Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, March 20, 1890, Image 3

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Union Pacific Railway-Local Card.
No. 81, mixfl, Iwivpb Hpnner 7:47i a. m.
No. nr.'.. arrives " 53i. m..
except Sunday.
Stage leaves for Canyon City, daily,
excei t SnndHy, at6:30 A. M.
Arrives daily, except Sunday, at
5:IK)P. M.
Tbfre is u. saving of 16 hours in time
nd SI" in cash by taking this route to
A Bii.k. Dr. O. H. Murray, alias Dr
Olvmpia S. Mnrruy, who has for some'
time advertised in the Gazette as well
as other papers in Oregon and Washing
ton, is spoken of by the press as a bilk,
T.Ve presumed as much. Although his
ad. has !een running several months,
he has paid nothing. He is not only a
dead best, but "rings in" on a woman's
name to get credit, and therefore is a
swindler. He should see the inside of
Oregon's penitentiary for a term of
C. W. Loinlar & Oc., 429, Fifth St.,
F H.Iand, Or., are authorized to make
ni'c-tising contracts for the Gazette.
They will a:sr make collections for this
Here and There.
A bilk is worse than a tbief.
Mr. H. P. Garrigues is in Portland.
Fresh stock of fine candies at "'The
Spring showers are bringing out the
J. B. Sperry returned from Oregon
City last Tuesday.
Receipt books for sale at the Gazette
office at zj cents each.
'The Model" keeps the best cigars in
the market. Try their "Lion."
Old papers at the Gazette office at 75
cents per 100, or two bits a bunch, tf.
Coffin & MoFarland are reaching out
in Grant county papers in new advertis
ing. Wm. Hughes is afflicted witn an attack
of paralysis, bnt it is hoped that he will
soon reoover.
Fresh Eastern oysters at "The Model."
$1 00 per can, or served in any style at
60 cents per dish.
J udge Clifford will preside at the com
ing term of circuit court which will con
vene next Monday.
A. B. Maekey was up from Alpine this
week and reports a loss of 300 out of
17,00 head of sheep.
Mrs. VV. P. Dntton left on Wednes
day's train to visit friends and relatives
at Pendloton and LaGrande.
Catarrh originates in scrofulous taint.
Hood's Sarsaparilla purines the blood,
and thus permanently oures catarrh.
The Goldondale Courier is the new ex
change which oomes from Goldendale,
Wash. It starts out well and looks pros
perous. Mrs. S. 1'. Garrigues has made some
noticeable changes in her May street
millinery store, preparatory for spring
Ncls. Jones returned from Ontario last
Monday, and left this morning for the
John lay to look after stock interests
T. E. Fell returned from Portland on
Tuesday's train, and Mayor Blaukmnn
also arrived home from Boise at the
same time.
Note that Dr. Olympia S. Murray is a
bilk. Had we known bis reputation his
ad. would not have appeared in our
The young son of James Fristoe was
thrown from a horse one day last week
and dragged quite a distance, reoeiving
some severe bruises.
The fourth page of the Gazette is de
roted largely to stock and agricultural
matters. The Gazette is the paper for
all. Subscribe now.
Nels. Jones has heard from his stock
iu Malheur county, and says he will not
be out over 10 per cent of all the stock
he has on Malheur's range.
Mr. Charles Blaok is in the city from
Frazier's sheep camp on Birch creek.
He reports that Bheep are nowiall brows
ing on the range. K. O.
When jon pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frank Waterbury at the Har
disty House. The tuble is always sup
plied with the best in the market.
J. E. Friok, oashier of the Frst Nation
al Bank of Arlington, and Mr. A. A.
Jayne a popular attorney of that place,
were in Ueppner this week on business,
Messrs. Brown & Hamilton will attend
l ...llnAfiitno ThAAflilnr tlHK
HJ Ulll 1U i..
.not the time to spare to look after that
branch of the business, which is quite an
essential one.
protracted meeting will be held at
the Skthodist church South ; services
,beginniUB-jaturday evening Maroh 22nd,
and oontiuue., under oharge of Kev.
Mr. Riohardson.
Our council did not -eet on last Mon
day evening, owing to nou-ttendance of
counoilmen. City officers should not
miss a meeting at this particular junc
ture in Heppner's affairs.
At the annual encampment of the G.
A. K., at Eugene last week, J. A. Var
ney, of The Dalles, was elected Dep't
Commander. Astoria was selected as
the next place of meeting.
Ed. Cox was over from Hardman last
Thursday and states that stock pros
pects are not the brightest with him.
His loss in sheep was large, as shown by
the report in last week's Gazette.
Slugger Sullivan goes free, by a de
cision of Mississippi's supreme court,
which holds that there is no law prohib
iting prize fighting. Kilrain is Berving
his sentence of two months in jail.
The petition of the people of Morrow
and Gilliam counties for a mail route
between Fossil nd Ueppner was pre
sented to the department a few days ago
by Binger Hermann. Fossil Journal.
After careful consideration of matters
relative to the publio school, the direct
ors have deMded to have only an eight
months term this year. The term will
close at the end of the present month.
Hull & Brown have taken oharge of
the Mi'ton Eagle. The Eagle is a good,
local paper, and we hope the new propri
etors will continue to issue a superior
publication and reoeive liberal support.
N. L. Robinson, of Portland, has a
very neat ad. of his shoe store on the
first page of this paper. He is paying
the highest cash prioes for pelts and
furs. His store is located on May
street, Van Duyn's old stand.
Sheriff Gray came in yesterday with a
Celestial rooster, bound for Salem's state
boarding-house. He was lodged in the
county jail till this morning when he
was taken to quarters below. He was
accompanied by Deputy Otis Guernsey.
Now that spring is here, there no long
er remains a reason for delaying the bor
ing of our artesian well. The Empire
Well Augur Co. should be called upon
-to get their well-borer here and com
plete their ooutract.
P. O. Borg has petitioned the council
rto establish a grade on Upper Main
street, and that he be allowed to use the
dirt from Brewery bluff for improving
Ins property adjacent. This unsightly
till should be graded down as soon as
possible. ,
Tvson & Boyed are preparing to make
a very superior olass of pressed brick at
their yard near Heppner. Their ma
chinery will be the best that oan De pro
cured for that purpose, and from pres
ent appearances, they will have a large
demand for the products of their enter
prise. The paper business cannot be run
without funds. Our expenses are con
tinually increasing in the earnest en
deavor of the proprietor to make the
Gazette more readable and newsy.
This must be met by a proportional in
crease of busiuess, and prompt payment
-of all accounts.
The best information from Morrow
-county is to the effect that the loss in
cattle will be 50 per cent., and in sheep
20 to 30 per cent. The crop prospects
are exoellent, and abundant harvests
may be expected next summer. Salem
Statesman. Relative to stock losses in
Morrow county, this estimate is entire
ly too large. About one-half the above
-JTould oome near the correct thing.
Is one which is guaranteed to bring
yousatisfiictory results, or in case of
failure a return of purchase price. On
this safe plan you can but from onr ad
vertised Druggist a bottle of Dr. King's
New Discovery for Consumption. It
is guaranteed to bring relief in every ease,
when used for any affection of Throat,
icings or Chest, such as Consumption,
Inflammation of Lungs Bronchitis, Asth
ma, Whooping Cough, Croup, etc., etc.
It is pleasant and agreeabe to taste, per
fectly safe, and can always be depended
upon, .trial bottles free at A. D. John
sou & Co's Drugstore. 1.
Camp Fike. On the eve of the 28th
mat., the Grand Army boys. Post 31, will
congregate around the historical camp
fire at Lexington, at which time all are
invited to participate. Sneakms and
patriotic songs will form part of the
programme, which will be held at the
church. A social dance will also be
given for those who desire to participate.
To CoNStiMPTivKS. The undersigned
having been restored to health by sim
ple means, after suffering for severa
years with a severe lung affection, and
that dread disease Consumption, is anx
ious to make known to bis fellow suffer
ers the means of oure. To those wjio
desire it, he will cheerfully send (tree, of
charge) a copy of the prescription used,
which they will find a sure oure for Con
sumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis
and all throat and lung Maladies. He
hopes all suflerers will try his Remedy,
as it is invaluable. Those desiring the
prescription, which will ooet them noth
ing, hud may prove a blessing, will
please address. Rev. EdwabdA. Wil
son, Williamsburg, Kings oouuty, New
The Settler Does Not Lose. As the
Gazette predicted, the, department has
decided that the settler who has paid
his money into the hands of a receiver
for land, does not lose his money by rea
son of the failure of the receiver to make
entry and payment to the government.
The officer is the agent of the govern
ment and is alone responsible to it. The
settler is entitled to a patent to the land.
We desire to say to our citizens, that
for years e have been selling Dr. King's
New Disoovery for Consumption, Dr,
King's New Life Pills, Buokliu's Arnica
Salve and Eleotric Bitters, and have
never handled remedies that sell as well,
or that have given such universal satis
faction. We do not hesitate to guaran
tee them every time, aud we stand ready
to refund the purchase price, if satisfac
tory results do not follow their use.
These remedies haye won their great
popularity purely on their merits. A. D.
Johnson & Co., Druggists. 1.
From the News.
Mr. John Luce informs us that so far
as he has been enabled to learn the loss
of sheep in the lower John Day valley
already averagt-a 33 per cent. To
make the situation worse sheep are still
The Jacksonville Times learns that
Grant and Harney counties will sustain
a stock loss ranging from 50 to 75 per
cent. These figures are erroneous as
far as Grant county is concerned, al
though the loss here will be enormous
unless stock cease dying pretty soon.
Canyon City is tagging along nipping
at the heels of the rest of tbe world.
She has had a genuine wrestling match,
and may have a slugging college. She
may have the World's Fair next after
Chicago, but, alas, we cannot, owing to
previous arrangements, be present then
to "write it up."
To the purification of your blood, for at
no season is the body so susceptible to
the benefits to be derived from a good
medicine, as in March, April and May.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the people's favor
ite spring medioiue. It stands unequal
ed for purifying the blood, curing scrof
ula, salt rheum, etc, regulating the kid
neys and liver, repairing nerve tissues,
strengthening andinvigoiatingthe whole
body, as well as checking the progress
of acute and chronic disease, and restor
ing the atHicted parts to a natural,
healthy condition. It you have never
tried Hood s Sarsaparilla tor your "spring
medicine" do so this season"
Skipped. It was generally noised
around town last Thursday that L. b.
Rider, a paiuter and paper-hanger, waB
preparing to jump the country. As he
had numerous creditors here, it was in
vestigated. From all appearances the
rumor was true, and Mr. Rider was
brought back to town to settle up be
fore going away. However, as he had
nothing worth mentioning, the larger
creditors got bnt little, aud the small
fry, "nary a bean." This is foolish
for a young man, particularly as good a
mechanio as Mr. Rider had proved him
self to be, who bad just begun to be estab
lished in a way to make money. It is pre
sumed that Rider got away with a small
amount of cash, but entirely too little
for a man to sacrifice his reputation.
Following is the jury list for the en
suing term of circuit court which con
venes at Heppner on the 24th iustant :
Heppner Eiias Friend, E- Nordyke,
I). YY. Hornor, J. A. W. Coffey, A. 11.
Stamp, Clias. Lindeand Prestou Looney.
lone N. B. Williams, E, G. Sperry,
Frank Wilson, W. A. Allen aud H. Pad
berg. Eight Mile Olof Bergstrom, F. M.
Holmes, J. H. Mathews, H. M. Vaughan,
W. T. McNabb and Jesse Martin.
Lena Jackson Fleek, Albert Ayers
and W. E. Hiatt.
Pine City Frank Fitch and A. A.
Ayers, senior.
Dry Fork M. S. Maxwell aud O. C.
Cecil P. Bauerfeind and S. White.
Dairy-C. M. Hastings, B. F. Dedon
and A. F. Courter.
Well Spring W. W. Smead.
Matteson H. Scherzinger.
DR. FLINT'S REMEDY, for the mm
or woman who finds himself or herself
unable to sleep, is an invulnerable medi
cine, which will not only procure the
blessing of sleep, but will prevent gener
al breaking down of the whole system.
Descriptive treatise with each bottle; or,
address Mack Drug Co., N. Y.
St. Patrick's Day, The dance given
at the opera house lHst Monday eve., St.
Patrick's day, by Messrs. Hallock & Kee
ner was not as largely attended as an
ticipated, yet all eujoyed themselves.
The supper prepared by Jack Gray for
that occasion was as fine as ever spread
in Heppner, yet it was so poorly patron
ized that Mr. Gray is considerably out
of pocket.
Strays. The Gazette knows of the
whereabouts of two, stray geldings, a
sorrel and bay, branded 73 or 7a also
two 2-jeai-old colts, a brown and a
black. The owuer of these animals can
learn of their whereabouts by calling at
this office and paying for local. 4t.
Gov. Rea's new office, next door to thp
Gazette, is assuming shape, and will
ere long be ready for the Gov.
I. N. Basey is making quite an addi
tion to his Mountain House, above the
Gazette office.
Mrs. J. R. Simons mourns the loss of
333 per cent, of her cattle in the last
storm, losing one out of three head.
Johnny Beeler has just returned from
a trip to" the Sound. He thiuks Port
Towusend is the best town in that sec
tion. F. O. Bucknnm, of the Lombard Inv.
Co., was in the city this week. He has
many friends here who are always glad
to see the boy.
Hon. W. F. Matlock came over from
Pendleton last Thursday aud left Mon
day for Portland, accompanied by T. J.
Matlock, of Heppner.
Mrs. A. J- Stevenson and children
will move to their Skinner ranch in the
near futnre. They have been residing
in Heppner the past winter to avail
themselves of school privileges.
Every ingredient employed in produc
ing Hood's Sarsaparilla is strictly pure,
aud is the best of its kind it is possible
to buy. All the roots and herbs are
carefully selected, personally examined,
and only the best retained. Bo that
from the time of purchase until Hood's
Sarsaparilla is prepared, everything is
carefully watched with a view to attain
ing the best result. Why don't yon try
Furnished by the Popnlur Pmuas Plaster of
tbe Creek.
J. P. Rhea, one of the leading stock
men of Morrow county, is in the Long
Creek section buying sheep.
We are informed that Frank Kellogg
of Heppner will be an aspirant for joint
senatorial honors on the democuatic tick
et. Wm. Rndio disposed of his ranch on
the John Day recently to Emmett Coch
ran, a rancher and stockman of that sec
tion. Consideration, JfTOoO.
Grant county was among the first to
pay into the state treasury the requisite
fund. If her sister counties do think
her N. G., she generally gets there first.
W. R. Ellis, of Morrow county was
spoken of as a Candida te for congress
man at the meeting of the republican
state central committee at Portland on
the 5th inst. Certainly East Oresron
would not object to see one of her resi
dents successful.
Joe Barker, the deaf and dumb fellow
of the Middle Fork section, who was
charged and bound over for larceny of
horses, had his hearing last week in the
circuit court, and though the grand jury
found a bill against him, through the
able assistance of Judge Denning he
was found not guilty and was acquitted.
He passed through Long Creek last Sat
urday euroute to Ritter, via "hoof ex
press," appearing as happy as a ciam.
The Heppner Gazette issued a fine
supplement and description of Heppner
last week. lamLuU county Eedtier.
The Heppner Gazette conies to us
this week bright and newsy as ever, aud
containing as a supplement an excellent
written description and illustrated
pamphlet describing Heppner and its
surroundings. Such enterprise has its
effect on the people of a town. West
This week, the Heppner Gazette
comes to our table accompanied by an
elegant supplement very appropriately
advertising tn desirable features of
Heppner and Morrow. This is evidence
the people of that locality have A proper
appreciation of their home paper. Bor
der Signal.'
The Heppner Gazette this week con
tains as a supplement a well written des
cription of the city and its surroundings.
It speaks well for Heppner that it has
such a well edited newspaper and well
for the paper that ithas cast its lines in
suoh a prosperous comuiunrcy. Port
land Oregonian.
A finely illustrated 8 pase namnhlet
and accompanying maps, entitled Hepp
ner, issueu as a supplement to the Hepp
ner Gazette is out and reflects great
credit upon the wide awake people of
Heppner. Also a 10 page pamphlet of
Heppner's high school. Fossil Journal.
We are in receipt this week of the sup
plement of the Heppner Weekly Ga
zette, and also a pamphlet showing the
course ot study or the high school of
that place. The supplement is a fine
work and shows much enterprise in the
Gazette in getting it up. It is well il
lustrated, giving views of the citv, map
of country and also views of fine busi
ness houses, residences, sonool house.
churches, etc., and gives a general des
cription of the town and its business; in
short, just the thing to induce immigra
tion. Milton Eagle.
Our winter in the valley was almost
like the Irishman's winter in Minnesota:
Nine months wintor and three months
late in the fall," but the welcome Chi
nook will soon take it away if it contin
ues like it has for the last two days.
The losses in horses and cattle
small in the valley The former
head and the latter eight up to
The loss of sheeD is larse. J. L. Gnl-
liford lost 3ol)J head; J. W. Salisbury,
The surprise party at C. R. Gate's last
Friday eve., was a success.
of Byron S. Brown, who left home,
Courtright River, St. Clair. Out.. Cana
da, in May, 1S.S0. His age is about 28
years, height, 5 feet ll-j' inches ; dark
nair; brown eyes. He is supposed to ba
liviug in this locality, and anyone hav
ing seen or heard of him would confer a
kindly favor by communicating with
his parents. Photographs will be sent
to anyone applying. Please aderess
E. C. Bkown, London, P. O., Ont.
The directors of tbe Palace Hotel Com
pany will receive sealed bids for the
foundation work of their building, to be
opened at their office on tbe first day of
April, 18iX). Work to be commenced
ten days after acceptance of the bid, and
completed in forty days. Bond for
double the amount of the bid will be re
quired. Plans and specifications may
be seen at the First National Bank of
Heppner, Or. Directors reserve the
right to reject any and all bids.
Heppxeb, March 11, lj0,
64 66 J. W. Morrow,
We have a fine lot of oak wood for
sale at S10 per cord, delivered. Leave
all orders at the Gazette office.
tf Pattekson & Crawford.
Plain Sewing. Mrs. J. W. Rasmus
desires to inform the ladies of Heppner
that she is prepared to do all kinds of
plain sewing. 4t
In consequence of having sold out my
business, I am compelled to demand a
settlement from those who owe me, eith
er by note or account, by the loth day of
April, 1S90. After that date I will place
all notes and accounts that are not set
tled in the hands of an attorney for im
mediate collection, add all those having
claims against me must collect by above
date. J. B. Natter.
Heppner, March 19, 1S90. it.
The following market reports we clip
from the Oregonian of the latest date:
Wheat The spot market holds steady
under good demand. Offerings are mod
erate No. 1 shipping quoted
nominally at 1.2Gral.27i; option
trading, slow; morning call, 100 tons
haver year at $1.38; buyer season,
Wheat Higher; opened, 79J8c May;
closed, 80c, March. 80J2'c May.
Chicago, Mar. 11. Cattle Receipts
17,000; strong and 10c lower; choice to
extra beeves, 4,508i5; steers, $3(&4 40;
stockers and feeders. 82 503 70; Texas
oorn fed cattle 93 00&.3 70.
Hogs Receipts 22.000; slow and 5
cents lower; mixed, 84 10 430;
heavy, $4 10a4 35; light, S3 90 12.
Sheep Receipts, 9000; steady; natives,
$3 50fe5 90; Western corn fed, $4 80
5 60; Texans, $3 90(9 5 20.
Potatoes The market is firmer with
liberal supplies. Quotations, i 002 2o
per cental.
Onions The market is weaker. Sup
plies coming in freely. Quotations, 83 00
&5 00.
Oats The market is firmer with light
receipts. Quotations 4042c.
Poultry All kinds are scarce and
prices rule high.
Millfeed The market is entirely bare,
on account of interrupted traffic, the
mills being shut off from shipping.
Other commodities in tne produce
market, show no change, nor is it likely
they will until the avenues of supply
are again opened up.
Butter Fresh 6065c per 2 lb roll. ;;.
Eggs Very few in the market. Find
ready sale at 2530c per doz.
Potatoes Few in market. Wonted
at 2e per lb.
Onions 2(a3c per pound.
Beef hides 75cl. 50, according to
quality and size.
Sheep pelts MJ;7Sc.
Flour Heppner, 84 per barrel ; in 5
arrel lots, $3.75; Peerless, (Waitsburg)
4. 25 per barrel in any qnantity.
A man who has practiced medicine
for 40 years, ought to know salt from
sugar; read what he says:
Toledo, o.. Jan. iu. lSB.
Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co. Gentle
men: I have been in the general prac
tice of medicine for most 40 years, and
would say that in all my practice and
experience have never seen a preparation
that I could prescribe with as much con
fidence of success as I can Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure, manufactured by you. Have
prescribed it a great many times and its
effect is wonderful, and would say in
conclusion that I have yet to find a case
of Catarrh that it would not cure, if they
wonld take it according to dirctions.
Yours Truly,
Office, 215 Summit St
We will give 8100 for any case of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Taken internally.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
ESSold by druggists, 75c.
Where can you get the Most
Candies, Nuts, Notions, Ciprs, Tobaccos, Etc.
Where did you Say ?
Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's,
and next door to the Rea Restaurant.
Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and
in the Best Style.
Don't forget "THE MODEL," for th
Choicest Goods.
ih--hih-.. '-
A competent girl wanted in a family of
65tf T. E. Feli..
The members of the democratic cen
tral oommittee of Morrow county are
hereby requested to meet at Matlock s
hall, Heppner, at 2 o'clock on .Saturday,
the 29th day of March, 1890, to fix the
time for holding the primary meeting in
the several precincts, and to attend to
any other business that may come be
fore the committe. By order of the
Wm. Mitchell
J. W, Moehow, Sec.
. March 20, 1890.
While Wm. Morrow was exercising hi
fine yearling colt on Heppners streets
last Sunday, in some manner the ani
mal's left leg was broken. It is now
under strict care and the oolt may be
At the republican committee meeting
this afternoon, it was decided to hold the
primaries April 5, and the -onaty on-.
vention April y. xne delegates to the
convention will be selected at the. latter
For Week Ending Wednesday, March 19. 1890
Mean Mean Pre- Char
Date. Temp. Max. Min. Bar, cip. acter.
Marl3 45.12 62.00 5.50 30.580 0.(10 cPr-
14 48.00 68.50 37.50 30.440 0.00 el'r
15 46.25 60 00 38.00 S0.Z25 0.00 fair
16 42.50 47.00 40.00 80.(180, 0.09 cl'd
17 43.25 50.75 88.50 29.870 0.10 cl'd
18 43.50 60 00 43.50 29.820 0.25 cl'd
19 36.00 49.00 SIM 29.910 0.00 fair
. A. Smith.
Be Sure
If you have made up your mind to Tray
Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take
any other. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a peculiar
medicine, possessing, by virtue of its peculiar
combination, proportion, and preparation,
curative power superior to any other article.
A. Boston lady who knew what she wanted,
and whose example is worthy imitation, tells
her experience below:
To Get
In one store where I went to buy Hood's
Sarsaparilla the cleric tried to induce me buy
their own instead of Hood's; hetoldmetheir's
would last longer; that I might take it on ten
days' trial; that if I did not like it I need not
pay anything, etc. But he could not prevail
on me to change. I told him I knew what
Hood's Sarsaparilla was. I had taken it, was
satisfied w ith it, and did not want ftny other.
When I began taking Hood's Sarsaparilla
I was feeling real miserable, suffering
a great deal with dyspepsia, and so weak
that at times I could hardly stand. I looked,
and had for some time, like a person in con
sumption. Hood's Sarsaparilla did me so
much good that I wonder at myself sometimes,
and my friends frequently speak of it." Mrs.
Ella A. Goff, 61 Terrace Street, Boston.
Soldby all druggists. $1; six for g5. Prepared only
lljC.L HOOD CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mast
IOO Doses One Dollar
Faber's Golden Female Pills7
"fjfX For Female Irregular
r, .! v lties:nothiiielikethem
1 on tne market. JVcrer
SrTKi A fail. Successfully used
3K&!C,!VVil 1 by prominent ladies
ESSr 4W monthly. Guaranteed
- to relieve suppressed
r$yJj0 menstruation.
Rave Time. Health,
and money ;tate no oth
er. Sent to any address,
secure bv mail on re
Vv ceipt of price, $2.00.
fev t Address,
Western Branch, Box 27 PORTLAND, OK
Sold by A. D. Johnson & Co., Sol
Agente for Heppner.
Season of 1890.
The thoroughbred! imported Clydesdale stallions
Finnleh Olviof,
(4i76, Vol. V. Am?Stnd Book.) (5757, Vol.
X, Stnd Book of Great, Britain.)
(4477, Vol. V, Am. Stud Book.) (6827, Stu d Boo
of Great Britain-)
Will stand this season at my place on
Big Butter creek, 5 miles from Lena, and
serve maies at the following rates:
Single leap $10.00
Season S20.00
Insure with Foal , 825 00
Msree from a distance pastured and attended tw
for ja a month. 64-2m B. B. Mass.
Calls Attention to his Immense Stock of
Look out for Arrival of Spring Stock in
the Near Future.
His Prices Cannot be Beaten.
W. O. MINOR, May St.-
hi in
i i i t i i i
The Best Meals in the City.
I. N. BASEY, Proprietor.
The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co.
has constantly arriving in Car Load lots
the largest assorted stock of
General Merchandised
To be Found East of Portland.
Among the Latest Novelties are
Lais' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmines, Etc
Their Celebrated Boot called
cSla.ckma.xi's Best"
Is unsurpassed for durability.
Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody
both in prices and quality, A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots,
Eats, Caps, Tobaeoos, Crockery, Etc.
In our Groqery Department everything is
Firt-Clasfjand Staple Goods in every
variety fTfuit all classes of trade.
ecial Inducements in
hsep Dip lk Sulphur, Line, Wire,
Machinery, Etc,
A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the
public that we carry the goods required which will be
sold at Bedrock Prioes for Cash.
Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag
ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated
Bain Wagon always on Hand.
Hies and Pelts Bought for Cash and Trade.
Parties from Long Cree'r, Grant and Harney Connties will
do well to price our Goods before purchasing else
where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment,
and will endeavor to make all
feel at home.
Do Not Forget the Place.
Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet.
May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn.
Everything in our line will be sold at marvelously low prices
within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash
Buyers ,nd our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en
titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co.
Heppner Feed Yard !
Is the place for Teamsters to stop.
li-oo Camping House.
Whole Barley and Chop for Sale.
KEEFER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or.
E. K. BISHOP, Treas.
General Warehouse and
warding Agents.
A. D. Johnson & Co.
Sole Agents for Morrow County for
XajL-grtle's Patent
k Or
! !
and. Piping Alwys
on Hand.
Hardware, Tinware, Granite,
Wood and "Willow Ware,
Bud Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma
chines and a complete line of
Groceries and Confectionery I
77?.? CfYm.Timni linst mn.mi-7it fnn.fifrn.r.ipfl.n. tiin-sifnmj
warehouse 80 jc 100 feet, rvith wool press and all con-
- 77-".. ' 7
vemences Tor nanauns wool.
The arelwuse Charges at Heimner ivill he the same
as those at Arlington, less cartages.
Freight upon baled wool from Heppner, same as
from Arlington.
Cash advanced upon consignments of ivool or wool in
' I'M
Bucldngham & Hecht's
Button. Lace or "Tjongress. Every pair
Warranted. Also an extensive line of
the celebrated Buckingham &
Hecht boots always on hand.
The Largest Stock in East
ern Oregon,
Special attention paid to fine custom work Opposite City Hotel,
I t i s , Cl-i exnioms, Ffro- Medicines! Toilet
Artioles, fnlnts. Oils. Glass ( 1 1 icl
WtUl 1 i i.
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD pfcNS in
Eastern Oregon.
At, for Fortland Oregonian.
Leezer'A Thompson's Comer, : : : Main Street,
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First
elass Harness Shop.
Repairing sx Specialty I
Kept Constantly on handfhe Celebrated Heppner Sale
Go to their store tor the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
nye years, uoa t rmy eisewnere till you examine their machines and
get oash prices.