me s tt'is at L'. who writ four neifhtjira T tin iiromt trmnre of It fdured t ecp. 11'- fjlluwaifr cut ti' at Irut, fr-,m the tan.witt) W all ciprrwcfasrrM HMO, 'lOKlLAAU. HOW'S YOUR FENCE? We have the CHEAPEST and Best WOVEN WIRE FENCING kWire Rope Selvage. ' 60 INCHES HIGH AT 00 CENTS FEB KGD. ,twn. Humeri, Poultry and Ktoeh: Fencing, all b.ti-t and widthn. lutes to match. Prices low. Bold brriealer. Fr-lirht Paid. Hnd for circulars. T1IK flrKCI.I.KM WOVCt W I It K r K!frK CO., UK A(t, ILL. AU-tsU-el LAW ftiid CL1IKTLUV IF YOU WISH A COOD REVOLVER r,St"VE SMITH & WESSON'S Finest small limn uf act tired experts. Iu callhrwH and 41-1UL Simile or aiio the nrHtcin.n;;i(f doiihJe action, Safety Ham liierleBS and Tarifet models. Bteel, carcfi nei quniuy wrouvnt itiiiy ijibim-L4-u llv for workniaiiHliin id Hl'tcl Unrlxaletl fori Aulnfa. du 1'H.blll IV ftnd BPrnrncv. f not te deceived by eheup maUttible i m imitation often solI for the genuine article. Thev are unre liable and dangerous. The Smith ft Wesson Rr vri.VEKS are 8lafiijd upon the barrels with firm's name, address auddateuof paten w, and are guar milled perfect. Jiislt ixm havinie them, and If dc-aler cannot (supply you, an order Kent Load ireMK below will receive prompt attention. Descrip tive catalogue and price upon application. tt.UITU Oc WKSSON. Hprluuiield, Alaa ARTHUR SMITH, PKAOTIOA Ij WATCHMAKER ! Nixt to First Niitinmil liimk, HEITNEK, : : OltEOON. Watches, Optical Clocks, 13 Goods . WHtohcu Cleiiupil, - - $1.50. MainHpripgs Fitted - - . $1.50. All work guaranteed for one year. TO .LL PRINCIPAL POINTS EAST, WEST, NORTH and SOUTH AT llopimer, Ore-tec:. J. C. HART, - Agent Tllli 1MONISISK Jewelry EstaBli "I OF- Still Continued to Sell WATCHES, - CIjOCKS . JEWELiIlY, ETC. At tbe Lowest Possible Prices. A targe stock of Gold Pens, Ame thyst and Cameo Gold Rings, Gold and Silver Watches Always 1 on Hand A Full Line of MXJBIOiVU INSTHU 3Vt3Z33TTS Has been added to bis large and well selected stoct. REPAIRING A SPECIALTY AND ALL VVorlt Ouaranteed. 8T0KE opposite Minor, DtHlaon & Co's May Mt. lleppiier, - - - Oreion -THE- UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. "Overland Route." TICIvlCTS To all Priucipal Points in the United States, Canada and Europe. ELEGANT NEW PINING CARS l'ullman l'alace Sleepei-s. FREE COLONIST SLEEPING CARS Run Through on all Express Trams to eOMAHA,, Council Xiliiffs AX X KANSAS CITY Without Change. Close Conneot'ion at Portland for San Francisco and l'ujjet Sound Points. ALL IliOlST STKAME1W Leave Portland for San Francisco every four (4) days, making the trip in tH) hours. Cabin. Jo'. Steerage, s.( Sound Trip Unlimited, S-)'0,(W. For further particulars inquire of any agent of the company. T. W. LEE, V. S. MELLIN. G. P t T. A. General Trajlie Jfanaaer. about It.' flfH-th t-rt of it. tmlk It " r''Vy,! .n m.k-.,.n 3 t- I O "Jy " - lit L I Wt FREE. Id V watch in the world. IVt1cI OO.UU. mrkeM)r Warraiit-(1 beuvjr, so LIU uuLb buntiiiF catea. Both ladi-ft end fent 'laei, with work! and cbifi uf qui value. O.vx PtBOH In i.rh IlxalitT can bccutf ooa free, tofrtbr with our larg aluablf line of llouwhold . Tbt-M muiufi. u well clt. are free. All tbe work yon Md do h to ihow what we aid you to tlioae who cail your friend stid ni(bboriid (hoae about you that Blwaya reaulra iu nliitblr trade for u,lH-uhol'ia forj earn hen once tarted, and thua we ar rpjuti't WV piv all eir-i. freight, etc. After you know if you w oM like to (To to w-.rk for ua. you - in earn from VO to ii:Ht n.-r f-k and upward. Addraa, HtliMon fc Co., Kuk ttiaSt fortlinl, A1mIu. B A'liY l.sllWiTtsHjr' are tnose put up oy D.W.FERRY4C0. Who are the Largest Seedsmen in the world. M. M. Fbrhv&Co's Beautifuily Illustrated, Descriptive SEED AMMifAL tor 1S90 will tie mailed 1- Khh, to a.11 applicants, and to last season's cus tomers. It is better than ever. Ev ery person using Garden, Flower D. M. FERRY & CO. DETROIT, MICH IFor LOSTorPAILXflO BIAS 300D ueneraiana ntnvuuo jjnuixii z: Wflakmsssof ifodv and mind, ttfecti of Errornor Excesses in Old or Yoonr, niMIOOOfnllT Krarnrvd. Ilow to rntarft ani 8trng1ben WKK, I'NUKTELOPKPOKdANB JkFlltTHOF BODY. Ban UatlFr rroaa SO NUUaud Wrcbja CixulriM. ITriU Ibeia, Deacrlptlva Book, viplanatloa aod praofa mallrd cacaled) free. FRAZER GBEME BEST IX THE WOKf-IJ. Ita wnarins qnalltl.BHreunsurpasrpd, actaollT outlastiDff two boxes of any other brand. N't effected by heat. 8-in i llK.lM ! ::. FOH SALE BY DEALERS GENERALLY. '! AND Canyon City STAajt: ji N'E, Chas. II. Lre, Proprietor. STAGES LEAVE MONUMENT DAILY EX CEl'T SUNDAY. KATIE: Canyon City to Monument : : 85.00 Long Creek : : 3 00 This is tbe quickest and obeapest route to Portland from all points in this vivinty. From Terminal or interior Points the Northern Pacific KAiLEOADi Is the line to take To all Points East and South. It is the DINING CAR ROUTE. It runs Through VESTIBULE!) TKAINS EVEKY DAY IN THK YEAK TO :AND: (No Change of Cars) tlU2i& cm unsurpassed, l'ULLMAX DRAWING 1100M SLEKftlK!) Of Latest Equipment, Tourist Sleeping Cars Best that can be constructed and in which accommodations are both FREE aud furnished for holders of First or Second-Class Tickets, and Elegant Day Coaches A Continuous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH TICKETS To and from all points in America, Eng land and Europe can be purchased at any Ticket Office of this Company. Full information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHAKLTON, Assistant Qeneral Passenger Agent. No. 121 First St., Cor. Washington, PORTLAND OREGON. ro SAN FRANCISCO, CAL., -BY WAY OF THE- Southern Pacific Company's Line TBE JIT. SHHSTH ROUTE. Quicker in Time than Any Other Route .Between PortlancU -San Francisco. Leave Portland at 4 P. M., Daily. THROUGH TIME, 39 HOURS. PULLMAN BUFFET SLEEPERS TOURISTS SLEEPING CARS, For Accommodation of Second-Class Passeugers Attaohed to Express Trains. Fare from Portland to Sacramento and San Fran cisco: t'nliniitcd $25 Litnitfd First-Class 20 cttad-t'lKss 15 Through Tickets to all Points Sontb and Eaat, VIA CAUPOHNIA. TICKET OFFICES: City Office. No. 134. Corner First & Alder Streets Depot Office. Corner F and Front Streets, PORTLAND. OKEGON. II. KOEHLER. K. P. ROGERS. Manager. Atwt. U. F. and Pat.Arft. "Kami i. mkmi .. FOR ifiijii-r1 California, Oregon and IDAHO STAGE COMPANY.:, J. ii. Kri'iiry, Supt. Daily Htaee to and from Moiiomnt. S.'ij.-f ii-.n.i- Jluppner at bi a. m. aitivl-s, i . m. Pendltoa Stage leaves Hcppuer ':'') A. M. i " " arrives " 4::) P. M. i Fare to Monument, - - 00. Fare to Pendleton, - - S4.(H). E. J. SLOCUM & CO., A.iEXTs. Freight 2 cents per pound. Heppner, Ojjn B. P. FLORENCE. E FLOBENCF FLORENCE BROTHERS, STOCKRAISERS! HKPPNER OttK.lON. Cattle branded nnd ear-markfii ac shosvn ;ilive. Hor-rtm F n riIit Hhonldcr. Our cattle raoe iu Mctiiw, fiiiiiHin, Umatilla and Wanoo counties. will p:i SHMKUO i- ward f(r the arreHt and conviction of any pprstm stealiiti: our Htoek To cure Bilionsness, Sick Headache, Consti pation, Malaria. Liver Complaints, take the safe and certain remedy, SMITH'S BILE BEANS Tse tbe SH ALL Size (40 little Beans to the bottle), thky abb the: most convenient. S-ct.lca'fcklo or &11 Price of either slate, 25c. per Bottle KISSIG"7-"-707aTe"8xIS I 1 1 V m Mailed for 4 ets. (coppers or g tamps), J. F.SMITH & C fl illajiers of 'BILE BEANS, ST. LOUIS MO. FOR TORPID LIVER. A torpid liver deranges the whole y tttni, and produces Sick Headache, Dyspepsia, Costiveness, Rheu matism, Sallow Skin and Piles. There is no better remedy for these common diseases tlian Tutt's I.irer Pills, as a trial niil prove. lrsce, 2jc Sold Everywhere. Dr. Warner's celebrated Coraline Health Corsets have one peculiarity which pertains only to corsets of their make. The bust retains its shape to the end, and the corset im parts to the wearer a well proportioned and beautiful figure. The corset is boned with Coraline, a substance superior to the finest whale bone. Made in short, medium and extra long waists. There are many imitations, but you wi3 find " Dr. Warner's Coraline " printed on the inside of every genuine corset. They are sold by your nearest dry goods dealer. WARNER BROS. Mnfrs., New York and Chicago. Mind wsndpring cured. Boobs lnmed in one raining. Testimonials from all parts of the (liobe. Prospectus POST FREE, sent on application to Prof. A. LoiseUe, 237 Filth Ave. Ketr York. WESTERN FARM MORTGAGES. Prof. James IFillis Gleed, in the Forum for March, savs: TI hat has been done with this vast borrowed capital? Labor has been employed. Thousands of villages, towns and cities have been built Thousands of miles of railroad have been con structed. Millions of acres of land have been subjected to private do minion, have become part of the estimated wealth of the country, and been set to producing what the world wants. Farm buildings of all sorts have been constructed, and farm machinery purchased. The cattle industry has been enor mously developed. Mines have been opened; churches and school houses have been erected; states have been founded. The growth which occupied a hundred years in the older states, has been crowded iuto ten. The mortgage did this. The people were au industrious, hard-working ambitious people. The money which has been loaned them has ! not been squandered. If the loans t made to the West have been large, the increase in the wealth of the J West has been astounding. The money advanced to the Tl'est is all I 4 D -i,00 FBETABOVB SEA Xl VBL.- In Climate, the Italy of America. !n Manufacturing, the coming Pittsburg of the South. Iu Elevation, the Pikes Peak of the Piedmont liange. .V IIE.1LTHFULXESS, THE SJXITABIUM OF THE WORLD. The present Mecca for Northern Investors and Settlers. Two Wit's Eeceid In Lscaiii Musuies in Tallapoosa. Oct. 15, 1889, contract signed for Oct. 23, 1889. contract signed for Nov. 1, 1889, contract signed for Xov.15, 1889, contract signed for Xov.25, 1889, contract signed for Dec. 1, 1889, contract signed for Dec. 9, 1889, contract signed for Dec.12, 1889, contract signed for Dec.25, 1889, contraot signed for Dec.iil, 1889, contract signed for Jan.10, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Cabinet Works Jan. 17, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Reclining Chair Company . Jan,29, 1890, contract signed for Tallapoosa Cigar Factory Total.. And an Augur Factory, Woolen Mill, Car Works and other large manufactories are under negotiation. Most of the above contracts are now nniier construction, and all to he running within three months from date. With these industries now buikline completed. OVER 900 OPERATIVES will be employed in manufacturing iu Tallapoosa, Ua., which, on the usual basis of computation persons, while the present iaMTation of tho city is 250U. (Majority Northern people.) THE""frDVANIAGES OF TALLAPOOSA For a Northern settler are: Mild pleasant Winters, cooler summers than in the North, perfect healthfulucss, wonderl'u mineral sprinps that have cured hundreds of cases of rheumatism, kidney and urinary troubles, dyspepsia, consumption ami kindred diseases; pure freestone water, hiyh elevation, Northern society; (the largest G. A. K. lodge in the South, in propor tion to population, iiud first Women's Relief Corps organized in the state), free schools aud low taxatiou, EXB1PTI0N FROM TAXATION FOR TEN YEffi ' Free site autl other inducement offered to manufacturing and other industries locating here, where we have cheap cot ton, iron coal and timher in nhundantie. NOW IS THE TIM TO LOCATE Oil INVEST IN TALLAPOOSA, GA, Before the advance in p;iees ihat will surely follow the great influx of maLUfactniing establishments now locating beie. BUILUING LOTci ARE ADVANCING RAPIDLY and will double in value before the end of the first year. Stud for prospectus of the eily, terms and price list of building lots, copy of Tallapoosa Journal, and full information or come and see for yourself the truth of the statements we make. If not found as represented, your expenses will be paid bv this cotnpaiiv, besides liberal compensation for your time. Address " Feb -M 17t E O W TALLAPOOSA LAND, MINING AND M F'G CO., TALLAPOOSA, GA. there represented by property, real amTpersoual, which is rapidly giving back its increase. It is all there, engaged iu producing wealth. Onr Sheep anil Wool. We have 42,000,000 sheep. It would require 100,000,000 head to supply the home demand for wool in all shapes. This 00,000,000 sheep we need to grow our wool would be the salvation of Eastern and southern lauds now going to barrenness. It is said we cannot produce carpet wool. This is the reflection of the sidewalk editor with free-trade leanings. The coarse wool from all sheep goes to carpet-making, and all sheep have more or less coarse wool, and all sections grow more or less and all breeds grow more or less of ii It will be a long time till we breed up our sheep of Mexieen origin above growing much caipet wool. This is the time fpr " farmers to ask what will do them and the country good. The sheep have exclusive hearing. GENERAL NEWS. The two swords which belonged to the late General Shields have been purchased by and are now in possession of the government. March 25 a house at Medicine Lodge, Kan., occupied by L. B. Root was destroyed by fire in which his three young children perished. The mother was out milking when the lire broke out and was severely burned in at tempting their rescue. The father was absent. The total loss by prairie fires which swept over a number of counties in Kansas March 23, is estimated to have been a quarter of a million dollars. The greatest of the tires was one which swept over Books and Phil lips counties. It devastated fully 25,000 square miles. Matilda Ruby died at Raywick, Ky., March 8, aged 122 years. Her age is confirmed by the old family Bible in which her birth was re corded. By a vote of seven to five the committee on coinage authorized Chairman Conger to report the Windom silver bill, with some amendments, to the house. The overflow of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers have clone great damage especially along the lower Mississippi where the water has been higher than known before; causing wide crevasses in the levees, and overflowing an exten sive territory of highly cultivated lands. At Evansville, Ind., March 25, Prof. Richard Owens, a well known scientist, was fatally, and A. li. Fretagoft, was seriously poisoned last night by taking what they supposed was mineral water, but which really was embalming fluid. In the city of New York, March 25, the grand jury handed iu a long presentment to Judge Fitz gerald, in which the Sheriff's office is characterized as a disgrace to the city and a shame to civilization. The foieman of the grand jury said it was no longer a question of what ought to be done to "remedy the existing evils, but that some thing must be done without delay. The fashionable suburban town of Montclair, N. J., is horrified over the discovery that one of her most respected citizens, James Tuthill, a mason and contractor, is the burglar who has been robbing dwelling houses there for several Mil Oil? Mir Soaih completing Iron Furnace Cotton Mill and Bleachery Edison Electric Light Plant Jeans and Overall factory Foundry and Machine 'Works. Soap Manufactory Works Cotton Hosiery mills pressed brick works Tallapoosa Distillery starting txlass worts. (one employe for every five of population) years past. He was identified by one of his victims, grappling with him in a house last week and un masking him. A search of his house revealed thousands of dollars worth of jewelry, money and silver plate. Tuthill and his wife are in jail. General Robert C. Schenck died in "Washington D. C. March 23, in in his 81st. year. He was born in Franklin, Ohio, October 4 1809. He was commissioned Brigadier General in May 1861, and promo ted Major General in 18G2. He remained in service during the rebellion. He took an active and prominent part in state and nation al politics from his youth, holding many important official positions. He retired from acti ce politics in 187G, and has since resided in Washington and was a universal favorite of all who knew him. Gulthorn Olson, a Ssvede faith curist, has been indicted by the Kings county N. Y. grand jury for manslaughter,, tor allowing his 10 months' old son to die without medical attendance. Olson is out on bail. Major General George Crook, in command of the department of Missouri died suddenly of heart disease March 21, in Chicago. Reports from Havana say, the Cuban sugar crop this year will show an increase of ten per cent compared with pevious crops. The jury in the criminal case for conspiracy in obtaining a di vorce returned a verdict against Sheriff Flack, his Bon Wilhan and Joe Meeks, with a recommenda tion to clemency. Flack was sheriff of New York City at time of conviction. If llliam H. Myers, a well-known merchant was sentenced to two and a half years imprisonment in the penitentiary for embezzling $14,000, belonging to minor chil dren of whom he was guardian. OREGON. The president has signed the bill to permit a bridge to be built over the Columbia river, at La Camas, by the Oregon & Washing ton Bridge company. A ballot reforn league has issued an address appealing to the voters of the state to co-operate with it for ballot reform based on the Australian plan. Judge Lafayette Mosher died at his residence at Roseburg, M'ch 29. He was born in 1824, in Ben ton county, Kentucky. His father removed to Cincinnati, when his son was quite young. He graduat ed at Woodward College in that city, in 1843. He served in an Ohio regiment during the Mexican war. studied law with Cteorge H. Pendleton, aud came to Oregon in 1853, married a daughter of Gen'l Mane in 1856. He was elected to the state senate in 1870, and ap pointed justice of the supreme court iu 1873, by Governor Grover In politics he was an earnest and active democrat. A fire in Portland destroyed a Chinese wash house. We Doy an employe was burned to death and Ah Woon probably fatally. The subject of the removal of the Chinese districts of Portland to special quarters of the city to be designated by the authorities, is being agitated by prominent citi zens of that city. Another sad lesson to parents who carelessly leave weapons in reach of young children occurred March 23. A four-year-old son of R. J. McKillop, living in Marion county, during the absence of the parents got a revolver from the cupboard, and while handling it, it was discharged, the bail entering the childs breast killing it instant-lv. .rs k, GEORG 150 'hand .150 handw 10 hands 50 hands 50 hands 50 hands ..150 hands 25 hands 25 hands ...100 hands 50 hands 75 hands 25 hands .910 hands will support a population of over 500(1 At the The Dalles March 24, the buildidg occupied by Wm. Snyder as restaurant and lodging house, was destroyed by fire . Loss $1500. Anson Elliot a farmer near Sil verton, has been arrested on a charge of forgery, committed a year ago in Kansas. He has a wife and five children. S. R. Hoffman has been appoint ed post master at Lewisville, Folk couty, J. Suttrel at Lostine, Wal lowa county, aud "W. Tully at Ocean View, Benton county. A bis land-slide two and a half miles from Yaquiuacity unearthed a vein of coal which experts pro nounce excellent in quality says the Portland Oregoniun. WASHINGTON. Seattle.s generous gift of S5000, sent to San Francisco to be used for the relief of the suffering poor was returned with grateful thanks by the generous San Franciscans. mayor rona responding mat an emergency noes not exist" to need assistance from abroad. It is said that the people of Ifallula will furnish money to prosecute Johnson and Ash the parties who were concerned in the arrest and imprisonment of the indian women whom they charged with skinning dead sheep and selling the pelts. Near Pine City in the Big Bend country a young cowboy has been arrested, "who confessed that an organized band of horse thieves existed in that section, and impor tant information which will lead to the arrest of the gang. The board of trade of Douglas county are donating seed wheat to farmers in the Big Bend country to supply the deficiency, caused by feeding their seed wheat to save their stock. Judge Stiles has granted a stay of exection in the case of Blanton, who was to have been executed at Colfax last Thursday, until an ap peal can be heard. It is estimated that out of 40,800 sheep which were in Lin coin county at the beginning of winter 10,875 perished. j CALIFORNIA. Tho grand jury of San Diego county has indicted nine promi nent officials, including John B. Aitkin, for felony, and D. H. Hor ner, foreman of the last grand jury, for perjury. Aitkia is charg ed with mutilating and falsifying the records in a criminal case in his court. A statement of the affairs of Belloe tSc Co., private bankers of San Francisco, who recently failed show an indebtedness of $480,000 with assets amounting to $131,000. S CURES PERMANENTLY SPEAINS. Suffered Years In Pain, H Sumner St, Cleveland, Ohio, t t J Aug. 11, 1888. in l8ol I sprained my arm elubbing chest nuts; iuffered years in pain and could not lift my ana. It was finally cured by St. Jacobfl Oil JACOB ETZENSPERGER. Testimonials Cheerfully Renewed. Chronic Cases the Best Cores. Tires CVee wurf rtaa' WoImds, Clns. Swellings Bi1, SupelyaPeprnonenpy ly DRUGGISTS AND DEALERS. "IS CHAS.A.VOGELER Co. BALT0. Mob RlfANDS. sub. 1 paid up you can ki-ep your ..1 1 '1 charge. riffiil -hw.liW: raf 111 (Jraiit autl .M,tr. (' K Aiiknis. He. (' h on right tii i's. J, Aiikins, J .I-HurM-s. J com1 .,1 U' rank; CHllie, wiiirmiii irft hip. Hleakitian. (tpo.. J liird man Horses, a flan on left slioukier; cattle, saniL-oii right thouUier. Bennett, tv Horses. B on left shoulder. Brown. J. P horsp.s and cattle branded S with ox-yoke a hove on left shoulder. Brown, J ( ' Hornet, circle O willi dot in fieri terou left hip; cattle. amo. Boyer. V i, Lena Horse , box brand o' rr.-'-hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. U.xrtr P. ( 1. Hftrsi'R. 1' K..11 left Hhtmhler: cat- I lie. name on left Md. Hrien. T. .. 1-one Hock Knnfos o with bnr iiinl.-r ami over on riht huMT. . .1 Burton, Wr -Horses. J B on ri;ht thigh; cattle. mie on right hip; split m each ear. j Wm, Kiit 1 to. Monument. Brands horses K on right shoulder. Kange. Grant and Morrow coun t's. Kliner (ientry. Echo, Or. Horses branded H. 1 S. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Uange m Morrow and Umatilla counties. Allison. O. D. 4'attle brand. O D on left hio and horses same braud on right shoulder. Range, Eight Mile. t'ook, A. J., Lena Horses, flu on right shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square cro off left and split in right. Currin. K Y- Horses. S3 on left stifle. ("uninghan e, W H. Newton Kanch Horses," with figure under it on left shoulder; catfl same on lefl 'Mp and 'high, left ear square cut I'ox & English. Hard man C'aitle, C with I in center: horses. t'K on left 'do. Cupper, H A Horses H C on Irft shoulder: cattle H C on left side, swallow fork on right ear. K. E. Cochran, Monument. Grunt Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder: caitle tame brand on both.hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Wm. Doonan. horses branded OO with bar hver them, on left shoulder; cuttle same on left oip. l)ouglass, W M Cattle, 11 1 on right side, swal low-fork in each ear; horses. K D on left Md. ,l.B.Ely& Sons. Horses branded ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole iu right, ear. Eleek. Jackson. Horses. 7F connected on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop off left. Lieuallen, John W. Horses branded half-circle JL connected on left shoulder. CatUe. same on left hip. Kange, near Iexington. Florence, L A Cattle, LF on right hip; horsos, F with bar under on right shoulder. , Florence, S t Horses, F on right shoulder cattle. F on right hip or thigh. Armstrong, J. C Acton T with bar under it cn left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Gay, Henry GAY on left shoulder. Guble, Frank Horses, 1 Fon left stifle; cattle, same on right hip. Ganuige. A. L. Horses, 31 on right elionlder. Mat Hughes, horses branded shoulder, heart o left shoulder. Hunsaker, B A Horses, fl on left shoulder; cat tie, 11 on left hip Humphreys, J til. Hardman HoreeB, H on left flank. Hiatt, Wm. E. Horses branded bar cross on left shoulder: cattle same on left hip. Hayes, J M Horses, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, siime on right hip. Junkiu, H. M. Horses, horseshoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the sam3. liange on Eight Mile. Jolmsim, Felix -Horses, circle T on left stifle cuttle, same on right hip, under half crop in rig" and split in left ear. Kirk. J T Horses 6fl on left shoulder: catt Won left hip. Kirk, J C Horses, 17 on either flank; cattle on right side. Larsen, Kasmus Horses. R L on left hip. iiewis, J It. Lena Horses, P with over it on left shoulder. J. W. Leahey, horses branded LN on the left shoulder; cattle branded the same on left hip; wattle over right eye, three slits in right ear. Minor, Oscar. Cattle, Mllua right hip; horses M on left shoulder. .Morgan, H N Horses, M ) on left shoulder cattle, same on left hip. McCumber, .fas A, Atwood Horses, M with bar over on right shoulder. Morgan, Thus Hon-es. circle T on left shoul der and. left thigh; cattle, Z on right thigh. Mitchell, Oscar, Pettywviile Horses, 77 on right hip; catt le. 77 on right side. McClaren, D G Horses, Figure 5 on each shoul der; cattle, M2 on hip. Noel, Andrew, Lone Rock Horses AN con nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips Newman, W. K. Horses N with half circl over it on left shoulder. Nordyke, E Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; cat tie. same on left hip. Oiler, Perry. Lone Hock P O oi left shou.der Pearson, Olave. Horses, quarter circle shield on left shoulder snd 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, rightcropped. 24 on left hip. Range on Eight Mile. Pearson, Jas., Pine City. Horses h2 on left hip low down. Parker & Gleason, Hardman Horses IP on left, shoulder. Piper, J. H., Acton -Horses. JE connected on left shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip. under bit in each ear. Henry Piitberg, horses branded with a Roman cross on left shoulder; cattle branded with Ro man cross, bar at bottom, on left hip. A. C. I'ettys, Pettysville Horses, diamond P on left shoulder. Cattle, JHJ connected and in verted on left hip: crop off left ear and split in right wattle or inside of right fore leg above the knee. Rood. Andrew. Hardman Horses, square cross wit h quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Reninger. Chris Horses. C R on left shoulder. Rector. J VV Horses. JO on left shoulder. Cat tle, O on right hip. Spray, J. F. Horses branded SF connected on right shoulder; cuttle same on both hips, Spray, J. C Horses branded H cm right shoul der, cattle branded 8 on the right hip and a smooth crop off of the left ear. A. L. Swaggart. Ella, horses branded on left shoulder: cettle same on left hip. Crop on left ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight VV. E. Horses shaded J 8 on left stifle; cattle J S on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, underbit in left. Sayer, Robt Horses, S on right shoulder; cattle square on right hip and S on right shoulder. Swaggari. I. Alpine Horses, 8 S on righ shoulder. 8app. Thos. Horses, SAPon left hip; cattle same on left hip. Shobe, Dr A J Horses, OS on on left hip; cat tle, same on left side, wattle on left side of neck ears cut sharp at point. Stevenson, Mrs A J Cattle, 8 on right hip swallow-fork in left ear. fcihelton fcSon Horses, 8 on its side over an on left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. Sperry, E G Cattle, W C on leff hip, crop ofl right and underbit in left ear, duiap; horses. W C on left shoulder. Swaggart, G W Horses, 44 on left shoulder: cattle, 44 on left hip. Stewart, Geo., Hardman Horees circle c on left shoulder. Smith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on left side. Range. Gilliam county. Thompson. J A Horses, g on left shoulder cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tippets. S T Horses. C on left shoulder. Wade, Henry, Horses branded ace of spades on left shoulder and left Md. Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wells, A S Horses, 0vo on left shoulder; cattl same. Wyland, J H, Hardman Circle C on lef thigl Woodward. John Horse. IIP rvir; nonrvwl .-. left shoulder. Watkms, Lishe, horses branded UE connected on left stifle. Wallace. Charles Cattle. W on riwht thih hnlo in left ear; horses, W on right shoulder, some same on left shoulder. Wten. A A Cattle, rnnnmir A A vith Km-fionui on right hip. J. S. Younir. Gooseherrv Or. TJtMtoa hronAoA T S on the right shoulder. W. H. Crow lev. I OH l rrepV Tlnrsna Vinrlafl circle 5 on left shoulder. V hit tier Bros., Drcwy. Harney county. Or. Horses branded VV B. connected on lefi ehuulder ' Tlimnr It. W. small r-.niril T lf 1.,I,1.. horses; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. ; Smith Geo., horses branded G S on left hip.f George Lord, horses branded double II con--nected. Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Johnny Ayers, horses branded triangle On lefi nip; cuiie same on ngnt nip. also crop ob: right. Mike Kenny, horses branded KNY on left hip; cattle same and crop off left ear; under slope on the right Mrs. C. A. Benge, horses branded XB on left shoulder or stifle; cattle same on left side and split m left ear, upper half crop in right. Ed Holloway, Saddle, Or., horses and cattle branded E H connected, with bar under it. Joseph Putnum, Monument, Or., brands hors es J P Connected, on right shoulder; cattle the same on the right hip and underslope in right ear. LOOK AT0UR OFFER ! THE GAZETTE 7s the Best Weekly Paper in Eastern Oregon, yet many residents of our county and the immense coun try tributary to it, do not take THE GAZETTE Or any other Live Newspaper. THEY MUST HAVE THE GAZETTE At least, and in order to benefit our friends icho secure new stibscriptions, we have pre pared a Mammoth List of Premiums. HERE AEE A FEW OF THEM. For 200 new subscribers' to the Heppner Gazette at 82.00 apiece, we will give a good two-horse farm wagon (3J inch axle), worth $100. The getter-up of a club has the I choie of any make in the market, 190 subscribers secures a I j'ood lot in the Looney additon. i "Will sell for $250 in one year. 180 subscribers, one walnut bed room set and sofa, worth $90. 170 subscribers, $85 worth of provisions from Heppner's stores. 160 subscribers, an $80 organ plain finish. A good instrument 150 subscribers, a gang plow best make. 140 subscribers, a good road cart, harness and genuine whale bone whip, worth $80. 1 OA nnKtvihorc rtno UnA Snn I .Innn Rftdillft. Silver inlaid IinDd- , Afft:, i, . P "chaps", worth at the lowest mar ket price $65, 120 subscribers, $00 worth of merchandise. 110 subscribers, a New Home sewing machine, walnut finish, seven drawers. Attachments go with machines. "Worth $55. 100 subscribers, an American Union sewing machine with at tachments. A fine high-arm ma chine made by the New Home Co. It is worth 50. The same num ber of subscribers will take a "Tri umph" cooking range and outfit. Price S50. 90 subscribers, a good $45 sad dle and a quirt a set of double buggy harness, or a ladies gold watch. 75 subscribers, a silk dress pat tern, worth $37.50. 70 subscribers, a set of work harness, wrorth $35.00. 05 subscribers, a New Model Winchester 40-60 cal., and fullre Ioading outfit, worth $32.50. 60 subscribers, takes a fine coin silver hunting case watch, worth, $30. 55 subscribers, a fine side-saddle and bridle full outfit. 50 subscribers, a good baby car riage, worth $25. 48 subscribers, 20 yards of black cassiinere two dress pat terns, worth $24. 45 subscribers takes a New Mod el Winchester, 40-70 cal. 44 subscribers, a Marian rifle, worth $22. 43 subscribers, a colts revolver. 45 cal., blued or nickle plated. A fine gun for a stockman or cowboy, worth $21.50. 42 subscribers, silver mounted, hand-made, Spanish bits, and a pair of California "chaps," worth $21. 40 subscribers, a ladies side saddle a Winchester ride or a solid coin silver watch. 38 subscribers, a splendid sofa. 30 subscribers, a 44 cal., silver mounted Smith & Wesson revol ver. 34 subscribers, a 45 70 Win chester rifle, model "73." $17. 32 subscribers, a 38 cal. Colts re volver, 4 inch barrel. A beauty. Worth $16.50. 30 subscribers, a suit of clothes, all wool and custom made. A suit that retails almost anywhere for $20. This number of subscrib ers is also good for a set of triple plated knives, forks and tea spoons. 28 subscribers, a neat and well finished bedstead worth $15. 20 subscribers, a pair of genuine coin silver bits, or set of parlor chairs grand premiums, either worth $13. 24 subscribers takes away $11 worth of merchandise. ' 20 subscribers, a Seth Thomas clock, worth $10. 16 subscribers, a beautiful plush toilet set. Cheap at $12. 10 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's make, and two pounds of the best chewing tobacco. 14 subscribers, a cowboy's hat, Stetson's. 13subscribers takes 6 sacks of Heppner flour or a pair of boots, either worth $6. 10 subscribers is good for $5 worth of millinery goods or mer chandise. 9 subscribers, a barrel of the "Peerless" flour; worth $4.50. 8 subscribers, a barrel of Hepp ner flour, a nice plush photograph; album or a pair of men's or ladies shoes. 6 subscribers, a set of silver plated tea spoons or a gentleman's hat worth $3. 5 subscribers takes a box of cigars, a pair of rolled Rold-plate sleeve-buttons or a good buggy whip. 4 subscribers, a neat photograph album or a year's subscription to the Heppner Gazette. 3 subscribers will take anv nrH- cl s in the market worth 1 m There is no end to the List of Pre miums. We have only named a few of the many hundred Premi ums which can be secured by a little work in your respective neighbor hood In working for the HEPPNER GAZETTE You represent a Live Paper one that is well established and which never fails to Give News in fact, it is what it purports to be a NEWSPAPER. Every family must have a newspaper and any one can secure Valuable Premiums with a little effort. If you do not want those offered, you have the privilege of taking something else. If you have Cash Subscribers enough, you will have no trouble to load yourself down with wares from Heppner's storm. THIS IS NO "FAKE," M MUST ' HAVE MORE SUBSCRIB ERS FOR THE GAZETTE, MOPE READERS OF NEWS. Write to the GAZETTE OFFICE for Sample Copies and go to work at once. THIS OFFER STTr.T, REMAINS IN FULL FORCE ! Those getting up Clubs. Can have Cash in lieu of Pre miums, if so desired. o o