"""" " EIGHTH YEAR HEPrXEIl, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1890. NO. 374. ho to THE GAZETTE. IHM'KO KVEHY THCK.SDAT AWt,RNfXN, BY OTIS PATTEiiHON, At fi.WI- mr, 1.25 for aix months, il.7fi for r'irw id'hihik; in advance. If pud for at the end of ttix month, $2.-rj0a year will be chargi-d. ADVKKTI SI NO BATE8. 1 inch, single column, per month, $ 1.50 " " 2.30 ! " " " " 5.IJO K " .50 15.UU DOUBLE COLUMN. inches $ s xi 4 .. 5.(11 column h.5 t !4 " in.ou luteal advertising 10 per line. Kach Bubne quent inrtion at half rat en. Hpenial rates will be charged for peraoual di8 kikI uolitical slufeh. CEE3-C1T ornciALs. liovernor. Hec. of Htate 1'reenurer Knpt. Instruction .1u1k Heventh District... District Attorney H. Pennoyer. ... i. W. MeHride. ... ..!. W. Webb. ...V., il. McKlroy. J. H. Uird. W. U. Ellis. MORROW COUNTY. Joint Ben at or ItepreHuntutive ouuty Juite Commissioners Thompson. Clerk " Bheriff Treasurer Assessor , Purveyor Hehool Hup't... I 'oroner J. P. Waiter. T. K. tell. Wm. Mitchell. J. B. Ely. J. A. C. L. Andrews. T. It. Howard. lieo. Noble. J. J. Mciee. ... .Julius KeithJey. .......J. H.Stanley. A.J. tthobe. HKPPNEBTOWN OFFN3EKS. Jiajoi Henry lilackmar. l otincilmen Nelson Juries, J. VV. Morrow. K. L. Matlock. O. K. Fanin worth, ( M.Mitlloryand W.J. McAtee. n , recorder ..A. A. Roberts. TnaHuret W.J- l-ezer. ftlurshut J. W. Kasmus. HEPP1TEE SOCIETIES;. Doric Lodge No. 20 K. of P. meet' ev ery Tuesday evening at 7. SO o'clock in I. O. O. K. llali. Ho joti riling brother cor dially invited to attend. J. 11. Htaslby.C. C. E. U riWINBUBNK, K. of It. A ti. PKOFESSIOn-6-L. A'l TOR N 1:Y '.AW. Agent fur Jarvis Coukling Mortage Ti u.4 Co. OfHce in First National Bank, Heppner, Oregon. GK W. liKA. Attcr nty-iit-Law Q Q Notary Public and Justiee of the Peace. HEPPNER, OGN. FK E OPEN AT ALl, HOUHS . N. BltOWN. J AS. T- HAMILTON. Attorney at Law. Brown & Hamilton Practice in all courts oF the stab. Insurance, real mbtte oolleeti n and loan amenta. Prompt attention given to all business entrust d to tlmm. Olponite Gazette Office, Heppner. W. B. ELLIS, Attorney - at- Law Notary - - - Public, HEPPNER, OREGON. Prosecvling Attorney for Seventh Ju dicial Dixtrict. Will grii prompt attention to anj and i ' ' eutruMle.il U Jtiww-. -TTlt E on Main Street, over Liberty fflar- kft OEO. P. MORGAN. Land Office Specialist, The Dallex, Oregon. Regularly admitted to praoiice berore tue II. S. Land office and departments t Washington, 1). C. Atteuhs to con tests and recovery ol lost rights. Call on, or write him. NATIONAL BANK of HEPPNER I). P. THOMPSON. El). U BISHOP. Prexident. Cashier. fBANSACTS A 11EKKBAL BANKING BUSINESS. COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD, Opposite Minor's Hotel, HEPPNER, ' OREGON. First National Bank OF HEPPNER, A. RHKA. FBANK KELLOGG, President. Vice-President. George H. Conser, Cashier. Trauenets a General Baukiug Business On all larU of the world Bought and Sold, Collections made at attaints on Rea sonable lerms. $150,0tK) to loan on improved farms at 8 per cent WHEN YOU WANT Plrt-Clo mm FiTijiGiB DON'T FORGET That tb best place to get it is at the OASSETTE SHOP, Hppner, : : : Oregon. YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER 0-Skmtcasi3 YouWont AT THE GAZETTE SIIOl'. . I O X T A 1 1 0 A1A AND Canyon City Chas. II. Lbs, Proprietor. STAGES LEAVE MONUMENT DAILY EX CEPT SUNDAY. FARE: Canvon City to Monument : : $5.00 " " Long Creek : : 3 00 This is the quickest and cheapest route ito Portland from point iu this vii'inity. Ii. D. BOTED. Tyson & Boycd, Contractors, Builders and Archi tects. Special attention given to plans, designs and estimates for all kinds of buildings. They ire putting in their Heponer Urick Yard the nm:hiii'-ry for making a superior quality of pressed brick. OFFICE, UPPER MAIN ST., IIEPPNEU. - OKE0ON, KOW'HdBFFENCET We have the CHEAPEST and Best WOVEN WIRE FENCING wire Rope Selvage. T 60 IUCiiES HIGH AT 60 CENTS PEE ROD. awn. Garden. Poultry and Stofk Fencing, nil e.es and widths, (iaten to match. Prices low. Sold by rit-JtliTn. tVeltfJit, I"jld. Hend :'',rcirr u!ars. JHK lt.M !,LK W1KN WIKSKKSrECi,.. (III. AtiO, ILL. - AlI--U-el l,W.N and CE.V5KTKRY Fen'- The EoleErated French Cure, "JoTJ'r "APHRODITINE" IS SOLD ON A POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease, or any disorder of the BEFORE Ronerntive or- AFTER fans of cither sex whether atisiug from the excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence, fcc, such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful ness, Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission. , Leucorrhoea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if ne glected often lead to prematureoldageand insan ity. Price 51.00 a box, 6 boxes for ?5,0Q Sent by mail ou receipt of price. A TVKITTEN GUARANTEE forevery f5.0G order, to refund the money if a Permaiieut cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonial! from old and younfr, of both sexes, permanently i:ured by Aphroditinx. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WESTERN BRANCH, BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co., Drag gists, lieppner, Ureeron. INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER! ''a A strictly first-class Tnnchine. Fully war ranted. Made from verv Itest material, by skilled all that can he rtnisoi.iLlily cyt-.-i"i of tht very liesttvpewrittTcxtruit. (.'."ral-le of writin-; 150 words mt minute or nioiv according to the ability of the operator. i'rice - $100.00. If there is no afent in your town, ad dress Use niannlactureis, TIJK PAKSSII MFG. CO., Agents flantnl. PARISH, Jf. T. rnri- sTi:N"'oi:.rnY and typovrit- rltet:. ISi lT.r.r.. li-rf class facilities and best of tcachei-s. a-IiTt-c:1--. v staej-p for return postage. Tli.; iujk:i JIFO. CO.. Ifltl Pcu??t tilO Solsndid HI0H ARM 1 m 'jim 23 J SEWi?iC MACHINE BECAUSE !T THE BEST; HOW THEY ALL WANT IT For it does socH beautiful work. Sample Machine st Factory Pries. EYERY BiCEINE WARRANTED FOR J YEAES. Agents Wanted in Dnoccnsiei Territary ME HiTOACTOMB CO, pr VSDEJTE, ILL. Printers' Ink. A JOL'RXAL FOR ADVERTISERS. la hszed oa the first aai flftesnth. days of each ttcati, aai is the rejre:eitatiTe Journal thejraie jesraal of As:rl:aa ad?ert::er3. It tiiostas to the iaes;eriea:ed aaver.isar hcwf Then, azd ?here ua aiozli advertise ; hair to write an advertiseaeat ; Lev ie display oze ; That sevspa;erg to use ; fccv macb mcaey to erpead in fact, discourses on every point that aaaiis of prsfitahle discussica. Aivertisirg la aa art practised ty naay rct uaderstcod hy fer. The 6oadact:n cf r2::7!2S' UTI aaasntaad it, tar their aitice is tased oa aa experience of acre thai treaty-five yeart ia placing advertising contracts for naay of the largest and nest successful advertisers. A year's suscriptica ccsts but One Ecllar : sample copies Free. Address : r:3 CEO" p" ROWELL& co"' i4 jy Newspaper Advertising Bureau, 10 Spruce St., New York. 'For LOST or FAILING HAN HO 0B i.fnml find NERVOUS DLBIUI?. Weaknesscf Bady andBEmd, EiJtctL lot trroraorr-XPesseainuiaor xcunfr. Rutuki. ollc S a Mi OOP ruiiv HMtorfo. no it. fniirw ik-lln-nllhMjWtlK.lMlKVl LorKttOfll.AXSJirABTSOh HOUY. Abolutfl HBfIlin,c HOMK TKkATHKNT BcnpKlt in a ("aj. In tMtlfy IVem al) Stsuwi i rf ln toonlrlp. Wrlle them. DfscHptt'P Book, nplknmlloB lid proof mailrd (Mated frM. Ad4M ERIE MEDICAL CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. A. n. TYSON. lift POWDER Absolutely Pure. This powrler never varies. A marvel rf purity, streutb and wholesomeneps. More economical tlnn the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the multitude of low test, short woight, alum or phosphate po'vders nilLO ONLY IN CANS. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., lOfi Wall Street, N. Y. HAIAlx from Ohio. Here li. VOICE IS,". wniei: "Win at work on a farm lor Ifi-sO a month -. I now have an agency ions and often make JSiSO a day, feigned J W. H.UaKHIoOK. p. Harrlsliur;. Pa.. wrni.'i : "i nave npver Known anviliinjr to sell like vour alhuta. 1 ierday 1 took urders ciioujrb to pay Die overSa."i." W. J. Kl mtire, Bangor, Me., writei: "I take an onler for your album at lioont every hou! I visit. Sly profit in often as murhas O Jtheraaredoinfr quite as well iot spa from ihfir letters. Everr ene who take ho id of this frond buniDesi pilca upajrand proHia. Shall we start VOl in this business, reader? Write to oa and learn all about it for youraelf. We are starting- liuiny ; we will start you if you don't delay until another geU aht-ad of you in your part of the countn-. Ify.ia take hold you will be able to pick up pold fat. &JT 1 tul On acrountof a forced manufacturer' sale 1 2.(01IO ten dollitr lhotoerlh AlhuniM an-to be hold to tho p-ople for each. Bound in lloynl Crimsnn SilkVcHvt Plush. Chamiiit ply deco rated insidet. 1 limdsonieHt albums in th world. Largest Sizf. Greatest barir.-iins ever known. Apenti wanted. Liberal terms. Big money for agents. Anv one run become a successful apent. Sell itself ou sipht liitle or no talking necessary. Wherever shown. eer- one wains to pur chase. Afrciits take thousands of orders with rapiility never before known. Great pro Ass await every worker. Atents are making fortunes. Uclirainake in murh as men. You. read ei; can do as well as any one. Full in format ion and terms fret-, to those who write for sume. with ptirtkulurs and tentiN for our Family Bibles, Hooks and Perii-dicals. After you know all. abouldyou conclude to go no further, why no harm is done. Address E. C. ALLLJi it CO.. AUtitsTA. MaIHB- Great English Remedy. MURRAY'S SPECIFIC Tad Mp-c A guaranteed cure fr nil nervous diseases, tncli as went fllemory, Loss of Hrain power Hysteria Ueatlache, Pain in the Bark, Ner vous Prostration, Wakefulness, ljeucorrhcea. Universal Lassitnde Beminal Weakness, Inipttency, and general loss of power of the General Organs in either sex, caused by indiscretitn or over Before Takinic. exertion, a.id which altimately leads to Premature (ddAee.In- Trade Mark. sanity and consumption, $1.0ua Dox or six boxes lor ..ui. cenr by niail on receipt of price. Full particulars in pamphlet sent free to every applicant. we Guarantee 6 Boxes to cure any case. For every 5 order received we send six boxes iindawntteneruaraiiteeto refund After I aktng. the money if our Hpecitic does not effect a cure. Address all communications to the 6ole manu facturers, the JV1UKKAY MEDlt 1K( (J., Kansas City. Mo. Sol in Henoner by A. t JOHNSON & CO . sole agents. If You Have BRONCHITIS SCROFULA Throat Affection " Wasting of Flesh Or any Disease where the Throat and Lungs are Inflamed, Lack of Strength or Xerve Power, you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphites. PALATABLE AS MILK. 4 Am Smtt'a Emulsion, and let no CX- planation or solicitation induce you tQ iccept a suosutute. Sold by all Druggists. , SCOTT & BOWNE,Chemists. N.Y. i 'HEBesT E41N.SAFETYEVFR MAD ADJUSTABLE IN tVERT Bt-AKINO AGENTS WANTED Catalogue describing our full line OF WHEELS SENT ON APPLICATION. LQZIER&Y0ST6lcLEf.G.. Toledo. Ohio. ylr v ALL FOK THE PUBLIC GOOD? It is an undisputed fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that are now run on the American continent are those on the "Burlington Route," leaving the Union Depot iu Denver, also St. Paul, immediately on arrival of all through trains from the west. The first aud second class coaches are magnifi cent, the Reclining chair cars superb. the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri ant, and as for the meals that are served in those Palace Burlington dining cars yum-yum. lhe next time you go east to Kansas City .Chicago or St. Louis, if you mention to the ticket agent that yon want your ticket to read from Den ver or St. Paul over the Burlington Route, you will get it, and you will al ways be glad of it. If you go via the Northern or Canadi an Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains of "The Burlington Route," between St. Paul, Chicago and St. Louis will carry yon alon the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a 'distance of 350 miles, amidst scenerv that cannot be surpass ed; or, if you go via the Oregon Short Line or Southern Pacific, and vour ticket reads via "The Burlington Route," from Cheyenne or Denver, you will pass through all the thrivmg cities and towns located in what is popularly known as the "Heart of the Continent." For fur ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon General Agent, 85 First Street, Portland AXLE OHiiSE BEST IN THE WORLD. Its wearing qualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of any other braTicl. Not effected by heat. CTdEl THE - FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY, lyf th - -fc-J I I II I I I . I I ik l - I .j mir FRAZER rate-caps Out of Season. Parnel! Denounced dy His New York Friend Dynamite Alone Practicable DEVASTATING LOCUST PLAGUE. Impossible to Keep Out Chinese They will Come in Despite the Efforts of the Government Officials. Whiteeaps Kepulsed. Meridan, Miss., May If. A hand of "whitecaps" who have been unmerciful! beating parties in this neighborhood, vis ited the house of a negro named Ander son, last Sunday ni;ht. Upon the negro's refusal to come out they fired the house. Anderson then ran out and fired into the crowd, killing Louis Laud and wounding two others. Aderson escaped. Fatal Bridge Accident. Louisville, Ky., May li. A caisson i.1 the new bridge capsized this aft-erDooi!',' killing one man and seriously injurying several others. Fil'teen men were ce meuting theontside, whenthecaisonsud denly careened, timbers snapped and the massive structure slowly turned over and now stands bottom side up. Superintend ent C. H. Mitchell was killed by fallin timbers. Parnell denounced. New York, May 14. The United Irish men and Irish Volunteers to-night com memorated the execution of the murder ers of Lord Cavendish and Secretary Burke, iu Pbceuix park by a meeting in Clarendon ball. Timothy Quinu, the chairmau, in a long speech denounced Parnell because he had not secured home rule for Ireland. He said dynamite and the like was alone practicable. l'lagne of Locusts. St. Petersburg, May 14 A plague of locusts is devastating Trans-Caucasia. A quarter of a million acres of agricultural land at Tiiiis and Baku are ravaged. Three hundred thousand men are occu pied in the destruction of the locusts, and still they swarm over everything. Presyterians on Kevisiou. New YoRK.May 13. The Independent this week publishes returns from all but five presbyteries of the Presbyterian churches, showing 123 voted for the re vision, and six declined to vote. Most of the presbyteries not heard from are for eign. According to the footings of the vote in detail, for each presbytery, 2332 miuisters and elders voted against, and 3334 ministers aud ek'ers for revision Many of the southern presbyteries, com posed chiefly of negroes, voted solidly against revision, as did also the presby teries of California. MORMON MISSIONARIES. Their Kongh Treatment in Loaisiaoa. Vebnon, La., May 13. Mormon eide through Washington and Holmes coun- j ties, distributing their religious t.acts. They had proselyted to a considerable extent, aud especially among young un married females. A party of eight women were secured to go west. Abram King had two daughters iu the party. King and his sons, with neighbors, pursued the Mormons, capturing them, tied them to trees and after Hogging them unmerci fully, loosened them and then they com menced firing on them. The Mormons ran into the swamps. They have not been seen since and undoubtedly perish ed. The young women were returned home, and every one of them well switched, their parents making each one whip the other. CHINESE IMMIGUATION. Inspector Coon Says it is Almost Impossible to Keep Them Out. Washington, May 14. The Secretary of the treasury, to-day transmitted to the senate the report from E. Coon, Chinese pjspector, at San Diego, Cal., dated April 26. with respect to the evasion of the exclusion act. Coon says that it is true Chinese are coming into the United States despite the efforts of the customs department to keep them out. Coon says the opportunities for crossing the Mexi can border into California are many.and with the force at the command of the de partment, it will be impossible to pre vent al) of them from entering this coun try. When they have once reached San Diego, unobserved, it is practically im. possible to prove when or how they came in. Commenting upon the charges that the Scott exclusion act is a failure, Coon says that this is practically true as to its execution, for the reason that when a Chinamen is arrested be is enabled while in confinement to make arrangements with friendly countrymen to be returned a second time, and be conducted to Borne other town. He is also able to disguise himself so as to make identification, if caught, extremely difficult. The order of the secretary of the treasury prohib iting the transfer of Chinamen in transit in the harbor of San Francisco was a most fortun ate one, and will check the traffic for some time, but some other methods, Coon is confident, will be found by which they can come into the United Statea. Coon suggests treaty negotiations with the British government and Mexico looking to the exclusion of the Chinese and says Chinese exclusion legislation would then be very simple. Morrow's, and other bills Coon declares, are defective in that they provide for the return of the Chinamen to the country whence they came. Even children laugh when told this law, for they knew that a Chinaman returned to Mexico will be eating his breakfast in the United States the next day.' I'siug the Mails lor Fraudulent Pnrposes. S.an Francisco, May 18. Clarence Sanborn, convicted of using the United States mails, in carrying out a scheme to defraud, was sentenced in the United States district court this afternoon to three years' imprisonment and a fine of SV50. His brother Samuel, indicted for the same offense, at once pleaded guily and was sentenced to eighteen months, and was fined SlfM. Relics of Custer's Massacre. Helena, Mont., May 13. While settiu headstones over the graves of Custer's men, who fell in the massacre of June2o, 1875, Captain Sweet's men found three uuburied bodies, one of which still had on trousers of the U. S. uniform.showing that he was a private of the Seventh U. S. cavalry. The skulls of twoother men had been broken in about the ears with a stone mallet. The boot of Otto Reed's boy, 12 years old. and a nephew of Cus ter, who was killed with him, was found !n the ravine. Some buttons marked "M D" (medical department) were found, and a body lay near them. They are no doubt, DeWolf's remains. An officer's Brass spur of peculiar construction and other relics were picked up. Thorough search of the Cusjer battle-field will be made, as it is believed there are still other bodies unburied. The finding of three bodies to-day makes seven in all that have been discovered, four having been found last fall and buried by Gene ral Brasbin's son and a scout named Jas. C. Campbell, of Fort Custer, who were searching the Custer field for relics. Fire at Spokane Falls. Spokane Faixs, Wash., May 15. The Spokane Falls Review contains a thrilling report of a fire which occurred in that city this morning. It broke out in the three-story frame building on Howard near the corner of Second street, occupied by Peter Hauson as a saloon and lodging house. A strong wind pre vailing carried the flames across Howard street and despite the efforts of the fire men, burned the block of tw o story frame ouiidicgs on that side of the street. The fire exteuded to the Methodist Tabernacle where the destroyer wns checked. It is thought that some of the lodgers in tile building were burned to death, while others narrowly escaped though they were injured mora or less severely. The loss is estimated at $50,000. Innocent of the Crime. Augusta, Ga. May 14 Wm. Starnicker was discharged yesterday from the pen itentiary at Empire, Ga., where he has served sixteen years of his life sentence for a murder of which he was innocent Last week a m,an named Crane had s number of witnessed called iu and he confessed on his deathbead that he bad sworn falsr ly against Starnicker. A New Secret Society. Montreal, May 14. It is rumored that a new Irish association has been formed here and in Quebec. It is said that it already oontains 10,000 members. One object of the oreer is to obtain money in Canada for the Irish home rule cause, and another is to wage warfare against British rule, with the final object of sep aration and the annexation of Canada to the United Spates. Reign of Tenor. New York, May 14 A special from CeAir Keys, Fla., says most of the able- ttnd o-night tuere ftiurfbw people ou the streets. Mayor Cottrel and his marshal have caused lawlessness and terror. He held up the agent of the F. C. & P. railroad with a double-barreled shotgun, but the railroad man disarmed him. He next visited the United States collector of customs, and with a marshal by his side, both with drawn pistols, in- suited him foully and threatened to put him in jail the moment he dared to leave his office. He threatened also to horse whip the Episcopal minister and his wife, most estimable people. The clergyman went to Tallahassee to complain to the governor, and on his return Beveralof his parishioners met him and escorted him to his home. Cottrel has committed a long list of lawless acts. He killed his brother-in-law over a drink of whisky shortly after the var. He had eight in dictments to auswer at the last term of the county court, but as matters were so arranged, the jury drawn was an illegal one, and he got off. He was formerly an spector under the democratic collector, but the new collector discharged him. Pinkerton left for Jacksonville, Saturday aud a private telegram from him late to night says he will return iu the morning with four United States deputy marshals to capture Cottrel and his followers. A large number ot citizens have left town with their families. In the Prize King. New York. Mav 15. R. K. Fox has sent the following cablegram to the Lon don Sporting Life: "Joe McAuliffe will fight Frank P. Slavin at the Pelican club to finish, for a suitable purse and ex penses. Should Slavin not accept, Mc Auliffe will fight any other man in Eng land on the same terms. Billy Madden is ready to leave for England at once with McAuliffe. Reply what amount the club will give." The Purisan Athletic club's offer of a 3,000 trophy for a gloye contest between Joe McAuliffe and JakeKilrain has been accepted by both men. Kilrain wrote his letter of acceptance to Frank Stevenson from Vicksbnrg, Miss. Jake wrote that he was well and would be glad to have a go with some one as soon as he was free. His term of imprisonment will expire on May 22, and he intends to come forth at once and go into training for the matoh. The Notorious La Pointe Fined. North Yakima, Wash., May 14 Judge Graves to-day refused to grant a new trial to L. M. La Pointe, who was con victed of producing an abortion on 16 y?ar aid Minnie Foss, of Ellensburg,and sentenced him to pay a fine of 1,000 and costs of the prosecution, which will be as much more. It is claimed that this case has cost La Pointe altogether upwards of 810,000. Wants a Strong Army. Berlin, May 14. During a debate in the reichtag to day, on the military bill, the minister of war explained, the pro visions of the measure. Moltke spoke in support of the European situation. He declared that it was growing more diffi cult, and it was imperative that Germany should have a strong military system. A strong government alone would not be able to maintain peace, and there is no one who does not hesitate to throw a into a powder match barrel. The Fanners' Alliance. Washington, May 14 Macune, repre senting the Farmers' Alliance,this morn ing contiuued hia argument before the ways and means committee in favor of Pickler's bill, to establish sub-treasuries for the receipt of agricultural products. To his mind no fixed volume of currency, no matter how great, would meet the needs of agi iculture. It wanted an elastic medium. Farmers who hold crops in the fall, when prices were low est, had bought supplies before harvest when prices were highest. Crops are marketed in two or three months, and this annually caused great stringency in money. Flower feared the plan would lead to banking on live stock, iron, lead and sil ver ore. They were getting along now in the latter direction at the other end of the eapitol. The true remedy for farmers' ills was the manufacturers' plan. They should regulate the production, raise only enough produce to meet the people's wants and thereby get good prices. Macune proceeded to explain the pro cess proposed to regulate the issue of produce certificates. He said the neces sity for excluding imports of agricnltural products is obyiotiR if the quality of the certificate was to be preserved. The cer tificates would constitute the soundest aud best enrreucv in the world. Proba bly not half of the 50,000,000 apprecia tion asked for to put the new machinery iu action will be required, but the sum should not be absolutely fixed at 9 mini mum, as in time it would be necessary to extend the system toiucludeall products of labor not covered by patents. Hear ing will be continued to-morrow. Two Men Carve Each Other. Portsmouth, Ohio, May 14 There was a desperate fight herewith knives yester day, between James Mault and Spencer Huston, and the struggle ended in the death of Mault, who was stabbed to the heart. Mrs. Huston, the widowed mother of the murderer, bus been in straightened circumstances for a long time aud kept a boarding house. She borrowed money of Mault, and after a time they lived to gether. This po enraged the womau's son, who was working in a neighboring town that he came to this city and an nounced his intention of killing both Mrs. Huston and Mault. When he en tered the house he drew a revolver on Mault and the latter grasped a carving knife. Huston saying he would not take advantage, dropped his revolver and seized a carving knife. Both men were powerful and a desperate struggle began. The men fought for half an hour, every thing in the room being spattered with blood. Both were so weak from the loss of blood that they could hardly hold the knife handle at the end of thirty min utes. Finally Huston succeeded in plant ing the blade between Mault's ribs when he was ou the floor, and throwing his entire weight upon the weapon drove it up to the handle, the knife penetrating the heart. Young Huston, covered with blood, then endeavored to find his mother, whom he also declared he would kill, but the woman had fled. The assas sin returned to the honse and was pre paring to mutilate the body of his vic Um.jWhsji .the tojyu mahaaverai. Friends of the prisoner say he was in sane, aud they intend to mike that plea the chief argument in his behalf. OREGON NEWS. The Ashland Woolen Mills which have been idle since last fall will soon resume work. President Harrison has nominated to the senate Thomas H. Lang, to be re ceiver of public monies at The D.illes. The Crook county stock inspector finds that the loss of sheep in the north eastern part of that countv, out of a lit tie over 100,000 head was 31,000. At Vancouver, Wash, May 14, J udge Bloomfield sentenced Edward, Gallagben who had beeu found guilty of murder in the first degree, to death by hanging. During a thunder storm on May 9, on the Deschutes near E. Barnes' horse ranch, in Crook county, two mares, one of them the property of J. F. Moore, were struck by lightening and killed. The Adventists of Milton began their camp meeting, which they will bold for one week in Smith's grove, commencing May 14. J. F. Smith, a citizen ot Eugene, aud well known throughout the Willamette valley, committed suicide May 11. Men tal disease was the cause. The Pendleton Tribune says: J. B. Stoddard has purchased the entire band of sheep belonging to Mr. J. Sylvester, of Pilot Rock, and will drive them to East ern markets. An old lady living in the suburbs ot The Dalles was brutally ravished by an unknown man, supposed to be a tramp. The old lady was over seventy years of age. and lived all alone. After commit ting the oriuie the villain stole two dol lars from her house and escaped. Joseph Longen, a youug man employ ed ou the ranch of Joe Vincent, was found dead three miles northwest of Milton, May 10. Ke had been thrown from his horse and his foot catching in the stirrup, was dragged and kicked by his horse until freed of its burden. The surveyor-general telegraphed May 14, to the commissioner of the gen eral land office that the deputies have completed the field work on the Umatil la reservation, and will bring in their notes this week. Work on the the plats will be executed promptly, and will en deavor to complete everything in foar weeks, or less time if possible. The Border Signal, May 9, s3ys: Last Wednesday, while Freddy Smith, Capt. Smith's oldest son, was drilling in some grain at the home place near Alder, a thuuder storm came up and the light ning struck so near where Freddie was working it knocked him from his seat on the drill and so stunned him that he was picked up by a neighbor who happened to witness the affair. The shock was so great that it killed a calf about fifty yards away from where Freddie was picked up. The team ran away, dring but little damage, and it is reported that the boy is rapidly recovering. This is said to be the first case where light ning ever did any damage in this county PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! J J The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackmail & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandise To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Lais Dress Goods, Garments,- Trimmings Etc. Their. Celebrated Boot called Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, nais, Laps, xoDaccos, Crockery, Etc. our Grocery Department everything is In r-irst-oiass and btaple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in Skp Dip Tobacco, Sulphur, .Lias, Wire, A personal inspection of our Mammoth stock will convince the public that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. Hides nun folk Ram if iuiu i ti iu imumi Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Conntiea will wen iu price our wooas Detore purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, aud will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. jJ7rjTTi.iiii.fi iu uur liutr-Vv in within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest. whiVh on. titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. Columbia Brewery Depot, AUGUST HI C I I I.1R, Piopxietor, Of the Columbia Brewery, at The Dalles, would inform the citizens of Morrow and enrrounilirg counties that he has leased tram John B, Natter the City Brewery in Heppner, and has established a depot at the well known stand, for the sale of the best Lager Beer and Porter. either in the kfg or bottled, which he will bo pleased to supply customers i any qnantity wholesale and retail. The Ttiblio are invited to call and examine his stock with the assurance that theij will -find it first-class. tS The Heppner Depot will be in charge of Mr. Dan Osmers, who will cheer fully supply all orders. Where can you Undies, Nuts, Notions, tiaais. Fo FOR THE LEAST MONEY?- -Where did whyat "THE MODEL," Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's, and next door to the Ilea Restaurant. Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style. Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the Choicest Goods. OTIS PATTERSON, Proprietor. Best Cough Medicine. Recommended by Phvsicians. Cures where all else fails. Pleasant and agreeable to the caste. Children take it without objection. Bv druggists. A M A J Burrell & Co.'s Ag rnp floeli oiul Tpo im lm ami f "Db omu o. uiar.eiiibs,iv i('isrTirliJSr get the Most baccos, Etc. you Say ? r