x ; i O O 1 1 I ' J Ur r THE GAZETTE. H i-. PI'S KK. TUUK.SU AX April 3, lSnl). tfvov Pacific Railway-Local Card. No. 31, mix'-d, lenv H?;nner 7:1 a. m. Ni. W, " arrive " "mop. m., excupt fciumlay. fl.iily 0 ANY ON AND IN TERM EDI A TE POINTS. City diiily, ut Stage leaveu for Canyon eicej t Suiitiny, at 6 a" m. Arrives daily, except Sunday, ) :W P. M. There ip m saving of 10 hnnrs in tune nd 81(1 ii' casli by taking this route to Can y on. C. W. L-.mlar & Cr., 420, Fifth St., P'HIarvl, Or., are dui'.orized to make -.ovt-tiHii contrii-K for the Gazette. They will msr- .nakc collections for tliis aper. Here and There. Al. Heoshaw is over from Lone Hock. Frank McFarland is over in Grant Co. Tuos. Kheagot bick from Portland laut Friday. B. H. Mann and Andy Cook are iu from IJuttercreek. The town is full of sheep shearers, ready for business. E. H.Clarke, the wool man, was seen ou our streets last week. The hoys here have had no general skate'' for some time. V. H. Scott, the mill man, was down from the lilues this week. Mrs. Johnny Haer and children are visiting relatives near Echo. Encourage our baud. The boys have the right spirit and they need help. Tom Williams passed through town this week on his way to The Dalles. Ir. Ijewis and wife, aeeompunied by J. W. lvi.'dford, viuited Heppner Tuesday. Mr. Gagen, of Pendleton, has shipped in works for the manufacture of soda water. Mr. and Mrs. G. V. Harris left Lexing ton on Saturday's train in quost of a now location. Old papers for sale at the Gazette ollice at 35 cents per bunch, or 50 cents per hundred. Ben Parker showed up last week after a hard winter, and seemed much like Ben of last year. Ted Minor was in town last week, and reports a loss of 50 per oent. in sheep. He bad 3000 head. Capt. Homer McFarland has reoently re ceived a brand new baritone horn, the neatest in the band. During the Dickens' trial last week the Oonrt room was crowded witij spectators, both ladies and gentlemen. It has been reported that A. Andrews had withdrawn from the rae for sheriir. However be is still in the Held. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Jayne, of Arlington, visited lien. J. B. iSperry and family last week, returniug honieon Saturday. Mrs. Dondas, accompanied by her little son, arrived from Novia Scotia last Mon day to join her husband at Heppner. John English is back from Illinois ou a visit. At present, be is engaged in the wholesale grooery business at Danville. Jons Davidson and wife left Tuesday for Spokane Falls where they will likely locate. Our best wishes go with them. W. W. Cotton, attorney for the U. I., Cftiue np on last mgut s tram, ana was taken below the same eve by speoial train. Rheumatism is caused by lactic acid in tue blood, which Hood's Sarsaparil ' la neutralizes, aud thus cures rheuma tism. The road from Butter creek is reported in bad oondition, and if such is the case should receive attention from the super visor. The boys are about to organize a base hall team which will be willing to play with the best of them. We have the tim ber. Tyson & Boyd have received the con tract for building the new hotel founda tion. Good for home talent aud enter prise. C. W. Barnley and wife are in from Billings, Mont. Mr. Barnley is looking Cor sheep, which he can find on Morrow's range. M. D. L. French, brother of Milhu-d, is in from Indiana. He aud his brother are in the hardware business at Reming ton, Iud. Wm. Walbridge had a runaway up at tile home ranch last week, resulting in one of the horses receiving some severe cuts in a barb wire fence. Married In Lexington on last Friday eve, by Justice Blair, Mr. Joe Lienallen to Miss Mary Patberg. The Gazeetb ex tends its well-wishes. Adjuster Thompson for the State Ius Co., came up this week aud made settle ment with Mr. W. C. Keiniuger for loss of dwelling b.v fire. To expel the impurities in the blood and give strength to the system before the effects of warm weather are felt, use Plunder's Oregon Blood Purifier. The ladies of the Christian church will give an entertainment anil supper at the Opera House on Wednesday evening, April 9. All are invited to come. When you pass through Long Creek, etop with Frank Waterbury at the Har iisty House. The table is always sup plied with the best iu the market. B. S. Pague, of the Signal service, ac counts for the very backward seas-on from the fact that the mountains are fuil of snow. This season is now four wed s Chakhkd With I.vcfst. Win. Bare is iu jail charged with incest. He is ac cused with living with his niece. Such rcportM have been circulated arouud tr some time, audit William is really guil ty oi such a crime, ho is ri-ally in a verv b;id box. To Conscmptivnh. The uudersianed having been restored to health by sim ple means, after euifering for severa. years witl, a severe Iunir affection, aud that dread disease Consumption, is anx ious to make known to his fellow suffer ers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they willtiud a sure cure for Con sumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis aud all throat and lung Maladies. He hopes all sufferers will try his Kemedy, as it is invaluable. Those desinug the prescription, which will cost them noth ing, and may prove a blessing, will plnase address, Rev. KuwaroA. Win son Williamsburg, Kings couutv, New York. The World Enriched. The facilities of the present day for the production or ev-. n-tiiin thst-iil con duce to t!:a materia! '.'.fan; end comfort of mc:;ki-.:.l are :lar : ur.Vmi'.cd and when S;'r::r of i'ij. v. . . I - .daced the world was enricUcil wiih tl:s only perfect laxative knov.'!i, as it is the only remedy which is truly pleasing and re freshing to the taste and prompt and effectual to cleanse the system gently in the Spring time or, in fact, at any time and the better it is known the more pop ular it becomes. Al. Campbell was jailed here yesterday charged with the larceny of a watch. His examination took place to-day. and the young man was released from custody. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. The Grande Hotel, at Arlington, nas beeu re-opened. Everything refurnished in an elegant manner. A lunch counter in connection. The dining room fur nished with the best the market af fords. 4Ui"!) .SIGNAL SKKV1CK KKOOliD. For Week Euuhig Wednesday, April 2.ISS10 NOTICE. Baiji.y Kicki;i. Newt. Griffith was kicked in the breast by a horse upat John Williams' ranch, last Thursday, and for a time was in a critical condition, but froni late reports we learn that he is steadily gaining and will nodonbt recov er from his injuries. EPOCH. The transition from long, lingering and painful sickness to robust health makes an epoch iu the life of the iudi vidaul. Such a remarkable event is treasured in the memory and the agencv whereby the health has been attained is gratefully blessed. S'J mc.ny feel they owe their restoration to health to the use of the Great Alternative and Touic. If you are troubled with any disease of Kidneys, Liver or Stomach, of long or snort stanuing you will surely nnd re lief by use of Electric Bitters". Sold at 50c. anil $1.00 per bottle at A D. John son A Co.'s Drug store. 3 NOTICElEi;Ui;LTCAN.Sl The republican primaries will be held at the polling places of the various pre cincts in the county, April 5th, 1 p. in., at which time delegates will be elected for the county convention which will meet at, the court house in Heppner, ut 10 a. m., April !). The basis of representation is oue del egate for every 20 voters or fraction of that number over one half, cast for con gressman at the last election, which en titles each precinct to the follo.vini resrntation : .0 L"xiugtou . . . .5 Eight Mile... .li Alpine .2 lone .2 Lena .2 Mattesou 1 D. C. Ely. ileppner Dairv Dry Fork-.. . Pine City. . . . Wells Spring Cecil Castle Buck Jrijcs Hudson, rei- ....4 ....4 . . .3 . . . .4 ....2 ....2 I hereby appoint the following deputy scab inspectors: Crocket Kirk, Hardman precinct ; Frank Fitch, Pine City pre cinct; Albert Ayers, Lena precinct. 6-o'J W. G. Boyfk, Stock Inspector. weekiTyxcuksions. On and after Tuesday. Feb. 25tb, the Union Pacific, ''The Overland Route," will run a furnished Pullman Colonist Car from Portland to St. Joseph, Mo., leaving Portland every Tuesday at 9:00 p. m., arriving at St. Joseph the follow ing Saturday. This ear will be fitted up with mat tresses, piliows. bedding, curtains and toilet appliances, leaving nothing to be furnished by the passengers, and will be in charge of a uniformed porter. Berths can be secured at the very low rate of 3.00 for an upper or lower dou ble berth from Portland to St. Joseph. Passengers holding tourist, first-class, or second-class tickets will be carried in tins car. For r.ires, through tickets, sleeper Tl'n, or derailed information, applv to Ticket. Agent Union Pacific Mean Ve;ui Pre- Char Date Temp. Max. Min. Bar, cip. acter. ilai-27 41 .0U I S4..T0 ! OI 211.2(15 I 0.MI fair 3H 4450 lil.Sn 31.50 311.115 0.HP fair 28 42.50 I 54 ftl SH.50 2RS75 0.26 cl'd Si 39.50 I 4S.IHI 30.IU U5" O.iri cl'r 31 3S.00 I 57.KI ai.au I SlXSi I 11.11) Cl'r Apl 1 51.50 I 6J.5U 31.00 i sn.lrto j 0.01) ci'r 2 14.110 5H.00 37.01) 30.121) I 0.00 I cl'd Cant Where can you get the Most lies, its, Notions, Ciprs, Tofmccos. Etc. FOR THE LEAST MONEY? 1 tli., , S3t T. W. Lke, Gon'l Pas;. Agt., Portland s'imui ltr.si.iKS. "eudleton prices at etc., Secretary. G-7 C hairman. THE SlTUNiViMEmCINE. The popularity which Hood's Sarsapa rilla has gained as a spring medicine is wonderful. It posesses just those ele ments of health-giving, blood-purifying aud appetite-restoring which everybody seems to need at this season. Li not continue iu a dull, tired, unsatisfactory condition when you may be so mucli benefitted by Hood's Sarsaparilla. It purities the blood and makes the weak strong. The most graphic aud artistic engrav ings published by any illustrated weekly in the United States are the large colored plates in the Went Shore. In its con tents and general nature this is the best illustrated paper a resident of the Pacif ic coast can take. It deals with subjects he is interested in, and during the year he is sure to fiud something iu it that he deems alone worth the vear s subsonp tion. Everyone should take it. The price is but $4.00 a year for fifty-two numbers, making a splendid volume of engravings. L. Samuel, Publisher Portland, Or. DEMOCKAT1C COUNTY TION. CONVEN- A democratic couuty convention is called to meet at the conrt house in Heppner, on Wednesday, April 16, 1890, at 10 o'clock a. m., for the purpose of se lecting six delegates to the state demo cratic convention, nominating a county ticket and transacting such other busi ness as may be proper. The county convention will be com posed of 35 delegates, apportioned one delegate at large for each precinct, and one for every 2.3 votes, or fraction of thirteen or over, cast in the precinct for John M. Gearin at the June election in 18iS8, as follows: Alpine 2 Castle Eock 1 Cecil 2 Dairy 3 Dry Fork 1 Eight Mile 2 Heppner 9 lone 3 Lena 3 Lexington 4 Matteson. 2 Pine City 1 Well Spring 2. The primaries will be held at the usu al place in each precinct at, 1 o'clock p. m., Thursday, April 10th, 18110. J. W. Mouhow, Wm. Mitchell, Secretary. Chairman. State of Ohio, City of Toledo.) Lucas Coi nty f Fkank J. Cheney makes oath that he is the senior partner in the firm of F. J. Cheney & Co., doing business iu the City of Toledo, Couuty and State afore said, and that said linn will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS for each aud every case of Catarrh that counot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarkii Ci ke. FRANK J. CHENEY. Sworn to before mo and subscribed in mv presence, this tith tlav of December, A. D., 1880. A. W.GLEASON, . t Xotary Public. Hull's Catarrh Cure ia taken iutorually ml nots directlv upon the blood and mu- fous surfaces of tbe system. Send for ,f.! printing ,u tue itazettk fiiiice. A f:io line . fold pens, pencils, ar j',. J, oioouni s firny store. You will do well m see cloaks at W.O. MiiurV. before purchasing elsewhere. K;i.snirist the dentist, will fill teeth, or extract the same in a scientific manner. The riiiim, Morgan and Kussell but ter at V. O. Minor's. None better in the market. Slat. Lie h tenth al will open yonr eyes in prices of his boots and shoes. You can buy them no cheaper in Portland. Received at W. O. Minor's a tine lot of tailor made clothing, ranging in price from 5 tu $40. Call early aud get choice. All lovers of a social smoke will find the most complete and best selected stock of pipes and tobacco in the city at I-ieezer & Thompson's. Call and see for yourself. The S4 Buckingham & llecht, men's shoe will not rip. liest in the market for the price. Buy them at M. Li elite n thal's. Go to Mat. LichtenthalTs for the Lud low la-lies' shoes. Every pair warranted. Also 'Fargo" $2.50 ladies' kid shoe. The best shoe for the money in the mar ket. Do you want some dried venison? Go to J. V. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store for it, and everything else iu their lines. The most complete stock of groceries in Heppner. Coffim & McFarland have made a lib eral offer in presenting customers with a beat if ul bound volume for every $2o worth of goods purchased in the line of dry goods, boots, shoes, etc. Roberta & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your horse, and in fact there is nothing in the blacksmithing line that they are not able to do. Remember that all paid np subscribers to the Gazette are entitled to a brand notice, free of charge. This of itself is worth more than 2 to the stockman, tf. If you want to see the latest novelties in epriufi neck wear go to Van Duyn's. Eloanfc Hue of the latest i in ported pant patterns ever brought to Heppner at Van Dnyn'a. Full line Brownsville's clothing blan kets etc. C:io take your measure on : Bite. Van Duyn is sole 3fent for Hepp- j ner. L:: test novelties in geuts furnshiu9, such as silk shirts, very tine ail wool fthirts, fancy socks, suspenders etc, at V:ai Duyn's. , Coming The very latest in eastern j stra.v hats, look out boys for nobby styles at Van Duyn'p. DON'T FORGET. I hrVM K4t all my accounts and notes with Messrs. Brown & Hamilton for collection, and prompt payments are ex pected. i!i t tor-get It. It 07 70 .Toxs. Davidson. 1 MM iH0QB'gf CONFOUND EXTRACT WHY, AT Where did you Sa' ? THE MODEL," Juat removed to tbe Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's, and next door to the lieu Restaurant. PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and in the Best Style. The importance of purifying the blood can not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly every one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enncn the blood, and we ask you to try. PfMsliar Sarsaparilla. It strengthens rctUllal Md builds up the systen creates an appetite, ana topes tne aigesuoc, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- -p leolf" iar curative powers. No I lot? 1 1 other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If you have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by C. L Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar Don't forget "THE MODEL, Choicest Goods. for the OTIS PATTERSON, Proprietor. Prices red le,' pun tiv.t. ced. Every family nine ean :e Automatic Sewing i the ni-.iket at reduced price. ishirs send for our new llms- reulur with samples ol siik.ii r Illustrated Circular shows I of the Machine perfectly, and :l .-'itilli; lor even 11 von tuivr a K'rnsa Murphy Mfg. Co., 7 West -Jiith St., N. , City. 1 C inS- C every p : i.i v.- 4:.j i'.ud Those desiriuat X I meals and beds should stop at tli Arlington H otel. Ar lington, Or. Cliapman X iieeuian, proprietors. SEi'iLE uje. lotwine, of lVndleton. will mm. I -j-s,iid bv lrn.' ,ner on the 10th inst, at which time ; fi -d 5es will be held in the M. E. o meli, ; I LIMMMi kiedly placed at their liev. Hcppne services iv hi eh ha been disposal. Kngeue Campbell was adjudged insane bv our county court recently, ami was tke to the asylum for trea tment ast - eek. Geo. Harriunton aud Chas. Mallor Ivompanying h.ul. Financial troubles re the cause. jiome of our jovial boys got four old 4!Vrs.Uhas. Gx'kran, Clark Anions. Felix Johnson aud Sam Donaldson, together a tew davs ago, and all were merry as ia the days past and cone. Its a good sight to see these old veterans meet. t.i,.... Vrieud and Harry Sweeney In const queDce of having sold out my business, I am compelled to demand a estimonials.lree. ! , i-mi c F..T.CHENJSI & CO., Toledo, U. t er ny iioie or nucouue, uj uj i i;ists, 75 cents. LETTERS. post- i ' f ist of letters advertised in the 1 olhce in Heppuer, on April 1, I Baker Oeto dinner Fred J j tiarret J H Oeiger W C ! Greenwood JL2 Hiekson Richard 7 1 llorunady Rebecca Mnnkers James I Larson Rasmus Osburn K F Ross F H Mmpson Fell Williams Jim Walden Bud W'aldeu Thomas Wait C S When calling for the above please say "advertised." A. Mat.i.okt, P. 31. J.EiSAi. Blanks. The Gazette job of fice is -ttim; out a catalogue aud price have been shearing over at Lurn Rhea s. , hst of legal blanks which will inclii id and wili soo'istart out with a well organ- . all kinds. Send in your order. We du ied crew of "hundred strikers." Ben plicate l'end'eton or Portland prices . i r!.... Willmm will ao with Th-following discounts are allowed for. this crew. ! large orders : ifo to Mil, 20 pel r,l inrv failed lo find an indict- 1 SH1 to fJO, '25 per cent, off; fc0 . . 5 ly i l. . ;!' . i.r enf. OI.. against jma rviener, un no .- rt i-v- Meceleorated me evem oy I April, 1S90. After that date I will plaee I all notes and accounts that are not set tled in the hands of an attorney for im mediate collection, add all those haviDg claims against me must collect by above date. J. B. Natter. Heppxee, March 1!), 18110. 4t. ANNOUNCEMENTS. noil school sitt. TO THE VOTERS OP MORROW COCNTY. I hereby announce myself a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Schools for Morrow couuty. subject to tbe decision of the Republican County Convention. T. C. Aubrey. 'ent. off; ad over, ,011 COUNTY JUDGE. ment turued loose. IMPORTANT. striking Judge Clifford for a "half. e r uot aciainted witn a man m ine j country who will avoid labor as skillfully, i ouita iniiortaut iu business to and still labor so earnestly to bum money I 1 ThJ firni f Gilliam A Col on which to get a "jag aboard, as tins ; fey h.lvlllt, ji!W,vea partnership, all ow mame Bad. i iug said firm are expected lo come in Mr. Taylor Dodson and family, accom- mu Si.,,,, ,y c:ish or note. This notice panied by Miss Etta Miuor, left last ; jg 1)nulis(ied for fun, but we mean Tuesday moruicg for Fairhaven where j,,.., ,v!).,t ;t implies prompt settle tbey will find their future home. Miss ty.tf Giixiam 4 BisnEE. Etta will remain with them this summer. .Mr. aud Mrs. Dodson are old residents of Morrow county and of Heppner, and the .conininnitv can illy spare them. .Ve wish theni prosperity iu their new location. TO THE VOTERS OF MORROW COL'M'l'Y. I hereby announce myself a candidate for County Judge of Morrow County and re-election, subject to the will and pleas ure of the Democratic Convention in Heppner, April . March 26, '90. 2t Wm. Mitchell, NOTICE OF INTENTION, Faber's Solder? Femals Pills. ForFemfde Irregular i ties: uotMnsrlikethem on the market. Never f ait. ufce?sfully used by prominent ladies monthly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation.. SURE! SAFE! CERTAIN! Don't be hutnbnced. Save Time, Health, aud money ; take no oth er. Sent to any address, ceipt of price, $i00. Address, THE APHRO MEDICINE CWhNY, Western Branch, i?0X27, FOKTLAJiD, OR Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co., Sol Agents for Heppner. Pi n 7 3 n O O Si i o o o C5 in 3 Ho P 03 m in m CD m w H CD m o in 'O X ' NELSON JONES, Pres't. v E. E. BISHOP, Treat MORROW WIIIlll IIS! CO. General (Iueorpoi'ated.) Warehouse and For war gents. recent! u constructed a two-storri wit Ii cool press and all con- Tlie Coinimmi has warehouse 80 x 100 feet. venienees for ImmIUhq- wool Hie areuoiise Charges at Heppner will be the same as those at Arlington, less cart a ops. Freight upon Gated wool, front Heppner, same as front Arlington. ' push advanced upon consignments of wool or wool in storage. " TIIERON E. FELL, MANAGER. : si it ii ' i7 " ; ! Ti ii T i Ii I I BlythBros? IMPORTED ENGLISH SH1KE STALLION, Waggoner! Ki'iristered in the Shire Stnd Tiooks of (ir at HrilJiin and Ireland anil America. Will stand the seanon at tho FarritT Hanch 7 inile8 from Hepintr and will visit Heppner every Tliurwlay tlirousH out the BBiisou . T ---- To insure, $30; season -1- JJTXXi!S; .t-A); ingle leap. Sill. $2 a month pasturage. W AGGONER is a D.irk Chestnnt, was foaled June, 1SS0 and waa bred by A. Ransom Hitchin. Hertfordshire, Eng land. Weighs 2000 lbs. and stands over 18 bauds high. Season of 1890. -:0: The thoroughbred imported Clydesdale etallious llimioli Clsief, (4176, Vol. V. Am. Stnd Book.) (5757, Vol. X, Stud Book of G real Britain .) Harlcfield, (M77, Vol. V, Am. Stud Book.) (11827, Stud Hook of Great Britain.) Will stand this seasou at my place on Big Butter creek, 5 miles from Lena, and serve males at the following raws: Single leap $10.00 Season szu.uu Insure with Foal 825 00 Mnrts from a distance pastured and attended to for y a month. l'.4-2m B. B. Mann. F. IA UGH AN. :0: - DENTIST. LATE WOKK A SPECIALTY. Extracting and Fillincbv the Latest and Most Improved Methods. lJtrice over hlocum s i)ronstore. GEO. W. LORD, CONTR ACTOR and- BUILDER, Estimates for all kinds of build ings, town or country. W. O. MINOR, MAY T. Calls Attention to his Immense Stock of DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. 8figilgBlljlS PO BE LUES! Look out for Arrival of Spring Stock in .. - iNuni Futniu. "v-, His Prices Cannot be Beaten. DON'T FORGET . W. O. MINOR. Mav St. Ladies' Dress Good; The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman ci: Co has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of -General Merchandise To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are s, Garments, Trimmings, Fie. Their Celebrated Boot called (Hlackmaxi's Best' Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Huts, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Ef. In our Grocery Department everything is First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. Special Inducements in . bp lip TobaiCD. Sulphur, Lime, Ire, Maoliin ery, Ktc. A personal inspection of our Mammoth btock will oouvince the public that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. Hides and Pelts Bought for Cash and Trade. Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to make all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marveiouslv low nricRH within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. i STOP-AT THE t i i i i i" i i t I(I1SII 50USE UPPER MAIX STREET, NEWLY f URN IS hi ED ROOMS. The Best Meals in the City. I. X. BASEV, Proprietor. A. D. Johnson & Co. TIU CITY DRUG STORE, HEPPXEK, OREGON. Sole Agents for Morrow County for FLUID SHEEP DIP. W. J. LEEZER. P. C. THOMPSON LEEZER & THOMPSON Heppner Feed Yard! Is the place for Teamsters to stop. W W 11 FII SULl III ! Moving; Buildings a Specialty. ii'oo Oisas-isii ny; House. Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. KEEFER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or. ! IJEPFXER, OREGON. -PERNICIOUS EFFECTS OF TOBAC CO. DR. FLINT'S REMEDY is the only antidote again the iutinenee of tobaoeo wbicbtbesta-kerorcbenerof the weed fcifciimlit slmuU be taken retruisrly to iirevent tue neiiri u..m , , . !j iwn,i(P treatise witu eaeh lot- tie: or, it tue neiiri um - - Jcscriptive treatise witu eaeh bol , address Maek Drug Co., N. 1. NO LICE OF DISSOLUTION The copartnership heretofore existing between Frank CJilliaui and John W. ; Coffev doing business under the firm ; name" of Gilliam A Coffey is this day dis- solved bv mutual consent. Mr. T. H ISisliee having purehaseti the interest of ; ,liiiu W. Colley. The business will here after be eoudneted under the linn name 1 of Gilliam & Bishee. who will assume all indebtedness of the lute grm of Gil- I Hani A I'i'tiey, and to whom ail socoimts ; due said iirm must be paid. 6-71 Idllod llanil, v.l. ( llLLIAU i CoFFIIV. J Land Office at La Grande. Or.. Mar. 17, '! Notice is hereby iriveii tliat the foilowms-namcd fettler has lilen notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said nronf will be made before the county iudte or in his absence before the ounty clerk of j :Uorrow county, at Heppner, VJregon, on jiay a, 'Bf, . enen. tit ram L. topple. a H. Cnneh and Consumption Can, will cure IUI fortha SK1 SKL sec :l SWi SWi I Cimphs. Colds. Consumption and Asthma, see 2. NE'-i N' sec 10, NW1 ,NW sec 11 Tp j S. B. Alpha Pain Cure -will cure any pain in 5 8 K Ti E W M. twenty minutes. Ask your drugeist for it and He name the fol'owinff witnesses to prove . take do other, f or sale by i,. J. Slocum. 6(. : Wonderful Oregon Remedies. SB. HEADACHE AND LIVER CUKE will euro Stomach. Kidney and Liver di- hi ctmtinuous residence upon aud cultivation of t.LJ li;nd viz: L. Hamilton. P. . '-.aniiltnn, T. II. Bisbee and Frwnuui lireene. of Heppner, ((reaqn. j Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any I pubstantitil reason, under t!ie law and the regula ; tioiit of the interior dejwrtraent. why such prKf should mrt be allowed, will be Riven an opportu- j mty at the alxve mentiontHl time and place to croW-examine the witnesses of said claimant, ! rfnd to orter evidence in rebuttal of that submit- 1 Ud by ciiiimant. I ri.V7i) Hknht KiNftHRT. Register. Mias illa Thomas will commence a private school of two months ia Hepp ner, April H- None aboye 4th reader grades admitted- Tuition, $4 per schol- lar. Plain Sewixg. Mrs. J. W. desires to iiiforin the ladies of that she is prepared to do all plain sewing. LICHTENTHAL, -SOLE AGENT FOR- (I Heelifs $4 CALF SHOES, SIMM 8t6-a Rasmus Heppner j kinds of I 4t ! Button. Lace or Congress. Every Warranted. Also an extensive line the celebrated Buckingham & Hecht boots always on hand. pair of TOOLS A PUMPS And Piping Alwys on Hand. re -DEALERS rr IN are, Wood and "Willow Ware, Bad Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma chines and a complete line of Groceries ami MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON E. J. SLOC G-eneral M, ist. Deaier Urugs t, Chemlonu, l'il(int Meillolnes Toilet Articles, nts, Oils. Cjr l ..- mid Willi 1 , I ' I. A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALT. KINDS. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oregon, r.g't for Portland Leezer"& Thompson's Corner, : HEPPNER, - , Oregonian, : Main Street, - - OREGON. W. A. KIEK. JL C. HATES If IUJf IpTES -DEALERS IN- iThe Larg-est Stock jn East ern Oregon. peciul attention paid to fine custom work. Opposite City Hotel, MATN STREET, HEPPNER, OREGON. Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First elass Harness Shop. Ieiiolrirxg; a Specialty I J An mm! m Pnlnlinnnii II nnniinii oii u j uuiiamuiictmuiaicu ucypw oauUWJ Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get cash prices. MAIN STREET, - - HEPPNER, OREGON. L