Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, May 22, 1890, Supplement, Image 6

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city. Write him.
Editob Gazette : Having just re
turned from the John Day eouDtry, with
which 1 was more or.less intimate, along
in the '60's, 1 write you a few lines which
may be of benefit to both Grant and
Morrow. In early days, Grant was noted want work done,
for rich miDes, und in consequence, much
prosperity. While the old placer diggings
have long ago been exhausted, new ones
are constantly being brought to light by
the energetio miners. In addition to her
mineral wealth. Grant is devoting much
towards agricultural and stock interests,
the proof of which is the thousands of
pounds of wool which is coming to Hepp
uer this year. Last season northern Grant
sold their wool in Heppner and bought
goods here. Heppner is known to those
people as a good trading point, and as a
wool market second to noDe in the west.
This is attracting the business of all
Grant this year, because it is a big thing
to be able to sell the clip near home at
the top price, and get the cash money
without deliy.
I met many old acquaintances while
on my visit to Grant, among them Hon.
Fhil Metschan, candidate for State treas
urer. All seem to be proud that their
county is favored with the nomination,
and that so good a man as Mr. Metschau
should be the choice.
Of the future prosperity of Grant, I
have much hope. Its general growth and
prosperity is wonderful, since my first ac-
cqutti " - if- n tm ,t I,;
Bath rooms connected, aril all ran in (rood
shape Shop, Minor's Building. Main Street.
Call in and see Charley when you
Real Estate, Insurance and Collection.
Office in
The most graphic and artistic engrav
ings published by any illustrated weekly
in the UuitedStHtes are the large colored
plates in the West Shore. lu its con
tents and general nature this is the best
illustrated paper a resident of the Pacif
ic coast can take. It deals with subjects
he is interested in, and during the year
he is sure to find something in it that he
deems alone worth the year's subscrip
tion. Everyone should take it. The
price is but $4.00 a year for fifty-two
numbers, making a splendid volume of
engravings. L. Samuel, Publisher
Portland, Or.
Two Trains
Iaily Between
Spokane Kail?.
Portland ami
Effective Slav 11th, 1800, the Union P;-
The only live real estate dealer in the cific System will establish tw o daily trains
The American PkotectiveTakiff I, cactk
JE publishing a most valuable; series of 'J m iff
documents. These are prcpured with n view
to state the facts und arfruments for I'rou-e-tion,
whether in the intei-est of farmers
lihwrers. merchants or professional ie:i.
Each issue of the scries uplands io those en-
May 20, 1890.
Thos. Mobgan.
tieorge Francis Train Completed Hts Trip
Via the U. P. System.
Portland, May 20.-George Francis
Train, accompanied by T. W Wall, editor
of the Sun, and Daniel Kellogg, one of
the leading reporters of the A. Y. Sun,
will leave Chicago for Tacoma via the U.
P. system, on Tuesday night, May 20, and
will be on the fast mail, leaving Omaha
Wednesday evening. George Francis
Train is just completing his great trip
around the world in sixty days, beating
all previous records.
Thb ExcrrBsioN. The Oregonian de
voted 3 or 4 columns of their last Mon
day's paper in describing the maneu
vers of the Harvest Queen in going over -the
Cascade rapids last Sunday. The
Gazbttb's editor witnessed it all, and
thought it a very ordinary sieht. vt no .
donbt fraught with many dangers if not
properly managed. The excursion from
Heppner and all points below gave the
people an opportunity to get away from
home, and was liberally patronized.
Fully 4000 came up from Portland. Our
Heppner folks got back just at daylight
on Monday morning, which was owing
to a collision below The Dalles which
blockaded the road for several hours.
uged in separate industries, and treseutsni
ispntable facts comarisons of tvaes.co t
of living, and other arguments showing the
benetitjs of Protection.
Any sinrrle ono will be sent on receipt cf 2
cents in stamps except " Waues, Living and
Tariff,' which will be sent for 4 cents.
The whole list will be sent for SO cents or
any twelve for 20 cents, or any live for W
cents, postage paid. Order by numV-r.
No. Pagss.
1' Wages, Living ind Tariff." E. A. iIakt.s-
korn lot
fc "The Advautatreg of a Protective T;u lit to
the Labor mid Industries of the United
States." First Prize Kssuy, ibSi. CRAW
S Home Production Indisocusahli- to a faup
ply, at Low prices, of the Manufactured
Conine Kilties required tor the People of
the Uuiteu. sinus, und Adequate llome
production of tcese ' oinmoditles Inipos-
' WUfrlWapMU'flUjSRjjlff't
iiaterlaia be Auvautafjeous t.- the Labor
and lu.iuslrles of tat- United Stat"
K -triii- 'r'ze J-saay, 1"H Home B. Dibeu. 33
p- Fallacies or Free-Trade." E. p Mnjiii il
borne t lews on the Tariff ,v an OKI Lwii
- .."S5"10 " t.to. Deai-ek.. 32
' T? Protective Tariff : Its Advantages tor
Theooi interwi Tmin.ir. t ;.: ::r
..-"Protection a. iTee-ITa.' A BismrE.i '
i. it anrtiiia of)
Col. Thokas
" Georges.
, .,T-aKP' R- 1 1 "RTtR a
ii liie Vital CueMion: Shn Ama ;.'V,.;",.";
m German, w'iiii Addition ".
lu- IM laviwof uue l.uudro.1 v'.:rV.
itoBi:Rr f i'OKT'P. ..
2!?,."1?'"!? tor A'lierlcau SMpplns."
.'XrHSL"? h slmieu should I PiotectioiriiL "
2. Wbatisa l'aritf?,:AnsweistoaV.v.rkiVM
10 "The Farmer and the iaria
11" J-rotettlon as a 1 ublic Policy.
- Tire Ame.ii au v ocl Industiy."
j-,-;;soutkern t'uKte Industries."..' I
f A -.hort Taoc io Worklngmei, " S
Poectlon and theiarmer." .Sen'ai orsl'jL
The AjrvnirAjt Eccitobist. weekly, devoted 'to me
S;T.i-i -aP'e fr.j.1 s free. Address American Pro
teciue Wi.i Leamie, 2H W. sad St.. New York!
I am prepared to herd bucks the com
ing season. Terms, $1.10 per head which
includes dipping, salt and sulphur.
Kange 9 miles south of Hardman. Ten
per cent, commission on all sales trans
acted. Address C. M. Hastings.
"73. Hardman, Oregon.
between Portland and Spokane Falls.
Pullman Palace Sleepers and Reclining
Chair cars will be run between Portland
and Spokane Falls without change.
This new arrangement will afford both
local and through passengers additional
and unsurpassed facilities. Tickets, de
tailed time of trains, nnd general inform
ation, can be obtained upon application
to any ticdet agent UDion Pacific Svstem.
T. W. Lee, Gen"l Pass Agent.
Legal Blanks. The Gazette job of
fice is getting out a oatalogue and price
list of legal blanks which will include
all kinds. Send in your order. We du
plicate Pendleton or Portland prices.
The following discounts are allowed for
large orders : $3 to 810, 20 per cent, off;
S10 to $20, 23 per cent, off; $20 and over,
'Si's per cent. off.
I have opened a well-appoiun. taw
ing establishment in my new build
ing on May street, and am now regularlv
receiving new goods and will mak cus
tom made pants from 87 to 815 best
goods in the market.
A. Abbahamsice.
ICE ! ICE ! !
T Hr .'
a. n. murrow caus tne attention o
me puunc to ine mot tnat he has plenty
of ice for sale, and will promptly suddIv
all demands. Oiiioe, at livery stable
f Mam street. '
Public examination for teachers' cer
tificates will be held in the court house
Heppner, Or., beginning at noon, May
28 1890. 3t.-72-4 J. H. Stanley,
Heppneb, May 7, "90. Co. Supt.
This is to notifv all persons that inv
wife, Melissa J. Ely, has left my bed anil
board, and I will not be reponsible for
any debts she may contract.
72 74- D. C. Ely.
Messrs. Brown & Hamilton will attend
toour local collections Theeditor has
not the time to spare to look after that
branch of the business, which is quite an
essential one.
I have one sorrel mare estray, aged
about four vearn. hranrl 11
The only shoulder and bar (I) on left side of neck;
Small capital required.
general merchandise business in the has a flax mane and some white hnnt
Whnt'o th. mtf i , , . " "c.ououuioe uusiuess in tne " " iuhuh ana some white about
What s the matter with having a U of town, and twentv mil fmm .i feet. S20 will be awarded th fin,!,., t "
Juiajneaa pH,.p Tr.n
Fresh vegetables at thai
m "W" r her delivery at Morrow's Im