X Tf 'E g 7 : r i Hi'.p! sT . mil nn ., 1 j THE (J ItriidKTS MISI .l:TTE ISI'Efl.. SOT SECTHA ! II 1 1 '. L' t t vlucii IS I C II X 1 ill , Is ' the j hich ; 1 1, i,-. . i 1 ! I Villi! i sas: Til n ts ! do IMI : tune or i ( i ii t 1 '1'iie Le xmgton Jiicf'j'l says of the zetie ti.ut it ib -a republican meaning therty. that it is oao-r intf it support by uovocatiiig, neon and urging the election of candid solely of that partv. Ah tn 1111111111" : the article in which it appears is appar- eDt. the (tazette is too modist to n the free advertisement, and d. e!in-s tin assignment. l:w hur'jft is too :.:em-i oa anil duanterested. The mzkitr. however is rr-puiiimin Id its true anJ legitimate meaiiing, aiM is democratic so tar as tiiat ti-im applies to republican ideas. It is, and ebii'o. to tie. lree ami independent fomi ;;!! sub sidies, ohipics. rn.Lrs and purtii's. It is the peoples paper. - I m-pfi-H-;i 1 in all thine", neutral 111 notion;.-. J will maintain and use the riL'ht inherent hi every free loan, to criticise and egoless on.mons i measure ot public inh rest, and in ilmai; bo, it v ill not stop to impure . nether it will advance the interests of one party or another. It believes tbtit no party holds a patent or copyright to n:iv pnn cipl" oi political economy v. hirb shoilai prevent the discussion, pro a:;d con. ot any measure or doctrine wiueu adeob the public interest, freely and fetii .ess ly by any independent person. A journal u hich cringes at lul beck and frown of too politician an t discussion and the enbediteiimoi: public ill anv measure or iiou v li the vital pubho inter'-sts are mvo not worthy of Hie Blipport of a fr independent people. Parties ere binned tlirougn ddtereurts of thought or intercs!:;. and r.oisr (.-!-sarily dilTer in im-asaier: of political economy and become antagonistic, am! from the very natures ol th" antae miot ic positions rf parties the dillererics ot opinion will too often tune forms thut are inimical to the interests of the peo ple of donbtfnl utility. What is the duty and provertre ot an independent journal 1! it is let for the instruction ot the people m the truth ot principles and facts, when nm-rosied parties are urging their acceptance for their own aellish purposes. AVhen partv organs. 111 discussnig questions of policy which are ot vital in terest to the people, misrepresent iacis and present fallacious nreaiinents winch are calculated to deceive and mislead I l')r the nennle. the i lAZlfi'TB will oe found on ! at 11 the side of honesty and truth, it matters not which partv is hurt. In discussing anv question or measure, the Gazette cares nothing wtiofhor a party (foes up or (joes down. It it can not withstand a fair and bouest criticism, it ought to go down. 8noh ate the principles and iiiiriiise which will continue to mllience tlw 1 ! publication of the Gazette. It cannot j ''- -'a atrbnl to be managed upon nnv plan j ' o... which would bo entirely acceptable to the editors 01 the Istiuijet. 4) it t H a 1 i is (titi b i 1 i; 1 ' 1 'r i on 1 I i 1 t f r 1 ' s u , It J e ' 1 1 Such has been toe (.,..trt "I "u country, and the same -..lo.-i produced tlif.E coIi liM' il voi i-M.i.-e ldi .-nine re.-uit. i 11 I , 1 I 1 1 1 t i 1 II t e 1 1 i i ' 11 hi) oil 1 o 1 ( 1 1 f t i 1 li( le t i( ij s it t 1 i it lUfUatil produc.-:. lie' liii..' .'-"is at none ami rd.road are griHit!:i; nml-r tin WCleOr of heaVV Hllep;e-.. e.lT;l lll.jllil! O t M t 11 t I I I He r 1 1 th tl 1 t I r l is i -iv nil tl t 1 H SI It 1 I t I II 1 p 1 u r 1 1 Th 1 I 1 1 i, 1 I il t 1 I 1 li fill I 11 11 tifi ir 1 ii, t. ill i' s s r tl f c 1 1 til 1 Hi t 11 1 1 1 1 1 n or m e:jtioii;;l de:e,t; in. l-1 ; 1 ' ' I ' 1 A writer, rvno is a rer.Menr. of .jr;o: couurv. in a ceiiniuni ruion inentv; . M Tf"- " ' I Sk The ! the lai.':. 127 (t.- o .-lorniag enh. 2400 $ l..i7 : bnvor se; Vic t 1 1 i 1 i I T ! I IJ t ! 1 cratr. No. 1 uomiujiliv ni trading, slow; in Oliver veu CiEICAGO. heat Hr'ber: opened CHICAGO TjIYC (STOCK MARKET. Chicago. Aunl Cattle Rocciuts t " ( i ti! rt 1 V ile choice to I i I if A ( 0 ers P)'.fA 80; stoi-Kera ana leaders. 5? 40 o 50; Texae ITos lit'ecii-is 2u.u00: slow jiud 5 4 4 1 1 iptii. SOU NOTICE OF INTENTION. j ' Land OfFu-o af La Grjmle, Or., Mar. 17, '90 Notice i-s licri'bj iven r!.;it tiie ffilltiwinR-iiamed ! yi'ttit-r hiiri tilt-o notice oi" liis iutBiitiua to make tinnl proof ii! support of liis claim, and that sail! i proof will ie niado h-'-fore the er.a::ty jndt i or in his ube'K-e before iht1 connty clerk of j MifiT-w fwur.ty, at HejiLiUer. Oregon, on llay if, viz: j Hiram L. Capn'i'. lit! No '2!i27 for the ii't'.U SK'4 w.e S SW ! sw 2. M'Il4 r:v sec 10, WJ JSW?4 oc 11 Tp 27 E V M. Htf names llm following witnesses to Drove j his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of ; said land viz: ! L. Hamilton. B. A. aimlton, T. H. Bishev ami j Freeman (ireeiie, of Heppner, Oreyon. Any person who desires to protect afiinst the i allowance 'if such proof, or who knows of any I substantial r-.asou, under the law and the reula tionai of tlie interior depart inent, why such jjroof shoid,S not be allowed, will be idven an opportn 1 miy at the above mentioned time and place to 1 (iro-sev;Li:nii.-- tins wilne.-si-s of said claimant. anil to ott:'r evidence- in rtsbuttal of that submit ted by claimant. tr-70 Hi:?;ry ii NKHAr,T, Kegister. OTifil I I 10 3 1; icrarsana, .-V 13 R J . ., -i i- 11.. We take pleasure in informing our customers and tl e P g that we have just removed our stock of General Merchandise into our Elegant New Bi ick Store down Main Street, where we shall be pleased to welcome all. 1 1 r 1 i. am con7e: ? 1 1 i J oA 4:1 stciuiv; Uri'ives, i"!'Kftj '-: Wt atrm arm ten, ,fo WW Ie n U 0 1 ) j0 e.s Tus market is dull with inphes. Onutiitions. 1 .jUyif" 00 V t -1 i ti 1 'A i 1 win I otii is strong. Sap Ouotatious, S3 50 b7 Vcra,D's Drs. J ! A Wt 1 I inaii who ij trie pa santlv to tin; lTjlen n-'at. ii.st nud ail t: inuvor. Um. Il-r it hi per rentaj. Onions 'ie marl piics fODiin 1a freel' f) 00. Oats ilie maruet is nrrncr with light rt'CL'ipts. untuTao;i3 4i'(i2c. louiirv All kinds are snarco and prices rnie Jiiirh. KliPPNEIi MAliKLiT. Butter i1 reah aOr,'.iUc priljj roll. iiiirs 1'ieni v in the market. Find reiuiv sale iit ofw20c per doz. iotittoes Few m marjteP. Vacted at 2c per ib. Onions-Be per pound. Leef h7les 1 .oi). ficc-vruing' to qa;'.liiv and si. :. I hbeep prhs )fe:7oc. 1'i'Hir Htnpner. 4 per barrel;- in 5 I barrel lots, aj.lo: lverless. (Waitsbnrtf) i 4.i.j per barrel m any quantity. NOTICE OF INTENTION. L;md lBce at La Grande. Or.. March 4. '90. Notire is isert-lty given that the following Rallied petiier has filed notice of his intention to m;-ike ti;ial i;n;f in support of liis claim, and tli at said proof will be made before the connty jtiUs or in hi ahsence before trie county clerk of r;rrov ftountv, at Heupuer, Or., ou Mav li. ISyi. viz. Philip E. Trenton, R't. No. a41, for the SKU Mi 8Eli & Sin T.i 1 S. Ii -2S K. ib.' names ilie following wilnesscs to prove his eotitiir.ious residence upon ana cultivation oj ilirtm Mv('nml)primil T.M. Crow, of Oallo- wav, and Mike Kenny and Andy TillanL of Ljhm, Or, Ai'.y p r.-on who desireH to protest against the a'd;va;)ce of such proof, or who knows of any substantial n-a-on. under thelaw and the regula tions of the interior Department,, why such proof should n;;t be allowed, will be riven an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-esamiue the witnesses of said claimant, and it- oftir evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted "by claimant. Hknkt Rikkhaet, Register. We have the Best Assorted Stock of Goods in inis secLiun. ftseutt is 1 si Complete! In Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing We are The Leaders. We can show a Handsome Line of Fine Tailor Made Suits, of the Latest Style, and Most Brilliant Patterns. Don't buy your Spring Suit before Examining our Assortment. FIXE, STYLISH HATS IX ALL SHAPES. C. 1.1. JONES .ONViKL VliTIST. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lund OHioi at The Dallos Or.. March 1(1, '00. Notice if. hereby a ven that '. he following-named settler lm.;; liled notice of his intention to make final proof iu support of hiw claim, and that said proof viil he made before the comitj clerk of Morrow county, at lieppner, Oregon, on April William Gillia ni, l)a.8, for the SW'i KWji Stc. 9 and the S'A NE' & HEM NWS Sec. 8, Tp. 4 S. K. 20 JS. " He mimes the followins witnesses tn prove his coMtinnous r;sidence upon, and cultivation of HHid land, viz: ( 'harles Kirk. John T. Kirk. Frank Gilliam and Hardv l.onw- nil of iieppner. Or. .X i-tiii t A. McDonald. Register. LADIES' AND : MISSES' : FINE : SHOES : AND G-ents' Footwear in all Uraaes. SLIPPEKS FINEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES AND RANGES IN THE CITY. tu "Homo .Wl" Rnnups will "bake the cake. Full line of Groceries, Hardware Heavy Team Doors and T;roi.o r"nlifornia San .lose Haiidles. lilts and nputB. ir.. ' mi rnHEi.r. WAfWMIS. Plows and Harrows. XX.nucnn. i.iii." . Tn o n TillI- Windows. V aints, Utls ana (jiass. arpeta, vvmiinpoi. smith's Stone Coal. Shingles, Lime Sulphur, Cement. GUNS AND PISTOLS. TRUNKS and VALISfcS. 1890, we intent! i I Hi il 1 1 I nn PI") ! east have to clear i ( H 1 II I ju'ici1. J ?.Mvev T. I ! wnoJ in-n'-rs. L-nt i uac LiOitU'i'.i i. I v ( t i want wrl' L ai d all ru:i in good 3 Isuildm. iiain Street. i Charlev when yow NOTICE INTENTION. IKELS0.V d ROBERTS, I IIAJ1I3EES. I 1 t i w ir vdl f adde d to the J sifLoii-iiimntit and a renter etforn made to; tne p-.ioac man ever. 1 ; i:jd Office at The Dalles, Or., Mar. 17, 1890. Notice is hijrc-by iriven that the following iiiimfd settler has tiled notice of his intention l to make tinui p:oi in support of his claim, and that said iirout will ba made before the county ' j;:d're of Morrow cuunty, at. Henpner, Or., on i May 2, IH'-U viz: j James IL WiIand. ! lid. l:ltf, for lheW4 N W k Sec. H.'SE NEhi & ; XKk SEKi Sec. 4. '..'p. S. K. V5 K. lie llamas the follow mtr witnesses to prove his j continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, j said land, viz: hf. Tit's. IS. ;ullir, t hans t. hiup.h and uen Lu'dliriST, oi lirdman. Or., and i'erry Oiier, of tone Uock, Or. i;;,-70 F. A. iVicDonald. Register. CLOCKS, AND WATCHES. Pnmmorir.inft AIYmrlav Alorninfr. FEBRUAKY, 17th presenting to every retail cash purchaser of dry goods; cloth ing boots, shoes, hats arid caps to the amount . of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00), A BEAUTIFUL BOUND VOLUME, Worth $i each. Our prices on all goods are-low as the lowest. Buying the books from the publishers eastin large quantities, we are eabled to offer them as an inducement to increase our trade. The above offer holds good until JULY 1, 1800. Do not miss this chance, but start in at once buying from us and get a present, for EACH TWENTY-FIVE DOLLARS WOKTtl OF DRY GOODS Purchased between the above dates. Orders from the Country Solicited. Highest price Paid for Sheep Pelts. Aszeiit for Christy & "Wise. Hi.. iiiimi'.ixm ..r nfur MA1 STREET. Till I I' II I il) U'l h 1 to t!i f II t I Wlnit linn tli protective 1' for the farmer; Aff.s7 Urriontiin. Iu answer we will h;iv tliat it bus tuh i tlin3;inintry with nulla, factories mid worliflhops of everv kind, whicii h-iv.; cheapened every artu-le retjnired bv the farmer. It has tilled the s:inie miil,s. factorieH and workshops with Uie lalor drawn from the larm. thereby rediimou competition and creating markets at home for the tanners products. la it nothing to the farmer to havu the yreateat hiiij,'Io market m too worl 1 for hia produce riht at home within the bounds of his native land.-1 lfl it nothing to the fiirmer to have a market which keeps the money used m exchiiUKe of products at home, for homo hhc nmoiiK his own neilibors and- coun trymen r Around him where the cursed tarill' exists unit protects his markets there lives and moves sixtv-hve millions of people who nsetito products of the """" fnrraer. the manufacturer aud the -wjuwat' r - .-Y,,.'M....uf:ii iw proteetioK cure i "' ": ol the Kovermnent.'' Is it. necessary to ! "' r ' , -the happiness and comfort ot the Amer- I f,"j'4 ' !L iOUIl liooole that thtv lnu.lt nroi.Mr n.l il .u-t ad, oreate markets toe the ioiulK'u waue workers, that the public press should thuuder their anathemas upon measures which have made his country almost if not the greatest and most vvouderful national products the world has ei ;seen? hay, ye farmers and wtijje work ers whose remembrance can extend back a generation, have yon not witnessed the astonishing progress which has been made with a rapidity which the miud of iuau never conceived? "on have w it nessed the extension of civilization into every corner of the then unexplored re gions of your own country, over which roamed a horde of savages. iorty years at;o your state and nation-1 ai bonds were owned by foreign capital ists, who alone were able to supply the money and hold the bonds. Your bank ing and mercantile capital was large! supplied and sustained by the fore! capitalist, ilie vast network of rail roads which covers your land as a irrid iron could have been built only by the aid of foreiijn money. Now, how ehi nK ed the conditions. The wealth of your oouutry has grown uulil your oitfzens are able to buy and hold at home, the greater part of the national bonds. So also uro the greater proportion of the state, county mid municipal bonds, as well as mauy hundreds of millions of railroad and other corporate bonds. M hence comes the immense sums which are to be found iu every inhabited sec tion of the oouutry seekinir borrowers? It is home capital. What has 'made this great wealth nud these condition possi ble? It has been that policy which has kept your home market intact from the competition of foreign cheap labor. JNlauy can remember the business con vulsions which were so fretiaent under low tariffs, the distressed condition of all kinds tf business, when the farmer, manufacturer and mechanic suit'ered alike. Thon'h foreign goods glutted the market their prices were biBli, while i the farmers productions and labor were lower tbau at any time since. Distress ! and impoverishment were the ruling con- i ditious of the country. i Statistics show that the periods of tiie country's greatest 'advancement iu wealth aud general prosperity iu all the industries have been siuce IStfcJ, ext. "ad- j ing to the present time. The dev. lop- I inent of the agricultural interest of tue , country has been rapid beyond the: wauts of the markets at home and I abroad. The enormous increase in pro- ; . duction of wheat, corn aud oilier pro- ducts of the farm have killed tin irohien ! egg which enabled the produeerto obtain . remunerative prices. The surolus from' one year confronts him in the markets i f the next, with the inevitable result of dull sales ana low prices. j It is not because of a tariif, or the out- j growth of it, but the want of more peo-' pie to consume what is produced. A people cannot consume more Thau a jiveu quantity, and when their demands are supplied they buy no more, mi mat- ter how eheap the article may be hud. ' Does the wheat grower who hasas much or more w heat than he wants, till up his bins from his neighbor's merely because he can buy u cheap, unless it should be as a speculation upon future prices? There are only two remedies for over production : First by an increase of in liustrial pursuits at home aud lessening the number of producers by their with drawal from the farm ; and thereby in crease the number oi consumers toequal ithe supply; or second, by curtailing tiie quantity of production by reducing the . area of cultivation to approximate The drmaud for consumption. It is evident that the first plan is the better cue if it can be accomplished. D es anyone think it possible to accomplish the ii,--t named method bv des.tro.ving the protec tion you now have, and open your mar Jieta to our foreign neighbors w ithout i i r i .Uorrow. iL U llli I A 1 I 1 isura n.c.e and CoUectiim. Oiac:,! ia il ir ih'i LPS, Oregon. real estate dealer in the tiasu thev o at the time oi miict,:!i: .lune ol last vear. i tit vear are IikcIv to mak buvi rs tiiuil the nro.o, are wil advanced, la: expveti'd to have a buy Iv in tie: season, out n will not be oul mil:! t: Another unver who h: Ins ' rreiron wool at Emo teat tie will come to. O ship direedv from here Iv tnat tia'- roputanon earned as a wool mark tie sustained lor t.iis. itain of inioo'.l in a. V 1 1 KJ . Is (3RD, t V 4 t til'.!. u mil inn ts? . i t;;r I'erir..etiifi. ive. Air s-'Ui. wus ciiOjuii bv a vote ot zo bhtuk i. I ft ui A Iv iT phu'-O'l m tioiiitnai-i.ui for tiasni . .'.Satfocii wuh ciioen Lv a vote to ili. V - ( t .1 Ij to ;J: CO 'Til vcrou : ;ui(l - ! lUJILDKP?. i Lstimnfces ior all kimls of bnild i ni7s. town or country. in-y Bull ill n is a :ialty. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land OiHoe at The Dalies Or.. Mai-. 31, ".H). Notice hereby ;iysn that the foIv.-ing-n;tmed settler It.is tiled notice of ln intention to mttkr1 final proof in sunp-irt of hi claim, and tlutt s.iid proof will be made before the county jrL'l-e of Morrow comity, at Heppiier, Or., on jiay 15, viz: Hen ni Srherz in ge.r lhl lot thp Kri SIH5 sec 12 Tp 4 S II 23 E, jintl S: A SVv'.'i sec 7 To 4SR "'( E. i He names tlii following witnesses to prove his i coiitiiiuirjs lesldence upoti, and caltivation of. said lanri. viz: Vi'iiLik Gi!li;im, "VVm. C. Reinln-jer and Silas A. Wright of ileppr.er. tuui James O. Willi:trns, of Hanliiian, Oregon. F. A. McBoNALD, (17-2 Uetfister. BlytliBros.' IMPORTED ENGLISH SHIKE STALLION, Waggosier: Ke-istered in the 8nire Stud Books of Groat li!it:ii:i and Ireland and America, win stand tiie seas::i at the Farrier Itanch 7 miles from liepnner and will visit (.."Oven-ion c:ul' .i to or n. m. ti. H. Uoii.ine:.. o ptrarc ehmxnian. iin.t H C-ondon, sec. pro tool. !),! cuuteH to Htaie couveution. i.. (io -.0:-:. i. ,1. 1'. LnoB. A. A Javno. H. H. Uoti dncks. Senator U. Hilton. Hou. W. V fiteivter. ltepivaentiiiive. Hon. . V litetwer; county pidire. v . .1. 1Jarri-'er l.liilocka: eoniinissiouer. v. J. K.lw.-ird-i Afiiyviilo; connty clerk. J. !'. Lucmb TriMisitrer, I. I. Uai t, Condon, IS vote? lo in i I i ou t rr ool snperm d ov a vote. I ic I L iiniiist U for Dr. C. T. li K . Bflnderson ; se'e .oi h Kennedy; assess or, K.ivi.l vejor. It. '(. ! I urlbtirt ; co Jlankiif; chttirmnn of & committee, J. . I,m-a. :ou : ;rv:x iti:m:. of Condon, is in town aceon.ooinied by tht nine Alifjl tJ . II. I OU hill; iii;diop Moi : tvev. i'otw ine, !irrli"ed iu town V o.-iy las!:, delivered an address in the Coujrrei.'ational cbntoh in t!ie pveniiiR, and at Thmsuav noon 1 tf for liopmier. The shwp licit industry is still livelr. Antono Bingo was Ui to'ivn this week aud returned to Portiaud with hi.s sister. Dr. Ed. Jlolitor who l,:w -been the C'.lest of lr. t'. T. r.acop. for sonic time past left Thursday en route for Califor nia in search of health. The democrats will hold t'ueir ' oonv'eu lion April 111. Oeo. A. Hovt is in town sottiiug up his alVairs uior to taking un bis ahode in Jtlaine. Wash. Harry ilawson sac-cee-.ls him in the Arlington x'i.ii;mal Hank. Joe lllakelev lias jus- returned from the Sound, lie has. n,,h! his Arlington residence to J. W. Smith. Tlierou E, Fell passed th burgh yesterday. roLcrxcs aonimation tor asa- ( is s lie 1 ( J s i b 1 t i ,te s ' li i I I r i I lilotn, j; .1 m v Ulle. ri: Ha lice, 1. ' ' . i C. n. Ci.iae and V7. C. Ho t J'lacetl m uoaimainai tor sul I J nt i tut s i 1 ot lot XI to .": blouk 1. I Julius Lveitiilev was com' i cliaiarain ror sur.-yor I Jan. DaiiLrhe.-ty aud E. L. Matlock ' I wore nominated tor coroner. Mr. Illet- : on. nnuurew ::im .ur. Uaugli.Ttv wa 111 ! eiei-.cu ov acc: auiation. 1 tie toiiov. li:-are the county central oorunihtee : S White, Cecil; Geo Crane, We Spnn-; V ii D.,imherty, Lena; Oeo Jlmr, Alim.f ; J D Ambrose, Lexiutou:' i-'rank Keiloys.-, iieppner; Kd Cli:ir, ion U m. Jlclli.i, Casta- l(x-k : .T A Wooo-v I'airy; Jas .UeCoil.hcr, 1': I'ry i'ors; J C iiayts, Ji Kirk, iliaileson. I d i 5'LL!l VORROW i AT THE (lil Ton --t tntl. j To get your horses fed. LixZPY RiGS 7?f7 (t )i 1 S el Ji Hoi for Hire. Ton't Forget Killie Wlien Iieppner every Thursday through out tue season -X...-: --y - W AGGONER is a Dark Chestnut, was foaled June, 1886 and was bred by A. Ransom Hitchln, Hertfordshire, Eng land. Weighs 2000 lbs. and stands oyer 18 bands hijjh. ses Yon Oome to Town. Season of 1890. isbee's Is the Place to Get Yonr Tinware, Shelf Hardware, Iron and Steel, Blaeksnlitlls, Coal, Wood and Willow Wars, Queensware, Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Etc., Etc. Harrows of three different patterns. DR, City; J Ba ht ilile; C S KUC'KLlX'ii AMSICA SALVE. I The Best Salve in the world for Cut i bruises, S'.ros, Ulcers. S.-dtilheum, 1'eyer Sores, Tetter, Chapped liamis, Chil i I'.lains, Corns, and ail Hkiu Hiuoiion a posoo-riy cures i'lles, or no pay n qnirod. Ii is guaranteed to pive' perfect I satisi'aetiou, or money refunded. 1'rk -' ''cuts per box. i''or sale by A. D I Johnson ,t Co ; pLATii VrOEK A SPECIALTY. A Extracting and Filling bv the Latest ami Most Improved Methods, i Office, uver Wiocuoi's Drugstore. :0: Tiie thoronghbred imported Clydesdale stallions X! 11 bi loli Cliief, (41T3, Vol. V. Am. Stud Book.) (5T57, Vol. X, .Stud Book of Great Britain.) II?i-i:1fioUI, (4177, Vol. V, Am. Stud Book.) (11327, Stud Book of Great Britain.) Will stand this season at my place on Big Butter creek. 5 miles from Lena, and serve miues at the following rates: Smole leap $10.00 Season $20.00 Insure with Foal $25 00 Maivs from a distance pastured and attended to tor -s a month. Ii4-2tn B.B.Mann, The Square Deal Gang Plow. "WIfcli jicling; AttaohmemT" COW UKE0FT0ES FOR TEE JUDST EXHCTINB- A TIN SHOP IN CONNECTION. rSl1 IronRoofingaSpeoalty. GILLIAM & BISBEE, Nextdoor to First Nat. Bank, Heppner, Or. JL GOODS FOR THE SPOT CASH You Will Find that Yon Can Oret the Most Goods me .Lieast Money at of the Same Class for a 4 r mm W. Matiock & lANtlll.l Gazette oitie li :;b il of Bold pens, per ;iocuiu s ttrug store. s, the uV'dist. trill jiU teeth, etc .tblicau of The folloiviiirj is the rep for Umatilla county: For stale senator. John Helix. For reprit-eptatives: .T. I?. Eddy of Pendleton, O. H. B illou of j'il'.m, " and William Fulsom of Camas prairi. !''or c nutv co:iu'i.!si: :;er. Ti. H. Whitehead, of Adams. For .Sheriff, E. ,1. Hamoicrvilict of Mil- Job priiuioo- liL Wendjetou prices at i tuc A fine at 11. J, l!;i?mi xtract i ue saiiie in a scientific mamiei Mat. I ie!itenth;d will open your eye in prices of his boots and shoes. You can buy them no cheaper in Portland. i All loveis of a social smoke will find I the most complete and best selectei stool; of pipes and tobacco in the city a Lcezcr ,t Thompson's. Call and sec ' for yourself. The S?i B:ic!;in;;ham & Ilecht. men': shoe will cot rip. B-s: in the market ! for the price. Day them at JI. Lichien- i MRS. S. P. GARRIGUES This Popular Millinery Establishment has a Fresh and Neat Stock Just Open for Inspection at the Hands of the Public. Co.'s New Grocery Store, next door to skating rink When They Say thev Keen a Complete tfoet lr T The Most Complete line of S.pte & Yonr3elf. Meats, Salt, Glassware anyueensware, Any Q tri?pi)iiT?u "GET THE NEW STORE. MATrl aTPT"- OREGON L i New Styles! New Prices 'oltiliy Fen- Go to Jtaf. l.iehteidbal's for low ladies sin i oes. very pair tva.rr A DIES' FURNISHINGS SPECIALTY ! 'iiie Lesi sue i;jr tue ru ; kt-t. Do vtiu v;snt some uc i to ,1. V. latiook . Co : hir if, ami evi rytiiiiiii t'lse iu ti kitl in i 2-1 S. P. GARRIGUES, will travel well, when shod bv ROBERTS m SIMONS General Blacksmitlis & Fariers o , KKI'AIKING- MOWERS A SPECIALTY. MA Y STREET, HEPPNER, OR 3 lorsesioeLf $4.00 n span after in isi ism SS-A FIRST-CLASS wnn OTT S AUl IUU ' - 1 . 1 . 1 r-B. wsti IMCUlCS TTr KCTS CO. TOEAC Ml. KI.tXT'S KK.UKOT is the imtMote aijair.st the iatiaence of till wliica tiie sill' Iter or cheyer o: the : ins,anlit slamlii lie t.i';e;i rejjnlar prevent tin- heart from becooiinu-di: eil. lVseriptive treatise with eacli tie; or, a.atress Mack Drug Co., S. A . liEQUKsT. aiul i i Th ! Ueppner. ! Co'.Ihn .V lIcFarlaiut have ma.lc a lib ' eral offer in presenting customers with ; a beatifnl boianl volume tor every Si" : worth of goods purchased in the line oi ; dry goods, boots, shoes, etc. Koberts ISimoe.s are prepared to re : pair broken agricultural maolatu-rv, shoe ; your horse, and in fact there is noibiug in tiie Idaeksuiithing line that thev are ! not able to do. KetnomWr that nil paid up subscriber. to tne (.TAiiKTri: are entitled to a brand notice, tree ot oharue. This of lts-di is j norib. more than si! to the stocfciuan. tf. i li you Bant to see the latest novelties ; iu spring neck -.vear go to Van Dtiyu's. Eieg ict line of the latest bo jiorfed pai't patterns ever brought to iieppner at Vaii Diiyu's. Full line Broivnsvilio's clotl.iij btan kets etc. Can take jour r.-.easur on siie. Van IV.yn is sols agent for ii'eo!)- Columbia Brewery Depot, VXJGXJST BUCH LER Proprietor, the Coluialaa Brewery, at Thp DallRs, would inform the citizens of Jlorrn-w and surrounding counties mat lie na Jeal trom John . Dattxr the City Ui every in Heppner. and hag established a depot at the well known stand, f.:r tiie sale of the best rriaE! W 5SuA M II ii "3 T TO THE T! nished with (..rds. ;'KLlXa ITCI at V: : " ilt.i'..:.:i.j . hEPrrLrt5 OtcGt. either in the kf or bottled, wliich be will lie pleased to supply cusfouiers in any iiuanlity wiiolesele ar:ct ri:ta:l. I ue l.tilie are in nted fo call and examine 'his stork with fur asfiiirance that theij will find it first-class. g The Heppner Depot vsiil be in charge of Mr. Dan Osmera. who wi!l cheer l fully supply all otders. - x-eot. IIol,13ner Qr 1 mmmmmMamm Po rte r. . paa .LUb, LUMBER TARD fr Pitv Tb . wT H U GGI NS PAT ENT J i-adies Chaise. "ATEHt CHAISE BRftXEyffi FISH BR9S WAG3N GS- i V