Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, April 24, 1890, Image 3

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H .PPNMt. THURS DAY. April 24, 1880.
fwo Pacific Railway-Local Card.
No. 31, inixwl, k-avfets H
No. 3", " arrival
except Sunday.
5aj p. m., daily
Here and There.
lies h?-:
Mr. an.l Mrs. C. M. Mallow's
seriously ill.
C. G. Roberts, the wool-buyer,
from The Dalies.
1 uJ
1 t 1
hujitiiji horses
l:. It Mi.tluuk
the Ella Country
C. C. ivlulkey was over
Cretk early this week.
,jt i in , , Geo. Bitter will return to
btajte leaves for Canyon City daily, business-shearing sheep.
Work on the hotel foundati nn com.
from Ltjkg
bis former
t b
excel t Sunday, at 6:30 a. mT
Arrives daily, exeept Sunday, at
5 :X) p. M.
There i.u savina of 16 hoars in time
nil $10 ir: cash by taking this route to
C. W. Loinlar & Co., 429, Fifth St.,
P-i-tlai'd, Or., are authorized to make
itlvcriiuiiiK contractu for the Gazette.
They will aiso ,aake collections for this
Job printing ai Pendleton prices at
the Gazette office.
A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc.,
at E. J, Slocum's drug Btore.
Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner.
Mat. Lichtentbal will open yonr eyes
in prices of his boots and shoes. You
can buy them no cheaper in Portland.
AH lovers of a social smoke will find
the most complete and best selected
stock of pipes and tobaooo in tbe city at
Leezer & Thompson's. Cull and see for
The $i Buckingh am & Ilecht, men's
shoe will not rip. Best in the market
for the price. Buy them at M. Licbteu
tlial's. Go to Mat. Lichtentbal's for the Lud
low ladies' shoes. Every pair warranted.
Also "Fargo" 82.50 ladies' kid shoe.
The best shoe for the money in the mar
ket. ,
Do you want some dried venison? Go
to J. W. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store
for it, and everything else in their lines.
The most complete stock of groceries in
Collim & McFarland have made a lib
eral offer in presenting customers with
a beatiful bound volume for every $25
worth of goods purchased in the line of
dry goods, boots, shoes, etc.
Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe
your horse, and in fact there is nothing
in tbe blacksmithiug line that they are
not able to do.
Remember that all paid up subscribers
to the Gazette are entitled "to a brand
notice, free of charge. This of itself is
worth more than $2 to the stockman, tf.
If you want to see the latest novelties
in spring neck wear go to Van Duyn's.
Elegant line of the latest imported
pant patterns ever bronght to Heppner
at Van Duyn's.
Full line Brownsville's clothing blan
kets eto. Can take your measure on
site. Van Duyn is sole agent for Hepp
uer. Latest novelties in gents furnahings,
suoh as silk shirts, very fine all wool
shirts, fauoy Books? suspenders etc, at
Van Ihiyn's.
Coining'. The very latest in eastern
straw hats, look out boys for nobby
styles at Van Duyn's.
In imported hosiery, all the lutest de
signs. Fancy striped and stainless
black. Guaranteed by the manufactur
er. Extra long, double kneed for boys,
in fact the greatest line of hosiery ever
brought to Heppner, comprising over
1000 pair.
Fine line of ladies' imported fancy
handkerchiefs, all the latest novelties in
the liue. Come and see for yourself.
Come early and get first choice. They
w.ll not last long.
the choicest
Bananas at the "Model.
Fresh candies just iu,
stock in Heppner.
The "Estaella," "Dirago Club" aid
other fine cigars always in stock at the
Ice cream next Saturday and Sunday
at the "Model."
All kinds of soft drinks at the "Model."
Try their soda and sarsapaiilla.
An invoice of choice oranges just re
ceived at the "Model."
In faot the "Model" is the only cigar,
tobaooo and ooufectipnary store in town.
They make a specialty in these lines.
Wniii ComkinTimb. Our people have
waited long for the Ithaca well-borer to
put in an appearance and bis failure to
get around iu a reasonable length of
time has led many to presume that we
are dealing with another "Beckwith."
But not so. We have put up something
over 8500 for freight charges on their
boring apparatus, worth at least $3000,
all of which is to be paid back to the
town in work. The town has made a
safe investment so far, bnt yet we should
have the boring experiment consummat
ed at an early date. Heppner needs
it bad. The present oondition of mat
ters tends to bring about mnre beer
drinkiug, despite the earnest efforts of
the W. C. T. TJ. What we need in the
line of temperauoe is good, pure water,
and the town expeots the well man short
ly. It is not reasonable to expect that
the Ithaca people are going to let us
have their well machine for the freight.
Weather and Chops. B. S. Pague in
his report of April 19th says; The fall
wheat continues promising, the oool
weather retards it ; on low lauds in the
Willamette valley occasional patches
are burnt. Springseeding is being push
ed. If weather continues favorable,
most of the seediug will be done this
month yet. The peach crop was gener
ally injured by the oool weather on the
11th, 12th, 13th, Uth and 15th. From
most every countv comes reports of dam-,-,,
t iha small fruit. Generally the
peach, plum, cherry and apple blossoms
are out in Western uregon, ami
Columbia iu Eastern Oregon. The warm
days and cool frosty nights are injurious.
The week has slightly advanced the
blossoming and leaving.
The Ritter Road. Money has been
raised in Heppner to Betid Captain Wm.
Trjrru,, over to assist the Grant county
viewers in locating a route from Bitter to
the ooanty liue of Morrow and Grant, to
intersect a road from Heppner over the
most feasible route. The Grant county
court has ordered a survey of their part
of the road, and if our county court will
do as well, we will in tbe near future
have a good road from Heppner to Hit
ter. It is to the interest of both sections
to have a short cut across the mountains.
Every live citizen will lend aid to the
Attend The Bali- On the eve. e i the
8th inst., there will be given for the
benefit of Heppner's band, a grand ball.
All arrangements have been made for a
i ti.no TIia errand march will
occur at 9 o'clock sharp. Tickets
eluding supper S'2.50. This supper
;,..,., k tiA ladies of Heppner, and
j" nr. tninnla rvin2 for uni-
r1'"" EIj v,; ia.SO and
forma for our band.
bay a ticket
jNTouoa Luck. One Beardon was
arrested by Wm. McAtoe and a deputy
C. S. marshal, m the Bine mountains
last Saturday, charged with sending ob
oene and abusive matter through the
mails. He was taken below on Monday.
We are told that Beardon's wife ran
away with Ike Giles last fall. He seems
unlucky all rennd.
menctd yesterday afternoon.
W. I. Ellis returned from Portland
via Walla Walla, last Monday.
Frank Snow, of the Lexington Budnet
was in Heppner last Saturday eve. I
Sheep and wool-buyers and sheep1
shearers are getting thicker daily. j
oiieepmea are getting back their loss- I
es, in an unusual increase of lambs.
George Fell was in Heonner over Sun
day visiting his relatives and friends.
Born Iu Jones Canyon on the 22nd
inst., to the wife of Harry Jones a girl.
Tyson & Boyed's briik machine is in
operation near Frank Kellogg"a place.
Mr. B. F. Willia was in Heouner Fri
day and made this office a pleasant visit.
The Excelsior soda works are in opera
tion and the home article is in demand.
Ed. Long was in from Tom Matlock's
ranch thia week. Ranching agrees with
G. B. Tedrow'e ia at Fossil. Wonder
what's the attraction for "Ted" over
Dr. Geogheohan, of Lexington, was
called up 1 ist eve to see C. M. Mallory's
Old papers for sale at the Gazette office
at 35 cents per bunch, or 50 cents per
Mrs. Green Mathews left Heppner on
the 17th for Portland, on avisit to friends
and relatives.
Dick McClaran's family lt ft Monday
for Brownsville where Mr. McC. is lo
cated at present.
Look out for a lively campaign. The
Gazette will only cost you 25 cents till
the trouble is over
Married In Eight Mile, on last Sun
day, Mr. Chet Hayuea toMiaa Ida Hook
er, Justice Stanton officiating.
Lost A gold watch charm, set with
a diamond. Finder will be liberally
rewarded by leaving same at the "Gem
Saioon." "
Those desiring good meals and beds
should stop at the Arlington Hotel, Ar
lington, Or. Chapman & Freemau
Charley Roberts returned from Long
Crrek hist week where he has been pur
chasing mutton, and preparing them for
the Nebraska drive.
Last Sunday quite a number of Hepp
ner's oung men went over to Rhea
creek salmon fishing, bringing back iD
the aggregate quite a number.
Nelsou Jonea has a $2100 horse which
he stands at a reduced rate. Any one
can afford to breed to him, so there is no
excuse for raising cayuse cnltp.
Hon. J. H. Hamilton aud Chaa. Dus
tin passed through Heppner last Mon
day, en route for Portland to attend the
democratic state convention.
Frank Holcombhas retired 'from sheep
herding, and will aocompany Sam Pal
mer on his trip to Nebraska, landing at
his old home, Milan, Mich., by fall.
The members of the California Athlet
ic Club have subscribed a ptirae of $20,
000 for the Jackson-Sullivan fight. It
will not take plaoe before Sept. next.
When jou pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frank Waterbury at tbe Har
iisty Houae. The table is always sup
plied with the best in the market.
To expel the impurities in the blood
and give strength to the system before
the effects of warm weather are ielt, me
Piundor's Oregon Blood Purifier.
Messrs. Brown & Hamilton will attend
toour local collections. Theeditor has
not the time to spare to look after-that
branch of the business, which is quite an
essential one.
Counterfeit dollars and halves are in
circulation. Look out for them. There
must be a nest of counterfeiters iu Eaat
ern Oregon, with an agent in almost ev
ery community.
E. O. Woodall and O. R. Bly passed
through Heppner last week on their way
from the "Creek" to Portland. They
will no doubt have an enjoyable "skate"
at the metropolis.
J. C. Armstrong returned from Port
land last Thursday, where he has been
taking a course in the business college.
He will spend the summer at his home
in the Alpine section.
John Hendrix was brought to town
yesterday charged with striking his
wife in the face with his boot. This
morning he pleaded guilty to the charge
and was fined $25 and costs.
L. M. Ormsby and outfit, consisting of
5 horses and trail traps, got in from
Central City, Neb., last Wednesday.
They will start May 1st with 6000 head
of sheep, aud 12th ult. with 5000 more.
Joe Luckman, of Little Butter creek,
informs ua that he has better sheep
range this spring than at any time since
locating here. He lacked six lambs of
raising 90 per cent. Thia is encourag
ing. Tom Delaney was arrested Sunday for
"drunk and disorderly." After a night's
reflection in Heppner's oity jail, he was
brought before Recorder Roberts who
fined him $a and costs. He paid the
former and was released.
R. C. Hart, general agent for the Min
neapolis Otlioe and School Furnishing
Co., visited Heppuer thia week. The
directora of the Heppner school have
purehaaed 05 new seats of this elegant
pattern to accommodate ihe increase of
Hons. T. E. Fell aud J. N. ' Brown got
back from the convention last Saturday.
Our Morrow county delegation stayed
solid with Mr. Brown for joint senator,
but Harney aud Grant were too many
for them, nominating McHaley on the
first ballot.
The following compose the crew of
Unnhna sliearers who Went Out last
KVi.l.-i.- to uhear H. M. Thornton's band:
.T,lm Keed. caotain: Sam Junkin, 1st
Lieut.: Tone Junkiu, 2nd Lieutenant;
A. B. and Chas. Reed, Mendenhall Bros.,
and Gus Stalter, privates.
H. A. Salisbury, of Lena, has recently
invented a clasp for use iu building
header beds. This clasp saves ail mor
tising, and strengthens the bed frame,
besides it is otherwise a very couvement
and practical invention. A larger size
is intended for use in budding bridges.
Mr. Salisbury has applied for a patent.
He that smiles the broadest on the
newspaper man this sort of weather is
not always his best friend. Nine times
out of ten he is a candidate. That
smile frequently covers up muttered
curses which, aa a matter of course,
should be kept under cover till the cam
paign is over. However, the Uazbto:
bas'it-s own opinions on eveiythmg, ot
which our readers will likely hear some
thing before the trouble is ended.
State or Ohio, City of Toledo.). s3
Lucas County t
Frame J. Cheney mates mm
the senior partner in the firm of F. J.
Cheney A Co., doing business in the
Citv of Toledo, County and State afore
said, and that said firm will pay the sum
and everv case of Catarrh that conuot be
Sworn to before me and subscribed in
my presence, this 6th day of Decemoer,
A D 188(5 A. W. GLEAsON,
-s hi
I Mauv of our re
1 1
! vender of clottu
j tint auv KTori; in ripM ner v
I 1 l I tl 1 1
jU);s "i'irt:!e;: t-'tii'-r lor
i vtt'lrhe of tSil.s GtU'iO steiiru
lii-.s hiid sorae denlms with
j;ot hit. ratroiiize Lionse ii
A the Ha
c I..i!L:-r.as
xm'iba Monii:.a"j
-.is. nliived a;
r r I
1 c
11 I
Ma 1'
e, rf. Heppners,
t t r J hn
1 f el u
- f' 'T Jl
! t
Calls Attention to his Immense Stock of
iop j
uiitiy and
chants if
as hav-
h-rvd KOinetLiinrr t:-'
relative to political
We wi 1 rni'.lve it iu
at it, arid d-'iTt f r-
agent for the stiper
ired by the Browi-s-
Se ail. in this
3 on waist the worth of your money. j
Mr. W. G. Scott, of !l;e Willow creek
sawmill, was iu town iiiesiu:ir ana in
forms us that he lias pilrob.--:M-d the in
terests of Hauk Duncan aud Mr. Brou-u
ia the "Little Laura" qu'-rtz mine.
Work on this prospect ivill bt 'in a v eek
from next Monday. -Mr. Scott is c:jnri
dent that he has something rich.
The Montana boys showed some good
playing iu the base ha!! g one Tuesday,
and were it not esseiiiial iu their
business of ehr'aring to protect their
hands, would have undoubtedly played
a much better game. D:via madj a
dandy strike in the second inning,
getting in a homo run.
Freighting has begijn from Heppner
t i Long Creek, Allen Hud Itudio having
already started teams over the road.
We have no idea of tha condition of tbe
Heppner road, but it will be several
iveeka before freighters can successfully
hi; ul over the Baker road. Canyon City
Frank Jones ia back from Monmouth,
and will spend the summer at homo. He
will return in the fall to take advantage
of tbe f llpeiior educatioiiid privileges
afforded at that place.
Billie Ru:iri w i 1 shortly tali-3 ciirir.e
of the Arcade KBiooii, havir.sr purchased
Geo! Swaggari's siork'of iubricaurs. We
wish Biliio suoi'csr-, lot Lie is a rattling
good hoy.
The (:-::ilTr:l v.
say in its n'.vi is.st
matters in .Morrow
teresting, :"is i:-i'. I-i
get it.
Keil Van l)u a is :
ior broods rnaninfrti'; u i
vllle bio!i-:.i Idiiis.
The blood iH ibe soure-j of health.
Keep it pure by taking Iiomt'a Sarsapa
rllla, which is peculiar in its curative
Levi Kobison, the pelt buyer, returned
from Portland last week, Mccoiitanied by
his brother who is just from tbe old
Ask Bill Johnston for a dollar's worth
of Estrellas, and then run for dear life.
Bid has a four-year-old club for practi
cal jokers.
Mr. Dart, of Hapstouthal, Dart & Co.,
of John Day City, is in town. He is
shipping his goods by way of Heppner
instead of The Dalies, as heretofore.
Judge Himford announces that the
first term of the United States District
Court ever la id in Walla Waiia will open
on the first Tuesday in May.
Are you married? If not, send your
address with stamp, to the American
Corresponding Club, 1'. O. Box (iiS,
Clarksburg,, W. Va. 370-122
Tom Kintou's big six horse team, ac
companied by two similar ontiits, pulled
out for Long Creek thia morning tviUi
goods for Alien & Rudiu.
The Grant county division of the
Day viiio-Hepnuer road has been survey
ed we are told. We expect to bear a
full report by next issue.
Streams rose mightily Thursday and
Friday, but a few cold days checked the
melting snow and the waters subsided.
Canyon City Aeirs.
As we go to press our reporter learns
that Johnny Kirk gave John Hendrix a
well-deserved licking. The abused wife
ia Johnny's sister.
Rice R. McHaley ar.ived from Port
laud last Siiturday, and left Sunday
raornhig for his home at Prairie City.-
, Ogden, Utah, will be tiie scene of a
grand Mardi Gi as carnival from June
SO to July 5 "JO, inclusive.
G. W. Rea, T. J. Matlock and Henry
Blackmail are below attending the demo
cratic convention.
J. W. Matlock & Co. are agents for the
wonderful "Radam's Microbe Killer."
See ad. elsewhere.
Pry Wilson and wife arrived from
Monument this morning. Mr. Wilson
goes below to-morrow.
Fully 100,000 sheep go out of this
section this spring at an average of about
82.15 per head.
Mrs. Ida Dntton and Mrs H. E. Hat
lock departed for Portland yesterday to
visit relatives.
Dr. J. a. Fell and O. L. Patterson, the
Eayle ma-!, left Saturday for Long
Heppner will ship 100,000 pelts this
spring. Grant county contributes its
Frank Kellogg is below iu BtfentUsoc
on tbe democratic convetii io:t.
Rev. II. F. Dennis is over ftom I-e ind
City visuine; hie many frie;ds iie;e.
J. E. Ha unei, of Melena, M i.i'..e . is
here to hey p?:u and wool.
W a. MituUt:! !'. k w Ij.-s;,-j.i ye.;- j
terday. !
Jo'-n Ieeou-i :- the ner tirsha!. j
'I reeara KeGd's Sersaparilia
ing pnesed aiiavo the grade of what are
coioneniiy ce.ibel nutent or proprietary
Mie.iioif-'S" s;;i;i a wed kuo.vn physi
cian recently. ''I; is (ally entitled to he
ceusiiiered a steeiaard medicine, and has
won this position by its undoubted mer
it ami by tbe remarkable cures .it has
eit'icteu. For .n alterative tiud tunic it
hes never been equalled."
Mr. C. Al. Kastinss was down from the
"Blues" l i't week.
Mr. E. J. Slovum, one of Heppner's
enterprising an;i proiniueut druggists,
was seen on ti e ridge last Sunday.
Mis. M. Kelley visited at the home of
her daughter, Mrs. Thomas Morris, iu
the. mountains tbe past week.
Mrs. Eliza Barratt started for Walla
Walla last Wednesday where she expects
to remain during the summer.
Mr. Jeff. Kelley made a business trip
from Walla Walla recently and remained
a few days at tbe home of his uncle
Matthias Kelley.
Misses Belle Hooker and Dura Bairu
visited last Saturday and Sunday at the
home of A. II. Honker. Miss Belle came
home to be present at the marriage of
her sister Lin.
Married At the horns of the bride's
parents, on Hail Ridge last Sunday, April
2b, Esq. Stanton officiating, C. O. Haines
to ivlins Ida Hooker, brflb. of Eight
Mile. A splendid dinner was prepared
by iMrs. Hooker and her daughter Belie.
A few friends were invited, among those
present besides tbe family, were Mr. aud
Mrs. O. E. Jones, Mr. and Mrs. H. E.
Hooker. Mr. and Mrs. J. S. I'onng, Mr
and Mrs. E. B. Stanton, Missus. Dora
Kaird, Minnie Brians, Cora Stanton,
Mary Joues, Edna Frnzer, Messrs. Bruce
and Beach Urines, Gill Jones, Charles
Young, Ed. Ashbough and Lenard
Hooker. An enjoyable time was had by
all and was a day that will long be
reine m bored by those that were there.
ui IlTiiPIi P HHP!
Look out for Arrival of Spring Stock in
the Near Future.
His Prices Cannot he Beaten.
W. O. MINOR, May St.
a horse;
will travel well wlieii sliocl lv
Greiiei'al Blaclvixiitli & Farieis.
Legal Blanks. The Gazette job of
fice is eretling out a catalogue and price
liafe of leni blanks which will include
a!f kiuds. Send iu yonr order. Ve du
piieare 1'eiuliet'ia or Portland prices.
The foii-e-wi-itj ui?coni:t arc idlowed for
larpe ortiera : to to f 10, 2j per cent, off;
$10 to ;'f3, 25 per cent. $20 snd over,
3oJj per cent. off. '
Sylvester C.u-ii:iluTs fiaioon haa been at
tached by D. Sprinkle.
I. A. Vance still on thp Sound.
"Say" Dennett's familiar face was seen
on our streets ia.it vcek.
The crazy ChSniminn paid Ariinstn a
viaiit and bied to appropriate a lady'n :
hiiud bag, but way tripped up by justice
in tbe shftpe of a railroad oilicial.
TiIts. Yancey, of JihA ;ck3 v.ns interred
Friday. Kov. T. Henderson, C'onreiiP.
tiomd minister, delivered a very touch
ing and impressive address. '
Alias Tobey, sifter of Mr. E. Tobey, of
Schuitier i'Mat, died on Saturday of con
sumption. The remains were '"shipped
Sunday to her former home in Wiscon
sin. The democrats lu-Id their primary in
the Armory Hail Saturday, J. A. Kruw.n,
71. D. Bennett has gi.ae to Montana
for a a month's stay.
G. w. Kinelmrf., a Coudi.n merchant, is
in town.
Representative democrats from all the
precincts in Gilliam county are in town.
Op to timo of w riting "they have not
yet nominated their delegates to the
ritate convention.
Heppner democratic delegates passed
through town at noon en-rout fur the
state convention.
Joe BlakeJy and family have lift for
the Sound country.
J. Madden, a former resident of Ar
lington. lu;s been burned out at Lone
R?ck. Believed to be incendiary.
'Jap." Lebo took an overdose of tangle-foot
and became somewhat eshiler
ated in the "Arlington" Hotel, but was
speedily quieted by the raar.shal'a lead
dispenser being brought prominently to
his notice. After a night's repose ia the
'Hotel Hobo,1' he fried to escape, bnt
wished tire society ot Tvlr. Brady, and
while making the hole larger to permit
j that gentleman to crawl oat, was dis-
: covered by the sheriff and sent back to
durance vile. B.
AiiLtNXiToN, Or., April -2, '00.
lisiiiii liii w lit after H -Ist, lit
Ion Will Find that You Can Get tbe Most Goods of the Same Class, for
the Least Money at
P3, P$ 9 B
New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink
When They Say they Keep a Complete Stock They Mean It. See for Yourself.
Tbe Most Complete Line of Staple and Fancy Groceries, Canned Goods,
Meats, Salt, Glassware and Qneensware, Anything aud Everything.
This Popular Millinery Establishment Las a Fresh and Neat
Stock Just Open for Inspection .at the
Hands of the Public.
irflats! New Stries! - New Prices I
The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackmail & Go.
has constantly arriving in Car Load lots
the largest assorted stock of
General Merchandise
To be Found East of Portland.
Among the Latest Novelties are
Ladies' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc.
Their Celebrated Boot called
S;El.C5ls.s2a.33Ls Best"
Is unsurpassed for durability.
Genta' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles "to suit everybody
both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots,
Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc.
In our Grocery Department everything is
First-Class snd Staple Goods in every,
variety to suit all classes of trade.
Special Inducements in
:? Dip mm, mpt, m,
Macliiiiery, Etc.
A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the
public that we carry the goods required which will be
sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash.
Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag
ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated
Bain Wagon always on Hand.
Hides and Pells Bomrht for Gash and Trade.
Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Conntiea will
do well to price our Goods before purchasing else
where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment,
and will endeavor to make all
feel at home.
Do Not Forget the Place.
Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet.
May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn.
Everything in our line will be sold at marvelously low prices
within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash
Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en
titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co.
Are You Going to Paint Your House This Spring? If so, Call on
i r.o under;-!;
e.-iUIi by
jng uffrcti-
Med !
To ''ONsu;-!triYxs.
liaviiig bw !t rr-tr.-d
pie rac.'i:", ;!-t'ur
yeaK v;tL a sov-'-j li
that dread diHCK-se Consumption, is m:x
ions Uy muko knmvn to bis fellow suVr
ers tbe moans of cure. To tho&e "who
desire it, be will cheerfully send (fret of
charge) a copy of the prescription used,
which they will find a sure cure tor Con
sumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis
and ail throat and lung Maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his llemedy.
as it is invaiuuble. Those deruiing the
Drescrmtioii. which will cost theni noth-
j inir, and may prove a blessing, will
please ad d ress, jeIev. hDWAED a. v iii
ron, Williamsburg, Kings county, New
Good Neeve. Frank Fields froze his
right foot badly on tbe26:h of last Feb
ruary while herding sheep in Clark's
canyon for Jim Jones, nece-'sitatibg the
amputation of a part of the great toe,
which was successfully accomplished by
Dr. E. II. Sviuburue yesterday. Fields
showed L-ood nerve, going through the
ordealwithout an anesthetic of any fciud.
If you have made up your mind to Ivcy
Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take
any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar
medicine, possessing, by virtue of its peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation,
curative power superior to any other article.
4. Boston lady who knew what she wanted,
and whose example is worthy imitation, tells
her experience below:
To Get '
" In one store where I went to buy Hood's
Sarsaparilla the clerk tried to induce rue buy
their own instead of Hood's; hetoldmethclr's
would last longer; that I might take it en ton
days' trial; that if Ididnot like it I need not
pay an3'tkm;r, etc. But lie could not prevail
on mc to change. I told him 1 knew what
Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, was
satisfied with it, and did not want any other.
We have just received a fine line of MIXED PAINTS bought at assignee's sale,
which we offer at very low prices. Also a stock
. of the celebrated
We carry a complete stock of Oils, Colors,
Brushes Glass, etc., etc.
A Full Line of WALLPAPER of the Latest Styles Just Received
From Chicago. Call and See Them at the
A. D. Johnson, Prop.
The Best Meals in the City.
I. N. BASEY, Proprietor.
M St
1 I !
,1.....,TO L
ineooner reed Yard
! 9 3 .
I 1
1 Specially ! !
And Piping Always
on Hand.
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Wood and Willow Ware,
Binl Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma
chines and a complete line of
mm m woiranery :
Is the place for Teamsters to stop.
flif lira mm wh? annpi
Ml kb IM mhk ilUUitt
The facilities of the present iUy for tl;.
production of everything tuat wi ' con
duce to the material welfare anl coin fort
of mankind are almost r.iu::n:'-cl on-.l
when Syrup of Figs -was first produced
the world was er.ricacd with the only
perfect laxative known, as it is the only
remedy which is truly pleasing and re
freshing to the taste and prompt and
effectual to cleanse the system gently in
the Spring time or, iu fact, at any time
and the tetter it is known the more pop
ular it beconies-
The West Shore has improved st
since the first copy of the weekly ua
issued, and it is now the handsomest i
Instated weekly in the United States
Its nietnres of western scenes are of
VThen I tieyan taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
I was feelia? real miscraole, sintering
a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak
that at times I could hardly stand. I looked,
and had for some time, like a person in con
sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so
much good that I wonder at myself sometimes,
and ray friends frequently speak of it." Jnl..
Ft i.i a. Goff, CI Terrace Street, Boston.
Soldrty alldrujists. 1; sixforgS. Prepared oTj
fcy C. I. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Iowell, Mass
lOO Doses One Dollar
. J 1 !lLi
FnrFpmiiifi Trrc-tnuar
jEca.' Camping Houses
Vhole Barley and Chop for Sale.
KEEFEE & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or.
8 Catarrh Cure ia taken internally ; special ia teres, its general contents are
stiuu' , ih,) . ninl valuable. Everv house
aots direenv up Paeiaa coast shoaid receive the
surfaces 01 mo m w,.,nlplc T. s.vn-sr,
i ,i.if.,f 0,irliii.in tn their warehouse ; ana
... , i 1 1 n-nl forCOUSI
an frrtir ii ne auto k - , -i
growers who desire to keep their mwl 'llm7'j'nfiESEr4 CO., Toledo, O. Publish
here and take the advantage of the best ; j by prnssists, 75 cents. ; year,
juarket for home growers. j
a! ' 5 . - r
t lad
rnu t h hnmbnercred.
Save -i ! TH f. Healtn,
S?rit tr any aa-iress.
eec-iire y m&U on re
ceipt of irlee,
1- A V
' ji"
1 i .
r, Portland, Oregon. $i.W a
Western raaci, ss 27, 1 j AM. ;K.
SuldbyA. D. Johnson & Co., Sol
Agents for Heppner.
Buckiiiffhara t Hecht's
Button. Lace or Congress. Every pair
Yi'ftrrarrted. Also an extensive line of
tlie celebrated Buckingham &
Ilecht boots always on hand.
jThe Largest Stock in East
ern Oregon,
Dealer In) . 1
3 s-n i j f-Tii . Ci-aeiionis, I "t t o Medicines, Toilet
Arfioles, Oils, t III ." ?-i in ul
W l E 1 5 "l 5-l-
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD PENS in
Eastern Oregon,
JS?-t for Portland Oregconiaii.
Leezer & Thompson's Corner, : : : Main Street,
i Special attention paid to flue custom work. Opposite City Hotel,
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First
elass Harness Shop.
I'Zsissa s r i sii a Specialty ;
Kept Constantly on handtlie Celebrated Heppner Saddle
to their Btore for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted f
five -rears. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their manhinoo
j Go
get cash prices.