V --'r 7 THE GAZETTE. H I'FNl-ilraUUSDAY.AprillO, 1890. Union Pacific Railway-Local Card. No. 31, mixed, leaves (iin No. ' farrivus ex'iuft Sauday. iiier 7:45 a. in. Saw p. m., daily CANYON AND INTERMEDIATE POINTS. Stnsre leaves for Canyon City daily, eicei t Suniiny, at 6:30 a. m. Arrives daily, except Sunday, at i :U0 p. u. There ip . saviug of 16 bonrs iu time nd 810 in cash by taking this route to Canyon. O. W. Lomlar & Co., 429, Fifth St., f 'tland. Or., are authorized to make "i"'. -tiniinj contractK for the Gazette. Tliey will ai3.- make collections for this paper. Here and There. J. W. Blake, of Cndon, is in town. C. H. Roberts is in from Nebraska to buy sheep. Eliner Gentry was over from Echo this week. T. J. Carle has been appointed post master at lone. Morrow county. Born In Heppner on the 3d inst., to the wife of Frank Gilliam, a boy. Born In Heppner on the Ith inst., to the wife of Chas. E. Kirk, a eirl. Born In Heppner on the 5th inst., to the wife of Lane Matlock, a girl. Johnny Keeney fell last Sunday nii;ht and sprained his leg quite severely. Billy Douglass is favorably spoken of for clerk on the democratic ticket. Cold weather has injured rye in Sand Hollow, Mr S. N. Morgan informs ns. Fred Sherman has disposed of his stock and ranches in the Lena country. Heppner has been made a presiden tial oilice. The P. M. will do receive a salary. Bob Thompson, brother of Alec and Press, wus over from Pendleton last week. J. 1). Chamberlain, of State Center, Iown, is in Heppner with some tine stallions. F. O. Bucknum, examiner for the Lombard Investment Co., was in town this week. Uncltf Neleon Swaffgart is down from Ceuterville on a visit to his sons and many friends here. The excavation for the new hotel was beean last Tuesday. ThiB hotel will be a oredit to our town. The stallion show last Saturday was a creditable affair, considering that it was not a pre-arranged anair. Bob Curran and VV. F. Forward and wife were over from Wash., opposite Castle Kock, last week. At the sale of the Linde property last Saturday, W. P. JJutton purchased the ranch, paying therefor Sf&xw. We nre informed that Mrs. Cox, Eight Mile, was thrown from a vehicle one day last week and sustained serious iu lines. : Those desiring good meals and beds should stop at the Arlington Hotel, Ar lington, Or. Cliapmau & Freeman, proprietors. Keep your blood pure and yon will Dot have rheumatism. Hood's Sarsapa- rilla purities the blood and tones the whole system. If Heppner wants to boom, for towns sake, let 'er go. We need not expect a paper boom here, but rather a live, sub stantial growth. One-armed John has been pulled twice this week, once for druuk and disorderly and also for attempting to pull his gun on Kb. Dickens. There are a few citizens in Morrow county who do not take the Gazette, but they all borrow it from a more liber al and enterprising neighbor. To expel the impurities in the blood and give strength to the system before the erl'eeta of warm weather are felt, use Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. When you pass through Long Creek, stop with Frank Waterbury at the Har disty House. The table is always sup plied with the best in the market. Thos. Murphy writes the Gazette from Spokane f alls where ue is empioyea he rook work. Louis McAtee is also in that town, a member of the tire department Miss : 11a Thomas will commence e Drivate sohool of two months in Hepp ner. April 14. None abuve 4th reader grades admitted. Tuition, 84 per scliol lar. 35-8 Nels. Jones, E. L. Matlock and Geo. Noble ore all favorably mentioned for sheriff on the democratic ticket. Mr. Matlock informs us that he is not a can didate. Messrs. Brown Sc Hamilton will attend to our looal collections. Theeditor has not the time to spare to look after that branch of the business, which is quite an essential one. T. M. Fisher writes us from Wieser. Idaho, and asks that the Gazette be sent to his address at that place. He was fortunate in not losing very many sbeep during the past winter. J. W. Coffey has Bold his interest in the hardware firm of Gilliam & Coffey to T. H. Bisbee. The new firm of Gil liam & Bisbee still continue to bid for patronage at the old stand. Jim Lotnn or the "Jim" crowd, as the Portland Times denominates it, got away with the fight last week. Can the republican party eleot a governor under the oircuinstauoea? We doubt it. T. W. Beach and Henry S. Travers, respectively ex-editor of the Lake Co. Examiner aud special egent of the gen eral land office, were in town this week on their way to the Long Creek section. Frank E. Vaughn, oharged with taking the contents of a registered letter at Enterprise, Or., in November last, was brought to Portland by Deputy U. S. Marshal Watrus on the 6th iust., and held in the sum of 81,000 bail. The print shop was the recipient of a beautiful sagebrush boqnet last Satur day. We are not well enough versed in the language of flowers to determine whether it i a token of friendship or a bint from the vigilance committee. The ad. of the Columbia Brewery Depot appears iu this issne, and all readers should bear in mind that this depot is next door to the Gazette office, Natter's old staud. Advertising keeps fresh goods m stock, aud the cobwebs off the wall. The following have been dishonorably discharged from the service of the O. N. G. : Privates W. H. Edwards, H. D. Edwards and Bert "Van Clare of F Co., for desertion; Wm. Raymond, W. E. White, W. K. Loyd, P. Bradford and Jos. Sanders for continued neglect of duty. L. L. Ormsby has just returned from Salt Lake, and a general tour of Utah. The stockmen of all that section have not suffered the losses that are reported. Said Mr. Ormsby: "Salt Lake is the best inland town that I have seen, and 1 could not avoid investing some while there. They are building two hotels, one to cost $41,000 and the other $750 000. I tell you Salt Lake is a dandy." The only illustrated weekly west of Chicago is the West Shore, which has not a superior in any respect in the United States. Its large colored illustra tions are works of art, and are of home scenes in which our people are ail inter ested. Its editorials are crisp and pithy. Its hnmorous sketches and paragraphs rival those of the papers which make a specialty of tbem. Its illustrated poems are one of its most attractive features. In every respeot it is just the paper our people want for themuelves, their wives and their children. 4.00 a year. L. Saki-el, Publisher, Portland, Oregon. Council Meeting. Council met in regular session on Monday night. Mayor Biackman presiding, and all council men present. Bills allowed: A D Johns.-,!! & Or,., si; Cox, Teal & Minor, &"; E. J. Slocum, .50; J. B. Natter $136..j0; C. S. VauDnyn, 31.50; A A ilobertn, $16.M; W. J. McAtee, $2; C.'ix, Teal & Minor, 8150; A. G. Bitter, S71.50; costs, Town vs. Gee, $5 70. Or dinances on elections and canvassing votes, and providing for publishing town ordinances, passed first reading. The office of marshall declared vacant, aud Marshal Bitter re-elected, the may or deciding a tie vote between Mr. Bit ter and John Rasmus. There was con siderable discussion over the marshal ship, and at one time the equanimity of the council was more or less disturbed. On motion Couuoilman Matlock was ordered to deliver receipts for sale of wood to treasurer. Petition of Sterling Smith referred to committee on streets anil public pioperty, and that Mr. Keithley be consulted in the matter of establishing grade for Main street to town limits. Tyson & Boyed were given privilege to dump dirt from excavation for hotel on streets where most needed. By motion, ball playing waB prohibited on public streets. Stallion shows allow ed semi-occasionly. The subject of clos ing saloons on Sundays was discussed. and council agreed that they should at least keep more orderly houses and closed uoors on the day ot rest. A mo tion to adjourn prevailed. To Conhumptivns. The nudersigned having been restored to health by sim ple means, atter suffering for severa. years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease Consumption, is anx ious to make known to his fellow suffer ers the means of oure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will find a sure cure for Con sumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis and all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy, as it is invaluable. Those desiring the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, aud may prove a blessing, will please address. Rev. . EdwahdA. Wo son, Williamsburg, Kings county, New York. We Don't Mean It. The Budget gave us a scoring week before last for not sending them a supplement. Dear boys, we forgot you, but we have a suffi cient number on hand to accommodate ourfriemls, and those desiring the same to send away can get them at this office. They also "toneh us up" on the" fact that Lexington is omitted from the very neat map of Morrow county. The party who executed this map had no intention, whatever, to slight Lexington, and it was not noticed till the folders were fin ished. These matters may seem very aignifioant, but, in reality, they are only mistakes, such as any of us are likely to make. Lexington is a part of Morrow county, and we hope that thoy will pros per. A Crazy Cuinaman. Early this morn ing as the Gazette man passed down the street in front of the recorder's office, he waB met with the full force of a heavy office chair, thrown by some individual, who afterwards proved to be an cpinrn smoking Chinaman. As a matter of fact w assumed the defensive aud let him know that such civilities were not appre ciated by a warning from a Colt's, 44 caliber. Finding that the man was more intent on breaking up furniture than do ing anyone harm, the marshal was noti fied and the celestial taken to jail. The fellow is a sot and opium-smoker, and is considered temporarily crazy, at least. A Mimi'ndehstanding. On last Friday morning Hon. A. M. Gunu, candidate for representative, and Prof. T. C. Au brey, principal of Heppuer's schools, aud candidate for couuty school super intendent, had a scrapping match in the former's blacksmithshop. That is the way the boys put it, but it wasn't muoh of a fight after all. The whole trouble came about through some mis understanding, which should occurred. However, the recWrue ed them 85 apiece and costs, the mystery has been cleared up and all are friends. REPUBLICAN CONVENTION. They Met In Hpinpr Yesterday and Selected a Ticket. The delegates from the different pre cinct met in Heppner yesterday to select a county ticket and cho3e delegates to the state convention. The convention was cailed to order at 10 a. m. Thomas Scott, of Pine City, was chosen as chairman pro tern., aud C. M. Mallory secretary pro tern. The following committees were ap pointed: Credentials T. E. Fell, F. L. Hos kins. D. R. Jayne, Ed. Cox and A. J. Cook. Order of Business W. R. Ellis. J. F. Willis, and Messrs. Bartholomew, Keyes and Ed Rood. Organization Thad. Armstrong, M. S. Maxwell, Jerry Brosman, Wm. Penland and T. C. Aubrey. A motion to ad jonrn till 1 p.m. was entertained. aftee.noon session. The committee on organization report. A. C. Pettys was chosen as permanent chairman, and C. M. Mallory aa perma nent secretary. The committee on credentials report 41 delegates, Castle liock not being rep resented by person or proxy. The val idity of a proxy by telegraph for this precinct was decided in the negative, it being urged that as no primary was held there conld be no representation. The proxy of W. W. Smead, also sent in by telegraph, was declared legal, as Mr. aniead was a regularly elected delegate. The committee on order of business re ported. - The following were placed in nomina tion : A. Andrews, sheriff, with a vote of 24 to 10. Julius Hodpon, clerk, with a vote of 23 to 11 on informal ballot, and as Mr. C. L. Andrews withdrew his name from before the convention, this was the only ballot taken. J. H. Stanley, representative, with 22 votes out of 41. Wm. Blair, judge, with 27 out of 40 votes. Will Saling, school superintendent, on 2d ballot, vote of 22 to 17 J. Leon W. Briggs, treasurer, vote 21 to 20. M. S. Maxwell, assessor, 2d ballot 21 J to 19J. E. B. Stanton, commissioner, vote of 29 out 41. There being no candidates for survey or and coroner, the central committee were instructed to fill same from suitable material in the party. lhe tollowiug are delegates to the republican state convention: W. R. Ellis, J. N. Brown, T. E. Eell and W. E. Kahler. The republican county central com mittee are as follows: Lexington J. F. Willis Dry Fork W. F. Holmes Cecil J. B. Ely Alpine Thad. Armstrong Eight Mile Ed Rood Dairy D. N. Hardman lone J. L. Keves Matteson I. C. Large Lena Castle Rock Heppner O. E. Farnsworth Pine City Thos Scott Wells topnngs JJ. It. Jayne The convention yesterday nominated candidates on issues started in Heppner preuiucii, creating two tactions, uiiDbeu "Court House" and "Tammany." There are some Bore spots among the boys which may not heal. The principal opposition to Mr. C. L. Andrews aud T. R. Howard for re-election to their respective offices was "third term." In justice to these gentlemen it can be said that during their official careers they have attended to their duties in an acceptable manner. HEPPNER '8 PRIMARY. An Exciting Meeting of Republicans and a Close Race for Supremae The republicans of Heppner precinct met in the court house last Saturday to select delegates for the county conven tion which met in Heppner yesreraaj' . The assemblage was called to order by Hon. T. E. Fell who stated the object of the meeting. Nominations for chairman being in order, E. Nordyke placed in nomination councilman Mallory. Henry Rasmus nominated Hon. W. B. Ellis. Mr. Mallory chosen by a vote of 51 to 4d. For the past week it was evident that the republicans of Heppner precinct were divided. The two cliques were dubbed respectively "Court House" and "Tammany." The election of Mr. Mal lory was a complete victory for the form er, and then the fun began. Frank Snow was chosen secretary by a unanimous yote. On motion of Dr. L. F. Shipley, it was decided to ballot for nine men, and have tickets taken up by clerks as a formal ballot. The chair man was empowered tojappoint judges, and chose Geo.Oonser, T. E. Fell and S. N. Morgan; clerks, F. J. Hallock and Ben Leland. The motion of W. R. Ellis to keep the polls open for one hour was carried. The following candidates for delegates were voted on. TAMMANY. COTJHT HOUSE. Geo. Conser Steve Lelande N. S. Whetstone B. F. Hevland A:bert Wright C. M. Mallory S. N. Morgan S. P. Garrigues Geo. B. Tedrowe O. E. Farnsworth W. R. Ellis Wm. Rush N. A. Kelly B. F. Vaughan F. J. Hallock T. E. Fell J. H. Stanley Wm. E. Walbridge The following is the result: Wm. Rush 63 O. E Farnsworth 62 W. R. Ellis ; 61 Geo. Conser 61 T. E. Fell 60 N. A. Kelly 60 Wm. E. Walbridge 59 J. H. Stanley 59 F. J. Hallock 59 S. P. Garrigues 59 S. N. Morgan 59 CM. Mallory...: 59 Total 120 Oo motion of W. R.Ellis, itwts de cided to issuecredentials to the six dele gates having 59 votes apiece entitling them to a half vote each. This gave Heppner precinct six whole votes and Bix half votes. Motion to adjonrn was entertained and carried. AUTOMATIC SKIVING MACHINE! Prices reduced. Every family now can have the best Automatic Sewing Ma chine in the market at reduced price. For particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitch ing. Our Illustrated Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you have a Machine. Kruse & Murphy Mfg. Co., 455 and 457 West 20th St., N. Y. City. Where can you get the Most dies, Nuts, Notions, Cigars, FOR THE LEAST MONEY ? Where.djk-ou Say ? whyat "THE MODEL," Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's and next door to the Rea Restaurant. Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style. Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the Choicest Goods. " " OTIS PATTERSON, Proprietor. NELSON JONES, Pres't. ma LAND 8 E. R. BISHOP, Treas. SIGNAL SERVICE RECORD. For Week Ending Wednesday, April 9.1890 A SCRAP OF PAPER SAVES HER LIFE. It was just an ordinary scrap of wrap ping paper, but saved her life. She was in the last-stages of consumption, told by physicans that she was incurable and oonid live only a short time; she weigh ed less than seventy pounds. On a not hwat-nwce-sAP'tapping paper she read of Dr. u-. Dietfovery, and got a sample State of Ohio, City of Toledo, Lucas County I 8 ' Fkank J. CiiESEYmakes oath that he is the senior partner in t!ae firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business in the City of Toledo. County aud State afore said, and that said firm will pay the sum of ONE JdUiNUKEU UULUAUS for each and every oase of Catarrh that counot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Ci ke. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before me aud subscribed my presence, this 6th day of December, A. D., looG. ' A. W.ULKASUN, Notary Public. jSEAL Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally and acts directly upon the blood and mil oous Burfaoes of the bj stem. Send for testimonials, free. F.J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. ljfSold by Druggists, 75 cents. LONG CREEK EAGLE. Diphtheria is prevalent in Fox valley, and in several instances has proved fa tal. A. I). Sloan, a stockman near Ritter, has met with a loss of 100 head of cattle aut of a band of 600, so we were inform ed. Ttiis loss is not large as compared to others. A little oonflict took place on our streets last Friday over some obsoene language but as matters were afterwards stipulated we chop this article short, mentioning no names whatever. Frank MeFarland, one of the leading merchants of Heppner, arrived in Long Creek last Weduesdiiy eve, en-route . to Canyon City to view the proposed wagon road from that place which connects with the Heppner road in Haystack val ley, for whiob place he left yesterday. The World Knriciicd. The facilities of Use present day for tte production of everything that will con duce to the material welfare and comfort of mankind are almost unlimited aud when Syrup of Figs was first produced the -world -was enriched with the only perfect laxative known, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the taste end prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. Plain Sewix5. Mrs. J. W. Rasmus desires to inform the ladies of Heppner that she is prepared to do all kinds of plain Rewing. t Theodore Parks has gone to Gray's harbor. J. B. Natter has leased his brewery stand, aud retired from the business. e hope Mr. Natter will conclude to re main in Heppner. Jas. I. Bennefiel was in town last Sat urday. He is putting in 150 acres of barle"v, and has in altogether 435 acres of grain. He and his sons are summer fallowing 6S)0 acres. They hope for a good crop. DEMOCRATIC PRIMARY. ottle; it helped her, aud Bhe bought large bottle, it helped her more, bought another and grew better fast, continued its nee and is now strong, healthy, rosy, plump, weighing 140 pounds. For ful ler particulars send stamp to W. H. Cole, Druggist, Fort Smith. Trial Bot tles of this wonderful discovery free nt A. I). Johnson & Co.'s Drug Store. 4 ST. JOSEPH'S ACADEMY. Standing of the Pnpils in Pendleton's Fomale acnooi. The third scholastic term of St. Joseph a Aoademy terminated last Wed nesday with the usual written examina tion. Averages above 80 were obtained by the following students in the Academic department: Annie Hagen 93: Ada Kilcnp 84 Nellie Ramsey.. . 9'i Marry Curran .. . 84 Siddie Gagen 92JIda Robinson. . . 83 Viola Million 92 Ollie Renin k 83 Tillie Daniel 86 Leonie Tuiban. . 82 Minnie Murphy. 92 Katie Downey.. 81 Clara Rieth 91 Eva McBee 81 Mary McLeod... 86 Averages above 80 were received by the following in the Preparatory depart ment: Edith Reniok. . . 91 Dora Tribble. ... 86 Regina Bet ten- Lillie Whetstone. 83 bender 90 May Robinson ... 83 Lily Benedict. . . 89 Josie Higgins... 82 Mamie Smith... 88Lura Sharon 82 ACADEMIC. Medal for highest average in graduat ing class, Miss Annie Hagen. Medal for highest average in 1st class. Miss Minnie Murphy. Medal for good conduct drawn by Nellie Ramsey. Siddie Gagen, Tillie Dan iel and Ollie Reniok. , PREPARATORY. Medal for highest average, Miss Edith Renick. Medal for application in music, Miss Lillie Whetstone. Medal for Christian Doctrine drawn by Lizzie Milarkey and Josie Higgins. Medal for good conduct drawn by May Robinson, Dora Tribble, and Lily Benedict. Moiial for neatness drawn by Misses Viola Million and Graoe Caviness. Medal for highest average in Primary department was awarded to Martha Kuhne. The Boys JIet to Pelret Pelocatps to the Demo cratic Couuty Convention. This afternoon the democratic primary for Heppner precinct was held in the court house. Hon. J. B Sperry was se lected as permanent chairman. The following gentlemen were selected as delegates to the county convention: C. A. Rhea, E. L. Matlock, J. L. Morrow, Frank Gentry. George Swaggart, John Hughes. Thos Qaaid, Wm. McAtee and J. J. Roberts. Messrs. Gov. Rea and John Rasmus were nominated for J. P.'s, Heppner pre cinot. Johnny Locknane was placed in nomination for constable, and Dick Nev ille nominated himself for the same off- I am prepared to herd bucks the com ing season. Terms, 1.10 per head which includes dipping, salt and sulphur. Range 9 miles south of Harriman. Teu nn it;., mnda nnanimniu Ler cent commission on all sales trana- ;il""L!T 'i;"ZZa without 1 acted. Address C. M. Hastings. aUUlliO piimnij ""J"'"""- , I fie7 UlUliilUl. DON'T FEEL W7ELL, And yet you are not sick enough to con sult a doctor, or you refrain from so do . ing for fear you will alarm yourself and friends we will tell you just what you need. It is Hood's Sarsaparilla, which will lift you out of that uncertain, un comfortable, dangerous condition, into a state of good health, confidence and cheerfulness, iou've no idea hjw po tent this peculiar medicine is in cases like yours. SAD NEWS. Waixa Walla, Wash., Apr. 5. Special to the Heppner Gazette, r Elmer Lance died at the hospital at 4:30 this morning. T. W. M. Elmer Lance was well known in Hepp ner, and was formerly employed on the Heppner division as brakeman. About three weeks ago he was taken with the grippe, and left for Walla Walla to re ceive medical treatment. His friends here were not aware of his dangeroHS condition till his death was announoed Deceased was a very industrious and steady young man, a member of the Kuights of Pythias, and was well respect ed by all his brothers and friends. Mean Mean Pre- Char Date Temp. Max. Min. Bar, cip. acter. Anl 8 42.00 lili.00 31 00 30.215 0.00 cl'r 4 4A.0O a7.0i! 33.50 30.170 0.1)0 cl'd 5 411.01) HO 00 40.00 2S.910 0.IH cl'd 6 46.00 57.03 45.00 29.890 0.01 cl'd 7 3H.110 45.00 31.50 30.040 0.13 cl'd 8 42.00 61.00 32.00 30.630 0.00 cl'r 52.00 77.00 34.00 30.3X0 0.00 cl'r A. Kuith. Peculiar Many peculiar points make Hood's Sar aaparilla superior to all other medieines. Peculiar In combination, proportion, and preparation of Ingredients, jy Hood's Sarsaparilla possesses the full curative value of the best known remedies jrSr of the vegetable king-Odom. tecullar in . r cjT "trcisth and economy -r jSi Hood's Sar saparilla is the only medi clne ar- 'r which can truly besaidJ3 "OneHnndredDoseb One'Vj Dollar." Medicines In fvO larger and smaller bottles J'require larger doses, and donot produce as good results as Hood's. Peculiar In its medicinal merits, Hood's Sarsaparilla accomplishes cures hith erto unknown, and has won for itself the title of "The greatest blood purifier ever discovered.' Peculiar in its " good name uuiiic, uiere is now V niore of Hood's Sarsaparilla Tsold In Lowell, where HSrlt Is made, than of zllT other blood pnrlflerii. (VXpeculiar in its phenome- record of sales abroadr Ano other preparation has r fy" wer attained such nomi- r larity in so short a time, and retained ts popularity and confidence among all classes people so steadfastly. Do not be induced to buy other preparations, but be sure to get the Peculiar Medicine, Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggists, f 1; six for 5. Prepared only kyC.L HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar Faber's Golden Female PiIIs. For Female Irregular ities; uorhinelikethem on the market. Never fail. Successfully used by prominent ladles monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be humbnjreed. Save Time, Health, anti money ; take uo oth er. Sent to any address, secure by mail on re ceipt of price, $2.00. Address, THE APHRO IREDICiNE COMPANY, Western Branch, Box 27, PORTLAND, OR Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co., Sol Agents for Heppner. NOTICE TO SHEEPMEN. o o n o O i i CD 3 ! o I in 3 I H i .3 a CD m GO i m o CO m GO I CO m o GO o H m (Incorporated.) General Warehouse and For Avarding Agents. I VVJ7 rri-V-tl 1 1 yt t uyinl-H inn L4-mi s.4-s si a 4--. ..v n. as those at Arlington, less cartages. j r eigne upon oaiea wool from Heppner, same as from Arlington. Cash advanced upon consignments of ivool or wool in storage. THERON E. FELL. MANAGER. W. O. MINOR, MAYST., HEPPXE8. Calls Attention to bis Immense Stock ot DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. raTBPSSIHS iD CHOICE UH5! L Look out for Arrival of Spring Stock in the Near Future. PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! JIIMIJIYS III TP LED I The Pioneer Firm of H. Biackman & Co. has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandised To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are Lais' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc Their Celebrated Boot called ee ls unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc. Sheep Dip In our Grocery Department eve rythi First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in Tobacco, Sulphur, Lime. Irs, Macliiiiery, 1:0 to. A personal inspection of onr Mammoth ritook will convince the - public that we carry the goods required which will .be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. Hides and Pelts Bought for Cash and Trade. Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marveiously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. His Prices Cannot be Beaten, DON'T FORGETttttt W. O. MINOR, May St. i ! STOP AT THE j i i i i i i i i i UPPER MAIN STREET, NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS The Best Meals in the City. L N. BASE Y, Proprietor. Hardman, Oregon. Wonderful - Oregon Remedies. SB. HEADACHE AND LIVER CUKE will cure Stomach., Kidney and Liver dis eases. 8 H. Cou;h and Consumption Cure will cure Coughs, Co Ms. Consumption and Asthma. B. B. Alpha Pain Cure will care any pain in twenty minutes. Ask your druggist for it and take no other. For sale by E. J. !S locum. 67. Heppner Feed Yard! 7 Is the place for Teamsters to stop. 1 HI M ROOM ! li'tf 3 0i 11 1 j ins; House. Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. KEEFEB & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St, Heppner, Or. 4 HOE JUUUNKD M. LICHTENTHAL, A. D. Johnson & Co. TIIJ CITY JrJO STOK1J, HEPPNER, - OREGON. Sole Agents for Morrow County for FLUID SHEEP DIP. W. J. LEEZEB. P. O. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON TOOLS A Specialty ! ! PUMPS And Piping Always on Hani -DEALERS IN- Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware; Wood. and. Willow Ware, Biid Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and a complete line of MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON -SOLE AGENT FOR- & Hechts $4 CALF SHOES, Button. Lace or Congress. Every pair Warranted. Also an extensive line of the celebrated Buckingham & Hecht boots always on hand. The Largest Stock in East- ern Oregon. pecial attention paid to fine custom work. Opposite City Hotel, MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. E. J. SLOCUM, IJriiKS. Chemicals, rra.to Medlolnes, Toilet Artioles, Petxrats, Oils. G-1elss and WaU I ir-. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Orep;on. A.g't fo i Portland Oregonian. Leezer Thompson s Liorner, : : : Main Street, HEPPNER, - OREGON W. A. KIBK. KIRK J. O. HATES 3l HAYES DEALERS IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First class Harness Shop. Repairing a. Specialty 2 Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted fo five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their maohinea and get oash prices. MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. 1 J-