wm nequaird. n't t intr4u obi anprriura'ood w will anlrKr to pK In ecfa lotaKly. U4bot Onlr rhoar who writ al mk lun of (bechanr Alt von bava frturnlato bow our ioi1t u tboa warn rail tour nirhbors ad tf-f aronna 70a I It t- r'nnlnr of this idiWiMinnt bom th mall nJ of th tela TIm feDowtnf ettt gi thr afipearaafe of il rduca1 To bout th fiftieth part of itabalk It la a rrand. doublaauetcia trop. aa lance aa May to rarry W will aiao ihu you how yie Diakr from Kit to V Iti day at 1'aat, from the atait.wtili atil Speri"B M-'ter wrar at oiu-e uay all ipra 1 barc-M AOArwa.U liAUtn CO,. " M, foeiLi. Uaihk IT 18 THE TPFAli M EDICT "WB. It rouses the Liver and Kidnvs and Stom:ich f cures Hfsuliirhe, Dvspt-nsia, crtnttt an A pe tite, Purines the Impure Blood, and Makes The Weak Strong. (1 : Paed everywhere. 91 a tottlej lx forf.'V. ir YOU WISH A GOOD REVOLVER ?Wl SMITH & WESSON'S FTnMt small T1 rm erer iwuiiifactured I and t he Ort choice Xfrt. in oaJlbrirB AH Aiid 44-111. Hlnwln merleu and Trifet models. Bst qnalltr wrought teel. carefullr iuaucu-d for workmanflhip and stock. Unrivaled 1 Inlah. durnhlllts ! ....-... r. . 1 not be deceived by cheap malleabU irtm imitation often told for the genuine article. They are unre liable and dangerous. The Smith at Wesson Kr tultbu are Btamted upon the barrels with firm's name, addrmn aotfdateitof patents, and are guar an teed perfect, Insist upon having them, and if your dealer cannot supply you, an order sent to ad dmui below will receive prompt attention. Descrly tlve catalogue and prices upon application. BMITU V WFMMDN, Kprlusfleld, JUmmm ARTHUR SMITH, 11 1 ACTIO A Ij WATCHMAKER ! Next to First National Bank, UEPPNER. : : OREOON. Watches, A Optical Clocks, j) Goods . Watche. Cleaned, ' $1.50. Mainsprings Pitted ... fl.M). All work guaranteed for one year. ON SALE TO AULi PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH JLTT Heppner, Oreson. J. C. HART, - Agent. the; pionbeh 3-oar- Still Continues to Sell WATCHES, ; ctiOOKS , 7SWZSXjXI-S', etc. At the Lowest Possible Prices. A largo stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always on Hand A Full Line ot MTJalOAILi IJXTSTIITJ- Has been added to his large and well selected stock. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL Worlt Guaranteed. STOKE opposite Minor, Dodson A Co'a May Bt. Hbppner, - - - Orior -THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. 'Overland Route." TICKETS To all Principal Points in the United States, Canada and Europe. ELEGANT NEW DINING CARfes Pullman I'alaee Sleepers, FREE COLONIST SLEEPING CARS Run Through on all Express Trains to .OMAHA,. Council 15 luffs AND K.M'S.S CITY Without Change. Close Connection at Portland for San Francisco and Puget Sound Points. ALL IRON STEAMERS Leave Portland for San Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip in 60 hours. Cabin, $16. Steerage, Sound Trip Unlimited, $.J0,00. For further particulars inquire of any agent of the company. T. W. LEE, C S. MELLIN. O.P dt T. A. Xleneral Traffic itanaqer. ATE Li IKfc W .,r XjL. v. anus. for I J MTMeis .or a hew FREE. tiold WatrL Worth IVO.OO. itrat I watch tn tbc world. Perfect timekeeper Warranted ties?. lSOLID oold biintmfr mas. Both ladiea and gftit a lices. with iorka ead caaea of Vaul value. Onk PtKMNin Meb Ibcalitv cau aecure on fa-v( tocrtber with our lanre d valuable Uiwof Hoiaahold imulea. Theae aaiciie, a well rhr wntrh. are lVee. All the work you ae4 do is to ahow what we aend yuu to thw who call your friend and nHrhbor tud thoac abwut you that alwayi reaulia la valuable trade fi it, wtticti hold fury ran when onceatarted, and Ihu wa are wrii 1 W, pi)r alt nvrt.. frelpht, etc. After yoo know all. if y,a w.i.M Htct- to f I" rk for aa. you can am frum WO to C p-r k and npnardi. Addresa, HtlBawa at o.. I&ok rlV, I'oil liiU. JUulav. California, Oreqon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY. .T. B. Kt eney, Supt. Daily ftae to and fnm Monument. Blat'e leaves jlepiuer at b:du a. fll. Arrives, amttr. n. Pendleton Btage leaves Heppner 6:30 A. M. arrivw 4:30 P. M. Fare to Monument, - - S5 00. Fare to Pendleton. - - $4.00. E. J. S LOCUM & CO., Agents. Freiifht 2 cents per pound. Heppner, Ogn . P. FIiOB EN 0 K. E FLO KEN OF FLORENCE BROTHERS, 'Si STOCKRAISERS! HEPPNKU OHEGON. 1'attie branded and ear-inarkod an ahowu above. IffirwH V nn riiht MhimliltT. Our cattle rune iu Mr-rww, Oilliam. Umatilla and WamocouttieH. V a will pay SKMMMJ re ward for the arrest and conviction ot any oerson atealinir our stock From Terminal or interior Points the Northern Pacific UAILKOADI Is the line to take To all Points Eastaiid South. It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It rnn Through VESTIBULED TRAINS EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR TO r-:4NI):-(No Change of Cars; Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Eiinipnieiit, Tourist Sleeping Cars Best thuc can be constructed aud in which accommodations are both FREE aud furnished for holders of First or ISecontl-Class Tickets, and Elegant Day Coachs A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullifibn Sleekier Reservations can be secured in advance through any agent of the road. TH ROUGH TICKETS To and from all points in America, Eng land and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Passenger Agent No. lilj'irst St., Cor. Washington, PORTLAND OREGON. TO SAN FRANCISCO, CAL, BY WAY OF THE- - Southern Pacific Company's Line THE PIT. SH8STH BOUTE Quicker in Time than Any Other Route Between Portland San Francisco. Leave 1'ortland at 4 P. Daily. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURISTS SLEEFING CARS, For Accommodation of Second-Class Passengers Attached to Express Trains. Fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Fran cisco: rnliraited, !i5 Limited First-Claw 20 " " Second-C Irks. 15 Throngh Tickets to all Points South and Eadt, VIA CALIFORNIA. TICKET OFFICES: City Office, No. 154. Corner First & Alder Street Depot Office, Corner F and Front Streets, PORTLAND, OREGON. B. KOEHLEK. E. P. ROGERS. Mtna4tr. At. (i. F. and Pans .Ant 1 RfWiSjggaa5 Curas HURTS, CUTS, SPRAINS, BRUESES, RHEUMATISM. K E IV! ETD Yf'Al FOR RHEURflATlStVi. Saflerd Nearly Thirty Years. 1( N. Chester St., Baltimore, Md. Fomearly 30 yeani I suffered with rheunia tfsmin arm and shoulder; could not lift my arm. Lws than two bottles of St. Jarnbs Oil cured me. W H. HEESON. THE CHARLES A. VOSELER CO., Baltimore. Hi. Mind wandering enrri. Bni'" in one twdine. Tei;tino:i;as fm.ii j-H tmr'H tit theRlobfi. iT-ijH-tiin yan -'JIKK, S''itl no :i;i:.'-aTii r. n i. i.,u-.tt, 2.17 I-'ifts: Av-. i-aw :,rz. 5S To core Biliousness. Sick -IcutUf -l pation, Ma!ar:n, Lirer Cvriijilai:' the sate and certain ram' Use the SXALl, fiize (OlittleHeanstofhe bottle). They are tiik dost convknisnt. Price of pitiier N'-ee, SiSe. per Xtoiile. 1 1 S 8 S F?fc '"' 7 7ft"PllOT36l(viSt K l?4SE'a3'-,T'i"l'','-' ?4HV"' 8IZB. 41 V8Sel f. r4ri,.(coppi,r, cr.Umpi), J.f.SMiIHiCO.ii"..or i:i.l.hik,'..3,' SLiOtili M9, Dr. Warner's celebrated Coraline Health Corsets have one peculiarity which pertains only to corsets of their make. The bust retains its shape to the end, and the corset im parts to the wearer a well proportioned and beautiful figure. The corset is boned with Coraline, a substance superior to the finest whale bone. Made in short, medium and extra long waists. There are many imitations, but you will find " Dr. Warner's Coraline " printed on the inside of every genuine corset. They are sold by your nearest dry goods dealer. WARNER BROS. Mnfrs., New York and Chicago. FOR TOPPED LIVER. A torpid liver deranges 4 lie w-tiolesy. lew, and protiuces Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sa'lGv Skin and Piles. There Is no "better remedy forthe-n) common disease, than Tutt'n Lives' a?lU. at. a trial will prove, frice, ZiHU Sold Everywhere. SHEEP AND WOOL. Advice to rteginners. Numbered with reliable papers read before the Wisconsin Farm ers' Institute is one by Harrison Cole, of Dane county, to beginners in sheep husbandry. Following are extracts of interest to prospective sheep growers : In deciding the breed be guided by the branch of sheep husbandry you intend to follow. If you wish to raise lambs to sell at from eight to twelve weeks old you must have one or both parents for the sake of early maturity. If your object is wool and mutton there is no breed that is equal to the Merinos. They will herd iu large flooks better and do well on less feed than any other breed. In starting a flock it is gen erally the most profitable to buy the best of the kind, bnt if you lack means the next best thing is a healthy old sheep from a large flock. Put by themselves, they will often renew their age and prove not a bad investment, but avoid young or middle aged culls; they lack constitutional vigor and are the most worthless stock one can pur chase. Having selected your breed for a specific purpose, press steadily for ward by breeding to a fixed type. On the subject of coarse and fine wools, Mr. Cole gives figures which are decidedly in favor of the line wools for money in his section, where soil and climate are well adapted to the Merinos, On fattening sheep, Mr. Cole ..T J 1 1 At.- 1 ,1 i. says : l unns me uesi age m which sheep fatten is three to four years, but all the way from lambs to that age you can pick out sheep TTs 3 Mi TRAD J MAR CVEN 1 -1,100 FEBTABOVl SEA LEVEL.- In Climate, the Italy of America. In Manufacturing, the coming Pittsburg of the South. In Elevation, the Pikes Peak of the Piedmont Range. IX HE..ILTHFULXESS, THE SANITARIUM OF THE WORLD. The present Mecca for Northern Investors and Settlers. Two iloafs Rooonl in Losatif lotetriss in Tallapoosa. Oct 15, 1S89, contract signed for Oct 23, 1889. contract signed for Cotton Mill and Bleachery . Nov. 1, 1889, contract signed for Edison Electric Light Plant Nov.15, 1889, contract signed for Jeans aud Overall Factory Nov.'25, 1889, contract signed for Foundry and Machine Works Dec. 1, 1889, contract signed for Soap Manufactory Works Dec. 9, 1889, contract signed for Cotton Hosiery mills Dec.1'2, 1889, contract signed for pressed brick works Dec.25, 1889, contract signed for Tallapoosa Distillery Dec.31, 1889, contract signed for starting Glass Works Jau.10, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Cabinet Works . Jan.17, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Reclining Chai"- Company . Jan,29, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Cigar Factory. Total... . And an Augur Faotory, Woolen Mill, Car Works and other large manufactories are uu-ler negotiation. Most of the above contracts are now under construction, and all to be ranuing within three months from date. With the?e industries now building completed. OVER 900 OPEBATIVES will be employed iu manufacturing in Tallapoosa, Ga. which, on the nsuul basis of computation persons, while the present population or the city is toJO. (Majority northern people. ) THE" ADVANTAGES OF TALLAPOOSA. or a Northern settler are: Mild pleasant Winters, cooler summers than in the North, perfect healthfulness, wouderfu iner&l springs that have onred hundreds of cases of rheumatism, kidney and arinary troubles, dyspepsia, consumption and ndred diseases; pure freestone water, hisju elevation, Northern society; (the largest Q. A. R. lodge in the South, in propor n to population, and first Women's Relief Corps organized iu the state), free schools and low taxation. Free site aud other inducements offered to manufacturing and other industries locating here, where we have cheap ton, iron coal and timber in abnndauce. NOW IS THE TIME TO LOCATE OR INVEST IN TALLAPOOSA. GA. . Befote the advanoe in prices that will BUILDING LOTS ARE ADVANCING Send for prospectus of the city, terms or come and see for youreeif the truth of by thtH company, bdsnics liberal compensation for yonr time. Arlnress FebiO&teow that will fatten well. Feed grain ia a flat bottomed, dry trough, if possible a trifle at first. Increase until you reach to one and one-half pounds each per day. In damp, muddy weather feed light er. Be sure and not feed so as to have them leave a grain in their trough. Do not disturb them in the morning ; let them get up on their own accord, and pick around a little before you feed them. I like mixed grains for sheep better than feeding all one kind, and in coarse feed I always give as great a variety as possible but the same kind at a stated time each day." No sheep breeder or wool grower having any experience, will attempt the improvement of his flock with a cross bred ram of good grade, no matter how good an individual he may be. This has been proven in: every department of the breeding business, and is too well known to be disputed by any one conversant with the facts of experience. Fancy theories and ephemeral efforts are plausible but not exact, and will not be borne out when put to the test WALLA WALLA FAIR GROUNDS. "Old Tex" sends us the follow ing, which he clipped out of that DODular Dauer, the Walla AValla Statesman: "A liyely scene is-oow presented each morning at the fair grounds of the IFalla Walla -Valley Con solidated Agricultural Society. There are twenty-five to thirty men at work in the various stables, training for the June races, and never before in the history of the society has there been such a fiue display of speed horses. Through the courtesy of Wm. Hogoboom t Statesman reporter was on Wed nesday introduced to the various stables, and a brief enumeration of the horses now in training may be of interest to the the public, and will show that there is no lack of interest displayed in the forth coming spring meeting. "Mr. Hgooboom has in his sta ble, Gouldy, a fine 2-year-old filly by Lemont, dam by Deadshot; owned by J. H. Parker, a banker of Baker City. She is entered for the 2-year-old race in Juue. Next is Joe Byrd, owned by Mr. Byrd, of this city, He is a bright sorrel, 3 years old, by L9mont dam by Post's Hambletonian, and will be entered in seyeral races at the spring meeting. Col. Brad- shaw, 2:20, occupies next stall, and is owned by James Buttler, of Butte, Montana, who expects to show a better record this year. He is high in flesh and looks bet ter than ever. Next is Lamont, Jr., by Lamont, dam Molly, by Bashaw, record 2:44, owned by A. Somers, La Grande. Lady Spo kane, 5 years old, full sister to Le ona, 2:292, owned by B. A. Freese, Spokane. D. J. Crowley has a bay 3-year-old, by Bedouin, dam Kitty Clover, by Milliman's Bell founder. He shows a 2:40 gait, and only 20 times in harness. Next comes a 4-year-old brown stallion, just purchased by Mr. Hogoboom from Jerome Bowman; (sire not' given) dam by Meridith; 2d dam by Milliman's Bellf ounder. Mr. Byrd has in training a 5-yaar- hk South Sun. A, GEOR j yj u completing Iron Furnace.. (one employe for every rive of population) FROM TAXATION M stiiely follow the great influx of manufacturing establishments uow lur&tipg Lere. HAYIVLX and will double in value before the end of tne first vear. and price list of building lots, copy of the statements we make. If not found TALLAPOOSA LAND, MINING AND M'F'G CO., TALLAPOOSA, GA. old running mare, by Vanderbilt, dam by Shannon, she very much resembles her half-sister, Kitty Van. Mr. Hogoboom thinks she will do wonders this season. Messrs. Wm. and C. A. Hogobroom have a handsome 4-year-old bay stallion by Almont Medium, and Mr. Lewis Cox. of Waitsbnrr, lms i frainirtr, 3.vfiflr.oKl hv Meri- dith, dam by Bellfounder. Next comes a black 3-year-old trotter, owned by Samuel B. Sweeney, who shows a good gait Ben Snipes, The Dalles, has just received aud placed in charge of Mr. Hogoboom a 9-year-old pacer, Saneho Panza, by Pathfinder, dam Jack Miller, He will be entered iu theJuno races. A. J. Anderson has a 2 year old Metropolitan filly. Mr. bamuel A. Crowell nas a stable of three very promising young trotters, which will be en tered in the June races. First is a 2-year-old bay filly, by Bedouin, dam by Wiuthrop Knox. Next is a 3-year-old stallion, by Lemont, dam by Deadshot Crowell has in training for Mr. Sanders, Waitsburg, a 3-year-old colt, by Antelope, dam by Gaily S., by Billy Nelson. "W. G. Lermond has a black 2-yar-old, by Bedouin, dam by Al wood. He will take part in the June races. Lermond also has a 3-year-old dark brown colt,Browny, owned by Dr. Clowe, by lngrahara, dam by Meridith. He is in train ing for the June races. "Duncan Bros, have a famous 9 year old Antelope, 2:23 J. Ante lope's pedigree is too well known to horsemen to repeat here. Messrs Duncan have also a 4-year-old, Carrie A., by Antelope, dam by Gold Elsie, by Sam Purdy. The mother has a record of 2:30. She will be entered in the '40 class in June. They have also iq train ing for June a 2-year-old filly by Antelope, dam. by A 1 wood. A. H. Baker has a stable of five vouncr trotters, amons the finest being Fanny Dooley, 2, by Bedou in, dam, Osgood Maid. A year ling by the same horse now being trained by Baker shows a 4:0Q gait Dr. Clowe has a yearling Antelope colt in this stable. "Mr. L. D; Lot is handling a stable of splendid trotters for Thomas Rouen, of Columbia coun ty, which are nearly all sired by Meridith. He also has some fine bred colts sired by Aberdeen and Jaybird. "It is the opinion of horsemen and citizens generally that there will be a large attendance at the June meeting, as there are many more horses in training than ever before. The Pendleton Tribune says : The Indian police have been en gaged since Monday in gathering up stray horses on the reservation. They have over 400 head. Tjarge numbers of sheep are be ing shipped east from Umatilla county. H. Boecttcher will ship 24,000 for Nebraska; A. Lanter- man, 8,000 for Dakota; VV. &. I'er- kins, 6,000, and Richard Bay 6,000 The Singer sewing machine works at Elizabeth, JS. J., were partially destroyed by fire last week. GI A. 150 hands ..150 hands 10 hands 50 hands 50 hands 50 hands 150 hands 25 hands 25 hands ...100 hands 50 hands 75 hands 25 hands .910 hand will support a population of over 5uG0 TEN YEARS. Tallapoosa Jonrnal. and full information as represented, yonr expenses will '.'3 paid GENERAL. Th j influenza has reappeared in Russia. A number of severe cases are reported. There are many cuses at Warsaw, titty in one hospital. Extensive fires have overrun the timber lands in the St. Croix valley, ; Minnesota. Many millions ef teet i of PIne tlmber wer0 destroyed. A cyclone passed over the east- ern part of Hood county, lexas, last week, killing a number of peo pie and destroying much property. rraine nres nave swept over IFrigutandjoining counties in Min nesota, causing great destruction. Many houses.barns and other build ings were burned, Thomas E. McCann, a druggist at ban trancisco, has been sen tenced to two years imprisonment m tlie penitentiary, for sending ob scene matter through the mails. The influenza has again made its appearance in Lathrop, Mo. Seve ral severe cases have been re ported in the past few days, and the disease has almost attained the proportions of au epidemic. Mr.Charles Burt and Miss Louisa Hannon, recently married and on a wedding tour to friends in Nebraska were suffocated by gas at Grand Island, Neb., which escaped after putting out the light in their room at the hotel, At the Le Grande hotel in Chi cago, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo Edwards of Lake county were found in their room suffocated with gas. The gas, it is supposed, was turned on by the wife, who was insane, and was being taken to the asylum by her husband.. Prosecuting Attorney Crisp, of Lathrop, Mo., issued a warrant against the women who took part iu the recent saloon crusado iu the town. A warrant was sent to Clay county for the arrest oF Mrs. Anna Carmichael, wife of a Baptist min ister and leader or the crusade. They were all arrested and gave bonds, lhe charge is malicious destruction of property. The arrests have causod great excitement, and the women threaten to wine out every saloon iu the couuiy. Twenty- one women and one man were ar rested. The New Orleans Picayune's Austin, Texas, special says: "The Farmers' Alliance of Texas is in trouble, and sensational develop ments are rumored. In 1887 the leaders organized in Dallas an ex change with a capital of 500,000, stock being taken by subordinate lodges. The exchange lasted about two yefers, during which time, it is alleged, nearly a quarter of a mill ion dollars was squandered, and there is nothing to show for it but about $40,000 worth of property. The farmers who contributed mon ey are anxious to have an investiga tion, and will institute suit to re aover certain property in Dallas now occupied as an alliance and commercial agency. At Kansas City, last week, Major William Warner, ex-commander of the G. A, R., and A, E. Greyston, of Springfield, Mo., were opposing counsel in the Wrightman case, on trial in Justice TFbrthen's court, a dispute arose over the disposition of the bones of the alleged mur dered man, and other articles in the evidence, in the course of which Greyston called Warner a liar. The major advanced toward Greyston, when the latter thrust his hand into his hip pocket, and was about to draw a revolver. The major pounced upon him and forced him to the floor in the corner. With his hand on Greyston's throat the major was heard to say: "If you attempt to draw that revolver I will break your neck.'' The combatants were final ly separated. OKEGON NEWS. ,r r-r-i , t, . i ilrs. Hilda JeterSOn, a resident fp-ii i , Gl Tillamook COUUty, while in a tit, tea in tiienre-piace ana was Dnrneu , , i li i ct CO death during tile abeeUCftOt her husband. The Portland Orcijoniaian says: pelt buyer in Lake county suc A pelt buyer in Lake county sue- S , . J. - itf,-ri i ceeded m buviug over 40.000 sheep pelts tins spring, a sad commenta ry on the past winter. I BOM FOR ESEflTS. THE CHILD'S INT30DUCKD BY Rev. J. L. Hurlburt. I). D. The Famous Chantamjuan Divine. The wonderful story retold and adapted for the young. A traitil anil realistic panorama or ine scenes and incidentisconnected with the Savior's life from Bethlehem to Calvary, taken from the highest authorities l anon uarrar, ot Westmins ter, Dean Htanley, Dr. (Teike and many others equally eminent indorsed by the leading clor- gy in both England and America as the very fin est work of the kind for the young ever written, A WONDERFUL BOOK. A union of pure, exciting and deeply interest ing narrative, combining the thrilling interest of the Bible's story with a description of the curi ous customs, strange countries, and remarkable incidents of the time, magnificently bound in one large quarto volume, over 7n0 pages, 8lixl09ft inches, equal to latO pages of the usual sized book, printed on finely calendered paper from large type made expressly for this work; over 3(W beautiful and appropriate engravings drawn by leading artists, and representative of scenes and incidents in the Savior's life, also a number of exquisite lithographic plates printed in nine dif ferent colors with handsome presentation shet. The most superb work of the .kind in the world. Sims wiiE Everywhere, ei ther sex, young or old. in every town to sell the iiimai miMtmnnitfrfnl book. Agt-nta aireiui m ine uuid are simply coining money. Old experienced age-its say there has been nothing lik ? it for years Act uick or the opportunity will be lost. Yon can easily make From $5 to S25 a Day. To save time and secure an agency at once send $1 for a complete canvassing outfit. Illustrated circularsand extra liberal terms mailed free on application. Neither experience or capital is re quired to engage in this business, as the bonk will tell itself if preperlyure8ented, and we give our agents St.) days' time iriVvhieh to deliver and collect before paying us. Address THE HISTORY COMPANY, r23 Market Street San Francisco, Cal. SHERIFF'S SALE. Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execution issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county o? Morrow, arid to me directed and delivered, upon a judg ment rendered and entered in said court on the 2Hth day of March, 1890, in favor of Nelson Jones plaintiff, and against the Newton llanch Land, Stock and Agricultural Co. defendants, for the sum of i 'lie Thousand dollars as principal and the further sum of Ont Hundred aud Twenty-five dollars attorney's fees and the further sum of Twenty-seven and 24.. ui dollars costs, with in terest thereon nt the rate of 10 per cent, per an num from the -Jth day of July 1wm7, and, whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following described real pronerty. to-wit: The Jorthwest quarter of section 14. township 3 South of range 25 E W. M., containing ItiO acres, be soid to satisfy said judgment, costs and accru ing costs. I will, on the 17th day of May, A. D., 18110, at 2 o'clock p. m., of said day, in fronL of the court house door in the town of Heppner. Morrow county, Oregon, sell the right title and interest of said Newton Itauch Iand. Stock and Agricultural company in and to the above de scribed real property at public auction to the highest anu best bidder for cash in hand, the pro ceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of sa.d ex ecution and all costs, and costs that may accrue. 69-73 UL - T K HOWAKU. Sheriff of Morrow County, Oregon. Dated April 14, lbj. SHERIFF'S SAUE, Notice is hereby given that under and by virtue of an execntion issued out of the circuit court of the state of Oregon for the county of Motow, and to me directed and delivered, upon a judg ment rendered and entered in said court on t he 25th day of March, 1M0. in favor of Nelson Jones plaintiff, and against Major P. Dennis and C. O. Stanley, defendants, for the sum of Three Hun dred and Forty dollars principal, and the further sum of tifty dollars as attorney's fees and the further eum of Tlurty-eisht and 2&-itM dollars costs with interest at 10 per cent, per annum frt,m November 2nd, 1S87, and, whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following described re-.l property, to-wit: The South half of the Southwest quarter, the Northeast quarter of the Southwest quarter and the Northwest quarter of the Southeast qjurter of section 30, township 3 South of rang E. W. M.. be sold to satisfy said judgment, "costs and accruing costs. 1 will, oil the 17th day of May, A. D,, 1&90, at 2 o'clock p. m , of said day. in front of the court house door in the town of Heppner, Morrow County, Oregon, sell the right, tille and interest of said Major P. Dennis and C. C. Stan ley in and to the aoove described real proterty at pnblic auction to the highest and best bidder for cash in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution and all costs and costs that may accrue. T. It HiiWAR . ; iii-73. Sheriff of Morrow county. Oresron- lated April 14, lfcfW. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., April 94, '90 Notice is herebveiventimtthp r..lliHn.o...Qfi settler has filea notice of his intention to mke final proof m support of his claim, and that siid proof will be made before the county clerk of I morrow county, at ii eppner, Oregon, on June 7, lttO, viz: George Ison, D. S. No. 9315. for thf. N'i, wu .ml Wi. wt-i- Sec. 30, Tp. 3 8. R. 2ft E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residHni'n nnru unit i.iU.r-,...... ,.f fcaid land viz: Ed. Day, Sam Hall, Albert Ring and Alec Con net, all of Lena. Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of BUCh Ttroof nr mh.. lrum nt r.,. substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the interior department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportu nity nt the above mentioned tune and place to crosiuexamine the witnesses of said claimant, "ntl 'o offer evidence iu 'ebuttal of that suhmit- '1-" Henry Kik&saht. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Jjar.d Office at The Dalles Or.. April 2S, 'no. notice i hereby sivpn thntrh r.,llT,n.na,n. a setuer has riled notice of his intention to make hrial proof in support of his claim, aud that said .root will bo made belore the county juiljra of lorrow county, at H.r,,m.r r.., .... i 7, 1MHU. ' " Oliver J. Cox, For the N K and F ii M W J; Cw. oa n 8 8. K. ilKW.M. He names the following wilniwEnu f t,;. continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz; 11. 11. THuiilm Lather Haartaa Ohas. Anderson. Peter Kenner, kight Mile. Or. s'1-;tl- John W. Lewis. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION1. Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. Anril 2a tmi notice is hereby given that the followinir named settler lias filed nnti-e ..f (,: i,:.rL to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county Je ii iu .t;? n Thomas L. Buckley, For the NfcH of Sec. 21, Tp. 3 S. K. 2d E M. ' ' W. ne names tne touowine witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of. John Wi'llingham J. W. Leahey. Mat Ilughi and Arthur Daley, all of Heppner. Or 51-78 John W. Lewis, liegister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., April 14 'Ho Notice is hereby given that the foUowing-nani'ed settler has hied notice, of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will Be made before the county clerk of Sorrow county, at Heppner Or., on Jane 4. IS!) viz: .wur. Alfred Flore u. NW A lot 4 Sec, J Tp. 6 S. R. 2iE. W M v iuuu w uK witnesses to prove S?aaidtiand.UvizT1ieI1C" "Pn- """""ion Enoch Cave, U. P. Ridgeway, John McFerrin and Keub Gaunt, all of Heppner Or Jlcrerr"1 . (19-74 F A McDonald, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., April 17, lsta. Notice is hereby given that the fnn,;J make final proof in support of his claiS and that said proof will be made before th"Smntv kaiKVlfe7COaI,ty' at Heppne?.e($rrony Enoch Cave, Hd. 3ft2fl. for the BWM Sec. 23 Td IS R XV He names the following witnesie to prove Ws saTd,KUvizTldenCe UPOn and Nation " Alfred Florey, J. W. McFerrin TT P n; i wav axid J. fi. kdgewav, allH eppner Or ,(K John W. Lewis, liegister. Li of Chris SHERIFF'S SALE. N-ri hrvbv ivtn that under and bv virtue i of nu exuention Wmtl ootof th. circuit can of i the M-utf of Or, "U for the county of Morrow. 1 ai d t ai di!''ted and d-'livMivd . nrKn a inrii?- ; nt rend-.Vil u r.t,Ml i,. Artoi tL 1 ; vt ; ,.V V' V i S , v-.r ai'nor. Piais.titt. ami .ufiiinnt John K:ink. defendant. i for the p;i n .f tS,xty-tliiv and 74-10U dollars pri in. ;:.,. ami th? niin ot Thirty-two and Sl-HW duLAif .:ost.s tosft'tSr .villi internet at i,r nt.. per annum tro;n March 25, lf-yo, and, wher.-, by e:iii! iu iiT'iiy-it it as oi'lrrpd :u.l uiliiKl.n'.ot ; '"T, iribi rai property, urw.t. Iii''v-.itii.Mstr(iiarterof nation U. TowiiMhip4 J EviiiUt or ran?.' at. w . .u m Morrow county, tf.i-'tisi. Iw t"ld to satisfy said judgment, msta sut : a:iti rtt ciiiii'j; uohis. i win. on tne l.th day of Mi.y, A. O. lSJtO at 4 o'Wock p. m., of said day, in front of the pmtrt house door of the town of i tieppiier. Morrow m:ii: ty, Oreitun, sell the riirht. ; tilte and interest of the said Fohn Itaiik in and to i -the above described real property at pu jlic auo ! tion to the hitrhent and bent bidder for canh in hand, the proceeds to be applied to the satmfae ' lion of said execution, and all cots and costs j that may aeorue. T. R. HOW AUD, i tSy-7S Sheriff of Morrow i'ounr I Dated April 14, NOTICE OF INTENTION. IjpmlOtfico at La Grande, Or., April fi. '90. j Notice in hereby given that the following. named setrier has tiled notice of hiH intention to j make final proof in support of hia claim and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county. Or., at Heppner, Oregon, on I ftlay 'Mt lb4i. viz: James Cunnijf, D. S. No, fHftt, for the WV4 NW54 & Ni SWii I Bee. 8, Tp. 8. S. 27 E. ! He names the following witnesses to prove ; his continuous residence upon, and cultivation i of, said land viz: James Neville, Mat Hughes, James Leahey and Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of anv substantial reason, under the law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, whysnch proof should not be allowed, will be given an opuor- Liuiiiy hi Lite auove uieiiLioiieci lime ana place to j cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted bv claimant, 3tW-374 Henry Rinehabt, Register STOCK fJKANDS. While you keep yonr subscription paid up ym can keep your brand in free of charge. C B Ad kins. Horses, j, 'n right shoulder: car- tie, C K on right hip Range in Grant and Mor. row counties. Adkins, J J Hordes, .TA connected on left flank; cattle, same on left hip. Bleakman. Oeo.. liardman Horses, a nag on left shoalder; cattle, same on right shoulder. Bennett, Cy Horses. B on left shoulder. Brown, J. P horse.-, and cattle branded S with ox-yoke aiove on left shoulder. Brown, j Horses, circle C with dot in cai teron left hip; cattle. Mime. Buyer. W (x, Lena Horses, box brand o T.'i: hi p catt le, same, wit h t pi it in each ear, Borg, I'. O. Hordes, P B on left shoulder: cat tle, same on left hip. Brien, T. F., Lone Kocfc. Horses o with bar under and over on right shoulder. Driskell, W. E. Horses branded K inside of O on left shoulder. Cattle same on left side of neck. Jerry Brosman, horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle B on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barron. Wr -Horses, J Bon right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Win. Rndio, Monnment. Brands horses U on right ahoukler. Range. Grant and Morrow coun ties. Klmur Gentry, Echo. Or. Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left btifie. Range in Morrow and Umatillaconnties. Allison,.0, D. Cattle brand, O D on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Range, Eight Miie. A. A. Crosby, cattle branded "J-I, (7 H L con netted) on the right fhoulder. Cook, A. J., LenaHorses, ftlon right shonlderr- Cnttle. same on right hip: earmark square cro. off leit and split in risrht. Currin. R Y- Horses. JO on left stifle. Cox & English. Haniman Ca-itle, C with I in center: horses. CE on left Mp. Cupper, H A Horses fl 0 on left shoulder; cattle H C on left side, swallow fork on right ear. R. E. Cochran, Monument. Grant Co. Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope loth ears and dewlap. Wm. Doouan. horses branded OO with bar hver them, on left shoulder; e<le same on lft oip. Douglass, W M Cattle, R Don right side, swat-low-fork in each ear; horses. R D on left hin. J. B.Ely & Sons. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole in rig! it ear. Fieek. Jackson. Horses. 7F connected on right shoulder: cattle Bame on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left. Lieuallen, John W. Horse branded half-oir-ele JL connected on left shoulder. Cattle, same on left hip. Range, near Lexington. Florence. L A Cattle, LF on right hip; horses, F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence, S P Horses, F on right shoUder cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Armstrong, .. C, Acton T with bar under it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Gay, Henry GAY on left shoulder. Gob-e, Frank Horses, 7 F on left stifle; cattle, same on right hip. Mat Hughes, horses branded shoulder, heart o left shoulder. Hnrsaker, B A -Horses, 9 on left shoulder; cat tie. 9 on left hip Humphreys, j HI. Hard man Horses. II on left flank. Kiatt, Wm. B. Horses hrandptl bar crown on loft shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder caliln. saineon right hip. Junkin.B. M. Horses, horseshoe J on left r?!umhler. Cattle, the sama. Range on Eight Mils. Johnson. Felix Horses, circle T on left stifU catlie, same on right hip, under half crop in rig' and .v.i lit In left ear. Kir. J T Horses t9 on left shoulder: catt 09 on left hip. Kirk, J C Horses, 17 on either iiaak; cattle on right side. Lewis, J K, Lena Horses, P with over it on left shonlder. J. W. Leahey, "horses branded L N on the left ehor.lder: cattle branded the same on leit hip; wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear. Minor, Oscar. Cattle, MDon right hip; horses iii -i lefis'iouJder. :rca.-i. H Horses. M on Wt Mh..nlH. cattle, same on left hip. iMcv nmoer, ,ias a, Arwood Horses, M. with bar over on right shoulder. Morgan. Tiuia I1oi-,m mrntA T nn I ..ft 1 der and loft tliiijh; cattle. Z on right thigh. .u.ii-4-iiexi, usuHr, reiiysviiie Horses, n on right lcClareu. t) (i ffot-Aou i7;iim r.i.n Q.,r.v. Dh..nt der; cattle. M2on hip. Neal. Andrew. Lone Rock Horses AN con neeted on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips iuwiuau, it nurses IN with nnlf eircl over it on left shoulder. Nordyke, E Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cat tie. samo on left hip. Oiler. Purry. Lone Rock P O 01 left shou.der Pears. in, Olave. Horses, quarter circle shield on left shoulder end 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Range on Eight Mile. Parker & Gleason. Hardman Horses IP on left shonlder. Piper, J. H., Acton -Horses, JE connected on left shoulder; cuttle, same on left hip. under bi in each ear. Henry Patberg. horses branded with a Roman cross on left slioulder; cattle branded with Ro man cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. A. C. Pettys, Pettysviile Horses, diamond P on left shoulder. Cattle, JHJ connected and in verted on left hip; crop otf left ear and split ia rnaht wattle or inside of right fore leg abt.ve the knee. Rood. Andrew, Haniman Horses, square crosa with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Reiunger, Chris Horses. C R on left Bhouider, Rector. J W Horses. JO on left shoulder. Cat tle, O ! right hip. Spray, J. F. Horses branded SF connected on right shoulder: cattle same on both hips. A. L- Swaggsrt. Ella, horses branded on left "houlder; eettle same on left hip. CrotTon left ear, wattle on left hind leg. Stndght W E.-Horses shaded J S on left stiiie; cattle J S on left hip, swallow fork in right barer, Hobt -Horses, S on right shoulder; cattle square on right hip and S on right shoulder. Swaggan, L, Alpine Horses, 8B on righ shoulder. Sapp. Them. Rones, S A P on left hip; cattle same on left hip. Shobe, Dr A J Horses, DS on on left hip; cat tie, same on left Bide, wattle on left side of neck ears cut sharp at point. Stevenson, Mrs A J Cattle, S on right hip swallow-fork in left ear. Sijerry E G-Cattle. W C on leff hip. crop oft right and nnderbit in left ear,dulap; horses, W C on left shoulder. J Hif rtt PWi7Honies' 44 on left shoulder; cattle, 44 on left hip. leffshouMe?60' Hardman"-Hon circle c on Smith. E. E. Lone Rock. Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on eft shoulder; cattle same on left side. Range, Gilliam county. DiipsoVi oreea z ou left shoulder cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tippets 8 T Horses. C on left shoulder. rtn 1 kHeVfy,il?ftB Dran1l ce of spade on left shoulder and left hip. Cattle brended same on left 8ide and left hip. iranueo same A HorBee " oa left shoulder: catt! Wyiand, J H fTardman Circle C on left thigfc leftSSfflSJ: UP connected , oiuSft 8tSeiBhe' h0r8e8 branded UE connected Wallace, Charles-Cattle, W on rightthigh, hoi on right hip ttio' rannn AA with bar across J. S. YlllinO' Riuu.kn. S- TT . V Tw i. , . w. nurses oranueoj S on the right shoulder. -ill" ? (T le7'1inK creek Horses branded circle 5 on left shoulder. oCT HF-iDrewy. Harney county. Or. -Ck"'? B. connected on left shoulder. i-nr. -."-" "ipiuw ieit snouiaer. horses, cattle same on left hip with split in both Smith Geo., horses branded G S on left Bank. George Lord hnmnc k..,i,.j j - L a swig"rl. T er and upper bit on "same." ' " " cattle:Lerny'.horSM branded KNY on left hip; th rf crop off le,t oar: mder slope on Mrs. C. A tt i , . . .. .h..in. """wo orauaea au on ten n t S Ti "r8tlfl:"tle same on left side and hSSUS 8ttddl. Or., horses and cattle T,Tk d . "n"fpten, with bar under it. JOM.ph Putnum. Monument. Or., brands hors me l,VPne?,?1-,on riKht shoulder; cattle Ithe une on the right hip and underalope iu right