Gazette Supplement. MAY 22, 1890. BARGAINS IN ASTORIA. DR, B. F. VAUGHAN. :0: SIGNAL SERVICE l!I0KI. For Week Ending Wednesday, May 15. DENTIST. TLATE AVOIIK A SPECIALTY. Extracting and Filling by the Latest and Most Improved Methods. Oilice over Slocum s Drugstore. The enterprise of the people of Astoria in raising zov.uuu, in iwemv-iuur mtuia, to bring the Southern Pacific railroad to that city, has given a wondeiful im pulse to business at that point. The Co lumbian says: "The real estate market resuouded quickly to the enlivening touch L1k,, 1 of the railroad subscription;" and tbe kjUclOLJll iil 5 O ' Astoria papers bristle with the etir and undertakings in progress there. TheOr- . .,- T i ... e t, .1 j 11 i Tlio tl.f.r.-VKrV.hrr! untiortod Clydesdale staillOllS egon ijauu vjompuuy oi oaieui enu ioil- r -.- land has for Bale some choice locations .'n tttV 9 - , 8 I -, d North Pacific addition to Astoria, and as 111111CU ilXfc,A, ,..; P ..,...;.!! iraa,in., Iho n.-rliuur ( H76. Vol. V. Am. Stnd Book.) (n"u. Vol. prices are rapidiy increasing, the earliest investor has the best show. Now is the time to make money. 74 It DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP Notice is hereby given that the part nership heretofore existing between Al exander M. vinun and William F. Rnark in the business of blaoksmitbing, under the firm name of Gunn & Ruark, has this day been dissolved by mutual consent. A. M. Gnnu will continue the business at the old stand, to whom all debts due the firm will be paid, aDd all claims against it wili be paid by him. A. M. Gunk, W- F. Ruabk. Heppner, April 26, 1890. 71-76 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC. I hereby give notice that George Con ser, of Heppner, is authorized to collect all mouies due or to become due tome trooi rents, notes cvpr nature, "mm to giv OTve reoeipts for all sums so paid him, in my name. I would also inform the public that. I have so.d all my Brewery uccounts to Mr. Mat. Licbleutball, of Heppner, who is alone authorized to collect the samf. J. 1. Ratter. Heppner, May 15, 1890. 73-81 CSTRAY NOTICE. , T..,. in- t.i,A subscriber. Tasen up, ou ia j lioiug on Rea creek, 12 miles from Hepp-neT-meroau gelding, nine or ten years old weight 801) pounds; branded Hon left shoulder. Left stifle, 91; right shoul der, horizontal H with H above and bar with half circleoverit, below. The owner can have the same by proving ownership and paying Uncharges. ESTRAT NOTICE. . Taken up by the subscriber on Day's ranch on Butter creek, one bay horse, with star in forehead, branded J H(l con nected, on left shoulder, and about b or 7 years old. He came to tbe ranch ear y in February. The owner can have the horse by proving property and paying "mt E. F.Day. X, Stud Book of Great Britain. J Harkfield, ( 1477, Vol. V, Am. Stnd Book.) 01827, Stud Book of Great Britain-) Will stand this seasou at my place on Big Butter creek, 5 miles from Lena, and serve mares at the following ratos: Single leap 10.00 Season 20.00 Insure with Foal $25 00 Mar8 from a distance pastured and attondedto for ! a month. IH-2m B. B. Mans. CALL ON BILLIE MORROW AT THE Old Jones Stand. To get your horses fed. LIVERY RIGS a for lure. Don't Forget BiUie When Yon Come to Town. go have the Exclusive Control of H ISMO jMoan Mean Pre- Char- Date jTemp. Max. 3Iin. Bar, eip. acter. Mavir ; 7:1. io S5.50 42.n!l :i.14o O.tai 1 fcir 1 41 25 SIM hiM 30.240 O.u; cl'd 17 54.IO frt.l 41.U) 3C.1M 0.00 I fair IS 7'J (hi 43.00 3ti.i55 U.00 1 fair is) ! r.;.7r. 71.00 s.j 30:100 i 0.0.1 i ol'd 20 2(J IS9.0U 33.5'J MUM) I 0.00 el'r 21 Mi'. 50 9.50 3H.50 3P.liO 0.00 cTl- A. SMITH. . THE MARKETS. The following market reports we clip from the Oregoniun of the latest date: SAN FHAXCISCO. Wheat -1.3tl(132. Barlev 1.03( 1.05 aud loll 02;,i Oats 1.1)3(3 1 65, and l.ldifl 1.55 CHICAGO. Wheat -95)c. LIVE STOCK. Cattle -Beeves $4.95fe5.25. Steers S3.80r.4.90.; Stackers and feeders $2.80lM.lo. Texans 2.80(g 3.95 Hogs 400(34.25. Sheep Natives 3 75o?610. Westerns, 4 SOifjG.SO Texans, 4.00(sS.C5 POHTLAND. Beef cattle i.5)(g,o. Calves $fii& 8. Hogs 5. Lambs 2.50 each. Potatoes The market is dull with liberal supplies. Quotations, $2 252 50 per cental. f lotc 'Tl.o mart..! !c firm, receipts. Q" o ta M on s 5.1 f( i fr?-M--rrrTTT and " " prices rule lower. .,-,, Wool Eastern Oregon lOfelbe. Wool Valley 10(3 18c. HEPPSEK MARKET. Butter Fresh 50Cet)0o per25 roll. Egg8pieutv in the market, rim I readv sale at 15SJ20C per doz. Potatoes iew in n.f hides 75C&1.50, accordm quality and size. She3p pelts 9Ul0c. . Flour Heppner, $4 per barrel ; in barrel lots, 3.75; iverless, (Wa.tsbnr $1.25 per barrel in any quantitv. to FOR SALE. STRAY HORSES. riuF AND ONE HALF POUNDS. , BUGKM&H & GO.. HEPPNER, OREGON. Strayed from my place, on the 5th inst., mv work-horses, described as follows: One buckskin, weight, 1050, no brands; one black, weight, 1050, right eye out, no T . i . ::ui- & roaannahlpi reward Will be paid for their return to my ranch on NELSON & ROBERTS, BAKBERS. A good stock or sheep ranch contain ing over 1,700 acres. All ander fence, two large springs of running water, two good houses and other improvements, good access to outside range 480 acres deeded. Inquire of Warner Bros., Echo Oregon. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Bananas at the "Model." Ice cream at the "Model."' Ti",-fish candies just in, the choicest stock iu Heppner. The "Estaella," "DJ,rago Club" and other fine cigars always in stock at the "Model." All kinds of soft drinks at the"Model." Try their soda aud sarsapadlla. In fact the "Model" is the only cigar, tobacco and confectionary store m town. They make a specialty m these lines. ... iv,.,,..!-, T.nn.r Creek. When vou n . vv ' STwKr-aOJd. tol8tlhctai,TM- tetZ horse was hobbled and belled. tar-Drop in tor a ffood .have, snampoon o, The ..MoC1ei -cm .u - liorsewas Lockkane, Heppner. po'mpadoaraspeciaLts. ,KT ;ce in small quantities. Vnr H ,"LM AT I I I' ' 7Mrf nr nt't;i'n iKf( - - -