THE GAZETTE. H PPM1K. THURSDAY, jrch. 27, IS'.iO. ii Th- Union Pacific Railway Local Card. No. SI. mixwl. Jf-jtv HjI,rnT 7:J-ri f.. m. XA " arrive ' p. in., iliii'j ex-jt Kuiiday. Cs w yun'audIh term EDI a te points Stae leaves for Canyon City daily, excti) t Huntiay, atG:30 a. m. Arrives daily, except Sunilay, at 5 :IX! p. M. Tbre if saving of 11 hours in time and $510 ir cash by taking this route to Canyon. C. W. Lomlar & Ct ., 421), Fifth St., i' -tlai:d, Or., are ani'.orized to make .v -tifm-i contractu for the Gazette. They will a.'sr make collections for this HIer. IIp-(-.'.-"i;f;itive Hernuii'rf biil allow ing Miry Alie White, of Or."?:i, to re Cfive a patent for her liiu.l whs passed hy tl.e Ir.usn r-ceutiv. She made an entrv jJulIes district, ijeiore final i she n'it married, but v.-ae told it d not affi-ft the laud. Tlia interior j leparimant refused to coniirm ber title, tiiirf biil was for her relief. I Mr. (i. Y, Ilea and daughter Matrie ol llejipaer. aud Mr. and Jlra. Frank iiiilfner of The Lalis, arrived here last SatnrJuy on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Will Harrison. Mr. J!'a returned to Heppuer Sunday, and Wednesday, Mrs. HairisoD aud her guests v.ett tol'ort land to visit her, and Mrs. Ruffner's p ii ents. Hood liiver Glacier. The Canyon City Neva is after us for pulling stock and weather items aud not tfivin tberu proper credit. It was en tirely unintentional on our part and can ly explained, .lav editor ought Here and There. J. P. Kbea is back from Long Creek. Heppner's new hotel will be a daisy. Freeh stock of fine candies at "The Model." A. Armstrong and Thomas Scott were in town Saturday. The Ilwaco Advance is the latest sheet from Pacific Co., Wash. A. Andrews, or Alpine, is reported as a candidate for sherW. A. H. Hooker reports good prospects for crops in .igut nine. R. C. Wills, the lone merchant, was iu Heppner Friday. Mrs. Patterson, the editor's spouse visiting in Walla Walla. Heppner's property will boom this season. Let er boom. Receipt books for sale at the Gazette umce at 25 cents oach. Sara Donaldson is in Heppner. Sam is in the hotel busincs in Fossil. '"""rhG Model" keeps the best cigars the market. Try their "Lion." The state democratic convention will meet in Portland. April 24, '90. Thirty lots of Monnt Vernon Addition were sold iu Portland last Saturday. Cy. Bennett, of Lei a, paid his respects to the Gazette ouice last Saturday. Old papers at the Gazette office at 75 cents per luu, or two bits a bunch, tt. Post Falls, Idaho, is the latest town bunting for n boom. It is near Spo kane. W. G. Scott started bis sawmill last Monday. He will soon have plenty of lumber. See B. B. Mann's stallion ad. He has & fine horse. A live man patronizes the newspaper. The lower livery stable property was sold last week for $5u00, A. Hirsliberg being the purchaser. Announce yourself, candidate. The printer must live, and you want to get there, don't you? Mr. Jerry Cohn and wife have return ed to Heppner where they will make their future home. Fresh Eastern oysters at "The Model." $1.00 per can, or served iu auy style at Oo euts per dish. J. B. Ely is favorably spoken of for county judge. Mr. Ely is one of our preHout commissioners. The well boring will soon begin. Then give Heppner a Tittle more rope It will surprise the nttives. The mails are irregular and not to be depended upon, and hence a large part of the population are kicking. Pry Wilson, of Monument, lost I2i)0 bend of sheep out of 6000 bead. His cattle losses were also very large. C. L. Andrews and Thos. Howard are candidates for re-election to the offices of clerk and sheriff, respectively. Jas. LVpuy has reopened the "Pio neer" hotel, the same having beeu re fitted and refurnished throughout. T. J. Matlock left last Monday with his trotting mare, "Alta," bound for Portland where she w ill go in traiuiuif. Henry Whiteon and J. L. Gibsou have been commissioned 1st and 2nd lieuten ants, respectively, of D company, atLex iugton. Messrs. J. B. and D. C. Ely and Prof. .Julius Hodsou were ia attendance at the Republican central committee meeting last Saturday. Correspondents must bear in mind that we do no free advertising, and in writing up your matter you must "look A little out." The most remarkable cures of scrofula on record have been aioomplished by Hood's Saresparilla. Try it. Sold by nil druggists. E. M. Hawley reports from Alvarado, Cal., where the Gazette finds him. We like Ed. and hope to see him back iu this oountry soon. We need a stage and mail line to Fos sil. The Fossil country should be plno el in close communication with the me tropolis of Morrow. Know fell in the Heppner oountry last Tuesday night, but soon disappeared. I It was reported as deep as 12 inches to wards the Blues. Joe Williams visited his brother Newt, at Pilot Rock last week. Newt has sold a mine for considerable cash, and has some prospects left. In our last issue we stated that our sohool would close at the end of the present month. We meant tho present school month April 11th. The La Grande Journal has gone by the board. It is ever thus when a country town the size of La Grande is called upon to support two papers. When you pass through Long Creek, ntop with Frank Waterbury at the Har Jisty House. The table is always sup plied with the best in the market. A collision Bt Barnhart last Sunday between the fast train aud a freight re sulted in no injury but a shaking up of passengers aud smashed pilots. Geo. S. Roberts, connected with the J. Dawson Thompson Live Stock Co., of Dawson, N. I)., "made" Heppner last week iu search of sheep and horses. Bennett's hotel, formerly known as the "Gilmore House"' is now open and provides first class accommodations at reasonable rates. No Chinese employ ed. 66-78 Miss ! 11 Thomas will commence a private sobool of two months in Hepp ner, April 14. None alove 4th reader grades admitted. Tuition, S4 per schol ar. 3t$-8 Messrs. Brown & Hamilton will attend to our local collections. The editor has not the time to spare to look after that branch of the business, which ia quite an essential one. e ea I, to know that clippings will occasionally get mixed up a little, which was the ease in tins instance. The Milton Jtlaije advertises a bilk of a school teacher by the name of J. G. Bruce. Mr. Bruce is tuusly described: "A man below medium height, promi nent cheek bones, about thirty-eight or forty years old, red hair and mustache, some teeth gone in front and head par tially bald." The lots in Heppner's Monnt Vernon Addition are selling rapidly ,fnlly 50 being disposed of in the past week. Much property will be platted during this and next, season, a large part, of it forming me nest imiiuing property for suburban residences in the city. There is a drummer who visits Hepp ner, and we presume he is pretty gener ally known, who cannot stop at many hotels on the road because of his ugly couduct toward every woman he chances to meet. They are "onto him" iu Hepp Der. Although t'n' momentous question of "Who struck Hillie Patterson!"' may not have been satisfactorily auswered, yet it has been suggested that a man can be found who monkeyed with Uillie in the wrong timo ot' the moon. The Gazi:ttk wonders what young man it was that so persistently urged a young lady to accompany him down in the vicinity of the depot the other eve ning, at a very late hour. Heppner is blessed with good, stout ears. Ben Swaggart noticed some strange birds around hi ranch last fall. He has since studied thoir habits and con cludes they are the English sparrow. They are very domestic, aud walk right into the house. Wonder if Heppner has a man that will pour cold water on every enterprise, so long a3 it does not produce a stream of dollars into his own pocket? Such a man would be culled a mossback in any other live town. Chas. Graham, dm 'gist, at Arlington, assigned for the benetit of bis creditors on the 15th inst. His liabilities figure np somf ,s0) aud hns assets ot S.2000. J. L. Miller is named as the assignee. Candidate, we are going to start you out for houois, but would not an an nouncement card be now in season? Come down to the Gazstte oilice and have your card inserted. Will Potter of Heppner was here last Saturday making a brief visit to his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Potter. Hood River Glacier. Tho present lambing season is not a propitious one. Uold ram aud sleet are falling almost daily. A bill repealing the timber oultnre aot has passed the house. A very interesting crop weather bulle tin is left out of this issue owing to lack of spaoe. Stock Matters. With milder weath er approaching aud the disappearance of snow, stockmen are better able to give clearer and more accurate estimates of losses of stock during the past extraor- liuary severe season. It is clearly evi denced by facts, that, in nearly all cases where stockmen were provided with sufficient feed, and properly cared for their stuck, the losses were light. There were exceptions, however, where some had sufficient feed, but the heavy snows coming on suddenly, prevented all ef forts to drive their stock within its reach. On the coutrary, stock which were held ou the ranges depending on the natural herbage, whore no feed could be obtain ed, aud the snow cut off all access to feed, the losses have been heavy. In niauy instances entire herds of cattle aud bauds of horses and sheep have been de stroyed ; iu others, perhaps, a percentage ranging from 5 to 50 per cent, of emaci ated and starving animals remain. Mor row county will show a percentage as small, perhaps lower, than auy othercoun ty iu Eastern Oregon. From the beat information the Gazette has been able to obtain from various sections of the county the losses of cattle are about 25 and siieep 12 per cent. This small loss is attributed to the feed which our stockmen generally had provided for winter use. . HAPPY HOOSIERS. Wm. Timmons, Postmaster of Idaville, Ind., writes: "Electric Bitters has done more for me than all other medicines combined, for that bad feeling arisiug from Kidney and Liver trouble." John Leslie, farmer and stockman, of same place, says: "Find Electric Bitters to be the best Kidney aud Liver medicine, made me feel like a new man." J. W. Gardner, hardware merchant, same town, savs: Electric Bitters is just the thing for a man who is all run dowu aud don't care whether he lives or dies; he found new strength, good appetite aud felt just like he had a new lease on life. Only 10c. a bottle at A. 1. Johnson & Co.'s Drug Store. 2 What He Saw. Oar reporter, who is a gay youn man, unmarried, stumbled into a funny racket not long since. It was iu a public place. A young man wa-n idly chatting a young ladv. entirely oblivious of tho fa 't th;:r the y. 1. was struggling to get into a prir of tight overshoes. The latter finally hauled them on after the style of a Webfoot farmer, exposing to plain view more ho siery, etc., etc., than the strict laws of society render necessary on any public occasion. It is an everlasting warning to the young men to be more polite, and the ladies a little more careful. bemak'aL'le-rescue. Mrs. Michael Curtain, PlaiuQeld, 111., makes the statement that she caught cold, which settled on her lungs; she was treated for a month by her family physician, but grew worse. He told her she was a hopele.-i.-i victim of consump tion and that no medicine could cure her. Her druggist suggested Dr. King's New Discovery lor Consumption; she bought a bottle and to her delight found herself benefitted from the first dose. She continued its use and after taking ten bottles, found herself sound and well, now does her own housework and is as well as she ever was. Free trial bottles of this Great Discovery at A. D. Johnson & Co.,s Drug Store; large bottles 50e. and SS1.00. 2 THE MARKETS. FliOM Idaho Chas. E. Stultz writes us from Challis, Idaho, where he says the winter was lighter than in many parts of the territory. Oue outfit there lost half their sheep, and all the cattle are dead in Little and Big Lost rivers, including 8000 driven down from Mon tana last year. John Still has lest 350 sheep out of his band. The loss of cat tle in the lMhsimari valley was light. WHATlTOSTS Must be considered bv the great major ity of people, in buying even necessities of life. Hood's Sarsaparilla commends itself with great force to the middle classes, because it. combiues positive economy with great medicinal power. It is the only medicine of which can tru ly b; wai.l "iviO Doses One Dollar," and a bottie t:;keu accordiug to directions will avera. e to last a month. Lost 82 ). prof. T. C. Aubrey took stranger erne with him last Monday night, owing to crowded condition of ho tels. The stranger, whoso name was B;irrv, left early next morning tor John ny Ayers's place on Butter creek, where he had a job secured. Early on the forenoon of Tuesday the professor dis covered t!i;;t a 5520 piece was missing, and juiiging from doors and wiudows that the theft was committed by some one in the house, he tiad Jiarry arrested. Tiie young man protested his innocence, but, was brought to town and lodged in jail, but the grand jury failed to find an liidiciiueiit ag:;iuat him, and he was re- lefise.l. The youog man don't look like a tiiit-f, and w e are persuaded to believe that be never took the $20. Fou Corsrv School Si ft. Without under-rating the merits of any other can didate for the above office, of which there are several, we will undertake to present the name of T. C Aubrey, who is now principal of the Heppner schools. As a director of this school, the proprie tor of this paper has bad an opportunity to see something of his qualifications aud ability to teasb, and recommends him highly. He is a republican and asks the nomination on that ticket. If he is nominated aud elected, he will serve us well. See announcement elsewhere. 1 To Consumptives. The undersigned i bavin" beeu restored to health by sim ple means, after suffering for severa years with a severe lung affeotion, and that dread disease Consumption, is anx ions to make known to bis fellow suffer ers the' means of care. To those who desire it, be will cheerfully send (free of chnrgel a copy of the prescription used, which thev w ill find a sure cure for Con sumption." Asthma, Catarrh. Bronchitis .,.,,1 ',! throat aud lung Maladies. Ee try n;s -u-.oieoy. .ill tnil.irnrs Wl H. F. Reininger's residence in Spring i '.. ;s ;nv.imia,I0. Those desiring the i prescription, which wili cost them not.i i un.l mav Drove a blessing, will ple:ise address. TO.illow was burned last lu-9day, tne old gentleman losing most of his house bold effects. His loss will amount to SS00 or $1000. 1 1 Blythe Bros, have purchased the fine Shire stallion "Waggoner," and he is now at their stables in Heppner. " ag jrouer" is a fine animal and must weigh over 2,000 pounds. Senator Mitchell has the thanks of the Gazette for copies of his committee report to the senate on transportation routes to the sea board, and other valu able public documents. Ed. C. Allen, Henry Blackwell, Pry tt;i,.. .i T fv Ambrose are among the Loug Creekers who were in Heppner I c last week. Ed Allen left the latter part of the week for Portland. E. J. Owens killed three bear, one old tine and two vearlings. at the forks of Willow creek last Monday. He had quite a fight with them and only got. to his ruu in the nick of time. There are no less than a dozen dem ocratic aspirants for joint senator 'OIn Morrow, Grant and Harney. ''"' will they do when they see the black nan coming?" Foxxil Journal. Rev. EdwakdA. " m- Wiiliauis.burtft Kings county, cw York. Ubitsek. VVe have just received a verv line pamphlet that advertises tlepp ner in a manner that would be creditable to a much iar-jer town. This pamphlet oonsis's of a number of pages upon each of which there are several cuts of prin cipal buildings of the place, all of which cuts re executed in splendid style. A progressive town like Heppner deserves prosperity aud will surely meet with suc- tieppuer is i.nrtiu.. nate in having a class oi misiura men who will come to the front with the wherewith to boom the tow n. Harney Item. Wei i- Boiung to Regis Soon. Last week the citv authorities were in receipt of a letter from the Empire Well Augur Co staling that they were ready for work, and if Heppner was ready, their man would be sent on at once. e take great pleasure in this intelligence, as it means much for Heppner. NOTICE REPUBLICANS! The republican primaries will be held at the polling places of the various pre cincts in the county, April 5th, 1 p. m., at which time delegates will be elected for the county convention which will meet at the court bouse in Heppner, at 10 a. m., April 9. The basis of representation is one del egate for every 20 voters or fraction of that number over one-half, cast for con gressman at the last election, which en titles each precinct to the following rep resentation : Heppner 9 Lexington 4 Dairy 5 Eight Mile 4 Dry Fork 2 Alpine 3 Piue City 2 lone 4 Wells Spring 2 Lena 2 Cecil 2 Matteson 2 Castle Rock 1 Jt i.ius Hodson, D. C. Ely, Secretary. 6-7 Chairman. Tiie World Enriched. The facilities of the present d.iy for the production of everytliii;ir that will cou dace to tile material welfare and comfort of nirnk:::d are almost -j:-!imitcd and w: ovr.:: th; orld va pc :ft jt laK.rliv re-cV v'-.ic'-fr :, to : ef.oit:.l'.o eu Oil S-r:n t:: and Lhe Letter ulur U txeome ' war. a::d re !ie or, in It is knov, ::y u tne more pop- The and vVJt.' i.c;r T;;,n EEOM THE EAGL3 i'jle is J iidcpeitdent in politics j it pleases. -. Ivei.'fer saddled hiscause and f.r Morrow's metropolis Inst The following market reports we clip from the Oretjouian of the latest date: SAN FRANCISCO. Wheat The spot market holds steady under good demand. Offerings are mod erate No. 1 shipping quoted nominally at 1 2712jl.2S;14 ; option trading, slow; morning call, 300 tons buyer year at $1.36:i4; buyer season, S1.297g. CHICAGO. Wheat Higher; opened, 81c May; closed, 80c, March. 80!c May. CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. Chicago, Mar. 25. Cattle Receipts 7,000; strong and 10c lower; choice to extra beeves, $4,80&5; steers, $3(a4 60; stockers and feeders. 82 40((t3 75; Texas corn fed cattle S3 OOtaM 70. Hogs Receipts 14,000; slow and 5 cents lower; mixed, $4 05 4 35; heavy, $4 05((4 27; light, S4 00(4 30. Sheep Receipts, 10000;steady; na'ives, $4 00I&6 25; Western corn fed, $5 5 65; Texans, $3 90(a 5 20. PORTLAND. Potatoes The market is firmer with liberal supplies. Quotations, $2 U02 25 per cental. Onions The market is weaker. Sup plies coming in freely. Quotations, S3 00 j Uo 00. 'Oats The market is firmer with light receipts. Quotations 40&42c. Poultry All kinds are scarce and prices rule high. Millfeed The market is entirely bare, on account of interrupted traffic, the mills being shut off from shipping. Other commodities in the produce market, show no change, nor is it likely they will until the avenues of supply are again opened up. HEPPNEIt MARKET. Butter Fresh 60&,o5o per21b roll. Eggs Very few in the market. Find ready sale at 25(30c per doz. Potatoes Few ia market. Wanted at 2c per I). Ouioiis 2123o per pound. Beef hides 75cfel.50, according to quality and size. Sheep pelts 4075c. Flour Heppner, 84 per barrel ; iu 5 arrel lots, $3.75; Peerless, (Waitsburg) 4 25 per barrel in any qnantity. A man who has practiced medicine for 40 years, ought to know salt from sugar; read what he says: Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887. Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co. Gentle men: I have been in the general prac tice of medicine for most 40 years, aud would say that in all my practice and experience have never seen a preparation that I could prescribe with as much con fidence of success as I oan Hall's Ca tarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have prescribed it a great many times and its effect is wonderful, and would say in conclusion that I have yet to find a case of Catarrh that it would not cure, if they would take it according to dirctions. Yours Trnlv, L. L. GORSUCH, M. D. Office, 215 Summit S t We will give S100 for any case of Ca tarrh that cannot, be cured with Hall's Catarrh Cure. Taken internally. F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O. ESoldby druggists, 75c. TO THE TRAVELING PUBLIC. The Grande Hotel, at Arlington, has beeu re-opened. Everything refurnished in an elegant manner. A lunch counter in connection. The dining room fur nished with the best the market af fords. 4t6-9 Back Again. Nearly all the old set tlers remember Alvah Tupper. Years ago he committed various thefts in the stock line in this country. He was ar rested and afterward broke jail at Can yon city. Going to California, he again went into the Btock business without capital or consent of the owners, and lauded in San Quenton. Last week he was arrested at his home near MoMinn- ville, having been released from the Cal ifornia has tile, aud accompanied Sheriff Gray and Deputy Guernsey on their re turn trip to answer to the old indict ment that was hanging over him at the time of the jail breaking. Hon. J. L. Morrow attended the meeting of the democratic state central committee at Salem last week, arriving Lome last Monday. Has Long Creek's school building pro ject ;'o:!o by the board? We hear noth ing Oi it. . J. P. RLea, who has been ia this sec tion pcrchu u;ig she-;, rt jur j-s near lU'ppii-r hist Liiesd-U'. Lv.'.-yor Br iwn, of Heppner, we. leara is .-.poLjn or ai go;J material for joint senator the r'p-ibiicau ticket for this 3?mt riai district. Valuable mineral deposits have been disclosed in Eastern Morrow county near the head waters of Butter creek It is said that the vion discovered ie. verv rich iu gold and silver mid will es?av 32L-0 per ton. Uncle B irt Cur!, one of the oldest pi oneers or tins section, was tne victim ot a p u'aiyr.'c stroke last Saturday morn ing wiiile. the breakfast table, render ing his cn;ire left, side i:ani vable and to some extent impaiped consciousness. Me-Iical assistance was summoned and at last accounts hj was improving, hut be ing very feeble, recovery is thought to be very doubtful The prospects appear very flattering towa:d the building up of Heppuer. the distributing point for this part of the John Day section. Tho plau which has been devised by the Morrow Co. Laud & Trust Co., to secure the sale of desir able residence lots within the corporate limits is being highly complimented by parties whoui we know to be uninterest ed. With the enterprise w hich the town is exercising, together with that of the company's, great will be the change that will take place in Heppner duriug the coming year. Legal Blanks. The Gazette job of fice is getting out a catalogue and price list of legal blanks which will include all kinds. Send in your order. "We du plicate Pendleton or Portland prices. The following discounts are allowed for large orders : $5 to $10, 20 per cent, off; S10 to $20, 25 per cent, off; $20 and over, 33 'a per cent. off. CURED what xs SCROFULA It is that impurity in the blood, which, ac cumulating in the glands of the neck, pro daces unsightly lumps or swellings; which causes painful running sores on the arms, legs, or feet; which developes ulcers in the eyes, ears, or nose, often causing blindness or deafness; which is the origin of pimples, can cerous growths, or the many other manifesta tions usually ascribed to "humors;" which, fastening upon the lungs, causes consumption and death. Being the most ancient, it is the most general of ail diseases or affections, for very few persons are entirely free from it. How Can It Be By taking Hood's Sarsaparilla, which, by the remarkable cures it has accomplished, often when other medicines have failed, has proven itself to be a potent and peculiar medicine for this disease. Some of these cures are really wonderful. If you suffer from scrofula, be sure to try Hood's Sarsaparilla. " My daughter Mary was afflicted with scrof ulous sore neck from the time she was 22 months old till she became six years of age. Lumps formed in her neck, and one of them after growiDg to the size of a pigeon's egg, became a running sore for over three years. We gave her Hood's Sarsaparilla, when the lump and all indications of scrofula entirely dis appeared, and now she seems to be a healthy child." J. S. Carlile, Nauright, N. J. N. B. Be sure to get only Hood's Sarsaparilla SoIdbyalldniBglstB. g lj slrforgS. Preparedonly by C. I. IIOOD & CO., Apothecaries, LoweU, Alas. IOO Doses One Dollar Lish Hendiix is in the city. Henry Patborg is attending court. Xat Webb is in the Heppner section. v. v . li-iimaird is repealed on tne ibound. Elmer Lance is sick in the Port land hospital. M. S. Maxwell, of Gooseberry, is attending court. J udge Bennett is in attendance on Morrow's court. Mike Piosendorf is in town and is intending to locate here. S. E. Keeyes is over from La Grande, as natural as ever. W. W. Hinton, scab inspector for Grant, is in town attending court. Frauk Metchan, son of Clerk Phil Metchan of Grant, is in the city. Tom Williams passed through town this week enroute for Liono- Creek. Judge Morton D. Clifford arrived Monday, and the mill of Justice is grinding. Two old 49ers, Charley Cochran and Clark Adkins, visited Heppner this week. Isaac Large is a candidate for sheriff. We all know Ike to be a good square man. Emil ScharfT. of Hamilton, was in town last week. He lost 5,600 out of 7,000 sheep. On last Tuesday three of Hepp ner's demi-monde were fined for keeping a house of ill-fame, F. M. Pickard returned from the valley last week. His family are on his farm near Oregon City. Miss Inez Voruz, sister of Emil Voruz, arrived from Kansas about a week ago and is now teaching the Lena school. J. W. Blok, of Condon, was in town Monday. Gilliam, he says, lost 50 per cent, in cattle, and 25 per cent, in sheep. Cass Matlock stopped over here last night, bringing in the news that the famous running mare, Repetta, has a fine colt. We liear the names of E. R. Stanton and Luther Hamilton mentioned for sheriff, but do not know that they are candidates. Jas. Tutner, of Pendleton, was in attendance on court this week. He is in rather poor health, which his many friends; here regret. The citizens of Alpine want a direct road to town, coming in at the brick yard. It is money in our pockets, and can't we help them some ? Mrs. M. E. 81ocum, mother of E. J., Gene, Albei t aud Elmer, has just received in the neighborhood of goOOO back pension. Her oldest sou died in the Union artay in 'ill. aud Mrs. Slocum, being a widow, had a hard struggle to provide for her sons till they became old enough to look out for themselves. She will hereafter receive S12 per month. Uncle Sam may be a lit tle tardy in returning favors grant ed by our loyal citizens that filled the heart with anguish and left vacant places iu the family circle, but he generally comes around in time. J. C' Roberts, brother of J. J. Roberts, the well known black smith, arrived with his wife from Grant's Pass last Friday. He is a barber by trade, and is in the shop formerly occupied by Mr. Ira G. Nelson. Mr. Nelson will take a short vacation and return to his business in Heppner, addintr another chair to their establish ment. A. L. Cole, M. D., of Portland, is undoubtedly a bilk. Mrs. Emma Spencer, wife of C. M. Spencer, of Gilliam couuty, was the first victim of his quackery which has come to the notice of this office. Last week Mrs. Julia Shaddock died at Arling ton, another one of his victims. Don't have anything to do with a quack. Mr. A. H. Tyson left for Vienna, Va., last Saturday, and will return shortly with a bride. Mr. Tyson, iu partnership with Mr. Louie Boyed, is a very successful archi tect and builder the new bank building of Heppner showing just what they can do in that line. Lady Duffy, belonging to Thos. Malarkey, of Pendleton, in care of Cass Matlock on the T. J. Matlock ranch near town, has a fine colt. The animal very much resembles its sire, Villard, and Mr. Malarkey will no doubt be proud of his latest addition to his race stock. Tom Rhea is below. He is tired of buying sheep, and when last seen was in company with a young married lady of Heppner. Now, gossips, talk your tongues loose. Mrs. F. C. Campbell left last Monday for her home in Pendleton after a pleasant visit to her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Smith, of Eight Mile. Geo. II. Beck was over from Hamilton early this week. lie figures the loss in sheep for Grant to be from 40 to 50 per cent. PIONEER SUPPLY DEPOT! TfTriTfTIYS TD Witt TrPrTfni J ---- v . j 7 (, .MAMA J W.O. MINOR, MAY ST. HEPl'XER. Calls Attention to his Immense Stock ot DRY GOODS, CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS. EBEBT 898631115 BHD GH816E USES ! Look out for Arrival of Spring Stock in the Near Future. His Prices Cannot be Beaten DON'T FOEGETttttt. W. O. MINOR, Mav St. The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co has constantly arriving in Car Load lots the largest assorted stock of General Merchandiser r To be Found East of Portland. Among the Latest Novelties are s, Garments, Trimminffs, Etc. Their Celebrated Boot called Jl!S3:is.3raa.s,ia.,s; Best" Is unsurpassed for durability. Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots, Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc. Ladies Dress Good: In our Grocery Department everything First-Class and Staple Goods in every variety to suit all classes of trade. is Special Inducements in lm h mm, I it slik, Lime, Firs, Maclihiery, ID to. A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the public that we carry the goods required which will be sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated Bain Wagon always on Hand. nnrolll Iym) fnnli nnil TimIn ijimikui iui vm dim n. Hides and Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Connties will do well to price our Goods before purchasing else where. VVe guarentee Courteous Treatment, and will endeavor to urake all feel at home. Do Not Forget the Place. Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet. May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn. Everything in our line will be sold at marvelously low prices within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co. A. D. Johnson & Co. THE CITY DRUG STORE, HEPPNER, OREGON. Sole Agents for Morrow County for Sa.texit SHEEP DIP. Fahsr's Golden fsmals Pills. IMPORTANT. 1 w It is quite important in business to have cash. The firm of Gilliam & Cof fey having dissolved partnership, all ow ing said firm are expected to come in and settle by cash or note. This notice is not published for fun, but we mean just what it implies prompt settle ments. 66-tf Gilliam & Bisijee. ForFemnle Irregular ities; uothiu-rliketbem on tiie market. JVever fail. Kuceepsfiilly used by p-oiuiuent ladies month ly. Guaranteed to relieve suppressed menstruation. SURE! SAFE! CERTAINI Pon't be humbugged. Save Time, Heaith, andmoiiey.take no oth er. Sent to any address, secure by mail ou re ceipt of price, $2.00. Address, THE ftPHRO IBEDICINE COMPANY, Western Braucil, Box27, FOKTLAND, OK' Sold by A. D. Johnson & Oo., Sol Agents for Heppner. NOTICE OF DISSOLUTION The copartnership heretofore existing between Frank Gilliam and John W. Coffey doing business tinder the firm name of Gilliam & Coffey is this day dis solved by mutual consent, Mr. T. H. Bisbee bavins; purchased the interest of .Tohu W. Coftey. The business will here after be conducted under the firm name of Gilliam & Bisbee, who will assume all indebtedness of the late firm of Gil- I liam & Coffey, and to whom all accounts j due said firm must be paid. 6-71 liuiea iiarcn, su. UILLIAM i COFFEY. OAK WOOD I'OK SALE. We have a fine lot of oak wood for sale at 10 per cord, delivered. Leave all orders at the Gazette office. tf Patterson & Crawford. NOTICE. Plain Sewing. Mrs. J. W. Rasmus desires to inform the ladies of Heppner that she is prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing 4t SETTLE UP. I hereby appoint the following deputy scab inspectors: Crocket Kirk, Hardman precinct; Frauk Fitch, Pine City pre cinct; Albert Ayers, Lena prtciuct. fi-(Hl W. G. Boter, Stock Inspector. In consequence of having sold out my business, I am compelled to demand a settlement from those who owe me, eith er by note or account, by tfie 15th day of April, 1S90. After that date I will place all notes aud accounts that are not set tled in the hands of an attorney for im mediate collection, add all those having claims against me must collect by above date. J. B. Natter. Heppner, March 19, 18'JO. it. GIRL W ANTED. A competent girl wanted in a family of three. )5tf T. E. Ffxi,. ffiffi "IT"""" I '"""F "T" if " " if " !i !i " 1 ILll !il (li 111 ij L c5S I 3 I JL-ttl.&9 g l I stop a ra!BY FLUID r g n?ouisii 5ohse W. J. LEEZER. P. C. THOMPSON iccss I LEEZER & THOMPSON NEWLY FURNISHED ROOMS.! L0m'SHw i The Best Meals in the City. 1 I .1 QWinHir I ! 8 i tW Mil v : I. N. BASE Y, Proprietor. I jj Heppner Feed Yard Is the place for Teamsters to stop. ' -in OHIF li! Ill Flit Si ALL ! Whole Barley and Chop for Sale. KEEFER & BULLOCK, Props. Lmver Main St., Heppner, Or. (H0E- tfp """ K PUMPS And Piping Ahvys on Hand. Wood and. "Willow Ware, Bit .1 Cages, NEW HOME Sewing ' Ma chines and a complete line of MAIN STREET, ami Confectionery ! HEPPNER, OREGON E. J. SLOCUM, Druids, Deaier Crieiiiiorils. 1 t -. r Mriti,Aa. Artlolos, i "iti iirs, Oils, 3r 1 xii id V till 1 j 1- A WELL SELECTED STOCK OF NOVELS AND BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Toilet f vrm&r.z. r. --nT-.. ...... LICHTENTHAL, -SOLE AGENT FOR Buckingham & Hedit's o $4 CALF SHOES, Button. Lace or Congress. Every pair Warranted. Also an extensive line of the celebrated Buckingham & Hecht boots always on hand. The Largest Stock in East em Oregon, Special attention paid to tine custom work. Opposite City Hotel, MAIN STREET, HEPPNER, OEEGOX. The Finest Assort ment of GOLD PENS in Eastern Oreo;on. for Portlantl Leezer& Thompson's Corner, : HEPPNER, Oregonian. : Main Street, OREGON. W. A. KIRK. J. C. HAYES DEALEKS IN Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con ceivable article article kept in a First elass Harness Shop. Repairing f i Specialty I Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for five years. Don't buy elsewhere till you examine their machines and get cash prices. MAIN STREET, - . HEPPNER, OREGON.