Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, May 15, 1890, Image 3

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Union Pacific Railway-Local Card.
'o. 81, mixi'd, loavfta Hepimer 7:15 a. m.
No. ! '" arrive " rum p. m dHily
except rjuinuiy.
Stage leaves for Canyon City daily,
excel t Sunday, at 6:30 a. m.
Arrives daily, except Sunday, at
5:0U P. M.
Ttire if v Having of 10 hours in time
and $1" ir caah by taking this route to
C. W. Louilar & Cc, 42:t, Fifth St.,
Y 'tland. Or., are a n ,orizel to make
af"i'tiflitiK contrace for the Gazette.
Tbey will .nake collections for this
Job printing ni endletoD prices at
the Gazette office.
A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc.,
at E. J. Slocam's drug store.
Rasmns, the dentiat, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner.
Mat. Lichtenthal will open your eyes
in prices of bis boots and shoes. You
tan buy them no cheaper in Portland.
The Newton wagon, backs and other
vehicles, the largest stock in Ileppner,
can be found at Gilliam & Bisbee's. Call
on them.
Before purchasing your house furnish
ings, call on Gilliam & Bisbee. They also
do tin-roofiug at the lowest figures.
All lovers of a social smoke will find
Je most complete and best selected
J stock of pipes and tobacco in the city at
Leezer fc Thompson's. Call and see for
The $4 Buckingham & Ilecht, men's
shoe will not rip. Best in the market
for the price. Buy them at M. Licuten
thal's. Gilliam & Bisbee have added a stock
of fine machine oils. Remember them
when yon need anything in this line.
J. Go to Mat. Liiohteittbal'H for the Lud
vUw ladies' shoes. Every pair warranted.
Ao "Fargo" $2.51) ladies' kid shoe.
The best shoe for the money in the mar
, ...
Do you want some dried venison? Go
to J. V. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store
for it, and everything else in their lines.
The most complete stock of groceries in
Coffim & McFarland have made a lib
eral offer in presenting customers with
a beattful bound volume for every $25
worth of goods purchased in the line of
dry goods, boots, shoes, etc.
Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe
jronr horse, and iu fact there is nothing
in the blacksmithing line that they are
not able to do.
The Staudard Mower, for sale by Gil
liam & Bisbee, has all thelatest improve
mentsfront out, and is arranged for
catting over either rough or level ground.
Their "six-foot" mower is guaranteed to
ran as light as any '"three-foot" machine
in the market
Bananas at the "Model."
Ice cream at the "Model."
Fresh candies just in, the choicest
stock in Heppner.
The "Estaella," "Dirago Club" and
other fine cigars alwavs in stock at the
"Model." '
All kinds of soft drinks at the "Model."
Try their soda and earsapaiilla.
In fact the "Model" is the only cigar,
tobacco and oonfectionary store in town.
They make a specialty iu these lines.
Notice is hereby given that the part
aawbip hrpotolfore exintinff between Al
exander M. Gnun and William F. Kuark
in the business of blacksmitbinar, under
the firm name of Gunn & Ruark, has this
day been dissolved by mutual consent.
A. M. Gunn will continue the business
at the old stand, to whom all debts due
the firm will be paid, and all claims
gainst it will be paid by him.
A. M. Gonn,
W. F. Euabk.
Heppner, April 2G, 1890. 71-76
I hereby give notice that George Con
ger, of Heppner, is authorized to oolleot
all monies due or to become due to me
from rents, notes or accounts of what
ever nature, and to give reoeipts for all
sums so paid him, in my name. I would
also inform the public that I have sold
all my Brewery accounts to Mr. Mat.
Lichtenthall, of Heppner, who is alone
Authorized to oolleot the same.
J. B. Natter.
Heppner, May 15, 1890. 73-81
Taken up, on May 8, by the subscriber,
lioing on Rea oreek, 12 miles from Hepp
ner, one roan gelding, nine or ten years
old, weight 800 pounds; branded Hon
left shoulder. Left stirle, 91 ; right shoul
der, horizontal H with H above and bar
with half circle over it, below. The ow ner
eau have the same by proviug ownership
and paying theohargea.
73tf J. D, Fkistok.
Taken up by the subscriber on Pay's
ranch on Butter creek, one bay horse,
itli star in forehead, branded JHG con
nected, on left shoulder, and about 6 or
7 years old. He came to the ranch early
in February. The owner can have the
horse by proving property and paying
73 75. E. F. Day.
Strayed from my plaoe, on the 5th inst.,
mv work horses, "described as follows:
One buckskin, weight, 1050, no brands;
one black, weight, 1050, right eye out.no
brands visible. A reasonable reward will
be paid for their return to my ranch on
East Fork of Willow creek, near Cold
weli grane, or anv information leading to
their recovery. When last seen, the black
horse was hobbled and belled.
John Locknane, Heppner.
May 14, 1890. 73tf
C M. Mallory is now receiving large
shipments of wire beds, chairs, refrigera
tors, etc., etc., and from this on will
eep on hand a full stock of all kinds of
furuituni which he will sell at the low
est price for cash down. 73-tf.
Two Trains laily Jiefwwn Portland anil
Spokane tilli.
Effective May 11th, 1S90, the Union Pa
leifio System will establish two daily trains
between Portland and Spokane Falls.
Pullman Palace Sleepers and Reclining
Chair cars will be run between Portland
fnd Spokane Falls without change.
This new arrhngement will afford both
local and through passengers additional
and unsurpassed facilities. Tickets, de
tailed time of trains, and geueral inform
ation, can be obtained upon application
to any ticdet agent Union Pacific System.
T. W. Lee, Gen l Pass Agent.
Extracting and Filling. by the Latest
and Most Improved Methods.
nieover Slocnm'a lrnutre.
Here and There.
A. C. lYttys as in town yesterday.
crop prospects were never
N. L. Kobison, the pelt merchant, is
Mr. C. M. Mallory is almost on the
sick list.
Nels Jones g..t back from Malheur yes
terday. '
The hotel foundation is rapid! y Hear
ing completion.
Wonder who edited the Gazette thi8
and last week ?
Miss Martha Matlock is convalescing
from a severe illueas.
A Wright leaves to-day for the valley,
to be absent about ten days.
H. B. Hendricks, special agent of the
State Insurance Co., is in town.
Frank Snow, editor of the Budget,
was in town early this week.
Dan Horner has gone east to look after
! the state of the horse market.
-Misses Etta Swaggart and Allie Gil
more visited in Heppner over Sunday.
Col. Jack Morrow and Gov. Rea are so
journing at McDume hot springs.
Hugh Fields purchased Jerry Bros
mau's clip yesterday, at 15 cents per
Will Saling is at present with Mr. C.
S. VanDuyn, the May street grocer and
On the 2(th of last month, the wife of
H. C. Gay presented him with twins, a
boy aud girl.
Hon. J. B. Sperry is at Astoria. Or
ange blossoms are mentioned in connec
tion with this citizen of Heppner.
Wm. Blair, candidate for county judge
on the republican ticket, was in Heppner
on last r rmay.
Tons of merchandise for John Day
city ana other towns or that section are
arriving at the warehouse.
Wm. Hughes was down to Heppner
last Monday for the first time in several
weeks. His many friends are pleased to
see him about aaiu.
Frank Elder returned home last Mon
day from Portland where he has been at
tending Bishop Scott's Academy.
Among the veteran drummers in Hepp
ner this week, we notice the presence of
J. D. Kennedy and Julius Friedland.
The Seattle Budget has made its ap
pearance at the Gazette office. It is a
very interesting Saturday evening sheet.
A clumsy attempt to blackmail one of
our citizens was made last Tuesday even
ing. The time has come when this kind
of business must stop.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is a purely veget
able preparation, being free from injuri
ous ingredients. It is peculiar in its
curative power.
There remains, uncalled for in the Ar
lington postoffioe, letters address as fol
lows: Joe Maurei, Chas. E. Pensence,
Mrs. E. A. Stephens. Geo. Valentine.
When you pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frank Waterbury at the Har
iisty House. The table is always sup
plied with the best in the market.
Are you married? If not, send your
address with stamp, to the American
Corresponding Club, P. O. Box 643,
Clarksburg, W. Va. 370-422
Married At the residence of the
bride's mother, MrB. C. L. Kramien, at
Butteville, Or., May 7,1890, Eniory Hod
son, of Lexington, and Mi3s Minnie Kra
mien, of Bulteville.
During the past week heavy rains
have fallen in Jackson, Douglass and
Josephine counties. Eastern Oregon has
not been slighted in the matter of moist
ure, and bountiful crops are assured.
Hon. Henry Blackmanof Heppner, our
candidate for the office of joint-senator,
will be in Burns by the 15th of the month.
We speak for Mr. Blackman a hearty
welcome. Burns Herald.
E. L. Matlook, who is at present en
gaged in gathering up bis horses, re
ports a small loss m bis band, so far as
he can learn. From what be can see of
Morrow's horses, there was little loss,
Hon. W. R. Ellis will address the re
publicans of Western, Oregon on the po
litical issues of the day, and will leave
for the scene of his labors the latter part
of this week.
Col. Tom Morganwho drove the first
stage coach into Canyon City from The
Dalles in the early sixties, was in town
during the week. Mr. Morgan is now
a resident of Heppner. Canyon City
Mr. H. Blackman, Mayor of Heppner
and candidate for joint senator is in the
city in company with Senator Hamilton.
Mr. Blackman made the News a pleas
ant call, and is quite a social gentleman.
Canyon City Neivs.
The Lena post office has been discon
tinued for the time being, but will be
re-established soon. Until such time sub
scribers of the Gazette will get their
papers at the old offioe, the driver of the
Pendleton stage delivering them at thai
The story is being ciroulated that W.
L. Saling, candidate for county school
superintendent on the republican ticket,
is in a oombiuation to force teaohers'
wages up to the highest point. This is
false iu every respeot, and is talked 10
hurt Mr. Saling.
Freeman Greene slapped Chas. Nelson,
E. J. Keeny's bar-tender, last night
Charley retaliated by "doing up" Mr.
Greene in the most acceptable style. The
marshal took care of Mr. Greene. The
whole matter was settled this morning
before the recorder.
The enterprising firm of Gilliam &
Bisbee present to their patrons this week
a new "ad." in which they give an idea
of what thev keep in stock. They are
doing a larger business this year than
ever before, due largely to enterprise in
keeping their firm before the people.
C. C. Sargent, of Mitchell, has pur
chased 1 he interest of Mr. Bullock in
the Heppner Feed Yards. Mr. Kefeer
will continue in the business, the firm
name now being that of Keefer & Sar
gent. They have added rigs and livery
stock, and ask for a continuance of pat
ronage at the old stand. See their new
An excursion train will leave Heppner
next Sunday morning at 7 o'clock, en
route for Cascade Locks, to witness the
Harvest Queen pass over the rapids at
that place. The round trip has been
placed at the low price of 2.50. The
.!.! ,ine is S12.50. and all should
avail themselves of ttis opportunity for
a vacation.
The Budiet w ill no doubt imagine
that all Morrow oounty is contributing
to our editorial columns before tbe cam
paign is ended. However, this work is
all done bv our regular editorial foroe,
and the Budget's attempt to ring in
three outsiders as a temporary foroe,
falls harmless. But that paper must
have something to say.
The friends of Blackman are much en
couraged bv reports from all sections of
the distriot.' The Burns Herald says,
that democrats md many republicans are
supporting Blackman, and from Grant
conies news that he is well receiyed in
that county, and will hold bis own in
June. A full turn-out of his friends at
the polls will insure his elec tion.
Reports from all parts of the county
are favorable to the success of the repub
lican ticket, and do not confirm the brag
and bluster of the Budget aboi;t great
dissatisfaction with and split o(
the republican psrty on their oounty
ticket. Any disaffection whioh exists, is
oonfined to the usual number of disap
pointed men, as is the case in all con
tests for offioe.
Newt. Jones and a young fellow em
ployed in the fccelsior Soda works bad
a scrap, down at the 4ros.de- last Friday.
Th marshal stopped the trouble before
any damage was done, and placed bosh
Dovs unaer arresi. iucj Su.i.,
before the recorder's court Saturday,
' Newt paying all assessments. The stran
! ger did not "dig" and was confined S3
1 worth in the Ifmlio.
I J. B. Hunt has made the round trip to
John Day City, Dayville and Canyon
! City with goods from Colfin k McFar
land s. lhe roads are now in good con
dition for teaming. There are at pres
ent 40.1(00 pounds of freight in the
Heppner warehouse for tuese Grant
county towns, and in a few daj's big
teams will be in to haul it out. Surely
Heppner is growiug in favor as a ship
ping and trading point.
Every reader of the Gazette ought to
know bv this time that Brown & Hamil
ton are our local collectors not as attor
neys, but as attaches of tbe Gazette
office, and no reasonable man should take
offense at the same- At any rate it be
comes necessary, from lack of time, to
follow this course in getting together our
few ducats'iu this cold, cold world.
The Budget's biblical rot of last week
is having the desired effect in a horn.
A second edition of the same stuff will
no doubt appear in their issue of to-day,
and over will go some more votes to the
Blackman side. Blackman has friends
who don't like his politics, but unwar
ranted abuse is causing tbem to become
his staunch snpporters.
To prevent any misconception, and
necessity of the editor of the Budaet
counting and guessing his men in buck
ram, tne liAZErrE will assure him that it
has no editors in buckram, and that all
political articles and notes in this num
ber were written by its editor, and no
body else.
The Reynolds Bros, and orew of eight
men, who are supposed to be the cham
pion shearers of the northwest, after
doing tbe Heppner country, for some
weeks, departed for Sprague, Wash., last
Monday where tbey have a contract to
shear about 70,000 sheep.
Without casting a shadow on the
name of George Noble, the Gazette can
consistently ask every repnblioan to
support A. Andrews. He is a gen
tleman in every respect, quite equal to
his opponent, and is well qualified for
the office of sheriff.
Congressman Hermann has been assid
uous iu his labors to secure regular mail
service between Heppner aud Fossil. Last
Tuesday, the department assured him
that the request would be granted, and
tbe service put on as early as possible.
E. Campbell, of Vinson, is hauling
this year's clip to Heppner. Why? Be
cause he finds that Heppner is the best
wool market in Eastern Oregon. He
took his wool to Pendleton last year,
consigned and came out loser.
J. H. McHaley and family arrived in
Heppner from their "Webfoot" ranches
last Tuesday. They leave for Grant
oounty in a few days. The whole of
Western Oregon, Mr. Mc. informs us,
is needing rain badly.
The Grande dining room, of Arlington,
is now under the superior management of
Chapman & Freeman, It is the place to
stop when you are in that town. Good
beds in connection. Tbe Grande was for
merly known as the Sanford House. 72tf
Any republican can vote for Pettys.
He has loug been a resident of Morrow
county, and is well fitted for tbe posi
tion to which he aspires.
Jack Hinton, of Monument, passed
through Heppner this week on his way
home from The Dalles.
Some interesting correspondence is
crowded out of this issue. It will appear
iu our next.
Pelts are now selling for 94 to 10
cents per pound in Heppner.
The "Model" can furnish parties with
ice in small quantities.
Old papers for sale at the Gazette office
The popularity which Hood's Sarsapa
rilla has gained as a spring medicine is
wonderful. It posesses just those ele
ments of health-giving, blood-purifying
and appetite-restoring which everybody
seems to need at this season. Do not
continue in a dnll, tired, -unsatisfactory
condition when you 'may be so much
benefitted by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It
purifies the blood and makes the weak
The man who makes another's pecul
iar belief in religious matters a standard
of fitness for an official position, has
failed to be impressed with the fact that
we are living in an age of freedom, and
of enlightened intelligence when no
man's religious views are to be ques
tioned to entitle him to any public po
sition, open to all oitizens alike. "Hon
esty and capability" is the standard re
quired of American oitizens.
The AVorld Enriched.
The facilities of the present day for the
production of everything that will con
duce to the material welfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited aud
when Syrup of Figs was first produced
the world was enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently-in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it becomes.
Hon. D. P. Thompson, Hon. Phil Met
schan, Col. E. AV. Nevins, and Lydell
Baker, Esq., will address the citizens of
Eastern Oregon at the following times
Pendleton, Friday, May 16, at 730.
Arlington, Saturday, May 17, at 7:30.
The Dalles, Monday, May 19, at 70.
If any of our readers are not taking
the weekly illustrated West Shore they
ought to do so. It combines the desir
able features of all the eastern weeklies
and is superior to any one of tbem. Es
pecially in its graphic pictures of west
ern scenes it is of great interest. Aside
from the local paper it is the best pub
lication that can be taken, and should be
in every house. Published by L. Sam
CEL,Portlapd, Oregon, at $4.00 a year.
The following market reports we clip
from the Oregonian of the latest date:
Wheat J.30 1.32.
Barley 1.031.05 and Kai.02
Oats 1.65a 1-75, and 1.35 1.55
Wheat 95&C.
LIVE stock. .
Cattle Beeves 84.80 (g 5.15.
Steers 35.04.60.
Stcckers and feeders 82.50Q4.15.
Texans 2.80(3 3.85
Hogs 4.00(S 4.50.
Sheep Natives 4.90aq.70,
AVesterns, 5.50(6.40
Texans, 5.05(35.50
Beef cattle 4.50I&5.
Hogs 5.
Lambs 82.50 each.
Potatoes The market is dull with
liberal supplies. Quotations, $2 00(2 2 50
per cental.
Onions The market is weak. Sup
plies coming in freely. ' Quotations, 82 00
&2 50.
Oats The market is firmer with light
receipts. Quotations 5255c.
Wheat 1.20 (&1 23.
Poultry All kinds are dull and
prices rala loTyer.
Wool Eastern Oregon 19gloe.
Wool A'alley 10(3 ISo. ,'
HEPPNER market.
Butter Fresh 5060o per2Ib roll.
Eggs Plenty in the market. Find
ready sale at 1520o per doz.
Potatoes Few in market.
Onions 23o per pound.
leef hides 75e(gl.50, acoording to
quality and sue.
Sheep pelts OglOv.
Flour Heppner, 84 per barret ; in
barrel lots, $3.75: Peerless, (Waitsburg)
4.25 per barrel in any quantity.
Cheap. At N. L. Robinson's on May
street. Fine shoes, at maryelously low
prices. To avoid removing stook to Fort
land, he will sell these fine goods for the
few days as indicated above. See him .
Republican Committee" Meeting.
The republican central committee of
Morrow county met yesterday in Hepp
ner and made the following nominations:
For representative. A. C. Pettys, vice J.
H. Stanley, resigned; for surveyor, AV.
S. Parman; for coroner. Dr. B. F.
A Capable Man. The republican dis
trict convention have placed in nomina
tion for prosecuting attorney of the sev
enth judicial district, W. H. AA'ilson, of
the Dalles. Mr. Wilson is a lawyer of
ability, a member of the law firm of Ben
nett & Wilson, well know to many resi
dents ot Morrow. This is an office in which
politics should enter but little, and in
Mr. AVilson the Gazette thinks it has the
best man for the place, and so advises its
A Bra Ranch. There are many old
residents who do not realize that we
have right here in Morrow county one
of the largest and most productive stock
rauches in Eastern Oregon. It iB the
property of Wm. Penland, and contains
14,000 broad acres, well watered, and
furnishes winter range for 20,000 head of
sheep. This season Mr. Penland's wool
clip amounts to 100.000 ponnds, repre
senting a net profit of thousands of
Spkainbd Abm. Wm. Scrivner visited
Dairyville last Sunday to see his best
girl no doubt, and tbe results are a
warning lo our love-struck young men.
William says his horse fell on him on
his return, disabling his right arm and
shoulder, whioh is probably tbe case,
although Pap Simons has another ver
sion of the affair which can be learned by
visiting the well-known blacksmith
shop of Roberts & Simons However,-
AVm. is not on duty this week.
To the Coast. Mr. and Mrs. J. B.
Natter and family left yesterday morn
ing for the coast, and will, perhaps re
main a year or more. Mr. Natter still
retains his interests here, and leaves on
ly to benefit his wife's health, which
they hope to do 'mid tbe searching sea
breezes. They also contemplate a trip to
Germany sometime within the next year.
Mr. and Mrs. Natter have been res
idents of Heppner for a number of
years, and it is sincerely hoped that they
will find health and happiness abroad,
and return to live among ns again.
The Democratic SPEAKruo.-Last even
ing the citizens of Heppner were ad
dressed by Col. R. A. Miller, democratic
candidate for congress, and Prof. Leroy,
on the same ticket for superintendent of
publio instruction. Both gentlemen are
pleasant speakers, but we failed to see
where Mr. Miller made a single point on
the political issues of the day. Prof.
Leroy tells a good story and holds up his
share of the fight in pretty fair shape.
He gave tbe present incumbent of the
office for which he is seeking, some hard
blows, which is to be expected in political
Pbices fob AVool. In conversation
with Mr. George T. Davis, our reporter
learns that prices lor wool this season
bid fair to be as good as those of last.
Parties who sold in the Heppner market
last year realized more for their wool that
the few who consigned, and benefitting
by this experience, they are dead down
on consigning. The Heppner warehouse
is rilling up rapidly with wool, and as
yet only one lot is consigned. Severa!
parties who hauled their fleeces to Pen
dleton last season, consigned and got
nipped, are seeking Heppner this year
as a plaoe to market their wool. Don't
be deceived. Come to Heppner and sell
your wTool at top figures.
For Cattle Stealino. C. C. Boone,
of Lexington, brought up to Heppner
last Saturday, W. A. Allyn, charged
with cattle stealing. The young man
had removed from Morrow to Sherman
oounty, where he was found by Consta
ble Boone. On Sunday the same oi
cer arrested Dennis Allyn, down on the
sand, charged as an accomplice in this
matter. The young men had an exami
nation before Justice Kea on Monday,
and were bound over in the sum of $200
eaoh to await the action of the grand
jury. Failing to procure bonds immme
diately, they were held till yesterday
when the necessary sureties were pro
cured and the boys released.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that Contain
as mercury will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the mucous surfaces. Such articles
should never be used except on prescrip
tions from reputable physicians, as the
damage they will do is ten fold the good
you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.
J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, aud is taken internally, and acts
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces of the system. In buying Hall's
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu
iue. It is taken internally, and made in
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
ESF'Sold by Druggists, price 75c. per
Tom Morgan, of Heppner, passed
through to Canyon late last week.
W. E. Ellis, of Heppner, Or., will devote
the larger part of May in expounding republican-principles
to the people in dif
ferent sections of Oregon.
G. B. Hatt, the razor man of this cityt
has accepted a position in C. M. Jones'
tonsorial department in Heppner, for
whicb place he will depart soon.
The sale of tbe lots including the town
hall, of Long Creek, was consummated
by J. J. Patterson to Chas. W. Confer
last Monday for the sum of $1000.
Judge Denuicg is acting as prosecuting
attorney during this session of circuit
court, as it was impossible for Attorney
Rand to be present. The J udge can ably
officiate in that capacity.
J. W. Ambrose reports good success in
lambing, haying thus far saved over 100
per cent. Mr. Ambrose was a heavy loser
of sheep during the past winter, and de
serves every success possible in this in
crease to make good his past misfortune.
Hon. Henry Blackman, democratic
candidate for joint-senator, was in' Long
Creek the first of the week, being on a
political tour oyer the dist rict. Mr. Black
man was the recipient of many new ac
quaintances in this section, and some
thing would have been left undone if
there had not been a ball given in honor
of his presence on Monday eve, which
was largely attended and all enjoyed
themselves immensely. The Mayor in
company with Sen. Hamilton, left for
Canyon City Tuesday morning, from
whioh place they will leave for the Har
ney section.
We were informed by reliable parties
that an attempt was recently made to
poison a band of sheep belonging to H.
B. Jarvis, which he has ranging in the
Hitter section. The herder noticed some
peculiar maneuvering among the band
whioh prompted him to aot immediately,
thus discovering the poison before the
sheep had eaten a sufficient amount to
injure them. The guilty parties were
tracked so near their quarters that the
entire faction were clearly exposed.
Sheepmen have suffered severely in that
section heretofore, aud if any sheep are
poisoned during the present season, they
declare their intention of unearthing the
entire works with a liberal dose of law.
We have no pause to think that any foal
;hat any loal 6 T tsgL Ar
living in that I L IL 4 'VfT
thBt a. io.uk i Lcr a
rdav is intended by any one
seotion, and it does appear that
as sheepmen who reside in that seotion.
herd on rented and government range.
they are encroaching on no one, aud give
no cause that they should be molested.
In all diseases of the Stomach, Liver
and Ji-jdceyp, use: to the exclusion of all
other medicines, Nature's own remedy,
Pfiinder's Oregon Blond Purifier,
Caio Johns has gone to Baker City with
a viw of buying real estate.
Among the pelt buvers last week,
we noticed the familiar faces of J. M.
Russell, P. Mclntire, F. Uaag, Jr. and
Woolly Clark.
Station agent, W. H. Fowler, went
down to Portland and was sand-bound at
Grant. He brought back the welcome
news that the strike was ended. Query
Did he assist in bnnging about this de
sirable state of affairs ?
Mr. Miller accompanied by an expert
mineralogist, left hereby stage for Fossil,
to look after his coal beds in that vicinity.
D. A. Vance has returned from Baker
The evemug amusemeut is to go down
to the banks of the Columbia aud tickle
the appetites of the finny tribe with
dough, etc.
Several disciples of Isaac Walton paid
a visit to Rock Creek and brought back
about 100 trout.
Charley Wenner purposes moving into
the Tucker house shortly.
Doc Petrie, of Willow creek, was in
town last week.
Harvey Condon has gone to the Sound.
The city is now without a night mar
shal. Hon. R. A. Miller and Prof. Leroy will
address a meeting here Tuesday next.
Night operator, Freeman, has given up
his position and iutends devoting his
whole time at The Grande.
G. Carriere, a pedler of images, was
fiued $15.25 for selling without a license.
He was much iucensed, as he considers
85 fine and SI. 25 marshal's fees was
enough. Had he been able to speak
English as well as he does Italian, some
body would have heard some pretty tall
Friday night the depot presented the
appearance of a little Chicago, no less
than five engines being on the yard at
the same time. .
' Eugine441, with Patterson iu the ceb,
passed here last Sunday evening. He
had been down to the Dalles to have her
Hon. J. Thomas has sold his baud of
sheep. -
Murray Beardsley is on the Sound and
Ross is again busy with lather and brush.
Ebi was busy last week hauling stone
to the pump-house for riprapping pur
poses. Sheriff Sanderson sold at auction Sat
day last the balance of Sylvester Carlisle's
saloon effects.
Mrs. Morman has opened a restaurant.
Nervous Disorders.
taken when excessive or continuous mus
cular exertion, exciting passions, or over
indulgence, stimulating food or drink, or
nervous disorders have long contiuued.
Descriptive treatise with each bottle:
address Mack Drug Co., N. Y.
Iu Heppner, on last Saturday, in
fant son of Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Har
rington. The funeral occurred on Sun
day afternoon at 2 o'clock.
Sleep on. gentle child, sleep on.
No more we behold thy face.
To heaven thy sdirit has gone.
To sini; redeeming grace.
The transition from long, lingering
and painful sickness to robust health
makes an epoch in the life of the indi
vidaul. Such a remarkable event is
treasured in the memory and the agency
wberebv the health has been attained is
gratefully blessed. So many feel they
owe their restoration to health to the
use of the Great Alternative and Tonic
If you are troubled with any disease of
Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or
short standing you will surely find re
lief by use of Electric Bitters. Sold at
50c. and 81.00 per bottle at A. D. John
son & Co.'s Drag store. 3
!iC3-o to
Best Cook in Oregon !
Most truly and correctly called
The Greatest Medicine
Of hopeless and apparently incurable diseases are
imi'noiuic. uj vlii iiik ca?t;p (jivfu up uj pu oiuirt us. ami lb
P. F. CASTLEMAN Gen'l Ag't for Eastern Oregon and Wash. 8S Morrison Street. Portland. Or
Bold by J. W. MATLOCK &. CO., Heppner, at $3.75 per jug, or $7.50 per case.
J i i i i i i i i
Houotiii Souse
The Best Meals in the City.
L N. BASEY, Proprietor.
m MlRRAiEl
Special attention paid tq ftpe custom work. Opposite City Hotel,
for vteik Ending Wednesday, May 15. 1S90
Mean Moan Pre- Char
Date lamp. Max.- Min. Bar, cip. acter.
May S M.iU 68.0(1 42.50 '.fl.SlnS 520 I fair
il 5125 6(1.00 33.00 2H.t0 0.00 fair
10 -5K.25 69.50 43.50 29.740 0.17 ol'd
11 50.75 54 00 45.50 30.105 0.15 el'd
12 60.575 70.75 41.25 30,525 I O.OO fair
13 63.50 76.00 39 :XJ 30.405 0.00 cl'r
14 59.50 80.(11 40.(10 30.060 ().(. fair
A. Smith.
It is that impurity In tlie blood, which, 30
" cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro
duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which
causes painful running sores on the arms,
legs, or feet; which developes ulcers In the
eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can
cerous growths, or the many other manifesta
tions usually ascribed to 4 humors;" which,
fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption
and death. Being the most ancient, it is the
most general of all diseases or affections, for
very few persons are entirely free from it-
By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, "by
the remarkable cures it has accomplished,
often when other medicines have failed, has
proven itself to be a potent and peculiar
medicine for this disease. Some of these
cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof
ulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months
old till she became six years of age. Lumps
formed in her neck, and one of them after
growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, became
a running sore for over three years. We gave
her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and
all indications of scrofula entirely dis
appeared,. and now she seems to be a healthy
child." J. S. Cabltle, Nauright, N. J.
N. B. Be sure to get only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Soldbyalldmggists. 1; six for $6. Freparedonly
by C. I. HOOD & Cot, Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
lOO Doses One Dollar
Fabsr's Golden Female Pills..
For Female Irregular
1 ties; uothinliketbem
on the market. Never
f ail. Successfully used
by prominent ladies
monthly. Guaranteed
to relieve suppressed
Don't be humbugged.
Save Time, Health,
aud money ;take no oth
er. Sent to any address,
secure by mail on re
ceipt of price, $:!.00.
Western Branch, Box 27, PORTLAND, OR"
Sold by A. D. JohnBon & Co., Sol
Agents for Heppner.
Season of 1890.
The thoroughbred imported Clydesdale stallions
Finnicli Oliiof,
(4176, Vol. V. Am. Stud Book.) (5757, Vol.
X, Stud Book of Great Britain.)
(1477, Vol. V, Am. Stnd Book.) (6827, Stud Book
of (ireat Britain.)
Will stand this season at my place on
Big Butter creek, 5 miles from Lena, and
serve mares at the following rates:
Single leap $10.00
Season $20.00
Insure with Foal $25 00
Mares from a distance nastured and attended to
for & a month. t4-2in B. B. Mann.
Meals at All Hours !
l. Radam's
constantly made. It is expected to perform the
Buckingham k Hecht's
Button. Lace or Congress, Every
Warranted. Also an extensive line
the celebrated Buckingham &
Heoht boots always on hand,
The Largest Stock in East
ern Oregon,
You Will Find that You
Can Get tbe
the Least
J. W. Matlock & Co.'s
New Grocery Store, next door to skatine rink
When They Say tbey Keep a Complete Stock They Mean It. See for Yourself.
The Most Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods,
Meata, Salt, Glassware and Queensware, Anything and Everything.
will travel well when
General Blacksmiths & Fariers.
orsesnoelng $41 m
MatloohLCorner, Alain Street, Heppner,
sphg soods.
This Popular Millinery Establishment Las a Fresh and Neat
Stock Just Open for Inspection at the
Hands of the Public.
New Hats! New
New Limy and hi Stable.
The New Firm Has Added Rigs and Livery Stock. Hay and Grain for
Sale, and FREE STALL ROOM. Free Camping Honse in Connection,
Whole Barley and Chop for Sale.
KEEFER & SARGENT, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or.
Are Tou Going to Paint Your House This Spring?
We have just received a fine line of MIXED PAINTS bought at assignee's sale
which we offer at very low prices. Also a stock
of the celebrated
We carry a complete stock of Oils, Colors,
Brushes Glass, etc., etc.
A Full Line of WALLPAPER of the Latest Styles Just Received
From Chicago. Call and See Them at the
A. D. Johnson, Prop.
And Piping Always
on Hani
Drues, Criemioais, I'dlont Medloltiea, Toilet
Articles, Points, Oils, Oia&a and
Willi ! J f
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD PENS in
Vjjj't for Portland
Leezer & Thompson's Comer, :
HEPPNER, -----
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
eeiyable article article kept in a First
elass Harness Shop.
Repairing a. Specialty J
Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted fo
five years. Don't bny elsewhere till yon examine their machines and
get cash prices.
Most Goods
Money at
of the Same Class lor
sliocl Ty
Span alter liiaij 1st, 1809.
Styles! New Prices !
Tinware, faiterae,
If bo, Call on
Wood and "Willow Ware,
Biid Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma
chines and a complete line of
Groceries awl Confectionery !
: Main Street,