Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, March 20, 1890, Image 2

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The E. O. maintains a prominent po
sition in Eafitern Oregon as a leading
organ of the democratic! party. Speak
ing of the questions which win be pre
sented to the voters of Oregon, it says:
"So far as the legislative ticket is con
cerned in tills as well ast in other coun
ties of this state, the battle must be
fought ont on these lines: Opposition
to untaxed bonds; amendment of the
railroad commission in the interest of
producers or its repeal and the enact
ment of a freight law ; radical amend
ments of the assessment law; adoption
of ballot reform; declaration in favor of
electing United Htates senators by a di
rect vote of the people; and a repeal of
the usury law. Of course the republi
cans will very likely adopt the same
declarations, but it must certainly be
apparent to some of the party that their
practices in the past will belie any pro
fessions made in favor of auy of these
The subjects presented are all worthy
of the attention of the voter. There is
not one which can, consistently, be con
sidered a strict party issue. There is
not one matter named in the E. O.'s
formula but what is a subject in which
every citizen of Oregon is immediately
and directly interested. Then wny in
ject the significant words "Oi course the
republicans wiil likely adopt the same
declaration?" Have the republicans
been more derelict than the democrats?
On the question of the election of Cnit-
ed States senators and the repeal of the
usury laws, members of all parties are
divided. The usury question is particu
larly one of vital importance to the bor
rower. To protect the needy unfortun
ate from the oppression of the usurer;
and on the other hand the lender wants
the advantage of the open market, where
corners in money can be manipulated
just as wheat and pork are now.
The experience of the past legislatures,
controlled by republicans or demoorata,
have taught the people that these ques
tions presented by the East Oiegonian
have tared alike at their hands. No, no,
they are not questions which will, or
ought to be deoided by party alone.
Voters belonging to either party should
elect representatives who will join with
any parties in carrying out measures
that are clearly not partisan, which they
The ISlair educational bill has become
a public nuisance at the hands of its pa
ternity. Senator Blair has inflicted on a
wearied senate and the country an inter
mitant speech, probably unparalelled in
our national councils. Early in January
he began the greatest speech of the cen
tury and has oontinued it at intervals
since, when permitted. It is said his de.
livery on February 6th consumed five
hours of the time of the senate, and
would make a small volume containing
one hundred and twenty pages. His
speeches upon the bill with statistics
and other matters preseuted would form
an extensive library on educational sub
jects. Yet, with all his long vaporings,
his wind ib unexhausted and fearfully
It is not to be presumed that his
speeches were made to a crowded pres
ence upon the floor or m the galleries,
who eagerly listened and drank in his
Mowing eloquence, for that would be
granting powers of endurance to human
ity whioU patience does not permit.
Kather, imagination must picture the
empty benches and a few senators occu
pied with matters more pressing than
the humdrum, threadbare speeches of
Tt ts now proposed to agitate the sub
ject of an amendment to the constitu
tion the object of which is to prevent the
use of public money, in any way, for any
private educational institution nnder
the control of religions denominations.
The amendment would be a good one
to protect the people from being taxed
directly to enrich religious corpora
tions. The question arises, will such an
amendment avail to accomplish the de
sired end? What is wanted most, is some
effort to give congress the power to pro
tect the citizen wherever he may be,
from brutal violence, where the states
refuse or neglect to give them protec
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Halt Kheum, Fever
Sores. Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chil-
Blains, Corns, and ail Skin Eruptions,
aud positively cures Piles, or no pay re
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money refunded. Price
25 cents per box. for sale by A. D.
Johnson & Co
The roomers of Seattle propose to ex
tend the boundaries of that city so as to
include in its limits a site twelve miles
square. Within the limits proposed the
population of the city would be increas
ed to 50,000. This would show a com
pact city of 347 inhabitants to the mile
and allow nearly an acre and a half to
each man woman and child. It will al
low plenty of range, but my! won't the
people be taxed to support such a me
tropolis! But vanity endureth much.
The citizens of Portland have ac
cepted the proposition of U. W. Hunt to
build a line of railway from the junction
of the O. & W. railway system to Port
land. Mr. Hunt'B proposition is that the
citizens of Portland take $2,000,000 of
the bonds of the company.
Portland's enterprise will not fail to
show itself aud secure a line which will
be a source f wealth for all time. Over
a million ai Jl a quarter has already been
subscribed. V
Of the First National Bank at Hepp
ner, in the State of Oregon, at the
Close of Business, 2H day of
February, 1HB0.
Loans and discounts 8124,117.55
Overdrafts seoured and unsecured 3,442.38
U. S. Bonds to secure circula
tion 12.500.00
Due from approved reserve agents 518 68
Due from other National banks lOSo.Hi
Banking-house furniture and
fixtures 3292.08
Current expenses and taxes
paid 501.75
Premiums on II. S. bonds 3,0(0.(0
Bills of other Banks 445.00
Fractional paper currency,
nickels and cents. 1.27
Specie 13,107.60
Legal-tender notes 1025.00
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (5 per cent, of
circulation) 562.50
If a woman is pretty.
To me 'tis no matter, i-
Bo she blonde or brunette,
io she leu me look at her.'
An unhealthy woman is rarely, if ever
beautiful. The peculiar diseases to which so
inr of the sex are subject, are prolino
causes of pale sallow faces, blotched with un
sVbtly pimples, dull, lustreless eyes and ems
eiated forms. Women so afflicted, can be per
manently cured by using; Dr. Pierce s f avorite
Prescription; and with the restoration of
health comes that beauty which, combined
with good qualities of head and heart, makes
women angels of loveliness. .....
)( " Favorite Prescription
is the only medioine for
guarantee from the
mmnuraomrers, mat it win rivo Bauiinuuuu
in rftry cage, or money will oe refunded. It
g a poiiitive rpeeiilc for all those painful disor
ders, irregularities and weaknesses with wbioh
so many women are afflicted.
Copyright, 1888, by "Wokld'i Dia, Hid. ass'x.
Purely Vegetable I
Perfectly Harmless I
TrNECcITAI.ES as a uver fill.
Smallest, Cheapest, Easiest to tube,
ne tiny. Sue-ar-ooated Pellet a dose. Cures
Sick Headache, Bilious Headache, Constipa
tion, Indigestion, Bilious Attaoka, and all de.
Tnngementa. of the Stomach and Bowels.
H kuk a Tial, by druggists.
Senator Blair.. ...Vhv.jb.H. JVmalKTMifofiaY
President Green, of the Western Un
ion Telegraph Company, in his testimony
before the committee on the Postal Tele
graph bill, said the government oould
not do the business as cheaply aa the
Western Union, hich is probably true,
but it is not contemplated by the friends
of government telegraphy to declare
dividends on a huudred per cent of wa
tered capital. The cost of the postal ser
vioe of the country exceeds the revenue,
yet, the people are served cheaply and
are satisfied to pay the delinquency out
of the general fund, rather than add the
small increase of postage neoessary to
make the service equal the expense.
Who will say that a monopoly could
give the public cheaper service? So it
would be with a telegraph department;
in time it would pay its way at small
Dr. Noroiu Green, president of the
Western Union Telegraph Company, has
had a lengthy hearing before the com
mittee having in oharge the postal tel
egraph bill. As might be expected from
the president of a great corporate mo
nopoly, he was opposed to the govern
ment management of a postul telegraph.
His company has always been opposed to
competing lines by individuals, and why
not against the government line?
The fact is, opinions of monopoly
managers, voluntarily given, upon mat
ters whioh would conflict with their in
terests are of little value, aud cannot be
received as reliable.
Total $164,090.68
Capital stock paid in $ 50.000.00
Surplus fund 12.000.00
Undivided profits 1,937.99
National Bank Notes outstand
ing 11,250.00
Individual deposits subject to
check ,.. 35.094.32
Demand certificates of deposit 1139.75
Time certificates of deposit 9044 40
Due to other Nationul Bauks.. 41,990.28
Due to State Banks and bank
ers, 736.94
Coffin & McFarland,
We tnke pleasure in informing our customers and the public generally
that we have just remo?ed our stock of General Merchandise
into our Elegant New Brick Store down Main Street,
where we shall be pleased to welcome all.
We have the Best Assorted Stock of Goods
in this section.
Our Dry thotb Depirimeni ih
In Gent's, Youth's and Boy's Clothing
We are The Leaders.
We can show a Handsome Line of Fine Tailor Made Suits, of the Latest Styles
and Most Brilliant Patterns. Don't buy yonr Spring Suit before
Examining our Assortment.
o Most QsmpleU!
To all whom this may concern:
Notice is hereby Riven that on January 80.1SJU,
I executed turner duress, a promissory note m ta
vorof W. H. t'onard. foriliesumof rwo laon
sund i2.(Jf) Dollars.and line m four months
from date thereof, and Thai I will not pay 8-ld
note, and 1 further notify all parties not l.i Pur
chase or discount saiu note. 1 , ...
Hated at Heppner, tins uay oi i-eu..
& Coffey s
Notice is hereby eiven tliat the nridersismed.
John T. Dickens has this lay been duly appoint
ed administrator of the estate of L. W. Dickens,
deceased, by the county court of Morrow county.
c.re F t treV, and all persons bavins calms
against the estate are horeby notified to present
the same, duly verified, to said administrator at
Hardmnn, Morrow county, ur.. or at me omce ,l
Brown & Hamilton in Heppner, Morrow county,
Oregon, within six months from the date of this
notice John. T. Dickens. Administrator.
Dated Feb. 25. 'DO. J.N. Beowh, Att'y for Atlm r
--Exclusive HardwarB Sieie,-
Is the Tlace to Get Your
Total $104,099.08
State op Orecion, )
County op Morrow, )
I, George Conser, Cashier of the
above named bank, do solemnly swear
that the above statement is true to the
best of my knowledge and belief.
Geo. Conser, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this
14th day of March, 1890. Otis Patterson,
JNotary fublic.
Correct- -Atte:
The fifth annual convention of the
Sunday School workers of Oregon will
be held in the Christian church, Mc
Minnville, commencing Tuesday, April
15, and closing Thursday, April 17, 1890.
While this is a mass convention, and all
interested in Sunday School work are
most cordially and earnestly invited to be
uresent, yet, to insure representation,
each Sunday School in the state is re
quested to select two or more persons
pledged to attend. ne irienas or tne
work at McMinnville will open their
homes and hearts and take eare of ail
who may attend the convention. That
they may know who are to be entertain
ed all those expecting to be present will
confer a favor bv sending their names to
Rev. J. Hoburg, McMinnville, that plac
es may be assigned them. Friends of
the work will notice the change in time
of holding the convention from June to
April. This is done that Oregon may
fall into line with our sisters ia a chain of
conventions arranged by the internal ex
ecutive oommittee. Mr. Wm. Reynolds,
president of the last internal conven
tion, will be present at the convention
and take a prominent and active part.
Arrangements have been made with the
S. P. R. R. in Oregon and the O. P. R.
R. for the usual reduced rates. That
we may know the number of schoolsind
pupils, aud the work being done oy tue
Sunday Schools of Oregon, theseoretary
or superintendent of each school is re
quested to send frol. nenry ooeaa.
Philomath, Or., statistical secretary, a
full report. N. W. Hull,
E. W. Allen, Secretary, Corvallis.
Gents' Footwear in all Grades.
The "Home Jewel" Ranges will "bake the cake. Full line of Groceries, Hardware
aud Tinware. California San Jose Saddles. Bits and Spurs. Heavy Team
Harness. MITCHELL WAGONS. Plows and Harrows. Doors Rnd
Windows. Paints, Oils and Glass. Carpets, Wall Papers. Black
smith's Stone Coal. Shingles, Lime Sulphur, Cement.
Commencing Monday Morning, FEBRUARY, 17th, 1890, we intend
presenting to every retail cash purchaser of dry gooda, cloth- -ing,
boots, Bhoeerbai'and caps to the amount
of Twenty-five Dollars ($25.00),
Worth $4 each. Our prices on all goods are low as the lowest. Buying
the books from the publishers east, in large quantities, we
are eabled to offer them as an inducement to increase
our trade. The-fcbove offer holds good until
JULY 1, 1890.
Do not miss this chance, but start in at once buying from us and get a
DRY GOODS Purchased between the above dates.
Orders from the Country Solicited Highest price
Paid for Shep Pelts.
Agents fox Cli3?isty & Wise.
Notice is hereby Riven that by virtue of an or
der issued out of the ( :ounty Court of the State
of Orfccon, for Morrow county. i:it'(l March 7,
IKK), the undersigned, the adininistnitory of the
Eftateof Charles Linde, deceased, will Bell at
public auction, on the premises, oq
Friday, the Fouitti Day of April, 1NU0.
The following described real estate, known as
the Charles Linde Kanch, to wit: The S'-i of
the N W H and the W M of the SW 'i of Sec. 20. Tp.
y si ,f i? -;tl V W. M IVrmn: One-third in
ninety daysand two-thirds in one year, at eight
nerecnt. Also, all the personal pronerty ie-
Ionsnne' to said estate, consisting of horses, prat
tle, farming implements, etc. Jerms: ash on
all sums less than five dollfirs; over five dollars,
note with improved security for one year with
eifht per cent, interest.
Dated at Heppner, March 7, 190.
John HumiES
fii-4t. Administrators,
Tinware, Shelf Hardware, Iron
and Steel, Blacksmiths' Coal,
Wood and Willow Wars, Queensware,
Agricultural Implements, Wagons, Etc, Etc.
Harrows of three different patterns.
The Square Deal Gang Plow.
Vitlx ICatllrifj: Attachment.
Land Office at La Grande. Or., March 4, '90.
Notice i hereby Biyen that the fotlnwuiff
named settler haw tiled notice of his intention to
make hnal proof in support ol his claim, ana
that said proof will be made before the county
jndi;e. or in hi-absence before the county clerk
of Morrow countv, at Heppner, Or., on
May HI. viz.
Philip K. Trenton,
TM. No. 311. for the SR'4 SWi, Si RH
Nlii Si'i Sec. ito. Tp. 1 8. K. 28 E.
nurnwl the fni lowinf? witnesses tO nrOVe 1U6
eontinuoufl residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz:
Vnmn Mpdimher and T. M. ("row. of Gallo
way, and Mike Kenny and Andy Tillard, of
Lena. Or.
invnorsnn who rlesires tn protest asamst the
allowance of such proof, or who knows of any
substantial reason, under rneiaw ami uie regula
tions of the Interior Department, why such proof
should not be allowed, will be Kiven an opportu
nity at the above mentioned time ana place io
cross-examine the witnesses ot said maintain,
and to ofter evidence in rebuttal of that Kuomit
ted by claimant.
3o4-9 Hexht Rinehart. Register.
Heppner, in the State of Oregon,
at the close of business, Feb.
28, 1S90.
Loans and discounts 8101,391.03
Overdrafts seoured aud unse
cured 885.05
V. S. bonds to secure circula
tion 12,500.00
Stooks, securities, judgments,
claims, etc 3,858.80
Due from approved reserve
agents 1,608.95
Due from other Nat. Banks . . KSJ.18
BankiurhoUHe, furniture, and fix. 1,885.45
Current ex. and taxes paid
rremiums on U. S. bonus
Checks and other cash items. .
Bills of other Banks
Fractional " paper curreucy,
nickels, and cents
Specie 5,070.40
Legal-tender notes 1,000.00
Redemption fund with U. S.
Treasurer (o per cent, of circulation)
Tot Aii ,...$133,213.44
Capital stock paid in $ 50.000.00
Surplus fund 2,728.69
Undivided profits 2,550.05
Nat. Bank notes outstanding.. 10,750.00
Individual deposits subiect to
check 25,336.24
Demand certificates of deposit 2,68vt.59
Time certificates of deposit 300.00
Due to other Nat. banks 88.38
Notes and bills re-discouuted 28,709.59
Bills payable 10,000.00
On aDd after Tuesdav, Feb. 25t.h, the
Union Pacific. "The Overland Route
will ran a furnished Pullman Colonist
Car from Portland to St. Joseph, Mo.,
leaving Portland every Tnesday at 9:00
p. m., arriving at St. Joseph the loiiow
iua Saturday.
This car will be fitted up with mat
tSfcShftwJIl'1' frJte of S3.00 for an ripper or lower don
or heppner at be berth from Portland to St. Joseph.
Passengers holding tourist, first-olass,
or second-class tickets will be carried in
this car.
For rates, through tickets, sleeper
berths, or detailed information, apply to
the nearest Ticket Agent Union Pacific
System, or
T. W. Lee,
GenT Pas3. Agt, Portland
Complaints have been made in some
quarters, ot the appointment, of Captain
Lewis, as register of the land ofhoe at
The Dalles, assigning as a reason his
residence in Grant county, when plenty
of good timber could be found in that
city, ready aud willing to aocept the
As Grant oounty is in the Dalles land
district, there was nothing improper in
appointing auy competent citizen who
resides anywhere in the district. If the
appointment had fallen outside the dis
trict the objection would hold good.
Dispatches from the Cherokee strip
give thrilling accounts of the great rush
of boomers into that territory. It is re
ported that between thirty and forty
thousand people have oyer-run the
country in a few days dt spite all the ef
forts of the few troops and the Indian
police. A crazed cicitement appears to
rvade the throng of graspmg land
irrabbers and honest home seekers.
Their haste has been uufortunate as the
strip is not yet open to settlement, as
the bill has passed only one house ot
7-oucress. After its passage into a law
it will not be opened to settlement until
the Indian claims shall have been eitin-
The president has issued his procla
mation declaring iub j
okee strip unlawful, and requiring all
intruders to leave the temtory. buth
cient troops have been ordered to the
scene of trouble, who will enforce the
proclamation of the president. Many,
Spou being apprised of the cond'hon,
are leaving. It ia haped order will be
restored without a conflict.
Tot Aii . . i $133,243.44
State of Okegox, )
oocnty of moiibow, )
I, Ed. R, Bishop, Cashier of the above
named bank, do solemnly swear that the
abave statement is true to the best of
my knowledge and belief.
Sd It. Bishop, Cashier.
Subscribed and sworn to before me
this 15th day of March, 1800.
A. A. Roberts, Notary Public.
Correct Attest: E. R. Swinburne,
P. C. Thompson and E. D. Rood, Directors.
Candidates Here and There for tlie Various
A. A. Roberts, Heppner's recorder, is
spoken of for joint-senator, on the re
publican ticket. Mr. Roberts does not
afhrui that he is a candidate.
Hon. W. R. Ellis has the lead of all
other Eastern Oregon candidates for
congressional honors, and is developing
remarkable strength in the valley sec
tion. Oregon is entitled to two con
gressmen, and in event that a second one
is to oe chosen, the Gazette predicts
his nomination and election for that
Mr. Blair, of Lexington, is nientionetl
as a candidate for county judge on the
republican ticket.
Jas. Wyland, of Dairyville precinct, is
a caudidate for assessor, we are inform
ed. He is a republican.
E. B. Stanton, of Eight Mile, is spok
en of in connection with the commission
er's office.
Prices reduced. Every family now can
have the best Automatic Sewing Ma
chine in the market at reduced price.
For particulars send for our new Illus
trated Circular with samples of stitch
ing. Our Illustrated Circular shows
every part of the Machine perfectly, and
is worth sending for even if you hare a
Machine. Kruse & Murphy Mfg. Co.,
4T.5 aud 457 West 20th St., N. T. City. .
Job printing at Pendleton prices at
the Gazette office.
A fine line of gold pens, pencils, etc.,
at E. J, Slocnm's drug store.
You will do well to see oloaks atW.O.
Minor's before purchasing elsewhere.
Rasmus, the dentist, will fill teeth, or
extract the same in a scientific manner.
The Salmg, Morgan and. Russell but
ter at W. O. Minor's. None better in
the market.
Gnnn & Ruark. horse shoers;
horses shod with new shoes all round
after date for 81.50 per head.
Mat. Liehtenthal will open your eyes
in prices of his boots and shoes. You
can buy them no cheaper in Portland.
All lovers of a social smoke will find
the most complete aud best selected
stock of pipes and tobacco in the city at
Leezer & Thompson's. Call and see for
The St Buckingham & Heoht, men's
shoe will not rip. Best in the market
for the price. Buy them at M. Lichten-
thai s.
Go to Mat. Lichtentbal's for the Lud
low ladies' shoes. Every pair warranted.
Also "Fargo" 2.50 ladies' kid shoe.
The best shoe for the money in the market.
Do you want some dried venison ? Go
to J. W. Matlock & Co.'s grocery store
for it, and everything else in their lines.
The most complete stock of groceries in
Coffim & McFarland have made a lib
eral offer in presenting customers with
a beatifnl bound volume for every $25
worth or goods purchased m the line of
drv goods, boots, shoes, etc.
Roberts & Simons are prepared to re
pair broken agricultural machinery, shoe
vour horse, and in fact there is nothing
in the blacksmithing line that they are
not able to do.
But look! The morn in russet mantle
Walks o'er the dew of yon high eastward
But a brilliant lamp adds more cheer
fulness to the home circle. Examine
Gilliam & Coffey's new fall stock before
purchasing elsewhere.
Remember that all paid np subscribers
to the Gazette are entitled to a brand
notice, free of charge. This of itself is
worth more thau 5?2 to the stockman, tf.
If you want to see the latest novelties
in spring neck wear go to Van Duyn's. -
Elegant line of the latest imported
pant patterns ever brought to Heppner
at Van Duyn's.
Full line Brownsville's clothing blan
kets etc. Can take your measure on
site. Van Duyn is sole agent for Hepp
ner. Latest novelties in gents fumshings,
such as silk Bhirts, very fine all wool
shirts, fancy socks, suspenders etc, at
Van Duyn's.
Coming'. The very latest in eastern
straw bats, look out boys for nobby
stvles at Van Dayn's.
t -
g a,
Land Office at The Dalles. Or.. Sep. S. 'W.
Notice ie hereby given that the f ollowin g-narfned
settler has tiled notice of hie intention to
make final proof in Bupport of' Mb
claim, and that said proof will be made pefore
tne county judge or morrow county, at neyuaer,
Or., on April 12. 18Wvizt ,
Justus Beaman, :
Hd. No. 2457, for the SEH Sec. 4, Tp. 2 S., B.
J E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove
his continuous residence npon. and cultivation
of, said land, viz:
Frank Gobie, William Barton, Geo. Shipley
and Krank Gentry, all of Heppner, Or.
63-63 F A McDonald. Register.
IMtx &s Iron Roofing a Specialty:
Next door to First Nat. Bank, Heppner, Or.
In the circuit court for the state of Oregon, for
iiiBuuuiiiy oi morrow.
The J. I. Case Threnhing Machine
Company, a corporation duly or
ganized and exiatinc under the
laws of the state of Wisconsin,
rhfwlfta Kvto TnfanrUnr
To 'harlps Kvte ahnve nampH
In the name of the state of Oregon, you are
nereoy requirea to appear ana answer tue com
plaint nieo against you m the above entitled ac
tion within ten days from the date
of tne service of this summons npon
you, if berved within this county; or
if servea within any other comity of this state,
then within twenty days from the date of the ser
vice of this summons upon you; and if you fail so
to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will
take judgment against you. And if you fail to
appear and answer the complaint within six
weeKs rrom tne date ot this notice, before the
first day of the next regular term of said court, to
wit: the 4th Monday in March, lhMI, plaintiitSwill
take judgment against you for Twelve hundred
seventy-seven and 50.100 ($177.5(t) principal and
interest, for the sum of one hundred and fifty
dollars ($150,110) attorney's fees herein, and for
lira mil ULMUurtttiUiHiiuj or IU18 6UIE-. anu
the defendant will take notice that if he fails to
appear and answer the complaint filed herein,
within six weeks from the date of the first pub
lication of this summons, judgment will be tak
en against him for the sale of the premises men
tioned in the complaint, to-wit: The west half
of the south-west quarter of section twenty-eight
(2bltownsliip one (1) north, range twenty-six
cuoi .r.ai., xn morrow countv, state or Oregon,
tuiu LfiaL me proceeas or such s&ie d s appliea to
the payment of the sums of money herein men
tioned, and the costs and disbursements of tins
1 his summons is published in pursuance of an
Land OfRca at The Dalles Or.. March V), '90.
Notice is hereby given that the following-named
settler has filed notice of his intention to make
final proof in support of his claim, and that said
oroof wid be made before the county clerk of
Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on April
2t, It&U
William Gilham,
Ds. 325. for the SW' NWft 8f c. 9 and the S4
NEH & HV.H. NWU Sec. 8. Tp. 4 H. R. 26 E.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon, and cultivation of
taicl land, viz:
Charles Kirk. John T. Kirk. FrankGilliam rind
Hardy Long, ail of Heppner. Or.
yo4-rj9 E. A. McDosald. Register.
Land Office at The Dalles, Or., Feb. 19, 1R90.
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof in support of his claim, and
that said proof will be mftde before the county
judge of Morrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
April, IS, lb'Jii. viz:
George TT7. Stewart
Hd UBS. for the N"2 SE SW'i and SW4
sec 82 Tp R S R 25 E W M.
lie names the following witnessps to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of.
said tand viz:
lien LuelliT'sr, Wm. Ivnelling and fieorge Hen
drix, of Hardman, and Perry Oiler, of Lone Rock
Or. F. A. McDonald, Kegister.
Agent for the
e Woolen . Mills!
Fine Groceries,
Gents' Furnishings, Hats and
His stock of men's and youths' clothing is unsurpassed for cheapness
and durability.
Main Street,
Hebpner Or.
i. u. Morrow & ijon, pi'ff
Richmond C.'riir,. (
To hIV Ja ?Vr th "cowry of
J"? j? Aheb" entailed acl
t'Sate of (Won.
plaint filel .'SSTf'S0 answer the coin.
tion within trf.'"" entitled ac.
state, tiien wM. ?J ?.?ther-9?un.t5' ' this
r""wiiuu, men yon hk FDnn;j
neiHermof EadSff r9t dV oY thS
,Fee. i,?A: . y pn. Jas. A.
ln, heppner Gazette. Tf
Buit in equity to foreclose a mortgage on real aecotiv a m aHld co?,nty. f"- six con-
property. : TWaH PA Ti ,orv, w ttANE KELLOGG.
To John A. Ayles, one of the above named de. eb- U 1890. 61-66 Att'y for PI S,
eintne8name of the State of Oregon, I S UMMONS.
Yon are hereby summoned and required to ap-Tn the Circ'nr fnnrt fo- f
pear in said court on or before the first day 51 State of " Oregon the Connty f Morrow,
tne next regular term tnereot to oe begun ana. jj. b win barn e Plt'ff
held at Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, on the ve '
fourth Monday in March 1890. and answer theOT R nnnn;n..i
complaint of plaintiff filed therein or judgmentRichmond C. Barclay and
T.and Office, at The Dalles. Or.. Feb. 19,'tV).
Not ice is hereby given that the following-n&m-vl
settler has tiled notice of his intention to make
final poof in support of his claim, and that
said proof will be made bef iret'ne county ju(ine
of Morrow county, at Heppner, Oregon, on Apr
17, l&W, viz:
Nicholas Donathi
Hd 1674 for the W4 8WH SW1 NWi sec 2 and
NKh Ml.'-, mr J t -a r
of Heppner, Or. (i;
b . A. McDonald. Register.
Tou Will Find that Ton Can Get the Most Gooda oi the Same Class for
the .Least Money at
Ih the Circuit conrt of the State ef Oregon for
the County of Morrow. i
Nelson Jones 1
Plaintiff, !
vs. I
John A. Ayles, William Hughes,
The Newton Kanch Land, StocA I SammonB.
4 AKriccltural Co., W. K. Ellis, I
Q. W. lihea.
I.and Office at LaGrande. Or., Feb rsiMn
Notice is hereby Kiven that the followi-w
make firf1" h"? ?W n'ire of W int&n to
makefintl proor in snpportof his okim
that said nnmf win l. w.um, and
mfrlZTUr- Andrew J.
nut; v ciu i:e or Ktioh nt-.u,F .. 1 . . "
latlnnk & HrvlQ
iocerv otore. npvt Ars i .
mo- rink
Whe They Say they Keep
""J?1 complete .Line of Staple and .c- S6e tor Toot
Meat,, Salt, Glassware and Queensware At?rOCen?VCaDned Good
DON'T FOP.GET THP S ?tag and Everything. '
thereof for the relief prayed for in the com
plaint namelv. a decree for the foreclosuse of the
mortgage executed by you to the defendant Wil
liam Hughes, apen the following described real
property, to-wit: The west one-half otthe north
west quarter and the west one-half ottlie south
west quarter of section lit in township 3 south, of
range 2ti E. W. M., Morrow county Oregon, and
an order of sale to satisfy the demand of plaintiff
in the Bum of Four hundred and &eventy-tix dol
lars with interest therein at the rate of ten per
cent per annum from the 31st day of Jan. 1887,
for the snm of thirty dollars as attorney's fees
and for costs and disbursements of this suit, and
for such other and further relief as to the court
may seem equitable and just.
that service of summons be made uoon von hv
publication in the Heppner Gazette for six con
secutive Wee KS. ft. KL, LOGO BENNETT.
Dated l eb. 17, 1830. 62-7
tate of Oregon, you are hereby Kd,"
ar and answer the complaint filed asainst yVm
1 the above entitled Ar.ti..,, .-;ti.; ri. . - you
.e dat of the serv ceof this summons ujon y
served within tins county; or il served in nnv
lier county of this state, then within twenrt
ffiW quired toYswer ZiS comp aS
t the hrst day o the ne-rt trm D..,-.i r:rl. -
!r?iXrM!i'BiPUbiioa.t.i"n"f t"8 Simons! .to
;dif Tonfair Z,,""L. l1.: 1S
Wintilf will take TV . l?ere.of
It is ordered by the Hon. Jas. A. Fee, jndite of fen of Eleven Hnndr Jl nrt V.!S ?? i tne
iSilS. 2? K oneeLnd?eir dofto S'tornevfi
itn interest. contM nnH .i;.i,o... ... '
t-ther nr.tiK.Jl ." -lOU .
feerved upon you by puhlication by mffrf
wm. si raai jud,e' tHPZSSSu&s 52
" fth Judicial District of Oreiron.
I lato.1 Pk IO )iu " '
I have dry pine wood for sale at the
month of iiarlatt canyon, fifteen miles
from Heppner.
t54-(if A. T. Sl-MMEBFTELP.
Commencing with Sunday, March 2nd,
both first and sscond-class tickets will be
honored on the "Limited Fast Mail
Trains," 3 and 4, as well also as the
"Overland Flyers," Nos. 1 and 2.
"The Limited Fast Mail" trains are
equipped with Pullman Palaoe and Col
onist Sleepers, Dining Cars, Chair Cars
and Coaches, and rnn solid between
Portland and Chicago, daily without
The "Overland Flyer" trains are
equipped with Pullman Palace Sleepers
and coaohes, between Portland and
Council Bluffs, and with Pullman Colo
nist sleepers between Portland and
Kansas City, daily without change.
Connections are made at Pocatello
with through trains to and from Salt
Lake, and at Cheyenne with through
trains to and from Denver, Kansas City
and St. Louis.
The above trains afford the quickest
time between the Northwest Pacific
Coast and Eastern and Southern points.
Detailed time of trains, rates, through
tickets, Baggage Checks, etc.. oan be
procured upon application to any agent
oi tne union racinc oystem.
T. W. LEE,
J. C HAKT, Agt, Gen'l Pass. Agent.
Heppner Or. 64-8
I have opened a well-appointed tailor
ing establishment in my new build
ing on May street, and am now regularly
receiving new goods and will make cus
tom made pants from $7 to $15 best
goods in the market.
A. Aeeahamsick.
allowance of such nr,i
der the law t
r Jleparlme
Llowed. will
ui'-ntioued i
and to offer evidence i i'?.?I8?fa ela"mnt.
ted hv elulmo... urn
portaiiity at thehnv S.."i J?" an op
to cross-examine the wit Zl ",5 !m Moe
' submit.
Hesby Kinehaet KeBister.
Land Office at LaGraude. Or., Feb VI 'on
now r...avid Jaeobsov.
Ijnt i sec 2 and lot 1 sec
l m 814W"4 8,,0 S5 Tp 3 g
E W M.
and VV.F. Bennei.Tf jieprS,er,Or. JhnSOn
aliowae of such pr,,f;r Pwh knowljf the
?,J,tI?1 rPs'". "'.'"er "he Taws Sd theLa"y
opportunity at the above nienfio,,I 8Z1 2
!-( Henry IIinehabt, Register.
Attorney for Plain'ti ff.
.Uhe circuit court of the State of Oregon for
o&unty of .Morrow.
an Jones, flaintilt,
Tlas J. Smith, William Hughes
Jo. Ayles. W. K. Ellis and
G-Kea, Defendant.
in equity to foreclose a mnrtrao. i
gliomas J. Smith and John A. Ayles, de-
name of the state of Oregon.
Xre hereby summoned and reqmired to an
peesaid r.mrt,tn or Wmp. ' .
hUir .V"" .?een and
auuuaj iti uiulvu. itsvu, ana answer
tbeplamt of plaintiff filed therein, or judg
me decree will be taken against you for
i.. ' i PJayeu lor in the
coipit namely; a decree for the foreclosure
, n "WUWM "i yen ro tne defend.
ant Hughes, upon the following described
w-wit: j ne v. one-nairof the N.
. .i ouu toe ?
will travel well wlien shod by
General Btacmiths & FariorJ.
oo per siaii after may isi, 1888
or, 3VXr
lor, Or
" .?. n?reD,y. Biven that the following
said proof will be macfe before the countl; IeVb
,T(lhn. T?t"nmi
D S No. 8t(ti, f.,r the SEi w -cu
2H Tp 1 8 u -n y 'a w EH sec
HenmM fi. :
his contin,,or J.i 'IlneBs.es ?. . prove
of, said land viz: """""'Hon
Harr- P.,well, of Alpins. Joseph A. McKenzie
Bernard Dohertyand Michael Kenny, of Heppl
Anv riorann TO,rt .
allowance of s nh yj?"9?.!""" the
sattHtantiai reason, under th
r who knows of any
.. ""3 li-sma.
qua section 24 in township 3 south of
. ... mul.uw uuuuiy, Oregon, and
aij iotf sale to satisfy the demand of plain
US isuai of Four hundred and twenty dol
lars ntereet thereon at the rate of ten per
cenUnnum from the 27th day of Nov lHSti
andie sum of fifty dollars as attorney's fees
and fets and disbursements of this suit and
for sther and further relief as to the court
may equitable and just.
Ittred by the Hon. Jas. A. Fee, a judee
of thnit court of the sixth judicial district
of tn& of Oregon, that-service of summons
be mpon you by publication in the Heponer I
iaib. i7, iayu.
i . V Aiiinor uupartrnent, wiivenrh iiWu.f
should not be allowed, wiU be Hveii J,
tunity at the above me itio, fiSl" AXl,.l,po.r-
cross-examine tii winaau,,;.i "i TT w
ii-3G8 Hesby Rinehart, Kegister
Iveixogg & Bennett,
Attys for Plff
Lfiice at The Bailee, Or., Mar. 17, 1890
Not hereby given that the following
lameter has filed notice of his intention
to mai proof m support of his claim, and
that saof will be made before the county
judge rrow county, at Heppner, Or., on
May A iz:
He ne f oUowinj? witnesses to prove his
wnJU?JlJenc8 nl-'a. nd cultivation of.
said '
r C1!f'5llis- " harles H. Hmas and Ben
LueliinSrdman, Or., and Perry Oiler, of
"-70 ( F. A. McDonald. Beeister. .
Land Office at The Dalles Or.. Feb. 14, '90
Notice is herphv trivon t, .i. .',
that said Dr,V, f will" V"i '"sSlaim.
judse of Morrow iomTtiT tti?LM,S
on Apr. 12, 18M1. viz:
Hd 130(1 for tha J1 VMn. e. ,
3. nH rai. kiSTM. .r,".?' "3 OWS4 sec
E W M w TP 58 B 25
He names the ffilloiTinpirihiM. , .
COntinnona r,Vl ' Y', V HVe niS
said land, vi,- -uiuvauon of,
kinTi!l3hU"8'Z.m:Ka.h,1rr' ,Th Hos-
-wcuga, ui xiaraman, Or.
. F. A. ilcDoNALD.
61l Register.
Land Om .t r . Z . 1 -if ftl! MWll k iS-K ,S IJ
?''huggiiss patent
(Commuted Homestead)
Land Ofb.ce at Tlie DalleB. Or., Feb. 18, '90
Notice is hereby given'that the followinKnamed
claim, and that said proof will be made before
I nah P. Ridgeway.
Hd 33.,., for the SE'i seo 3."i Tp 4 S K 2fi E W M
He immes the fol(..wii.e witnesses to prove hi
mul Sar? B ni"'n "nd onititiun of
Enoch ('ave, Milton E. Rrown. J. W. Brown
and James H. Hayes, of Heppner, O.
M- F. A, McDonald, Hegister,
ana TmD Late8t
0ffiCe TOrUmrniore
and -
Estimates for all kindi
ings, town or country.
Moving Bui
8 of build.
tangs a S
RthavothoExclushB Caniratof