THE GAZETTE , THCK-iiJAY, Mur 2". lf.m ' 7: l.UiKiF.T AND Rl.ACKMAX. if. shy Tli Biljl t .March Kli. iu )rw!it- i ifiK the ujiiikj of Frank K.'ilor;; t il. readers, as a cantiitlato fur ten atonal bonorB, Mates ail the (joo:I ipialitM-s of that t!i;iitli mau. wbicli, in ii jul!ii"ul, should ooiaiiieiiil him to iiuhliu cuusiii erMtion. The (iAzrri'ii Wiikea mo igana with the Huil'jel in its praise of Mr. KilliKK when it aesnmeB to (riticiso the qualifi cations and character of a cotnpetiutf candidate wbone name was early nnu-(f.'-Hti (1 to the 'people by tha Cazbttk as a person w ho would, if elected, Berve with fidelity to the interest.-, of the dis trict ami the whole p"oph hy insinua tions whieh oan mislead only tiioe who are niiHiiiniamteii with Mr. lUaokmau, the (jazktik is thrown u;on its own (li feline. The IJuilict ia pleased to say: "For various reasons .Mr. Jilaokirian is not popular nuious the readers of this paper. If is relations with them as a merchant deem to have a jrreat deal to da with Ins lack of popularity. Iti their association with hira as buyers of his wares they have had flood opportunities to jtldtie whether he would he the man to repre sent t'-ain in a public capacity." Tiois by insinuations which its road - ers are to interpret and apply as they may choose, would the Bial'jcl dispose of Henry JJIackman. It makes no spe cific charges, only vapie and indefinite assertions, which would lead the igno rant to infer dishonerable acts in one's business intercourse. If the numberB of the "readers of this (JliDif.t) paper" w jre know n it would not lie diihcult to fiuure on the un popularity of Mr. Blackman. But as the LuiUjrl claims to speak for its read eis ami not for itH proprietors, it must be an Bccepted fact that all its readers are oppoBed to Mr. Blackmail, and therefore he is very unpopular. It is true lleury Blackman kas been engaged in active business iu Heppuer for many years and during that time has shown himself to be an energetic and enterprising citizen, always in the frout in every project to advance the interests of Heppuer or Morrow county, and feels an honest pride in the growth and fu ture advancement of Eastern Oregon. If during the time of his large ami exten sive business intercourse, some persons are not to bo found who have unfriendly feelings toward him, he is fortunate in deed. The respect which is accorded to a man by hiB neighbors with whom he has had daily intercourse for years, is the best evidence of character and ability. At four successive elections have his fellow citizens shown their confidence in Lim by their free suffrages in eleoting him to the office of mayor of their city. At the election, iu l'"ebruury,with an op ponent of worth and ability, he wus re elected by a vote of three to one. Such a record does not accord with the estima tion which the Btidtjet is pleased to pre sent to its readers. It mistakes the in telligence of the citizens of Morrow, if by such insinuating intimations it can sucoecd iu its purpose to smirch the pri vate character of a respected citizen bed-use his name should be presented to his fellow citizenB for their consideration to serve them in a publiu capacity. A FREE TRADER'S VIEW OF THE NEW TARIFF. It has been claimed by the advocates of a protective tariff that the doctrine of free trade und low tarilt' emanated from British economists and manufac liners and the continued agitation of the free trade question in this country through organized leagues, is aided by menus nnd assistance directlv from for eign traders and manufacturers. Facts are suflicieutly well established to justify the charges which the advocates of the Amerioau svstem have repeatedly urged. The provisions of the new tariff bill so far as the committee have adopted and made public have brought to light the has been said that farmers of the Uuited States were not benelitted by a tanll, and that their products were not affected by loreigu competition. Whatever the opinion of the Ameri can farmer may be as to the effects of the tariff lrpon his home market, the following, from the Toronto, Canada. Olobe, gives a gloomy, though truthful view ot the etlects of the new tariff the .Dominion. As the United States tiirmer is demanding relief through leg islation, tue question arises, because it is involved iu the solution of a problem, shall the United States continue to pro vide good markets for the Canadian farmer by depriviug its own farmers of the millions which the Olobe admits are annually drawn from them under the present low tariff? The Toronto Globe of March 2t)tb, commenting on the proposed changes in the American tariff says: "The effect of imposing these taxes will either be to wipe out Canada's whole export trade to the states, or to force our farmers to- ao Oopt prices from 15 to L'O per cent, less than they now obtain for some Sf&),000, UOO worth of surplus which we now selK to the states. This surplus will, if thrown on the home market, reduce the prices of all products which farmers Bell for Canadian consumption. Their anuuul loss will thus amount up to many millions, and the value of their iuuub auo property win oe enormotu:iy diminished. Every merchaut, every bank, every loan oouipauy, every holder of mortgages, every mechanic, must suffer with the fanner. All alike should join iu agitation to avert disaster by forcing the government to seek conti nental free trade." FASHION NOT FACT. Ceitaiu press writers are endeavor ing to attribute the low price of corn to a protective tariff. It is difficult to see what a tariff has to do in fixing the price 1 1 of that staple, as the tariff places no tax ! tlTril V V t i 8 V on Krain exported. If there were no I , f ' pIaut her omoUS' pea8' eto tariff would people consume more than Tue u,!Is Bre beautiful and green, they do now at the low prioe offered? I Grain looks remarkably well. is k prooawe mat a Dign price could be j oiit aiued if the tariff w as wiped out to day V If there is no market iu which to sell at the present price, how do they propose to sell at a biyher price? It is well known that the consumption of au Article is greater at low prices than when high, aud is sure to extend to the extreme limit of demand. The fact is, the trouble consists in the euormous overproduction of the article beyond the wants of consumers. The supply ist too abundant for the demand and the tariff has nothing to do with the present condition of the grain prices wuatever. j.tie lasmon ot charging the low price ot gram to a tanrt is getting ittucu. it it too oto ana nas Decome thin. Try eoniethimr else. In a railroad cut near Whatcom cre k, fifteen feet under blue clay, workmen re cently nnearthed a skeleton of an Indian. He was dead, but bis bones w ere well preserved aud showed no siirns of petri fication. How be happened to get un derneath fifteen feet of blue day is the mystery. Portland Oregon ian. It af fords the Gazette pleasure to know that the Oivyonian always endeavors to be trutulul in stating tacts. As the skele- ; ton was dead when found, oue can lie-1 lieve the fact of the finding, but if it bad ; assured its readers that the skeleton was ; alive then what? ; Tiit-ke is a Keneral demand for a re-; peal or the mo-taage tax law and the exemption of indebtei'.ness. The advo- : cates justly oiairn th:.t the tax comesi irorn tue oorrower. yet tne same persons will denounce a law whk'h would per mit counties or cities to issne bonds free from taxation, for money borrowed for public purposes which comes from the tax payer. "Con sistency, chon art a jewell." PEOPLE VILL MAK1 YOU A'.Vul MIHTAK.ES, I From remarks made by m:o;y, we are ! led to suppose that the Gakutti: is gen- j orally considered a republican p-ier, and in advocating the remvnat; m r-.nd ehe tion to oiliue of any p. rsou cuts'd1. the ranks, the sheet is really guilty of a very u u pard on able t r in sgressio n . We also hear that the paper is "noo tral," otherwise, "on the fence," and consequently has no right to open its head on any sal ject, except, perhaps, the regular duruing of delinquent sub scribers, who, by the way, d.uj't pay much attention to it, or the usual u eath er notes, such as "Mu.iT' "Rainy weath er again' etc., etc. In all these suppositions our friends are mistaken. The paper is strictly in dependent in every department, ai-.d may or may not advocate the claims of any person to othee. ICelative to the many issues before the people at this tiuie, the Gazette has advocated that which it thought to be best for our sec tion, and it ib quite true that tlm repub lican party has never had any reatou to object to our opinions on mauy subjects now agitating the entire nation. Our opinions are not moulded to suit the narrow coufiiies of any political party, but are brought forward for their true worth as this paper understands it. Local interests determine the course of this sheet in every instance, which would no doubt cause us to commit that unpardonable sin of helping a democa' into office. LOOK OUT FOR ALTERED NATIONAL BA.XK BILLS. Everyone ahonld be on their usird iu taking iijitior.M currency. Our exrliari es from vnri'ina points iu the Northwest i give accounts of the pasBing if notes ; purporting to be $20 bills, which, in fact ! have been raised from $5 bills. The j Pendleton papers report that several of the raised notes have been passed in that city. The Walla Walla Union also j reports their circulation in that city. Before accepting bills of the higher de nominations, scrutinize them closely. lo not take them, especially the $-0 noti-s, nuless satisfied they are genuine. BUCKLIS'S ARNICA SALVE. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Khenra, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil Blaius, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, a-id j.ositively cures Files, or no pay re quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price '2.") cents per box. For sale by A. X). Johusou &z Co COURT .FKOCEEIUNGS. MONDAY MARCH 2G, '90. L F Shipley vs C F & W F Wallace, dismissed. First Natioual Bank vs R C Barclay, dismissed. J W Morrow vs P ii B'ytlie, dismiss ed. American Mortgage Co vs M D Crow et al continued. State of Oregon vs Chaa Kimsey, con tinued. TUESDAY, ifARC'H 25. vs , dismissed. W. (). Minor vs John Hank, judgement bv default. "Clara Lively vs John R. Lively, di vorce. Decree granted aud plaiutirF al lowed to assume her maiden name, Clara Willingham. The Solicitor's Loan & Trust Co. vs Daniel Shippey and wife, continued. Herman Heynemann vs T V Marshal, settled. Nels Jones vs Major Denuis et al, de murrer over-ruled and decree of fore closure granted. Henry Heppner vs Win Farrier, dis missed. Coffin M. Farland & Co vs R E JohB- Hf-r,f;WiWrt ao"rSit-'r3iTumiiW)raf and continued tor service as to W B Cunninghame and R C Barclay. Andrew Carlson admitted to citizen ship. lue American Mortgage Co vs M U Crow, et al, judgement by default. WEDNESDAY. 26. W B Cunninghame vs J O Ball, con- urmauoD tor sale ot real estate granted. State vs Walter Richardson, grand ju ry found not a true bill. barah Griffith vs E W Griffith, decree or divorce granted. 1 State va P Barry, grand jury returned not a true bill. O R & N Co vs L F Shipley, continu ed. State vs E W Bowell, moving scabby sheep without a permit. Grand jury find true bill. Fined Sol) and costs. State vs E J Keeney. Moving scab by sheep without permit. Grand inrv find a true bill. Fined $r0 and costs. THl: JtSDAY, 27. State vs Eb Dickens. Indicted for murder in the first degree. Trial iu progress and jury being empaneled. BLESSING OF SLEEP. DR. FLINT'S REMEDY, for the mm or woman who rinds himself or herself unable to sleep, is an invulnerable medi cine, which will not onlv nrooure the blessmg of sleep, but will prevent gener al Dreamngaowu or the whole system. Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or, address Mack Drug Co., N. Y. EIGHT MILE MATTERS. Beautiful weather. The sonnd of the hammer is heard as the farmer drives the staples in fencing his land, and the sound ot the plough boy's voice as he calls to his faithful team, or as he whistles a merry tune as the sod is rolled over, and the uood Gronud squirrels are plentiful. Little ; boys find it pleasaut and profitable busi- ncss to catch them aud take them to the county clerk aui receive the bounty. Mr. Spray has been quite sick, hut is better. Sheep and other stock are doiug quite well now on tho greu grass. Several of the farmers iutond to set out fruit trees this spring. Rev. Bailes, from Hardman, preached a series of sermons at the Eight Mile school house, ihey had one accession to their church. Mr. W. Halley Sr. Mr. Bailes is minister in the Christian church. There will be Sabbath School at Eight Mile center every Sabbath at 11 o'clock now since the weather has become warm. Ed. Ashbangb aud Gill Joues are woiking at the carpeuteriug business. Mr. Johuston, of Drippif Springs' has sold bis farm to a new cotkr. Eight Mile, Or., March 22, 'l. T. K. W. PARAGRAPHS FROM GOOSEBERRY. -'e- Pereil - Brians' ''bile" has ilisap- priug has opened at last and farmers ; are busily engaged plowing for their ! PU i 'r.,.!.,, iuuuu en- coraf - 'ei as the prospects for an abun-i . A. li,. .uc ay, one ui our energetic farmers is busy plowing sod and pre paring for a large crop rest year. He has seveuty acres of fall s-jwd s-rain from w hieh he expects a lar-e yield this com ing year. Cvmttx. " If a woman is pretty. To me 'tis no matter, - , Be she blonde or brunette, .o she lew me look, at liar. An unhealthy woman Is rarely. If beautiful. The peculiar diseases to wnicrj so many of the sei are subject, are prolino L. - .nllnw fH. blotched With UO- sWhtiy pimples, dull, lustreless eyes and ema ciated forms. Women so afflicted, can be per- aianently cured ny using- ur. i-ieic; Prescription; and with the restoration of hoalth comes that beauty which, oombined with good qualities of head and heart, makei women ansei of loveliness. WABFiHIEO. iTil-ri 2?& i inarantee from the manufacturera, that it will riTO satiifactlon in every case, or money will be wf waded. It Jg a ponitive specific for all those painful disor ders, irreKularities and weaknesses with whiob bo many women are afflicted. Copyright, 1883, by World" Dii. Mid. A-lS'K. BE. PIEECS'S PELLETS Paroiy VegetabEe ! Perfectly Harmless TJ3CESTJAXED AS A LIVER POL, Smallest, Cheapest, Eaaleat to take. One tiny, Sustar-ooated Pell.t a dose. Curat Sick HeH'iiiehe, Biliousr Headache. Constipa tion In'Six' S'-ion, Bilious Attacks, and all de ranpfmon'ts of the Stomach aud Bcwula, iA ocnU a Tia!, bj druggists. UXSTED STATICS PATKNTrt. A Ili'ivivtil bv the I.niMl Oi'ace The les Recently. Tin? f-.lioivins is a list of patents grant ed by Uncle Sam during the past few months to claimants in this vicinity of The Dalles district. If you desire yonr natents sent by mail, indorse your name across the face of the receiver's receipt and forward it to the land olHce, and send a note requesting that the patent be mailed to your address: Reuben Al H M Thornton John Stone T M A J Parrish John Thompson Edward Henke Wm Doak Josiah S Boothby Robt F Seale David Hunt F Lister Mary E Summers G V Bolton Thos E Desart Walter H MeAtee A Field C W Halsey Sarah A Brown Eliza A Keys R C Barclay L C Trask Mary C Donaldsou K Campbell J A Friend W B Gihiam S P Ward Jno Graham Thos. M Kimsey Sam P Wurd James P Rhea Ohas B Tavlor M Callaghan O E Farns-.vorth Wm Barton Jno E Remington Chris W Houston M M Rice Geo Male J C Murphy Allen Grant Jesse K Baling Ilavid Hamilton Robt McClary Peter Heneretzn C P Maupin Lucy H Smith James Johnson Jno H Piper W B Scott Jesse P Yancey Thomas J Teeters B A Hunsaker I) Rice Jno W Stewart Josie A Porter T W Euos TO CONTRACTORS The directors of the Palace Hotel Com pany will receive sealed bids for the foundation work of their building, to be opened at their office ou the first day of April, low. worn to ua uuuiiuoiu-cu ten davs after acceptance of the bid, and numnlpted iu forty davs. Bond for double the amount of the bid will be re n ni red. Vlans and enecifiofttions may be seen at the First National Bank of i-oervM Trie 04 0t V. Momtow, Secretary. WEEKLY EXCURSIONS. On and after Tuesday, Feb. 25th, the Union Facihc, "The Overland Koute will run a furnished Pullman Colonist Car from PurtlHnd to St. Joseph, Mo lt avmg Portland every Tuesday at 9:00 p. ni., arriving at St. Joseph the follow ing Saturday. Tl. is car will be fitted up with mat tresses, pillows, bedding, curtains and toilet appliances, leaving notliini; to be i"iirhinbeJ by the passengers, and will be in e'lariro of a uniformed porter. Berths can be secured at the very low rate of 3.00 for an upper or lower dou bio btrtu from Portland to St. Joseph. Passeciers holding tourist, first-class, or eccund-class tickets will be carried in this car. For rafos, through tickets, sleeper bertiJB, or detailed information, apply to the nearest Ticket Agent Union Pacific System, or T. W. Lee, Gen'l PaS3. Agt., Portland KAHDOtf KRjtARKS. Job printing at pendIeton uricea at the Gazktte office. A fine line of eold neus. pencils, etc.. at E. J. Siocum's drug store. Yon will do well to see cloaks at W. O. Minor's before pnrchasing elsewhere. Hasmits, the dentist, will fill teeth, or ex.raci me same m a manner. The Salhtg, Morgan and Russell but ter at W. O. Minor's. None better in the market. Grain & Ruark. horse shoers; horses shod with new shoes all round after date for $1.50 per head. Mat. Liehtenthal will open your eves in prices of his boots aud shoes. You cau buy them no cheaper in Portland. Al lovers of a social smoke will find the most complete and best, selected stock of pipes and tobacco in the city at Leezer & Thompson's. Call and see for yourselt. 1 lie M Buckingham & Heoht, men's suoe will not rip. Best in the market for the price. Buy them at M. Lichten thal's. Go to Mat. Lichtenthal's for Ihe Lud low ladies' shoes. Every pair warranted. Also "Fargo" S2.50 ladies' kid shoe. The best shoe for the money in the mar ket. Do you want some dried venison? Go to j. w. juatlook & Co.' . s grocery store aud evervthina else in Hipir liroa The most complete stock of groceries in Heppuer. Coffim fz McFarland have made a lib eral offer in presenting customers with a bep.tiful bound volume for every S25 worth of goods purchased iu the line of dry goods, boots, shoes, etc. Roberts & Simons are prepared to re pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe your horse, aud in fact there is nothing in the blacksmitbiug line that they are not able to do. Eemeinber that ail paid np subscribers to the Gazette are entitled to a brand notice, free of charge. This of itself is worcu more tnan $1 to the stockman, tf. If you n-aut to see tiie latest novehieR m spring neck wear go to Van Puyn's. Elep-aut liue of the Intact imrf Pt patterns ever broncht t- Ilennner at Van Dnvu's. full line Brownsville's clothing blan ua lsKe jonr mensnre oti site. Van luyii is sole agent for Hopp- ner. Lstest novelties in gents ftirnxliioga, such as silk shirts, very fiiie nil. wool shirt1, fancy sochs, s;.. pindeis trie, at Van Puyns. Coming'. The very latest :u e.-isrem straw hats, look ait boys for nobby stvJesatVan Duyn's. 11 J i- We take pleasure in in for ruing our customers ami the public generally that we Lave just removed our stock of General Merchandise into our Elegant New Brick Store down Main Street, where we shall be pleased to welcome all. We have the Best Assorted Stock of Goods in this section. In Gent's, Youth's and Boyfs Clothing We are The Leaders. We can show a Hantlsome Liiue of Fiue Tailor Made Suits, of the Lateat Styles aud Moat Brilliant Patterns. Don't buy yonr Spring Suit before Examining our Assortment. FINE, STYLISH HATS IN ALL SHAPES. LADIES' ANT) : MISSES' : FINE : SHOES : AND Grents Footwear in all Grades. FINEST LINE OF COOKING STOVES AND RANGES IN THE CITY. The "Home Jewel" Ranges will "bake the and Tinware. California ban Jose baddies, rsits ana opurs. nrvj Harness. MITCHELL WAGONS. Plows and Harrows. Doors and Windows. Paints, Oils aud Glass. Carpets, Wall Papers. Black smith's Stone Coal. Shingles, Lime Sulphur, Cement. CLOCKS, AND WATCHES. GUNS AND PISTOLS. TKU.M and v auism. Commencing Monday Morning, FEBRUARY, 17th, 1890, we intend presenting to every retail casn purcuaser oi ury guuus, ciuiu- ing; boots, shoes, hate-Aud to the amount of Twenty-five Dollars (S25.00), A BEAUTIFUL BOUND VOLUME, Worth 84 each. Our p-uces on all the books from the publishers east, in large quantities, we are eabled to offer them as an inducement to increase our trade. The above offer holds good until JULY 1, 1890. Do not miss this chance, but start present, for EACH T WEKTl-i 1 VE UULLAKS IVUlU'n V DRY GOODS Purchased between the above dates. Orders from the Country Solicited. Highest price Paid for Sheep Pelts. Aa'ents for Christy & AVise. AUTOMATIC SEWING MACHINE t Prices reduced. Every family now can liave the bent Automatic Sewing Ma--hitie in the market at reduced price. Tor particulars send for our new Illus trated Circular with samples of stitcn iws. Our Illustrated Circular shows every part of the Machine perfectly, and is worth sending for even if you have a Machine. Kruse & Murphy Mfg. Co., 455 and 437 West 2Gth St., N. T. City. TttO THROUGH TRAINS EACH WAY DAILY. VIA UNION PACIFIC SYSTEM. Commencing with Sunday, March 2nd, both first and second-class tickets will be honored on the "Limited Fast Mail Trains," 3 and 4, as well also as the "Overland Flyers," Nos. 1 and 2. "The Limited Fast Mail" trains are equipped with Pullman Palace and Col onist Sleepers, Dining Cars, Chair Cars and Coaches, and run solid between Portland aud Chicago, daily without change. The "Overland Flyer" trains are equipped with Pullman Palace Sleepers and coaches, between Portland and Council Bluffs, and with Pullman Colo nist sleepers between Portland and with through trains to aud from Lake, and at Cheyenne with through trains to and from Denver, Kansas City and St. Louis. The above trains afford the quickest time between the Northwest Pacific Coast and Eastern and Southern points. Detailed time of trains, rates, through, tickets, Baggage Checks, etc., oan be procured upon application to any agent of the Union Pacific System. T. W. LEE, J. C. HART, Ag't, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Heppner Or. 64-8 ANNOUNCEMENTS. F OR SCHOOL SUPT. TO THE VOTERS OP MOltROW COUNTV. I hereby announce mvself a candidate for the office of County Superintendent of Hebnols for Morrow county, subject to the decision of the Reonblican C nnntv Convention. T. C. Aubrey. JpOK COUNTY JUDGE. TO TUB VOTERS OF MOBKOW mtiMTV I hereby announce mvself a candidate tor bounty Judge of Morrow Connty and re-election, snbject to the will and pleas ure of the Democratic Convention in Heppner, April . March 26, '90. 2t Wm. Mitcheli,, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land OfBco at La Grande, Or.. Mar 17 '90 Notice is hereby (riven that the f ollowinu-nanied settler has filed notice of his intention to make Unal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county indue or in his absence before the ounty clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on May S, lfeWl, viz: Hiram L. Copple. Hrl No 2627 forthe BEVi BE'i sec 3 SW 8W S5'.SH,?l,i5!48eolo'I4W!1wi"8: 11 TP o O rt Lt Hi W M. He names tll fnllo-IXriTIO' virnasca. n his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of L. Hamilton. D. A. ''armlton, T. H. Bisboe ar.d rreeman Greene, of Heppner, Oregon. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the reuia tions of the interior department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be driven an opportu nity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit! ted by claimant. 6"w0 Henht Kinbhabt. Register. Blyth Bros.' IMPORTED ENGLISH SHIRE STALLION, Waggoner! Registered m the Shire Stud Books of Great ouim aim xrejttnu ana America. Will BtaDd the season at the Farrier Kanch 7 miles from Heprmer and will visit Heppner every Thursday through out the Beason. lll e ?, insure, t); season $2 a month pasturage. WAGGONEK is aDark Chfisfnnt foaledjune. 1886 and waa hr.l h a KaDsom Hitchin, Hertfordshire. TW. land. Weighs 2000 lbs. and stands over io oaoas nign. Season of 1890. -:0: The thoroughbred imported Clydesdale stallions Piniiioh Chief, (4176, Vol. V. Am. Stud Book.) (5757, Tol X, Stud Book of Great Britain .) Harlrfield, - (4477, Vol. V, Am. Stnd Book.) (6827, Stud Boo of Grrat Britain.) Will stand this season at mv tWo Big Butter creek, 5 miles from Lena, and serve ma-ies at the following ratas: l&mgieleap $10.00 1 beason 820.00 Insure with Foal $20 00 Maree from a distance pastured and attended to for $r2 a month. 64-'im B. B. Mann, 1 I i n SLIPPERS cake. uu line 01 urocenes, narvaie goods are low as the lowest, liuying in at once buying from us and get a SIGNAL SERVICE UECOKD. For Week Ending Wednesday, March 21. Mean Mean Pre- Char Date Temp. Max. Min. liar, cip. acter. Uai-20 41.0U 5.1.0(1 34. 0U ;i(l.07.) i'lTHi ci'r 21 4x 50 511,(10 40..rH) 3U.I.10 0,(1 cl'd 22 47.50 57 Oil 41) 31,840 0.4 cl'd 23 37.00 4S.UI Sl.OI 30.1HU U.li2 fair 24 38.25 52.(10 27.50 30 2.KI 1 (Mil cl'r 25 34.50 44 511 4n.(U 21I.VJ5 I 0.(.9 cl'd 2!i 3i.00 4!i.5Q 3i.5i 30.130 j 0.41 cl'd A. Smith. SUMMONS. Id the circuit conrt of the State cf OreKon, for the Loimty of Morrow. J. Li. Morrow & Son, Pl'ff, vs. Richmond C. Barclay. Def Action at law for the recovery of money. To Kiuhmond 0. liarclay, defendant. In the same of the Stale of Oregon, yem are hereby reonired to KDDear and answer the com. plaint tiled ajiainst you ia the above untitled ac tion within ten days from the date of the service of this summons upon you if served within this county, or if served in any other county of this state, then within twenty days of the date of the service of this summons upon you, or if served opon you by publication, then you are required to answer said complaint on the tirst day of the npyt. tprm of said court after six wenktt publica tion of this summons, to wit: On Monday, the 'Aith dav of March. LsW). and if you fail so to ewer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment attainst you as prayed for in the com plaint, namely, for the sum of One Hundred and It 'is ordered that by Hon. Jas. A. Fee, a "indire of tho Circuit court oi' Sixth iiidivial district of Oreeon. that ser- vi ?A nf NitmmnnK hn niHilft niifin voa bv Dublica- tion in the Heppner Gazette, a newspaper of peneral circulation in said county, lor si con SUMMONS. In the circuit court of the State of Oregon for mo uuuiiiy o jiorrow. Nelson Jones, Plaintiff, Thomas J. Smith, William Hughes, John A. Ayles, W. K. Ellis and 1 G. W. Kea. Defendant. Suit in equity to foreclose a mortgage on real property. lo 1 nomas J. Smith and John A. Ayles, de- In the name of the state of Oregon. You are hereby summoned and reqmired to ap Dear in said court, on or hfur. tha tt ax, ,,f the next regular term thereof to be begun and uwu hi neppuer, aiorrow county, Uregon, the frourth Mondav in March. IhW). nmt unnar ; me complaint or piamtitt nled therein, or jud- t'ci . i y-j nui or laaoii ilKUIlJOt JOtt IOr want thereof, for the relief paayod for in the complaint namely; a decree for the foreclosure or tne mortgage executed by yoa to the defend, ant, Wm. Hughes, upon the following described rein property, to-wit: i ne w. one-half of the A. W. quarter and the W. one-half of the S. W. quarter of section 24 in township 8 south, of range 2ti E. W. M., Morrow county, Oregon, and an oraer or sate to sat-sty the demand ut plain- tin: in the sum of h our hundred tnd twenly dol lars witn interest tnereon at ine rule ot ten per cent, per annum from the 7th day of Nov. lb.Sr ana ror tne snm or nrty dollars as attorney b fees and for costs and disbursements of this suit and for such other and further relief as to the court may seem equitable and just. it is ordered by the Hon. Jas. A. fee, a judga of the circuit court of the Bixth judicial district of the state of Oregon, that service of summons be made npon you by publication iu the Heponer Uazette for six consecutive weeks Dated Feb. 17, l&'O. Kkllogk & Bennett, 2-7 Attys for Plff SUMMONS. Ih the Circuit court of the State ef Oregon for the County of Alorruw. Nelson Jones "1 Plaintiff, vs. John A. Ayles, William Hushes, The Newton Kanch .Land, 8toc . Summons. & Agricultural Co., W. K. Ellis, I G. W.lthea, Defendants. J Snit in equity to foreclose a mortgage on roal property. To John A. Ayles, one of the above named de- ienaants. In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby summoned and required to ap pear in said court on or before tbe tirst day ot the next regular term thereof to be begun and held at llnnrier. Morrow nnnnrv. Oroirn.i nn ihu fourth Monday in March 18!H, and answer tho complaint of plaintiff hied therein or judgment aud decree will be taken against you for want thereof for the relief prayed for in the com plaint namely, a decree for the foreclosune of the mortfrage executed by you V the defendant Wil liam Hughes, apen the following described real property, to-wit: The west one-half of the north west quarter and the west one-half of the south west quarter of section 19 in township 3 south, of range !ti hL, W. M., Morrow connty Oregon, and an order of sate to satisfy the demand of plaintiff in tbe sum of Four hundred and seveuty-eix dol lars with interest thereon at the rate of ten per cent per annum from the 31st day of Jan. 18h7, for the sum of thirty dollars as attorney's fees and for costs and disbursements of this suit, and fur such other and further relief as to the court j may seem equitable and just. i It is ordered by the Hon. Jas. A. Fee. inrln-e nf tht Sixth judicial district of the state of Oregon, uiai nervicw ui summons oe maue upon you by puuiicauoii in uk) neppuer it alette ror six con secutive weeks. Kelloug & Bennett. Datr-d Feb. 17, 1890. 62-7 Atty's for PlfE. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles. Or., Slar. 17, 1890. Notice 18 hereby given that the following named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of ilorrow county, at Heppner, Or., on May 2, 189u, viz: James IT. Wyland, Hd. 1380, for theW N W J Sec. 8, HEH NEW & NEU SE4 Sec. 4, Tp. 6 S. K. 25 E. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upoa, and cultivation of, said land, viz: Charles H, Bullia. Charles H. . Hmas and Ben Luelling, of Hardman, Or., and Perry Oiler, of iMne Rock, Or. 65-70 F. A. McDonald, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Iiand Office at The Dalles, Or., Sep. 5, '89. Notice is hereby si ven that the followine-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tinal proof in support of his nluim. nod that said proof will tie made t...r..-u the county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on April 12. 189uviz: Justus Beaman, Hd. So. 2157, for the bli'i Sec. 4, Tp. 2 S., R 3iE. W.M. He names the following witnesses to prove TSrTj;. ' Ol.oaiuiou". . . . . t'rankUoDle, n iuiam Barton, ueo. Shipley and Krank Gentry, all of Heppner. Or. I ta-nn r a miiwjsaiji, Iteprister. ( ADJHSISTRATOK'S SOTIt'E. the i John T. Dk-kens has tliis tins t- !iiijt- ' Likens. ' -tl mlimnistrHtor or nirt of' Morrow county. persi)i!-i hnii't? claiiiis 1 us- estntt1 :te norehv rmtitid to i the Brown . iUy vrTiriii. to s:iHi itHfiiiiiibtr.'ilor ut ; i. M.'rrow fiHijtry. i-K:. or ?tt i he ollice of i IJamiitnn in H t','i"'r, Morrow em.:y. ! !-ix iMoiiflis from tin lj-.t? of this i notice. John. J. Idi'Ki'.xii. '.(umusirp.tor. Dated Feb. 25. 'iiu. J. N. IUiown, Att'y lor Adiu'r ADillNISTRAT'Hi'S SALE. 1 Notice hereby erivt-n tliat virtue of an or-j der issued out if the 'ounty Court of t!jn Kt'ite of OrfKon, for Morrow iMmnty, datd TNT:lp'U 7, j i:-.0, thti undersitjnfd, tho auiuiiiiMtiritoifi of the Ert;ite of t'liarUs Liadf, dt'ceiied, will sell at puhlic auction, on uie lirfims, on Kriday. the FouitU Day ol April, 1890. ! The followinjT dspriVied real entile, knov. ii as H:n:ch. to wit: The Sls of the InV4 and the W v.; of t' eKVV'v of Sec. ail. Tp. 2S of K. 2. E. VvT. M. Terms: ine-lhird in ninety days, and two-thirds in one y.'ur, at eiuht percent. Also, all the personal pnoerty be Jocf;nK to said er-tatw. ctmsiritinK of Worths, cat tie, farming implemwitrt, etc. Ternw. Cash on all sunns less than five dollurf ; over live dollars, note with improved security for one year with eitrht per cfiit. interit. Dated at Heppuer, March 7, 1S!M. Stepiikn Lt,nde, John IIcoiiks tUit. Adniinistrators, NOTICE OF INTENTION. Lund Office at La Grande. Or.. March 4. 'tHi. Nfitii-o is hrahv fl-ivtm flint tlin followitlC named settler lias filed notice of his intention to make n rial uroof in support of his finnn, anri that said proof will be made before tht county jmitfR, or m hi absence before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppnc-r, Or., on lav 10. l.Siiu, viz. Philip E. Trenton, TTil. 'o. 3S41. for the Kl 1 SWU. H'i SE?i & NKU SKM Sec. &Vfp.l S. II. 2 K. lie names me hj lowing nnuw-o y iny.o continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi. said land, viz: Martin Met 'umbr and T. M. t'row, of dallo wav. and Alike Kenny and Andy Tillard, of Lena. Or, Any person who des-ces to protest atjainst the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under thelavv and the regula tions of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be trivwi un opiMtilu nitv at tiie above mentioned timo and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submit ted bv claimant. 8tU-fi9 Heniiy Kinehart. Register. NOTICE OF INTENTIONS. Land Office at The Dalles Or.. March 10, '90. Kotice is hereby given that ihe followirtK-riamed settler has riled notice of hia intention to make final proof in support of his claim, ami that mii proof will bo maile before the county clerk of borrow comity, at Heppuer, Oregon, on April 2li, 1SH0. William Gilliam, Ds. SB5. for the 8W NV! Stc. 0 am! the SK KKW A- SE( NW. Sec. . Tn. 18.11. E. He namea t he following to prove ins continuous residence upon, and cultivation of saul land, viz: ( harles ivlrK. John 1. Ivirlc. V rank liiumm ami Tlardy Long, all of Heppner. Or. aiiJiU fr. A. McDonald, ltesieter. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 19, 1890. Notice is hereby given that tho following namp;i settler has tile d notice of Ids intention to make final proof in support of his el aim, ami that said proof will be made before the county judtie of Morrow county, at lleppmr. Or., on April, IS, viz: Gcorqe TT" Stewart IH 1185, for the N'i KWi. SK'4 SW'i and SWHi Si'4 sec M Tp 5S li 25 E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land viz: HfrQ.uellitig, Wm. LnVilingnnd George llcn dris.Tit Hardman, and Perry Oiler, of Lone Koek Or. b'J-i F. A. McDon.ld, Hegisti;r. NOTICE OF INTENTION Land Office, at The Dalles. Or., Feb. Itlftl. Notice ih hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of hi intention to make hnal poof in support of his claim, nnd that said proof will be bpf rethe comity judge ot Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on Apr 17, It.!), viz: Nicholas Dovalltf Hd 167 i for the Wl SV!i SWH N W )i sec 2 and SEM. -NE'.i sec 3 Tp 4 S K i-. E W M. He ntimes the following witnesties to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of, said land, viz: K. F. Keininger and ('has. E. Miller, of Hard man. Or., and D:ivid W. Bowman ami G(hj. Noble of Heppner, Or. ti2-7F. A. McDonald, Register. KOTIGE OF INTENTION. Tand Office at LaGrande, Or., Feb. 12 Notice is hereby piven that the followiiiK nameil sertler ha iiled notice of his intention to makefirtcl proof in suxport of his ciaim, and that said proof will be made be-fore the county clerk f Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on iti I ir tliei V ' Hrl-.. L kL'l. -Li.- 4 -74 Oct 11, lHjril t, V .VI. He riames the following witnesses to prorehis wiiLiiiuimsiisiiueucH upon aim cuuiv;ion of, said land, viz: V,Jj. Benner, David Jacobson, Andrew J. uicvcuwiu uu oatnuei nan, or liepntipr, iJr, Any peraon who de?ires t protect HKainst the allowance of such proof, or who knovB of any substantial rea'm, nnder tlie law and the refla tions of the Interior I'partment. wlty anch njtji wiuuiu nut ot? nnoweu. win neKivenan porrunity at tne above mentioned tune and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant and to oirer evidence in rebuttal of that subinit- wu oj ciaimaat. fi-tt Henby Kinehart Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at LaGraiide, Or., Feb, l' '90. Noiire is hereby given tliar the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to lu-ute niiai proof in support ot his claim, and that said proof will b: made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on Mar. 29, 1KH0, viz: David Jacobson. T S Nr. 0533 for the 8"a SWk S.".- 35 Tp 3 S Lot 4 sec a and Jot 1 sec 3 Tp 4 S H 'SI E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove hiB continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz: JPU? ?'HbiKer, Samuel Hall, Charles Johnson and W. J. Benner. of Hoppner, Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the laws and the regu lations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will lw n opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witneHsen of said ujuijiHni, ano to oner eviueaee in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. &l-ti6 Henhy Kinehart, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. Land Office at La Grande, Or., Fob. 12, 0. Notice is herebv e-i ven t h.-tt ( hp fil invl n. named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in Buimnrt of h in iljiim nniltLot said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, Or., at Heppner, Oregon, on Mar.31,lbtl0. viz: . John Kenny, D S No. 8fif. for the EW SEW A S4 N VM m. 2t) Tp 1 S K 27 E. He names the following witnesRos to prove his continuous residence upon, aud cultivation of, said land viz: Harry Powell, of Alpins, Joseph A. MeKenzie, Bernard Dohcrty and ilichael Kenny, of Hepp ner. Or. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, uiider tho law and the regula tions of the Interior Department, whyni'ch proof should not be allowed, will be given an oppor tunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the v.'itnses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in robutt:d of th it submitted by claimant. 3:il-aty Henby Hinehabt, KogiBtcr NOTICE OF INTENTION. at The Dalles Or.. Feb. U, '90. Notice is hereby qiven that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to "ltiao L,,t" p-oi. ui support or nis claim, and that said proof will be made before the county judge of Morrow county, at Heppner. Or on Apr. 12, 1890, viz: George Bleakma.n, HdlSflO , forthe SVVV4NW&NV-iSWii sec E VM 4 6UC 4 Tp 5 S R He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon, and cultivation of said land, viz: ' Virgil A. Stephens. Wm. Kahler, Thomas Hos kins and Berend Peppena, of Hardman Or liei ! NOTICE OF INTENTION. (Commuted Homestead) .Land Oflice at The Dalles, Or., Feb. IS, '90. Notice lis hereby (riven that the followingnamed settler has hied notice of his intention to com mute and make hnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county clerk of Morrow county, at Hepp ner, Or., on April 19. MM, viz: oepp. Uriah P. Midgeicay, Hd 3355 for the BE'4 sec 35 Tp 4 8 K 20 E W M He names the fol owinir wit.n.u continuous residence upon and cultivation of Knoch Cave. Milton R Rrnn,n T m r. and James H. Hayes, of Heppner, o'. ' " McuaiALs, Register, TAIL0RIXU. II,avnno.i.,,l . .. vu a .Tcu-nppoiuiea tailor- mg establishment in mv new hniM. ng on Jiay street, and am now rermh,rl : icucmiiB uewgooas and wt 1 maVn .. trim mo.lo t m. . . mm wm raaKe cue- t""" ""u oi to to best ROoda in the market. a A . - A, Abiuhamsick. tiKlisssI mtitm him Is the Place Thrvvarc, Shelf Steel, Blacksmiths' Coal, ai 1 and Willow v OOC Aiiifioral Implements, Waps, Etc, Etc Harrcws of three different patterns. The Square Deal Gang Plow. "W'itli hiding: Attacliinent. DB1PLETE UHE OF BTBVB r r A HN SHOP N GILLIAM & BISBEE, Next door to First Nat. Bank, Heppner, Or. FOR THE You Will Find that You Can Got tbe tbe Least J. New Grocery Store, MAIN When T'Dpy Say thev Keen a Complete Stock Tliey Mean It. See for Tonraelf. Tbe Most Corapicte Line of Staple aud Fancy Groceries, Canoed Goods, Meats, Salt, Glassware and (jneensware, Anything and Everything. Hov-T FOP.UET THE NEW STORE, MAIN STREET. HEPPNER, - OREGON. will tisnvel well wlien shod "by ROBERTS SIMONS, Grener-al Ilaclvrtmitlis & ITaiiers. REPA1 RIN G M( ) WERS A liisioii per. m after H 1st 1188. mA FIRST-CLASS WAGON SHOP AT SAME STANDS, !M!a,in Street, Heppner, O r h RACII1E,IS, vJ-og,LumberYard a- itV Trucks yKSPWNS WABOfilS ALL STVLESP felil TOIES C HA s E. VUZ FISH BR9S WAGON G3- I- RACINE,WIS. DENTIST. sfi S LATE W0EK A SPECIALTY. Extrartine and Fillinir and Most Imoroved Methods Oflice over Siocum's DrugHtore. GEO. W. LORD, CONTRACTOR arid- BUILDER. Estimates for all kinds of build ings, town or country. Moving Buildings a Specialty. HEPPNER, OREGON. SUMMONS. the coSiv i,r "'e ' ''.n, for Uie J . I. Cas ThresliinK Mncliine t ompaiiy, a corporation duly or ganized and existini; undi f the laws of the stale o Wisconsin laiiitiff. n t t.- , I lot haries Kyte above named, defendant In tlienaine of the rtnte of OreB,,n ja tion withi,; ti' i'"""?. entitled ac of - . iroin tt date yon. served within th summons upon it served witliin on,. . .'"""'i. or then within tweutda from 'he date If'LII? vice of this summons upon you; and if ? i?if" to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff fff take judgment against you. And if you fil , appearand answer tfie oo-miKint ? ES.fheda.. ofioS V S?. seventy-seven and 50-11,(1 (S1277 ,,rin,.- , interest forthe sum of one hu, ,C 'Sd i'd dollars ($m,.m) attorney's fees l"Zin and f y the costs and disbursements of thTi iuf! A'd the defendant will tj.k n,..; ...... 2 , 8u,.t-.. And appear and answer tiie within six r.l,. f....-:., . ,r .nled herein. lication of tl,i88nSm .7 1!. ;,.Vrrt Pn.b- en against him for the sa'e of .V.. e Ullc tioned in the complafnt t.. w Tmim' m of the south-west onJrti; .HLS wa8t e . in ii ana tnat the i " - n,Qw oi llreL'on ! payment of the sm F .le.,i aPP''l to IS?eU' d the wt and di-burselnen,. ' rm.f?: Th, t-.,.. . . . J -"""" is puniisced ill pnrsno 'i "on. jas. A. tee hv'.xe .it coart ot Oregon, for the sixth ' jEuicUl ST.-??1"1 . . Cnuv. ... . i v' """ A'e.s.itrju. t, j-rft ..-..r , ";'..v ee s to Get Your Hardware, Iron Wars, Quecnsvvare, TEE PIT EXP5TII CONNECTION. SPOT CASH Most Goods Money at of tbe Same Class for next door to skating rink STREET. HORSE SPECIALTY. Am. don't han to offer a prtee to nil thlt uooda, for its the BEST UADE. Every Can loJds ONE AND ONE HALF POUNDS. BLACKMAN & CO., HEPPNER, OREGON. CD m an o o o H C 3 m t cn i z: D CO m CO I CD m a CO 0 o H w I I IK 0 f on