Heppner weekly gazette. (Heppner, Umatilla County, Or.) 1883-1890, March 13, 1890, Image 3

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H:.:PPSf,E.THUKSDAT.Mch.l3, 1890.
Union Pacific Railway-Local Card.
o 31 miX'fd, Heppner 7:45 a. m.
No. M, " ar"VBS " 51)0 p. m., daily
exwit bunday.
Ktiitre leaves for CanyOD City daily,
excel t Sunday, at 6 :30 A. M.
Arrives daily, except Sunday, at
5 :IK) P. M.
There is h saving of 16 boars in time
mnd $1" in cash by taking this route to
C. W. Lou.lar & Co, 429, Fifth St.,
K'tland, Or., are authorized to make
nlvc'tisinx coutractr, for tbe Gazette.
They will air- make collections for this
Here and There.
J. W. Coffey is on the sick list.
Sam Hale was oyer from Butter creek
last week.
C. M. Mallory returned from Portland
on last Saturday's train.
Frank Kellogg returned from a trip to
Canyon City last Friday.
Sheep pelts are beginning to arrive
from the out districts.
Keceipt books for Bale at the Gazette
olhce at ISO cents each.
Prof. Julius Hudson has completed
his term of school at Lexington.
Born In Heppner, on the 11th inst.,
to the wife of Jd. bunions, a girl.
Homer H. Hallock is reported as quite
sick at his home in Portland.
Born In Heppner on the 11th inst., to
the wife of S. C. Smith, a girl. -
C. S. Van Duyn and Hon. W. R. Ellis
returned from Portland last Friday.
Old papers at tbe Gazette office at 75
cents per 100, or two bits a bunch, tf.
The weather has been somewhat
"Marchy," but spring weather prevails
Jerry Oohn returned from Boise on
last Thursday's train, accompanied by
.Phill Cohn.
The Democratic Portland Timet still
Jieads the list as a bold, fearless paper
lor principal.
K. R. Inran was at the Gazet office
yesterday, and reports everything lovely
with the farmers.
Capt. Homer MoFarland and family
have moved into the J. M. I lager prop
erty on Chase street.
Mr. A. Andrews and sod, Eb., were op
from Alpine last Tuesday. They expect
-8iig crop this year.
BjMrs. II. E. Hallook departed for Port
laud on last Tuesday's train to visit her
son, Homer H. Hallock.
Yesterday was a lively day for Hepp
ner, The spring weather had its effect,
and is encouraging to all.
A. M. Armer, of San Francisco, was in
town this week. Mr. Armer is a mem
ber of a Man Francisco watch house.
Farmers report the best of prospects
' for crops. The ground is thoroughly
moist, and we cannot miss a big crop.
Warm rains are taking the snow, and
making grass grow, but don't say we
told you so. Grant County News.
At this early date politioal fires are be
ing built in this section, and tbe num
ber of candidates iu the field is surpris
ing. The Colton Eagle has been purchased
. by Spokane parties, who will use the
plant to publish the New State News at
Sheep buyers are still in the field for
mutton, and quite a large number will
leave Morrow's range this season for
Eastern markets.
Loren Gentry was over from the John
Day this week. He has been with Nels.
Jones' sheep the past winter and had
hard rustling.
At Pendleton last Monday the fast
mail collided with a switch engine,
smashing up the locomotives, but injur
ing no one seriously.
Johnny Spencer has gone to Eugene to
live with his grand parents. Hon. J. B.
8pi rry accompnuied him on his joarney
to his new home.
Married At the City hotel in Hepp
ner on the 10th inst., Mr. Joe Young to
Hiss Delia Conard. Judge Mitchell per
forming the ceremony.
After diphtheria, scarlet fever, or
Pj neumonia, . Hood's Sarsaparilla will
i Te strength to the system, and expel
all lToison from the blood,
Ben' .Swaggart wag up from Alpine
yesterday and informs this paper that
his sect ion sustained a small Joss. Crop
prospects are of the Jiest.
Itshon.'dbe remembered that ladies
have a rigUt to pass along' out Bttaeta,
and that man, drunk or st,br' ould
govern their language aooordiu'1-
When you pass through Long Creek,
stop with Frank Waterbury at the .Har
disty House. The table is always su",""
plied with the best in the market.
Frank Kellogg, attorney from Hepp
ner, is in attendance at court; also we
notice Lueian Evarts and Mr. Denning
from Long Creek. Grant County JVetr.
Jas. Boy so was over from Idea last
Saturday. His son, Arthur, who has
been attending school at Heppner the
past winter has returned to ranch duties.
A. J. Clem called on this office last
Monday, at which time he renewed his
subscription for the Gazette, remarking
that it was good in either large or small
E. L. Matlock has disposed of his sa
loon property in Heppner and his band
of horses ranging in the Ella country.
He will still carry on business at the old
The present oonrt docket is short, and
unless the grand jury finds considerable
new work the probabilities for a lengthy
term are not at all flattering. Grant
County Xetrs:
Our school should run not less than
niue mouths. The attendance still con
tinues good, and Heppner should be
second to none iu ihe matter of school
Messrs. Brown & Hamilton will attend
to our local collections. The editor has
not the time to spare to look after that
branch of the business, whlcn is qmte an
essential one.
The John Day country suffered severe
ly in the last storm. Nelse Jones lost !
almost his entire band of sheep, and we
are informed that others were equally
If you have no other objection to a
mau "than the fact that he is an Irishman,
Dutchman, Englishman, Jew, etc., etc.,
it is not worth mentioning. A man is
man in this American country, and don't
forget to paste it in sight.
Married At the residence of J. W.
Morrow on the 9th inst., Mr. Jerry Cohn
to Miss Lillie Rea, Judge Mitohell of
ficiating. The young couple departed on
last Tuesday for the Sound section where
they will likely make their futnre home.
There was a little unpleasantness -at
"The Gem" last Saturday eve, but like
the former scrap at that plaoe, it had no
effect on the quality of the goods. ; The
matter was adjusted before Recorder
Roberts. It is well not to "chinoolc" so
Don't forget that this paper is for
Blackman for joint-senator first, last and
oil tho t.imn. Don't mistake our position,
and, also, remember that he will not
only receive tneionunaiion oi ms pwij
but a majority or tue voies oi iuo
trict next June.
Tr, ononkinir of Hon. W. R. Ellis as 8
.,,i,lut. for ronresentntive in congress,
tbe Ti mes-Mountaineer says: "Mr. Ellis
is now prosecuting attorney lor mis uis
trict, and a gentleman of widespread rep
utation. If he receives the nomination
and is elected he will fulfill the position
to the satisfaction of his constituency"
Scandal Mongeks. For some time
Heppner has been agitated by scandal
after scandal, and in fact the peaple are
becoming so accustomed to talking about
their neighbors, that it takes little to
give color to astory of domestic troubles
uu iimea ui uauguHoess mat would
shock tbe modesty of a "demi Monde."
The Gazette is not prepared to deny
the fact that much exists in Heppae r to
furninh food for gossiping tongues. But
when innocent women are coupled with
tbe remarks of the ribald jester and scandal-monger,
it is high time something
should be done. Daring the past week
the air has -been full of scandal, two re
spectable ladies of Heppner and the
Gazette man forming Chapter I, which
has been thoroughly digested by the
lovers of the sensational. Chaperll will
never see tbe light of day, unless the
foul-mouthed vender of scandal oomes to
the surface. Tbe Gazette's proprietor
lifa nnt l.ara na.lmnln.lii U..t : .. :j
about himself he is able to look out for
mat in almost any capacity that
might be imposed upon him, but the man
who, without a shadow of cause, brings
the name of innocent women into scan
dal, deserves the death of a dog. There
exists nothing as a foundation for such
reports. They are malicious lies from
the very foundation.
Railboad News. It is learned here
from authentic, authority tbat tbe Union
Pacific is projecting a branch from
Heppner to a point within a mile of the
Umatilla county Coal Co.'s mine on the
headwaters of Butter creek; thence to
Camas prairie and by the most practica
ble route to Grand Ronde valley. A
branoh of this projected road leading to
Cracker Creek, is also in contemplation,
aooording to our informant. It will be
remembered that a force of surveyors
were in the field last fall in tbe country
mentioned, for what purpose no one
knew, as they kept their own counsel.
It new transpires that they were engag
ed in locating the route mentioned.
E. O.
To Consumptivns. The undersigned
having been restored to health by sim
ple means, after suffering for severa
years with a severe lung affection, and
tbat dread disease Consumption, is anx
ious to make known to bis fellow suffer
ers tbe means of cure. To those who
desire it, be will cheerfully send (free of
charge) a copy of the prescription nsed,
which they will find a sure cure for Con
sumption, Asthma, Catarrh, Bronchitis
and all throat and lung Maladies. He
hopes all sufferers will try his Remedy,
as it is invaluable. Those desiring the
prescription, which will cost them noth
ing, and may prove a blessing, will
please address, Rev. EdwaboA. Wil
son, Williamsburg, Kings county, New
M. L. & T. Co.'s Meeting. At their
regular annual meeting last Saturday,
the Morrow County Land and Trust Co.
elected Nels. Jones, president; T. W.
Ayers, vice president; Ed. R. Bishop,
treasurer; T. E. Fell, secretary ; Nels.
Jones, T. W. Ayers, Ed. R. Bishop, T. E.
Fell and E. R. Swinburne, directors. T.
E. Fell was chosen manager of the
company's warehouse.
Consumption Surely Cubed. To the
editor: Please inform your readers that
I have a positive remedy for the above
named disease. By its timely use' thou
sands of hopeless oases have been per
manently oured. I shall be glad to send
two bottles of my remedy fhee to any
of your readers who have consumption
if they will send their express and post
office address. T. A. SLOCUM, M. C.
181 Pearl St.. New York, N. Y
P. Schmidt's Estate. E. L. Matlock,
Theodore Parks and the Gazette's edi
tor, as appraisors of the estate of Peter
Schmidt, Mrs. Kiloup's missing herder,
met yesterday and placed a valuation on
his effeots, amounting to over $400. It
consisted mainly of wages owed him by
Mrs. Kilcup, and money whioh he had
deposited with this lady before leaving
for the mountains last summer, and of
whioh no one had any knowledge except
herself. In this connection it is nothing
more than justice to Bay tbat Mrs. Kil
oup showed business tact and high ap
preciation df honor of which anyone
should be proud.
To the purification of your blood, for at
no season is the body so susceptible to
tbe benefits to be derived from a good
medicine, as in Marob, April and May.
Hood's Sarsaparilla is the people's favor
ite spring medioine. It stands nnequal
ed for purifying the blood, ouring scrof
ula, salt rheum, etc., regulating the kid
neys and liver, repairing nerve tissues,
strengthening and invigoiating the whole
body, as well as obeoking the progress
of acute and ohronio disease, and restor
ing tbe afflicted parts to a natural,
healthy oondition. If you have never
tried Hood s Sarsaparilla for your "spring
medioine" do so this season.
Stbaxs. The Gazette knows of the
hereabouts of two stray geldings, a
1 A lira !I:ltlJ 73 OF 7 T nlfiri
so1to iu uoji -- - j :
two S-year-oja uona, mu.ru
black The owner of these animals can
Mrn of their whereabouts by calling at
this office Mid paying tor local, it.
thfl Palace Hotel Com-
Jl Lit. Uiiov-ivio
pany will receive walfd bids for the
foundation work of tne.r immi.ng, .o i
opened at their office on the first day of
April. 1890. Work t7 be commenced
ten davs after acoeptanc" Oi the bid and
.-. . . i 1 !, ii i ( 1. . r
oompietea in lony u'"- .",r
.... l 4i- I I mr.ll Hd re
double me amount oi mo
quired. Plans and specifications may
ii.. -c; xr-;iil Hank of
oe seen a buo i im ... --
Heppner, Or. Directors reserve the
right to rejeot any and all bids. , -,
Hkffner, March 11. 18'.W,
64-66 J.- W. Mobkow,
, .-Secretary.
; The members of the Republican Cen
tral Committee of Morrow county are
hereby requested to meet at Heppner on
Thursday, March 20th, 1890 to fix" the
time lor noioing mo jrrimoiy vuuvcu
tions in the several preciuots, and to at
tarl nv other business that, may
oome before the committee.
Bv order ot the cnairman,
J. W. Vauqhan, Sec D. C. Elt.
Heppner, March 10, '9U. oi-it
The Best Salve in the world for Cuts,
bruises. Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
O T.ik.. f.konriaH HnilHs. ChU-
UlCSi AOfctd, V.Jt.ff... 7
Blains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions,
and positively cures jrues, ui in
quired. It is guaranteed to give perfect
satisfaction, or money ref nuded. Price
25 oents per box. For sale by A. D.
Johnson & Co
Wn have a fine lot of oak wood for
sale at 10 per cord, delivered. Leave
all orders at the Gazette office.
tf Patterson & Ckawfokd.
Plain Sewing. Mrs. 3. W. Rasmus
Aim. t., inform tha lAilieH of HeDUner
It i : " 1 1 V- " -
that she is prepared to do all kinds of
plain sewing 4t
If any of onr readers are not taking
the weekly illustrated West Shore they
ought to do so. It combines the desir
able features of all the eastern weeklies
and is superior to any one of them. Es
pecially in its graphic pictures of west
ern scenes it is of great interest. Aside
from the local paper it is the best pub
lication that can be taken, and should be
in every house. Published by L. Sam
, rsL, Portland, Oregon, at 84.00 a year.
One Chinaman Arcnsed of Murderously As
saulting and Kobbuitf Another.
On last Saturday night ; a Chinaman
named Louie, who is employed as cook
in Gray's restanrant, was murderously
assaulted and robbed by some one near
the upper China house. Gee, a former
cook at the restaurant, was arrested as
the assailant. Gee was recently dis
charged and Louie hired in his place,
which, it was claimed, raised the ire of
Gee. The China houses immediately
took sides in the matter, giving the ap
pearance of highbinderism.
the trial.
On last Monday Gee was arraigned
for trial in the record er's court on a
charge of assault and battery. He was
given a jury trial and cleared. Gee has
lived in Heppner for the past ttn years
and public sympathy was generally on
his side.
A new charge.
Gee was re-arrested for assault with a
dangerous weapon and robbery, this
coming before Justice Rea yesterday as
a state case. The defense claimed that
they had new evidenoe in the case, and
asked for adjournment till 9:30 this
Tbe defense, we are informed, have
evidt".qe that the assault and robbery
was committed by a white man.
bound over.
Gee bad his examination this morning
and was bound over to await tbe action
of tbe grand jury.
, ''I regard Hood's Sarsaparilla as hav
ing passed abovo the grade of what are
commonly called patent or proprietary'
medicines," said a well kuown physi
cian recently. "It is fully entitled to be
considered a standard medicine, and has
won this position by its undoubted mer
it and by the remarkable cures it has
effected. For an alterative and tonic it
has never been equalled."
Mr. Fletcher, or Pendleton, Talks of Tapping
His Coal Mine on Butter Creek by a
Harrow (iauige from Heppner.
Mr. Fletcher, manager of Pendleton's
opera house, and one of their prominent
busiuess men, was in Heppner this week.
We are informed that he is contemplat
ing building a narrow gauge railroad
from Heppner to his coal mines at the
head Butter creek, and that if the right-of-way
can be secured, his scheme will
likely be consummated. The quality of
coal is said to be very good, and the
quantity unlimited. Mr. Fletcher will
likely visit Heppner again in the near
foture regarding this matter.
It is not necessary to-explain to the
live citizen the great benefits to be de
rived from such un enterprise.
DR. FLINT'S REMEDY, for the man
or woman who finds himself or herself
unable to sleep, is an invulnerable medi
cine, whioh will not only prooure the
blessing of sleep, but will prevent gener
al breaking down of the whole system.
Desoriptive treatise with each bottle; or,
address Mack Drug Co., N. Y.
The Heppner Gazette comes this
week with a handsome and interesting
supplement, being an illustrated descrip
tion of Heppner and Morrow county.
The Gazette deserves jjreat credit for
its enterprise. East Oregonian.
Tbat there is lots of enterprise at
Heppner is manifest from the excellent
showing made in the advertisements of
it sent out with its Gazette. Tbe sheep
town must be looking for a boom.
Pendleton Tribune.
You have heard your friends and
neighbors talking about it. You may
yourself be one of the many who know
from personal experience just how good
a thing it is. If you have ever tried it
you are one of its staunch friends, be
oause the wonderful thing about it is,
that when once given a trial, Dr. King's
New Discovery ever holds a place in the
house. If you have never nsed it and
should be afflioted with a cough, cold or
any Throat Lung, or Chest trouble, se
cure a bottle at once and give it a fair
trial. It is guaranteed every time, or
money refunded. Trial Bottles Free at
A. D. Johnson & Co s Drugstore.
Steve Lalande's family are afflicted
witbjtbe measles.
Lawyer Brown is convalescing from
an attack of fever.
Ben. French will take his cattle to
Camas Prairie about April 1st.
Born In Heppner, on the 12th inst.,
to the wife of Wm. J. Kirk, a boy.
J. B. Natter is preparing to build an
offiae next door to the Gazettb ranch, to
be occupied by Gov. Rea.
Heppner boys will shortly organize a
base ball team, which will no doubt
be competent to wrestle with the cham
pions of Eastern Oregon.
At a meeting of the Palace Hotel Co.
last Saturday afternoon, the plans and
specifications were considered, and bids
ordered advertised for in local and other
Chills and "ager" are ripe in Eastern
localities. They should emigrate to
Eastern Oregon where there ate abso
lutely no fleas and no "ager'' to make ex
istence a burden.
Perhaps you are run down, can't eat,
can't sleep, oan't think, can't do any
thing to your satisfaction, and you won-)
der what ails you. lou should heed the
warning, you are taking the first step in
to Nervous Prostration You need a
Nerye Tonic and in Electric Bitters you
will nud the exact remedy for restoring
your system to its normal healthy con
dition. Surprising results follow the
use of this great Nerve Tonic and Altera
tive. Your appetite returns, good diges
tion is restored, and the Liver and Kid
neys resume healthy action. Try a bot
tle. Price 50c. at A. D. Johnson & Co's
Drugstore. ,
Commencing with Sunday, March 2nd,
both first and second-class tickets will be
honored on the "Limited Fast Mail
Trains," 3 and 4, as well also as the
"Overland Flyers," Nos. 1 and 2.
"The Limited Fast Mail" trains are
equipped with Pullman Palace and Col
onist Sleepers, Dining Cars, Chair Cars
and Coaches, and run solid between
Portland and Chicago, daily without
The "Overland Flyer" trains are
equipped with Pullman Palace Sleepers
and coaches, between Portland and
Council Bluffs, and with Pullman Colo
nist sleepers between Portland and
Kansas City, daily without change.
Connections are made at Pocatello
with through trains to and from Salt
Lake, and at Cheyenne with through
trains to and from Denver, Kansas City
and St. Louis.
The above trains afford the quickest
time between the Northwest Pacific
Coast and Eastern and Southern points.
Detailed time of trains, rates, throngh
tickets, Baggage Checks, etc, can be
procured upon application to any agent
of the Union Pacific System.
T. W. LEE,
J. C. HART, Ag't, Gen'l Pass. Agent.
Heppner, Or. 64-8
The following market, reports we -clip
from the Oregonian of the latest date:
Wheat The spot market holds steady
under slow demand. Offerings are mod
erate No. 1 shipping quoted
nominally at 1.2GJi1.27 ; option
trading, slow; morning call, 100 tons
buyer year at $1.36; buyer season,
Wheat Lower; opened, 77c May;
closed,' 770, March. 77Jo May.
Chicago, Mar. 11. Cattle Receipts
5,500; strong and 10c higher; choice to
extra beeves, $35; steers, 34 80;
stockers and feeders. 82 303 70; Texas
oorn fed cattle 83 003 65.
Hogs Receipts 20,000; fair and 5
cents higher; mixed, 83 90(S410;
heavy, $3 904 10; light, $3 904 12.
Sheep Receipts, 5000; steady; natives,
$3 906 00; Western corn fed, $4 80
5 70; Texans, $3 504 80.
Potatoes The market is firmer with
liberal supplies. Quotations, $1 752 00
per cental.
Onions The market is weaker. Sup
plies coming in freely. Quotations, 82 25
2 50.
Oats The market is firmer with light
receipts. Quotations 4042c.
Poultry All kinds are scarce and
prices rule high.
Millfeed The market is entirely bare.
on account of interrupted traffic, the
mills being shut oft from shipping.
Other commodities in the produce
market, show no ohanee. nor is it likelv
they will until the avenues of supply
are again opened up. . -
Butter Fresh 6065o per2tt roll.
Eggs Very lew in the market. Find
ready sale at 2530o per doz.
Potatoes Few in market; Wanted
at 2c per lb.
Onions 2)(33o per pound.
Beef hides 75c1.50, aooording to
quality and size.
Sheep pelts 4075c
Flour Heppner, 84 per barrel ; in 5
arrellots, $3.75; Peerless, (Waitsburg)
4. 25 per barrel in an y quantity.
A man who has practiced medicine
for 40 years, ought to know salt from
sugar; read what he says:
Toledo, O., Jan. 10, 1887.
Messrs. F. J. Cheney & Co. Gentle
men : I have been in the general prac
tice of medicine for most 40 years, and
would say that in all my practice and
experience have never seen a preparation
that I could prescribe with as much con
fidence of success as I can Hall's Ca
tarrh Cure, manufactured by yon. Have
prescribed it a great many times and its
effect is wonderful, and would say in
conclusion that I have yet to find a case
of Catarrh that it would not cure, if they
would take it according to dirctions.
Yours Truly,
L. L. GORSUCH, M. D. -Office,
215 Summit St
We will give 8100 for any case of Ca
tarrh that cannot be cured with Hall's
Catarrh Cure. Taken internally.
F. J. Cheney & Co., Props., Toledo, O.
E3"Sold by druggists, 75c.
Col. Morgan and acting Adj. E. M.
Williams, of the 3d Reg't were in the city
yesterday and were entertained by E
Company's officers, although their in
tentiou to visit Heppner at this time
was not made known at a sufficiently
early date to givo much time for any
preparation to receive them. They ex
pressed themselves as well pleased with
Heppner, nnding a larger and much
more prosperous town than they expected.
Fresh Eastern and Shoalwater bav I
oyBters just reoeived at - "The Mogefc1- K
, Where can you get the Most
Candies, Nuts, Notions, fa, Tobaccos, Etc.
i ; ' Where did you Say ?
.-. J Just removed to the Smith Building, opposite W. O. Minor's,
and next door to the Rea Restaurant.
Oysters and Lunch served at All Hours and
in the Best Style.
Don't forget "THE MODEL," for the
Choicest Goods.
mav ya r., heppnbr.
Calls Attention to his Immense Stock ot
Look out for Arrival gf Spring Stock in
the Near Future.
His Prices Cannot be Beaten.
W. O. MINOR, May St.
" , 'I I', I'" 'I , " I' 'I
il lii lii III il li g
For Week Ending Wednesday, March 5, 1890
Mean Mean Pre- Char
Date Temp. Max. Min. Bar, cip. acter.
Mar 6 83.75 47.50 29.75 29.900 0.00 fair-
7 37.50 52.00 8S.00 29.731 0.13 fair
8 39.00 5B.50 82.50 29.357 0.09 cl'd
9 33.50 41.50 29.00 29.805 0.01 el'r
10 34.00 42.50 80.50 30.500 trace fair
11 88.01) 4B.O0 30.50 30.750 trace fair
12 39.50 66.25 32.50 30.625 0.20 cl'r
Hakes the lives of many people miserable,
and often leads to self-destruction. Distress
after eating, sour stomach, sick headache,
heartburn, loss of appetite, a faint, " all gone1? .
feeling, bad taste, coated tongue, and irrego
laxity of the bowels, are
DIStrSS some of the more common
After symptoms. Dyspepsia does
- x. not get well of itself. It
Eating requires careful, persistent
attention, and a remedy like Hood's Sarsa
parilla, which acts gently, yet surely and
efficiently. It tones the stomach and other
organs, regulates tbe digestion, creates a
good appetite, and by thus Sick
overcoming the local symp- u '
toms removes the sympa- MatltCnO
thetic effects of tbe disease, banishes the
headache, and refreshes the tired mind.
' I have been troubled with dyspepsia. I
had but little appetite, and what I did eat
U rtl distressed me, or did me
Vf ar little good. In an hour
burn after eating I would expe
rience a falntness, or tired, all-gone feeling,
as though I had not eaten anything. My trou
ble, I think, was aggravated by my business,
which is that of a painter, and from being
more or less shut up in a fiour
room with fresh paint. Last , .
spring I took Hood's Sarsa- StOmaCH
rilla took three bottles. It did me an
immense amount of good. It gave me an
appetite, and my food relished and satisfied
the craving I had previously experienced."
Geobgb A. Page, Watertown, Mass.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bold by all druggiati, 1; six for S3. Prepared orUy
by C. X. HOOD & CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Maaa..
IOO Doses One Dollar
Fakr's Goldsi? Female Pills.,
For Female Irregular
ties; nothinerlUtethem
on the market. Fever
fail. Successfully ased
"by prominent ladies
monthly. Guaranteed
to relieve suppressed
CSSc S v e Time, H ealth,
and money ;take no oth-
Sent to any address.
v cei pt o f price, 12.00.
J Address,
Western Branch,, Bex 87, PORTLAND,
Sold by A. D. Johnson & (Jo., Sol
Agents for Heppner.
Season of 1890.
Thejtwo tborongbred imported stallions
Flnnicli Olxief ,
(4476, Vol. V. Am. Stud Book.) (5757, YoU
X, Stnd Book of Great Britain.)
(4477, Vol. V, Am. Stnd Book.) (0827, Stud Boo
ot erreat untain-1
Will stand this season at my plane on
Big Butter creek, 5 miles from Lena, and
serve maaes at the following rates:
Single leap $10.00
Season 820.00
Insure with Foal 825.00
Mares from a distance pastured and attended to
ror r mourn. o-i-jwi a. a. aiajin.
i i i i i i i
The Best Meals in the City.
L N. BASEY, Proprietor.
Heppner Feed Yard
Is the place for Teamsters to stop.
lrr&& Camping House.
Whole Barley and Chop for Sale.
KEEFER & BULLOCK, Props. Lower Main St., Heppner, Or.
E. K. BISHOP, Tress.
The Pioneer Firm of H. Blackman & Co.
has constantly arriving in Car Load lots
the largest assorted stock of
4-General Merchandised
To be Found East of Portland.
Among the Latest Novelties are
Lafe' Dress Goods, Garments, Trimmings, Etc.
Their Celebrated Boot called
cBlacls.ma.xis Best"
Is unsurpassed for durability.
Gents' Underwear, Ties and Hosiery in various styles to suit everybody
both in prices and quality, . A Large Assortment of Clothing, Boots,
Hats, Caps, Tobaccos, Crockery, Etc.
In our Grocery Department everything is
FirstClass and Staple Goods in every
variety to suit all classes of trade.
Speoial Inducements in
Sheep Sip Tobacco. Sulphur, Urn, lire,
Machiii ery, Etc.
A personal inspection of our Mammoth Stock will convince the
public that we carry the goods required which will be
sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash.
Sole Agents for Knapp, Burrell & Co.'s Ag
ricultural Machinery. The Celebrated
Bain Wagon always on Hand.
les aid Pelts Mt for Cash and Trade.
Parties from Long Creek, Grant and Harney Counties will
do well to price our Goods before purchasing else
where. We guarentee Courteous Treatment,
and will endeavor to make all
feel at home.
Do Not Forget the Place.
Pioneer Brick, West side of Main Street, bet.
May and Willow Sts., Heppner, Ogn.
Evervthing in our line will be sold at marvelously low price
within the reach of all. Special inducements will be offered to Cash
Buyers and our facilities are unsurpassed in the Northwest, which en
titles us to the distinction as the Leading Merchants of Morrow Co.
A. D. Johnson & Co.
HEPPNEE, - - - - - - - - - OREGON
Sole Agents for Morrow County for
General Warenouse and For
warding Agents.
T7i.a Cnm.nnmi hna Taaantlu constructed a two-stoni
warehouse 80 x 100 feet, with wool press and all con-
vennmsefer Handling wool.
The aretwuse Charges at Heppner will oe tue same
as those at Arlington, less cartages.
Freight upon baled wool Jrom, ueppner, same as
from Arlington.
Cash advanced upon consignments of wool or wool in
. i ; : . : "n
& HecMs
Button. Lace or Congress. Every pair
Warranted. Also an extensive line of
the celebrated Buckingham &
Hecht boots always on hand.
The Largest Stock in East
ern Oregon,
Special attention paid to fine custom work. Opposite City Hotel,
A Specialty ! !
and Piping Alwys
on : Hand.
Hardware, Tinware, Graniteware,
Wood and "Willow Ware,
Bud Cages, NEW HOME Sewing Ma
chines and a complete line of
Groceries and Confectionery !
Greneral X9sru.rju5t;.
clDeaier Inj. 1 ,
Druesi Chemicals, Patent sredloinos. Toilet
Arrloies, Paints, Oils, Glass axxtl
Wall raper.
The Finest Assort
ment of GOLD PENS in
Eastern Oregon.
tVf't for irori;lf intl Oregonian.
Leezer'A Thompson's Corner, : : : Main Street,
HEPPNER, - - - - - - - - - OREGON.
Saddles, Harness, Whips, Spurs, and every Con
ceivable article article kept in a First
class Harness Shop.
Repairing a Specialty J
Kept Constantly on hand the Celebrated Heppner Saddle
Go to their store for the Improved WHITE SEWING MACHINE. Warranted for
five years. Don't buy elsewhere till yon examine their machines and
get cash prices.