:. f " 4u II LtV THE GAZETTE. H .FFKKK THUIWDAY, April 17. IHiO. Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. Ni. 31, inixwi. Iav. Htipimer 7:J." a. ni. No.?.'. " arrivna r.j) . m., ,j.. exc-it SuihIhj'. CANYO!t AND INTERMEDIA ft POINT S Stuce leaves for Oimynu City daily, excei t Sunday, at 6 :30 m. Arrives nlaiiy, except Hiiuday, at ;ix; P. M. There i. saving of 1H hours iu time and 81" ir Ciwli by taking this route to Canyon. C. W. Loml.ir & Cc, 420, Fifth fit., P-tlaiMl, Or., are au.orized to make -tis:nti coutrae'H for the Gazette. They will msr. make collection for this paper. Here and There. Mrs. Fred Snow is visiting in Arling ton. The railroads of Morrow comity pay S7,43u tax. The state tax for Morrow county is J8.052.91. Martin Guuloch died at Canyon City on the 7th inst. Jerry Brosmnn was over from Butter creek last Monday. The excavation for the new hotel is al most completei'. Bishop Morns and Rev. Potwiue were in Heppner last week. K. O. Devault has heen appointed post master for Alba, Umatilla Co. Jay Shipley is conducting a success ful school in the Maytleld uistict. Heppner presents an animated appear ance with considerable business. Press Cress well started yesterday for Wallowa where he will locate. Born In Heppner on the 17th inst., to tiie wife of V. C Hoseason, a bov. Lane Matlock's girl is a boy and was born on the (ith instead of the 5th inst. It. J. Oilmore passed through town last week on his way to his Monument ranch. Old pnpersforsale attheGAzETTEoffiee at 35 cents per bunch, or 50 cents per hundred. Supt. J. H. Stanley is limping around on a cane, caused by stepping on a sharp harrow tooth. Gus. Stalter, brother of our Dan, is up from h s Clackamas county farm on a shearling tour. Joe Beck, of Beck Bros.. Hamilton, passed through town early this week on his way below. Dick McClaren is in Brownsville pre paring for a future location. His family will join him this week. Mr. Blachley, brother-in-law of Dr. John Rasmus, passed through Heppner early this week. Dry McClaren is now the owner of the lartje bay team formerly the property of Eugene Campbell. We do not claim to be a biblical man in any sense. W'e love our friends and hate our euemies iu proportion. W. R. Casey was in from Penland prairie Tuesday, and reports 15 inches of snow and ice in that vicinity. Pelts from John Day are beginning to arrive. The teamsters return laden with merchandise for the interior. Frank McFarland returned from over the Blues last Saturday, accompanied by Johnny Nailen and Abe Tunrp. Mrs. Cox, of Fight Mile, who was re ported as seriously hurt by being thrown out of a wayou, died early last week. What young couple of Heppner tum bled luto the arms of Morpheus while holding down the parlor a few evenings ago? J.oBt A gold watch charm, set with a diamond. Finder will be liburally rewarded by leaving same at the "Gem Saloon." Sick headache is readily onred by llood.s Sarsaparilln, which tones aud regulates the digestion, aud creates an appetite. Those desiring good meals and beds should stop at the Arlington Hotel, Ar lington, Or. Chapman !k Freeman proprietors. The postmaster of Ella informs us that Isaac Giles skipped the country some time ago taking with him another man's wife and child. Samuel C. Donaldson returned from Heppner last week. He was accompan ied by his daughter, Mrz. Ed. Jones, and her child. Fossil Journal. The crazy chinaman with a mania for moving, w as Bent below by his oountry men early this week. He should havt beeu seut to the asylum. To expel the impurities in the blood aud give strength to the system before the effects of warm weather are felt, use Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. When you pass through Long Creek, 3top with Frank Waterbury at the Har disty House. The table is always sup plied with the best iu the market. The little boy of George Legler was killed at Steaoh's saw mill, iu Round Basin, last .Sunday morning, by a log rolling over him. Long Creek Eayle. Dr. J. II. Fell and Orin L. Patterson, editor aud proprietor of the Etiyle, ar rived from Long Creek Saturday even ing on a visit to relatives aud frieuds in Heppner. Miss 1 11a Thomas will commence a private school of two months in Hepp ner, April 14. None above 4th reader grades admitted. Tuition, S4 per schol lar. 3t(5-8 When a paper appeals to race preju dices in order to defeat a man for otlice, the puhlio nuderstaud the shallow sub terfuge, and rebuke the silly dodge by electing him. The baud bos have been measured for their new uniforms, and iu a few weeks will appear as well rigged as the best of them. They should have a band stand in some public place. Messrs. Brown & Hamilton will attend to our looal collections. Theeditor has not the time to spare to look after that branch of the business, which is quite an essential one. Several mornings of the past week have come up with ice a half inch in thickuess. At present warmer weather is prevailing to the benelit of grass and orcps. Jas. P. Rhea got back from Idaho's rai.ge last Friday where he reports a small loss iu consequeuce of a light win ter iu that immediate section, the I ot laoh country. n. ..1p,..j.1v f..!lrmir n.'Iebra tion. Let our baud boys have a chance to air their uniforms and earn a few dollars towards kecpiug up the organi zation. We must celebrate. .l. - rtentlv visited Snokane 1UOB. A.U" j , . Falls where he found plenty of busiuess and armies of men at wo.k. but a corres ponding number idly watching this trade, ...rt;o and imorovement. , W R Ellis, T. E. Fell, J. N. Brown and W E. Kahler left .Monday moruiurf j for Portland to be in attendance on the republican state convention which con venes at that place on the ltoth lost, John W. Curran.the vttenn driimmer was m Heppner last week. Currin and j Woolv Clark are two old land marks that come'around regularly like the seasons, I and no one seems sorry for it, either It is somewhat strange that onr j He-.puer well-borer ds not put in an , appearance. Their machinery is well wVrtb all expenses so far. but Heppner ; wants tire protection and better water. . Sam Palmer is preparing to take the 1 trail for Nebraska with sheep purchased in Morrow and Grant counties. Bud . ; .n. in tlie T.iiih' tjreeli W lllinguame is v country this week collecting together an onttit for Sam's overland trip. HERMANN GETS THERE. All Opposition Disappears and He is .Nominated By Acclamation. EASTERN OREGON KEPHESENTED By I'h i I Meti'taaa for State Treasurer- D. P. Tlifiuipson Go'S in on Firwt Ballot for tioveruor Everything Apparent ly Cut and llrieu. Pohtland, April 16.-Special tele gram, 12 m. The republican state con vention will not proceed to nominations tili late this afternoon. 1:15 P. M. The convention has ad journed till 3:30 p. m. 4.05 p.m. Hermann is nominated by acclamation. Williams is now making a speech nominating Hon. D. P. Thomp son for governor. The vote stood as follows: Thompson, 152; Moody, 51); Lee, 1; Dick Williams, 1; Blauk, 1. . Later, Geo. W. McBrido is nomi nated for secretary of state by accluma twm. r Phil Metschan is nominated for state treasurer on third ballot. They are as follows: Metschan, 02, 94, 141; Cart wright, 22, 19. 2; Faull, 35, 38, 26; Grav, 25. 13; Mix, 13, 2; Leasnre, 14, 14, 14; Snodgrass, 17, 11; Cusiok, 28, 28, 37. R. P. Bean nomin ated for supreme j udge on first ballot, receiving 137 votes. - E. B. McEiroy and F. C. Baker were nominated by acclumation, respectively for the offices of Supt. of public instruc tion aud state printer. The supper given on Wednesday of last wepk for the benefit of the Chris tian church netted the neat sum of 5H. ELECTRIC BITTERS. This remedy is becoming so well known and popular as to need no special men tion. AH who have used Electric Bit ters sing the same song of praise. A purer medicine does not exist and it is guaranteed to do all that is claimed. Electric bitters will cure all diseases of the liver and kidneys, will remove pim ples, boils, salt renin and other affections caused by impure blood. Will drive malaria from the system aud prevent as well as cure all malaria' fevers. For cure of headache, constipatiou and in digestion try Electric Bitters. Entire satisfaction guaranteed, or money refund ed. Price 50o. and $1.00 per bottle at A. D, Johuson's & Co. drug store. DEMOCRATIC NOMINATIONS. The oounty democratic convention of Umatilla county met last Tuesday aud nominated the following tioket: State senator. W. F. Matlock ; repre sentatives, E. B. Gambee, J. S. Riehey, J. L Killain ; Commissioner, Donald Mo Hae; county clerk, W. M. Pierce; sheriff, W. . I. Furnish; school supt., D. W. Jar vis, assessor, W. W. Braunin ; surveyor, J. C. Arnold; coroner, E. H. Pugley. A resolution was introduced and adopted instructing the deletvites to support Pennoyer for governor, Webb for treasurer and Wager for Congress. IS CONSUMPTION INCURABLE? Read the following: Mr. C. H. Mor ris, Newark, Ark., says: 'Was down with abcess of lungs, and friends and physicians pronounced me an incurable consumptive. Began taking Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, am now on my third bottle and am able to oversee the work on my farm. It is the finest medicine ever made." Jesse Middlewart, Decatur, Ohio, says: 'Had it not been for Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption I would have died of luug troubles. Was given up by doctors. Am now in best of health." Trv it. Sample bottles free at A. D. Johnson & Co.'s drug store. Fraudulent Entries. It may not be generally known that gentlemen rep resenting the general land office have recently visited Morrow and Grant coun ties to investigate the character of many land entries and proofs made on the same. The government has an idea that some chicanery has been practiced here and are preparing to make a thorough investigation. It is likely that there will be a stirring up soon, although we are not aware that any fraud exists in the land matters of this sectiou. We know that various citizens have large bodies of, bunohgrass, but would think that they have a right to purchase deed ed land if owners wished to sell. State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County ) b' ' Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner in tlae firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each and every oase of Catarrh that counot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cube. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in mv presence, this 6th day of December, A." D., 1880. A. W. GLEASON, , . Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and aots directly upon the blood and mu cous surfaces of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. "Sold by Druggists, 75 oents. NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. I am prepared to herd bucks the com ing season. Terms, 1.10 per head which includes dipping, salt and sulphur. Range 9 miles south of Hardman. Ten ner oent. commission on all sales trans acted. Address C. M. Hastings. 68-7.3. Hardman, Oregon. Coffiu & McFarland, Heppner, was in tl.ia ilnrtmr lhA w.iolr in fl,A in. terests of Heppuer, setting forth its ad vantages as a snippiug point ror uns en tire country. He showed us a copy of the freight schedule of the U. P. rail road, wherein the rate on fiist-cliiss freight from Portland to Heppner is 95 cents per l'X) pounds, while the rate on the same class of freu ht to Baker City is given at $1.50 per 100 pounds. To large shippers this difference in railroad tariff of 55 cents per hnu lred is quite an item. Canyon City Xeirx. The World Enriched. The facilities of the present day for the production of everything that will con duce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited and when Syrup of Figs was first produced the world w-as enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy -which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. Plain Sewing. Mrs. J. W. Rasmus desires to inform the ladies of Heppuer that she is prepared to do all kinds of plain sew ing. ii A Painful Accident. While attend ing to household dntits this morning Mrs. S. P. Garrigues had the misfortune to severely burn ber left hand. While the' injury is painful it is not serious. Washington Soi-irty item Washington, April 10. Special Tele. grain to the Oreyonian Mr. A. H. Ty son, of Heppner, Or, and .Miss Clara r. Buxton, of the treasury department, were married in the Pre.-bytenan church at Falls Church, Va., bu-t evening. The ceremony was perlormed by Rev. Mr. Ratbbnrn. The three brothers of Ihe bride and Mr. J. B. Bloss served as ush ers. The church was haudsomely deco rated for the occasion, and a large num ber of friends of the bride, many of them Washington people, witnessed the cere mony. The bride was attired in a trav eling suit of silver gray silk. After the ceremony a reception was held at the residence of the bride's parents; and later, the couple, Mr. and Mrs. Tyson, started on a trip north. They expect to return to the city next week, and will receive their friends at 1116 Fif teenth street before leaving for their future home in Oregon. EVERY BODY KNOWS That at this season the blood is filled with impurities, the accumulation of months of confinement in poorly veuti lated stores, workshops and tenements. All these impurities and every trace of scrofula, salt rheum or other disease may be expelled by takiug Hood's sarsa parilla, the best blood purifier ever pro duced. It is the ouly medicine of which "100 doses one dollar" is true. Politics Is Grant. Grant county republicans nominated the following ticket on the 8th inst: Sheriff, John Austin ; Clerk, J. W. Waterman; Judge, N. R. Maxey; Treasurer, N. H. Bolev; Assessor, Chas. Timms; School Supt., M. N. Bopham; Commissioner. L. P. Palmer; Surveyor, John Fiska; Coroner, Dr. Theobodo; Deleuates to the state convention, Phil Merchau, H. Y Blaik well, Rice McHaley, G. W. Dart, Wm. Rudie. The convention endorsed Phil Metchau for state treasurer, and Geo. McHaley for 'joiut Senator for Grant, Haruey end Morrow counties. To Consumptions. The undersigned having beeu restored to health by sim ple means, after suffering for severa years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anx ious to make known to his fellow suffer ers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Con sumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat aud lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiiing the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, and may prove a blessing, will please address, Rev. EdwardA. Wil son, Williamsburg, Kings county, New York. A 350,000 Law Sdit. The records at the court house show that W. H. Conard has commenced a suit against Hugh Fields for 850,000, alleging that Mr. Fields interfered in his family matters, damaging him to that amount. It is the outcome of the trouble at the hotel some time ago in which a note for 82000 fig ured quite conspicuously. Fob the Benefit of the Public. Hugh Fields has turned loose China pheasants on Little Butter Creek be tweeu his house and Wm. Ayers', and it is requested that all persons take notice and respect the law whioh provides for a penalty for shooting or capturing them. COLONIST SLEEPER TO ST. PAUL. Commencing April 16, the Union Pa cific, "The Overland Route," will run a furnished Pnllmau Colonist Car from Portland to St. Paul, without chauge, leaving Portland every Weduesday at 0:00 p. m., arriving St. Paul following Sunday. This car will be fitted up with mattress es, pillows, bedding, enrtains and toi let appliances, leaving nothing to be furuished by the passengers, and will be iu charge of a uniformed porter. Berth9 OHti be secured at the very low rate of $3.00 for an upper or lower double berth from Portland to St. Paul. Passengers holding tourist, first-olass or second class tickets will be carried in this car. For rates, through tickets, sleeper berths, or detailed information, apply to the nearest Ticket Ageut Union Pacific System, or T. W. Lee, 6K-3 Gcu'l Pass. Agt., Portland. If any of our readers are not taking the weekly illustrated U'esf Shore they ought to do so. It combines the desir able features of all the eastern weeklies aud is superior to any one of them. Es pecially iu its graphic pictures of west ern scenes it is of great interest. Aside from the local paper it is the best pub lication that can be taknu, and should b3 I Kli, roruanu, wregou, at sp.uo a year. GENERAL MERCHANDISE BUSI NESS FOR SALE. Small capital required. The only general merchandise business in the town, and tweutv miles from any other i busiuess place. Inquire at First Nation- il Bank, Heppner, Or. W am. TAil.OlUXii. I have opened a well-appointed tailor ing establishment iu my new build ing on .May street, and am now regularly rcochiag new goods anil will make cus tom male pants from 7 to tfl5 best goods in the market. A. ABRAHA.M.SICK. DON'T FORGET. I have left all my accounts and noies with Messrs. Brown & Hamilton for oolleciiou. and prompt payments are ex pected. Dou't forget it. 4t 67 70 Jons. Davidson. NOTICE. I hereby appoint the following deputy scab inspectors: Crocket Kirk, Hardman precinct; Frank Fitch, Pine City pre cinct; Albert Avers, Lena prtcinct. 6-6S) W. G. Boyer, Stock Inspector. WANTED. A good girl to do general housework, work. Swede, Irish or German preferred. Family of four. Address or call on Mrs. E. R. Swinburne, 6Stf. Heppner, Oregon. OAK WOOD FOR SALE. We have a fine lot of oak wood for sale at $10 per cord, delivered. Leave all orders at the Gazette office. tf Patterson & Crawford. A GIRL WANTED. One that can do general housework, and is inclined to make herself positively useful- Address or call on 69-72 Mas. G. W. Swaggart, Heppner, Or. WASHING DONE BY DAY. I will do washing for families by the day. 69-72 Mrs. M. A. Watson, Heppner, Or. MUSIC TEACHER. Miss Emma Boothe, teacher of piano aud organ. Residence of T. W. Ayers. AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE! Prices reduced. Everyi amily note can have the htst Automatic Sewing Ma chine in the market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our Illustrated Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you hare a Machine. Kruse & Murphy Mfg. Co., 455 and 457 West 2tith St., N. Y. City. J. F. Spray was over from Haystack this week. Mrs. Sharon, of Pilot Rock, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. A. D. Johnson. J. W. Gilmore, of Arlington, made a business trip to our city this week. Blackmao will "get there"' for state senator, sure. Don't you see it written on the wall? Judge Wm. Mitchell is suffering with erysipelas in the face, but is able to be around again. Mrs. M. A. Watson, of Pap Simons' ward, does washing by the day. She is quite needy and deserves help. Nels Jones is baek from his John Day sheep. He reports them iu good con dition, and a very large crop of lambs. The new Daily Blade, of Baker City is quite a creditable sheet. The people should bestow on it a liberal patronage. H. A. Salisbury, of Vincent was in at tendance on the convention yesterday, and made the shop a pleasant visit while in town. Miss Emma Boothe will open a private school in the the Heppner school build ing next Monday morning. It is hoped that we will have a good attendance. In the matter of advertising, Mrs. S. P. Garrigues shows enterprise which even the narrow-contracted and close fisted must admire. See her neat ad. iu to-day's issue. During the past two years the Gazette has received more than one blow below the belt from those who should have been its friends. In return it is bestow ing a "knock-out" where moat deserved, aud it is not through yet. Henry Johnson and Frank Rogers went down to Castle Rock last Friday to move, a building of that place up to Heppner. The building was form erly occupied as a saloon and is the property of George -S vvgg-art. . " Rice E. MoHaley passed through Heppner early this weeL on his way to Portland's republican state convention Phil Metschan and G. W. Dart went be low late last week. - Grant is entitled to a representation of five in the conven tion. . . A Colfax paper is warning the people against being taken in by oloth peddlers. Tbey sell cloth and oarpets by sample which are shoddy and short iu measure ment. They are likely to be down in Morrow at any time, then God pity the man who thinks he can get along with out the home paper. - Uncle Jack Morrow returned, from the Sound last Friday. That whole section is stirring, and Mr. Morrow looks back to the time when, as a resident of that oountry, he could have purchased the most of it for a song. However, he is the fortunate owner of 35 aores of land near Anacortes. Capt. Johnny Friend struck town last evening with his crew of shearers who have just finished two bands for Fred Sherman. They leave to-morrow morn ing for Lum Rhea's lower place. The following fellows compose the outfit: Ira Nelson, Harry Sweeney, Ben Shef field, Chas. Williams, Harry Wells and Wm, McCormack. SIGNAL SERVICE KECOKD. For Week Ending Wednesday, April IB, 1890 Mean r Mean Pre- Char Date Temp. Max. Miri. Bar, cip. acter. ApllO 47.00 Hti.tlO 44! M SO.OHO MX) fair 11 SH.ua 4D.WI 28.0 3II.-J40 0.03 fair 12 34..i0 45..V) 26.00) SMSO OA) fair 13 3H.50 51.(0 M.00 30.400 0. fair 14 37.00 55.(0 2(i.50 30.510 0.00 cl'r 15 50.75 1 69.50 28 (SI 30.275 0.00 cl'r l(i 53.50 I 7li.00 41.00 30.HO 0.00 fair Dyspepsia Makes the lives of many people miserable, and often leads to self-destruction. Distress after eating, sour stomach, sick heattache, heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, all gone " feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irregu- . larity of the, bowels, are Distress some of the more common After symptoms. Dyspepsia does eating require3 careful, persisteni attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa parilla, which, acts gently, yet surely and efficiently. It tones the stomach and other organs, regulates the digestion, creates a good appetite, and by thus if overcoming the local symp- Jj -toms removes the sympa-3Cl3Cn0 thetic effects of the disease, banishes the headache, and refreshes the tired mind. ' I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I had but little appetite, and what I did eat y distressed me, or did me jarx little good. In an hour bum after eating I would expe rience a faintness, or tired, all-gone feeliog. as though I had not eaten anything. My trou ble, I think, was aggravated by my business, which is that of a painter, and from being more or less shut up in a ur room with fresh paint. Last spring I took Hood's Sarsa- StOmaCrl rilla took three bottles. It did me an immense amount of good. It gave me an appetite, and my food relished and satisfied the craving I had previously experienced." Geoege A. Page, Watertown, Mass. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists. 1 ; air for 83. Prepared only by C. L HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar Fabsr's Solder? Female Piils. For Female Irregular 1 ties: uothine'l ike them on the market. Rever f aiL Successfully used by prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be humbnirsred. Save Time. Health, aud money ;take no oth er. Sent to any addresB, secure by mail oil re ceipt of price, $2.00. Address, THE APHRO MEDICINE COMPANY, Western Branca, os 27, PORTLAND, OR Sold by A. D. Johnson & Uo., Sol Agents for Heppner. CD m CO n O o o O m (A d ru m m CO i CD m a CO KS Wonderful 0reo-on Remedies. O B. HEADACHE AND L1TKH CTTRE O. wili cure Stom&ch, Kidnoy ami Liver di$- S H. Ontifrb arjd Consumption Cnr will cure C msU. Cnltls. Consumption ami Asthma. 8. ti. Atphn Fain Care will care any pain in twenry minutes. Ask your drustrist for it and takenoothtr. For snip hy E. J. slicuin. 117. Where can you get the Most ies, Nuts, Notions, FOR THE LEAST MONEY? Where did WHY, AT tr Just removed to the Smith Bailding, opposite W. O. Minor's, and next door to the Eea Restaurant. Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style. Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the Choicest Goods. OTIS FATTEESOX, Proprietor. NELSON JONES, Pres't. Mil? COIH LID I TRUST CO, (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and For warding Agents. The Company lifts recently con struct eel a two-story warehouse SO x 100 feet, ivith wool press and all con veniences for liandling wool. The arehouse Charges at Heppner will be the same as those at Arlington-, less cartages. Freight upon veiled wool front Heppner, same as from Arlington. Cash advanced upon consignments of ivool or wool in storage. THERON E. FELL, MANAGER. !!l J II II II W.O. MINOR, Calls Attention to his Immense Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. QREHT BjtBSHIHS HKD CHG1GE LIKES! Look out for Arrival of Spring Stoch in the Near Future. His Prices Cannot be Beaten. DON'T FORGETttttt W. O. MINOR, May St. n !! II l l il I! l ! ) ii ii ill iii jij ii II , STOP AT THE -' i i i i i i i i i UPPER MAIN STREET, NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS The Best Meals in the City. Heppner Feed Yard! Is the place for Teamsters to stop. CHEAP W 11 FREE Free Camping House. Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. KEEPER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. M. WARRANTS) 1 rc'v:.-' The -Jv Special attention paid to fine MAIN STREET, 1 3s fars, Tobaccos. Etc. you Say ? THE "MODEL," E. B. BISHOP, Treas. IU H il II I. N. BASEY, Proprietor. STALL RQQM ! LICHTENTHAL, -SOLE AGENT FOR- Bndiiihani I Heclit's u $4 CALF SHOES, Button. Lace or Congress. Every pair Warranted. Also an extensive line of the celebrated Buckingham & Hecht boots always on hancl Largest Stock in East s em Oregon. custom work. Opposite City Hotel, HEPPNER, OREGON. PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandiser To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Ladies' Dp Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot called cSla,cls.m.a.xi's Best9' Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc. In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in Sleep Dip Tobacco. Sulphur, lime, Ire, Maoliiiiery, Kto. A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the public that we carry the goods required whioh will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated . Bain Wagon always on Hand. Hides and Pelts Bought for Cash and Trade. Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties Will do well to price onr Goods before purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all . feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Gash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. A. D. Johnson & Co. THB CITY DRUG STORE, HEPPXER, - - - - - OREGON. Sole Agents for Morrow County for tfLUID SHEEP DIP. W. J. LEEZER. LEEZER & PUMPS And Piping Always on Hani MAIN STREET, TOOLS A Specialty ! ! E. J. SLOCUM, rTiPeaier In x?us:69 ' 1 1 oixl)ilN, I n fxt: Medioines, Toilet ArtioieSf Iciiot8, Oils. GriaHS and V(iU reaper. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort " merit of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon. A.s't for Portland Oregconian. Leezer & Thompson's Corner, HEPPNER. W. A. KIKK. KIRK DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. Repairing n Specialty Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store tor the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted fo five years. Don't buy elsewhere till yon examine their machines and get oash prices. MAIN STREET . . HEPPNEB, OREGON. P. O. THOMPSON THOMPSON -DEALERS IN- Hardware, Tinware, Graiiiteware, Wood and. Willow Ware, 15 ARB WIKI5 ,H1 Bii.1 Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and a complete line of Groceries ami Confectionery ! HEPPNER, OREGON Main Street, OREGON J. C. HATES HAYES 1 0