Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, May 08, 1890, Image 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 8, 1890.
Union Pacific Railway-Local Card.
No. 31, mixwl, lmvta Hornier 7:4r, a. m
Fj ," x"'"ri " 5am p. m., daily
c?pt Humbly. ' '
SStiiure leaves for Canyon City daily
ereei t Snudny, at 6 :30 a. m.
Arrives daily, except Sunday, at
j :UC p. m.
IVre if -j Having of 16 hours in time
and $1(1 ir crhIi by taking this route to
C. W. LonUar & Gr., 429TFifth St.,
P--Uai!d. Or., are snrl.orized to make
idT..'tisii: contract for the Gazkttb.
Tbey will aisr iiiake collections for this
To the republican central committee of
Morrow county:
Gentlemen: On account of a change
of my plans in business, I hereby resign
the Domination for representative.
Thanking my friends, sincerely, for the
honor conferred, and believing that the
best counsels will prevail to lead the re
publican party to viotory on the 2d day
of June, I remain. Truly yours,
Hkppn-ek, May 7, '90. J. H. Stanley.
Job printing at endleton prices at
the Gazkttb office.
A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc.,
at E. J, Slocum's drug store.
Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner.
Mat. Lichtentbal will open your eves
in prices of his boots and shoes. You
can buy them no cheaper in Portland.
AH lovers of a social smoke will find
the most complete and best selected
stock of pipes and tobacco in the city at
Leezer & Thompson's. Call and see for
The 84 Buckingham & Heelit, men's
shoe will not rip. Best in the market
lor the price. Buy them at M. Lacbteu
tbal's. Go to Mat. Lichteutbal's for the Lud
low ladies' shoes. Every pair warranted.
Also "Fargo" $2.5(1 ladies' kid shoe.
The best shoe for the money in the market.
Do you want some dried venison? Go
to J. W. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store
ior u, ann everything else in their Hues.
The most complete stock of groceries in
Colli m & McFarland have made a lib
eral offer iu presenting customers with
a beatiful bound volume for every 825
worth of goods purchased in the line of
dry goods, boots, shoes, etc.
Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural maohiuery, shoe
yonr horse, and in fact there is nothing
in the blacksmithing line that they are
not able to do.
Remember that all paid up subscribers
to the Gazette are entitled to a brand
notice, free of charge. This of itself is
worth more than $2 to the stockman, tf.
Iu imported hosiery, all the latest de
signs. Fancy striped and stainlesB
black. Guaranteed by the manufactur
er. Extra loug, double kneed for boys,
in fact the greatest line of hosiery ever
brought to Heppner, comprising over
1000 pair.
Fine line of ladies' imported faucy
handkerchiefs, all the latest novelties in
the liue. Come and see for yourself.
Come early and get first choice. They
will not last long. Call at Van Duyn's.
Bananas at the "Model."
Iue cream at the "Model."
in, the choicest
Fresh candies just
stock iu Heppner.
The "Estaella," "Dirago Club" and
other fine cigars always in stock at the
All kinds of soft drinks at the "Model."
Try tbeir sod and BarBapaiilla.
In fact the "Model" is the only cigar,
tobacco and oonfectionary Btore in town.
They make a specialty iu these lines.
not the time to ttf , k ft tfa t
branch of the bueiuea,, , . ... .
ai.,til a "WHICH 10 H".'" "
tT7I . 1 1.
nuBU y"u pi inruuu J Profit
stop with Frauk Waterbury at TfC
plied with the best in the market.
Are yon married? If not, send your
address with stamp, to the American
Corresponding Club, - P. O. Box 643,
Clarksburg, W. Va. 370-422
Here and There.
Read the editorial page.
Old papers for sale at the Gazkttb office
The boom for Blackmail is still boom
ing. Hank Putnam ss in Heppner this
past week.
Coon Boone is just back from Milton
and Walla Walla.
W ill and Tom Halley were up from
Lexington Tuesday.
Vegetation in Morrow county is a
month late this season.
Mr. McFarland, father to Frank and
Homer, is visiting here.
Born. In Heppner, May 6th, to the
wife of C. S. VanDuyn, a boy.
Assessor J. J. McGee is convalescing
from an attack of the measles.
Miss Maggie Rea is up from Portland,
visiting her relatives and friends here.
Miss Edith Vaughn is back from' Pen
dleton, where she has been attending
J. C. Dodson, of Wallowa, was in town
over Sunday, and left Tuesday morning
for home.
Ed. Hooker has iu 100 acres of grain
in Eight Mile, which looks well. Ed. is
summer-fallowing 160 acres more
Reports from all parts of the state give
evidence of a short peach and apple
crop; other fruits and berries will be up
to the average.
Freight business on the U. P. is blocked,
owing to a strike among the employes.
More work and less pay is the oause of
the difficulty.
Do you suffer with catarrh? You can
be cured if you take Hood's Sarsaparilla,
the great blood purifier. Sold by all
Dan Horner and Nels Jones are over
in the Malheur country. Dan is thinking
of purchasing some of Nels' horses for
the eastern trade.
In all diseases of the Stomach, Liver
and Kidneys, use, to the exclusion of all
other medicines, Nature's own remedy,
Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier.
Geo. T. Davis, the wool-buyer, is with
us again. In conversation with him we
learn that the clip is lighter and not so
good quality as that of last year.
The Grande Hotel, of Arlington, is the
best managed establishment of the kind
we have seen for some time. 1 heir din
ing-room is crowded every meal.
The new Walla Walla Herald is on our
table. It represents the new town, sev
eral miles south of its namesake, near
Milton. This paper starts out as fresh as
a daisy.
The law firm of Cornish & Jayne, of
Arlington, have dissolved partnership,
Mr. Jayne conducting the business alone.
Air. Cornish is now a resident ot JJlaine,
E. G. Sloan and Ed Shelby had some
disagreement over an account last Fri
day, ending in blows. The combatants
were separated before much damage
was done.
It would be a saving to the Union Pa-
cifio to fence their Willow creek branch,
It is impossible to avoid killing cattle
where the road runs tnrougn pastures
filled with stock.
Harry Warren has accepted a position
with the Pendleton drug firm of H. F.
Johnson and Co., and left Monday for his
new location. Harry is a worthy young
maa and will succeed.
While at Arlington last week, we were
shown some fine Durham. bnlls, the prop
erty of Billy Gilmore. " Stockmen are
realizing the value of tine Btock and are
improving their herds by better blood.
An indictment has been returned to
the United States district court by the
grand jury, against R. W. Beardon, for
mailiug obscene letters at Xiiia, in this
oounty, addressed to Mr. 8. White at
toauaie, last October.
An editor, two RiY-nhooters. assisted bv
rong ndjtives and a good shot, suo-
"-Nl io aisvitcbing a wounded cow
uowu iVPun m... .
I intended for last issae.l
Hurrah for Blackman!
Fine weather here-a-bouts. Crops and
gardens growing fine.
Frank Barton and Ira Miller have gone
on a shearing expedition.
Sabbath School at Eight Mile Center
every Sunday at 11 o'clock a. m. Every
body iuvited and we want you to come.
The debating society still holds forth
at Rocky Point school house. Notwith
standing the rush of spring work and
busy farmers, there is still a good attend
nce. C. O. Haines' team ran away last Tues
day while being worked to the plow.
They broke the brand new plow all to
splinters, ran into the wire fence and cut
one of the horses severely about the
bead and Bhoulders.
James Howerton, of Dripping Spring's
canyon, has sold his ranch and expects
to move in the near future over on Hin
ton creek , six miles above HeppDer. The
family will be missed by their many
friends of this community.
Frank Baine, a Montana sheep buyer,
is in this part of the country buying np
sheep to ship to Montana's ranges. He
purchased 1100 bead of J. a. Young at
83.00 per bead. He also bought of oth
ers through this part of the country.
Mrs. A. Rood is home from the valley
where she has been visiting the past
three weeks. Maud.
April 28, '90.
Lbdal Blanks. The Uazette job of
flee m gettiug out a catalogue and price
list of k"gnl blanks which will include
all kinds. Send in your order. We du
plicate Pendleton or Portland prices.
The following disconuts are allowed for
large orders : $5 to $10, 20 per cent, off;
10 to $20, 25 per oent. off; $20 and over,
i$il3 per oent. off.
Hun very hot this morning.
Fruit trees putting out slowly.
Gardens are coming up nicely.
The roads are getting quite dusty.
Mrs. T. O. Aubrey has been on the sink
list, but is better now.
Farmers very busy, some breaking sod,
some still sowing grain to male hay.
The first Sabbath la May will be elec
tion day at Eight Mile Centre Union Sab
bath school.
Lillie Sailing has left this neighborhood
to work in Heppner. She is much missed
by the young folks here.
Eight Mile people are muoh pleased to
liear of Ed. Hawley's intended return
tfliortly. to this neighborhood.
Politics, politics ! "Who are you going
t vote for?" "Well I hardly know," is
I he order of the day when the men meet
Susie ami May Ashbaugh and Cora
Ptauton, spent last Wednesday on McKin
ney oreek, visiting Fred Ashbaugh. They
did not catch any fish,
Mr. J. C. Spray is still sick. He has
ttie sympathy of theentire neighborhood.
His devoted wife does all in her power
to make him comfortable.
Mr. Isaao Kuighten moved on Rob
KDlghteu's pluee to stay a short time, as
tte advantages of water for stock and
lso garden spot is so much better than
where lives.
A number of mir neighbors attended
ilie weddiug of Chess Haines and Ida
Hooker last Sunday. They had an eu
joyable time. All prosouuead the supper
elegant, and the bride looking very pret
ty. Bxll Hooker came out from Heppner
to attend the wedding.
When the Buncugrussers ask each
other if they have seen any of the Ga- j
cbyts supplements the answer is No,
what is it; an advertisement of Morrow j
oounty, or of Heppner ?" ''Don't know; j
never saw one."If there is still a surplus i
on hand, it would be well for the editor
to sead them to the Eight Mile P. O., to
he subscribers or the Gazkttb in the
ana country, as probably, there
. h. IBUie of their friends in the east
that wouhi receive it from thein .
Why don't we hear something about
iia CountvSabbata school convention ?
Why don't we hear something about a j
county fair. I attended a oounty fair
where' tbey would have been ashamed to j
bftve been put alongsideot sueh a county
fair as Morrow county could show up. I
Their vegetable products were exhibited !
iu a vacated store-room, and their race I
course and stock exhibition was on the j
open ground a rope to keep the track I
clear, and pens fr their stock. Now, 1
they have a spiendid fair ground. The i
first year they merely had the exhibition j
to encourage the farmers, awarding prizes
to those deserving. Morrowconnty would j
not need to blush at the exhibition it
.could make. Talk it up. i
Cy Fuqua is the happy father of a lit- I
tie girl. I. G. I. j
The "Model" can furnish parties with ;
Jee in small quantities.
The annua bad beL badly mangled by
the down tra that da
A H. Tyson ana bridV vrived from
Washington, D, C. t their Hep er
home on last Friday s train. baud
boys represented the well wish. cf
Heppner by serenading the happy coup,
on the eve of tbeir return.
J.rl. Stanley has received a govern
ment appointment, and finds himself un
able to make the race for representative.
and announoes bis withdrawal from the
ticket in this issue. The republican cen
tral committee will fill the vacuncy.
The Grande dining room. of Arlington.
is now under the superior management nf
Chapman & x reeman. It is the place to
stop when you are in that town. Good
beds in connection. The Grande was for
merly known as the Sanford House. 72tf
On complaint of John Royse, John
Diokens, of Hardmau, was arrested and
brought to tawn last week, charged with
striking the wife of Mr. Royse. To this
charge be plead guilty and was fined $25
and costs. He was also placed under
bonds to keep the peace, alt of which
were furnished.
John MrElrath ia Instantly Killed by R. I
Moody Two Versiona of the Sad Affair.
jjast luesuamorning a young man
named John McElrath was shot and
killed at Viuson by R. P. Moodv, the
postmaster and hotel keeper. Moodv
and McElrath had had some trouble the
day before the shooting. Reports say
that McElrath threw a rook through
Moody's premises. The next morning he
returned and began abusing Moody by
striking him over the head vith a quirt,
when the latter grabbed a shotgun and
fired, the charge tearing away almost his
entire lace.
From the East Oi egonian we get an
other version of the difficulty, which is
as follows;
"It seems from the story told that Mc
Elrath had been keeping company with
a young lady, and that Moody had made
some uncomplimentary talk about them.
McElrath went to him last evening and
reproached him. The two parted after
some hot words. This morning Moody
sent for McElrath and the young man
went to his hotel. Just what passed
was not learned, but the report of a
shotgun was heard and McElrath was
found weltering in his blood. His en
tire face, almost, had been blown away
and he was killed instantly. The victim
was just preparing to visit his mother,
Mrs. E. Engie. of Milton."
The deceased was a brother of Jim
McElrath, and was about 23 years of
age. The funeral occurred yesterday at
Must be considered bv the great major
ity of people, in buying even necessities
of life Hood's Sarsaparilla commends
itself with great force to the middle
classes, because it combines positive
economy with great medicinal power.
It is the only medicine of which aan tru
ly be said "100 Doses One Dollar," and
a bottle taken according to directions
will average to last a month.
Wm-Timmons. Postmaster of Idaville
Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done
more for me than all other medicines
combined, for that bad feeling arising
from Kidney and Liver trouble. John
Leslie, farmer and stookman, of same
place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to
be the best Kidney and Liver medicine,
made me feel like a new man." ' J. W,
Gardner, hardware merchant, same town,
says: Electric Bitters is just the thing
for a man who is all run down and don't
care whether he lives or dies; he found
new strength, good appetite and felt just
like he bad a new lease on lite. Uuly
10c. a bottle at A. D. Johnson & Co.'s
Drug Store. 2
Rotten Vessels. War has been de
clared and issue joined for the campaign.
Let us review the opposiug forces. On
oue side is the flagship Swinburne with
the admiral in command of the squadron,
the double-ender Stanley, the dispatch
boat Ellis and the tender Fell and the receiving-ship
Patterson, in all a formid
able fleet. Against them are arrayed
the steel armored cruisers Right aud
Justice. These latter, though repeated
ly driven back in times past, are again
fearlessly in the front and prepared to
go in to victory, or go to the bottom
still working the guns rather than to
strike their oolors. Clear the decks for
action and pass the word for the surgeons
to be ready with lint and bandages.
Budget. All the dream of a visionary,
which vanished, will reveal the steel ar
mored oruisers to have been nothing but
old hulks, long since condemned for
tbeir rottenness, and the names inscrib
ed thereon are Ring,. Boss and Disoord.
It is the "formidable" fleet which bears
the proud inscriptions of Good Faivb,
Honor, Justice, Truth and Right.
Dreams are very deceptive, Mr. Budget.
Say many poor men and women who
seem overworked or are debilitated by
change of season, climate or life. If you
oould read the hundreds of letters prais
ing Hood's Sarsaparilla which come
from people whom it has restored to
health, you would be convinced of its
merits. As this is impossible, why not
try Hood's Sarsaparilla yourself and thus
realize its benefit? It will tone and
build up yonr system, give you a good
appetite, overcome that tired feeling and
make you feel, as one woman expressed
it, "like a new creature."
While a game of base ball was in
progress at Mayville last Saturday, some
covetous cuss abstracted from the livery
stable, a horse, Baddle and bridle, and
other articles. At last accounts no trace
of the purloiner could be found. .
Nervous Disorders.
taken when excessive or continuous mus
cular exertion, exciting passions, or over
indulgence, stimulating food or drink, or
nervous disorders have long continued.
Desoriptive treatise with eaoh bottle: or,
address Mack Drug Co., N. Y.
I have opened a well-appointed tailor
ing establishment in my new build
ing on May street, and am now regularly
reoeiving new goods and will make cus--n
mads pants from $7 to $15 best
goo jn fbe market.
" A. Abbahamsice.
Small capital requiuj. The only
general merchandise busv,es8 j the
town, and twenty miles from ctber
business place. Inquire at First vrafjon.
a) Bank, Heppner, Or. 68
A good girl to do general housework.
work. Swede, Irish or German preferred.
Family of four. Address or call on
Mrs. E. R. Sw inborne.
68tf. Heppner, Oregon.
xuis is to nontv an persons that my
wire, raeassa j. tiy. Has lettmy bed and
board, and I will not be reponsible for
any news She may contract.
72 74' D. C. Ely.
Reports which have been received at
this office are favorable to the success
of the republican county candidates,
and all indications are that the ring and
boss ory is not having its expected ef
fect to any very serious extent, excapt
at the Budget headqnarters, and at Lex
ington is quite limited.
The World Enriched.
The facilities of the present day for the
production of everything that will con
duce to the material welfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
when Syrup of Figs was first produced
the world was enriched with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it becomes.
Public examination for teachers' cer
tificates will be held iu the o urt house,
Heppner, Or., beginning at noon, May
28, 18iH). 3t.-72 4 J. H. Stanley,
Hfppker. Mav 7, "00. Co. Supt
The only illustrated weekly west of
Chicago is the West Shore, which has
not a superior in any respect in the
United States. Its large colored illustra
tions are works of art, and are of home
scenes in whioh our people are all inter
ested. Its editorials are crisp and pithy.
Its humorous sketches and paragraphs
rival those of the papers which make a
specialty of tbem. Its illustrated poems
are one of its most attractive features.
In every respect it is just the paper our
people want for themselves, their wives
and their ohildren. $4.00 a year. L.
Sami'el, Publisher, Pi.rtlaud, Oregon.
Goldendale, Wash., is anxious to have
waterworks similar to that of this city.
John Weaver, Mrs. Leroy Weaver's
brother-in-law, has returned from the east
and thinks of locating here.
A gang of four, from Nebraska, left
here yesterday for Heppner, to assist in
drivine sheen for Gibson & Beck Bros.
Arthur Coffin has returned without pay
ing a visit to the Sound, as he found real
estate good enough in Portland without
proceeding any further.
The second section of No. 1 did not ar
rive until late Saturday evening and nine
of the passengers bound for Long Creek,
took up apartments in the depot.
Mr. Hemple, of Montana, came down
from Heppner on Monday, and says he
was unable to ship ten carloads of sheep,
owing to a Btrike on the Toad ; conse
quently, they will have to be driven to
Wallnla Junction.
A huge scow floated down the river
Friday. Capt. Babbe tried to secure it,
but failed to do so, the ferryboat not bav
ins sufficient Dower to tow it. Hereafter
they will not attempt to capture anything
larger than a sagebrnsb.lest they be taken
in tow instead of taking in tow.
I have just learned that Mr. Titus, who
lives about seven miles from town has
been burnt out cause unknown. I have
understood that he is insured. Mr. Titus
has our sympathies. Had he lived nearer
town our tire-boys would have done tneir
best to have squelched the flames.
Harvey Wilson tried to move the en
gine house to higher ground, with the as
sistance of the Heppner engine. Unfor
tunately, one of the wheels of the house
ran off the track when about ten feet
from its original position. However, he
succeeded later in the day, aided by a
borse and several of our muscular men.
This removal was ncessitated by the rapid
rising of from six to eight feet per day of
the river.
Two white tents break the monotony of
the scenery on the opposite shore of the
Columbia river, and who knows but the
plans deliberated upon beneath the can
vas may result in the bnilding of a rail
road to run on the Washington side par
allel with Arlington. It is presumed that
this surveying party, with Mr. H. Beal in
charge, is working in the interest of
Hunt's railroad.
Chet. Caldwell spent Sundy at the
Dalies. - B.
TlM Micr
Wi ii. Radam's
MoBt truly and correctly called
Greatest Medicine
ui nopoiess and apparently incurable disease- are constantly made. It is expected to perform the
impossible, by caring cases given np by physicians, and it
V. r. I ASTLEMAJJ Gen '1 As't for Eastern Oreeon and Wash. 8S Morrison Street. Portland. Or.
Sold by J. W. MATLOCK & CO., Heppner, at $3.70 per jug, or $7.50 per case.
Beware of Ointments lor Catarrh that Contain
as mercury will surely destroy the ser-se
of smell and completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the muoous surfaces. Such articles
should never be nsed except on prescrip
tions from reputable physioiaos, as the
damage they will do is ten fold the good
you can possibly derive from them.
Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F.
J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O., contains no
mercury, and is taken internally, and acts
directly upon the blood and mucous sur
faces or the system, in Duying nans
Catarrh Cure be sure you get the genu
ine, it is taken internally, and made in
Toledo, Ohio, by F. J. Cheney & Co.
l& ftoia Dy xruggisis, price loc. per
Notice is hereby given that the part
nership heretofore existing between Al
exander M. Gnun and William F. Ruark
in the business of blaoksmithing, under
the firm name of Gunn & Ruark, has this
dav been dissolved by mutual consent.
A. M. Gunn will continue the business
at the old stand, to whom all debts due
the firm will be paid, and all claims
against it will be paid by him.
A. M. Gunn,
W. F. Ruark.
Heppner, April 26, 1890. 71-76
IIG-o to Tixol!
Best Cook in Oregon !
Meals at All Hours !
Jb'Jrt-E rill 33X1.33.33 3F03n. SI.3Z3
Avill ti'avel well w 1 101 1 stiod toy
General Blacksmiths & ITariers.
mmmi po m span after m 1st 1889.
Matloclx.CorzLer. Main Street, Uoppnor,
Ton Will Find that You
Can Get the
the Least
Most Goods
Money at
of the Same Class for
J. W. Matlock & Co.'s
New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink
When They Say they Keep a Complete Stock They Mean It. See for Yourself.
The Most Complete Line of Staple and Fanoy Groceries, Canned Goods,
Meats, Salt, Glassware andQueensware, Anything and Everything.
Choice Items From the Eagle's Columns -The
ileppoer ttoart the Only fassable Une
to tbe Interior.
Dick Howard, of Heppner was in Long
Creek this week.
Tom Rhea, of Heppner. is in the John
Day seotion this week looking after
stock interests.
Miss Louie Dnstin returned from Tbe
Dalles last Monday, having been inschcol
at that place for the past winter.
C. S. Dnstin received the nomination
for joint representative on the democrat
ic ticket for Harnev and Grant counties.
Mr. Dustin is a prosperous resident of
this section, and will be heartily sup
ported by the people regardless of politi
cal views.
G. W. Dart, of John Day, and John
Bunton, of Southern Grant, passed
through Long Creek on last Friday's
stage enroute homeward, from Port
land. Mr. Dart is a memfier of the firm
of Heptonstall & Dart, of John Day, and
has ordered all their spring stock of
goods via Heppner, owing to the con
dition of the Baker City road freighting
to and from Heppner is a month or six
weeks in its advauce. Reports are re
ceived stating that many men on the
John Day will do their freighting this
season by way of Heppner.
This Popular Millinery Establish uient has a Fresh and Neat
Stock Just Open for Inspection at the
Hands of the Public.
New Hats!- New Ms! New Prices!
The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co.
has constantly arriving in Car Load lots
the largest assorted stock of
-General Merchandiser
To be Found East of Portland.
Among the Latest Novelties are
Ladies' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc.
Their Celebrated Boot called
Is unsurpassed for durability.
Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody
both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots,
Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc.
In our Grocery Department everything is
First-Class and Staple Goods in every
variety to suit aii classes of trade.
Special Inducements in
Sheep Dip -Tobacco, Sulphur. Lime, Wire,
AX 10I1 i 1 1 ery, 15 to.
A personal inspection of oar Mammoth tttook will convince tbe
public that we oarry the goods required which will be
sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash.
Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag
ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated
Bain Wagon always on Hand.
Hides and Pelts Bought for Cash aid Trade.
Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will
do well to price our Goods before purchasing else
where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment,
and will endeavor to make all
feel at home.
Do Not Forget the Place.
Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet.
May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn.
Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices
within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash
Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en
titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co.
Are You Going to Paint Your House This Spring? If so, Call on
It is that impurity la the blood, which, ac
cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro
duces unsightly lumps or swellings; which
causes painful running sores on the arms,
ten, or feet; which developes ulcers fn the
eyes, bVg) or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness; hich is the origin of pimples, can
cerous growth, or the many other manifesta
tions usually ascribed to humors;" which,
fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption
and death. Being the most ancient, it is the
most general of all diseases or affections, for
' very few persons are entirely free from it.
""Ib?" cured
By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by
the remarkable cures it has accomplished,
often when other medicines have failed, has
proven itself to be a potent and peculiar
medicine for this disease. Some of these
cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof
ulous sore neck from the time she was 23 months
old till she became six years of age. Lumps
formed ia her neck, and one of them after
growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, became
a running sore for over three years. "We gave
her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and
all indications ot scrofula entirely dis
appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy
child.". J. S. Cablilk, Kauright, N. J.
N. B. Be sure to get only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold by all druggist. l;Bizfor05. Prepared only
pj C. L fiOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass.
IOO Doses One Dollar
' t i i i i i i i '
IQoiitoiij Souse
The Best Meals in the City.
I. N. BASEY, Proprietor.
We have just received a fine line of MIXED FAINTS bought at assignee's sale.
which we offer at very low prices. Also a stock
of the celebrated
We carry a complete stock of Oils, Colors,
Brushes Glass, etc., etc.
A Full Line of WALLPAPER of the Latest Styles Just Received
From Chicago. Call and See Them at the
A. D. Johnson, Prop.
Fakr's Golden Female Pills.
For Female Irregrular
ities: uothinirlikethem
on the market. Never
fail Successfully used
by prominent ladies
monthly. Guaranteed
to relieve suppressed
pou't be humbugged.
Save Time, Health,
and money ;take no oth
er. Sent to any address,
secure by mail ou re
ceipt of price, $ 2.00.
Western Brunei, Box 27, PORTLAND, OR
Sold by A. D. Johnaos & Co., Sol
Agents for Heppner.
Heppner Feed Yard !
- ' Is the place for Teamsters to stop.
lree Camping House.
Whole Barley and Chop for Sale.
KEEgEB & BULLOCK, Props. LuWer Main St Heppner.Or.
ICE ! ICE ! !
J. W. Morrow calls the attention of
the public to the fact that lie has plenty
of ioe for sale, and will promptly supply
all demands. Oltioe, at livery stable.
Main street.
Extracting and Filling by the Latest
and Most Improved Methods.
Offiof ovor Slocum's DmBStore.
Backingham & Hecht's
Button. Lace or Congress. Everv
Warranted Also an extensive line
the celebrated Buckingham &
Hecht boots always on hancl.
' i i i
1 !
And Piping: Always
on Hani
Hardware, Tinware, Graoiteware,
Wood and Willow Ware,
Bi-.l Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma
chines and n complete line of
ries ami Confectionery !
Dru&:0, Oil o'uloli J 'iitont Medlolnea, Toilet
Articles, Paints, Oils, Ct-Xass ii.l
Wall 1 i ifr.
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD PENS in
Eastern Oregon.
A.g't for Ioirtlancl Oregonian.
Leezer & Thompson's Corner, : ; : Main Street,
The Largest Stock in East
ern Oregon.
Special attention paid to fine custom work. Obcosite Citv HoIhI
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
eeivable article article kept in a First
class Harness Shop.
Repairing ti Specialty !
Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted fo
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till yon examine their machines and
get cash prices.
' I