saved me many dollare. - H. A. KUEXN'E, Breeder of Fine Fowls. 11E211EDYf"M For Stablemen and Stockmen. CURES Cuts. Swellings, Bruises, Sprains, Galls, Strains, Lameness; Stillness, Cracked Heels, Scratches, Contractions, Flesh Wounds. Stringhalt, Sore Throat, Distemper, Cslic. Whitlow. Poll Evil, Fisftria, Tumors, Splints, Ringbones nd Spavin in toeir early SUgss. Directions ith each buttle. At Druggists a'd Dealers THE CHARLES . V0GELER CO.. Baltimore, Hd. Cattle Export T.-adet New Yoek, May 21. Cattle exporters are being ground between millstones. While the price of cattle here has been rising, it has been falling ou the other side. Compared with a year ago, the price of beef abroad has fallen of a oent a pound, while on this side it has risen from cents. On Saturday quotations on the Liverpool markets were 6 cents a pound; on this bide 7J. In the face of this difference shippers fiud them selves compelled to continue sending abroad for the reason that they engnged all the freight they could secure up to August 1 at $20 a bead. Thus, if they do not ship, they will lose nearly as much- It is a serious condition of affairs, and unless a compromise can be effected with the steamers, many small shippers will go to the wall soon. Eyrand,the French Strangler, Cant-ht. Havana, May 21. The police here haye captured the long looked for French murderer Ey;and. lie registered at the Hotel Roma under the name of Miguel Doski. He claimed to be a native of Po land. When placed in jail he attempted to commit suicide by cutting the veins in his leg and arm. In his trunks were found French newspapers containing the details of his crime. In addition, to the police officials who have pictures of the niurderer,several persons have identified the prisoner as EyrauJ. Silver Bow Comity Contest. Helena, Mont., May 21. The supreme court of Montana to-day decided the con tested eiec tjogekg UuiiX a uSfefilJ0 ff Ro. 34. , I be conn mi was so irregular m ail respec saturated with proven fraud that it should be entirely rejected. This elects the sheriff aud all the republican officers in Silver Bow county. Original Package in Maine. Lewiston, Me., May 21. The original package business, began here yesterday.. A car arrived containing barrels and kegs of beer consigned to local dealers, who took them to their stores without the in terference of the authorities. The New Hampshire brewery has agreed to assume ail costs of any test cases. A RIGHTEOUS LAND DECISION. Settlers will he protected from Mobs by Sec retary Noble." Washinton, May 91. A case which has been bitterly fought iu the land de partment, and whioh was opoe the origin of a mob. which threatened to take violent possession of a homestead in the state of Washington, was to-day decided by As sistant Secretary Chandler, of the in terior department. It is the case of Ben- jaium f ranklin against U. G. Mnreh, in volving section 23, township 9, range 39, of the Walla Walla district There was trouble about the boundary line. Murch occupied as a tenement the cabin of a man named Robertson on an adjoining tract. Franklin and his wife lived in a tent, and one night a mob organized and told the family if they tKd not move out the next morning a violent house-moving would be given. They moved the next morning. The secretary holds that Franklin became an actual settler the moment he pitched his tent on the land with the intention of making it his home and that if the mob had driven him oil the next hour his settlement would have been completed and his rights beyond question. Submit a Measure. Berlin, May 22. The Grand Chan oeilor Caprivi intends to submit a meas ure to the Reischstag impasing a tax up on the Germans ineligible for service m the army and German citizens who side abroad, Fire at Dayton. Dayton, May 23. The electric light plant of this city was burned last night. The cause of the fire is as follows : The man in charge of the plant became drowsy and went to sleep. The wires around the dvnamo burned and set fire to the building which was totally de stroyed, together with all the machinery. Loss, 88000. Luckily the man in charge escaped. -Engineer Killed. Walla Walla, May 22. Robert Mo- Coy, an engineer on the Union Pacific aud well known throughout this division was killed at Alto last night. He was standing on the rear end of bis engine, and a number of cars were dropped down the grade against tlie engine crushing and killing him instantly. Intellect Vs. Creed. Saratoga, N. Y., May 22. Dr. Pattou of Princeton, the chairman of -the com mittee for canvassing the answers of the Presbyteries on revision of creed, read report to the effect that there were 133 that decided for the revision and 63 that did not. air a ST. f PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! C7TT cm ri-rw . JtoUL-HYX ' (. The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackmail & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandise To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Lais Dress Goo Their Celebrated Boot called Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit evervbodv oothin prices and ouahty, A Large Assortment of Clotlg, Boots " , vops, iooaccos, (.'rockery, Etc. our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in In ip Urn, Alf io! lin A personal Sheep ll inspection of our Mammnt.b !StVL- mill : n public that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand lies aod I' u Parties from Loug Creek, Grant and Harney Comities will do well to pnee our Goods before purchasing elRP waere. We guaventee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. I AT. cl-tegtto.tke.,pinfifi. ;n" I ) '1 il A B'iieei Jjii 1 1 r 1 1 T i.7ir3 tnM Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices within tha reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. olumbia Brewery Depot, AUGUST BUCHLER, Toprietox, Of the Columbia Brewery, at The Dalles, would counties that he haB leased from John B. established a depot at the well ager Beer and Porter. either in the keg or bottled, which he will be pleased to supply customers in. any quantity wholesale and retail. The Public are invited to call the assurance that they gjF The Heppner Depot will be in charge of fully Bupply all orders. Where can you get the Most Candies, Nuts, Notions, FOR THE LEAST MONEY? WHY, AT Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's, and next door to the Rea Restaurant. . Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style. Don't forget "THE Choicest MRS. pib'O'S REMEDY FOR CATARRH. Best. Easiest J- to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain. For Cold in the "ess. It is an Ointment, of to the nostrils. Price, 13T mail. Address, TOR TrFrTfni 6 "" ds, Garments, Tniominss. Ete. Up, Lime, le, er-, Ete. and Trade. D, inform the citizens of Morrow and surrounding Natter the City Brewery in Heppner, and hn known stand, for the sale of the best and c.vaniine Ids stock it will find it first-class. Mr. Dan Osmers, who will cheer- fers, Tobaccos, Etc. -Where did you Say ? "THE MODEL," MODEL," for the Goods. OTIS PATTERSON, Proprietor. Head it has no which a email particle is applied 50e. Sold by druggists or sent E. T. Hazki.tinf., Warren, Pa. squal. 5s &