Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, May 01, 1890, Image 3

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THURSDAY, MAY 1, 181)0.
Union Pacific Railway-Local Card.
No St, Wvw Hiuiat 7 V a. ui
Stajje Uijtvea for Cuuvou City daiiy, '
exrri I Suudv, at 8 .30 a! .
Arrive-U;iilv, xve(t Sunday, at
i :U) r.
Thrf i a. iaviu of l(J hour iu time
ami W w eh by takia this route to
C W. L'.iuIhjt A ft .. 429, Fifth St .
F.la"l, Or., are autriaeU to make
,il"-tiilj ooutrac1 for toe Oazttk. I
They wiU j make oollectiooa tor tins
Job priutiuK av "eudletou price at ;
the iiviitria uitioe.
A na bu of Hvlil peua, fwacils,
at K. . Siocuiij'a Urutf atore.
Kunuuh, the deutint. will ail teeth, or
extract the aauie vx a acteutitio manner.
Mat. Lu.-oeuooai wm open your eyes
in ptvm ot bin boots uid shoes. You
can buy them no cheaper in Portland.
All loers of a social guioke will find
the most eomplete and best selected
stock of pipes and tobacco in the city at
Leaser A Thouituou'a. Call and see ' for
The W Buckingham Hecht, men's
hoe will not rip. Best in the market
for the price. Buy them at M. Licbtea
thal's. Go to Mat. Lichtentbal's for the Lud
low ladies' shoes. Every pair warranted.
Also "Fargo" 82.50 ladies' kid shoe.
The best shoe for the money in the mar
ket. Do yon want some dried venison? Go
to i. W. Matlock k Co.'s grocery store
for it, and everything else in their lines.
The most complete stock of groceries in
Cof&m & McFarland have made a lib
eral offer in presenting customers with
a beatifnl boand volnme for every 8 '25
' 1 worth of goods purchased in the line of
i dry goods, boots, shoes, etc.
Roberts St Simons are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe
your horse, and in fact there ia nothing
in the blacksmithing line that they are
not able to do.
Remember that all paid up subscribers
to tbe Gazette are entitled to a brand
notice, free of charge. This of itself is
worth more than 2 to the stockman, tf.
ladies, look out for great
la imported hosiery, all the latest de
signs. Fancy striped and stainless
black. Guaranteed by the manufactur
er. Extra long, double kneed for boys,
in fact the greatest line of hosiery ever
brought to Heppner, comprising over
1U)0 pair.
Fine line of ladies imported fanoy
baodkercbiefs, all the latest novelties in
the jine. Come and see for yourself.
. '"xTi.'lile early and get first choice. They
whjill not l&et long. Call at Van Duyn's.
Bananas at the "Model."
loe cream at the "Model."
Fresh candies just in, the choicest
stock in Heppner.
The Estaella," "Dirsigo Club" and
other fine cigars always in stock at the
All kinds of soft drinks at the "ModeL"
Try their soda, and sarsapaiilla.
An invoice of choice oranges just re
ceived at the "Model."
In fact tbe "Model" is tbe only cigar,
tobaooo sod oonfectionary store in town.
They make a specialty in these lines.
MeatrtC Brown & Hamilton will attend
Too or local collections, Theeditor has
sot the time to apare to look after that
branch of tbe business, which is quite an
essential one.
When you pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frank Waterbury at tbe Har
iisty House. The table ia always sup
plied with tbe best in tbe market.
Those desiring good meals and beds
should stop at tbe Arlington Hotel, Ar
lington, Or. Chapman & Freeman
Are yon married ? If not, send yonr
address with stamp, to the American
Corresponding Club, P. O. Box 613,
Clarksburg, IV. Va. 370-422
Legal Blasks. The Gazette job of
fice is getting ont a catalogue and price
list of legal blanks which will include
II kinds. Send in your order. We du
plicate Pendleton or Portland prices.
The following discounts are allowed for
large orders : $5 to $ 10, 20 per cent, off;
10 to $20, 25 per cent off; $20 and over,
33la per oent. off.
Aa Astoalsnisg Namber Going from Home
lp I' to Easier Markets Wool Items.
(jv I,. L. Ormsby is starting his drive of
I 40.000 sheep for Nebraska, preparatory
f (or selling in eastern markets.
6 Hum Palmer, the well-known sheep-
buver, takes 35,000 head out of this sec-
".' M. Ormsby takes the road with a
drive of 7,000 head.
W. S. Brown leaves about May la with
7,000 head of good mutton sheep.
P. Rine starts May 15th with 6,000
ew-i"leboer A Morris have bought 7,000
head of sheep, and will start for eastern
markets about May 15th.
Cal. Hargrave starts with his band of
6,000 head as soon as they can lie
Vat Webb has purchased 6,000 dry
fee, and will take them to range across
Dake river.
C XV Barnev drives for Montana be
tween the 1st and 15th with5,000 head.
Beck :i?ros. are oolleotmg numerous
pnrchases. aggregating 30,000 head and
.a. u tnavtrml as soon as possible.
! " H. B. Little takes out 12,000 muttons
this season.
Turner Bros., W. E. Lee and Lane
1 Bros, will start for the east early in May
I with, respectively. 10,000, 12,000 and 10,-
000 head.
i As will be seen bv notes above, Hepp
ner and country tributary will send ont
'i nearly 200.000 head of sheep, of which
' Morrow contributes fully 100,000.
'V Sheep are shearing very light this tea.-
' son bnt the quality remains equal to
I that formerly taken from the woolly ln
I habitants of our time-honored hills.
I innll shearer informs tbe editor of
' this column that many hundred "strikers '
will naruiy secure niuuu '
n to take luem out ui wauirj.
are hfwttsa towards Montana.
s as, likely to be.ver-run this year
5-5" , i.V;
T!7... ,..) vininitv
' ,ii r-i-rW iha veteran wool-buer.
is again with us after a short trip to
Washington's sheep range.
ware of OiBtmmts lor Catarrh that Cootaia
f Mercury,
as mercury iVrZ
.ra the
of amen
ana compieiei,
whole system
hen enieriuit "MU
surfaces. Such articles
the mucous
never be used exoept on presenp-
pui'i"" r- .hi-mniMll fU the ;
as the
tions from repuiau.o t7,
Samaire tbey will do is ten iom
damage "'y. .., jr;ve from them.
Ql's Cstsrrh Cure, mamifactured by F
itaii a rrij n. contains no
T i iipncv & Co., Toledo, Q.. contains no
"".'.,! ,s taken internally, ana sc,
uioiivi . , j ar,A miinons snr-
directly upon the blood and mu'n?,irg
faoes of the system. m
races oi iuc . the ganu-
I-.... V. Hnre be SUre JOU get luo "
0i"". -.., llu and n
. and made iu
in. It is taKen i"lv .
Ohio, by F. J- Cheney o. w
cl.l hv Drugg
ou K. DrllfffflStS. linn-
' ..- nor
Here and There.
Oar new marshal is a daoJv.
oia ppers for mie at the gazcttb office
Mr. Gw. Noble
visiting at The j
np from Lower Willow
V. S. Brown, the sheep-baver, is in
frou: Neb. 4
J. F. Willi, of Lciintou. was in town
last Muday.
Billy Ruark takes cbarg of the 'Ar
cade to-Uav.
Wfllaw t'rwk 13 rUio.oaased by melt-: candiaate for joint senator, to represent
iux suow ia tbe moautains. tbe counties of Grant, Harney, and Mor-
Tbe "Mlei can furnish parties with ! row, was received with general Batisfac
ke in nxnail qaantities. ' tion by bis fellow citizens of Heppner.
G. L- lX.rinan. of Lexington. renorU
sfooa propei.-t8 lor crops.
Wool-bay er Hall was on oar bnsy
strwts during the past week.
Jii Hayes, accompanied bv his moth
er, returned from Idaho Tuesday.
John Dennis is down from Montana
following his basinets of shearing.
1 infc . r.,
Atnena to his Morrow Co. possessions.
,, Walker H.aton scab inspector of Grant
. was in Heppner last week on business.
Lafe Waterbury left Saturday with a ; the traiu which bore their honored citi
big load of merchandise forGoff 4 Allen. I zen, which shortly appeared, the band
MA fellow can't have any fun without
taking chances of gettiDg caught." A. A.
J. D. Mathews and I. L. VanWinkle
were up t'rom Alpine the first of this
Mr. Frank Kellogg relumed home from
Portland's democratic convention last
Sullivan has accepted the challenge of
Pete Jackson to battle for a purse of
Miss Lillian Rhea has returned-from
Fossil, to make her home in the Hepp
ner country.
The republicans should bring forward
some good men for the offices of surveyor
and ooroner.
Mrs. Scott Brundage, of Weiser,
Idaho, is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Webb.
Mrs. Johnny Hager returned yesterday
from a month's visit to relatives in the
Echo country.
. A. C. Pettys, tbe prosperous resident
of Pettysville, called at the Gazette of
fice Saturday.
Joe Bannister, John Royse and Ed.
Cox. of Uardman, were Hepp
Der's guests this week.
G. W. Rea and T. J. Matlock returned
from tbe democratic state convention on
last Saturday's train.
This section experienced a real thun
der shower Tuesday. However, there
was more thunder than rain.
Hon. W. R. Ellis is having erected on
lower Gale street, a very oommodions
and well arranged residence.
Died On Rock Creek, near Spragne,
March 26, Lee, infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. Late Penland, aged 8 months.
W. L. Saling, candidate for county
school superintendent on the republioaD
ticket, was in Heppner Saturday.
The Luce Bros, left this afternoon with
big loads of merchandise for Hapston
thai, Dart & Co., of John Day City.
Ben Huosaker has traded his city
property to J. B. Sperry, taking in ex
change a herd ot Sue Hereford cattle,
John Lord, the ArliBgton horseman,
was in town last week. He has disposed
of a number of his fine Clyde stallions.
A.H. Hooker and Michael Swearingen,
Eight Milers, were in town yesterday, and
while hers called on the Gazette peo
ple. Newt. Griffith, who was reported as
being seriously ill frcm the kick received
from a horse some time ago, is getting
Do you have dyspeptic troubles?
Hood's Sarsapanlla, which has relieved
thousands and will oure you. Sold by
all druggists.
Chas. W. Conger, of the Long Creek
firm of Hirotrburg & Conger, passed
through Heppner this week on his way
from Portland.
Load after load of goods are leaving
this week for Canyon City, all other
thoroughfares, excepting the Canyon
Heppner road, being impassable.
Sam Palmer's band of 6,000 sheep
pnlied out last week with Bob Foster at
the helm, assisted by Frank Holcomb.
Bud Willingham and Dan Neville.
In all diseases of the Stomach, Liver
and Kidneys, use, to the exclusion ot all
other medicines. Nature's own remedy,
Pfunder's Oregon Blood Purifier,
The Oregon Times, the fearless demo
cratic paper of Portland, thinks that the
democratic party have placed a weak
tioket in the field, and is "dead" down
on Pennoyer.
Some interesting correspondence
from "Hail Ridge" and Eight Mile is
crowded out this week. All correspond
ence should be sent in to arrive here not
later than Tuesday eve of eaoh week.
Ben Hunsaker and wife were over
from Haystack the past week. Haystack
is solid tor Mr. Blackman, Mr. Hnnsa
ker informs as, because he is the best
man. They were aocompanied by Mr.
T. J. Mote.
The Gazette's job department was
never more crowded with work than at
present Grant and Gilliam counties, as
well aa Morrow, have learned that good
work ot low prices can be done in their
own section.
We are glad to note Uiat Wm. Hughes,
who has been suffering from paralysis,
superinduoed by an attack of diphtheria,
is getting better rapidly. We hope soon
to bear of bis complete restoration to
Married At the reaidenoe of Jessie
Duncan, corner 4th and Ash streets, Spo
kane Falls, by Rev. May Jones, pastor
of the Baptist church, Edwin N. Carrico,
of Cheney, to Miss Lena Munkers, of
Spriogdale, Stevens county, Wash.
George Frenoh was arrested last Sun
day for riding his horse on the sidewalks.
A eharge of carrying concealed weapons
was also preferred against him, all of
which he settled Monday morning before
the recorder on payment of $'20 and
Hon. J. H. Hamilton, of Hamilton, re,
turned home via Heppner last week. He
thinks well of the combination, Bla.ik
man for senator and Dustin for joint rep
resentative for Grant and Harney, and
believes they will receive a support suffi
cient to elect them.
Hon. Joe Thomas, of Arlington, was
in town last week, and oreated some ex
citement by offering to bet two to one
that blackman would be defeated, all of
which were readily taken by those who
are open f'T easy speculations. All bets
weie alterwards withdraw
Wljat if". M-j.'uw expeolf from a joint
euaiof" ho lives almost out of the
country ? Don't mind politics, when we
can get a home man who will be ever on
i the alert to the interests of the district,
I .hih.r thev be for bnnohgrahs or the
stockiueu. ote tor Henry ciacsman.
Died In Heppner, on April 30, of dis
ease of the brain. Luida Francis, infant
daughter of C. M. and Mary V. Mallory,
aged OS mouths. Tbe funeral willooour
f.,m tt. 'f residence at i :S0 p. m. to morrow
; m . . i 1 ilv I, a i-n tha irmnnthT
lae wreini "-- ,7' f i
rf the ciiniuiuuiiy. uu xm..
( j,irv seeln to have
more than their share
, () alfliction, this being the fourth
; ,i, i,aT(, ,at.
rrnAt Band tllke this
A; f H.nir
mean i i tununiuS .. " -v-
; or uelr assistance in rendering the sup-
i per, wmcn was given iu sraw "
H: Y.,i ... .. rn.l.v ann ni, a v,m.
the hall of last Monday evening, a com
plete success. They shall ever hold
i 1.
: npuunn n
ladies in grateiui remem
rr -
brance. By order or tue nana.
I Heppner Honors Morrow's Choice
tor Joint Senator.
Tbe People's Candidate Receives a Hearty
trrrf Hint--1 ur incair r rum
! t.nuit Fleafet Atio-
eUt and Bail.
i Tbe annooncement of tbe nomination
' ni Rpniv Rl:u-ltm9n aa tlia (lpm(Vraf iff
1 Ul9 repnbiican friends congratulated
with their democratic friends, that tbe
honor bad fallen on one of their own
citizens, who, next to their own candi
date, they would be glad to honor and
trust to faithfully serve tbe interests of
the people of bis district. His friends,
expecting bis arrival on the Saturday
evening train, determined to fzie him
reeeption wmcn would be ootn a sur-
P" aod Ratification to him. Hasty
Heppner brass band, manv were in
, , i
discoursing sweet music. L pon his ap
pearance, Mr. Blackman was greeted
with cheers and received the personal
congratulations of his friends. Preced
ed by the band, Mr. Blackman was es
corted to the City Hotel, and at calls of
the gathered throng, appeared on the
balcony, accompanied by Senator Ham
ilton, of Grant, who introduced him as
the democratic nominee for joint sena
tor from Morrow, Graut 8ud Harney.
Mr. Blackman said:
"My fellow citizens: I did not antici
pate or expect this generous reception
wuichyou have so kiudiy tendered me.
It is a gratifv ing surprise tor which I
can rettm oidy my sincere thanks for
this spontaneous tribute of your person
al gooj will and pleasure. Having been
honored with the nomination for joint
senator fir the counties of Grant, Har
ney and Morrow, I jjrattfully appreciate
the confidence nhich has been reposed
iu me. You all know that ( am a work
er, arid I promise you, if I am elected,
that I Kill st'rve the interests of the
whole people of those counties. Again.
I lb auk you fur yocr c-xpre&sioqsof good
will, which I hope to continue to mer
it." This short and pointed address was re
ceived with cheers, after which the peo
ple pressed forward and general hand
shaking and congratulations were re
newed amid the sweet strains from the
Heppner band, of which onr citizens are
Later, tbe Heppner opera house was
thrown open, and the excellent music of
the band soon attracted a large number
ot ladies and gentlemen, among whom,
as honored guests, were Mr. Blackman,
Senator Hamilton and delegates, who
were returning to their homes from
the convention, who continued the ova
tion in social enjoyment, and tripping
"the light fantastic toe." Party affili
ations were for the time forgotten, and
joy reigned supreme nntil the approach
ing hour forbade encroachments on the
coming day.
Every ingredient employed in produc
ing Hood's rtarsaparilla is strictly pure,
and is the best of its kind it is possible
to buy. All tbe roots and herbs are
carefully selected, personally examined,
and only the best retained. So that
from the time of purchase nntil Hood's
Sarsaparilla is prepared, everything is
carefully watched with a view to attain
ing the best resnlt Why don't you try
Since I have become a candidate for
County School Superintendent it has
been reported, to my injury, that I am
not qualified for tbe offioe, as I have not
held a teacher's certificate higher than
that of a second grade. To refute the
report, I take pleasure in presenting the
appended certificate as to my standing
as a pnblic instructor, hoping it will be
satisfactory to all voters:
No.... Good for 38 Months.
Office of County School Supb J
Heppner, Ogn., 1889. )
I hereby certify, that XV. L. Sailing is
of good moral character, and that he
has passed an examination in the follow
ing branches, wjtl annexed results ;
Orthography , , ??
Heading.. , .....83
Wriiinu 85
Geography 73
Mental Aritnmetic W
Written " SO
English Grammar... 95
Modem History tfi
Physiology and Hygiene Wo
Theory of Teaching
Dated Sept. 2d. 1889. Expires Sept. 2d,
18t2. General average, 90. County of
Morrow, State of Oregon.
J. H. Stanley, Co. Sohool Supt.
Josie Milks, Examiners.
The World Enriched.
The facilities of he present day for the
production of everything that ivill con
tluce to the material welfare and comfort
of mankind are almost unlimited and
whoc. Syrr.p of Figs was first produced
the vorld v.-as enriched with the ouly
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
r:n:iy vlifch is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, in fact, at any time
and the better it is known the more pop
ular it tscprnes-
Birthday Dhtser. Yesterday the re
spective spouses of Henry Rasmus and
J. H. Stanley prepared a splendid dmrar
for them, this being the occasion of their
3l8t birthday. Mr. Stanley was unfor
tunately absent, attending to matters
connected with his office of abstractor
of the census, but he was well represent
ed at a table which was well loaded
down with all manner of good things to
eat. The print 6hop acknowledges the
receipt of a nice lot of cake from this
bonntiful repast. .
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years we have been selling Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption, Dr,
King's New Life Pills, Bucklin's Arnica
Salve and Electric Bitters, and have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or that have given such universal satis
faction. We do not hesitate to guaran
tee them every time, and we stand ready
to refund the purchase price, if satisfac
tory results do not follow their use.
These remedies have won their great
popularity purely on their merits. A. D.
Johnson & Co., Druggists. 1.
The most graphic and artistic engrav
ings published by any illustrated weekly
in tbe United States are the large colored
plates in the W est Shore. In its con
tents and general nature this is the best
illustrated paper a resident of the Pacif
ic coast can take. It deals with subjects
he is interested in, and during the year
be is sure to find something in it that he
deems alone worth the year's subscrip
tion. Everyone should take it. The
mice is but jiOO a year for fifty-two
numbers, making a splendid volume of
engravings. L. Samuel, Publisher
Portland. Or.
J. W. Morrow calls the attention of
the public to the fast that he has plenty
of ice for sale, and will promptly supply
all demands. Office, at livery stable,
Mam street.
Arthur CofHa left for the Sound by the
Saturday's midnight train.
Mrs. Estes. an old lady, 80 years of
age, fell down yesterday and broke her
Ex-Governor Z. Moody, accompanied
by Senator C. Hilton, was in town last
Fred Tarney, Arlington's old-time
butcher, has gone to the Sound in search
of a fortune.
Dame rnmor has it that Joe Morris,
tbe well known blacksmith, intends lo
cating at Fossil.
The rising ot the Columbia river has
compelled Harvey Wilson to remove his
engine house to higher ground.
H. C. Condon attended the State Con
vention Friday, accompanied by N. A.
Cornish, a prominent Biaiuite.
A trio of pelt Buyers, F. Haag, of Min
neapolis, T. W. Hall, of Chicago, and
Mr. Bissinger, were here a few days
Evidently, Dr. Griffin has not found
Ellensburg an El Dorado, as he has re
turned and brought back his dental ap
pliances. An incident occurred in Main street
which was nearly tragic in its results.
Dramatis personue: P. M. aod B. J. G-
Squaw and papoose. Fioperties, 6
shooter and hose pipe.
Quite a number of farmers are going
to experiment with flax seed. It is sin
cerely hoped tbey may raise it success
fully, as such a product would be . highly
beneficial to the community.
The special train of 27 car-leads of
maebinerv from Massillon, Ohio, con
signed to Russell Co., decorated with
flags, passed through at noon. B.
Tuesday 22 nit, the democrats held their
convention in the Armory Hall. Tempo
rary chairman, H. C. Condon; secretary.
Li. t'arfcer. .Delegates to the state con
vention,were selected as follows : T. B.
Hoover, Fossil ; J. E. Frick, Arlington ;
H. C. Condon, Arlington; G. W. Rhine
hart, Condon. The following is their
ticket : Representative, W. J. Mulkey,
Rock Creek: Judge, L. W. Darling. Con
don; Sheriff, W. L.Wilcox, Butte Creek;
Clerk, J. Keeney ; Commissioner, P. E.
UcOumo, Buite Creek; Ireasurer, it. o.
Ewing; Assessor, Ed. Dunn, Ferry Can
yon ; School Superintendent, L. Parker,
Mayville; Surveyor, jut. nick, ijone
Rock; Coroner, Dr. Easton, Condon:
Chairman of the County Central Com
mittee. G. W. Rhinehart.
Moved and seconded that it is the desire
of this convention tore-nominate Gover
nor Sylvester Pennoyer for Governor. The
motion carried. Also, moved and sec
onded that the Australian ballot system
should be adopted. Carried.
Notice is herebv given that the part
nership heretofore existing between Al
exander M. Gunn and William F. Ruark
in the business of blacksniithinz, under
the firm name of Guna & Ruark, hag this
dav been dissolved bv mutual consent.
A. M. Gann will continue the business
at the old stand, to whom all debts due
the firm will be paid, and all claims
against it will be paid by him.
A. 11. Ocsjr,
W. F. Ruabk.
Heppner, April 26, 1890. 71-76
C. E. Dustin, ex-editor and devil of
the Eqgle, is now in the employ of
Keeney & 'Soroggins. '
Mike Rosendorf, having sold his inter
est in the firm of A. Hirschbnrg & Co, to
Chas Conger, left for Portland last Mon
John Scharff, a sheepman of Hamil
ton, was arrested yesterday bv Sheriff
Gray, being charged and indicted for
larceny of sheep.
Wm. Gillis and E. W. Griffith, two of
Ritter's sheepmen, report a very small
loss in lambing, having thus far saved
ninetj -five per cent.
The condition of the thoroughfares
from the John Day section to Heppner
are daily improving, thus rendering
freighting available.
M. S. Hellman, chairman of the demo
cratic county central committee, passed
through Long Creek last Monday, en-
route for Portland to attend the state
Lafe Waterbury, Oscar Dustin, D. B-
llu!key; each with wagons laden with
sheep pelts, started for Heppner Tues
day. They will return with freight for
Long Creek merchants.
Chas. Lee was the recipient of an un
lucky blow from a horse's heels last
Friday, on his left leg, which has confin
ed him to his couch ever since. An ex
amination proved tbe tibia to be fraor
James Eoff, a well-respected resident
of Northern Grant, committed suicide
on the 19th inst. by shooting himself
through tbe bead with a ritle. Deceased
was ruined financially, and this is sup
posed toiiave caused his self destruc
tion. Many of our subscribers are gauging
copies of the Gazette to be sent to vari
ous parties in this vicinity who nere not
subscribers heretofore. These subscrip
tions are all paid for, and no one need
feel that the paper is being forced npon
them by the publisher of this paper.
It is that impurity in the blood, which, aa
CUmiUating in the glands of the neck, pro
daces unsightly lumps or swellings; which
causes painful running sores on the arms,
legs, or feet; which develops ulcers in the
eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or
deafness ; which is the origin of pimples, can
cerous growths, or the many other manifesta
tions usually ascribed to humors;" which,
fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption
and death. Being the most ancient, it is the
most general of all diseases or affections, for
Tery few persons are entirely free from it.
By taking B cod's Sarsaparilla, which, by
the remarkable cores it has accomplished,
often when other medicines have failed, has
proven itself to be a potent and peculias
medicine for this disease. Some of these
cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from
scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla.
. My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof
ulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months
old till she became six years of age. Lumps
formed in her neck, and one of them after
growing to the size of a pigeon's egg, became
a running sore for over three years. "We gave
her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and
all indications of scrofula entirely dis
appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy
child. J. S. Carlile, Nauright, N. J.
N.B. Be sure to get only
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Sold bran dragglst. fl;ilxforg5. Prepared only
brCL HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Maaa.
IOO Doses One Dollar
Faber's Golden Female Pills.
For Female Irregular
Hies; nothine lite them
on the market. Never
f aiL Successfully used
by prominent ladies
monthly. Guaranteed
to relieve suppressed
Don't be hmnbneeed.
Save Time, Health,
and money ;taka no oth
er. Sent to any address,
secure by mail on. re
ceipt of price, 12.00.
Western Branch, Box 27, POEIIAND, OR
Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co., Sol
1 Arents for Heppner.
iayst.. 1 1 i:ii -:v: v:i-g.
Calls Attention to his Immense Stock of
Look out for Arriual of Spring Stock in
the Near Future.
His Prices Cannot be Beaten.
W. O. MINOR, May St.
'-TTJ .
b3 'L
ill Hi
will travel well Allien sliod ly
GrerrWxal Tilacksmitlis & Fariers.
Horsesnoeii 5100 per Span alter Ulan 1st, 1889.
MatlooltOoriier. IVTlxx Street, Heppnor, Ox-
You Will Find that Ton Can Get the Most Gooda ot the Same Class for
the Least Money at
J. W. Matlock & Co.'s
New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink
When They Say they Keep a Complete Stock They Mean It. See for Yourself.
The Most Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Grooeries, Canned Goods,
Meats, Salt, Glassware and Qaeensware, Anything and Everything.
This Popular Millinery Establishment has a Fresh and Neat
' Stock Just Open for Inspection at the
Hands of the Public.
New Hats! New Styles ! New Prices!
The Best Meals in the City.
L N. BASEY, Proprietor.
Heppner Feed Yard !
Is the place for Teamsters to stop.
Hi! AM)
Free Camping House.
Whole Barley and Chop for Sale.
KEEFER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St, Heppner, Or.
Special attention paid to fine
i ;
l!l i!
Buckingham k Hecht s
Button. Lace or Congress, Every pair
Warranted. Also an extensive line of
the celebrated Buckingham &
Hecht boots always on hand.
Largest Stock in East
ern Oregon. .
custom work. Opposite City Hotel,
ya.a-tvvkyAA M 6
The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co.
has constantly arriving in Car Load lots
the largest assorted stock of
General Merchandised
To be Found East of Portland.
Among the Latest Novelties are
Ladies' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc
Their Celebrated Boot
Is unsurpassed for durability.
Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody
both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots,
Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc.
In our Grocery Department everything is
hirst-Olass and Staple Goods in every
variety to suit all classes of trade.
Special Inducements in
Sheep Sip Tobacco,
A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the
public that we carry the goods required which will be
sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash.
Sole Agents for Knapp,
ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated
Bain Wagon always on Hand.
Hides and Pelts Bought for Cash and Trade.
Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will
do well to price our Goods before purchasing else
, where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment,
and will endeavor to make all
feel at home.
Do Not Forget the Place.
Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet.
May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn.
Everything in our line will be sold at marvelously low prices
within the reach of all Special inducements will be offered to Cash
Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en
titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co.
Are Tou Going to Paint Your House This Spring? If so, Call on
We have just received a fine line of MIXED FAINTS bought at assignee's sale,
which we offer at very low prices. Also a stock
of the celebrated
We carry a complete stock of Oils, Colors,
Brushes Glass, etc., etc.
A Fxdl Line of WALLPAPER of the Latest Styles Just Eeceived
From Chicago, Call and See Them at the
A. D. Johnson, Prop.
And Piping: Always
on Hand.
A Specialty ! !
Druss. Cl omioexlet, Patent Mediolnes. Toilet
Ax-ticsloa, Patnta, Oila. Olaaa ca.a3.cl
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD PENS in
Eastern Oregon.
Xts't; for Portlnnct Oregonlan.
Leezer'A Thompson's Corner, : : : Main Street,
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First
class Harness Shop.
Repairing a Specialty I
Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till yon examine their maohines and
get cash prices.
Sulphur. Line, Ire,
Burrell & Co.'s Ag
Hardware, - Tinware, Graniteware,
Wood and. Willow Ware,
. Biul Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma
chines and a complete line of
Groceries and Confectionery !