THE GAZETTE. THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1890. DUB LOGSL TICKET. .,r Joint Senator uf Morrow, Grant and Hfiruev, llLNUY BLACKMAN, of Heppner. J'or l'nwKcnting Attorney of the 7tli Judicial District, W. H. WILSON, of The Dalles. County Republican Ticket. Representative, A. C. FETTYS, of lone. Sheriff. A. ANDREWS, of Alpiue. Clerk. JULIUS HODSON, ' of Lexington. Conntv Jti'ltre, WM. BLAIR, of Lexington. Treasurer, L. W. BRIGOS, of Heppner. Superintendent of SoIiixiIh. W. L. HALING, of Sand Hollow. CommisHioner, E. li. STANTON, of Eight Mile. AsfleflRor, M. 8. MAXWELL, of Gooseberry. Surveyor, W. S. FAKMAN, of Gooseberry. Ojroner, UK. B. F. VAUGHAN, of Heppner. HEPPNEK FBECINCT. Justice of the Peace, F. J. HALLOCK. Constable, CUAS. O. TALBERT. Abe the farmers and ranchers satisfied with a ticket which gives all the fat places to oitizens of Heppner, and none to the country ? Hb ia a thoughtless fellow who, living iu a glans .house, throws stones at full grown boys. Moral The Budget shonld keep out of a ring. WHICH IS THE RING TICKET. He who is ever posing Lis hones ty and purity of motive, wlien iiouu have questioned them, and is charg ing others, better than himself, with irrmure actions and purposes, ui.ij become himself a subject of serious ! suspicion that something is wrong, j and that he may not be as pure as he ia so desirous to make others j believe. The Gazette said last week that i a ring existed, to control and run the county offices, it would not be difficult to prove, so far as it can ever be possible iu such cases, that the ticket supported by the Budget and for which it is doing so much nast j work, is a ring ticket ; be cause it carries on its face evidences of the nice hands of a subtle com bination and ring to secure the nominations and the offices, which cannot fail to be apparent to every voter who is unbiased and loves j fair dealing. The attention of the readers of the Gazette is urged, particularly, to the pecular combination of the two opposing tickets, as made by the democratic and republican con ventions, which are here presented: The Budget's DEMOCRATIC TICKKT. . Representative .1. O. THOMSON, of Lexington. County Judg 'Clerk .-spec-means both foreign and domestic iaiiy when that protection monopoly. It is strictly a class legislation in which the general public can have no other interest than to aid authors and publishers to sup mess cam petition and create mo no poi :es, i lomes' ic t.. Sberiff- Treasurer- the Budget tell the people who the "bosses" are, who arranged the dem ocratic ticket, so that all the profitable offices should go to the citizens of Hepp ner ? - Tkaitojis and sell-outs in political con tests are the very scrapings of creation, and ought to be shunned by all respecta ble people as they wonld shun a viper, gays the Economist, and it is pretty near ly right. In another column the readers will find the two tickets presented for the consid eration of voters. Let every one com pare them and solve the ring puzzle whioh bus so annoyed the Budget. Per haps if can discover the ring ticket. WilIi the BudgetoritB chronicler solve this problem ? What is the difference in moral turpitude, between a Judas who would betray his friend for thirty pieoes of silver, and another who would betray is Dartv friends because he did not get me I r eppne- trv ' oeeause they were unprofitable ? Had they been so, Heppner would have gath ered them in also. Wm. MITCHELL, Heppner. J. W. MORROW, Heppner. GEO. NOBLE, Heppner. J. W. MATLODK, Heppner. Surveyor JULIUS KEITHLEY, Heppner. Commissioner H. M. VAUHGN, Eight Mile. School Superintendent CHARLES B. CRANE, 1,11a. Assessor J. J. McGEE, Hardraan. After carefully examiuing the ticket, it will be seen that nve ot the candidates on it are citizens of Heppner. And, it will also be ob served that Heppner has managed, by means which are only known to the ring, to gobble all the profita ble offices, leaving the unprofitable and most undesirable as a sop to tickle the fancy of the faithful in the country outside of the city. If there was not a previously arranged plan by a combination, it is a re markably singular coincidence, that Heppner secured all the tat places on the ticket. It is barely possible that there is no ring connected with the bringing about of this singular coincidence, though it is surpris ingly suspicious that there is some thing in the meal. Tickets are rarely, if ever, made just like that without being adjusted by the nim ble fingers of a ring. In contrast, is presented the re publican ticket, which the Budget is pleased to assert was made by a ring and is supported by riugsters: REPUBLICAN TICKET. Representative J. H-STANLEY, Heppner. county j,!,TTSLisrranged and """-,., , . exclusively Control publications i for many years at exhorbitHiit and unreasonable prices. The American system of pro tection finds in no other class mora persistent opponents, than in in the advocates of an internation al copyright law. All the great ex pounders and advocates of free trade are loud iu their demands for protection to authors and pub lishers. Gladstone, Henry George Curtis, Lowell, Bancroft, llowker, Putnam, and other Cobdeu Club advocates, join- hands with extreme Drotectionists iu support of the very principle which is involved in the American system iu urging protection to authors and publish ers. Upon every occasion, their talents and pens have beau em ployed in scribbling theories to prove protection wrong, and, that unlimited free trade is the proper thing for the American people. The query arises, if free trade is best for the people and the indus tries of the country, why is protec tion needed for these theoretical authors and publishers? It is more tnau protection iney asu; they demand pure and unadultera ted monopoly. When protection to tiie indus tries of the country is involved, the pack of free trade hounds ai-e loosened to tear iu pieces the fab ric which shields the industries aud markets of our country. When it comes to books and pamphlets every hound takes to his kennel and rehabilitates himself in the garments of protection to advocate monopolies. Such inconsistencies is only comprehensible upon the theory of personal gam aud selfish interest which cau be found in no class greater than authors and publish ers. The Gazette is opposed to granting them any more protection than is extended to any other class. If their theory of free and unre stricted trade is good enough for others, it is just as good for them selves; they should be iett to con sole themselves with their own medicine. era upon any tangible fact or ar gument which the Budget can pro duce. It is the Budget which is throw ing dust in the eyes of its readers, so that they may not see that the ticket it supports is the l ing ticket. For particulars see the tickets iu Another column, aud rememoer the Budget declares that "dejeuse is deception" an assertion which proves the weak condition of its reasoning powers. The editor of the Eudgct's three men in buckram, against whom his attack of a column and a half was directed, and which was as effective as Don Quixote's attack on a windmill, were as imaginary aud as truthful as FalsafTs forty men in buckram. It may be that this week l.e will out lie Fat Jack. To relieve the ed itor of the Budget, he u informed that all articles, on the editorial page of the Gazette, which are not desiguatedother- wise, are written by the same person, and not by three or more men in buckram. "Huw the world is iven to lying." NOTICE OF INTENTION. LtuU Office at Tka Dalles. Or.. Mhj 3. '10. Notice is liorpliv iriveii t!'nt the fHowii!i: naniei settler haw til.'il notice of Ins intention to make tinal proof iu support of his elaiin, anil that said proof will lie made before the county judse of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on June 14th. lslto, viz: A. H. Hooker, Eight Mile, Or., HA. Vm, for the 8KV4 Sec. 7, Tp. 4 S. It. 24 E.W.M. He names the following lo prove his continuous residence upon, anil cultiva tion of, ssiid land, viz: M. H. Nwearentpn, J. H. Inskeep, Kifjht Mile ; W. l. liigrum, C.A. Hepass, liooselierry. 72-7. Jons W. Lewis, Register. iCoft in & McFartand, i ; 10 We take pleasure in informing our customers and the public generally that we have just removed our stock of General Merchandise into our Elegant New Brick Store down Main .Street, where we shall be pleased to welcome all. Sheriff- Clerk- A. ANDREWS, Alpine. JULIUS HODSON, Lexiugton. Conntv Judne Thh Gazette asks the voters of Harney county to join with Morrow in protesting against the Grant county News, that Grant county should hold a hereditary right sail ownership to the joint -senator from this district. Unite with Morrow, and vote for Henry Blaekman, and he will be elected, aud the chain broken. Ix is a great satisfaction to the people ot Morrow county to know, that the "self respeot" of the editors of the Budget is not disturbed by a ring democratic coun ty ticket, which shows that the five good o dices on it, go to oitizens ot Heppner. and the four poor ones to the oountry, It takes the name of Henry Blaekman to disturb the dignity and self-respect of the Budget. The Gazette believes there are many good democrats in Morrow comity, out side of Heppner, who have all the neoes aary qualifications to fill any or all its offices. But the combination determined that Heppner contained the only fit per sons to till the fat places; the small offi ces were not worth having and could be filled by the country fellows. Can it be possible there is a "ring," as the Bud get saya? But who is the ring ? Can't the democratic voter guess ? Thk Gazette has supported the justice of the olaim of Morrow county, to name the joint-senator for the next term, be cause it was fairly entitled to it, as Grant having the present senator, the next should be selected from one of her sister counties who are her equals in the joint district: and consequently it is unjust that one county shonld claim a monopoly of the office for its oitizens, because it is oentrally located. The Grant county iTirs claims that it should belong to Grant, be cause her position would enable a repre sentative from it to take the same inter est in Morrow and Harney, as a repre sentative from those counties ; which is the purest fiction, for the purpose of de priving them of their rights to an equal representation, which fair dealing aud usual aomity in such cases demand. It may ba presumed that the News would be satisfied with its plan for the entire control of the selection of joint-senator from its county, to the exclusion of her neighbors, who are equally entitled, by a distribution of representation, by one of its own citizens. Believing that Grant county would concede to Morrow the usual oourtesy extended in like cases, in joint-senatorial districts elsewhere adopt ed, it early supported the claim of Mor row county. If there is any honor or ben efit to be gained by a county having a senator from her own citizens, Morrow has a right to present and demand its recognition on proper occasions. On be half of the people of Morrow the Ga zette protests against the presumptuous demands made by the News. It does not believe that Harney county will .accept the views proposed. It has able defend ers of its rights, who will, no doubt, pro- tWArjtuaTI Commissioner E. B. STANTON, Eight Mile. Assessor M. S. MAXWELL, Gooseberry. 'Has withdrawn, and A. C. Tettys, of lone, nonimated-l All examination of this ticket will show the reader that Heppner has been allotted only two places on the ticket, one of which is con sidered profitable and the other is not it being more expensive than remunerative. Of the other de sirable offices, which are called "fat, Lexington, the home of the budget, has two, the clerk and judge; while Alpine has the sheriff. ihe other oihees go to Sand Hol low, Jbight Mile and Gooseberry. Confidently relying on the fair ness and justice of the people of morrow counry, witnout rererence to party affiliations, the Gazette asks of them a full examination of the t wo tickets compare them as to the fairness of the distribution of the offices over the several dis tricts in the county. When they have fully considered the make up and distribution of the offices on each, it is confident their judgment and verdict will be, that the repub lican ticket is not a ring ticket, and that the democratic ticket bears so strong a resemblance to what a ring would make, that it is iucoiitestably certain, beyond a reasonable doubt, that it is a ring ticket. So appar ent is this to the thinking observer, that the Budget hopes to divert attention from its own ring ticket, by making vehement charges against a fair ticket, made by a ma jority arter an Honorable competition. If a combination of Heppuer's politi ciana would arrange a ticket to further the private interests of a ring, could they do it more completely than has been done as shown by the democratic ticket ? It fives the county judge, sheriff, clerk, treasurer aud surveyor to Heppner. Aud to the easily duped fanners is given a commissioner, school superintendent, as scissor and representative. The five good, Daviusr offices to the "ring," aud the four small ones, wini oiny nonpi, ior me farmer. The republican ticket has given only one paying offline to Heppner, the treasurer. All others go to the country outside of Heppner. Which is the ring ticket ? WHAT THE GRANT AKD HARXE1 PRESS USA Y. Voters of both political parties in this and Harney counties, endorse the nomi nation of Hon. G. W. McHaley for joint senator. They believe that in Mr. Mc Haley they have a just and competent statesman, and a mau who will labor -faithfully for to advance tne best inter ests of the commonwealth, with equal fairness to all. Galium News, ijlep.) The above statement does not apply to Harney county by any means, The Hon. Henry Blaekman is the man endorsed by the voters of both political parties Bn3 we do not believe, but we know, Mr. Henry Bleekinan is a just and a compe tent statesman, and a man who will labor to advance the interest of the people Burns Herald, (Deiu ) Then be clasped her with emotion. Drew ttio maiden to his breast. Whispered vows of true devotion, The old, old tale, you know the reft. From his circled arms upsprinffinjr. With a tear she turned away. And her voice with sorrow ringing:, " I shall not see my bridal day." This dramatic speech broke him tip badly; but when she expiain that her apprehea 4ons were founded c:. the fact of an inher Med predisposition to con8umPtin ia her family, he calmed her fears, bought a bottle or nr. Pierces uuioeu ineuiuni uiuinj ii her, and she is now the incarnation of health. Consumption fastens its hold upon its victims while they are unconscious of its approach. The "Golden Medical Discovery" has cured thousands of cases of this most fatal of mala dies. But it must be taken before the disease is too far advanced in order to be effective. If taken in time, and tfivon a fair trial, it will cure, or money paid lor It will be refunded. For Weak Lnuga, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Bronchitis, Asthma, Severe Coughs, and kindred mUeotioiis, it is aa efficient remedy. Copyright, 13S3, by Vf OBLD'S Dis. MED. ASS'S. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land ( flee, at lie JiJ e. Or., MayS.'ttl. Notice ifi hereby given that the followinp-named settler hats tiled notice of hi9 intention to make tinal poof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made bef rethe county juitire of 51 orrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, ou June 14,18!)0, viz: Michael H. Sweareiigin, of Eigh t Mile, Hd. sr.a-l for the i.'i NEii SW1, NK! and SK'4 NW Si of Sec. 18, Tp. 4S. K. 21 li. VV. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation IIIIJU, VIZ A. U. Hooker, J. H. Inskeep, Biitht Mile mgrum, A.Itepnsp, troeseocrry. 72-77 John W. Lewis. Register. W. We have ihe Best As: IK a Ed. ml Paya IV mm n Gent's, Youth We ted Stock of Goods section. 's and Boy's Clothing are The Leaders. OFFERED v3S W J w s kssssskh for an incurable case of Ca tarrh in the Head by the proprietors of Dr. Sapre s catarrn uemeuy. or its mild, soothinK and heallnjr properties, it cures the worst cases, eo matter of how jefitf umdinjr. Ey druggisto, 60 coats. BUOKLIN'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Stilve in the world for Cuts, bruises, -Mores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever riores. Tetter, Chapped Handa, Chii Bltiius, Corns, aud all Skin Eruptions, a'ld positively cures Piles, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 20 cents per box. For sale by A. li. Johnson & Co A WRECKED GAS-HOLDER. Tlie Lexington Budqet of last week, gave evidence that the Ga zette bad punctured its gas-holder, for it has emitted a deal o in comprehensible stuff, which is neither pleasant or hurtful. "Xo body dead or wounded" are the re turns trom t lie scotto c ' t t V. sajji -?rmr AN INTERNA TIONA L RIGHT. COPY- Tbe Gazette acknowledges the receipt of printed matter, issued by the American Copyright League, advocating and urging the suooort of the press for the international copyright bill now before congress. Ihe purpose of the movement is to obtain by international laws, pro tection from free publication of copyright works of alieu authors. The Gazette is an advocate for protection to our home interests from a super-abundant compe tition with foreign countries, aud unanswerable arguments which the Gazette produced to sustain the justice and fairness of the convention which nominated the republican ticket. The column and a half of windy verbiage was carefully scanned for some point that it contained, which could be observ ed had the semblance of an ar gument or statement of facts, from which any intelligent man could obtain an intelligible knowledge of tlie cause ot so much slush as sumptions and bald assertions trom an imaginary cause, eman ating from a brain highly inflamed and excited by some imaginary ring, caucus or something else which the people did, and whioh they did not do. The only conclusion which a careful aud critical reader could arrive at, after reading it through, if he possessed so much patience, is, that the writer was a common scold, and not worth notice or at tention. He begins with a sorrow ful but evidently hypocritical ap peal to the pity, which he didn't haye, all on account of the general contempt which was held for the writers who have had the temerity to disturb a captious and discon certed supporter of the ring, who mints, tne whole community nave consigned and concen trated all their outraged feel ings in the editorial powers of the hudget, and that he is the cus todian of the "general coutemDt." After relieving himself of all the pity he could spare, he proceeds to open the Budget's gas-holder, which the Gazette so centlv punctured last week,aud forth came a stream of vituperation, bombast and windy substance which must have have astonished the operator, wh 'n he had exhausted himself for want of material. There cau be little doubt the poor mau thought it was replete with argument and statements of facts, aud was weil" pleased with the mass of indefinite and crude material which composed a column and a half of the Budget. If there is a statement of fact or an argument applicable to the question at issue iu the entire ti rade, which throws any light on tlie assumptions and THE PULPIT AND THE STAGE. Rev. F. M. Shrout, Pastor United Brethren Church, Bine Mound, -Kan. says: "I feel it my duty to tell what wonders Dr. Jung s iNew uiscovery nas done for me. My lungs were badly dis eased, and rny parishoners thought I could live only a lew weeks. I took five bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery and am sound and well, gaining 2G pounds in weight." Arthur Love, Manager Love's Funny Folks Combination, writes: "After a thorough trial and convincing evidence, I am confident Dr. Kings New Discovery Cor consumption, beats 'em all, and cures when everything else fails. The great est kindness I oan do my many thou sand friends ia to urge them to try it.': Free trial bottles at A. D.Johnson & Co.'s Drugstore. Regular ajzea 50 cents and $1.00. 3 ESTRAT NOTICE. T havr one sorrel mare estray, aged about four years, branded U on left shoulder and bar ( I ) on left side of neck; has a flax mane ana some wmre auoiti feet. 120 will be awarded the finder for her delivery at Morrow's livery stable in Heppner. 70-73 Lish Watkes. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LandOlfice at The Dalles Or.. May 8, '90. Notice is hereby Riven that the following named pettier has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judpre of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., ou June "21, 18M0. viz: William Gilliam, Heppner, Or. D. 8., 8285. for the SWJi NWfiSeo. 9, and the 84 NE! aod 8KH SWI tjee. , 'J p. K. a. K. VV. SI. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles Kirk, John T. Kirk. Frank Gilliam anft Hardy Long, all of Heppner, Or. 73-7H - John W.Lewis, lteaister. NOTICE OF INTENTION. NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. I am prepared to herd bucks the com ing season. Terms, $1.10 per head which includes dipping, salt and sulphur. Range 9 miles south of Hardman. Ten per cent, commission on all sales trans acted. Address C. M. Hastings. 6S-75. Hardman, Oregon. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSI NESS FOR SALE. Small capital required. The only general merchandise business in the town, and twenty miles from any other business place. Inquire at First Nation al Bank, Heppner, Or. 68 2m. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., May 9, '9tl. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler lias Ulea notice ot his intention make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before tne county clerk ot Morrow county, at Hepp ner, Or., on June "21. 189(1. viz: John Brown, FortheNi4 NWVi ASEii NV)4 & fcSWVi NE4 Sec. 5, Tp. 1 S. K. 2ti, E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou and cultivation of said land viz: O. E. Miller. J. M. Hayes, of Heppner. Or., Richard Hayes and J.C. Hayes of Eight Mile.Or. 7:1-78. John W.Lewis, Kegister. We can show a Handsome Line of Fine Tailor Made Suits, of the Latest Styles and Most Brilliant Patterns. Don t imy your opnug r-un iiemie Examining our Assortment. FINE, STYLISH HATS IN ALL SHAPES. LADIES' AND : MISSES' : FINE : SHOES : AND : SLIPPERS G-ents Footwear in all Grades. FINEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES AND RANGES IN THE CITY. The "Home Jewel" Ranges will "bake the cake. Full line of Groceries, Hardware and Tinware. California Sam.Tose Saddles. Bits and Spurs. Heavy Team Harness. MITCHELL WAGONS. Plows and Harrows. Doors and Windows. Paints, Oils and Glass. Carpets, Wall Papers. Black smith's Stone Coal. Shingles, Lime Sulphur, Cement. CLOCKS, AND WATCHES. GUNS AND PISTOLS. TRUNKS and VALISES. fionimeucinL' Monday Morning, FEBRUARY, 17th, 1890, we intend presenting to every retail cash purchaser of dry goods, iu'. boots, shoes, hats and caps to the amount of Twenty-live Dollars (2.5.00), cloth- A BEAUTIFUL BOUND VOLUME ICE ! ICE ! 1 . i Tn Miiiuri imn-HirrnnnTrf"" fjeiir saloon will beuiaeedin the bauds of Brown & Hamilton for collection. Those indebted, please take notice at a reasonable request, and avoid a positive demand. G8tf G. B. Tedkowe. The R. R. strike on this end of the U. P. is endtd. The employee's demands were acceeded to. AtTOKATIC Si:Vl MACHINE! Prices reduced. Every family now can have the linit Automatic Sewing Ma chine in the market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our Illustrated Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you have a Machine. Kruse & Murphy Mfg. Co., ;r..i ;u;d 4:7 West 2!ith St., N. T. City. J. W. Morrow calls the attention of the public to the fact that he has pleuty of ice for sale, and will promptly supply all demands. Office, at livery stable, Main street. NOTICE TO TEACHERS. Public examination for teachers' cer tificates will be held in the court house, Heppner, Or., beginning at noon, May 28. 1890. 3t.-72-4 J. H. Stanley, Heppseb, May 7, '90. Co. Supt. NOTICE. This is to notifv all persons that my wife, Melissa J. Ely, has left my bed and board, and I will not be repousible for any debts she may contract. 72-74. T. C. Ely. Messrs. Brown & Hamilton will attend toour local collections Theeditor has ru?iiiiaiimeja-&pare tot. look after thatlto; ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE. Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue of an or der and license of the County Court of the State of Oregon, for the county of Harney, of date, the 7th day of April, A. D. 1890, in the matter of the estate of S. A. Rodman, deceased, the undersign ed administrator of said estate wiil, on Tuesday, the 27th day of May, 1890, at the hour of 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at the conrt house d jor in Heppner, in Morrow county, Oregon, sell at. public auction for cash in hand ihe following real property belonging tosaid estate and situ ate in s jd Morrow county, state of Oregon, to- wit: The S1 of the ft W'4 of Sec. 11. aud the 84 of the NEK of Sec. 12. all in Tp. 5 S. of R. 25 E. W. M., together with the tenements, heredita ments and appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining. Dated this 15th day of April, 1890. Geo. McGowan. Administrator of the estate of S. A. llodaian. deceased. Worth 4 each. Our pjices on all goods are low as the lowest. Buying the books from the publishers east, in large quantities, we are eabled to offer them as an inducement to increase our trade. The above otVr holds good until JULY 1, 1890. Do not miss this chance, but start in at once buying from us aud get a present, for EACH TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS WORTH OF DRY GOODS Purchased between the above dates. Orders from the-Coiintry Solicited. Highest price Paid for Sheep Pelts. Agents lor Clmisty & "Wise. v CALL ON BILLIE MORROW AT THE Old Jones Stand. To get your horses fed. LIVERY RIGS And Good Saddle Horses for Hire. Don't Forget Billie When You. Corae to Town. TAILORING. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment in my new build ing on May street, and am now regularly receiving new goods ana will make ous- ERECHERON. j gl HJ ILb j 1 ""ik CHf JN ORMAN P Imported by DILLON BROS., Wonderful 0reg;on Remedies C B. HEADACHE AND UVEli CURE 0 will cure Wtomaeh, Kidney and Liver dis eases. S 11. Consb and Consumption Cure will cure Cnuplis, Colds. Consumption and Asthma. 8. B. Alpha l'ain Cure will cure any pain in twenty minutes. Ask your druggist for it and take no other. For eale by E. J. Slocuin. 67. Ufa hava tfis Exclusive Control ot o NORMAL, ILLS., ItLidJtjl JiKJi.1) : No. 1210 in Gorman Percheron Book V. S. and 1644 in tlie French Percheron book of France. Sire, Mouton 1640 F D SB. He by French Monarch, 734 in F. P. S. B., 205 in the A P S b' and 350 in F. D. S. B.; out of Margaurete by Cow; by Mesle-Sur-Sarthe, through toe genealogy as fonnd in the stud book (Percheronne De France,) and stud book Des Chevanx De Trait Francais. We find STTr.TAN able strains of ancestors in all France. COLOR, BLACK. Is nine years old; weight 1,800; will make the season at Rock Week, four miles south of Hardman, at COX & MNG I.ISI IS RA NCI I. SULTAN can show the finest colts from yearlings to four-year-olds of any horse ever imported into Oregon. ' TERMS 20toiasare; S10 season. Pasture furnished free. All care will be taken to prevent accidents, but will not be responsible if any should occur, or mares get oat. of pasture. Anu 4on't have to offer a prize to sett this Quads, for its the 8EST HADE. Eoery Can holds ONE AND ONE HALF PGUKDS. H. BLACKMAN & GG HEPPNER, OREGON assumptions and assertions rr.r - w Mit j lie gist of the article is in foreign competition to Amen- ,iBipl repetition of what an S?l tfinS-l y -3T, :VhlCh Pea in th Per the previous H l7VlfJlTYTlgh f"y week-charges of boss, ring, fraud, hT'f; 7 , imu"!,u ! etc-, without a single statement of v,i vo.. ib nut, .j u pro- j fHct or evidence lecuou otii is a monopoly, ana C. M. JONES TONSO RIAL ARTIST. gntti rooms connected, and all ran in good "shape oliop, Minor's, Baildiog. Main Street. Call in and see Charley want work done. when J & Bisbee's Eiiili Hardware Stereo . Have in Stock Tinware, Slilef Hardware, Iron and Steel, Blacksmiths' Coal, Wood and Willow Ware, Oueensware, Bailing Paper Of ill Kinds. They Have Just Received a Carload of Agricultural Implements In cluding the Standard Mowers and Reapers, Sulky Hakes, TFag ons, Hacks and Buckboards. These Vehicles are of the Best Make. Try their Standard Jliower for Durability. It does Satisfactory Work. All Kinds. flCOJHPLEIELIIE OF 8T0YS THE JIJOST EXflGTIKG. A TIN SHOP IN CONNECTION. Tin & Iron Roofing a Speealty. GILLIAM & BISBEE, Next doorto First Nat Bank, Heppner, On For The Browiisvme Woolen Mills! Asrent Blankets, Clothing, Flannels, Bolt Goods, Etc. Ci Line of GENT'S' FMSK i J (V Frcnt. First aiii Vine streets, Wv PORTLAND, WHOLESALE. DEALERS IN 0S?EG0?j. Hardware, Iron, Steel and Farm Maciiery. S0L ACENTS FOR WASHINGTON AND H0R1HERN IDAHO FOR THE BUCKEYE MOWER AND REAPER. These Maelilnes are too well known to need comment. Thousands of farmers have used them and speak of them with praise. They are the only Harvesni Maelilnes that will give ENTIRE SATISFACTION to the purchaser. 1. HEPPNER, cfti uuyn, FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING ' MILLER'S STAR VIBRATING THRESHER. OREGON. SANDY. :0: Shirs Stalk. -:0:- Bred by Tho mas -JJenhnrst.,,!,,. , Hattie, Chicago, Illinois, August, 1839. Imported by Jobu Me- AULTMAN'S STAR TRACTION mm, A. A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Insurance and Collection. Office in COCSCLL CHAMBERS, Heppner, - - . Oregon. Tlie only live real estate dealer in the euy. write mm. 'The'' most 'Effective and Successful Combination fa: Grain eve" constructed. ir Threshing and Cleanin Ira G. Nelson". J. C. Roberts into 1 which would civs far as Congress may have the pow- j fn,. ua ,1,:.,i .i;i , I r . - . torce ot tlie Gazette enters i . ""'"" u-ie contest, it matters not whether! markets of the country, it should ; there is one or a dozen. Tl, rJZ Iazette is, by areu- aent of facts, with-! i to go beyond the point of home ! untisfWorv'' o"mrr;,. J Abo,utvi,.!l!,!:lst?ne?,ch'lil'wiubt uito the !.,,; i i , i uu&dtlsiHCtorj assumptions and eetabhshmentand a greater eort raade to ; protection and ask congress to ,-,,,,.1 ( , -i.. a n. u. I please the public than ever. test against any .such arrangements of , meddle with and procure protection fore the people anJ it is prepared Z " - I toc,a88 ofautbor8 Bml Polishers, j to answe enlighten its read- ( m1TkV" main street. uk, to a leasuuauie extent, extend- j pose 0f the Q ea to au triors ana puonsners. ment aud statec Ihe Gazette is not quite ready i t f,',M..w; HI NELSON & ROBERTS, BAHBEKS. BUCKEYE spjRAHE TWI NE-BINDERS. nlSoyXXont6 E" E'"der-d Bn,der-b,J eSS! SmTTTTTT.Ir? flAPM WAfmiTO Deere Plows. Deere Sulky Plows. wwuxxxu x-xvuim iiiiuuisu. Carriages, Pistons, Top Buggies, buck-boards, four-spring Fountain wagons, buckeye and superior drills .and seeders, corbiv disc harrows, hodges-haines headers, HAISH BARB WIRE. a'SCNDFOR CIRCULARS. HpoiKtoi'rr No. 81G1. Vol. " ci,;.. u- O ot Gieat Britain and Ireland. Sandy rn lerms: mse,$i ror the Society 20 to insure, gle leap. season, $10 sii XELSOX JONES. t . - ir W. O. MINOR, Agent, Heppner, Oregon. Excelsior Soda Works has on hand at all times SODAARSAPARILLA, . . . . . ... T JAKSrrtKlLLA AND IRON and ' o x djj: i . FACTORY, May Street, rear First National Bank. THOR. P. RILEY. Proprietor. GEO. W. LORD, CONTRACTOR and. BUILDER w an kinds of ings, town or country. builtl- Movino; Buildings a Specialty. HEPPNETU OREGON- J