- J . 7 - 'H It, 1 EIGHTH YEAR. THE GAZETTE. IMHI HD ETFUtY TIirBH!MT A PTKRNOON. B OTIS PATTERSON, At $2.iO- year, $1.2fir mx mo (it tin, $0.75 Tor r'ir.; m'tii,nn; in ad vatic. If naiJ for at tlie end of nix tnontlut, $2.50 a year will be charged. AOVCBTIBINO "KATES. 1 inch, siunle colQinn, tr mouth, $ 1 Vi ? " 2.50 S " " " 5.00 H .. 8 V) 15.00 DOUBUB COLUMN. icli $ 8 (Ml :(.u & column K.5 5 15.00 IxMal advHrtiin loe per line. Each subtw qumt '.nrtiou at half rntm. biecial rate will be charged fur peraoual 'Sikh and puliLical luh. A. H. TVSON. Ii. D. EOYED. CEE&OIT OFFICIALS. Gwvarnor 85. of (State , Truant! rer uit. Inn! ruction .twin HHventh JJirttrict... Jioti-i;t Attorney MOKKOW JointHenatnr... Kt-p reflttri ta t i ve . . . . ouuty JdiIkb Com ni iitaionera . . , '1 hoiuiftton. Tlerk " Btmriif ' TrHaaarer AHMttiMr Pttirveyor.. . ' flchool bup't iVrimer H. Pnnoyer. . W. MrKride. W. Webb. ..K.B. McUlroy. J. H. liird. W. It. LUw. COUNTY. J. P. Wuthi T. K. Fell, Wm. Mitchell J. RKly. J. A. C. I,. Andrews. . T. K. Howard W. Nobl, J. J. Mr(ie. Jitliutt Keithlwy, i . II. btaiiley, . A. J. Hix-bt;. Tyson & B 03 eel, Contractors, Builders and Archi tects. Special attention given to pluns, designs and estimates for all kinds of buildings. They ore pimine in their Hepuner Hrick Yard the nittfhini-rv Fur mnbi,a uiirupl... .unlllv of p refined brick. OFFICE, HEPPNER, UPPER MAIN ST., OREGON, HOW'S YOUR FENCE? We have the CHEAPEST and Bes: WOVEN WiRE FEKCINC Wire Rope Selvage, 2 Or II KPPHEB TOWN OFPIUEKS. Mstn -Henry Rlnckmar:. I'oulieilmei. Nelmm Jonue, J. W. Morrow. K. Ij. Matlock, . K. Farutworth, C. ;ii . M lory and W. J. Mc-Au. Kt-cor.l. 1 , A. A. Hoberts. ItVHhUfOl W. J- IMMiHT, Marsluil J. W. Kusniu. sefp?.tbb scciznre. .zr. Doric LtHlue No. 20 K. of p. meets ev. fiV ery'J'netKeTniii(fat7.8Uo'clHik iu I. Ulally u.vited to attentl. J. II. Stanley, c C. 11. aWlNBUBNK. K. of li. & ti. PEOrESSIOnAIi. I TOR Mi Y; LAW Aeut for Jarvis CoukEiug Mortgage Trust Co. Ollioe in First National Bank, Heppner, Oregon. Alter O. W. IIJEA. iey-t-La, Notary Public Justice of the Peace. HEPPNER, OGN. Ol-'FK E OPEN AT ALL HOUItS J. N. BROWN JAS. D. HAMILTON. Attorney at Law. Brown & Hamilton Fraction in ail courts of th stab?. Insurance, real estato oollecti.m and loan agents. Promut attention iriven to all businefw entrnHf- d to thorn. Opposite Gazette Office, Heppner. ' r:HS. K:t.v W-r r3S3a32h?-' 7-v- -?- 7 m.Dnvrii frTjrrknr rrTTMrrv nnnn,.T T . . liJjl x vxtxtvy t vvxi x , V7Xi,ijrUxN, lliUKbDAY, MAY 15, 1890. Mr. oo I rn vty" i t r t -.j rv t r t" tT 11 .SII I utihl) OWDER W IMCEES iilGH AI 60 CEHI8 PEE SOD. ,UT7n. Gnrrlen, Poultry and Stock Fencing, ell a.. a and widths. Gales to match. Pricesiow. Sold tui".,Hl:7?V.?r,"""lt '""'d- Sendforcirculars. - W.-All-Mic, 1 LAtVX and CK31L:ri:irY Fen- Absolutely Pure. 1 liia powder never varies. A marvel oi purity, strent'tli and wholes imeness economical Him tlie oruiuary kitiila, and oannot !e s- ld in competition wiiii iue multitude ot low test, short weight, alnm or phosphate po-.vders SoLn ONLY IN CAN?. KOYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. lOfi Wall Sttect, N. Y. Tha Golecrated French Cure, Warranted it j cur APHRODITINE" Is Sold on a POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease, or any disorder of the BEFORE geueratlre or- AFTER jam ol either sex whotlier arising from tn excessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium. ermrougn youthful indiscretion, over ludule ncc, 4c, such as Loss of Brain Power, Wakeful ness, Bearing down Pains iu the Back, Seminal neasuess, Uysteria. Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission: , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory, Loss of Power and Impoteucy, which If ne glected often lead toprematureoldaeand insan ity. Price 11.00 a box, 6 boxes for S5.00 Sent by man ou receipt ot price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE forevery5.M order, to refund the money if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently red by Aphroditini. Circular free. Address THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WX8TKRN BRANCH, BOX 27 PORTLAND. OR hold by A. D. Johuson & Co.. Drnir ', ricppnor, uretfon. r I ,iVKsV 1 sl.1 VOICE ! from Obf. Her ! portrait of Mr. Uarri. lOn. of Sllrltl flhin He writsjsi : "Wan al work on farm for a month ; I now hav an Brener b. C. Allen II Co b album- and pulU- ind Often mskttMtM a rlo " Bignd) W. H.Uaubihom. William Kline. Htrri.burs-, Pa.. wntts: "I have nsver known auj thmpf to aell like your album. Yesterday I look order enough to paw me wra5." W. J. Kl- murv, nan go r, Me., wnlea: "1 ake an order for your album at profit ii often a niuthue 92 J for a aina-le dav'swarlc." Olhen are do.ujrc.uile an well : " "pace 10 five ea one who takea hold of thiejrrand bu sinew pile up grand profin. Shall we start YOU in this business. W. R. ELLIS, A ttorney-at- Law Public, Notary - - UIMWWt'P Prosecuting Attorney for Seventh Ju dicial District. Will yie prompt attention to ant and all business entrusted to hint. lFFICK on Main Street, over Liberty Mar- INTERNATIONAL TYPEWRITER! i 1 iH tract from thH reader T write tone and ieara all about it fnr vnnnir are atartlne; many; we will start yon if you don't delay until anothergeta ahead of yon in your part of Ihecountrv If you take bold you will be able to pick up e-old fast. rWatead On account of a forced TnaiiufacturePa aale 1 S&.OOO ten dot liar 1'hotosrixph Albums areto beaold to tb Projile for a each. Bound in Koyal Crimton Silk Velvet lu.h.Ctisnninyly decorated in sides. Handsomest album in the World. Lara-eat Kize. nrMinl hamin. u a wanted. Liberal terma. Big money for agents. Any one can become a aucreasful apent. Sella itself on sight little or no unrisai .. nutrcwer mown, every one wants to pur- r . J,en'" " "louaanoa oi omera with rapidity never JY , Pr,,nl "wan every worker. A cents are uisaiug lununca. i.auiramasie as mucn as men. You, render, can do as well as anyone. FulHn forma lion and term to thoae who write for same, with particulars and terms for our m'ly Bibles, Books and Periodicals. After you know alL Address E. C. ALLN A. UO AuolSTa! UaivM. The Coroner Holds -ail Inquest Over the Dead Body. Candidates for fWii'a tu Fkankfort, Ky., May 9. The contest for the late Seoator Beck's place prom ises to be warm. The list of candidates now contains the names of Jobn G. Car iiele, x-Governor K. B. MoCrary, Judge William Lindsay, Judge Wells Beeves, Ei-Congressmau W. J. Stone, Governor Buckner and Proctor Knott. THE EYE WITNESSES TESTIFY That Ireceased Had a Pistol Not Proven -Intoxicated Youths Persecnte Moody The Slayer Claims .Seii Oefeiise The Verdict. Pendleton. May 8. The Tribune to day "gives the tollowing account of the inquest held on tbe body of the victim of the recent tragedy : The coroner's inquest over the remains of John McElrath, who was killed at Vinson Tuesday morning by R. F.Moody, was held at that place yesterday after noon, Coroner Ligbtfoot presiding.. From Great English Remedy. MURRAY'S SPECIFIC. IVmdo Me-K. A guaranteed cnreforall nervoas QiBejiseH, each ae Weak Memory, " "1 Dl "IU pUWr alVBttTia Headarlie. Pain in the Bat-k. JSer vous Prostration. Wakefulnesa. Leucorrhoea, Universal Lassitude bemma. Woakness, linpotency, and general loss of power of the general uriians m either sex, caused by lnuiscretion or ovr Before Takintt. exertion, a .d wtiicb. nitimately leads t Prematnre Old Ace, In- Trade Hark. sanity and consumption, 1-(K) a box or six boxes for &ran). Seot by mai on receipt of price. Full particulars in nauiDhiet sent free to every applicant. we Guarantee 6 Boxes to cure anv case. For everr 5 order received we send six boxes and a written guarantee to refund. AfterTakingc the money if our id pec i tic does not effect a cure. Address all communications to the sole manu facturers, the MURRAY MEDICINE CO.. Kansas City. Mo. SiA in Hepnner hv A. D JOHNSON A CO sole atcents. CJEO. P. MOBOAN. Land Office Specialist. The Da!le8, Orenn. Besnlarly almittifl to prHO-ice berore Hio U. 8. Laud office and departments t Waaliinirton. i. U. Attenos IO O'Ml tests and rooovery ot lost riylits. on, or write liiin. Cull NATIONAL BANK of HEPPNER J. P. THOMPSON, President. K BISHOP, Cashier. fUAXSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. EXCHANGE BOUGHT & SOLD. Opposite Minor's H"tel, HEPPNER, OREGON, First National OF HETPNEll,- Bank X. KHEA. FUANK KKLUMiO, Prtisiaeut. Vice-President. George W. C'onser, Cashier. Trausaots a General Banking Business KXCHANGE On all parts of the world Bought and Sold, ..n..itVi.i nmile at all voints on Kea aonable Term. 150,000 to loau on improved farms at 8 per cent A strictly nrst-cicss mncnine. Fully war rantetl Marie from vrv 1 -'sl matenal. by skilled workmen, and with t!i- l.t l..ol that have ever jeen devised for the imrp- m Warranted to do all that can lie reasonr.l.H expooted or the very best typewriter exlant. ('apahle of writing 150 words ier minute or mori.' according to the ability of the operator. l'rice - $100.00. If there is no aent in your town, ad dress the manufacturers, THE PAKISII MFG. CO., Agent Wanted. PARISH, IT. T. PRfr STENOGRAPHY and TYPEWRIT rtlCfc. INtt FRTK. First olfss facilities and best of teachers. Address, with stamp for return postage, THE KF1. CO., r Parish, N. T. BolJet tn Splendid HIGH ARM Sag SSaStii" SEW1KG MACHINE BECAUSE i? THE BEST; H tou nave CONSUMPTION 1 COUGH OR COLD BRONCHITIS IThroat Affection SCROFULA I Wasting of Flesh Or any Disease where the Throat and Lung or Inflamed, lack of Strength or Wen Power, you can be relieved and Cured by SCOTT'S EMULSION PURE COD LIVER OIL With Hypophosphltes. PALATABLE AS MILK. Ask Or Scott' Emuliion. and let fo eas ftanatton, or eolicitatUm induce you to accept a mubttUute. Sold by all Druggists. SCOTT & BOWNE.Chemlsts, N.Y. who arrived in this oity last evening Ui be present at the preliminary examina tion before Justice Bishop to-day, a Trib une reporter gained the following addi tional facts: James Nelson, an eye wit ness, states that he was standing near Moody's place loading bay into his wagon wheu MoElrath came up to him and of fered to aid in the work, but his hand was wounded and he was unable to du so He (McElrath) walked to the corral of Allen Peterson and borrowed a quirt, or small whip, stating that he would return it soon. With it he proceeded to the door of Moody's place, and while standing in the doorway exclaimed: "Shoot, d you, shoot !" at the same time striking the side of the door in an angrv manner with his whip. The report of a gun was heard and McElrath staggered to the side walk aDd thence to tbe street and fell, but tried hard several times to regain his feet. Mr. and Mrs. Burr Hinkle, who lived op posite the Moody house, rushed across and with the aid of Mr. Neison lifted the dying man up and carried him to a bed in one of their rooms, where he expired in about five minutes, without saying a word to denote how the trouble occurred' Ou the edge of the sidewalk, near where the deceased fell, was scattered flesh and pieces of bone blown from the faoe of the murdered man. There was no evidence to show that MoElrath bad any other weapon than a whip, which was found lying near the body. At the inquest it was further shown by the testimony of Miss Peterson that Mr. Moody had sent for young McElrath. which eyideuce was corroborated by Burr Hinkle. McElrath, had stated on the morning of the murder that he had en tered the house of Mr. Moody tbe night before and gave Mrs. Moody a piece of his mind on account of her husband talk ing about him, after which he became ex- icjted and broke a pane of glass with his now in "- 1 -. gaif.j Mr. Moody' has been persecuted to a great extent by certain young hoodlums ot that village during the past year or two and had probably become exaspera ted. There is not a sound window or door Girard's Niece Died Penniless. Philadelphia, May 9. Henrietta Gi rard, niece of Stephen Girard, died here penniless yesterday. She was claimant to one-third of the undivided property, valued at several millions, but for the last three years has been largely depend eot on cnanty of friends. She was kept out. oi tne property first by her brother and then by her brother's widow. THE MM iGl BIS BTOtfprp gLE! McKinley Opens With a Heavy Fire all Along the Line.- EHPLAINS THE TARIFF BILL The Nil in her Exceeds Thirteen. WncA, N. ., May 8. The number of bodies found iu the ruins at the poor house in Preston already reaches thirteen. The impression is that the growing loss of life will far exceed the first estimate. a number of witnesses who testified andjj-'1-tue PaDlio building were very many aged tnen and women, some of whom nave not leit tueir beds for months, who are believed to be among the number of those reported to have perished. The Charleston Kememhered. San Francisco, May 8. There has ar rived in this city for (he United States flag-ship Charleston,' a handsome silver punch bowl, lined with gold, aocompanied by the compliments of the citizens of Charleston, S. C, after which city the vessel was named. Tbe gift bears the arms of the city and state, with an ap propriate inscription. The (ireat Trust in Hanger. tOLUMBus. Ohio, May 8. Attoruev General Watson, of this state, has brough suit to taka away from the Standard Oil Company its oharter, for violation of th srate laws, The petition refers to the general state laws against monopolies. and oites the fact that the Standard Oil Co had forfeited its rights by entering into the Standard Oil Trust of New York The Last Bites. Lexingtos, Ky., May 8. The funeral services over the remains of Senator Beck were held here to-dav. Tornado iu Missouri. Pltihedalk, Me., May 9. A tornado passed north of this city to-uight, wreck ing a dezen farm houses and doing much damage to crops. The family of Henry Young were all injured more or less seri ously. His wife is not expeoted to live. Further details are not obtainable tonight. Over One Hundred Burned. Monteaii, May 9. So far as can bo ascertainedill82 patients at tongue Point assylum have been accounted for. The total number of inmate on the reghister on the 1st of May, according to advices rom Quebec, was 1297. This would Th WHEN YOU WANT lilriMt-CltiM. SHJOB DON'T FORGET That the best place to get it is at the GAZETTE SHOP. Htjjir, : Oregon. YOU CAX SUBSCRIBE FOR ANY NEWSPAPER OrMtrazle von x-v-t THE GAZETTE SIIOI AND Canyon City STAGE LIE, Chas. H. Lsb, Proprietor. STAGES LEAVE MONUMENT DAILY EX CHIT SUNDAY. FAKE: NOW THEY ALL WANT IT For It does inch beautiful work. Sample Machine at Factor; Prlca. EYEBY IAC2IEE WARRANTED FOB 5 YEARS. ipts Waatei in DnccciiTjiEl Territory. ME MOFACTMM CO. Brt-VIDERE. ILL. Printers' Ink. A JOURNAL FOR ADl'ERTISERS. Ii lnoed en Vte tort aid Ifteenta diyi of oa Boati, sad is tie represeatltivs journal ttsjnds Iromtl of American sivef.iscrs. It tnitatu to tno tnoijeriescei adver-iser no, wnra, and rtirs at should advsrtiso ; now to write an advertlieneat ; low e tenia? ns ; wiat newijajen to me ; now mues money to eijend In fact, dlieonnei on every point tnat alsitj of f rentable dUcussSon. Advertiiing U in art practised c-y many out understood By few. Tne aondnetore of rSXKTS2S' IKS nnderitand it, am1 inelr advice Is tased on an experience of mere tna; trenty-Uve year: in placing siTsrtistsc contracts for any of tie largest and meet successful advertisers. A year's mtscription tests cut One tellar : sample copies Free. Address CEO. P. ROWELL & CO., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, to Spruce St.. New York. tTnrTTI lrRr.-r 94lN.SAFETTfitvFi M ADJUSTABLE. IN tVtnT Df-Bnirsw AGENTS WANTED p CATALOGUE DESCRIBING OUR FULL LINE VfV.,?.r.,i-r Jl-nv nn inni ins-rinKl LQZIER&YOSTBlftfCLE Tnl fdo.Ohio. ' rlr Ati, FOE THE PUBLIC GOOD. It is au undisputed fact that the hand somest vestibule trains that are now run on the American continent are those on the "Bcrunqton Route," leaving the Union Depot in Denver, also St. Paul, immediately on arrival of all through trains from the west. The first and second class coaches are magnifi cent, the Reclining chair cars superb, the Pullman sleepers extremely luxuri ant, and as for the meals that are served iu those Palace Burlington dining cars yum-ynm. The next time you go east ta Kansas Citv.Chicaeo or St. Louis, if von mention to the ticket agent that you want your ticket to read from Den ver or St. Paul over the Burlington Route, you will get it, and you will al ways be glad of it. If you go via the Northern or Canadi an Pacific, the elegant vestibule trains of "The Burlington Route," between St. Paul, Chicago and St. Louis will carry yon alona the eastern shore of the Miss issippi river for a distance of 350 miles, umidst ncenerv that cannot be surpass ed; or, if you go via the Oregon Short Line or Sonthera Pacihc, and your ticket reads via "Tbe Burlington Route," from Cheyenne or Denver, you will pass through all the thriving cities and towns located in what is popularly known as the "Heart of the Continent." For fur ther information apply to A. C. Sheldon General Agent, 85 First Street, Portland in his premises, all having been broken in. une year ago u.e uwi ui u uav- office as smashed in by boys, who are in the habit of making themselves obnox ious while intoxicated. Tlie aacnsed was seen at the jail by a reporter last evenina, and seems to take the matter very coolly, in fact is very talk utive nd does not seem to realize the position in which he stands. coroner's vekdict. Pollowiug is the verdict rendered by the coroner's j ury : We, the jury empanneled to investigate the cause of tbe death of Johu McElrath beg leave to submit the following verdict to-wit: The said Jobn McElrath died on the momiug of the 6th d.-.y of May, 1890, from the effects of a shotgun ound inflict: d upon him while standing in front ot the hotel at Vinson, Umatilla county. Oregon. The said shot is sup posed io have been hred by K. i Moody. Sigued, H. G. Peterson. A. Maaok, A. B. Chapman, J. B Campbkll, Thos. Loremet. E. M. Cox. Jury. Later The Tribune to-morrow will contain a report of the examination of R. P. Moody, for the murder of John Mc Elrath, had to-day before Justice Bishop. The evidenoe given by eye witnesses bore strongly against the plea of self-defense bv Moodv. Moody was held for murder, without bail. Four Virginia Moonshiuers Caught. Deputy Marshal John D, Daly last even ing captured four desperate moonshin ers on Cone Creek, in thatconnty. Their names are Underwood, leader of the gang, Bob Taylor, George Taylor and Bib Taylor. The are all in Taswell jhU. 85.00 300 This isthequickest and cheapest route Canvon City to Monument " " Long Creek tP-aftS ft mm i Rij-nrsi For I-OSIcrTAIUSO HASEOOD; llT..Vn..: nftt-jlw and Iff ;nL Eft'Ctr aiiof Errors or Excesses in 0;dor Tonr.r. AMioon roiiy Kt0. Nri-in'Klt:;lt e m!.""" ' u,i.k TRFiTn.vr-Hn,lit 1. . day. Slilfrtrei Senniisl c.tn. WriutM. lii f BIEL MEDICAL CO.. BUf-FAi,V,N. ! THE UMATILLA RESERVATION. THERE WILL. BE NO B'KEE WOOL. the Free List Amendment to Place Wool on oiuu uown. Washington, May 8. Pending the discussion in the senate to-day of the house special tariff bill, Senator Jones, of Arkansas, democrat, moved for an amendment placing wool on the free list. All the democrats present, sixteen in number, voted aye; all the republicans, thirty-four, voted no. The News of the East. PHILADELPHIA,May 9. The Pi ess says ft is stated by the best authority that Geo. W. Hunt will build 200 miles of railroad from Pendleton to Portland, Or- gon, which will parallel the main line of the Oreuon Navigation Co. The road will run south of tbe Columbia river, short distance from the Oregon Naviga tion road. It is said the oity of Portland will take two million of bonds and the work will begin at an early day. WASHINGTON. FRAZER GREASE BEST IX THE WORLD. Its wrearing dualities are unsurpassed, actually outlasting two boxes of uur other braTyJ. Not affected by hmt,tr6ETIHEEMI!lE. FOR SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY. tyr Arrangements Marte to Expedite Its Opening. Washington, May 8. The resnlt of the frequent consultations between con gressman Hermann and the department, is that plans have been adopted on the best means of expediting the opening of the Umatilla reservation, iB that plans have been adopted by which work will begin, as soon as any township survey is oompleted, upon that township bo re turned. SF.CKETABY WISDOM'S ORDEB. Onlv Celtain Chinese will Have to Leave bv the lucouiina; 8teamer. San Francisco, May 7. Collector Phelps received from Secretary Windom to-day telegraphic instructions as to the Chinese who'are expected to arrive from Hone Kong on the steamer China Friday. Secretary Windom directs the collector to Dermit all transit Chinese aboard the steamer who purchased their tickets be fore the receipt at Hong Kong of his in structions to proceed on their journey to Mexican ports. AU who purchased tickr ets after the cablegram was received would not be allowed to transfer to south bound steamers, and must be deuied the right to leave the steamer. Highwaymen Arrested. Lamy. N. M., May 9. Lee White and his pal, highwaymen, who robbed the station and trainmen here of money and ...tni,ac Wednesday morning, were arrested last night by the sheriff and his deputies in the mountains and brought nere mis uioru.uK- Tiie taii-vear-old son of Charles Navell. while olaving on a cliff overhanging the river at Spokane Falls, fell in anil was swept oyer the falls. Tliougti an expert swim mer, he was drowned. In consequence of divisions and a light vote, the democrats of Ta- coma carried the most important city offices at the recent election, Preston H. Jatlock, a prominent farmer near Colfax, died iliay otb. from injuries caused by his team running away. He was bb years old and much beloved by the com munity. W. G.Dovell Has been appointed local clerk for the United StateB district and circuit courts at W alia f alia. An organized band of young thieves, ranging from 15 to 17 years of age, has been discovered at Tacoma,and several arrests have been made. The Review gives au account of the trial, by the council of Spokane h alls, of .Peter Uueber, one or its members, for bribery. He was convicted of the charge and ex pelled from the council. Boodlers are not wanted in that city of mar velous growth. The insane asylum at Longue Point, Quebec, was destroyed by fire, Ifay 6. There were 1,(300 lu natics in the asylum, which was under the charge of Nuns. Fifty or more of the unfortunate creatures perished in the flames. The loss to the Sisters of Providence will amount to seyeral hundred thou sand dollars. Protection to Home Industries Necessary to national liefeuse. Washington, May 7. The house be gan the debate on the tariff bill, Payson, of Illinois, oooupying the chair. McKinley took the floor in support of the bill. He said the result of the last political campaign, the majority of the house, the presence of Harrison i n t.hA presidential chair, meant that a revision . I . ZIX - oi mo mrtu. was uemanaea by the peo ple; that the revision should be along the line and iu full recognition of the principle of protection. (Applause.) The bill presented was in full continua tion of the polioy of protective tariff The bill would not abolish internal reve nue taxes; the committee had found abo lition unnecessary. The bill recommend ed the abolition of all speoial taxes and a reduction o the tax on tobacco and snuff; and removed restrictions on the growers of tobaoco. With these excep tions tue internal revenue laws stood at present. Tins reduced internal tax ation over ten trillion dollars. The bill also liberalized the drawbacks on im ported ra w materials when exported af ter manufacture. The present law al lows 90 per oeut. drawbaok; the new law would allow 99 per cent. Thia disposes of the free raw materials ques tion. After discussing the bill more in detail, McKinley said: "Under the duties fixed by the bill the annual imports of $25,000,000 of agricul tural products would be supplied to the people of the United States by the American farmer, rather than by the Canadian farmer, and that J25.000.000 aistiiouted among the farmers would readjust some of the depression prevail ing and give them confidence and in creased ability to raise the mortgages on tueir iarms. iianng twelve years of re ciprocity with Canada, the United States had bought more than it had sold. -What the United States wanted if it ever had reciprocity, was reciprocity with equal ity." MoKiuley explained and defended the wool schedule and the "paragraph in the metal schedule concerning tin plate, and considered tbe free list. Referring to tbe growth of th3 carpet industry in the United States, he said : Thee pric of carpets had gone down while its ad valorem equivalent had gone up. The favorite method of the democratic free trader and revenue tariff reformer was to parade this high per centage and ad valorem equivalent to rails were S51U-J a ton, there was aa equivalent ad valorem duty upon tuein of 23 per cent.; but when rails were re duced to $50 a ton, because of this duty of 28 per cent., which had induced our manufacturers to engage in that busi ness, the ad valorem equivalent went up per cent. The democrats looked at per cent, republiaans looked at prices. Democrats would rather have low ad va lorem equivalents and high prices than igh ad valorem equivalents and low prices. There was a complaint against the bill that it would stop the ex portation and interfere with our foreign markets. Was the foreign consumer better than the American consumer? Under the system of the present tariff we bought abroad, and we sold and paid the balance in gold. In an unhealthy, state of affairs, organized opposition to the bill came from consignors Consig ors and merchants abroad and the press of other countries condemn the bill. Why? Because it works against them. This bill was an American bill, made for America's interests. Notwithstanding ail croaking, we are now exporting more products than at any time in our histo- rv. Our exports increased do per cent. more than the exports from free trade Great Britain. While Great Britaia had between 1878 and 1880 lost in her com merce, the United States gained '1 per oent., and with the same aid to shipping that Great Britain gave, the ships of the United States would plow every sea un der Amerioan flags in competition with the ships of the world. We had enjoyed tweuty-nine years of continuous protec tion, the longest period since the found ation of the government, and found out selves in greater prosperity than any other time. In 1860, after fourteen years of revenue tariff the country was in a state of depression, we had neither money nor credit. We have both now. Accumulations of the working classes have increased. Their depositee in sav ings banks exceeded those of the work ing class of any other country, xnese deposites told their own story. The public debt of the United States per capita was less than that of any other nation in the world. We lead an na tions in agriculture and mining. Could any nation furnish such evidenoe of pros perity? Tet men were found to talk about restraints we put upon the greatest benefits to the greatest number. The largest opportunity for human endeavor were the maxims upon which our pro tective Bystem rested." Applause. At the conclusion oi ivicainiey s sDeech. he was warmly congratulated oersonally by almost every repunaoan member present, while the cry "vote," vote," was heard all over the western side of the hall. Mills followed. He declared this tariff bill that had come ootore tue American people like highwaymen, de; maud their pnrses to check importation, was in reality to check exportation. Lon tinuing, he said: "When we refused to keep the pro duce of other nations, that such refusals were iterdictions against our exports, and as we remove barriers to the free ex change we increasea our traae. FOOTWEAR BELOW COST! Mens,' Ladies,' Misses' and Child ren's Shoes. :OXO: I have purphased the stock of A. Clychoski, who recently failed in Portland, and am prepared to give BARGAINS I1V AIVL, IvIXKS! I have 500 pair of French Kid shoes, which I will sell at a great saorafioo. The Latest Style and Best Quality. NEAT FIT, AND GUARANTEED. ES"I am paying the highest cash price for Hides and Pelts 3 STORE, MAT STREET. Stand formerly occupied by C. S. Vau Duyn. N. L. ROBISON PROPRIETOR, - - - HEPPNER, OREGON Columbia Brewery Depot, AUGUST BUCKLER, Proprietor, Of the Columbia Brewery, at The Dalles, would inform the citizens of Morrow and surrounding, counties that he has leased from John B. Natter the City Brewery in Heppner, and has established a depot at the well known stand, for the sale of the best Lager Beer ami Porter. either in the keg or bottled, which he will be pleased to supply customers in any quantity wholesale and retail. The Public are invited to call and examine his stock with the assura nce that they will find it first-class, CtT The Heppner Depot will be in charge of Mr. Dan Osiners, who will cheer fully suppiy all orders. Where can you get the Most , Nuts, Notions, fars, Tobaccos, Etc. FOR THE LEAST MONEY? WHY, AT -Where did you Say ? "THE MODET- rMjnor s, Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style. . Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the Choicest Goods. OTIS PATTERSON, Proprietor. NELSON JONES, Pres't. E. B- BISHOP, Treaa. MORROW WM LAND ii TRUST CO. incorporated.) General Warehouse and For warding Agents. The Company lias recently constructed a two-story warthmts e 80x100. feet, with wool press and all con vem'ences for handling wool. -777.7 Wie arehouse Clmr$es at Heppner will be the same nt those at Arlington, less cartages. Freight upon laled wool from Heppner, same as Cash'SvSed upon consignments of ivool or wool in storage. .xTAirn TH.liKUJN Hi. J? JcjIjIj, mAiniium. HACIHE.WIS kVi Sri- lbfi$Fimal2a:4tfSXtA " lTMI'T I Log,LumbYard & eTTRUCrtS5- Mc-ST-T SPRING WASONSf ALL STYLES. j LSSSiNr B PATENT CHAISE SHAKE J . rWF!SH BK9S WAGSH JlSaj raosneavis. Protec tion, boiled down, meant more work and less results, ana carriea u ilo it meant all work and no result." Mdls criticised tha provisions of the bill after the manner which has charac terized his former arguments. . .-. x v- y-, m i II mT Unnf TT lOlAiat". P ISO'S REMEDY WK uaiaiuui.-iu to use. Cheapest. Relief is immediate. A cure is certain, f or Uoia in me nonu t n o n i IMMM,-- nljtwl It is an Ointment, oi wnicn a sman parwcie i avv to the nostrils. Price, 50c- sold Dy druggist or k V Addrees. E. T. Hazf.i.tine. W arren. Pa. j . .., from all points io t!